My Savior

My Savior

Talitha had been struggling with a secret that she had been keeping hidden from everyone, including her family. For years, her father had been sexually abusing her, and she had never found the courage to speak out. She recognized that she was wrought with depression and plagued with inner demons that caused her to be unable to maintain positive relationships. In desperation, Talitha knew she needed to talk to someone about it, but she was afraid of the consequences.

It was Wednesday evening and her local church was having a special service to address survivor victims. The room was packed with people who were all there for various personal reasons. Talitha sat nervously in the pew alone, her eyes fixed on the altar. Father John’s sermon today was about compassion and forgiveness. As he spoke, tears welled up in her eyes. She was confused and conflicted about his message. Could she ever forgive her father for what he had done to her? Could she forgive herself for the part she played in it? Father John was a kind man, and he had always been someone that Talitha had looked up to. Finally, she mustered up the courage to seek counsel from Father John, who she hoped would be able to help her. After the sermon, she walked the grounds waiting for the mobs of churchgoers to leave before she made her way to his office, feeling her heart pounding in her chest.

“Father John?” Talitha said softly, as she knocked on his door.

“Come in,” Father John replied, with a warm smile.

Talitha stepped into the office, closed the door behind her, and sat down in the chair in front of Father John’s desk.

“How can I help you today?” Father John asked, looking at her kindly.

Talitha took a deep breath before speaking. “Father John, I was touched by your sermon today and I need your guidance. I’m struggling with depression. You see,… my father… he… he,” the words came difficult to Talitha, but she knew she had to say it, “…I believe he has been mentally and sexually abusing me for the past several years.” Talitha looked down at her toes, tears rolled down her cheeks. She couldn’t believe she finally said it out loud, validating her feelings to herself and confirming it was real. She lifted her head and looked at the priest to continue, “I am feeling worthless and alone. I do not believe I can find compassion and forgiveness for either him or me.”

Father John, surprised, listened intently, his expression growing more and more conflicted as Talitha spoke. He knew Talitha’s father well. He was a good patron of the church and had made many generous donations over the years. Father John had known Talitha since she was 13 years old and never sensed any abuse or unhappiness from her family. Instinctively, he felt that Talitha may have been mistaken and may not truly understand what she was talking about, after all, at 19 years old could this child truly comprehend the consequences of that allegation? But he also knew that this was a serious issue and that he needed to help Talitha.

“Talitha, I’m sorry to hear that,” Father John said, finally breaking the silence. “Can you tell me more about what your father says and does to you?”

Talitha nodded, her voice trembling slightly. “He tells me that I’m stupid and that I’ll never amount to anything. He tells me that I’m a disappointment and that I’m not worthy of love.”

Father John’s heart sank as he listened to Talitha’s words. He knew he needed to help her, but he also knew that this was a delicate situation. He couldn’t just confront Talitha’s father without potentially losing him as a patron.

“Talitha, I want you to know that what your father is saying to you is not okay. No one deserves to be treated that way,” Father John said, trying to choose his words carefully. “Can you please tell me a little about when it all started?”

“Everything at home was manageable until I said that I wanted to move out to go to college,” she said, “my daddy, who used to be a supportive person, told me he refused to allow me to leave home… over several months, he became angrier and angrier with me. He would tell everyone how much of an ungrateful brat I was. How I repaid his love by disrespecting him and running away. How I was going to squander his hard-earned money to become someone’s whore. In the end, my family disowned me, and my parents blamed me for the problems in their relationship. I have been on my own for the past year struggling to make ends meet.”

“Can you please tell me a little about what is going on at home?” Father John asked.

Talitha began, “When I was younger, my daddy would work until really late at night. He would often tell my mom that he went to the bar or a friend’s house after work so he could decompress. When he came home from work my parents would fight. Those fights lasted all night long and I was usually sent to my room so I couldn’t see them fighting. But I hear them shouting. The fights typically were about drinking and infidelity. My daddy was always adamant that he was just working. Often, the fights would end when they started complaining about having me and the burden that I was to the family. It would make me cry; I wanted to be a good girl. On those nights, Daddy would come into my bedroom late at night to talk to me and apologize for coming home late. He would often curl up with me on my bed and hug me.”

“Talitha, my dear child,” Father John said, “Marriages can be difficult and I am sorry your parents chose to blame you rather than take accountability for their unhappiness. That is certainly not compassion. But I am having problems connecting the dots between your parents’ marriage and their anger with you wanting to leave home. Can you describe in more detail your relationship with your dad?”

Talitha nodded, appreciating his perspective. “I understand Father. This fighting happened so often I was never phased by this roller-coaster ride of emotions and blame. As I got older, my mom and dad took steps to fix their marriage but it was clear that the key problem was my dads after work activities. One of the things I love most about having my dad home early was talking to him before he tuck me into bed. I know at 15, I was a little old for it, but it was a level of closeness we never had… and I must admit I enjoyed having his attention. He would hold me tightly from behind and sometimes scratch my back and comb my hair. His warm embrace was always a source of comfort.”

“One night, I begged Daddy to come home earlier more often. Mommy started doing a lot of drinking in his absence and I craved attention. I remember that night, as he hugged me tight in my bed as normal, he talked to me about how I was a kid developing beautiful young woman and that it was unfair that I didn’t have a parent to guide me through my early womanhood.” Talitha’s eyes looked off into the distance recalling the moment. “He talked about how my body was changing, his large manly hands cupped my developing breasts, his thumbs circled my puffy nipples and he squeezed them tight letting me moan to his touch. I… I… enjoyed it. He committed to me that he would be that parent to guide me. I was elated.”

Talitha felt the temperature rise in the room a notch. Her nipples tingled, remembering how her father touched her that night.

Father John sat on the edge of his seat. Aroused by her story but still not understanding her plight fully. “Your father should never have touched you inappropriately, Talitha. It’s not your fault.”

Talitha nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She had been carrying this burden for far too long, and it felt good to finally have someone that she could confide in. She continued her story, her voice sultry and cadence between words slow, “That night, my daddy started with just pinching and twisting my nipples telling me that my nipples were happy with him when they were full and pointy. He always confirmed with me that his touches felt good and promised he would never do anything to hurt me. I admitted to him that I enjoyed his touches. We used to have a game where if he could make me moan with one of his touches I would have to give him something like a kiss on the cheek. If he didn’t make me moan he would give me a dollar. It was fun but I didn’t win a lot of dollars since he made me moan a lot.”

“The way he touched me changed over time. His hands loved to rest on my thighs and move up to my butt where he slowly, slyly, liked to hike up my nightgown. His large hands moved freely across my hips, along the waistband of my panties to caress and massage the front of my body from my navel to my stomach to my breasts underneath my gown. At first, I was a little concerned that my daddy would lift and remove my gown but he assured me it was okay since he had already seen me naked throughout my life. I conceded, after all, he was right and my nightgown was a bit scratchy. His fingers felt best when they were against my skin directly. His fingers were soft, warm, and gentle, and fondled me slowly. With my gown off, sometime when I moaned he would ask me to give my nipple to him so he could suck it. I was shocked, but I loved feeling his warm wet mouth enveloping my breast while his hands grasped my full bosom tightly. He would always check with me and ensure that his hands didn’t make me feel uncomfortable. For example, he liked to take my panties and pull them up into my butt crack and then spread my butt cheeks wide apart and pull them out. When I told him I didn’t like it and he showed me pictures of different types of fashion that I needed to get used to when I got older and the importance of trying different experiences to know what I liked. My Daddy was always right. He often would tell me that the time he spent with me was more valuable than anything he could do after work, so I felt encouraged to let him continue to touch me as he pleased”

“His fingers loved to play with my hair and as my hair grew under my panties developed he would often describe how much more curly it was than the hair he combed on my head. When he first dipped his fingers into my panties, I knew it was wrong. But it was also exciting. I never told my Daddy to stop, so it was my fault. I let his fingers roam my body freely and once his fingers passed the threshold of my waistband he frequently buried his long fingers into my panties to play with my curly hair. His fingers loved to go in deep, and he would describe his fingers’ journey to me naming each body part. He would whisper in my ear as he was spreading open my labia majora, rubbing and opening the folds of my labia minora, spreading my wetness from inside my vagina to all of the pink skin hidden in my panties. He would make me moan at night with his gentle touches. He loved describing how my erect clitoris meant I was horny and that it was a sign that I was happy.”

Father John couldn’t believe the story he was hearing and the level of detail she was able to provide. His face was flushed and his own body betrayed him as his penis lurched awake. He had to hear more, “Go on my child, can you give me more details?”

Talitha, wiggling around in her chair uncontrollably, also visibly flushed, continued, “With his hands in my panties, he would show me how to masturbate. His thick fingers rubbed rapidly against my clitoris making me feel warm and good. With his fingers pinching my nipples or his mouth sucking on my breasts, he would show me how good it felt to climax. I would moan so much, Daddy’s game seemed so unfair. I would ask him to give him kisses on his mouth, take off my panties and even let him lick my pussy. All of which always produced more moans. I could have stopped him at any time, but I enjoyed every moment of it. He enjoyed gyrating his hips against my butt at night and admitted that he also had a body part that grew when he was happy. I could feel it, without my nightgown on it was large, thick, and hot. One day, it was my idea to switch the game up, and said if I can make him moan he would have to give me something. I was curious about his penis and convinced him to let me touch it. Many boys at school have a penis but my Daddy’s was the first one I was able to touch. His flesh was much more rigid than my nipples or clitoris. My daddy said it was because he was much more happy being with me at night. He would often ask if making Daddy happy was important to me and I always responded it was. He allowed my small hands to hold onto his stiff penis and stroke it at night. It was so thick that I needed to use both of my hands to wrap it around fully. At first, all I needed to do was tough his penis to make his hips move toward me and make him moan, but eventually, it required me to do more with him. Using lotion to move my hands up and down his stiff veiny cock. Licking the salty gel from the top of his penis head and inserting his penis into my mouth and sucking on him until he gave me his salty seed. But Daddy always gave me everything that I asked for when he moaned and more. If I wanted a new shirt, he would also get me some new underwear. If I wanted some lotion for my body he would also get me some sexy and tasty lubricants we would play with. My dad always took care of me.” Talitha’s eyes glazed over. She could feel her body getting wet and aroused now describing those first tender moments with her dad. Her red-stained lips parted slightly letting her tongue trace her lips keeping them wet.

“Daddy loved to teach me new things when we were together. He explained that the wetness I created when he played with my clitoris was made to help his large penis fit in my small hole. I was in shock because I was so much smaller than he was. But It all made sense, I was always surprised how my thighs could get so greasy from just him touching my nipples, and now I understood why my bed was so wet every night when he left. He gyrated against me nightly and loved to fit his penis between my thighs so it rubbed against my vagina and clit. I would get so wet that he was easily able to pump through my thighs rapidly. I loved to moan for Daddy because he said he liked it when I did. I loved when Daddy moaned for me too. When Daddy put his fingers in me for the first time I could feel how the wetness lubricated him. He slid in and out of me effortlessly. At first, it stung and I was scared when I started bleeding but after the first day, I no longer bled. My daddy used to tell me how proud he was when his fingers could go into me down to his knuckles without me complaining. It did feel very good. Especially when he curled his fingers, jamming them deep into me repeatedly, and used his tongue to stimulate my erect clit. He would make me moan so much I would scream and that didn’t make Daddy happy.” Talitha’s head shook from side to side. Her fingers pressed between her thighs through her thin pants to check if the moisture she felt building deep in her loins had seeped through the fabric.

Father John lecherously stared at her, watching her fingers probe her own body. His hand adjusting his constrained cock pressed awkwardly and tightly against his pants member so it has more room to continue to harden as it snakes along his thigh. “Please continue,” he says with his intentions carnal and impure.

“Daddy always had a new thing he wanted to bring into our games and he always told me to try it before telling him I didn’t like it. It started with having me wear a blindfold and trying to guess what he was touching my body with. It was a fun game, I especially enjoyed the hot syrup he poured and licked off of me or the ice he would rub on my different body parts. One time, while I was blindfolded in bed, he had me bend over with my knees spread apart, curled up along the side of my body and my head resting on my pillows. He told me to play with my nipples like this,” she simulated the motion with her, now, erect nipple through her bra pressing her thumb and forefingers together and letting them glide back and forth against each other,” He took the ice and traced words on my back that he wanted me to try to say for him. I was so excited when I figured out what he wrote. ‘Fuck Me!’ I said excitedly. He held onto my hips with one hand and held his dick with the other he pressed it against my virgin hole. ‘Ohh, Dad!’ I screamed… I did want him to stop but I… I couldn’t say the words. It didn’t feel like he was going to fit and I was so scared. He rocked back and forth against my tight hole for a while until I could start to feel his hard flesh squeezing into me. He pushed and pushed stretching me open deeper and deeper inside of me. He felt so big I thought I was going to bleed again, but I didn’t. It didn’t exactly hurt, it was just a new feeling that I felt throughout my entire body. I wanted to scream, but he demanded that I do not scream. I think he was afraid it would wake-up Mommy. Daddy moaned so much I knew I was winning the game…. But I was moaning too”

“Each push he made felt like he was shaping my insides into a deep tunnel. I could feel the slick lubricants in me build up and the more wet I was the deeper he would go. When he finally made it all the way in I felt so full. The muscles inside of me shivered trying to adjust to his massive dick. I remember gasping for air and groaning in pain… or pleasure. His pelvis gyrated slowly against my ass. I could feel his body hair rubbing on my pussy. His fingers between my thighs rubbing my wetness along my erect clit sent shudders through my core. He used to withdraw himself from me completely, making me feel empty before he would cram his thickness deep into me again and again. ‘Tell me you like it’, he would ask me and I would tell him ‘I like it Daddy!’ He would ask, ‘Do you want more?’ and I would always say, “Yes!’. His hairy balls slapped into me with each deep thrust. He would go so deep, he sometimes caused sharp pains deep inside of me that made me jerk in pain. I wanted to scream, but I did like Daddy said, held in my scream, and instead gritted my teeth and moaned into my pillow. When he started pushing his full length in and out of me he would tell me that anytime I made a noise other than a moan he would slap me. Sometimes I couldn’t stop myself from screaming and he would hit me so hard on my ass with his large open hand that it would leave a burning sting on my butt cheeks that I could see the next day. I tried not to make any noise but it was so hard. Each thrust into me radiated all of my senses, making me shiver all the way down to my toes. My moans would get louder and he would spank me so hard and tell me to stop being naughty. Daddy loved grabbing my butt after he spanked me describing how bright red my butt was. He liked to ask, ‘Are you being a naughty girl?’ I didn’t want to be naughty, I was his good girl. When I told him, ‘I’m a good girl Daddy,’ he would slap me again because he said I was lying. After a while I enjoyed it.

At one point, Daddy pounded into my pussy so hard and fast that my head plowed through my pillows and slammed into the headboard. I remember crying in pain but my daddy said I was making too much noise and slapped me hard on my butt over and over again, while he continued to thrust into me until I stopped making noises other than moaning. I remember needing to push so hard against the headboard, using the pillows to push back against his long deep punches into my pussy. My back curled, my butt lifted and my arms collapsed against his weight. He would use my hips like handlebars, pulling me into him as he thrusted into me over and over forcing me to yelp and groan at his powerful assault. Each thrust would cause my body to vibrate and tingle, releasing screams of passion. He plunged deeply into me so often that I think he did it on purpose just so he could slap me again on my ass. But the stinging on my butt cheeks only increased the pleasure. He would pound into me so fast and rough that sometimes I would be fucked senseless and lost control of myself causing me to shake uncontrollably. Daddy loved to tell me that God wanted me cum for him. He showed me the verse in the bible where Jesus asked Talitha to cum, I saw it with my own eyes.

My Daddy loved to make me cum. In and out he would pounce on me through my convulsions and screams until finally, he would release his hot seed into me. When he was done he would redeem all of my moans and tell me to clean his shrinking cock off with my mouth. I did as my dad told me to. He said a good girl should always obey her daddy and keep him happy. I wanted my daddy to be happy. The more time he spent with me the less my parents would fight so I knew I was doing a good thing for Mommy.“

Father John, now totally engrossed in the story, hung on every word. He stared at this beautiful young woman. Her brown wavy hair draped onto her shoulders down her back, framing her heart-shaped fair-skinned face with trickles. Her piercing blue eyes, button nose, and puffy reddish lips were so captivating that she was difficult to take your eyes off of. Her breasts heaved with every word of the story, full and perky which was only further highlighted with her hand playing absent-mindedly with her stiff nipples. Her waist was narrow and opened up to wide birthing hips that swayed up and down when she walked. She was gorgeous. How is it that he had known this child since she was 13 years old and never noticed her beauty until now? “How did you feel about what your dad did to you?” He asked.

“Father John,” tears now streaming down her face, “I knew it was wrong but I couldn’t stop myself. At first I did it because I wanted my Dad’s attention. But…but,” she gulped, “I loved feeling his mouth on my breasts, his fingers exploring me, the feeling of his cock inside of me. He always made sure I was okay with it. He told me he would stop if I just asked. He always asked if I wanted him to stop and …I told him not to. I loved our game and I talked and groaned on purpose while he fucked me because I wanted him to spank me. So I could feel a reminder of him on my bum while I was at school daydreaming about being with him again! Even when I felt disgusted with myself, I know I sucked on his penis after he released his load so I could taste every last drop of him! I know I rocked my hips into his fat cock wanting him to rub against me, to spread open my pussy lips, to spread my wetness, wanting him to pierce my pussy! I bucked my hips back into him to help him get deeper! I squeezed my vaginal muscles so I could feel every inch of him! I begged him to plunge into me, begged him to cum in me… often! After my Daddy moaned I told him to lay on my bed so I could ride his stiff cock, bounced up and down and ground into him because I wanted to control my climax!” She said exasperated. “I FUCKED my daddy and I liked it.” Talitha shook with guilt, tears streaming down her face, her bottom lip shivering. Hearing her admit this she feared she was rotten. “Maybe my daddy is right about me, maybe I was born to be a whore! I am so scared that I am going to hell! Please help me!” her body shivered in genuine fear and loathing. Her guilt overtook her sense of self.

Father John moved from around the desk to hold her through her tears. “Talitha, God forgives us all. You are not damned because of what you do, you can always be saved as long as you have love in your heart. What you did was an act of love, not malice. Your father did things to you that no father should have done. We can find a professional to get you the help you need together.”

Talitha appreciated the kind words from the wise priest that looked to be in his forties. She was so thankful that he wasn’t disgusted by her the same way she was disgusted by herself. “Thank you, Father. The worst part is that my daddy’s love has turned into anger. It started when I started planning to leave for college. Daddy would tell me that I wasn’t smart enough for college and that a cock-tease like me would waste my college tuition and just get pregnant the first chance I had. He said that because I was willing to leave him I didn’t deserve his love. He took everything from me and said I couldn’t have it back unless things went back the way it was. My parents’ relationship fell apart again, after four years of happiness, and my Mom blamed me for spoiling her marriage. For trying to tease my dad with my body. I have lost everything! I am so alone and sad, I don’t know where I can go from here.” her body collapsed into Father John’s arms, and her cries of sadness broke his heart.

Father John was in total shock. “Talitha, my dear child,” Father John said, “I am so sorry that you have had to endure such a terrible thing. You are not alone, and I will do everything in my power to help you. The church can provide you a place to stay and food while you work to build yourself back up.”

Father John took her hand and led her to a quiet corner of the church. “Talitha, do you know the meaning behind your name?” he asked.

Talitha shook her head, and Father John continued, “Your name comes from a story in the Bible. In the Gospel of Mark, there is a story of a little girl who was very sick. Her parents had lost all hope, and they thought that she was going to die. But Jesus came to their home and took the little girl’s hand. He said to her, ‘Talitha Kuom,’ which means ‘Little girl, I say to you, arise!’ And immediately, the girl got up and began to walk.”

Talitha, never knowing the true source of her name, listened intently to the story, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her. “But what does that have to do with me?” she asked.

Father John smiled. “It means that you, too, have the power to rise above your circumstances, Talitha. You are a strong, resilient young woman, and I have faith that you will overcome this.”

Tears welled up in Talitha’s eyes. She had gone from feeling unsavable to feeling there was hope. She held the priest tightly, “Oh, thank you, Father John!” She looked up at him and instinctively gave him a deep longing kiss. Her lips parted and he joined her, allowing their tongues to wrestle together.

John knew it was wrong but his body betrayed him. This provocative girl who had been so honest and grateful surrendered her soft puffy lips to him as payment for his council. “Who was he to deny her a simple kiss?” He told himself. But it was much more complicated than that as her lips parted tempting him to part his lips open too. Her soft tongue sends shivers down his spine. He hasn’t experienced a kiss like this since he was young and feral. He savored her lips. Her embrace shifted from compassion to passion. His hands roamed up and down her backside, resting on her ass.

His manhood grew rapidly and pressed firmly against his black pants. His stiff mound ground against her hips.

Her eyes stared into his, she bit her bottom lip, unsure of what was happening. She wanted to give herself, fully, to this sexy wise older man.

His hand moved up to the breast she was previously touching and he cupped her large breast and let his thumb gently circle her nipple just like she said she liked it. “Ohhhhh,” she let out a long seductive moan, encouraging his action. They kissed again before he took her back to his office and locked the door.

She immediately grabbed his belt, unbuckled it, and unbuttoned his black slacks. His pants dropped to the floor. He kicked off his shoes and pants. Her hand dropped down his chest to slide up and down his rigid rod. She was shocked. Was this godly man’s prick thicker and bigger than she was used to? He moaned in pleasure at her touch. She dropped down to her knees and pulled down his white underwear. His massive tool had to be 8” long and as thick around as a soda can. His hairy balls hung down low with two large egg-shaped balls that seemed to twitch with excitement up and down. His wild untamed pubic hair was black, peppered with grey streaks like the hair on his head. The smell of manly sweat permeated the room. She wrapped both of her hands around his cock and jacked him up and down as she opened her mouth and consumed one of his salty nut sacks. His hand did what her dad’s hands used to do, and grabbed large clumps of her hair to hold her face against his rod.

Sensations rippled through Father John’s spine. His right nut was enveloped by Talitha’s warm moist mouth and was being gently tugged by her sucking action. His long rod, unused for over a decade, was reawakened with lecherous intent. He could feel the tip of his rod moisten with lust. Her tiny hands firmly pumped his veiny meat up and down his full length. Talitha’s tongue, broad, soft, and wet, traveled from the base of his cock up the veiny shaft to his prominent circumcised mushroom. She opened her jaw to its widest point and guided him into the back of her throat. Her soft tongue cradled his bulbous head, her lips locked around his shaft and she bobbed and sucked him pleasurably. His girth so wide that it was difficult to maintain her suction as she traversed up and down his veiny flesh releasing sensual slurping sounds. Pushing his manhood deep into the back of her mouth, pulling on his butt cheeks to guide him in further and quelling any reflex she had to gag before releasing him to come back for air. Saliva pulled from her mouth, coating his fat rod and dripping from her chin. Her fists were greased with saliva and wrapped tightly around his girth, rapidly beating back and forth on his long rod punching into his large hairy balls, praying for his release.

She looked up to watch her kind and gentle priest. His arms firmly held her head on his dick. His head rolled back in satisfaction. His moans of glory echoed throughout the church office.

He felt his cock start to spasm. His balls clenched and tightened. Sweat dripped from his forehead as the temperature skyrocketed. He clenched his muscles like he was trying to stop peeing and tightened his asshole preparing for his release. “Talitha, I am going to cum!” He howled releasing a stream of white cream, pent up from a decade of chastity, into this girl’s welcoming and wanting mouth. Rope after rope of saintly giz spurted into her mouth filling her immediately. Her cheeks inflated with his hot creamy substance and dribbled from the side of her lips down her chin. She swallowed three gulps full of his hot seed and then continued to suck on his semi-flaccid cock until she was convinced he was empty. Finally, her tongue circled hanging manhood one more time to ensure he was clean. “Aaaahhhhh,” he moaned in relief.

He pulled her up to him and kissed her passionately. Meanwhile, his hands unbuttoned her smooth blouse and unclasped her bra. Talitha was electrified by his skin-to-skin embrace of her breast. He pinched and squeezed her nipples tightly while kissing her long silky neck. He held onto her lower back, leaning her back to lift her breast to his mouth. His warm inviting mouth clamped onto her nipple and he flicked at it repeatedly. “Ahhh yes, Father, ohhh.” She cooed.

His other hand wasted no time and quickly unbuttoned and unzipped her tight pants so he could shove his fingers deep into her curly hair. She wiggled her hips side to side and pushed down her pants and panties to help get them off. His fingers moved between her legs and curled up deep into her moist entrance. He rapidly pumped his fingers in and out of her. His palm rubbing against her clitoris sends waves of pleasure through her. Her knees gave way slightly surrendering her body to his machinations. She shifted her hips forward giving him more access to finger-bang her. “Ohhh, yes, that feels so good Father!,” she moans more loudly as their embrace continues.

To hold herself up, the arm closest to Father John’s head wraps around his neck. Holding his head onto her full bosom. Her other hand searches for and finds Father John’s long Devine rod. She strokes it repeatedly, his sticky ooze dripping down his shaft onto her hands until he begins to harden again.

“Father, I have been a naughty girl,” she says panting at his rapid thrusts into her dripping wet cunt. He lifts his head from her breast and he stares at her wild-eyed and ravenously.

“Oh, yes you have been!” He says, “and I have just the punishment for you.” He pushes all of his items off of his desk. Throws her against the cold wood table and reaches into the drawer. Her legs, slightly apart, bend over his desk forcing her ass up and out toward him. From his desk, he pulls out a wooden foot-long ruler. He raises his hand high and drops the ruler letting it whistle in the air before landing with a crack across her ass.

“Owww, Father! I am sorry,” she screams. He smacks her hard again, the second one leaving a deep red mark across her lower cheeks. “Oh God, help me, please!” she yells. Each scream intoxicates him into a frenzy.

Father Joe, taken completely by lust, grabs some rubber bands and loops them around the base of his cock forming a tight ring. His semi-rigid rod quickly hardens and he lines his priestly rod to her sopping wet cunt and presses firmly into her. “Ohhhhhh, Father, your so big!” she screams. His wide cock fills her up, rapidly. Her lips of her vaginal opening stretch tightly around to grip his cock. He continues to press in stretching her apart wider than before.

Talitha’s mind returned to the first time her dad penetrated her. The feeling of her internal organs being rearranged to fit his girth. Her cunt stretching and wetness built up to help accommodate him. She could feel her vaginal moisture triple in excitement for this large invader. From inside, she could map out each veiny bump of his stiff cock and the wake left behind from his massive mushroom tip. Her warm liquids gushed past his fat head, down his shaft, and down her legs. “Oh, fuck Father! What are you doing to me!” As she moans loudly in gratification.

He shoves his hand under her body and pulls and twists her nipples vigorously. She screams in pleasure as her erogenous zones percolate with delight. He again slams his ruler down hard on her ass causing the searing pain of her ass to blend with the pleasure of his thick rod propelling in and out of her ratcheting up her licentious sensations closer to climax. Her hands reach back, her fingers gripping the globes of her large ass allowing her to spread her butt cheeks wide apart to offer his rock-hard manhood full access deep into her pussy. She rocks her hips up and down, shimmying his cock deeper into her sending miniature earthquakes rumbling through her body. Her pussy quivers and clamps down on his massive stiff rod massaging him with each thrust in and out of her.

The Father, now plunging most of his length in and out of her, pulls his penis out of her staring at the debauchery he is involved in. “Dear God, help me!” He says out loud knowing that it was too late for him to turn back now.

Talitha begins to whimper becoming vocal about her vacant cunt. She begs for him. “Father, I am so close, please… please…” He looks down at his solid half-glistening tool coated with her love juices and smiles.

“What do you want, Talitha?” The priest says.

“Father, Fuck me! Oh lord, please fuck me and make me cum!” She whines. Her body balancing on the brink of climax plateaued in desperation to feel connected, to be claimed, to be fucked!

He aligns his manhood to her winking pink entrance and he rapidly pushes deep into her drilling his full length deep inside of her. “Ahhhhhhh, Fuck! Yes!” He grabs her hair, pulling back it like the reins of a wild mare that needs to be shown who the master is. Her chin lifted, her mouth wide open, howling with pleasure as he pulls out and pile drives into her again and again and again until his cock is crammed against her cervix opening her up even deeper than she thought was imaginable. Each thrust creates a yelp and each yelp causes a firm slap on her ass.

He stares down at her bright red ass. His fat cock spreads apart her pussy lips that grip his meat tightly like a hotdog bun at a baseball game. The white cream on the top of his log from the discharge of lubricant she releases allows him to plunge into her again and again. “Oh, oh, oh,” she gasps with each push. Her tightly puckered asshole opens up on every deep thrust into her. He drops his ruler and between thrusts finds a handful of highlighters in the drawer. The thick highlighters are round on both ends and glisten with his spit after he puts them in his mouth and removes them for their next home. He spits in her asshole and pushes a highlighter in. “Oh shit! Oh my God, what is that!” He picks up his pace turning her complaints into moans of ecstasy. He licks another highlighter and shoves it deep into her asshole. “Fuuuck! My ass is being stretched apart!” Already filled to the brim with each new pen she feels closer and closer to her ripping point. Her burning sphincter was stretched into a bright red ring by a colorful assortment of six thick highlighters plugged deep into her rectum. The highlighters together rival the girth of his thick cock that he continues to plow into her. Her butt continues to gyrate in pleasure, and her breathing becomes more shallow, building up to an orgasmic eruption from her double-stuffed entourage. She gasped, “Uh, uh, uh, uh,” as she continued to pull apart her ass cheeks to make room for her holy invaders. Father John, synchronized his now rapidly plunging cock into her vagina with the fist-pounding anal assault from the highlighters. “Oh, GOD!” Talitha screams. Neither of them caring who is in or around the church hearing them fuck passionately.

“Talitha. Cum!” He commanded yelling out the top of his lungs.

“Holy Fuck, John!!!!!” And with his permission her back arched, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her body began to convulse uncontrollably. Wave after wave of electricity shot through her body. Her hands released her ass which closed in tightly on Father John’s cock. Her body lurched upward and lifted her body upright as she groaned. Her sweaty breast peeled up quickly from the cold wood sending new tingling sensations that erupted another wave of earthquakes through her body. “OHHHHHHHH, FUCCKKKKK!!” She yelled.

Talitha’s body was now standing pressed upright against Father John, her hands pushing off the table from her fingertips, shaking with waves of orgasms as each movement he made triggered another sensation that rocked her world. His cock buried deep into her pussy holding her up off the ground by a few inches allowing only her tiptoes to ground her as the electricity shot from limb to limb. The highlighters pressed firm against his pelvic bone, still impaled deep in her ass. Father John’s palms gripping tightly to her young pert breast, to hold her against him, while pinching and pulling her nipples. His hips thrusting upward, rapidly, into her through her orgasm, pushing the highlighters still deeper into her plugged-up ass hole until they are barely visible playing hide and seek behind her quivering gaping starfish. “OHHHHHHH, YES!” She howls nonstop.

Her orgasms roll from one into the other seemingly never ending. She thrashes around like a possessed demon being exorcized. Her eyes fluttering uncontrollably. “JOHHHHNN!!! OH FUCKKK! I CAN SEE HEAVEN!!!” She screams at the top of her lungs, her voice vibrating.

“Hallelujah!” he yells back in pride for making this woman gush in pleasure.

At last Father John can’t hold it anymore. His balls churned away to build up his white seed but he was unable to deliver his package due to the makeshift cock-ring. But instead of giving up, his thick hairy balls work overtime until they can build up enough pressure to shoot his massive load down the 8” shaft, through the mushroom tip, and deep into her cervix. “OH, GODDDD! I PRAY FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS!!!!” He screams. The speed of his hot seed jetting out of him, pressure washing deep into the back wall of her cunt, into her baby-making cervix, sends one final massive quake through her body as the 43-year-old priest holds her from behind tightly through her shuddering climax. They kiss longingly, savoring the moment together. All of her holes filled with something of his.

With Father John’s guidance, Talitha found the strength to confide in her mother about the abuse. Her mother was horrified and welcomed the daughter back into her home.

Talitha’s father and mother eventually divorced. His series of infidelities with other women culminated in an incestuous one with his daughter. He was arrested and eventually convicted of his crimes which included therapy. Talitha underwent therapy, too, to help her deal with the trauma of the abuse, and with time, she was able to heal. She realized that the tools her father used such as blame, humiliation, and gaslighting were all forms of abusive manipulation.

Years later, Talitha returned to the church where she had confided in Father John. She was startled to learn that he quit the ministry shortly after saving her and now worked as a school counselor at the local university.

When she finally found him, she smiled and said, “Do you remember me?”

His eyes opened wide, he stood up quickly from his desk and hugged her and his face beamed with the same kind smile he gave her when he helped her through her most challenging time. “Talitha, I will never forget you! I still see you in my dreams.”

She smiles, her heart melting in gratitude, “Thank you, John, for giving me the strength to overcome my situation. I will never forget the story of Talitha in the Bible and the hope that it brought me.”

“I am so proud of how far you’ve come, Talitha!” He said sincerely. They chatted a bit before his next appointment arrived. ”Talitha, it looks like I have to go. Would you be interested in having dinner with this old man tonight?”

“Depends, are you married or dating anyone,” Talitha says with a wink.

“Luckily for me, no!” And he leans in and gives the twenty-five-year-old a deep and passionate kiss. He quickly grabs a highlighter from on his desk so he can write down his phone number.”

“Mmm”, she meows, “bring a few of those bad boys with you to dinner tonight, okay?”

He smiles and nods