Measuring Up 2

After their experience on Max’s birthday things basically returned to normal between the two brothers. Max had enjoyed showing off to his brother and Liam was happy with discovering what a boys sex was all about and was looking forward to his own equipment growing to a similar size in the, he hoped, near future. What both of them did know is that they would like to do it again.

It was about three months later that Liam came up to Max with an excited look on his face. “Its happened!” he exclaimed. “What has happened?” enquired Max. “Some stuff came out last night and I don’t think it is pee – you know, it was different and a bit sticky. Since your birthday I have been playing with my knob like you showed me and I have not only got bigger but I think I can now get stuff out just like you”. “That’s great and I bet it feels good. How much bigger are you now?” Max enquired. Liam was not sure but suggested that as this was a big moment perhaps he could do a measurement. So Max went to get the tape measure and Liam’s details came out at 8.6 cm (3.4″) soft and 12.4 cm (4.9″) hard – a big spurt like most boys undergo. His balls also now hung down albeit they were about half of Max’s size and his cock had definitely thickened too. Max also thought that his own cock had gotten a small bit bigger but he decided to let his younger brother have his day.

“Now I am hard I want to finish off like you had to” suggested Liam and Max said he would leave him to it. “Can’t you do it for me? I am sure you are better practiced.” Max was not sure but his brother kept insisting and Max suggested that to be as helpful as possible he would show Liam some of the different styles and techniques he had learned by way of self discovery. And so Max showed him a few techniques, finger and thumb, full fist pump and making a ring between thumb and fingers. Liam was enjoying the different feelings and even tried using his left hand as well. Max told him to let him know when he thought he might be cumming and when he did Max told him to just lay off for a while and then start again. Max knew from his own experience that this would intensify his brother’s orgasm and sure enough Liam was soon ready to explode. When he did eventually cum the amount of fluid and its viscosity was not great but Liam now thought of himself as a young man rather than a boy and Max was very happy for his younger sibling. “Welcome to the wankers club bro” he chuckled and Liam gave him a hug and thanked his brother for taking away so much of the anxiety associated with such a life changing situation.

“Are you going to have a wank too?” asked Liam but his brother declined as he had to go out and sort out a few things. “Besides, I will enjoy myself a bit later today. If you want to, join me then” said Max and they agreed to meet up later as they knew their parents would be going out.

As usual their Mother made them a nice supper and then both parents told their sons not to stay up too late and that they would be back at about 11 p.m. The boys wished them well and settled down on the large leather sofa in the lounge and flicked through the TV channels – there wasn’t much worth watching in this pre satellite age. Being teenage boys their bored moments inevitably led their minds to think about that three letter word S-E-X!

After a short awkward silence Liam decided to break the ice. “Are you still ok to have a wank with me?” he blurted out. His elder brother was a bit taken aback by such a forward outburst but he was pretty bored and boredom often led to him playing with himself. “I suppose we can do so right now if you want to. There isn’t much else to do. But perhaps we could do a bit of a roleplay.”

“What do you mean?” Liam asked of his elder brother. “Well let’s wank each other off and pretend it is a girl in school that we like doing it for us. Who is your favourite girl in your class?”

“That’s easy it is Sarah-Jane. You know the girl with the ponytails who has a really nice pair of boobs” declared Liam. “What about you?” he enquired. At this moment Max started giggling and on being asked what was so funny he informed his younger brother that his favourite was Charlotte – the same Charlotte who happened to be Sarah-Jane’s elder sister. She also used to have ponytails but now she wore a more mature haircut and like her younger sister she had a great set of boobs, or knockers as Max called them.

The boys both agreed that it was a funny coincidence and even had the same thought about how much fun it would be if the girls really were there with them now. Maybe one day…..just one day.

Both boys decided to get in to their pyjamas just so that they would be ready for bed if their parents decided to come home earlier than anticipated. They both returned to the lounge and immediately took off their pyjama tops and sat next to each other on the settee. Liam noticed right away that Max had more hairs from his belly button to the top of his pyjama bottoms but he was also proud of the fact that he now had some hairs to show off around his penis.

Max decided to take control and told his brother that he would play the role of Sarah-Jane first. All Liam had to do was pretend that he was his favourite girl.

“Lean back and put your hands behind your head and close your eyes” Max ordered “and then just say – please SJ, please give me a hand job” and Liam duly kicked off the roleplay. Max joined in by pretending to be Sarah-Jane and declaring that “she” had never done anything with a boy before and thanking him for making “her” feel good by touching her up a bit beforehand.

Liam lay there with his eyes closed and fully in to believing that his favourite classmate was about to make his day. He then felt a hand on his thigh and then a hand fumble around at the fly of his pyjamas and then moving inside and touching his ball sacks in a gentle motion. This led to an instant stirring in his ever stiffening cock which his brother now released from his nightwear. Max enjoyed feeling his brothers balls which now hung down a bit and were the size of a couple of grapes. He also noticed some hairs and having measured his brother earlier in the day he was happy that his younger brother now had a good sized cock for his age and it was something that he would enjoy bringing to a climax. He spat on his hand to give a small amount of lubrication and wrapped his hand around his brothers now fully erect member from the head down the shaft. His brother’s silence and hardness suggested that matters would not take long and sure enough after not long at all he felt his siblings cock tighten up and he heard a small gasp as Liam’s cock twitched, Liam gasped, and a small amount of fluid escaped from the head of his penis. Liam played the game and thanked “Sarah-Jane” for such a great moment and then wiped himself dry.

Now it was Liam’s turn to play the part of Charlotte. Just like his younger brother Max lay back with his arms behind his head and his eyes closed. Liam was impressed by his brothers underarm and belly hair as well as a mass of pubes that he could see protruding from his brothers fly.

Pretending to be Charlotte he started off “do you want me to jack you off now that you have seen my boobs and touched my fanny?” he enquired in a feeble impersonation of a girls voice. “Yes please, I have been waiting so long for you to do this for me” Max responded as part of the game. With that Max slid his pyjamas down to his ankles and that allowed Liam to see his junk in all its glory. Max was now basically fully developed with two nut sacks about the size of two walnuts hanging between his legs and his manly cock hanging to one side. Liam was impressed and scared at the same time as his brother now seemed even bigger than he remembered from a few months before. Both boys found their recent body changes to be quite startling once it had begun and they really felt they had gone from boys to men in quite a short period of time.

“Can I measure you up big boy?” he chirped in his girly voice. “Carry on” said Max who had his own interest in getting some new results. Liam quickly got the tape measure and was anxious to get a first measurement before his brother got too hard. He was sadly too late for that as by the time he returned Max was fully stiff and his cock looked almost threatening with it’s now protruding purple head having now left the protection of his foreskin and some glistening precum starting to ooze out – the precum confused Liam a bit as he did not yet get such a thing. “You haven’t cum already have you?” he asked Max. “Of course not, that is just some natural lubrication that I get to make things work smoother and let my foreskin slip over my cock head easier. Please now measure as I am really, really hard”.

Liam measured along the top of his elder brother’s penis as normal and was proud of his brother when it measured up at 17.4 cm (6.9″) a good increase from before and when he declared this result it was as if Max’s cock twitched with pride.

“Please hurry up Charlotte” Max uttered as he now needed a release. Liam grabbed hold of his brother’s cock which also seemed much thicker than his own appendage and he could see the previously loose nut sacks starting to move and tighten up. His brother’s foreskin moved over the engorged head, something which did not happen so much with his own cock, with ease assisted by Max’s own bodily lubricant. He picked up speed and could feel his brother’s breathing starting to quicken and his legs tighten. He knew it would not be long before his brother would cum and sure enough with a slight bucking of his hips and a noticeable twitch in his cock the first shot of spunk flew from the slit of his brother’s cock accompanied by an exclamation from Max.”Uuuuugh” he cried and then a second more impressive shot was fired which landed at the top of his brother’s shoulder. This was followed by three or more contractions and left what can only be described as a mess all over his brother’s torso and dripping down Liam’s hand. And there was that bleach smell too that he would never forget.

“I love you Charlotte” joked Max and he then cleaned himself up and Liam went to wash his hands. On his return the boys sat and had a chat and they took a quick measurement of Max’s now soft cock which came out at 11.8 cm (4.7″).

They talked about what had happened and how Liam had grown up so much and how big Max now was and whether he would grow any more. Liam was also so impressed by how much cum Max now produced and how thick and creamy it was too. They also both agreed that the roleplay was fun albeit that it would be even better if they could actually turn the fantasy with the two girls in to reality… that really would be a bit of fun!