My Awakening_(0)

Once a month on Friday night, all day Saturday and most of Sunday, this was always a strange time in the house that I grew up in. On these weekends my older sister, myself and my younger brother were literally banned from our own house. All I knew was that I had to camp out at my grandparent’s house or sleep over at my girl friends house. I never minded this because this was my time of freedom. The grandparents set no curfew and let me drive their cars and my girl friend’s parents were usually away for the weekend. (This always peaked my curiosity.) Nice setup for me because all of the rest of the time my folks were strict as hell and always kept tabs on us.


We live in the Maryland suburbs outside of Washington, DC. Along with my mother and father are their three children, Katrina, Karmen and Karlos. I am Karmen. While our neighborhood can definitely be considered affluent, my parents have always kept me and my siblings very grounded in our roots. My parents have been married for about 19 years. They met while in college at Georgetown University. My dad was born and raised in Washington, DC. His mother was half Seminole and half black. He did not know his father, but only that he was a white man who used to be in DC on business a lot. My mother is Filipino and came to the states as a teenager with her mother. She grew up outside of DC in Arlington, Virginia. They both worked for the State Department and had attained high security clearances, along with high executive positions. My oldest sister is really my half sister. My dad was wild in high school and had a daughter before he was 18. She came to live with us when she was 14 and I was 9. My younger brother is 14 and starting to feel his wild oats just like his father did when he was in high school. I have been described as an exotic beauty because of how I look. People look at my body features which are strongly African-American (big booty, thighs and boobs), long black hair and a butter pecan complexion. I enjoy the looks that I get. My sister and I share the same features except she is very dark skinned as her mother was.

The Beginning To No End

Living in a strict household did not give me a lot of chances to get as wild and crazy as my friends. My best friend Constance (Connie) comes from a family that is very loose and unfiltered. I enjoy going to her house. Her parents have an open liquor cabinet, all of the cable channels (unlocked) and plenty of those adult videos. Connie took me into her mother’s closet one day and showed me all of the lingerie that her mother had and she was allowed to wear whenever she wanted.

While we were in her mother’s closet one day, Connie decided she wanted my opinion on a few of the outfits. Before I could say anything, this chick was stripping down to her birthday suit. Now, I had seen her body at school when we were changing for PE or swimming practice but I never paid much attention. Connie seemed to be trying to showoff her body to me and it was working. Connie is about 5’ 10” and has skinny girl tittys. They sit up nice and high and are about a 38C. She has a flat stomach from working out and her ass is not flat but it is not as round as mine. When she turned around, I was amazed at her Kitty Kat (the nickname that I picked up from my Mom). Not a strand of hair and as smooth as silk. I tried to look away but I was in a trance. What she did next floored me. She patted her Kitty Kat’s lips a couple of times and caused them to open up. This made me so hot for some damn reason. I have never had any feelings for a girl before, as I was probably the last virgin in my senior class. When I finally was able to look away, Connie asked what was wrong. I tried to act cool and tell her that I was fine but she could sense that I was a little flustered. She just gave me a wicked smile and went on to put on her mothers sexy lingerie. It was a full body cat suit that had an open crotch that went back to her pretty ass. The suit was black and had a pink bow right above the crotch. Connie was in her full modeling mode. She was strutting her ass up and down in the closet and bending over every couple of steps. Her beautiful white ass was looking good to this virgin. My eyes never turned away from her. After completing her second trip down the closet runway, Connie stopped in the middle of the closet and did the sexiest stripper shimmy on her way to laying down on the floor. Once on the floor, Connie started rubbing and pinching those 38C’s. Her excitement came in the form of the sexiest groans. I guess that she wanted more because she took one hand off of her tits and rubbed on her Kitty Kat’s lips. Connie had her eyes closed but she knew that she had my undivided attention.

My legs got a little rubbery and I had to sit down at her mother’s dressing table. I felt that familiar twinge in my Kitty Kat. This was the feeling I got when I put the handheld shower head between my legs when I was in the shower. I tried to keep my legs shut but started rubbing them together in what I thought was an involuntary motion. When my low moaning started, I knew that it was no longer involuntary; I was so turned on by my sexy friend.

My moaning got Connie to slightly open up her eyes and look at me with a devilish smile. Connie was now using two hands on her Kitty. One hand was using two fingers to move in and out of her Kat and the other one was rubbing the top of her clit.
My eyes were locked on my best friend and my thighs were definitely moving and rubbing together faster. It felt like a marsh in my panties. I was afraid of my Kat’s juice messing up her mother’s chair, so I ran to her parent’s master bathroom and tried my best to calm myself down. I took my pants off and then slid down my sopping wet panties. They were so wet that I could wring my sticky juice out of them and into the sink. When I looked in the mirror at my Kitty Kat’s hair, it was matted down and had a glistening shine. I was never so wet and so turned on. Wondering what happened to Connie; I put my pants back on and could see wet spots on the front of them. The panties were so wet, so I just stuffed them in my pocket. This was my first time going commando and it felt good. (Note to self.)

All of this was so new to me. Either I was too sheltered or Connie was way too fast. As I came out of the bathroom, my mind was in a blur. The show was not over; Connie was lying on her parent’s bed with her legs wide open. She had her fingers in her mouth and was licking off what I knew had to be her own juices. When she saw me, she just smiled and then pouted her lips. I walked slowly over and sat on the bench at the foot of the bed with my eyes never looking away from my girl’s beautiful body. She started smiling at me and asked was I mad at her. All that I said was that it all just surprised me. Connie just pointed at my pants pocket and laughed at my panties hanging out. She said I must have been so surprised that my panties fell off. I looked down and could do nothing but laugh at my unfiltered friend.

Connie sat up in the bed and started to move towards me. A little startled at this, I pulled back some. She slowed her movements, took one my hands and pulled my panties out of my pocket with the other. She paused for about 10 seconds and then put her arms around me and hugged me tightly. I started to loosen up and returned the favor. When we finally started to release each other from the hug, she looked me directly in the face and said that she had always wanted to see how far she could go with me. My mind was racing and my Kat was starting to juice again. The goofy lost smile on my face told it all. Thinking that the show was all over, I never expected Connie to lay back on the bed and then stuff my panties into her wet pussy. When she pulled then out, she sniffed them and handed them back to me. Her next statement was that we smelled good together. Taking the panties back, all I could say was that I had to go and would see her in school on Monday.

I got out of there and ran the ¼ mile to my house. Sprinting up the stairs in the house and into my room, I made sure to lock my bedroom door. When I got into my bathroom, I striped down and looked at myself in the mirror. Watching myself, I started to sniff my panties and rubbing my hand on my Kitty Kat. I was feeling a need for a change and wanted my pussy to be as pretty as Connie’s. Not knowing how to cut it the right way, I figured it was time to go talk to my big sister, Katrina. If I went to Connie, I might do something that I was not ready for.

Kat on my Kat

Not knowing how to pose the situation to my sister, I decided to wait until everyone was asleep and then go into her room to talk to her. Knowing that she would be up because she always Skyped with her boyfriend CJ, who was recently deployed to Japan. She and he had graduated from American University last May. She took a job with the DC Government and he immediately entered the Army to fulfill his 6 year military obligation. Katrina and CJ talked for hours each night. I waited until I thought that she was through with her Skype call to go across the hall to her room. We each had the privacy of our own rooms with full bathrooms and had the entire third floor of the house to ourselves with two empty guest rooms and another bathroom as the only other rooms on this floor. As I walked towards her door, I could see her sitting in her desk chair with her legs up on her desk. When I got closer, I noticed that her robe was wide open and her hands were squeezing her big tits. Like I said before, she and I shared the same body types. CJ’s voice startled me when I heard him tell my sister to work that pussy for her Big Daddy. He repeated this over and over several times.

Standing in the doorway, I could see Katrina working her pussy with what I thought was her hand but turned out to be a plastic shaped black dick. I knew from Connie, that this was a dildo. This was some powerful shit because Katrina was lifting her big ass off of the chair to meet the strokes of the dildo. Her body was in a constant motion. She was telling her Big Daddy to stroke that big black dick and come for his Indian Mama. Katrina had kicked her screen and turned it towards the door. All I could say was DAMN. His dick was big, fat and looked like a black snake. It was as long as a school ruler. He kept stroking that big black cock faster and faster, all the while telling Katrina to beg for the dick. Katrina was stroking her pussy so hard with the dildo; I just knew that her pussy was going to be torn apart. She complied with CJ by telling her Big Daddy to give it to her harder and harder, until he came on her fat pussy. Their sexy words were making me hot as hell, so hot that I did not realize that I was rubbing my Kitty Kat through my panties. I did not have on my nightgown, only my bra and panties.

Once again, I was wet from watching others. My attention was drawn back to CJ who was telling Katrina to squirt that juice for Daddy. Even though I was lost by his words, I could not stop rubbing my Kitty Kat. I was mesmerized and falling in love with CJ’s cock. What I heard next jolted my attention towards my sister. Her ass was now even higher off of the chair and her legs were wide open. She was now moaning and groaning like a bitch dog in heat. She kept yelling, I’m coming Big Daddy, I’m coming. Then the damnedest thing happened, a waterfall was shooting out of my sister’s pussy and spraying on her desk. It seemed endless but before she was finished, CJ yelled, oh shit baby, Daddy is coming too. When I looked at him on the screen, I saw that he was shooting his cum all over the computers camera. My right hand was now rubbing so hard and so fast on my pussy, while my left hand had started to pinch my nipple through my bra. This was too much for me because I moaned loud enough for Katrina to turn and look my way. The mini waterfall was now running down my legs. Like a deer in headlights, I could not move. My whole body was shaking and my legs were wobbly. Before she could say anything, I got myself together and ran towards my room. The last thing that I heard my sister say was that Little Sister, as she called me, had CUM and was GONE at the same time. I was BUSTED!!!