Me of all people?

“What on earth are you doing in my room?” I said to my little sister.

She jumped up and looked at me.

“Nothing.” She replied.

I looked at her and walked around my room looking over everything to see if anything was out of the ordinary.

“Okay, seriously, what did you do?” I asked my sister after not finding anything wrong, but, something told me otherwise that she was hiding something.

“Nothing at all, I was just looking to see if you had the PS3 again.” She said.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“In my hamper?” I asked her not so easily convinced.

“Hey! You could have hidden it anywhere.” She said to me as she walked out of my room.

I responded to her with a grunt and then said, “It’s in the front room downstairs.” “Thank you!” She yelled happily and ran downstairs.

My little sister. She could be a weirdo sometimes, but then again, so could I. My name is Nic, I’m 21 years old and I currently live with my parents still while I work and go to the local community college. My little sister is Gabbi, who is in her senior year in high school and is 18. I have never been one to check out my sister but when I have people ask me about her I rate her as pretty in terms of physical attributes. She stands at about 5’5, weighs maybe 105, and she has Dark Red (dyed) hair. I have many friends say she is a little hottie, I’ve always threatened to have some certain people haul them away if they ever say it again. I am protective of my sister in my own way, she doesn’t much like me most days for some reason. Truth be told my sister hasn’t really been in many relationships. She has mostly focused on school and dance and steered clear of the drama relationships bring.

I decided to let the matter go and sit down at my computer to play a game. It wasn’t until I realized it was dark out that I noticed I had been playing for 5 hours. I decided to go down and eat something. As I was walking down the stairs I noticed a pair of shoes at the base of the stairs I recognized. My sister’s friend Karter was here. Now Karter I have checked out a lot. She stands at 5’6, weighs maybe 115, has perky B Cup Boobs maybe, Dirty Blonde Hair, and has got the best curves for a girl of her size could have. I always thought of what it be like to make sweet love to her while out camping with just her one day. She was way friendlier to me than my sister was and actually could hold a conversation. Karter wasn’t much of one for relationships either, particularly after one guy she was with, cheated on her in the next room at a party with 3 other girls at once. When I heard about it I offered to send certain folks to his home and have him hauled away to a certain place where no one would miss him. Karter just laughed and said no, but it was the first time she smiled in days since the incident so that was a good thing to me.

As I was sitting down eating, Karter came down, I waved hello at her and she smiled at me while saying,

“Forcing yourself to eat or are you actually hungry this time?”

Karter knew me like a book, front to back, she knew with my work schedule being graveyard I didn’t eat as much as I once did. A lot of times I had to force myself to eat to even get an appetite. I laughed at what she said and replied.

“Actually hungry, you leaving?”

“Yeah, got to get home now, I’ll be back tomorrow though.” She said.

“Alright, be careful walking home.” I said.

“Thank you for the concern Sherriff.” She said laughing.

She knew I hated that term. Firstly, because I was not the Sherriff. Secondly, because I would never be one. And thirdly, because the Sherriff spent more time going out to certain places for me when I called. I am not a violent man by nature. Just a hard working individual who has friends in high and low places that owe me a few favors.

As Karter walked out the door, all I could do was watch as her perfectly round butt and amazingly shaped curves followed her out.
I thought to myself, ‘Mmmm mmmm mmmm, what I would do for all of that. All woman, she is.’

I got up and went to lock the door behind her, as I was doing that I noticed how loud my sister’s room got just now. I didn’t think much of it as she was probably playing that stupid Heavy Rain game or whatever it was.
I decided it was time to head back up to my room and back to my crusade of gaming while conquering the 12 year old squeaky brats. As I reached the top of the stairs I seen my little sister had her lights off and the door closed. She never does that, not with the lights off anyway, I figured something had happened and she was upset. As a part of my big brother intuition I went to her door and knocked lightly. No response. So I turned the handle and cracked it slowly as my sister was prone to throw things if she was mad. What I seen next had shocked me.

My little sister was masturbating and it was all on display. I immediately wanted to close the door and run to my room, grossed out by what I seen. However, I was drawn in and compelled to watch. Fortunately her eyes were shut by the look of it as the light in her room was not completely off, just dimmed down enough you wouldn’t noticed it under the door. She had her legs spread apart and was rubbing her pussy with one hand more sensually than she was vigorously. The other hand was pulling on her nipple on her right boob. She had probably A Cups but did they look adorable on her frame. I was mesmerized by how she was being so graceful about it. Out of all the girls I had been with, never had any of them masturbated like that. For the first time I didn’t view my little sister as my little sister. I viewed her as someone that I wanted to enjoy a sweet night with. At this point my little sister’s breathing had picked up, which was hinting at her imminent climax. That was when she said something I couldn’t believe.

“Nic. Nic. Make me yours. Please.” She said breathlessly.

My little sister wanted me? Me? The guy she seemed to severely dislike and wanted to murder every day. This was all too much for me to take in, so I closed the door quietly and walked back to my room. As I got inside I shut the door quietly and took a breath.
I thought to myself, ‘Me? Of all the people in the world? Me?’

It was all too much to take in, to a point it was almost scary, but at the same time it was something that created a flame in me. A small flame that would soon turn into a fire if this was to continue.

To be continued…

Signed: ArtThouDeviant