Mum’s Story

I came home from a hot afternoon trying to get layed by a new girlfriend. She had let me finger fuck her until she came but was not interested in returning the favour or any other form of sex that involved me! I had come home as horny as hell and was thinking about laying on my bed and wanking off to get some relief. I slumped down in the armchair opposite my mother’s. On a Saturday afternoon she was at home too but my Dad and two sisters were at work.

As usual she was half laying, half sitting in her armchair drinking a mug of tea and watching TV to the right of me. As usual she rested her tea on her extremely large stomach which was covered by a thin cotton dress. The dress had ridden up her more than ample thighs and I was faced with a huge amount of bare fleshy thigh. Her legs were huge! They were so big that even with knees wide apart as they usually were, half the length of her thighs were firmly stuck together! As usual though I could still see her kickers because of the position of the hem of her dress. This was not a pretty sight. She wore those thin but extremely large stretch cotton passion killers that had a kind of pattern woven into them. They were also not unusually holey! Her ginger pubes showed through the top of an obviously much larger hole that extended down between her legs. I had seen this before and usually would swing myself round to the right to view the TV screen or simply sit somewhere else. Today was different though because I had a raging hard on from my prick teasing girlfriend and I didn’t mind the sight of an expanse of ginger pubes

“What are you looking at you little perv?” my mother suddenly screamed, shaking me out of the little dream I was in. I was speechless. She was always putting on this sort of show. Why had she suddenly noticed me looking? I took my eyes away from her crotch and blushingly looked at her face. She had some kind of smirk on it but she was not looking me in the eye either. Her gaze was fixed on my cock straining in my jeans.

” You’re just like your father, you little perv or should I say big perv” she said, waving her finger at my cock. “Can’t you keep that thing down just cos you see a bit of pussy?”

I blushed further. I could not speak. My mouth opened but no sound would come out because I couldn’t think of a defence!

” Want to see a bit more do you dirty little perv? Want to look at Mommy’s pussy do you?” and she opened her legs even wider. I watched her fat thighs peal away from each other, sort of coming unstuck. She pushed herself further down in the armchair to facilitate this and I was presented with almost the whole of her cunt through the gaping hole in the knickers. I could see her right hand labia, bright pink in the sea of ginger hair. I couldn’t believe my cock twitched!

“You are a filthy little bastard just like you father. Getting turned on when there’s a pussy about. I suppose you’re going to run off to your bedroom and toss off are you?” she smirked. I still could not reply!

” Stand up and come closer so I can see your fuck pole you little perv” she commanded. I did as I was told.

“Get it out and show me you fucker. Get it out and toss off in front of me. If you see mine I can see yours and if you’re going to toss off because of me I’m entitled to watch you. Now do it!” she nearly shouted. I took my super hard cock in my hand, closed my eyes and began to wank off. The situation was horny in that someone was watching me and I would soon cum. After all I’d had this erection for about an hour! But my mother was sadly mistaken if she thought she was turning me on in any way shape or form! She was a big fat cow and I loved her as a mother but definitely not as a sex partner. I could feel the wetness as I stroked my pre-cum into my glans. I was getting there.

” Open your eyes boy. If you’re going to wank off over me you should see the object of your fancy!” she snapped as she pulled aside the damaged knickers exposing the whole of her fat ginger haired cunt. The lips were gaping open and fluid was beginning to bead at the bottom of her slit. My mother was turned on!! But I wasn’t. I needed to close my eyes again.

“Don’t you dare close your eyes” she said, “You don’t need to dream it. Its here. You want to fuck don’t you? So fuck my pussy! get down on your knees and put that fuck pole in your moms pussy.” She nearly pulled me over as she snatched at my arm, forcing me down between her legs. I saw her gaping hole being pushed toward me and I guided my cock into her. I could only get about half of it in as my body was held away by her enormous thighs. “That’s it, fuck me. Shoot your cum up me. Give me your cock you little fucker!”

I pushed into her very hot cunt two or three times and then felt my orgasm well up inside my groin and roar up into the head of my cock as i poured cum into my moms big red cunt. I was relieved it was over in more ways than one and wasted no time in withdrawing and shuffling backward on my knees. I glimpsed her cunt with liquid running out of it.

“I’m sorry Mom” I said sheepishly.

” You’re just like your dad. He had a hair trigger when we first started. You’ll get better. I’ll show you”.

I nearly threw up! The prospect of ever doing that again filled me with dread. I hadn’t wanted to do it and I never wanted to do it again. I made an excuse about going to clean up and left the room. I stayed in my bedroom until I heard my sister come home and then changed and went out. Mom just behaved as normal with me in front of my sister and asked where I was going in her normal way.

I spent the rest of my time in that house until I left home engineering my time at home never to be alone with my mother. She didn’t even seem to notice and nothing was ever said to me. She did once ask one of my girlfriends if I was OK in bed! Perhaps to find out if I still needed training!