Mr Dean Christie Pt. 1

Dean, or Dee as he was usually called, had the sort of personality that meant he did well in the banking profession. Very well in fact! By the age of 50 he was a multi-millionaire. He wasn’t flash mind; he kept a low profile.

He had an all-electric black Jaguar I-Pace SUV as his day car and a yellow 1968 Porsche 911 Targa, recently fully restored, as his weekend drive. Not that he did much driving; Dee spent most of his time at home and around the pool, only going out or online for when he was mentoring ex-colleagues in the banking industry.

Dee was a bachelor. He didn’t have girlfriends; he had acquaintances, because he liked it that way!

He had retired just after his 50th birthday and relocated from London, England to LA in the US. He didn’t by a mansion on Rodeo Drive though! About three years ago he’d bought a house in suburbia, surrounded by families. It was a large house mind, that had recently been modernised. It had its own pool and big backyard. The backyard was slightly overlooked by the next-door neighbour’s house up the hill from him but that didn’t bother him as he could see in there their yard, with a good view of most of the pool area, and you just don’t know when that might be a benefit!

The house next door had been empty when he moved in and had stayed that way until around six months ago when a young Mom and her teenage daughter had moved in. There was no man on the scene and Dee subsequently found out that the Dad had died in a fatal car accident and they had relocated to get away from the memories in their old place. Dee also learned that the Mom had Irish heritage, which was interesting.Mom and daughter had spent a lot of time and money tidying up their new home when they moved in, and it was now looking pretty smart.

The Mom, Angie Adams, was around her late 30’s and was in great shape. Her daughter Carla Louis, or Lou as she preferred to be called, had her 18th birthday a few weeks after they moved in. Angie and Lou were both fit as fuck, but it was the teenage daughter that Dee lusted after.

The pair were often out in the backyard together, so Dee checked them out from the back-bedroom that overlooked their pool. It became obvious that they both liked to sunbath topless, which was the bonus Dee had been hoping for when he bought in suburbia! Just watching them lounging about got his dick hard and he would sit and watch from behind the shutters, stroking his erection whilst he planned how he might get to fuck them.

Dee had a top of the range SLR camera, so he set it up in the back-bedroom behind the shutters with a superzoom lens and he took photos and videos that he added to his porn collection.

Lou’s best friend Betty was a regular visitor to the house to chill around the pool with Lou and seemed to stay over quite often at weekends. Whilst Lou was around 5 feet 6 with a fulsome figure and curves in all the right places like her Mom, Betty was tall and willowy, skinny even, with smaller breasts. Both had round, tight butts. Lou had long dark hair whist Betty was a short blonde. Lou was very confident and mature for her years. She knew what she liked and didn’t like and had a stubborn streak that meant she wouldn’t be messed around with. Betty was not quite so worldly-wise, but she trusted Lou, so she tended to follow her lead.

Lou also had her larger group of friends over quite often to hangout around by the pool, and they would all sunbathe topless. One afternoon there was an almighty commotion from the back yard next door and so Dee went to the back room to investigate. The girls were having a water fight around the pool, so they were chasing each other which meant that teen tits were bouncing. Some of them had somehow lost their bikini bottoms so the video he took that afternoon became a go to for a good wank.

Dee didn’t do romantic or tender. With Dee it was physical and energetic. He didn’t do lovemaking; he did sex, and it could be aggressive! He didn’t do the really rough or extreme stuff mind. He wasn’t selfish though, he was always sure to make his partner cum, multiple times hopefully!


Dee worked hard to befriend Angie and Lou; not to be nice, but to pursue his own agenda. And then came the day when it started to pay off, or so he hoped!

Angie popped round to see him one Wednesday after work for a quick chat. She was going away for a long weekend and but leaving Lou and Betty at home in the house. They had been warned off house parties and having lots of her friends’ round, so they would only need the occasional visit to check all was ok. Dee wouldn’t mind, would he? You bet he wouldn’t mind! But talk about asking the fox to guard the hen coop!

Dee popped round Friday evening, after the girls got back from college, to check they were all set. They told him they were staying for a film night with a pizza delivery, so they were fine. What they didn’t say was that the films would be porn and there would be large dildos involved!

Dee spent the evening watching his video recordings of the girls whilst planning his next move.

On the Saturday the girls were sunbathing topless by the pool as usual, so after lunch Dee popped round to put his plan in to action!

“Would you like to come and chill out by my pool next door and then I will do us a barbeque for diner?” He asked.

Why not!” Lou replied, getting up and slipping on an oversized t-shirt. Betty did the same and they followed him round to his place.

Immediately on arrival the girls removed their t-shirts and resumed sunbathing on the sunlounges.

“Would you like a glass of prosecco?” He asked.

“Oh, that would be nice!” they replied in unison, so Dee went to the kitchen, poured three very large glasses, and joined his teen friends. His plan was not to get them drunk just nice, and relaxed.

“You’re not trying to get us drunk, so you can have your wicked way with us, are you Mr C?” Lou asked, being more intuitive than she realised.

“No, of course not! I just want you to feel chilled and enjoy the sunshine,” Dee deflected.

It got to 4pm and Dee was thinking of his next move. Trouble was, that set his imagination running and that led to the usual response in his loins.

“Anyone for a top up?” he asked, getting up from his lounger, having decided to offer refills.

“Yes, please Mr C,” they both chimed, so he went to get the bottle from the fridge.

“Hey, is that a bulge in your shorts, Mr C?” Lou asked, as he refilled her empty glass.

“Certainly not. That would be totally out of order with young girls like you around,” said Dee, trying to be as dismissive as possible.

“So, you don’t find us sexy then?” asked Betty.

“I didn’t say that; it is just not a bulge in my shorts!”

“So, you do find us sexy, then?” countered Lou. And then moving on, out the blue, she asked, “Hey, Mr C, do old men like you watch porn?”

“Don’t you be cheeky Miss Adams, I am ‘older’, not old!” Dee replied, trying to sidestep the question.

“Ok, so do older men like you watch porn then?” she asked, determined not to be side-tracked.

“Why, do you watch it?” He answered, deflecting yet again.

“Yeh, sometimes. In fact, we watched some last night, didn’t we Bets?” said Lou, and Betty nodded.

“What sort of thing do you watch?” Asked Dee.

Lou answered, “All sorts of stuff really, but if we are feeling really horny our go to is stuff like teens getting pounded, girl on girl, that sort of thing. What sort of stuff do you watch Mr C?”

“Have you seen any vintage stuff from the early 80s?” he said, avoiding yet again.

“Not really,” said Lou.

“Would you like to see some?”

“Yeah, why not!”

“Well, follow me then and I will see what I can find for us to watch,” said Dee.

“Ok,” Lou replied, making a move to get up from the lounger, “Are you coming Bets?” She asked.

“You bet!” Betty replied, also getting up.

“Make sure you bring your wine glass; I’ll get another bottle from the kitchen as we pass through,” said Dee.

Both girls picked up their glasses and followed him as they were, not bothering about their tops, or anything else for that matter.


Dean’s video room was in the basement of the house; it took up half the overall floor space, so it was quite roomy.

As you opened the door to one corner, the room spread out in front of you. The walls and ceiling were painted maroon, so it was a cosy room, with a nice thick marron carpet. The huge tv was on same wall as door. Opposite the screen was a large maroon two-seater sofa with another two-seater on each side.

Dee invited the girls in and pointed for them to sit on middle sofa, as he went to the small cabinet underneath the tv were there was a laptop. He linked the laptop to the TV with Bluetooth and searched the files for the porn clips he was after. He pressed play, took a remote control from a drawer in the cabinet and went to sit on the sofa to the left of the girls, putting the remote on the girls sofa

“Don’t you want to sit with us?” Lou enquired.

“No, I don’t want to crowd you,” he replied, then “You girls seem very ‘forward’ for your age,” said Dee, as he settled down on his sofa.

“We are a product of the modern age Mr C. Even if your parents try to protect you, you can get access to all sorts of things on the internet quite easily, from a very young age, including adult materials. We are exposed to all types of stuff, including porn and the like. Kids grow up a lot faster than they did in your day Mr C,” Lou explained.

“Indeed!” Said Dee, “I can see that.” Then, as the first clip started to play, he explained, “The stud in this clip is a guy called Peter North; I think you might like it.”

As the clip got started, a very young Peter North was playing the part of a pool boy, cleaning the pool for a wealthy family. The petite teen daughter was laying on her back on a sun lounger, sunbathing topless. Knowing exactly what she was doing, she then sat up and asked Peter to rub oil on her back. As he obliged, the camera zoomed in on his swim shorts; a growing bulge was becoming obvious. The girl noticed it too and reached out and grab it. Impressed with what she felt, she wanted to see it, so she pulled down his shorts and gasped as he was exposed.

“Oh My God! That is some cock!” Lou gasped. “So thick and hard. How long is it, do you think Mr C?”

“Well, if you believe what the internet tells us, they reckon it was a good 10 inches.”

“Oh fuck, how would you cope with that?” Betty asked rhetorically.

Meanwhile, back on screen, the girl had swivelled on the lounger, turned to face Peter and began to suck on his huge cockhead.

“Does she take it all in her mouth?” Betty asked.

“Wait and see!” Dee replied, noting as he did that Betty was casually playing with her nipples as she watched the action on screen.

In the next scene, the girl had shed her bikini bottoms, and her ass was perched on the edge of the lounger, legs wide apart. Peter was on his knees between her legs, naked now, licking her shaven pussy and sucking on her erect clit.

Dee could see that Betty had now pushed her hand into her bikini bottoms to rub her own clit.

Lou saw him looking and got up to go over to join him.

Hey, what are you doing?” he asked.

“I thought it might be nice if we got to know each other a little better,” Lou explained, sitting to his left.

“Oh, I see! Are you sure that is a good idea?” he asked.

“We will see,” she replied, as she leaned into whisper in his ear.

“I bet you have a bulge in those shorts now old man!” She teased, bringing her left hand across to feel for herself. “Oh, what a surprise,” she added, feeling a hard lump. “I am sure that must be uncomfortable for you Mr C. If you would like to stand up, I could see if I help you get more comfortable.”

As Dee got up from the sofa, on screen the girl had now moved off the sun-lounger to kneel on the grass. Peter was on his knees behind her, about to enter her teen quim for the first time. The camera zoomed in on his huge member, that was now glistening with the saliva from her sucking him.

“Can you see this, Lou?” Betty asked.

“You bet! He looks huge. I can’t wait to see him enter her.”

“Me too!” said Betty.

And they watched as Peter slowly pushed his long thick shaft into her. The girl moaned her appreciation as he gradually buried it up to the hilt.

“Fuck, that is some horny stuff Mr C,” Betty remarked, as she rubbed her clit ever more vigorously.

Emboldened by the way the afternoon was proceeding, Dee asked, “Do you girls think you could take a cock like that?”

“I’d like to try!” Lou quipped.

“Me too!” added Betty.

Although Lou was watching the screen, now that Dee was stood in front of her, she was also working on removing his shorts. She had unfastened the drawstring ties and was the pulling them done. As they slipped over his groin, she could see he was wearing a pair of Lycra shorts underneath.

“You snidey old fecker,” Lou remarked, betraying her Irish heritage, “That is cheating!” she added, knowing exactly why he had done it. “Look, he has been cheating,” she called to Betty as she began to peel the second pair of shorts down off his hips and down his thighs. As she did, his cock was slowly set free. Lou gasped, as it came into view just in front of her face

Having been imprisoned in the tight shorts, Dee’s cock was not fully hard, so it arched out from his groin, the head drooping toward the floor.

“Look at it grow,” said Lou, as the shaft, having been released from its prison, slowly lengthened and thickened, gradually lifting the head until it was pointing to the ceiling.

“Looks like we have our own porno star!” Betty remarked.

“Or at least an older version!” Lou quipped.

“You cheeky sod!” Said Dee, betraying his British origin.

“Why don’t you come and sit back down, and we can continue to get to know each other whilst we watch the video,” Lou suggested.

So, Dee did just that! And Lou immediately leaned her left arm over in front of him, wrapping her left hand around his raging erection and began to pump it slowly.

“This is great porn Mr C! Do you have any more vintage clips? Asked Betty.

“Yeh, if you get that remote next to you and press the right arrow it will click to the next clip, but you might want to fast-forward this one by five minutes and watch the end of it one first,” he suggested. So, Betty took the advice and did just that.

As the clip resumed playing, the girl had now moved to the patio and was standing on her tiptoes whilst leaning forward and resting her forearms on a table. Peter was behind her with his hands on her hips, fucking her hard from behind. The girl was moaning and groaning as he did so. As the camera zoomed in, you could see his thick long shaft thrusting in and out of her hairy pussy furiously. Then suddenly, Peter pulled out, wrapped a hand around his shaft and pumped it, grunting as he shot a long thick rope of spunk up the girls back. He pumped and grunted again as he shot another rope and then another and another and another, until shot his load.

“Jeez, that was some orgasm!” Betty gasped, “I have never seen anything like it.”

“I thought it might impress you!” said Dee.

“Do you cum as big that Mr C?” Lou asked, as she continued to pump his cock.

“That would be telling!” he replied and then, “But if you keep doing that, you will see soon enough!”

She rubbed him a while longer and then, eager not to cum just yet, he said, “I think it is my turn to get to know a little better now Miss Adams! So, if you would stand up, please.”

And so, Lou obeyed, standing to face him. Immediately, he began to pull down her skimpy bikini bottoms. They easily slipped over her hips and down her thighs to reveal her hidden treasures. She was clean shaven, so her erect clit was clearly visible.

“Nice clit!” Dee remarked, involuntarily.

“Thank you. You can lick it if you like?” she offered, putting her hands on her hips, and thrusting them forward, towards him.

Before he did, he called over, “Have you got a shaven pussy Betty?”

“No, it’s curly. Look!” she replied, standing up and whipping off her bikini bottoms to reveal her teen bush.

“The trouble with a curly pussy is the hairs get stuck in your teeth!” said Lou. And with that single short sentence she told Dee all he needed to know about the girls relationship.

Then he was on to Lou’s clit in a flash. This was what he had been waiting for; what all his scheming and conniving had been about.

He licked and sucked and slurped away!

Meanwhile, Betty had skipped forward to the next porn clip. There was a very sexy girl with blonde tousled hair lying naked on her back on a fourposter bed, legs apart, knees up. The stud this time was a guy called Ron Jeremy and he was kneeling between her leys, head down sucking and licking her hairy pussy. The girl was moaning and groaning with pleasure. Then, after a minute or so Ron knelt up and his erect cock came into view for the first time.

“Fucking hell, That’s another huge cock!” said Betty, “How big is that one? Do you know?”

“They say 11 inches or so!” Dee replied, taking a temporary break from pussy licking.

“Jeez!” Betty gasped, as Ron, sitting back on his haunches, shuffled forward holding his cock, aiming the head at the girl’s quim. “You are not going to put that thing in me, are you?” the girl groaned.

“You better believe it girl” said Betty, as she watched him feed his equine member into her and the girl moaned and groaned. Then he started fucking her.

Dee stopped licking and invited Lou to sit down so he could take a hand to her clit.

“She will cum in no time if you do that Mr C,” Betty advised, as Dee rubbed.

“Good!” He replied.

Sure enough, after a minute or so, her body suddenly went stiff, and then she shrieked and shuddered as her first orgasm of the evening hit as she came.

“Fucking hell, that was good!” Lou sighed.

On screen the girl was now on all fours with Ron kneeling behind her. The camera went in close to show his glistening cock as he pushed it into her and then fucked her hard with long deep strokes.

As soon as she was recovered, Lou stood up, faced Dee, and climbed onto the sofa straddling his thighs. She placed her hands on headrest behind him. “Hold it for me,” she ordered as she then lowered herself onto the fat helmet.

“That’s it girl, sit on that big cock; take it all.” Betty called, rubbing her clit vigorously her first orgasm hit.

Lou gradually slid down the long shaft and then began to ride him until she came again.

On the video, the girl was on her back again with Ron back on his haunches, gripping the base of his cock as he fucked her with the first few inches. He then groaned and pulled out of her quim. It was obvious he had squirted the first dose into her chute and then he pumped his cock, squirting the rest of his cum on her pussy again and again, until he had shot his load. When he has finished, she reached a hand down between her legs and rubbed his jizz all over her quim.

“That was some show Mr C!” said Betty, having recovered from her climax, ‘’How are we going to better that?”

“I have an idea,” he replied, “How about you come over here and lick Lou out while I introduce you to my little friend,’ he urged.

“Oh, yes please, that would be great!” she exclaimed, getting up off the sofa to join them.

Lou, climbed off Dee’s cock reluctantly, turned to sit her tight ass on the very edge of the sofa and then lay back to relax. Betty fell to her knees between Lou’s legs, placed her hands on the edge of the sofa, either side of Lou’s thighs and leant in to eat her pussy.

As she did, Dee knelt behind her, centred the tip of his cock on her quim and thrust it deep into her. Fuck, that is big!” Betty groaned as he stretched her chute as she sucked Lou’s clit.

With the head of his cock safely lodged, he took hold of Betty by the thighs and eased his length into her until her tight ass hit his groin. Then he fucked her long, hard, and deep until she came, and he shot his first load of the evening deep in her pussy.

“Oh, Mr C, I wanted to see how much cum you had!” Betty moaned.

“Don’t worry little girl, you will soon get to see,” he reassessed her, “The night is young, and it is going to be a long weekend!”

To Be Continued.