Mina Kell 1

*first story so let me know if you like it. Part 2 maybe?*

Mina walked slowly through the streets of the last city, her Shank, named “dog,” followed with a bag of goods and salvage to trade. Two of her arms held another bag over her right shoulder. The left two hung loosely, occasionally having to push past the massive influx of humans and Eliksni in the bazaar. She stood a full head over the fenales, about half a head over most males. Her deep purlple skin was covered in brown and blue wrpapped robes that snuggly wrapped her torso and covered most of her mouth before wrapping arpund her head, hiding her ‘hair’, a stiff material more akin to quills, and her mouth peice that, in traditional Eliksni fasion, covered bith sides of her mouth and met at the middle.

Her wandering took her to the usual spot where a friendly face greeted her outside of a wide, one story terra cotta building with multiple doors and windows. This particular trading hub was owned by a human man named Jaffar. A tall, dark-skinned man with black hair and beard and a welcoming posture, Jafar quickly spied Mina in the crowd and ussured her inside to a table. Mina always traded with him, for he paid top price for her strange finds and was always pleasant company. Often, they shared a glass of a human drink called ‘wine’ that she loved, though could never afford. After all, any glimmer made during trade goes to the collective coffer of the Eliksni quarter and the House of Light. She would be given a small stipend, of course, but it was to help her people recover and grow. So she did not mind. She had no special skills, and her softer claws and skin made her too undesirebale to be a mother as many other females had become to raise their population. Besides, she got to meet so many fascinating people on her trips through the city, at least, where her pass allowed, and someone had to scavenge for trade, she told herself. She flashed her pass to the nearby guard that approached to legitimise her place there. Each trader was issued a pass to access certain areas and also to enforce cerfues. It was how the Last City managed its dance population of humans, and now Eliksni.

She entered Jafars building, The Travelers Trader, a very obvious play on names, and began discussing with him a price for her goods. He was always so kind and exuberant when he spoke to her, she thought. A lot of humans despised her kind, and the feeling was mutual back home in the Eliksni quarter. Yet he was excited and eyed her with wonder. As they discussed, she described the week it took to find the objects, the dangers she faced being outside of the walls, and how much her people always appreciated his glimmer, doing her best as always to speak like he did when haggling, to ‘talk-him-up’ as she had heard it said one time. Her voice was smooth and even, though, with what would be considered a Mediterranean accient. Human speech was difficult without her mouth peices translator kicking in when she fumbled back to her native tongue. Through it all, everything went well until the price.

“Unfortunately, my friend, these are fine things… but the most I can offer is 500 glimmer. They are nice and functioning, but not very rare or valuable, and that is with a little extra for my favorite Eliksni.” He concluded with a smile and a nod.

“Oh…I see…this is….unfortunate, yes,” she said, mubling and rubbing her hands together. It was not near enough compared to the time she spent searching. Inside, she was very upset, but she did he rest to try and hide it as a glass of red liquid was pushed in front of her.

“Here, my friend, your favorite, I wish I could do more,” he sat with his own drink as she removed her mouthpiece and took a sip. The sweet yet tart fluid rand own her throat with a pleasant buzz in her mind, somewhat quelling her somber mood. Human food was always strange to her, but the al-ko-hall as they called it never dissapoined.

“It is….okay,” she replied after her long sip, “the people will endure, light provided. I only wish I could do more.” She drank again as he transferred the glimmer credits to her account via her Shank.

“I know you scavenge a lot,” he began, “but it’s slim pickings outside the walls. Maybe some interior work is for you instead, eh?” She pondered the offer. She had some technical skills and was well versed in human/Eliksni relations, but how could that help. She had no higher standing than a vandal among her people. He continued, “I have a business partner, Mr. Alain, who operates several locations for various…well…businesses. He is looking for some fresh help in a particular industry.” Her eyes peaked up as she finished her drink and reconnected the tech she wore.

“Oh! Well, I-I-Ive never worked for a human,” she stumbled as the surprise and wine hit her at once. ‘An opportunity to help my people! And make new relations with the Great Machines chosen!’ She thought to herself. “Please! Introduce me! If you don’t mind, yes, I do not know much of human bussssinesss,” her narrow jaw making the ‘s’ drag out, ‘but I will do anything for my people!” He smiled and gestured to the back entrance, opposite from when she came.

“Good, good! I have transport outside as his business is about an hour from here if you wish to speak with him today.” She noted eagerly, and they stood and walked to his small carriage drawn by a motorized wheel. He told her of the man, Alain, and how he is jolly and friendly but also about his money. “He only hires the truly commited, and makes sure to take care of his workers as long as they work hard,” Jafar explained as they rode up an alley to a back entrance of a red and purple building. There was a neon sign on the front. She could tell from the glow on the street, but she could not see enough to read it. After a brief knock at a door l labeled “VIP” and a conversation with a serious looking guard, Jafar lead the cloaked and covered Mina inside, he suggested she hide the fact she was Eliksni until they met Alain as this part of town was…less accepting of an alien walking around. They went up a flight of stairs and into a blue walled room with one wall made entirely out of black glass. She could tell by the circuitry surrounding it that it probably changed its opacity remotely. In the room was a desk, and at that desk was a chubby, read haired, and bearded, fellow in red and white robes. He greeted them warmly, hand bid them to sit, and she removed her hood and outer cloak. Reveling her hair, face, mask, and forearms.

Alain welcmed them both with a gracious smile, his eyes locked on Mina as they greeted Jafar with a hand shake and Mina with a traditional bow. Jafar quickly introduced Mina and explained her situation, though from the look on Alains’ face, she suspected they had discussed her beforehand. “I see,” nodded Alain as Jafar finished and took a seat beside Mina, “well my dear, I can most certainly find you employment inside the city. Jafar here mentioned you a time or two during our lunch meetings, and I must say he was not nearly generous with his words. I haven’t seen many Eliksni, but you are by far quite fetching, for what a compliment from a human is worth.” Mina felt her cheeks turn a lighter shade at the praise, her purple skin going more blue around her eyes.

“Oh! Well…thank you, sssir,” she began, “I did not think myself to be a subject of conversation yesss. But I am pleased to have been so well represssented. ” She noted to Jafar, who smiled back. “Pleasse tell me…what work would you have me do yes? I am not the best my people can offer, but I am the best at being me.” She ended the statement with a smile, her longer face showing the smallest bit of teeth.

Alain leaned in and gestured to the desk, “well my dear, you needn’t worry about skill, I can teach you everything you need to know, as for the job, well…why not take a look,” and he gestured to the window, nearby was a small half circle couch facing out where he and Jafar moved to sit, offering her the seat in the middle, as she sat Alain handed her a cup of wine. which she drank early and began to cough. The drink was far stronger than Jafars usual offering, and she felt her head start to get fuzzy. “Oh my goodness, I’m sorry, my dear, Jafar mentioned you enjoyed good wine, so I had one of my favorites brought up, I did not think it would be that strong.”

She stopped coughing and wiper her mouth, waving him off with her extra left arm, “No, no, I am sorry to have wasted your drink, please, I can pay for what I have spilled.” The worry building up in her at the idea she just ruined her chance.

“Heaves, do not worry, you’re far too polite, these things happen, besides the bottle itself is a mear 200 glimmer. Nothing to fret over.” ‘200?!’ She though, ‘and they just casually shared this with me?!’ Her mind was a race of fuzzy warmth and worry. “Now then, take a look, this glass is one way so we can see, but they cannot.” As he gestured, the lights dimmed, and the Glas turned translucent. Below was a stage with a few tables around it and a pole in the center. A wound human girl in a red robe was moving in a rhythm to music and walking around the stage. The few patrons sat in the dark, nursing their drinks and watching. She made another pass before the music kicked up, and then she tossed her robe aside. Mina gasped as the woman wore a tiny outfit that barely covered her groin and breast. She had never seen such a thing. Then the woman began dancing hard, grinding on the pole,  squatting in front of the men, and even climbing the pole and spinning her body glinted and sparkeld as Mina noticed she must have some sort of glitter. She was transfixed, barely noticing the men beside her as she watched the woman dance for 20, no 30 minutes, at the end she cralwed close to a man who reached up and gripped her breasts as she exposed them. He barely got a feel before the music stopped, and she spun around, giggled, blew him a kiss, and then waved and walked off the stage.

Mina was in shock, “what…what is this? This human ritual? Is it for mating? Finding a mate, yes?” She was so full of questions. Her people had a vastly different way to attract males, not that any wanted her, she thought sourly.

“This,” began Alain, “is exotic dancing, where young women put their bodies on display for men, and the men in turn pay to see such a lovely spectacle. That girl, Cindy, just makes 1000 glimmer in 30 minutes, and she keeps 30% of that.” The numbers floored, Mina. This human made almost as much as she did today, but in half an hour, compared to a week’s worth of scavenge and danger! Though She did not fully understand the reason why, she knew she had to work for this man if he was willing to pay so much, but what could he want her for? She voiced the question out loud. “Isn’t it obvious, my dear? I want you to become a dancer!” She choked on her drink a bit at his sudden announcement as Jafar just smiled and offered her a napkin.

“You want ME to perform? For humans?” She could barely phrase the words without her mouth peice. “I am Eliksni, alien to your kind, yes? And… I do not believe you would find my form pleasing. Males of my own species ignore me for my soft skin alone!” She began to sputter, trying to understand what he was thinking.

“Soft is exactly what humans like! As for your figure, “he eyed her up and down, “I believe were more alike than you know.” His eyes ran along her shrouded head to her chest, whitch was covered and yet clearly she posseded large breats, then he looked to her waist where her hips and stomach made a defined hour glass shape as her ass was definitely wide and her thighs folowed down to her strong legs and clawed feet. She did not move as he eyed her. She was used to humans staring until she realized what he was decerning and felt her cheeks flush purple again.

“I-I-I am flattered, but…the humans, yes, here in this part of the city have much hatred to me, my kind, yes? Would this not be bad for me to be exposed to them?” Her voice shaky at the thought of getting mobbed by humans. She quickly emptied her cup again, and Jafar refilled it just as fast.

“That’s just it,” He mentioned, “this can help mend relations, and it can help then see the similarities between us! Not to mention, it allows for spectacular stage play.” He finished, stroking his beard. She cocked her head to the side and inquired, with a slur, what he meant. “Well, your first show could be of you as a conquering warrior, then you get ‘subjugated’ and made into a slave and for the finally'” he stopped to take a breath, though Mina got the feeling this wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment idea,” you make peace with the humans in a super sexy way!” He smiled excited at the idea. Mina could smell a strong scent of testosterone and other hormones in the air. She deduced that the idea excited Jafar and Alain in a primal way. She tried to hide her emotions as he explained, but she too felt a heat rise in her abdomen, and her nipples hardened at the idea of being exposed. Such a thing is not something her people do, but the wine had a way of making everything these men said sound like honey.

“I don’t know what to say…”she began, “this is… not normal for my people.”

“Do not your males take multiple mates in your culture?” Alain inquired.

“Well, yes, but it has never… been the other way around, yes? Females do not choose mates… so much as they are chosen.” Her head was swimming with the implications if she accepted, sure there was glimmer, but being so exposed, and to humans no less, yet, no one else would know. She could keep it a secret from her kin and help them. After all, is it not better to take a much safer job that guarantees money? And Jafar has never steered her wrong. All of these thoughts swam through her head like a swarm of shanks.

“Think of it this way,” Alain said, pouring another glass of wine for himself and topping hers off, as she had been sipping it the whoke time, “we want you, but do you want us? How could we make this worth your while?” She realized, as she drank again, her mind was a full blur, and she could barely speak in the human tongue, so she donned her face mask or else she knew she’d never be understood.

“W-well…yes..I would need…glimmer…and sssaftey….yes…and time…a passss..”her words blended together, and she swayed from side to side, feeling giddy. She had never been drunk before, though she had heard of it becoming more frequent, among her people as their time with the humans lengthened, and finally understood the appeal. Jafar put a hand out to help her stay steady. Had she been sober, she would have noticed it firmly grasping her left breast. But in her inebriated state she could only focus on her words. She continued as Alain scooted closer, also leading a hand on her right thigh. Below another girl had started to dance in a very short skirt and top.

“How about this,” Alain started as he placed a hand upon her leg, and began rubbing her thigh up towards her crotch.” I will let you keep 40% of your earnings and insure you and all day Pass for each day that you work. I will also have a security frame take you here from your home and back. And as icing on the cake, I will even include one bottle of this drink that you seem to like so much as part of your payment a week.” He finished with a smile, both men now right against her form caressing her arms and legs through her clothes, firmly grasping her tits, and otherwise molesting her drunken body.

“I’ll include a stipend,” jaffar announced, “if you show us what your body is like now, so we may plan your outfits and shows accordingly.” He withdrew a long measuring string from his pocket. Her mind was muddled and confused, but she enjoyed the attention. Males of her own race never gave her any, and after all she did for them, too. She inquired the amount, her mind focused on her mission for her people, and Javar offered an extra 1000 glimmer if she would let them see her body. her eyes widened at the amount, and she could not believe what she was hearing. That much just to see her disrobed. She was still learning human ways, but this was by far the strangest, she thought and giggled. What did she have to lose, though? Its was a lot of glimmer, though in the back of her mind she was panicing at the idea if being naked and all the touching, but the alcohol made her love evey minute of finally being noticed by males. With a shrug. She did her best to stand up after agreeing and the glimmer was transferred.

With slow movements, she began to pull her sash off of her head and then undid the laces around her top, being careful not to fall over as the men offered her a hand every now and then. First, her top came off, revealing dark purple skin that got lighter towards her nipples as pair of very large breasts with a second pair underneath them, about half the size of the first pair, bouced free. In human sizes, the top set were D’s and the bottom barley C’s. She swayed a bit, making them shake as Alain grasped in awe. She smiled behind her mask, please, at how they looked at her. Hers were not even as most females should be, so males discount her ability to feed newborns. Thus, she thought she would never mate, nor concive. Both men were very surprised, however, at this and urged her to continue, praising their size and firmness as they stood and “measured” them with their hands, occasionally pinching a nipple or pulling them, making her ghasp. Then she began to undo her trousers. As she let them fall, it became apparent that she did not wear underwear and the men could see everything at this point. Her skin continued with this dark purple hue but got lighter around her sex. Her hips had hardened sections of skin around them as well as her shoulders and back. Her lips around her vagina were a much brighter blue with a small dark button sticking out between them.

She felt shy and embarrassed despite the alcohol. But stood by and allowed the men to measure her as they occasionally groped and touched her most intimate places. Jafar focused on her chest, wrapping the measuring string around them and recording the numbers, while Alain went behind her, stroking her back ridges and then her ass. He asked her to bend over on the couch, she did, unsure what for, as he spread her ass cheeks. A gentle “oh” came from her as he investigated her ass hole, and then she felt him spread her lips, a wet sound emeiating from them as his fingers probed. “My word, two holes? Humans only have one, may I ask about this, my dear?”

Her words slured as she replied through moans, “we, ah..mmmm, we have two, wombs to carry many children…ahhhh… as males posses mutiple….umm,” she struggled for the word, “appendages, so too do we. Is it not so for humans?” She finished with a ghasp as Jafar sat in front of her and started undoing his trousers while talking.

“No, we actually only have one, see?” And he pulled out a 9 inch long member in front of her face. She ghasp as it became erect. It was so different from her species, less ridigid and pointy. Her face leaned close as she inspected it. “It’s is custom for females in our culture to take it into their mouth and suck on it without their teeth touching it. They use their tongue to please their mate until orgasm. It’s, uh, a bonding method to show true intimacy,” he said with a grin as he stroked her cheek.

She felt Alain beind her rubbing her clit, she didn’t know why but a small part told her to stop this. But her mind was so fuzzy and felt so good, and they were so nice. She removed her mouthpiece again and led forward. Her long purple tongue snaked out, and she licked the member from the bottom to the top. The flavor was salty to her more, decering taste buds bit she did not mind, salt was a delight to her people. She ran it up and down the length several times, Jafar occasionally coached her to focus on one part or how to please the head before he pushed her open mouth upon it. It was strangely easy as her elongated mouth slid over the member. Her teeth were more pronounced than a humans, but only on the sides, the foremost part of her mouth had a large gap that was perfect for a human cock. She began to suck and lick as she was told. Jafars moans, evident that she was doing it right.

Alain had, by this time, retrieved his own member and was rubbing it between her ass cheeks. It felt wonderful and her pussy ached but she felt a fear, she was pure and had never been mated. When he began to push against one of her openings, she pulled away at first, but he grasped her hips ans said, “easy my dear, everything will be okay, we will make you feel wanted and accepted. This is but another step toward our races coming together and a boon for your people.” His honey words rang in her ears and she relaxed, spreading her legs  a bit as Jafar guided her head up and down. She felt so warm and energetic, how could this be a bad thing if it was so nice?

She could feel Alains cock push into her vagainal hole closest to her ass, as it stretched to allow the thick organ inside. It was not unpleasant, though it did hurt a bit, as she felt first the head, then one inch, two, and finally seven inches of human inside her. Her legs quaked with excitement as her body experienced an orgasm, her moans stifled by Jafars cock in her mouth. “By the traveler your pussy is tight!” Alain exclaimed, “Im going to move now, but it will be slowly, I do not want to hurt you.” Ahe could not reply as Jafar had her head held down upon his shaft, her mouth bust finding every place she could lick to please him.

Alains movements were slow, as he said, the inward, outward motion rubbing against her walls as she struggled to stay in place on shaky legs and focus on what she was doing. By this point, Jafar had reached under her to grope her top set of tits and hold her up. As challenging as it was for she was much bigger than the men, they began fucking her mouth and pussy in rhythm. Her moans and their ghasps the only sounds aside front he wet slapping of Alain thrusting, picking up speed, and Mina slobbering all over Jafar like he was a savory peice of candy. The pounding quickly became more than her weak knees could handle, and she sank to the floor with another orgasm, grasping for breath and moaning as she struggled not to fall sideways. Alain slid from her as she collapsed and smiled, “My sweet beauty, let us help you as you have helped us.” He motioned our Jafar to help pick her up and straddle her over his cock, now pointed at her front hole. With slow deliberation, they slid her down onto it. A small squeak came from her as her head rolled back. It felt so good to be mated, to feel wanted by a male, she thought. Then her head snapped up as Alain leaned her forward and slid back into the other hole. She ghasp and exclaimed in her native tongue as she was filled as if mating with another Eliksni. So this is what it felt like! The feeling of four arms and two cocks inside her made her giddy with joy and numb with extacy. Both men helped her move up and down on their shafts, her muscles clenching and releasing to maximize their pleasure. They grabbed her tits and pulled at her nipples for what felt like hours as they pumped her, and she occasionally rode them until her thighs were buring. Her excitement grew when they both mentioned an unfamiliar phrase and began fucking her harder than before. She felt her own body tense, and her breathing became labored.

“Ohhhh! Traveler! Ohhh, light, fill me!” She yelled in both languages as she felt the biggest orgasm she’d ever experienced rock her body as both men also tensed up. Warm thick fluid filled her inside, and though she was drunk, she knew now the men had pushed their seed deep inside her. She cared not that it would not bear children. The pleasure was more than enough. Her chest heaved with exertion, and sweat ran across her body as she lay across Jafar. Both men also had, some time ago, disrobed completely and we still inside her throbbing as cum dripped from her cunt holes. Eventually, Alain withdrew, and she stumbled off of Jafar. They all sat a moment before Alain offered them each some water and began to speak.

Mina was still naked and dripping as they did so, not caring or noticing Jafar snap a few still pictures from a nearby device. Alain began, “My dear… that was wonderful. I dare say you’ve ruined me for human women all together,” he chuckled, “I think I’ll match Jafars stippind from before, and also I think this is going to be a beautiful relationship.” She nodded and could barely speak as Alain arranged for her paperwork and an escor back home, as it was getting later than her pass would allow. Both men helped her dress and walked her to the back entrance, shrouded from view. “Now, my dear. Be back here tomorrow morning, and we can begin some training. We can have your debut in 3 days’ time. The security frame will meet you at the east gate of the Eliksni quarter, and Jafar will get you hone this evening. Do be safe and thank you for a wonderful time.” He finished with a smile.

She nodded her head, as much as she could fo it was still fuzzy with drink, and replied, “and ttthank you, yess, for the opportunity…and the…ressst…please may we work together….well,” she managed to get out as Jafar lead her to his cart, where Dog had been waiting all afternoon, then back home, all the while keeping a hand on her thigh the whole ride. At some point she felt her head lay across his lap and he puked his cock out, erect again, and covered her with a blanket. Needing no command she began to suck him again. The flavor of their mixed cum rich on her tongue. She did not know that it was obvious what she was doing from the outside, luckily the streets were mostly empty. Her rhythm and pressure increased until Jafar moand and pushed her head down, thick ropes of cum shot into her mouth and the swalled the salty treat with two gulps before sitting up and smiling at him, cum dripping down her cheek.

She barely remembered getting to the gate after that or the guards accepting Jafars’ story of a long day of haggling and a new job opportunity as a merchant’s assistant. She knew her drunken state was not uncommon, especially in the last city, and did not worry, letting Jafar handle all the talking. Then, familiar arms of another Eliskni helped her into her apartment and onto her bed where she dozed off. Her body still realing from the events just an hour before. The last thought she had before drifting off to sleep was of a warm feeling in her belly, a salty flavor upon her lips, and a wet feeling between her thights.