Mass Effect. Erotic journey. Ch.4. The Lust

Location: “SSV Normandy.”

Shepard ended up traveling to the colony on Feros in the company of Kayden and Liara. Ashley felt a little bruised, though she knew exactly how the Captain must have felt after their incomplete intimate foreplay in the cargo hold. Of course, he wouldn’t tell anyone what had happened, and she certainly wouldn’t mention it herself. What she had done… Ashley couldn’t quite figure out what had gotten into her. All that talk about people being able to cross all boundaries for the sake of their own desires had seemed absurd to Williams before. But now…

She had experienced something of which she was now ashamed. Was she no better than those fallen girls she had always despised, was it enough for her to see a big cock to make her pussy wet like the last whore? Was it a reflection of the fact that she hadn’t had a sex partner in over six months and for the last three months she had to satisfy herself either with a cheap toy from an Azarian women’s store or with increased workouts at the gym? She guessed so. Shameful to think – even now, the fleeting memory of the Captain’s huge organ penetrating her tight throat was enough to make the sergaunt’s legs tremble treacherously and her breathing quicken.

Ashley hated the physiology she’d been blessed with, hated Shepard for seducing her so brazenly, but most of all, she hated herself for following her desires and not being able to say no to a man. All her life she’d had to prove that she was as good as, and sometimes better than, the male members of the Alliance military. She had almost convinced herself that a man was no different than a woman and had no power over her. …. So what happened? Yesterday, Shepard proved the opposite with his behavior?

Anger overwhelmed Williams, though she knew she had to keep a clear head. Those who hadn’t gone to the colony with Shepard as part of the battle group had to be on the lookout for reinforcements in case of complications. To vent her anger, the girl slammed her palm against the door of her weapons locker. Her hand immediately echoed with a thud, but Ashley’s emotions subsided as the pain dulled the rest of her senses.

– Angry? – A rough voice came from behind her. Ashley turned to see Wrex, the mercenary krogan, leaning against the same crate where Ashley had given Shepard a blowjob hours earlier.

– Wrex, – the girl greeted the krogan with a nod, but without a shadow of friendliness. She didn’t hide her less than friendly attitude towards the aliens on board. To Wrex’s credit, he didn’t ask for companionship either, he just did what he was supposed to do. That is, bash in the skulls of anyone the captain told him to.

Ashley wasn’t happy to have a thug aboard the Normandy who could rip her head off with his bare hands, but she couldn’t help but agree with Shepard: the Krogan was a damn good fighter. The mercenary, like Williams, spent most of his time in the hold, but in the opposite corner from the girl. The Sergeant wasn’t very interested in what he was doing there, only occasionally glancing across the room at the powerful figure in the dark red armor.

It was all the more unexpected that Wrex was talking to her, and that he was half-naked. Ashley could see every muscle and scar on the huge Krogan’s body. The mercenary’s pumped arms were crossed over his powerful, rock-hard chest, and his steel-toned abs disappeared behind the straps of the black leather pants that tightened around his muscular legs.

“Damn you, Williams!” – The girl cursed in her mind. Her gaze was instantly drawn back to the Krogan’s face and she could swear she saw a quick, smug grin.

– What can I do for you? – Ashley asked, trying to keep her voice as detached as possible as she turned away from the Krogan and opened her locker. She had to bend down to pull out the ammo box on the bottom shelf, and when she did, she could have sworn she felt Wrex’s eyes on her ass.

“What the hell is that?” – Ashley felt herself blush. No, she knew that some aliens were interested in humans, and she’d even been the object of desire for Turians, Batarians and – oddly enough – a Volus. Still, the mere thought of the obtuse Krogan taking an interest in her made Ashley cringe. But before she could turn around to tell the man what she thought of him, she felt a strong hand on the left side of her ass.

– What the…?! – The girl slammed the locker door shut and spun around to find herself just two inches from the mercenary’s grinning face. Instinctively, Williams threw herself backward, leaning her back against the locker.

– Step back, Krogan! – Williams wanted her voice to sound as threatening as possible, but a hint of fear crept into it. She remembered the ease with which Wrex had dealt with his opponents on the battlefield, and even though they were on an active Alliance ship, who knew what this lecherous cretin would think?

– You should have screamed like that yesterday when your mouth was sucking on Shepard’s cock – Wrex said hoarsely. Ashley felt his heavy, hot breath on her face. The problem was that no one else was in the hold at the time. The entire maintenance crew, including Tali and Engineer Adams, who were usually in the next room, were now on the middeck, resting, taking advantage of the respite they’d gotten during the landing. The Adjutant was nowhere in sight, nor was Garrus; it seemed they had decided to go outside at a very bad time to see if the new calibration devices ordered the day before would fit the Normandy’s guns.

“This is bad timing,” Ashley thought fatefully. The situation was taking a really dangerous turn. And the fact that the Krogan had seen her and Shepard yesterday made it even worse. Williams tried to step aside, but Wrex grabbed her shoulders.

– Back off, Wrex! – Ashley knew she had to act, but she was afraid her overreaction would provoke the mercenary. If she had a weapon… Now she doesn’t stand a chance.

– What do you want?! – She shouted after what must have been a hundred attempts to free herself from the Krogan’s powerful clutches.

– Oh, it’s really nothing, Williams, – Wrex said. He let go of the girl, and she was even a little surprised at how easy it was to free herself. But the Krogan simply unbuckled the belt of his pants and they fell down, revealing the biggest cock Ashley had ever seen in her life.

The girl could not estimate its size, but to say it was huge was to say nothing. By Williams’ conservative estimate, Wrex’s organ was about fifteen inches long, and its diameter ranged from two inches at the head to six at the base. It was simply the ultimate weapon, not a reproductive organ. The girl could only stand there stunned, unable to look away. Somehow it seemed strange that only four hours ago she had thought Shepard’s dick was big.

No, the Captain’s organ was certainly not insignificant, bigger than any human’s, but Wrex’s penis… Ashley guessed she couldn’t call it a penis after all. It was a Cock. A Cock with a capital C, designed for fucking, for the sexual humiliation of those for whom it was intended. It was girded with a dozen veins, had a huge red head, and at the base were four testicles, each twice the size of a human’s. It was hard to imagine how much sperm they could contain! Most importantly, the penis seemed to ignore the laws of physics and its own weight. It towered above the ground like a spear and seemed unreal in the powerful paws of the Krogan.

– It’s… That’s… What is it? – Ashley couldn’t formulate a question until the third time. Her mouth was dry and she couldn’t take her eyes off Wrex’s sex tool.

– That’s what you lack, Earth women,” the Krogan replied with a sense of superiority. – You always dream of a big dick, but you’re always afraid when you get one.

Ashley didn’t answer. Her breasts rose and fell in time with her rapid breathing, her lips half open, her eyes unable to tear themselves away from the drop of lubricant at the tip of Wrex’s huge cock. She was aroused. It was as if the thoughts of weakness and shame she’d been subjected to by kneeling before Shepard and opening her mouth to his cock were gone. Now she was ready to do the same with an organ much larger than the Commander’s cock. As if in a half-sleep, feeling like she was somewhere far away and not here in the ship’s hold, Ashley sank to the metal floor.

The cock towered over her like an unattainable monument. It was exciting and intoxicated. She wanted it. She wanted to take it in her mouth, to lick off the droplets of Krogan lube, to hell with all the reason and logic that wouldn’t let her. She wants it, so she’s going to do it! And let the whole world know that she, Ashley Williams, knelt down in front of a Krogan to lick his huge cock with her tongue…

The hand she used to grasp the shaft of his cock at the base seemed small, almost childlike. Ashley had to use two hands to fully grasp Wrex’s enormous organ. She tried to bend the cock toward her, but it wouldn’t budge, as if it were cast in iron. Then she got up on her knees, ran her hands a couple of times along the mighty shaft of the crogan, causing the drop of lubricant at the tip to increase in size, and put her plump lips to the head. She literally sucked the lubricant out of the tiny hole, closed her eyes, enjoyed the taste of it, which wasn’t disgusting at all, and said languidly:

– How big it is…

There was no reaction. Wrex didn’t even moan, as if he hadn’t noticed the sexy girl kneeling in front of him. That offended Ashley, and she looked up, but at that moment the Krogan’s strong hands grabbed her head, and before the sergeant could make a sound, the mercenary’s cock literally entered the narrow space of her mouth, filling it completely. She didn’t even realize how deep Wrex’s cock was in her throat – it seemed to occupy it all the way down to her stomach. Ashley couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move – she could only make guttural sounds as Wrex raped her throat with absolute abandon. Tears streamed from her eyes, salty, wet streaks formed on her cheeks. Saliva trickled down her chin, dripping onto the floor and her Alliance uniform.

“How symbolic,” ran through the girl’s brain. She still couldn’t breathe – her nose was clogged with drool and her own tears, which appeared in tiny bubbles on her face. Williams’ entire face was wet with her own secretions, the krogan’s cock burrowing down the beauty’s throat, and there seemed to be no end in sight. The girl nearly fainted from the animal cruelty when she suddenly felt herself no longer being held and the cock gone from her mouth. She sighed wildly, deeply, filled with some animal passion, as if the girl feared that if she did not breathe now, she would not get a second chance. She kept her mouth open, feeling, frankly, cheap – of course, she had just been fucked in the mouth by a Krogan. And then Williams felt a tremendous force pull her up, nearly dislocating her limbs.

There was a snap of cloth and an angry growl from the mercenary, and five seconds later Ashley was standing naked in a pile of her own tattered uniform. She didn’t try to cover herself – there was no need, her pussy flowing like the last bitch to obey animal instinct. Williams wanted Wrex’s cock to burst into her wet pussy, to fill her with its size and fuck her so hard she would pass out. She was ready to beg, to crawl on her knees in a puddle of her own secretions, just so the Krogan wouldn’t deny her that opportunity. The blowjob she’d given Shepard now seemed distant and childish. A ridiculous prank, nothing compared to what Ashley was about to experience. Now she was at the mercy of a real Cock.

Wrex lifted her into the air as if she were nothing. She still had a shoe on her left foot that she hadn’t had time to take off, but no one cared. Krogan turned the girl in the air to face him, roared like a wild buffalo, and then thrust his cock into Ashley’s heated hole. Her scream was drowned out by her own moans of pleasure. It was an indescribable feeling of absolute fullness the girl had never experienced before. She felt every vein of the Krogan’s organ in her pussy, losing consciousness from the hot throbbing of his cock, drowning in her own cries of pleasure and dissolving into the mercenary’s powerful hands. His massive sex tool didn’t just enter her. Before, the words “fucked” and “banged” had seemed like meaningless coarseness to the girl, not at all necessary to describe natural processes, but now… Wrex had really fucked her. As a whore, as a toy for his sexual pleasure, as the cheapest and dirtiest prostitute in the whole galaxy.

It’s all gone. The world, the mission, the ranks, the identity… Everything dissolved in a maelstrom of lust and the girl’s moans, interspersed with the barely audible gasps of the Krogan. Ashley didn’t notice, though. She was dissolving into orgasms. The first came unexpectedly, and before it was over, her consciousness exploded again with a billion sparks of pleasure and lustful satisfaction. The orgasm repeated itself a third time, and a fourth….. The girl could no longer hold on to Wrex, she just clung to him, felt him fucking her stretched hole mercilessly and realized that it would all end only with his orgasm. And it didn’t take long for him to come.

The girl didn’t care where the crogan spewed his semen. He could come all over her and leave her in the hold, Ashley was completely at his mercy. Wrex, however, was not a man of many choices and began to cum directly into her. Williams felt the Krogan’s hot cum fill her pussy and flow out, running down the inside of her thighs and then down her legs. Even her toes were in the white, viscous liquid.

Wrex didn’t say a word during his own orgasm. When the ecstasy was over, the mercenary simply laid the exhausted body of the Alliance sergeant on the table and, pulling on his leather pants, silently made his way to the corner of the hold. The girl remained lying on the table, breathing heavily, looking up at the ceiling with glassy, sightless eyes, trying to escape what had just happened to her. Her head was empty, no thoughts for the first time in a long time. Just calm.