Mind Controlled Janice Pt. 118

Stephen had gone to work, and David had only 5 minutes ago set off for work experience at the Department of Work and Pensions. When I received the message from Elaine that Ginger wanted me. My mind seemed to separate from my body, and my body took control. I was in just my nightie. I walked downstairs and out of the front door. I shut the door, leaving it unlocked. My mind tried to make me fetch the keys, but my body was in control. I walked to the street as a car pulled up. I climbed in and sat there. I felt like I was sitting inside something, looking out, and had no control over what happened. My mind was just watching what my body did.

The car took me to the Holiday Inn hotel in Tong. My body left the car and walked into reception. Ginger was waiting for me by the reception desk. There was no love lost between the two of us. He indicated with his finger that I should follow him. I did; we entered a room, no ordinary hotel room; it was bigger than usual at one end; there was a television with several chairs arranged around it and a small bar fridge; at the other end was a double bed with wrought iron headboard and footboard. Both the headboard and footboard had chains and handcuffs fastened to them. Between the bed and television was an ample open space with a table. A thick chain hung From the ceiling; ropes, handcuffs and blindfolds were on the table. Off the room was a bathroom. Ginger said, “In the bathroom is what I want you to wear. My body walked into the room and took my nightie off. The only piece of clothing was a short white wrap over a skirt.

I emerged from the hotel bathroom, and with a slight lift of my arms and hands, my voice said, “Well? What do you think?”

But instead of answering me, he held up an index finger and made a circular motion, indicating that I should turn in a little circle. Smiling on the outside but cringing inside, I did my best little turn in a sexy, slow, provocative turn. I was rewarded with something I did not expect. Before I had reached the “front” again, I felt a hand smack hard on my bottom. My mind hated him.

He kissed my cheek and smoothed my hair. He whispered, “My Good girl, you are going to give us fun today, and you are to meet an old acquaintance”.

“Hold your hands out,” he ordered.

He placed handcuffs on my wrists and locked them shut, and then, pulling my arms stretched up out straight above my head, he fastened them to the chain so they were held above my head. He clamped my ankles into leg spreaders that kept my ankles about 3 feet apart. I could now not close my legs. He slid his hand up the inside of my thigh, and very, barely touching me, he let his fingertips glide over my fanny that I could feel was wet; the body was enjoying itself, but the mind was not.

A knock sounded at the hotel room door. He slipped a blindfold over my eyes with a kiss on both my eyelids and a lingering kiss on my lips. As he tied it snugly, he whispered in my ear, there is nothing you can do to stop what is about to happen to you.

I heard the opening and closing of the hotel room door. “Hello,” said a voice. The next thing I felt was a hand, just the fingertips drifting around my waist as if he was walking around me in a circle and had to maintain contact with my skin the entire time. I could tell he had started before me and walked behind me. The brush of fingertips over my skin, making me shiver slightly, evoked laughter from them. “Don’t you worry a bit,” crooned Ginger. “We are going to enjoy you, but you’ll love every minute of it!” and with a smack on my bottom, I felt him walk away and heard the two of them opening drink cans.

I heard another knock on the door and not just one but several voices. I heard the door open, and someone said, “And the rest of the gang arrives all at once!” I knew that voice, Brian Chaney! I had worked for him once, and we did not get on; he blamed me and Wayne for everything that went wrong. My mind panicked. What was I to do? What could I do? I knew from the experiences of a friend that he was a real pervert, and I was helpless.

There was much good-natured joking at that point, all crowding around me. I found myself gasping with each fingertip that touched me, each little kiss bestowed on my cheek, or each large, warm male hand that caressed my breasts.

I could hear them moving away from me and could soon listen to cans of beer popping as they were opened, and someone switched the television on to a sports channel. From their conversation, I gathered that this was a man’s day out to be spent drinking and watching sports, and I was part of the entertainment. I could hear at least five different voices talking.

Someone moved close to me, and Brian Chaney whispered, “Well, it’s Janice Goodall. What an unexpected delight meeting you like this; I wonder what Wayne would say if he could see you now? Wayne always thought so much of you, and you spent so much time at the college disliking me, disagreeing with me and trying to put me down as you thought I was not up to his standards? Well, you bitch, you seem to be a bit tied up at the moment. What good luck for me and bad luck for you? I think that I am about to get the last laugh!”.

“I told you I had a surprise for you”, called Ginger’s voice from across the room. You have control of her for twenty one days, and then you are not allowed near her again.

I was worried about what he would do, and I was angry. I wanted to reach out and hit him, but my body was eager. His hand went on to my hip, ran down the skirt and to my bare leg, and then it moved to the inside of my leg and up between them, I was wet with excitement, and as soon as his finger reached my vagina, I tried to lower myself down on to it eager to feel it stimulate me. He moved his hand away. “Are you that eager with Wayne?” he asked. “Is that what he does to you?”.

“Let’s see you fully naked”, he whispered in my ear. He undid the two buttons that held my skirt in place, and it unwrapped and dropped to the floor. There was a loud cheer from the others in the others in the room. Even through my blindfold, I could sense him looking at my naked body. His hand went onto my stomach. “You have put some weight on since you worked for me,” he said. His mouth touched mine in a gentle kiss, and I leaned forward and responded. Brian moved away, and I was left alone.

Talk and the television played for several minutes, and then another knock at the door. Ginger answered, saying, “Hello.” Several new voices were talking in welcome—some of the voices I recognised from college.

There were steps in front of me, and I could smell beer on someone’s breath as his face was close to mine. Brian said, “Now is the moment I have waited for”. I felt the touch of glass on my breast. “I do interesting things to women with a bottle!” he whispered. He drew the bottle very slowly over my breasts, stimulating each nipple with it; taking several minutes, he moved it across my side and ran it up and down my spine, causing a tingling. The bottle moved down across my bottom. He forced the bottle across my stomach and up my body to my mouth, across my lips and then straight down into my pubic hair. He lingered there with it. The bottle moved down my left leg to my knee, to the inside of the knee and gradually up to between my legs. It touched my wetness, and I felt it at the entrance to my body.

“Not that,” said Ginger from close by as the bottle tip entered me, “we need her good for all of us to have.”

Brian stood very close to me. I could feel his shirt against my breast. “That was an escape for you”, he hissed in my ear. I heard the zip of his trousers unfastening. He moved close again, and I could feel him pushing his pants down. As his trousers went down, I could feel his erection fall against my lower stomach; my body moved itself forward for it. “You are desperate”, he whispered. He moved away; I could hear him undressing. Then he was back and kissed me. I responded. I could feel his erection pressing against my pubic hairs. Brian bent his knees to lower himself, and his cock was between my legs. He held himself there and growled into my ear, “When we used to argue at college, I dreamt of doing this to shut you up!” He moved and entered into me. My mind was whirling with the humiliation and also anger at him. My body had the opposite reaction; it was enjoying itself. As Brian moved into me, I immediately climaxed.

“Oh yes”, he exclaimed, “will you be telling Wayne about this? How eager and desperate you are to fuck me”. “Well, you bitch”, he continued “, this is my dream come true, I am fucking you, and you are enjoying every moment of it; this completes my full set for your family before I was stopped, I had had Laura, Susan, Nina, Christine, Ida and Samantha and now you, and do you know I have one advantage over Wayne I am still fertile and can get you pregnant, you are not too old for it to happen.” His hands were gripping my buttocks hard. As he talked he moved up and down his cock in me. I was responding moving my hips in time to him. My body felt and enjoyed every moment of it. “The big moment is coming” he panted in my ear “the moment when you are mine” and he gasped as he came. He came out of me, and there was a cheer from across the room.

I heard Ginger’s voice whisper something to me, and everything changed. My mind and body were back in tune with each other. I was excited; I had just had fantastic unprotected sex with Brian, and I was in a room full of men that I could not see for them to do what they wanted with me. All I wanted was sex, and plenty of it.

There was a step behind me. A pair of hands went round me and grasped my breasts. I could feel an erection pressed against my bottom. “Bend forward,” said a voice; I leant forward as far as I could, tied as I was. He stood behind me, moved a hand between my legs; I was still wet from Brian and guided himself into my vagina this cock had a condom on. His hands went back to my breasts, and my nipples hardened. He moved, making me come but not coming himself.

I was left alone. The men were talking about sports. There were nine of them. I was frustrated. I needed one of them to come and have me.

I felt two mouths, one on each breast and two hands for each. They were touching my breasts, caressing me, suckling and nibbling and licking and biting on my nipples. Then there was a mouth on mine.

I could feel two cocks pressing against me, two mouths and four hands. I needed them. I wanted one of them between my legs. I moaned in frustration. This just wasn’t like me, but it was me. Suddenly, I felt two more pairs of hands on my back curving around my neck, wrapping around my neck, and a voice telling me just to be quiet and stop moaning. I could feel my hips pressing forward, embarrassingly arched out, and there were two more mouths on my shoulder blades. Oh my, I had a mouth on each nipple, hands on the curves of each breast, and I had a mouth at the nape of my neck on the left and the right. I climaxed like never before. Then a cock was in me, and I climaxed again, and then another one entered me. I was in heaven as a third man entered me, all of them in minutes.

Ginger unhooked my hands from the chain, unfastened my handcuffs and leg spreaders and led me to the bed with my blindfold still on.

I felt two men grab me, one at each side, and move me into a sitting position and then, still in that position, pick me up. Two hands parted my legs, and two more supported me under my arms. I felt them lower me and felt an erection touch me; they were dropping me onto someone, and I was so wet it slid into me with no resistance. The support of the hands disappeared, and I slid further onto the erection. Hands grabbed my waist, bouncing me up and down on it. A hand grabbed my hair, pulling my head back. I opened my mouth with a gasp at the force of the pull, and a cock entered into my mouth. The cock was pushed to the back of my throat. The cock was moved backwards and forwards in my mouth. I was having two men at once. A spurt hit the back of my throat, making me choke, and the second it landed on my tongue, I swallowed it. It tasted good.

I was laid back on the bed, and the voices and footsteps moved to the other end of the room. After a few minutes, the bed moved as someone knelt on the edge of it, and then the weight of a body lay on me. I opened my legs, and another cock entered me. “Ginger’s voice sounded close to my ear. “Come on, babe, perform for me,” I kissed him hard on the mouth, and his tongue was in my mouth, touching mine. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him as close as I could then he withdrew from me “kneel on all fours,” he told me I did, and he placed his hands on my hips and moved his cock into me I came again as his sperm filled me. I laid back on the bed, relaxed and satisfied.

“Well bitch”, said Brian’s voice, “I think it is time for you to taste my cock. I was now not bothered who it was. All I wanted was sex. “Kneel” I did as I was told. His erection touched my lips, and I opened my mouth and licked the tip of his cock. I took him into my mouth, licking it up and down it as I began to suck on him. As I sucked, I felt him grow. I sucked quicker on him and felt his hips moving and his hands on my head. He came. I felt his cum sliding down the back of my throat. “Well, you are a slut after all,” he said

After that, the party fizzled out as people left. Before I left, Ginger gave me instructions about enjoying Brian, loving him and being eager for him to make me pregnant, though I cannot remember them.

+++ The next day

I Walked down the street towards Janice’s house, thinking about how yesterday I had fucked the bitch for the first time and how over the next few days, I was going to fuck her many times and subject her to experiences she would never have imagined. Ginger had programmed her so that she would constantly want me to fuck her, and she would be hoping I would make her pregnant. Ginger had also given me command words that could turn her mind control on and off.

This report is a tran***********ion of a verbal report given by Janice.

I received the message when David left the house, and Brian was coming.

I wore a. Fleece bra, white knickers and jeans. I was barefoot, as that was what the message ordered. I watched out of the window for him, feeling eager. I was looking forward to seeing the man I used to hate and hoping he could make me pregnant.

He walked down the street carrying a bag.

I opened the door, stepped out of the house, and kissed him. “Do you treat Wayne like that?” he asked.

“Come on,” he said. We walked down the street to the empty house, number 26. Brian unlocked the front door, and we went inside.

He led me upstairs to the back bedroom. The house was warm as the central heating was on.

·There was a double bed in the room.

“Strip to your bra and knickers!” he instructed. I did while he removed his coat, shirt, shoes and socks.

Kneel and kiss my feet in worship of me,” he said. I knelt before him, bent my head, and kissed his feet.

Still knelt, I unzipped his trousers and pulled them and his underpants down around his ankles. Brian had a slight erection which I took into my mouth and sucked on it. His erection quickly grew until he touched the back of my throat, and I could feel his pubic hairs against my lips. He pulled out of me and took his trousers and underpants off.

He pulled out of me and took his trousers and underpants off. He turned around, “kiss my arse,” he instructed; I did, planting a kiss on each of his buttocks and then, at his command, I parted his buttocks with my hands and ran my tongue up and down the crevice of his buttocks, and then I licked his anal hole running the tip of my tongue around it.

I stood up, “take your bra and knickers off,” he instructed. “Lie on the bed and spread your legs wide.”

I lay on my back, spread my legs, already aroused, and anticipated what was to come.

Brian knelt between my legs, and I stared at his erection, wondering if he was about to make me pregnant.

“I can use you for fourteen days, and you will do whatever I want, and you will be desperate for sex with me and anyone else I tell you to have sex with,” he said.

I was desperate then, wanting him to give up talking and to make love to me.

I wonder what Wayne would say if he could see you now? Well, you bitch I am going to do my best to get you pregnant.

His hand ran up the inside of my leg, and his finger entered me. This was better than talk. The weight of his body pressed on me. I opened my legs wider that’s right bitch let me fuck you. I put my arms around him, and we made love.

Afterwards, I lay on the bed watching as he stared out the window. He did not say anything, and I could feel myself starting to want sex again. I stood up and walked up behind him, pressed my breasts against his back, put my arms around him and held his manhood.

“Ah, he said visitors”. I looked out of the window. Two young men were approaching the house. Brian went downstairs and let them in. They came into the bedroom. “Your next lovers,” Brian said. I helped them both undress, realising they were boys. One was Asian, and one was black. I knelt in front of the young black man and used my hand and mouth to bring him to an erection.

Brian was taking photographs of us. I pushed the boy onto the bed. I was wet with excitement. I needed sex and was not bothered about who it was with. I knelt over him, took his erection in my hand, and lowered myself onto him. I leaned forward and kissed him, and his hands caressed my breasts. He came very quickly, filling me with his sperm, virgin I thought.

I rolled onto my back, and the Asian youth leaned over and kissed me on the lips. He moved down the bed, and his head went between my legs, and his tongue licked at me, making me even wetter. He moved up, kissing my pubic hair, stomach, breasts, throat and then my mouth. His body was so light as he laid on me, and his erection slid into me; he moved slowly in and out of me, bringing me to a pleasurable climax. I held him tight as he brought himself to his climax. For a young boy, he showed a lot of experience.

After they had left, Brian said, “Lay back with your arms above your head.”

Brian took handcuffs out of his bag. I felt a metal band go around my left wrist, and he fastened the other end of the handcuffs to the bedhead. He then fastened my right wrist to the other corner of the bedhead.

“Spread your legs wide,” he ordered. I did, and he fastened chains around each ankle and to the corners of the bed. My legs were spread so vast that the muscles ached.

“Open your mouth he instructed,” I did, and he pushed a rubber ball into my

Mouth, there was a tube from the ball to a small hand pump. Brian inflated the ball until it filled my mouth. I could feel it pressing into the back of my mouth, against the back of my teeth, against the roof of my mouth, and squashed my tongue to the floor. Well, that’s you well fastened up and helpless, he commented. I tried the chains. Yes, I was securely chained to the bed. I lay waiting for whatever he had planned.

He turned and looked out of the window. The minutes passed, and I could feel my frustration growing. I wanted sex; I was getting desperate for it.

Finally, Brian approached the bed; he had a big, hard erection. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, and reality hit me as he removed my mind control. I was tied up in a room with Brian. He had made love to me and photographed having sex with young boys, and I had enjoyed every minute.

Brian was staring at me. I panicked. I tried to pull my arms down, but I could not; I tried to close my legs, but they would not; I tried to shout, but I could only make a groan in my throat. I stared at him in desperation, “Yes, he said you are helpless; for the next few hours, I am going to enjoy this, and I am sure you are not; this is my chance to get my own back on you and Wayne.”

I hated Brian and wanted to hit and stab him.

Brian took both my breasts in his hands and squeezed till I winced with pain. He knelt between my legs. I stared at his erection, knowing I could not stop him. He lay on top of me, and his hardness was against me. I tried pressing my hips into the bed to try and stop him, but it was no good. I could feel him enter me. “Slowly does it,” he said. “This is a moment for me to savour and enjoy”. He moved, pushing himself in and out of me. He was nearly ready to come and stopped and rested for several minutes, his erection still inside me, and then started again and kept repeating over and over how long he was in me. I do not know. It seemed like days, but it was probably about half an hour.

His hands moved over me, squeezing my breasts and buttocks, pulling at my hair. I turned my head and wondered how I got myself in this position, what use Brian would put the pictures to, presumably blackmail, and I thought about what I would do to him if I got free. Eventually, he came. I could feel his sperm inside me, and he groaned with pleasure. I breathed a deep breath as he rolled off me.

Brian opened his bag and took an empty wine bottle out. He touched my cheek with the neck of it. There is no Ginger to save you today, he said.

He started to move the neck of the bottle across my throat, breasts, stomach, pubic hair, down my legs and across the soles of my feet. I watched in fear as he knelt between my legs. I could see and feel the bottle as he ran it up inside them. It touched my entrance. I tried to move away from it but could not. He pushed the neck of the bottle into me until it was stopped as the shoulders of the bottle met the inside of my legs. I groaned into my gag at the uncomfortable feeling.  I closed my eyes and felt the bottle’s pressure grow as Brian pressed harder and harder. I felt my muscles expand as the shoulders of the bottle opened me up, and the entire width of the bottle moved into me. I screamed into the gag with the pain.

Brian said, “I would push it in, but Elaine says no damage”. He took some photographs and removed the bottle from me; I was still hurting.

From his bag, he took an aerosol spray can, “Knock out gas. I am going to enjoy your unconscious body,” and sprayed it in my face. The room spanned, and I passed out.

I woke up. I was laid on my stomach, arms chained above my head to the headboard and legs spread chained to the corners of the bed. There was something heavy and wide inserted between my legs into my vagina, and it felt to be a long way in, and something was pressing hard at my bottom. I turned my head. Brian had a broom handle and was pressing into my bottom. I could feel it was moving deep into me. The pain awakened me, and I could see what appeared to be a round fence post sticking out from my vagina; it was more comprehensive than the bottle, and my vagina felt as though it was ripped apart.

“Back awake,” he commented. I could not answer as I was still gagged. Brian took pictures and removed the handle and fence post from me.

Brian knelt beside me, “this is something I always wanted to do to you”, he said and smacked me hard on the bottom. Several more blows followed, and I cried into the gag as each of the blows landed on my bare buttocks. He was interrupted by a knock at the door. Brian left the room and returned with two police officers. They both undressed quickly, and one of them lay on top of me. I felt him pushing at my bottom. There was a sharp pain as his erection went into my anus. His weight pressed on me, and he went in deeper.

He started to move, pounding himself into me. His head was beside mine, and he breathed heavily as the bed rocked.

I pressed my face into the Mattress and cried as the police officers buggered me.

·The second one did the same.

As they left, Ginger arrived. He undressed and pressed a vibrator into my vagina. He switched it on, and despite my distress, it stimulated me.

Ginger rubbed some lubricant onto his erection, laid on me, his arms wrapped around me, and cupped my breasts, and he started to bugger me.

I could not help it. The vibrator made me climax; I came twice while he had me.

Ginger got off the bed and whispered in my ear, and I realised everything was well.

I looked at Brian and realised that it was all a game and that he loved me, and I loved and wanted him.

Ginger left. Well bitch Brian said that was good. He unfastened my hands and legs, then removed the gag. I rolled on my back and held my arms out to him. I had thought he could blackmail me with the photos, and presumably, the police would support him, so I would have to do as he said forever; otherwise, I could end up in jail. The thought of Brian controlling me permanently gave me a thrill. We lay kissing and touching. I could not help but moan as the vibrator between my legs brought me to climax again, but I needed the real thing. I removed the vibrator, put my hand down between us and guided Brian into me.

Afterwards, I looked at the wine bottle that lay on the floor. “Did you want that inside me,” I asked? “yes”, he said.

I picked the bottle up, laid it on my back, and tried to push it into myself. I got the neck in, but no further.  I stood up and placed the bottle on the floor. Brian lay on the bed watching; I was doing this for him. I crouched over the bottle and lowered myself until the neck penetrated me. I pressed my weight down hard, and I opened up as the shoulders of the bottle entered me. Crouched as I was, I could not press down further, so I took a firm hold of the bottle and lifted my feet off the ground.

“Hell!” exclaimed Brian as I slid rapidly down the bottle with all my weight pressing on it. There was a short pain as the bottle banged into something internal. I looked down, and about three-quarters of the bottle was inside me. I stood up with the bottle protruding out of me. I smiled at Brian, “That’s what you wanted”, I said, pleased I had carried out his wish. Brian took some pictures and removed the bottle.

That’s it for today. He said we kissed, and I went home.