Megan’s Diary : First time group sex

Hi, I’m Megan Australian girl from Perth. I’m 5’6 with big brown eyes and a busty, curvy figure, long unnatural blond hair. This is just another account of something that I experienced with just more than a few embellishments (Haha).

“OMG!, you want me to what?”, I shrieked out in utter surprise

“I need you to come with me to meet this guy I’ve been talking with online, please, I’d feel much safer if you came along”, Alex meekly repeated looking away from me with a hint of embarrassment.

“what do you even know about this guy? Where did you even find him?”, the tone in my voice still signaling how shocked I was with her plea for help.

Alex looked back in my direction and took a seat on the edge of my bed, a moment of awkward silence passed as she drew in a long breath and sighed before replying, “Well, he messaged me on Facebook one night, and we just started talking more, he’s a brother of a friend of my dad.

“wow, what do you guys talk about, what high school does he go to”, I pried, trying to get more information on her mystery boy.

“well the thing is, he’s a bit older than us”

“oh, really? how old is he?”, I asked crossing my arms under my ample chest, a grin appearing on my plump, cherry lips finding this to be quite interesting.

In the time I had known Alex, she never seemed like the type of girl to be all that adventurous and daring, she was quite shy and only had one real boyfriend whom she broke up with a couple months prior. She was the classic girl next door, quiet and nice, everyone loved having her as a friend because she was so giving and kind, maybe too kind and trusting. She has gorgeous strawberry blonde hair down to the small of her back, round, crystal blue eyes, her body was slender with slight curves only really visible when she wore form-fitting clothes. Alex had legs for days, being almost 5’10 she was taller than your average teen and had a striking resemblance to Dakota Fanning

I watched her shuffle slightly back, fidgeting with her fingers nervously, positioning herself crossed-legged on my bed, her pale, white skin was turning a light shade of pink the more I grilled.

“well…. he’s 31”, she sheepishly replied looking away from me, obviously frightened of how I might react.

“jeez Alex, I didn’t realize you were into older guys, such a bad girl, who knew, we all thought you were so innocent and sweet”, I teased walking over and taking a seat by her

“ oh shut up Megan, so are you going to come with me or not?”, she hissed gaining some composure and confidence, the sparkle in her eye telling me she really liked this older man and wanted my approval.

“ of course, I will so tell me more about this guy, are you sure he’s not some kind of pervert?”, I joked, giving her a playful wink.

“It’s nothing like that Megan, well….. we do talk about sex stuff but, he’s really nice and caring…..ugh…, he’s in town for work and he wanted to meet up for a coffee that’s all”, she retorted, obviously trying to hide some juicy facts about their secret online relationship.

“ if it’s just for coffee why do you need me to be there? Scared something more might happen?”, I giggled out, glaring at her with a fake judgemental smirk.

Alex flopped back on my bed and let out a nervous chuckle, she placed a hand in between her small breasts and took another deep breath, “ I don’t know, I like him, we have played a bit online, but he’s never hinted at anything in real life…..I don’t know until we meet I guess”, she confessed, her confliction was clear in her mousey tone.

“ Gawd, look at you, who knew innocent Alex was sexting older guys online, it’s kind of hot, I’m a bit jealous”

“ stop it, Megan, you better not tell anyone about this, I’m meeting him in the city tomorrow OK”

“ Alright, alright, I’ll come over and help you get ready for your hook up”, I teased one last time before we started on a school project.

The next day we strolled into a fancy 5-star hotel where Alex agreed to meet Darren for coffee, she looked cute and classy in her red and floral, white print, V-neck, summer dress, and white sandals while I chose to dress down a bit, sticking to a pair of simple dark, blue, hipster jeans, and a pink, singlet/tank top with black and silver sandals.

“ you sure I look ok? I feel a bit underdressed in a place like this?”, she whispered at me while we walked through the lobby towards the cafe.

“ no way you look hot, he’s gonna love it”, I replied trying to calm her nerves

The crowd in the hotel was mostly mature and business-like guests, we did look a bit out of place being so much younger, even getting a few curious glares from older men wondering why we were even there or more likely checking us out. I couldn’t help but smile flirtatiously at a couple of them who were quite hot, swaying my teenage arse as I passed by, looking over my shoulder and catching them trying to discreetly perv, (it always gave me a huge rush and put a smile on my face).

We entered the small hotel cafe, it only took about 10 seconds for Alex to spot Darren sitting at a corner table busy looking at something on his phone, I followed close behind her as we sauntered over toward him, she was visibly shaking with nerves.

“wow Alex you look amazing, even better in the flesh”, Darren pronounced as he stood up from his chair with a huge smile.

He was smartly dressed in black business trousers and a blue collared shirt that was tucked in, his hair was short and dark, he had a light beard and piercing brown eyes. The classic tall, dark, and handsome de***********ion fit him to a tee, I could now see why Alex had such a big crush on this man, he was hot.

“ thank you, Darren, I hope you don’t mind but I brought a friend with me, I was just really nervous” Alex delicately said before stepping to the side so Darren could meet me.

His eyes were intense, charming, and soothing all at the same time if that is possible as he glanced in my direction, he kept the same smile on his face, I had to admit his attention had my heart beating a little faster. I felt a little guilty that I was finding him so attractive but I couldn’t help the way my body was reacting, I pushed it aside and offered up a simple introduction and a friendly smile.

“ that’s more than OK Alex, I understand you have to be very careful with who you meet online”, He charmingly replied in a deep, manly tone that had both of us girls clearly swooning, “ its nice to meet you, Megan, why don’t you ladies take a seat, order whatever you want”, he graciously offered.

We both nodded and took a seat opposite him, Alex was still very, clearly, nervous and awkward around Darren, while he did his best to calm her nerves by offering more compliments about her outfit and cracking a few jokes. She seemed to relax a lot more as time went by. We chatted and enjoyed a light lunch discussing light topics like future plans and what we were going to do after high school, the two seemed to be hitting it off and even making a few inside jokes which I had no clue about. I was happy for Alex, Darren seemed like a decent guy even though he was going after a teenage girl.

I decided to excuse myself from the table and give the pair a little privacy, coming up with a little white lie about having to call my boyfriend, Josh, Darren smiled while Alex gave me an apprehensive glare, I patted her on the shoulder and said I would be back in 10 minutes before walking off.

I turned a corner and found a secluded spot where I could still get a glimpse of Alex and Darren as they chatted through the glass wall surrounding the cafe and took a seat by a fountain. I watched on seeing Darren start to get a bit more handsy with Alex, reaching over and lightly patting her hand before becoming bolder as he reached under the table to fondle her thigh while they chatted. She seemed to not mind the attention, making no move to brush him away, her head swiveling from right to left, an almost mischievous grin on her innocent-looking face as if she enjoyed the fact someone might be watching him touching her. I was shocked and turned on at the same time.

I didn’t think I had a voyeuristic side but here I was, getting a deep tingle between my thighs as I watched my friend and her older date flirting away with each other, he even got her to stand and do a little twirl for him, the hem of her dress hugging tight to her small, bubble butt and hips, her blonde hair flowing free and cascading down her back. Darren was leaning back and enjoying the display, a huge grin on his face as he eyed up every detail of her young, nubile, body, perversely licking his lips (god I love that look on a man’s face).

“excuse me, I couldn’t help but notice you were having lunch with my business partner over there”, a man interrupted in a husky voice which snapped me out of my minor trance.

I turned my head over to see who he was, my cheeks were a little rosy with embarrassment at possibly getting caught spying, “ oh yes, that’s my friend, Alex, she wanted me to come with her to meet Darren”, I explained to this stranger who was standing by me with a cheeky grin.

“oh yes Alex, I’ve heard all about her, Darren seems to get very lucky with these girls he meets online”, the man confessed as he looked on at the couple.

I looked up at him with a questioning glare, raising an eyebrow, curious to know more about what he just divulged, “ you mean he does this a lot? Meet young girls of the internet?”, I asked, a bit of anger in my tone.

“Oh, crap, I just thought you knew, he’s usually pretty honest about this to girls he meets, sorry”, I’m Mark by the way”, he awkwardly says

“Well, thanks for the information Mark!”, I growl out before storming off back towards the cafe.

I approached Alex and Darren who were laughing away enjoying each other’s company, a dissatisfied expression on my face as I leaned down to tell Alex I needed to talk with her privately, she saw the serious look in my eyes and stood up, quickly excusing herself to Darren. I grab her hand and lead her to the ladies’ room.

“ you ok Megan, what’s wrong?”, Alex asks with a perplexed frown

“ did you know Darren does this a lot, meeting up with young girls he meets online?, his business partner Mark just let it slip in the lobby”, I enquire, my hands crossed under my breasts, hip angled to one side, looking very displeased.

“ oh god…. well yeah I know…. he told me…. I’m fine with it, he lives in Melbourne, it’s not like we can have a real relationship, I just wanted to try something out of my comfort zone that’s all, don’t be mad”, she explained, not having the confidence to look me in the eye.

“Oh My God, why didn’t you just tell me? I thought you were like really serious about this guy, geez this isn’t like you at all Alex”, I replied flabbergasted by the revelation.

“yeah I’m sorry, don’t be mad, he’s really fun, I’m enjoying myself, I know he’s a player but I really want to try something wild, it’s not like he’s lied to me, I know everything…please don’t be mad?”, she pleaded, stepping closer to hug me.

“Alright fine, well as long as you know what you are getting yourself into I can’t be mad at him” I respond hugging her back as I felt my anger washing away.

“Thanks for looking out for me, you’re a great friend, let’s get back out there before he thinks something is wrong”, she happily squeals, releasing the hug and fixing herself up in the mirror before we step outside.

As we both stroll back to the table Mark has joined Darren, they are whispering to each other, Mark filling him in on why I was so upset, both with sheepish expressions as they eye us approaching.

“Everything ok ladies?”, Darren coyly asks

“ Oh yes, it’s all sorted, just a misunderstanding that’s all, right Megan?”, Alex replies with a huge, bubbly smile which puts the men at ease

“ yeah it’s all good”, I dismissively say, flicking my long, blonde hair to one side

“Great, so did you still want to go up to my room Alex? you are welcome to join Megan, we can all get to know each other a bit better in a more private setting”, Darren suggests with that smug, handsome grin he’s had permanently since he laid eyes on us.

“of course I’d love to, sounds fun, don’t you think Megan”, Alex gleefully responds turning her focus to me, almost begging for me to give my approval.

“it’s a penthouse suite, a really spectacular view of the city, we have a spa too”, Mark chimes in

“OK, I guess that sounds like fun”, I begrudgingly agree too as I see Mark giving me a quick once over.

It’s the first time I have noticed Mark, he’s almost just as hot as Darren, I think to myself, they could pass for brothers, Mark is just a tad shorter with longer hair and a bulkier build.

The elevator ride up to their room was tension-filled, Mark and Darren leading the way as I and Alex followed behind, her nerves were returning as we stepped out and headed down a large hallway, I could hear Alex letting out a few deep breaths causing me to look over to see how she was, I too was feeling the trepidation building within me, I had a boyfriend at the time, it was a new relationship and I convinced myself I was only going to make sure Alex was safe but I still didn’t like the fact I was about to enter some strangers hotel room and more so the feeling I had of excitement at maybe doing something wild as Alex had in mind.

Darren opened the door and stepped aside to invite us in, the room was indeed spectacular, high ceilings and large glass windows leading out to a big balcony, the view of the city was amazing, something like you would see in a music video. We both walked side by side, checking out every inch of the place as the men looked on with amused grins.

“So what do you girls think? Pretty nice huh?”, Darren confidently asked spying at Alex who was by a glass window staring out at the view, the warm rays of sun shining through her dress making it a little translucent, he licked his lips and caught me catching him, he smirked and walked over to me, “ I’m glad you decided to come along, I hope we can get to know each other a little better”, he suggested with that smug grin once again before walking off to talk to Alex.

His deep manly voice drew another tingle between my thighs, even if I didn’t really approve of his lifestyle he was at least upfront and honest about it all to Alex which I appreciated, but still I cringed at the way my own body was reacting to his charms. I stood and watched as he walked up to Alex and placed a hand on the small of her back, just above her ass, rubbing her up and down while whispering something into her ear, her legs started to tremble and shake as she turned her head around and gave him a coy, but devious smile. The pair then walked outside onto the balcony and continued to chat.

“you don’t have to worry about your friend Megan, Darren is a playboy but he treats a woman with respect, he won’t do anything your friend won’t consent to”, Mark said out loud grabbing my attention.

Turning away from the pair with a deep sigh I walked over to the black, leather lounge Mark was seated on and plopped myself down, “ I guess so, she seems happy”, I softly huffed out, the couch positioned perfectly so we could see the whole balcony.

“Darren has that effect on girls, I’m sure you have noticed as well”, he teases, giving me a knowing smirk.

“ I won’t lie, I can see why he gets very lucky with women”, I giggle out, crossing my legs to get comfier.

“ looks like he’s starting to get lucky with your friend”, Mark points out

I looked ahead to see Darren and Alex hungrily, making out with one another, his hands all over her small ass, her hands wrapped behind his neck, standing on her tippy toes to reach his lips, I felt the burning desire to also be touched starting to swell deep within me, the longer I stared the more fuel it added, I was squirming in my seat and Mark was grinning knowing I was aroused at the sight.

His business partner’s hands were working their way around to her B-cup breasts, groping and fondling as he broke the lip lock and kissed his way down her neck, nibbling on it as Alex threw her head back and moaned out up into the sky with wanton lust. My pussy was responding to the erotic display, the wetness starting to secrete its way down my teen twat. I let out a sharp moan as Darren slipped her right, dress strap of her shoulder, exposing one of her red, lace, bra, encased breasts followed by the left, he took a step back and admired the view of Alex trembling, the top half of her dress cascaded down her slim torso. He made a motion with his finger, I had no clue what it meant until Alex started to timidly, pull the rest of her dress down her waist, rocking her hips from side to side until the dress fell to the ground beneath her feet.

Darren quickly followed suit as he kept his eyes on Alex the whole time, she stood out in the open in just her red, lace bra and boy-short panties looking on as Darren continued to strip away his clothing until he was left in just his black, Tommy Hilfiger, boxer briefs, the bulge he had was quite impressive even from where I was sitting it looked to be twice the size of my boyfriend Josh’s. I bit my bottom lip and squirmed harder against the lounge eyeing up his toned and manly physique, he was in great shape, not ripped like the guys you see at the gym, but more than adequate to have me titillating at the thought of having my hands roam across his chest.

He leads Alex into the spa where the two sit side by side, their backs turned to us, Darren’s right arm over Alex’s shoulder as he pulls her in closer. I was more than disappointed that my view was being inhibited, ( why couldn’t they have sat the other way), I said to myself.

“ Dam, that was kinda getting hot, you’re friend has a nice body, too bad I didn’t get to see more of it”, Mark chuckled as he adjusted his crotch, the loose-fitting, trousers he had on doing little to hide his arousal.” but I think I prefer more fully figured girls, like you Megan”, he adds with a smirk

“Thanks, I guess, don’t get any ideas, I have a boyfriend, I’m just here for Alex”, I snark out, throwing my head back and sighing up at the ceiling, still feeling flustered after the erotic display I just witnessed.

“ no worries, whatever you say, Megan, we could always go and join them. I’m sure Darren won’t mind seeing another gorgeous girl in her underwear “, he replies with another loud chuckle.

“I’m sure he would love that, and you too by the looks of it, but as I said, I have a boyfriend”, I retort looking over at Mark with a cheeky grin, his eyes were staring a hole into my pink top, the tops of my D cup breasts visible with the low cut neckline, my matching bra straps on show under the thin straps of the top.

“Hey I’m just like any other hot-blooded guy, you have an amazing body Megan, just pointing out the obvious”, he fires back, once again tugging on his crotch with knowing a smirk.

I brushed his comment off playfully, secretly loving the attention from a much older man, my only other experience came from my friend Leah’s uncle who I let fondle and play with my body after a drunken night of partying, he had groped, fingered and played with my teen tits and pussy. The experience was so dirty and hot, letting a man in his 40s have his way with me(but that will be left for another story).

We sat in silence, flirtatiously glancing at each other from time to time as we spied on the couple outside. I noticed Darren throwing his head back, his hand clutching onto Alex’s right shoulder, she was looking downwards, focused on something and that’s when the light bulb switched on inside my head, (omg!, she has to be giving him a handjob), I gasped, leaning over to try and study the telltale signals, having given the same sexual favors to a few boyfriends in the past. Darren alternated between looking down, ( obviously towards his cock being jerked off by Alex), and tilting his head back,( to obviously moan his delight). Alex, on the other hand, was paying all her attention downwards focused on the task at hand, like I had when I administered my first-hand job.

I saw her head shaking a few times, Darren was whispering something into her ear, he was also nudging on her neck suggestively, there was no doubt he was trying to convince her to suck his cock, I knew this from experience because it happened to be the first time I gave in and blew my first dick, I’m sure he was whispering sweet compliments, telling her how beautiful she was and how much he was enjoying her hand on his manhood but her mouth would be so much better. It looked like Alex wasn’t giving in so easily she was still reluctantly shaking her head until after the 5th or 6th time she finally gave in as Darren’s hand led her head downwards towards his lap. He wrapped a handful of her hair in his tight grip and held it as Alex was bobbing up and down on his shaft. For a few minutes, I watched absolutely stunned, my pussy was now on fire wanting nothing more than to have a cock of my own deep inside my hungry mouth, Alex leaned back up and looked at Darren, saying something I couldn’t hear, he then kissed her passionately before motioning for her to continue the oral assault on his member which she did.

I was so enthralled at the sexual display that was going on outside I didn’t even notice Mark had moved closer to me on the couch, his left hand was on my thigh, rubbing it tenderly, the other was wrapped around his thick, 7-inch cock that looked to be hard as steel, my mouth opened wide in dismay at the sight, precum already flowing out of his mushroom-like head as he stroked it slowly watching his business partner get serviced by my friend.

“ Sorry, watching that has gotten me all worked up, you can’t blame me right?”, he explained shrugging his shoulders, gesturing towards the sight in front of our eyes.

My focus was driven away from Alex and Darren for the moment as I stared right at Mark’s engorged member, my wild, lust-filled side was screaming at me to just reach over and take hold of his tool and go to town to quench my sexual thirst, but I held firm to my values to not cheat. It was getting harder and harder by the second as Mark kept stroking his thick, meat while his other hand moved higher, creeping inch by inch toward my covered pussy. The first faintest touch he took of my pleasure area had me moaning, that seemed to grow his confidence as he let go of his cock and used his now free hand to grab my right hand, he placed it on his throbbing member and waited patiently for me to submit to my lust. The situation was spiraling out of control fast, my hand instinctively wrapped around Marks, shaft and started to pump it up and down in long, slow, strokes. The guilty thoughts I had were being pushed to the wayside as Mark’s groans of pleasure echoed throughout the penthouse.

“fuck me… That’s it girly, wank my big dick, you just had to get some dick of your own seeing your little, slutty, friend getting hers huh?”, Mark grunted out as he reached over to grab a handful of my left breast.

I started to protest, letting go of his cock and pushing him away with every ounce of will I had left, “ no I can’t, I have a boyfriend”, I shrieked out my face flushed with guilt and arousal.

“ oh don’t be like that, your boyfriend isn’t going to find out, it’s just one night of fun and we both go back to our lives, look at your friend, she’s loving it”, Mark pointed out.

I looked back out seeing Darren had moved to sit on the edge of the spa, his hands behind his back supporting himself as Alex knelt in the water orally pleasing him, his head thrown back, enjoying her efforts.

As I watched in Awe, Mark had moved around, behind the couch to stand beside me with his powerful erection pointed straight at my lips, I peered my eyes away from the going on’s happening outside, glaring up at him, guilt was written all over my face but clear lust in my big, brown eyes. He rubbed the head of his cock along my tightly sealed lips, his other hand caressing my cheek and brushing my blonde hair away from my face, he kept nudging, trying to pry open my mouth, I kept shaking my head, my pussy dripping profusely, everything in my body was telling me to open up but my mind kept my mouth shut, not letting his thick head pass.

“ come on Megan we both know you want my cock, look at your nipples they are poking out of your top, sweetheart, just open up, look at your friend, don’t you want a nice big cock to suck on as well?”, He argued nudging even harder, his hand moving from my face to play with my right nipple.

I couldn’t speak out of fear his cock head would slip into my mouth between words, I kept shaking my head, feeling the last of my resistance crumbling away, the last straw was feeling his hand, tickling my sensitive nipple, I moaned out giving Mark the opening he needed to push his cock past my lips. The sudden flavor of his precum was so intoxicating I just had to swirl my tongue around his pee slit to taste more.

“fuck …That’s it … holy shit, your mouth is so wet and warm, suck that dick you little slut, I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist for long, sluts like and your friend over there were born to suck cock”, he snickered out arrogantly.

I knew I should be disgusted by his words but it had the opposite effect, it turned me on even more just like when Leah’s uncle had called me a cock, sucking slut, the first time I had ever experienced dirty talk with a man. I reached up and gripped Mark’s shaft in my right hand the other went to his balls and gave them a tight squeeze as my mouth worked over his throbbing cock head, slobbering more and more of my saliva until it started to flow down his shaft which aided my hand as I stroked him firmly.

“fuck me, you’re a keen cock-hungry girl, aren’t you? Be careful with your teeth slut”, he blurted out in between heavy pants of breath.

I looked up almost submissively and nodded my head to his advice and assessment, I was indeed a cock hungry slut, a term I grew to proudly wear as a badge of honor. It was getting hard to really do his cock justice with me seated and him behind me so I adjusted myself to face him, knees on the lounge on all fours. I sealed my plump lips tight around his shaft and bobbed faster, up and down his length, my hand twisting and turning around his member, doing my best to impress this much older stranger whom I just met a couple of hours earlier. I showed much enthusiasm if not the most agile technique which I would learn in due time. Mark didn’t seem to care as he started to thrust his hips, fucking my mouth, causing me to gag and cough, my saliva spilling down my chin onto my top, he didn’t relent and kept thrusting, having his way with my young mouth for his own pleasure.

I had to stop bobbing and focus all my attention on not choking, my hands still played and squeezed his balls, my eyes bulging wide open in shock and awe as he kept pounding my face like a cheap whore, my light makeup was running down my cheeks, my eyes watering. I spotted Darren who had stood up and was also thrusting his hips into Alex’s mouth from a conveniently placed wall mirror, his hands gripping her hair tight as he used them as handles to ravage her mouth, both men using us as their sluts.

“fuck girly, your slutty, little mouth is going to make me cum, you going to be a good girl and swallow it all down?”, he asks but I can tell its more of a command, I give him another submissive nod as he doubles down on his assault of my inexperienced mouth, plundering it to reach his orgasm with no regard for my well being ( which I loved). His strong male hands gripping the top of the sofa, his hips thrusting back and forth.

I glared at the wall mirror once again seeing Darren in the throws of his orgasm, his legs were buckling and trembling in the water, his right arm moving back and forth as he jerked to finish himself off, no doubt covering Alex’s angelic face or tits in his gooey load. I was contemplating asking Mark to give me the same treatment, something I had experienced when Leah’s uncle blasted all over my, young, perky tits, something I still think about months later when a sudden surge of hot, creamy, sticky liquid woke me from my deep thoughts, I tried to swallow fast before another spurt rushed out of his expanding cock head, Mark groaned and cursed his euphoria, pumping his hips and firing more and more of his seed into my hungry mouth, I gobbled most of it up, surprised by the pleasant taste, he kept letting loose and I thought it would never stop, my mouth spilling some of his jizz down my chin and staining the lounge.

“fuck … That’s a good cum slut, make sure you get every last drop Megan”, Mark growled out, his face grimacing as I sucked on his head like a straw, slurping out everything he had left before I opened my mouth to show him it was all gone, something I had seen in a few porn videos which he seemed to appreciate.

He pulled his slick cock free of my mouth with a loud wet pop and smacked both my cheeks with his meaty girth, still surprisingly hard even after his powerful orgasm, I looked up and flinched with each smack loving the dirtiness of the lewd action. I was completely lost now in total lust, I wanted more, I wanted to get fucked, I wanted his big cock to take me however he wanted when we both heard a voice. I quickly felt a sudden twinge of guilt and embarrassment, I was still on my knees, getting dick slapped by Mark, I quickly turned around and used the back of my hand to wipe away some cum stuck to my chin.

“I was just bringing little Alex here to come and give you a good time buddy, but I guess Megan beat her friend to it”, Darren chuckled and grinned at me sitting on the couch, my weak attempt at trying to look less guilty doing nothing to hide the fact of what had happened.

I looked at him with a confident smile, deciding to just own that I had sucked off his friend, my eyes then switched to Alex who was behind Darren staring at me with a cheeky smirk, “Well Alex can’t have all the fun can she?”, I giggled out as the guys started stroking their cocks obviously ready for more.

Darren looked back at Alex then turned my way once more grinning from ear to ear, “Well I think there’s a lot more fun to be had if both of you girls are up for it, I know Mark and I are definitely rearing to go”, he proudly announced.

“ more than ready mate!”, Mark chimed in.

I peeked over at Alex, she had an apprehensive look about her, I decided we girls should have a private chat before anything was really decided, “ can you guys give us a few minutes, I think we need to use the bathroom”, I asked, before getting an answer I jumped up from the couch and walked towards Alex, I grabbed her hand and motioned her to join me.

“ I can’t believe what’s happening Alex, what have you dragged me into!”, I cried out before giggling at the situation I found myself in.

“ I’m so sorry Megs, I didn’t think it was going to get this out of hand, it’s just Darren is so hot and he makes me want to do all these things I shouldn’t…. God… and Mark is pretty hot as well…. I think I want to keep going further… you can leave if you want… just keep this a secret ok?”, Alex pleaded.

“ I’m so shocked Alex, I didn’t think you would ever be into this sort of thing, and there’s no way I’m leaving you here alone….I guess this will just have to be our little secret”, I replied looking at her with affection, “god you are a mess, you have cum all over you”, I teased.

It looked like she had cleaned up most of Darren’s cum but missed the wads in her hair and a couple of stray globs, one on her cute little nose and another just above her left eye, her red lace bra also had cum stains visible, I had to admit I wasn’t into girls but she looked dam sexy right now. I stepped closer to my once innocent friend and wiped away the leftover cum from her angelic face and did my best to remove what was in her golden hair, her doll-like eyes just staring at me, it was clear she didn’t know how to react or what to say.

“ well you are about to get your wish of a wild experience, if you get too uncomfortable just tell me okay and we will stop”, I informed Alex.

“You are the best Megs, I’m so glad I asked for your help, and don’t worry I won’t do anything I don’t want to”, she replied smiling, an excited twinkle in her eyes.

“ okay then, god…. No one hears about this ever ok?… let’s go rock these guys worlds!”, I happily said out loud, smiling along with Alex. I quickly stripped down to my lace underwear, almost the same style as what Alex had on but pink instead of red before we made our way back to the guys.

Darren and Mark had their underwear back on sitting opposite each other and chatting when we returned, both watched with pleased knowing grins as Alex and I stood beside each other hand in hand a few feet away. We both looked at each other and smiled, Alex then did something I was completely not ready for, she turned towards me leaned over, and started to kiss my lips, it was so soft and gentle not like a kiss from a man, her lips felt smooth and velvety. I kissed her back and we promptly started a make-out session in front of two, older, strange men who looked on rubbing their crotches.

As I kissed her my eyes drifted to the side catching a wink of approval from Darren who had his cock out once more, stroking it back to stiffness, I reached behind Alex and unclasped her bra, pleased she took my cue and did the same to me, we both then stepped back breaking the kiss grinning at each other before looking at the boys who were both now stroking erect again cocks. Alex was the first to peel away her bra and I followed a second later, I’d seen her boobs before and she mine, but not quite like this, it was making both our light pink nipples stand at attention.

“Why don’t you girls come over here and give us guys a little attention as well”, Mark urgently suggested, his eyes filled with need and lust.

Alex and I nodded to one another and sauntered over to the men, she knelt before Darren as I took my spot between Mark’s muscular legs, and without saying another word we both took a hold of their hardons and eagerly leaned in to sip our mouths over their thick heads. Mark groaned loudly at the sensation, reaching out to fondle my large breasts as I worked my lips up and down his mushroom-like tip, he seemed less frantic this time letting me go at my own pace, happy to sit back and watch me slobber away on his pole.

I tilted my head to the side catching sight of Alex kissing and licking Darren’s engorged member, he was a little thicker and longer than Mark but not by much, almost identical in every way, I wondered if he tasted the same too ( god I was dripping wet). Alex had the same idea and as she tilted her face towards me I smiled and grinned between licking up and down Marks’s length, Alex giggled and returned my grin as she tenderly kissed along Darren’s throbbing shaft, both of us probably thinking the same thing ( this is so crazy).

The room was a mix of wet, sucking sounds, groans and grunts from the men and a few moans from us girls, Alex continued with her slow approach to servicing cock, Darren was quite large and as inexperience we were, I didn’t blame her, I did hear some gags now and then when she tried to take too much dick at the request of Darren, he wasn’t at all demeaning like Mark had been to me earlier, plenty of encouraging words and advice. It was a far cry from what I was going through as Mark took my head in his hands and fucked my teen mouth like he had earlier, not that I wasn’t enjoying it, I definitely was, I loved being manhandled and made to pleasure a man, the fact he was much older and a stranger only added to the thrill.

Saliva was dripping off my chin and onto my naked tits, I had my hands on his thighs ready to push back if he thrusts his hips too far up which happened on a couple of occasions, his tip stabbing into my throat causing me to gag and cough. There was no apology from Mark, he just gave me a few seconds to recover before continuing the face fuck, “ take that dick, fuck your mouth was made for this, suck that big cock”, he constantly spouted, clearly overexcited, and who could blame him? he had two teen girls with just their panties on sucking his cock and his mates to the right.

I don’t know how long we were going at it, 10 maybe 15 minutes, my jaw was starting to ache, plus my pussy was on fire, I pulled off Mark’s throbbing rod and panted for breath, he looked annoyed at the sudden pause, I guess he was close to letting go once more which would have disappointed me.

“ I want you to fuck me with that big dick”, I requested, turning his frown into a devilish smile.

Mark didn’t have to be asked twice, he got up off the couch and ordered me to take his place, he gripped my waist and pulled me to the edge before discarding my pink, lace panties, he kneeled on the ground and moved his pelvis into place, lining up his fat cock head with my opening. I was so wet and he knew it from the glistening appearance of my bare pussy lips, he ran his cock up and down my tight slit a few times getting the head coated in my juices before pushing inside.

“Fuck me this pussy is tight, looks like you haven’t had a dick this big before huh Megan? fuck Darren you were right, teen cunt is something else”, he commented.

I could see him grit his teeth and push on, inch by inch until he was mostly inside my tight walls. I wanted to scream at the discomfort as he first started invading me, his shaft was thicker than any I’ve had previously, I never felt so full in my young life, my pussy quickly adjusted and conformed to this new invader, just in time as Mark began a slow fucking motion. Back and forth he hammered away holding my legs wide, manhandling me to suit his needs, I just looked on and let him fuck me raw, totally forgetting about any sort of protection, but it felt stupid to stop him now as the pleasure started to creep its way up my spine.

Mark increased his thrusts as my pussy lubricated and loosened to allow him, his grunts were getting quite loud, sweat starting to drip from his forehead, he fucked me and fucked me, my pear-shaped, perky tits rocking on my chest. I don’t think he even cared if I was enjoying it, he was using my teen pussy for his pleasure, I was just some slut to him, a tight hole to stick his mature dick into, we probably would never meet again and he fucked me as such. I know I shouldn’t find that hot but I did, I started to moan to his thrusts, crying out my pleasure as he hammered me over and over, pounding my twat like he was in a rush to nut and leave, it was all a blur, I had totally forgotten about Alex and Darren.

Unlike the frantic sex I was receiving, Darren and Alex had moved from the couch to a nearby lounge chair, like Mark, Darren was kneeling between her legs returning the favor, licking her pussy, I spied on my friend’s face of pleasure, she was clearly enjoying his efforts, her face was flushed pink and little moans escaping her lips, I was happy for her, it put my mind at ease to focus on myself.

“ turn around you hot little slut, need to get that pussy from behind before I bust”, Mark informed, slipping out of my wet pussy, he stood up, jerking his slick cock waiting for me to comply.

Without a word I did just that, flipping over onto my knees and facing my ass towards him, he gave it a couple of loud slaps before using his powerful arms to shift me sideways on the couch, he kneeled behind me on one knee as his other foot was on the ground. In this position I was facing Alex and her older partner, things had clearly progressed from cunnilingus to her riding his cock, she had her back to me and wasn’t aware I was watching her being impaled by Darren’s huge cock. Her cute little heart-shaped bubble butt bouncing up and down his pole in a steady, slow rhythm, her pink, pussy lips gripping his shaft, jeez I was mesmerized.

“ ahhhhh…. Fuck!”, I shouted out as Mark drilled me again snapping my trance, he wasted no time in pounding away at me again, It felt so good and so wrong at the same time. His strong hands groped each ass cheek firmly as his girthy cock pistoned in and out of my pussy, no one had ever fucked me so hard for so long. Usually when a man is thrusting this quick it signals his release but Mark Kept it up for minutes now, I was impressed by his stamina, he pounded away at my pussy grunting and spitting out what most would consider degrading slurs.

“You loving this dick aren’t you slut? you and your little friend, look at her riding that cock, both of you getting fucked like you’re meant to”, he scolded adding a few slaps on my reddening arse cheeks in between each comment.

I usually have trouble cumming from fucking alone , most of the time I need my clit stimulated to reach orgasm but Mark had me on the brink with none of that, just a couple more minutes of his rough, relentless thrusts and I crossed over the line into pure bliss, to say I came hard would be an understatement, my body shuddered and spasmed like never before, I couldn’t even make a sound as the orgasm washed over me, my eyes went blurry and rolled into my skull. I came and I think I came again as Mark didn’t care to stop and let me ride out my high, if anything he drilled my limp, convusing body even harder and faster holding me up with his hands as I was tipping over.

Hard sounds of his thighs slapping my meaty cheeks echoed throughout the room, I was still in a world of daze slumping forwards, my forehead resting on the lounge while Mark pummeled away still, I didn’t know how much more I could take of his machine-like hammering, my pussy was going numb from the orgasms and his relentless pace. He was so deep it felt like my stomach was also getting fucked, another orgasm ripped through me bringing life back to my tired body, I shook and convulsed having an out-of-body experience, almost passing out. Mark relented his grip on my wide hips to push me down flat on my stomach, his thrusting on hold much to my sore pussy’s relief. The aftershocks of my orgasm continued to jolt threw my system, Mark was now on top of me with most of his weight bored down, he shuffled and adjusted until finding the right angle before proceeding to fuck me again, his thrusts were more powerful but less frantic, pulling his cock almost all the way out before slamming back down with a loud thud which took my breath away each time.

Slow and steady and forceful best described what this older man was subjecting my teenage body to, I could feel his hot sweat all over my back, his light chest hair tickling me, my body was so sensitive after so many orgasms. With Mark’s slower pace, I could now hear Alex moaning and Darren grunting away, my head still planted on the cushion getting fucked prone I couldn’t spot them over the couches armrest, it was like listening to a porn video but not seeing the image but it sounded like both were enjoying the sex.

Over and over Mark drove into my used pussy, he resumed the dirty talk, mouthing into my ear how much of a little slut I was and how he knew I loved his big dick pounding my teen hole before telling me to admit to him I was a slut and that I wanted to get fucked harder, I replied yes and yes to both moaning loudly as he sped up.

“I’m gonna use this cunt until I’m ready to blow, you turn over when I say and I’m gonna cover those big tits in my load slut.” he crudely said

I couldn’t even respond before his arms moved to my shoulders pressing my face further into the cushion, he lifted his body of mine and ruthlessly plundered my twat with all his energy, his pelvis smashing against my booty, driving his meaty shaft in and out. He fucked me like he wanted to punish me but probably more so the need to unload all that built-up pressure. I was a passenger at this point, an object to be used not that he ever treated me otherwise and I was ok with that, I knew full well what this was, it was sex and nothing more, hot, dirty, no feelings sex and it felt amazing.

My body was tapped out at this point, it was sore and motionless, I don’t think I had any energy left to orgasm again, Mark moved his hands off me and placed them on either side of my head, he pistoned his hips for a few more seconds before pulling out with a loud groan. He unstraddled my lower half.

“ turn around slut, hurry!”, he shouted

I mustered up what little energy I had left and flipped myself over, as Mark scooted up, his cock fired a shot on my smooth belly before he gripped it tightly by the base to stop anymore, the look on his face showed discomfort in delaying what he needed, I had just enough time to brush my hair away, Mark hovered above me kneeling, his cock aimed at my sweaty, perky tits, happy with his position he let go of the vice-like grip, I looked on expecting a torrent of seed to spill out but only a small amount came, hitting just below my right breast. I guess he did cum quite a lot the first time and I heard older guys don’t have as much as younger ones but I was mistaken, he started to jack his wet rod, three tugs were all it took for Mark’s face to scrunch up, he let out a bear like growl as gooey, wads of pearly white cum shot out of his expanded head coating my chest and collar bone, his cum rained down on me in big globs, splattering across my ample breasts. He kept jerking and jerking, the big globs stopped as small droplets continued to fire out, he moved up giving my chin and mouth some attention as well before shaking what was left onto my already cum adorned boobs, I was left speechless and as out of breath as he was.

“ haven’t cum that hard in a long time Megan, fuck you are one hot slut, just amazing honey”, he praised stradding my belly, his still somewhat erect cock resting between my messy tits.

“ thank you”, was the only reply I could think of, my mind was still rocked after such an intense experience, Mark casually got up and informed me he needed to clean up and get a drink, not bothering to help me with the utter mess he made on my body, it wasn’t a surprise.

I sat up finally getting a good look at my current state, Mark”s cum spilling down my breasts in small rivers and dripping off my chin, I looked for something to clean up with when I heard Alex cumming, she cried out softly, mewing her release. I turned watching the pair, Darren was fucking her missionary, His arms hooking her long legs up high as he thrust away, they had moved their coupling to the floor on the soft white rug.

I sat there and stared marveling at the show the pair were putting on, Darren wasn’t going nearly as hard as Mark had but it looked like Alex was loving every minute, her hair was a mess splayed out, her long slender body shiny with sweat, I wondered if she had cum as many times as I had.

“I’m going to cum baby”, Darren warned as his thrusts slowed down.

“ do you want to cum on my face again?”, Alex replied almost lovingly, the words didn’t match her tone but I found it ironically hot and fitted the new outlook I had of my once thought-to-be sweet friend, she was still sweet and nice but had a secret naughty side.

“You read my mind”, he chuckled, letting go of her legs and pulling out.

Darren stood up and helped Alex to her knees, she smiled up at him taking his wet manhood, and began stroking. My hands subconsciously traveled down south between my thighs, rubbing my pussy gently eyeing the two from the couch. Alex spotted me and smiled mischievously, she looked up at Darren still jerking him while he cursed and hissed his approval before turning her gaze to me again.

“Come over here Megs, join me”, she asked, drawing Darren’s attention to me, he looked back and just grinned.

“Yeah ok”, I replied crawling over next to her.

We smiled at each other, Alex noticing the cum Mark had deposited on me, she moved in and kissed me again, her right hand still working on Darren’s cock. She moan and tasted the cum around my lips and chin, french kissing me with desire which I returned, Alex then pull back and planted kisses down my neck, licking up cum along the way until she reached my tits, she cleaned them with her tongue as I looked on in amazement( wow she so kinky) I thought.

I was focused on her entirely when Darren tapped my shoulder, Alex had let go of his shaft in her quest to clean Mark’s cum from my breasts, he had a look of need and want, his cock moved towards my mouth and I accepted it like it was the right thing to do. He groaned as my lips slipped over his ballooning head, I moan at the taste of my best friend’s pussy, slurping and bobbing my head back and forth slowly focusing mostly on his sensitive head. Alex looked up and happily smiled hearing what was going on above, she went back to my tits, teasing each nipple, smearing Mark’s cum around them before licking it up. Darren was gritting his teeth watching on, alternating between what Alex was doing and me sucking his cock, I could tell he was about to blow at any second.

“ holy fuck, get ready I can’t hold this any longer girls!”, he announced taking his cock away from my mouth and jacking it himself with need.

Alex quickly straightened up and moved her head closer to mine, “ get closer, I’m going to cum!”, he roared jerking faster.

Cheek to cheek us girls kneeled together, I instinctively closed my eyes fearing what could happen and waited, my body tensed up when I heard Alex shrink and her head slightly flinched. Darren groaned and groaned cumming first on Alex as I waited nervously, the first shot of his cum smacked me on the forehead, it felt heavier and stickier than Mark’s and clung to my skin, another shot got me on the left side of the nose and another just below the left eye before I heard Alex giggle.

“Oh fuck!”, he cried out, I thought he was done when I didn’t feel anything hit my face for a few seconds, I carefully opened my eyes just in time to see Darren moving his cock back to me and firing another strand across my lips then another on my right cheek before he shifted it back at Alex, her angelic face was tarnished in long lines of glue like cum, one strand plastered perfectly from her hair to her right cheek and other small lines painted vertically. Darren finished squeezing the last of his man seed onto her outstretched tongue and stumbled back to admire his work.

“ you girls are something else, that was hot as hell, I can’t breath”, he exasperated.

I smiled at him before looking over at Alex, she had the same idea, seeing each other utterly covered in thick cum, she started to giggle again and I did the same, she couldn’t even open her left eye properly as a wad of cum was stuck to her eyelash. Darren’s cum didn’t drip as easily as Mark’s did, it stayed stuck on our faces slowly sliding down with each passing moment like a healthy glaze.

“ I want to see what I look like!”, Alex excitingly said, clearly her shyness had gone away with the ranchy events, she got up carefully and grabbed my hand, dragging me with her to the bathroom, we walked passed Mark giggling to one another, closing the bathroom door shut.

“ jeez!, this is so hot!”, She screamed at the mirror image of herself wearing a cum mask, “We look hot!”.

“Oh my god you are so into this, whats going on with sweet Alex?”, I enquired grinning at her through the mirror, my eyes not quite believing the image I saw of myself and her after getting facialed.

“Yeah, I think it’s fucking hot, I’ve always thought about a guy cumming on my face and now it’s happened twice, plus I got the best fuck of my life with a hot guy”, she confessed.

“ I’m happy for you, fuck!, I’m going to have to break up with Josh, sex with him sucks compared to what Mark can do”.

Alex giggled, turning her face left to right to view the extent of her cum facial, “ sounded like Mark got a little rough, I thought it was hot though he was calling you a slut, I kind of wanted some dirty talk too, oh grab your phone, I want to take a cum selfie”, she admitted.

“Jeez, I think you are the slut”, I replied causing both of us to giggle.

My clothes were still on the rack, I walked over grabbing my jeans pulling out my phone, Alex posed and I took the pics she wanted along with a few of us together wearing cum proudly before getting in the shower to clean up properly. It was kind of sad to see the cum washing of Alex’s face, she was right, it’s fucking hot.

After cleaning up we walked out to gather our underwear, the guys had already partly dressed and were having a drink by the bar, Alex and I dressed joining them for a drink before having to leave. Darren suggested we all get together again when the guys were back in town for business, Alex and I agreed.

We were both giddy and cheerful on the ride home, excited about this new life experience and plans for more in the future.