Lucky and old Tom (7)

It was the usual school day routine. Kim would come over to wait for Matt the walk together to catch the school bus. After they had gone I would open the back door to feed Lucky. Usually he never bothered my before he had his breakfast.

This morning he pulled me over to the kitchen bench and sat there. I removed my knickers and lay on the bench. He quickly mounted me.

Oh no foreplay this morning.

He had been pumping away quite vigorously for a couple of minutes when I noticed Kim’s grandad stood in the doorway videoing me. As much as I struggled I couldn’t move. Lucky had his legs hooked round the bench tight.

Well I haven’t seen anything like this since I worked in the far east. I think me and you are going to have lots of fun. Lucky was pumping away for another ten minutes before he finished.

Wow thats some Knot there young lady.

He then came over and dropped his trousers and said you can suck my dick or this video goes all round the village. With that he stuck his cock in my mouth. It must have been some time since he had sex as he came within a few seconds. HI semen tasted old and stale, much worse than Lucky‘s.

Dont worry young lady we have plenty of time to do it again.

Lucky finished and pulled out. leaving me on my back with my legs draped either side of the bench. I started to get up. Old Tom pushed me back down.

You can stay where you are for now young lady.

He got Lucky and pushed him out the door.

OK so I came over to see if you knew anything about this video of Kim bent over the kennel being fucked by your dog. He showed it to me.

That looks like it was taken before we arrived here.

Ok you can make us a cup of tea and then we will have another go. Remove your clothes first that will get me in the mood.

I stripped naked and put the kettle on and made us both tea. All the time he was sat there leering at me.

How long have you been fucking the dog.

Since Matt started back at school I said lying.

With that he walked round to where I was sat and started fondling my breasts. Then he pushed his limp cock in my face.

Suck this and get me nice and hard.

I must have sucked him for ten minutes but he could not get erect.

Then he pulled out.

Right I am going into town to get some Viagra I want you to shower all that dog spunk out of you and have a nice bath. When you see my car come back you will come over to my house straight away. Take too long and I send this video out. Little did he realise I didnt mind being blackmailed and forced to do whatever he wants. But I would have to appear to be non consensual for now.

I quickly fed Lucky and went and showered..

After half an hour his car turned up. I went straight to his house where he was waiting naked. He Looked fat and wrinkled. I think he was about 75. He told me to strip. I only had a skirt and t shirt on so

I was quickly naked. OK come upstairs.

Ok lay on the bed and we will 69 for a bit. Not sure how long the Viagra will take.

We lay down and I took his penis in my mouth. He sniffed at my vagina to see if I smelt of dog. Then he started tonguing me. He was actually very good at that and pretty soon he gave me my first orgasm. I had eventually got him erect. he had quite a good sized dick.

OK climb on top of me and fuck my brains out.

I straddled him and slid his cock inside me and started riding him.

Faster bitch.

I sped up he started fingering my clit. Pretty soon I started to come again and thought to myself this isn’t going to be too bad.

Please Dont get me pregnant.

Thats ok I had that taken care of years ago.

Then both of us came at about the same moment.

I climbed off him and lay on the bed. Tom put his arm round me and pulled me to him. I didnt really want to get any closer to him than I needed to but he was quite strong for an old guy.

I haven’t had a woman since my wife died we are going to have lots of fun together you and me. He then pulled the bed clothes over us and fell asleep.

About an hour later he woke up and made me suck him again. and again he couldn’t get an erection. He took another tablet and half an hour later he made me try again.

Thats better. Ok you know what to do. As he lay back on the bed.

Gods he is a lazy bastard I thought as I straddled him. Again he gave me and orgasm then came himself.

Ok that will do for today. I want you round here tomorrow as soon as the school bus is out of sight.

I went back home and got cleaned up and made some lunch.

Lucky came in the kitchen and wandered upstairs. Then I heard him barking. I locked the door and went up to him he was sat by the ottoman which usually means he wants to fuck my mouth. I lay back over the ottoman and waited. He sauntered round to me his dick slapping my face. I held his dick and slid it in my mouth. Pretty soon I was gagging as it hit the back of my throat. he very quickly knotted and spurted his come down my throat. His knot wedged in my mouth for quite some time before he pulled out. One of these days he is going to choke me. Lucky went round between my legs and started licking me. He usually liked to make me come. Then he stopped. I think he could smell or taste old toms spunk in me. He then wandered off leaving me unsatisfied. I reached down and masturbated until I came. I then got up had another shower. I left brushing my teeth till last as I wanted to taste Lucky’s semen a bit longer.

That night me and Matt lay together. I told him what had happened. Matt said he cant do that.

There is nothing we can do for now and dont tell Kim what’s happened. Tom has seen a video on her phone of her being fucked by lucky.

The following morning matt and Kim went off to school and I went over to Toms. He was waiting naked at the door. Ok lets go straight upstairs.

We 69ed for a while which wasn’t bad. Then he got out some rope and tied me to the bed.

I dont want to be tied up I said lying.

You will do as you are told or I will show this video to my mates and we will have a little party.

I lay there and let him tie my wrists to the headboard. He then straddled my head and stuck his dick in my mouth. He couldn’t get a hard on again so he took another tablet and lay down at the side of me. he lay there rubbing my clitoris he made me come a couple of times.

Thats it young lady we will soon have you trained up. He sat over my face and made me suck him again. He was soon hard again. He climbed down between my legs and started fucking me. The old bugger gave me a couple of orgasms and I think he was about to come when he collapsed on top of me. I think he had an heart attack. I couldn’t move him. I tried to untie my wrists. Oh my god I was stuck under a dead man. I lay there all day until Kim came home. She shouted for her grandad.

I’m up here Kim I shouted go and get matt.

Kim came in and saw us.

What’s going on.

Your grandads had a heart attack can you get matt.

Matt came over and untied me. and lifted Tom off me.

We got Tom dressed and called an ambulance.

I had to sit Kim down and explain what he had been doing. Kim hugged me and said sorry.

Its not your fault but you need to delete the video of you and Lucky.

The ambulance turned up and took him away. Later that night we had a call to say that a doctor had pronounced him dead from a heart attack.

We helped Kim move all her stuff over to ours. You can come and live with us. I hugged Kim to try to comfort her. Its Ok mum I think grandad was only waiting till I was sixteen then I think he would probably try to fuck me. Now he had that video he probably wouldn’t have waited.

At the inquest they found traces of Viagra in his system but they did not think that was suspicious.

I applied to social services to look after Kim and put in an application to adopt her.

Toms solicitor told us that Kim was Toms only relative and everything would go the her. We cleared his house and put it up for sale.

The house quickly sold and what with that and toms valuables and investments Kim was very well off.

I will be able to pay my way now Mum.

Dont be daft it does not cost you anything to live here with us. We are your family.

Kim had to be sure to keep all her stuff in her own room in case social services checked on her. But mostly the three of us shared one room. I decided to buy a king-size bed.

Kim and I became very close I think she wanted to try to replace Suzy. She was the same age as Matt but she was tiny with perfect little breasts and probably the prettiest face I have ever seen. She would often come and get hold of my hand and lead me upstairs to bed if Matt was not about.

We settled into a nice routine where me and Lucky would have our time while Matt and Kim were at school and family time together for the three of us at night and the weekend. Lucky mostly accepted this. On the odd occasion when Lucky decided he wanted me at the weekend the two of them would go off into town for a couple of hours.

I had never felt quite so fulfilled.

We all nicely settled into this routine when there was a phone call from Suzy and jenny.

HI Mum is it ok for us to pop over for a few days.

Of course do you need picking up.

No thanks we have our own car now. See you soon.

To be continued.