MY DOGS I – A Night at the Kennels – Chapters 6-8

CHAPTER 1.6 – One More Round

I smiled and tried to move with Mac still on my back. Mac hugged me with both of his front legs and tried to keep his balance with his hind legs while I was moving. I turned my head and looked at him. These eyes. My heart melted. I kissed him… a deep, long kiss. I just loved to suck on his teeth, suck on his tongue, lick his flews… “This was the best fuck I ever had… not even close. You are the best fuck, Mac”. I kissed his nose and Mac licked my face.

How long till he could get this thing out of me? I still liked feeling his cock inside me and I loved how gentle he was with me, careful not to pull out before his erection and bulb softened up. But I also needed to stretch, change my position, and do anything but be on my hands and knees with a 120-pound dog on my back.

I crawled towards Gandhi, dragging Mac with me. Every time I moved forward I felt his bulb tearing at my pussy… I was dripping cum from my pussy and wished I could keep it all inside. I put my head on Gandhi’s head and whispered to him “Thank you for feeding your bitch so well, buddy”. I bit his nose and he answered with a short, slightly annoyed bark. Followed by a long lick across my face and I caught his tongue with my lips and gave it a quick suck and another little bite. “Come on, you big baby, I’m not finished with you.” I propped up his head against my tummy, reached around his giant chest, his short legs hanging over my arms, and pulled. Gandhi whelped and wiggled around. I looked over my shoulder, Mac’s head resting softly against my neck. Someone was obviously a bit exhausted. “You could help a bit, couldn’t you?”. A quick pecker on my cheek and his head was back on my shoulder, his legs hugging me, both paws on my breasts, scratching my nipples with his thick nails. I pulled harder. Another whelp. I looked down. Gandhi was halfway through the narrow gate, but his cock was sticking through one of the bars. Damn. I can’t pull more or… can this thing break off? Can you break a dog’s cock? I didn’t know… but I was pretty sure that it would hurt if I pulled more. I crouched down, sweat running down my temples, forcing Mac down on his ass while his cock was still tied to my pussy. Great, now I had managed to make both my dogs uncomfortable. My dogs.

Gandhi started moving, pushing his short front legs against the bars, turning halfway, and kicking his hind legs… he made it an inch forward. I watched his big cock bend. Poor baby… but he kicked more, turned left and right, his cock was now bent backward towards his tail… it looked painful, like really, really painful… but it seemed he didn’t care and kicked and pulled and turned more. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled… hard… his cock was bent all the way back, pointing away from me into the other kennel… “Come on, you big lump o’ meat… one more… one… two… three…” I pulled with all the strength I had left (which wasn’t a lot) and Gandhi bucked like a wild horse… and then he just slid through the gate… I fell back, on Mac… Mac whelped in pain and I felt Gandhi’s whole weight crashing down on me… “Oh no… he will crush both of us”… I felt a sharp pain in my pussy, something bulging and tearing at my soft flesh… and then Mac’s bulb popped out, followed by a gush of dog cum… and just when Gandhi fell down on me, Mac wriggled out of the way, barking as he scooched to the side.

All the air was pushed out of me when Gandhi crashed down on me… a big gob of dog spit flew out of his mouth and I tried to catch it with my mouth but it landed on my cheek… I tried to push Gandhi away, but he probably weighed something like 200 pounds, not a chance… I needed air… I couldn’t breathe… my chest felt like it would cave in… and then Gandhi found his grip and pushed himself up on his short, stubby legs… and just when I sucked in a wonderful breath of cold evening air, I felt his cock pushing against me… the baseball-bat sized cock… something like 13 or 14 inches of hard dog meat and my tiny, violated hole, still leaking Mac’s cum. Yes! Yes Yes!

I wrapped both legs around Gandhi’s fat body and wrapped my arms around his big head… he stood up and pulled me with him, I tensed all my muscles, pressing against my wonderful big fat dog. I could feel the head of his cock rubbing over my dripping pussy… I pulled myself up with my legs and arms until I was hanging underneath Gandhi, rubbing my hard nipples over the soft fur on his chest… he looked down at me, his tongue hanging out and I licked it… took it between my lips and sucked gently… bracing myself for what was to come… closing my eyes and trying to relax my muscles… trembling…

And then Gandhi pushed… pushed hard… my god, so fucking hard… I let out a scream when he rammed his big cock into my tiny pussy, felt my lips stretching to let the fat head through… it hurt… but I held on to my dog, crossed my legs over his back, interlocked my fingers behind his neck and tried to breathe… Gandhi was relentless… nothing like Mac’s gentle thrusts, this was an animal that wanted to fuck his bitch…

“Fuck me, baby… fuck your bitch… oh oh oh my god… you’re so big… you’re so fucking big” I mumbled and gasped, my lips pressed against the underside of his head… I don’t know how much of his cock was inside me, but it couldn’t be much… I felt the head move inside me, this wonderful, fat, slimy head… and he still pushed… growled… and pushed more… I closed my eyes… felt him pulling out a bit and then another hard, merciless thrust forward… I screamed again, now tears were rolling down my cheeks and I started mumbling again, no sentences, just words “god… fuck… fuck… so big… fuck… buddy… fuck”… I didn’t have to worry that he would push his insanely large knob into me, I could barely take half his cock…

Gandhi looked down at me, his eyes no longer kind and soft… they were aggressive, wild… and a deep growl came out of him, from deep inside… and he pushed so hard I passed out and felt my head bump on the floor when I let go of his neck… my legs still wrapped around him and Gandhi pushed and pushed and pushed… my pussy and womb felt so full, I let my hands glide over my belly, still wet and slimy from the load he had given me a mere few minutes ago… I could feel his cock moving inside me with my hands… could feel when he pulled back and my abs could relax… and then lunged forward again and a visible bulge was traveling up from my abdomen all the way beyond my belly button… it hurt when my shoulders were pushed over the concrete floor with each thrust… I looked up and saw that he was pushing me closer and closer to the bars separating us from Kong. From Kong. I felt my pussy spasm and tremble when I thought of this giant dog and his insane cock… his dripping cock… Kong’s dripping 2-foot cock… Kong… Kong… I came… not in a wave or with any build-up, I just came, hard and fast, feeling my pussy squirt around Ghandi’s cock… another scream, more tears… and Gandhi licking my face as I came on his dog cock.

He fucked a little bit slower now, still deep and hard, but not as fast as before… giving me some time to come to my senses… I looked around… Mac was standing a few feet away from us, watching his bitch get fucked by another dog. Was he jealous? Was my dog jealous?

“Mac… come here”… I think I said that, but it might’ve sounded more like a croak. But Mac still came closer, slowly… I held out my hand… I needed to feel my dog in my arms… my dog.

“Come here, baby… mommy needs you”… I touched Mac’s head and pulled him closer… kissed him, and let him stick his long tongue down my throat… I felt Gandhi’s tongue joining in and soon my dogs were tongue-fucking my mouth while I was still impaled on Gandhi’s slow-moving cock… I felt another orgasm building up… this one would be slower… gentler… until Gandhi gave me a hard thrust, the hardest yet and I screamed into Mac’s mouth and clawed his fur… holding him while Gandhi drove his cock so deep I could feel the fat knot hit my pussy lips… my god… my god… my god… no orgasm for me, just the feeling of being torn open and electric jolts going through my body… I cried into Mac’s fur… Pulled him close and wrapped my arms around him while Gandhi was pulling out and pushing in, just as deep as before, my whole body on fire, my pussy stretched so far that I could feel the cold air on my clit… I whispered into Mac’s ear “This is too much, baby… he’s fucking mommy too hard and too deep… too hard… too deep… he’s raping mommy… he’s raping mommy’s cunt… too much”… Mac licked my chest and I put my head under his belly… immediately his hard cock slapped against my right cheek… I turned my head and caught it with my lips… my tongue swirled around the head of his nice, hard, 8-inch cock… 8 inches… 8 was enough… Gandhi was too much… 13 inches were too much… I closed my lips around Mac’s cock and sucked him slowly… tried to make love to my dog while I was raped by a big fat beast without mercy… It was so difficult not to bite down when the pain hit with each of Gandhi’s thrusts… but I managed and this filled me with childish pride… “Fuck me as hard as you like, I will not hurt my dog”… I licked up and down Mac’s shaft, savoring the taste… he tasted of stale, salty dog cum and I could still taste the familiar aroma of my pussy on him…

Gandhi had settled into his rhythm, long, hard thrusts, lifting my ass off the floor every time he rammed into my fuckhole… and I started petting and ruffling his fur, showing him that even though he treated me like a piece of fuckmeat, I still loved him. My mouth wandered down and found Mac’s knot. Mac let out a sharp gasp when I licked it. His cock was twitching… I gave him small love bites and let my lips glide over the hard, pulsing flesh… and then I licked his balls… one after the other… they were too big to take them into my mouth, but I did close my lips around maybe ⅓ of them and sucked… another gasp from Mac. I put both hands on his cock and jerked him off slowly while I sucked his wonderful, warm balls… feeling Ghandi’s cock move inside me, it didn’t hurt as much as before… was another orgasm building up in me? I felt so full, so loved, so fucked… but somehow it didn’t feel like the last time I was about to cum… it felt wonderful and painful, but it didn’t build…

I jerked Mac a little faster and sucked on his balls harder, my tongue playing around them and my lips making loud smooching noises. I felt his balls starting to pump… felt his cock tremble in my hands… Gandhi was picking up the pace and fucked me faster now… my legs kicking left and right of him while he drove his cock up to the knot into my pussy… I tried to move to the side, to push Mac away so he could cum on my face and into my mouth… but I didn’t have enough strength, we were too entangled and Mac was already jumping and pumping… I caught maybe half his load all over my tits, a lot of it on my belly… I could see the cum overflowing my belly button and then it got pushed out when Gandhi thrust into me and another bulge was traveling up my body… Mac whined and I jerked him as he emptied his balls all over his mommy… he came more, shooting another spurt over my groin and Gandhi’s cock… and I could feel how Ghandi fucked Mac’s cum into my pussy… pushed it in with his fat doggy cock.

I let my head fall on the floor and bent Mac’s cock back to my lips… sucking the last drops of his sweet cum out of his slit… teasing his slit with the tip of my tongue… another high-pitched whelp from Mac… “OK, you’re not a fan of having your little piss-slit licked”.

I tried to catch a break… take a breath after I had made Mac cum… and realized, that even during this moment of utter bliss when Gandhi was fucking me in the perfect rhythm and Mac was shooting his warm sperm all over me, I hadn’t climaxed.

I gave Mac’s cock another kiss and then he limped away, sat down, and licked his own cock and balls… looks like someone needed a break. Well, two someones actually… but I knew Gandhi wouldn’t give me a break… he was fucking me in the same rhythm, the same hard, deep thrusts… with my legs holding on to him, he no longer pushed me over the floor and my sore shoulders were thankful for that.

I looked up again, bent my head back… I was 3 or 4 feet away from Kong’s kennel… I could see him towering over us, watching us, not moving, not blinking… and his cock… his amazing cock… how long had we been fucking? Half an hour? It stood just as erect as half an hour ago and it was still leaking pre-cum, a steady stream of clear, slimy liquid running down his 2-foot shaft. I wriggled a bit, tried to get up on my arms. Gandhi growled and thrust harder when his bitch wouldn’t stay down… “Well, you’re actually working with me here, buddy”… his thrust pushed me another foot forward, toward Kong… I kept my head bent back, looking at him… no emotion in his eyes, just a glaring stare… another hard thrust and another foot shoved over the hard concrete, my shoulders and back burned like hell… I stuck my arms out over my head and grabbed the bars of Kong’s kennel… I kept my arms stretched, pushing back against Gandhi’s thrusts… looked up… Kong’s cock directly over my face, the oozing head 3 feet above me… and like in slow motion, I saw a big glob of pre-cum bubbling out of his cock, running down the head and then it feel down, in one big drop, the tize of a pingpong ball… and when it hit my face, I came with my whole body… every nerve inside me lit up, I felt the pre-cum run over my face, I stuck my tongue out to taste it… and I started shaking all over… my head bumped against the floor, my legs were kicking and shaking, I arched my back and with that, I could take Gandhi so deep that I could feel his knot rubbing over my asshole… and just when I had reached a heavenly plateau, ever muscle in my body tense and vibrating… another drop of Kong’s pre-cum fell down, on my lips and ran into my mouth… and I came so hard that I stood on my feet and hands, bent backwards and lifted Gandhi with me… Gandhi let out a confused howl and my pussy started to spasms so hard that I could feel how it squeezed and milked his big dog cock… I tasted Kong and every color around me just exploded, no scream, just my mouth open in silence, yearning for more of Kong’s gift… my pussy clenched down hard on Gandhi’s cock and I shook so violently that now I was fucking him, moving back and forth on his cock while my body went into convulsions… and then Gandhi came, too… I felt the first spurt of his cum hit my womb just when another drop of Kong’s liquid fell on my face… I used my hands to rub it all over my face, smear it on my lips and suck it off my fingers… another drop and I rubbed it over my tits… Gandhi crashed down on me and held me in place while he delivered the second spurt deep inside me… and then it was over…

Gandhi was lying on top of me, panting hard and I could feel his cock pumping inside of me slowly… one more drop of Kong’s cock juice on my face, but my orgasm was withering down, too. I still enjoyed the clean taste, the warmth… and looked up at Kong… he looked away from me, staring at some point in the distance.

I kissed Gandhi, tasting Kong all over me and mixing it with Ghandi’s hot spit.

“You have fucked Mommy so good, big boy”. I played with his ear and gave him another kiss on his nose… and then I tried to get out from under him… almost impossible because Gandhi couldn’t move and just lay there. “A little help here, buddy?”. Not a chance, seems I had worn out both my dogs. My dogs.

Chapter 1.7 – Kong

I needed a break, too… I was out of breath, sweaty – and covered in dog cum. I used what was left of my white blouse (now a gray rag) to wipe my dogs’ cum off my body, staggered over to Mac’s water bowl, and used a handful of water to rinse off my face. Mac and Gandhi were laying in one corner of the kennel each, panting heavily and licking their cocks.

Gandhi’s cum was still dripping out of my pussy and I inhaled the scent of sweet pussy juice and musky dog cum. I smiled. What a day. Two great dogs. Best sex ever. And I probably wouldn’t be able to walk straight for a day or two.

I glanced over to Kong. He was looking at me. Perfectly still, his eyes locked on me, his cock almost touching the bars between the two kennels. I took a deep breath. It ain’t over till it’s over. Or so they say.

I slowly walked towards Kong – still keeping my distance. Now I stood right in front of him. Kong was sitting upright, his mouth half open, breathing slowly. His cock… his cock… still hard. Still dripping clear liquid, a puddle had formed just in front of his legs. I wanted nothing more than to go down on all fours and lap it up… but I stood just as still as him, holding my head up high. I looked at him. Smiled. Kong looked away. Disinterested. You’re not fooling me, Sir.

I stepped closer… slowly. One step. Another step. I was now almost leaning against the bars. The tip of his cock almost touched me… I could see it twitch… oozing pre-cum. The smell almost drove me crazy… more of Gandhi’s cum was running down my leg, I could feel my pussy dripping…

“Look at me”. Kong stared into the distance and yawned. “Look. At. Me”. I reached through the bars and put my hand under his chin. I could barely put it into my small hand. I started bending his head towards me… and he let me. Looked at me. Scooched a little closer to the bars and now his cock touched me. An electric jolt went through my body… right below my belly button. I could feel a wet drop of his pre-cum running down over my skin… running down over my pussy… I almost came and clenched my teeth. Not so easy, Sir.

I peered at his head… let my fingers glide through the thick, black fur.

“You watched us, didn’t you?”… I tickled Kong under his ear… was he leaning his head against my hand? Hard to say because it seemed he was still standing perfectly still.

“And you liked it.” I touched his node with the tip of my finger “You l-l-l-liked it”. Kong growled. A deep growl, I could hear it and also feel it through my fingers. I brought my face closer to the bars… my face almost touched his. I licked my lips… moved my head a little closer… and then I could finally lick Kong’s fangs… I licked slowly up and down, taking the sharp tip of his tooth between my lips… I could feel him tensing his muscles… growling more… his cock moved a little bit back… a little more… I knew what was coming. And just as he tried to lunge forward and slam his cock into me, I stepped back.

“No. Sit.” Now Kong was really growling… pulling his lips back so I could see his lower teeth, they still reminded me of the tusks of a wild boar. I came closer again, now it was me pressing against his cock… smearing his warm pre-cum all over my belly as I moved against him… I stuck both arms through the bars, wrapped them around Kong’s head, and kissed him… kissed him deep… licking his tongue… letting the tip of my tongue wander between his teeth… licking a drop of saliva off his flews. I moved my hips left and right, the tip of Kong’s cock pressing against my belly… I could feel that he was oozing more liquid now.

“You l-l-l-like it” I whispered close to his ear and then licked his gums from the hinge of his jaw to his canines… and then I sucked on one of his fangs like on a cock while I rubbed harder against his cock… by now I was dripping wet, all of Gandhi’s cum had run out of me and was now washed down my legs, a steady stream of pussy juice.

Kong tried again to thrust against me, but again I took a step back.

“No. You don’t get to fuck your bitch yet”… I came closer again… licked his ear and whispered “But your bitch will fuck you”

I used the horizontal bars like a ladder, holding on to the vertical bars with both hands, and took two steps up. Now it was me towering over Kong, my tits right in front of his mouth… I pushed my left breast through the bars and pressed it against his mouth… his jaws closed and he held my nipple between his teeth… not gentle like Mac, biting down… I hissed but held still… could he feel my nipple getting hard between his teeth? I so wanted his tongue but Kong just held my nipple between his teeth, not hurting me but hard enough so I couldn’t get away.

I crouched down a little, my nipple stretching and Kong still as a statue… down a little more, the pain in my breast was now almost unbearable and I could see my nipple pulled to almost twice its normal length. But then… then… Kong’s cock touched my pussy… I gasped and all pain evaporated from my head… Konmg’s cock… my pussy… finally… I gyrated my hips, rubbing my pussy lips over the tip of his giant cock… I had to spread my legs a little so that all of Kong’s fat cock head would even fit between my legs…. I almost fainted when I felt my hard pulsing clit gliding through his piss slit… it was like his slit was closing around my clit… pumping more pre-cum directly on my clit… I moved back and forth slowly… fucking Kong’s cock with my clit… Kong growled… I looked into his eyes… let some spit run off my lips, hoping he would lick it off… but he didn’t move, vibrating with his deep growls.

Another attempt at a thrust, this one almost caught me off guard… but I straightened my legs, my nipple burning when it got pulled in the other direction… and now I was almost a foot above his cock… “No pussy for you if you don’t stay. Stay!”

No Kong’s growling got really loud… it sounded like somebody had thrown a couple of bricks into a running washing machine. I touched Kong’s head, ruffled his fur, held his head between my hands… more growling…

“This is for you, baby”… whispered, close to him… and then I started to pee on Kong’s cock. It came slowly, just a drip-drip-drip at first… but then I relaxed and let my waters flow… Kong whined but stood still… I pissed all over his cock, washing his precum off with my warm pee… and I slowly crouched down again, Kong loosened his grip on my nipple and now… did he suck? I could feel his lips closing around my whole breast… please, your tongue… give me your tongue…. But all I felt were his warm lips… and now I was back on his cock… still peeing and giving him my water. I moved my pussy in circles and sat down harder on his cock… praying that we wouldn’t try to thrust again… the head of his cock was rubbing between both my inner thighs… I desperately tried to get it deeper into me… moving up and down a little faster… bouncing on the head of Kong’s cock. Kong didn’t thrust but I could feel him pressing harder against the bars, pushing his cock against me… slowly… joining my rhythm… my fingers clawing his fur… feeling the head opening me… the world went still… I heard Kong’s breath… my breath… and then I took one foot off the horizontal bar, stuck it through the bars, and pressed my leg against Kong’s flank… I took a deep breath… closed my eyes… and took the other foot off the bar… before I even could hold on to Kong’s other flank I felt his cock holding me up… forcing its way into me, gravity pulling me down. I moved my hips left and right, trying to wiggle my way onto his cock… the head stretched me beyond anything I ever thought I could take… I couldn’t breathe… Kong pushed a little more… more… more… and then the head of his cock popped into me… I dropped down a few inches and everything inside lit up… I screamed as his cock filled me, an orgasm hit me so hard I almost let go of the bars and Kong’s flanks… my pussy convulsed and pumped around his cock… squirting… my scream withered down and I tried to pull myself up… I couldn’t take more… I was so full of dog cock that I couldn’t move…

Another growl from Kong… no… no… no… “Please Sir… gentle”… I looked at Kong, pleading, tears welling up in my eyes… and then Kong thrusted forward… not gentle… not slow… one powerful, hard thrust… and I let go… Kong forced his cock into my tiny fuckhole and I could just take it, unable to fight back, I couldn’t even scream… Kong put his front legs on the bar that had just held my feet… and drove his cock so hard into me that I could feel my belly bulging, my pussy lips spread so wide open I thought they might tear… my legs found Kong’s flanks again… I couldn’t reach all the way around him but pressed my heels into his back… feeling his strong muscles tense as he went for another hard thrust… and another… and another… “God, Sir… please… please… Sir!”… I cried and screamed and mumbled… Kong’s cock moving inside me, like a pole inside me… I tried to caress Kong’s face with one hand as another hard thrust hit me and his cock went so deep I almost passed out… everything was out of focus, moving in slow motion. Instead of running my hand over his face I grabbed one of his lower fangs and held on to it… did the same with the other hand… pressed my legs harder against his flanks… my heels drumming against his back… “Fuck me… Fuck me, Sir. Fuck your bitch… I’m yours, Sir… I’m your bitch, Sir”… Kong fucked me with hard, long, deep thrusts and I could feel his tongue on my hands… tears running down my face… I looked down and my belly looked like I was pregnant… a big bulge, going almost all the way up to my sternum… Konmg kept his rhythm, pulling out just a little, lowering me with him… and then thrusting up, lifting me up, a feeling of weightlessness when his cock drove into me… I grabbed the bars again and pulled myself up, sticking my face between the bars, into Kong’s mouth… licking his saliva from his tongue, inhaling his breath… there were no single orgasms anymore, it felt like I was cumming nonstop, everything inside me was vibrating, shaking, pulsing… “Please, Sir… cum… cum into your bitch”. I tried to clench down on Kong’s cock… make myself tighter for him… make him rape that little cunt… licking up and down his teeth… mumbling more… yearning for his cum… but afraid of how much he would shoot into me, how he would flood his bitch… another wave of pleasure running through me as I looked into Kong’s eyes… “Breed your bitch, Sir… breed your bitch… please… breed me, Sir”. And for the first time, Kong licked my face. I made myself so tight for him that he whined and yelped… licked me again, this time I caught his tongue with my lips and sucked on it… sucked as much of his big, warm, wet tongue into my mouth… and then I felt him swell inside me… no matter how hard I tried to clench, this swelling cock forced my legs open… I felt his cock tense and relax, tense and relax, like waves running through it… I looked at Kong, nodded… kissed his nose and leaned my forehead against his… “Breed me, baby”.

A moment of stillness… quiet… not moving… Kong’s cock relaxed inside me, my pussy clenching back at him… and then Kong came… it started with another growl… I licked his fur… Kong shivered… I pressed my heels into his back… and felt him explode inside me… I don’t know but I could swear the pressure of his cum lifted me up a bit… I felt like the cork of a champagne bottle… Kong’s orgasm hit my womb like a firehose… I had never felt so full and warm in my life, it flooded everything inside me. I caressed Kong’s head while he delivered wave after wave of warm dog cum into my womb, filling me up as I had never been filled before. I didn’t have an orgasm, I had one endless plateau of absolute joy, running up and down through my body… I kissed Kong more… pressing my cheek against him as he shot one more spurt into me… it got slower… I tried to breathe… my feet found the horizontal bar again and I tried to lift myself up, gliding up on Kong’s cock, cum running out of me with every inch…

When Kong’s cock finally slipped out of me it felt like a bucket of cum was splashing on the floor… I tried to tighten my pussy, but it was gaping wide open, a steady stream of Kong’s cum running out of it. I stepped down from the bar and hugged his cock… was he still cumming? Big drops of white cum bubbled out of the head and I lapped it up hungrily, licking the head and all around it, catching every drop as it oozed out… licking up and down, swallowing as fast as I could… Kong growled when I fucked his piss slit with my tongue and another little spurt of cum shot out of his cock, splattering all over my face before I could get my tongue back in… sucking his cum into me while I tongue-fucked his big cock. I leaned harder against him, crouched down a bit and rubbed my pussy against his fat knob, rubbing the tip of his cock all over my tits, admiring the white sperm running over my breasts… I let my whole body glide up and down Kong’s cock… licking the head when it came close to my face and then moving up until my pussy brushed over his balls and knot… milking Kong until his balls were empty and he had given everything to his bitch… His Bitch. My dog has bred his bitch. My dog.

I sank down onto my knees and Kong went down with me… looking at me… pushing one of his big paws through the bars, touching me.

“I’m ok, Sir. I’m ok, don’t worry”. I tried to catch my breath… winked at Kong “You l-l-l-liked it”.

Chapter 1.8 – Good night

I don’t know how long I kneeled in front of Kong and how long his paw was on my leg. But at some point, I felt something warm behind me. Gandhi. Lying down behind me. I let myself sink against him… unable to move, let alone get up. Mac came from the other side and curled up against me. Kong’s paw on my belly. The belly he had just bred. Gandhi licked my shoulder. After he had bred me. And Mac put his head against my chest. Giving my tit a quick lick. After he had bred me. My dogs have bred me. Bred me good. Bred their bitch. My dogs. Their bitch.

I fell asleep, feeling satisfied, safe and happy.

We woke up in the same position we had fallen asleep… everything in my body hurt and I felt cold. Gandhi was breathing slowly. Kong was holding me down with his paw, looking at me. Mac gave my face a long lick.

“Good morning”. A hoarse voice. I looked up. A lady, 60-something, standing in the open door of Mac’s kennel. “Do you want to tell me something, maybe?”

“Yes. I’ll take all three of them”