Megan 2/?

Megan: Ok Sir, what do I have to do?

Her heart started beating fast trying to work out how she had gotten herself into this situation, it had all started innocently enough, she was just chatting to random boys on the internet when this guy, Dominatus, had started chatting to her. He was very strong minded and dominant and she had decided to play along, but what she hadn’t realised was that when she handed over her email address she allowed me to stalk her on facebook and find out her real identity and when she downloaded his picture she had also without knowing downloaded a virus that allowed him to watch her through her webcam without it alerting her that it was on. By doing both these things he was able to watch as she played with her young body, and then later blackmail her into becoming his toy. Now she was here sitting in her room at his mercy

Dominatus: First thing we need to do is make you presentable, I can’t believe a girl your age hasn’t learnt to make her pussy pretty yet. Well we can soon sort it out for you. I want you to go into the bathroom and get a razor, some shaving cream, a bowl of water and a towel and come back

Megan hesitated a second and then went off to find the things he asked for, she came back with them and sat back down on the bed

Megan: Ok what now Sir?

Dominatus: Now my dear one I want you to slowly shave off all the hair on that pretty little pussy of yours while I watch you

Megan sighed but quickly did as he asked, first of all putting the towel under her, then spreading her legs open and rubbing water over her public hair. Then she covered her pussy in shaving cream and proceeded to slowly and gently run the razor over her hair. Because the hair was so thick it took a while to finish off the job and by the time she was finished the bowel was full of hair. As she used the towel to wipe off the remaining foam she was greeted to her bald pussy for the first time. It was slightly red and irritated from the shave but was very smooth and she kind of liked the way it felt and run over hand over her lips

Dominatus: from now on I expect your pussy to always be this smooth and clean, no excuses! Also Megan you can STOP touching yourself right now! From now on you only get to touch yourself when I give you permission, IS THAT UNDERSTOOD

Megan pulled her hand away like she had been electrocuted, not even realising she was touching herself and nodded her head

Dominatus: What is your neighbours name, the guy you think is so creepy?

Megan shuddered knowing she wasn’t going to enjoy the rest of today at all. She sat looking at the webcam for a second, feeling a tear run down her cheek before replying

Megan: His name is Mr Johnson and he is creepy

Dominatus: Well you haven’t been very nice to him and we are going to fix that, so your going to go next door like I asked and your going to knock on his door, smile sweety and ask him if you can borrow some milk, then when he comes back your going to drop your house keys on the floor turn your back to him and bend over to pick them up without bending your knees. Your going to do this slowly and hold your position for 10 seconds before looking over your shoulder and thanking him. Then you will bring the milk back here. Also Megan your going to put your laptop on your window sill so I can see that your following my instructions by aiming the cam down at your neighbours door

Shuddering again Megan felt more tears falling down her face as she set up the laptop so that the cam was pointing down toward the house nextdoor to hers. She looked at herself again in the mirror and realised how slutty she really looked, with her hard nipples poking through the fabric of her top and her short skirt barely covering her still wet pussy

Megan: Ok I’m going, I hate you!

She didn’t look back as she stormed out of the room and then out of the house, she felt the cool air hit her as she left the house without a coat and felt her nipples harden further. She got to the floor door of my Johnsons house and knocked gently, hoping her wouldn’t hear. She let out a big breath as a minute went by without an answer and had just turned to leave when she heard the door open behind her and felt her heart drop. She turned back slowly and looked into the leering eyes of My Johnson. “ummm hello sir, could I please borrow some milk, I’ve run out and my mum won’t be home with anymore for ages,” Megan looked down at the floor as she asked not wanting to see his lust filled eyes looking at her. “Ah sweet Megan, I would love to help you out, but what is it worth,” he started hard at her chest as he said this and she suddenly felt very conscious and her mouth turned into a frown and she stammered without knowing what to say. “I’m just joking with you Megan, don’t look so worried, wait right here and I’ll be back with your milk,” he laughed as he walked away, which made Megan’s cheeks burn red hot as she realised he had been teasing her and she had fell for it.

He came back with a cup full of milk and she knew this was the moment she had to live up to her end of the arrangement with Dominatus. She dropped her keys on the floor as casually as she could and then slowly turned her back to Mr Johnson, then she slowly bent at her waist and leant forward feeling her skirt riding up and the cool air hit her moist lips, she realised now just how much of her was being exposed, from his view he would be able to see her tight round bum poking out from the bottom of her skirt, she had her legs about a foot apart so he would be able to just see her tight little asshole and would most definitely be able to see her moist pussy lips slightly parted with a view into her virgin pussy. The sound of Mr Johnson’s sharp intake of breath and the whisper of “oh my god that’s the sweetest pussy I ever saw,” brought Megan back to life. She grabbed the keys and quickly turned around and took the cup from Mr Johnsons had, noticing the big bulge in his pants as she took it. Then she thanked him and with her face still bright red she quickly ran back to her house, spilling half the milk and shut and locked the door behind her, breathing hard.

She made her way back upstairs and retrieved her laptop and sat back down on her bed

Megan: Ok I did what you asked can I go now please

She made a pouty face and looked sadly into the camera

Dominatus: How did you feel showing off your freshly shaved pussy for the first time Megan

She rolled her eyes

Megan: How do you think it felt, it was disgusting and humiliating, he practically came in his pants, it was gross!

Dominatus: Why you getting so angry Megan, I think you liked it just a little bit and now your embarrassed, Yes that has to be it, I bet your soaking wet right now aren’t you!

Megan: Fuck off as if I would ever get wet from showing myself to such a creap!

She shuddered again at the memory of his words

Dominatus: Touch your pussy

Megan looked surprised

Megan: Why?

Dominatus: If you question me again I’m going to send your videos to every guy in your school, touch yourself

She shuddered, videos plural, she hadn’t thought about him taking more videos of her, how stupid she had been, but there was no turning back now. She reached down and slowly run a finger along her slit, her eyebrows raise as she realises how wet she really is, she couldn’t bring herself to face the truth that maybe she had liked showing herself off and being noticed by a guy, did she really have such a nice pussy? She started pumping her fingers rapidly into herself when the next message came

Dominatus: I bet your imagining what would of happened if he had taken you on the door step aren’t you. If he had just fished out his head cock and rammed it into your virgin pussy or ass. Roughly fucking you on his step for anyone passing to see, you would like that wouldn’t you my little slut

She was to horny now to stop and the words and images they brought burned into her head as she had a massive orgasm with the thought of her creepy neighbours cock inside of her. She felt sick once her orgasm passed and tears started pouring down her cheeks

Dominatus: Go get showered Megan and get some sleep, tomorrow your going to stay home ill from school and I’m going to carry on your training, be online at 9am or I will make sure everyone knows what a little slut you are

Megan’s heart beat faster and her tears came more quickly as it suddenly set in just how much power he had over her, all she could do was say

Megan: Yes Sir, I will be here….