Mimics are the Worst

Adventurers are so dumb.

Let them get a few drinks in, and suddenly their pockets are much looser. Not even the observant rogues caught on once they were deep in their cups. And people paid less attention when someone inconspicuous slipped a hand in their pocket.

Adrian was a master of the art of pick-pocketing. This time, he had managed to snag something expensive. Or, at least it appeared expensive.

The object appeared to be a small statue made of a colorful rock. It was about the size of his hand and very light to hold. He couldn’t determine what the object was supposed to be. It didn’t look like any animal he had seen before. He stowed it away in his pocket, excited to have it appraised by the fencer in the morning.

Adrian ran to his hideout, eager to be somewhere the adventurers wouldn’t be able to find him. He hoped they weren’t the type who had spells to locate stolen goods. It was rare, but that was the last thing he wanted to deal with.

When he got to the hideout, Adrian placed his gear on the floor and dropped the little idol on his dresser. Most of the furniture in his home was broken, makeshift, or poorly held together. The bed was a large downy mattress covered with blankets and things he had stolen from clotheslines around the area.

He undressed and flopped on the bed. Adrian slept mostly nude, preferring the feeling of the blankets and cool air on his skin. Unlike most men, Adrian had been born with what some called ‘lady parts.’ Lots of people had told him this meant he was a girl, but he never listened. He was a man, and he would always be one. Didn’t matter what kind of parts he had.

He kept his blond hair cropped short, and dressed in men’s clothes. Though his body was thin and developed a delicate curve around his waist, he saw it as a blessing. While his friends had blocky bodies, he was still slight enough to fit into all the tight places. Which was where the best loot was usually kept.

Tonight he was quite pleased with himself. That little statue had to be worth something. Once he got paid, he was going to go to his favorite food stalls and buy all kinds of goodies. Maybe he’d get to see the lovely Ms. Tanner who worked in the bakery. She was sweet on him, he just knew it.

With a smile on his face, and baked goods on his mind, Adrian slipped into sleep.


He woke up a few hours later to a strange sensation. Something was moving against his skin. Pushing the blankets aside, he peered down at his body. At first, he didn’t notice anything strange, but he noticed he was wearing underwear.

Adrian blinked. Sleep still clouded his mind, and he tried to remember if he had forgotten to take his underwear off before bed. No, he was sure he had.

Glancing through the cracks in his hideout, he saw that it was still dark. With a groan, Adrian crawled out of bed. He needed a drink of water before trying to go back to sleep.

As he stumbled around in the dark, his eyes slowly adjusted to the light. He found the canteen on the floor and took a drink. When he stood, his eyes noticed that the statue was missing.

Panic woke him fully. He searched frantically for the statue, hoping it had fallen behind the dresser. He hoped to the gods that it wasn’t broken. That was all he needed was for his meal ticket to be shattered into a million pieces.

Something sharp stung his rear. He whirled around to see what it was, but he saw nothing. He sighed and turned back to search for the statue only to be hit with a sudden shiver of arousal. The feeling was so strong, so sudden that he knew something had drugged him.

His body trembled as he struggled to activate the light stone from his pack. Something was happening to him, there needed to be light so he could see what was going on. By the time he got it activated, his body was on fire with need.

Rolling onto his back, he spread his legs and looked down. Ugly yellow eyes on his underwear stared back. Panic couldn’t break through the arousal now flooding his body. That statue he picked up had been a mimic! One that was now pretending to be his underwear.

The creature grumbled as it grew along his body. Slitted pupils dilated as something thick and slimy pressed into Adrian’s slit. He gasped as the tongue circled his throbbing T-dick. No one had ever touched him there before, and the venom pumping through his veins made it incredible.

It didn’t take long before Adrian was writhing on the floor, completely at the mimic’s mercy. His cries of pleasure filled the room as he threw his head back and forth. Goosebumps rose on his skin as the creature sent him over the edge.

Adrian lay panting on the floor, his hair sticking to the sweat coating his forehead. The taste of his blood flooded his mouth where he had bitten his lip. He had no memory of doing so, but he could feel the bite mark on his lip throbbing.

The mimic gave no time for rest. Its thick tongue probed the entrance to his pussy. Adrian squirmed as the tongue pushed inside him. There was no pain as the venom had relaxed the muscles around his entrance. The mimic was rough as it used its tongue to explore the depths of him. It was a strange sensation to have something wriggling around in his body.

Adrian could feel the mimic stroking the inside of him. Rough bumps on the tongue made contact with his sensitive skin, making him writhe in pleasure. It was like lightning was shooting through his body. Even if he wanted to, he didn’t have the strength to tear the mimic away.

When he glanced down, Adrian could see the creature’s tongue wriggling through his belly. The skin and muscles moved unnaturally as the mimic probed his insides. Adrian could feel the mimic pushing against the walls of someplace deep inside him. A place that didn’t want to be opened.

This, however, didn’t stop the creature. The tip of its tongue teased this wall until it numbed and allowed entrance. The mimic pushed past the barrier and moved deeper into the young man’s body. Adrian squirmed as the creature pulled back and then pushed its way inside him again.

With each thrust, Adrian’s stomach bulged and then contracted. The muscles of his stomach were tight and sore from the hard pounding the mimic gave him. He came two or three more times as the creature repeated this process over and over until it was finally satisfied.

The tongue pulled out with a sucking sound and then retracted into the mimic. Adrian felt empty without the creature inside him. But he took this moment to breathe deeply and try to calm himself. He felt as though he were made of rope and his body was ready to unravel.

Once again, the mimic forced its way inside the young man. Something was different this time. Whatever was being pushed inside him was firmer, more tube-like in shape. It eased its way past the wall in Adrian’s belly then flared in a way that locked it in place.

Adrian watched in horror as large, round objects began to push their way into his abdomen. He felt as though his insides were being stretched to the breaking point. However, the venom only allowed him to feel pleasure.

He moaned and arched his back with each object that entered him. The mimic added insult to the moment by flicking its tongue against Adrian’s over-sensitive T-dick. Much to his shame, he was practically begging for more.

His hips thrust against the creature, trying to move closer to it. The eyes seemed to glitter with devilish glee as they watched him. They rolled on the floor as Adrian struggled to find some relief. His muscles were tight and his mind was racing. When he looked down, he appeared to be nearly three months pregnant. Completely stuffed full of mimic eggs.

When the last egg was inside him, the tube bulged one last time as it filled the spaces between the eggs with a thick, gooey substance. The mimic then slid back into itself and fell off Adrian’s body. Once it fell away, some of the fluid oozed out of Adrian’s stretched hole in thick drops.

The creature grew several sets of legs and scuttled around the room. It scurried onto the bed and squirmed under the sheets as if to make itself comfortable. Meanwhile, Adrian remained on the floor, shell-shocked, and high off his multiple orgasms and the venom.

His stomach throbbed, and more of the gooey liquid plopped onto the floor. He was sweaty, dizzy, nauseous, and his head was pounding. He tried to stand, but his legs gave out. He felt like he was going to throw up, but he didn’t have the energy to do it.

When he found his feet, he glanced behind him to see a red welt on his ass where the mimic had stung him. There was no telling how long the venom would last in his system. He only hoped it would be long enough for his body to get used to the rapid pregnancy.

Blinking, Adrian couldn’t believe how calm he was about all this. He had just been assaulted and impregnated by a mimic! By rights, he should be terrified! How was he going to explain this to people? He didn’t know how long mimic pregnancies lasted! Nor if he’d be alive at the end of it!

It wore him out to stand too long. He was exhausted. He tried to sit but ended up falling back on the bed next to the creature who had done this to him. The stupid thing dared to purr and snuggle closer to him!

Adrian was too tired to be angry. He covered his face with an arm and closed his eyes. The mimic curled up next to him, purring. The sound was comforting and made him sleepy.

Adventurers may be dumb, but sticky-fingered pickpockets who couldn’t keep their hands off other people’s stuff are even dumber.