Lilly’s got a good Smile

An odd silence lays upon the country side at night. It is lonely, it is dark, it is enough to bring tears to my eyes. It confuses me. Though it is beautiful.
To say it more bluntly and less poetically, it was shaping up to be a lonely summer. And for some reason (though I can not fathom why) I had declared to myself that I will sleep in a tent on the vast 40 acres that made up the peninsula that our (and several other) rental house was on. It was just me and my guitar for the nights. I had crawled to the place in my mind that most songwriters go where they convince themselves that sleeping with their guitar was good enough, and that it was time to abandon hope of female companionship. Well I spoke too soon.
Though for the most of June the “head” as it was referred to as (due to its name Jakobs Head Point) was empty, we were the only renters. And it was not until the fourth of July time that the houses started to fill. I was still in my Tent, with my guitar, under a large tree that was actually two trees growing into each her. Yes my family was there too. My sister [might I state here that this is not an incest story] her friend, and my parents. Whom, luckily trusted me enough to give me reasonable freedom, I was 16 after all. And to establish an image for you, I was thin, but not boney, I was 5’5 average weight, I had longish dark brown hair that refused to lighten in the sun, and apparently “pretty eyes that were neither green nor blue nor hazel”, worked for me.
It was the day before the forth of July, the 3rd. It had been agreed upon by the various families that, though they did not know each other they might as well celebrate together, the following day. So arrangements were made for the party to be held at the ‘Smith’ house (a renovated barn/condo type deal). Plans sounded good to me. So The next day I emerged from my tent in the morning, dalleyed by the rocks till dinner, then dragged my guitar toward the growing number of rich country clubbers at the barn. I found myself a place on the rail of the porch and talked my way through the seemingly curious old folks. Let it be said that I do not give a flying fuck about collage, about highschool, If public education taught me anything it was how to sing loudly about how much I hated it. Once the night had gone on for an hour or so I decided to strum something, some Bob Dylan, or Springsteen, something people would recognize, something patriotic. Ill be honest, it didn’t take tooooo well. Wasn’t a real folky crowd, what I expected. But I sensed eyes upon me throughout the verses of ‘the times they are a changin’ that did not come from an old yacht owner. I swept the crowed and found the eyes of a pretty little girl sitting on the fence a little ways away from me . I saw her, and choked on my words. My mind was lit up. Put it this way, I had never written a love song, but this girl was so pretty I could have improvised one with my entire heart in it. She smiled and I smiled back. I looked back at the uninterested crowed. It was clear I could leave now. So I did. She had long brown hair, lighter than mine, bangs that didn’t make her look like a box, but framed a beautiful set of dark dark brown eyes, she was about 5’3, probably 15 or 16, had pretty good legs (mosquitos had been there, done that) her breasts were perky and not oversided, and she wore a loose fitting shirt that hung low and was ripped at an angle around her mid-thigh.
I knew she was going to follow me, if she liked my music, she was bored too, and that wasn’t only a friendly smile. It was actually a good deal, the head was empty, all living humans were at the party and would be till late night, I was finger picking my guitar and walking into a beautiful sunset with an even more gorgeous girl following behind. Where shall I go I thought. The beech? The Forest? The meadow? Damn this place is romantic I though. I did. I knew the best place, I went all the way to the end of the pensula where there was a small run down gazebo that had been build 30 years before by my parents for their wedding. It had been painted but was kind of a mess, yet still a good place for a sunset view. I jumped in it and stopped, I did not turn around till I could feel her breath behind me. I turned and saw her, her hair slightly swept, panting yet still maintaining a playfull smile. Usually I would have reached out one hand and shook hers, except, I knew what I wanted and I was willing to say fuck the world and so I reached out two hands, grabbed her firmly by the shoulders pulled her too me then… Damn she was quick, I suppose at that moment she had caught my drift and just acted more hastily. But either way, we Kissed, a long deep kiss, I was never too good at it, but hell, nor was she. And I thought I wasn’t bad. The fuckin sparks that went off were worth it.
“Well them”, she snickered afterwards, “this summer is shaping up”
“ your telling me” I replied with a smile. So there we were, having skipped step one two and three in a normal build up to a romantic relationship, it was silently agreed upon that we now had no reason to hold back any physical contact. We sat there, for hours, talking, kissing. Her name was Lilly, she was my age after all, 16, and was homeschooled in New Hampshire. Her family had come up here this summer for vacation and she was staying for another 3 weeks (as was I). I told her about me, my music, my life. I even sang to her, I felt silly, but the entire time she just watched, smiling, eyes closed Listening to every word of the stories I told.
“ your wonderful” she said, kissing me. It was dark now, we were talking by the light of just the moon now. We had moved to the grass next to the gazebo. As we laid there I couldn’t stop thinking about what I wanted to do to this girl. I wasn’t a sex crazy maniac, but seeing this beautiful girl, lying next to me in the moonlight, had my mind racing. I turned to her, her eyes were closed again, as if sleeping, but she was not. I ran my hand round her waste and she reached out to me as well, pulling me closer. I was a little nervous, my member had been growing in my pants as I thought about her, I wasn’t sure if she would be offended or something… but what the fuck right? This was a night for risks. Finally we held each other there in the grass. Then in felt her giggle, I thought ‘damn, ima get shit now’ but to my surprise she moved her crotch against mine through our clothing, her giggling was louder now before she said “god, I feel crazy right now! Don’t you!” then suddenly she just grabbed the bulge in my pants. It twitched bugger right then and there. I knew where this was going right then and there, and I wasn’t about to let this girl get there first. I rolled over, right on top of her, my hand traveling down her body as I did so. I put my hands on her crotch of her pants, rubbing her pussy through them. I saw she was enjoying it, she let her back arch and her head fall back, her eyes closed shut, her smile ever lingering, full of pleasure. She was beautiful. I crept into her pants and felt her hot panties. I could tell the blood in her body had gon to her hips, she was burning hot. I massaged her clit gently, feeling a female vagina for the first time. Her breathing was quickened, she finally threw her hand down, I thought to push me away, but instead she ripped off her pants, panties and all. Then there I was, staring at a young, horny, pussy. Illuminated by the moon, this was an exciting site, the show in my pants went wild and I couldn’t holw myself back. I moved down her body, till my head was level with her slit and I dove in, licking slowly, tasting her. My tongue lapped her pussy, lingering at the top briefly every time. I got deeper as I went along. I knew she was getting wetter, I could feel the muscles of her body relax and tighten. She was verbally moaning now, her hand held my head, her fingers deep in my hair. Then her panting grew fast, she pressed me deeper, my tongue wasn’t long enough! Then she cried out! Her back arced even more, with violence, she shook, my tongue still inside her. She cried again and I felt her pussy tighten and release, her juices were gushing by now, almost squirting at me. Then she fell limp. Her orgasm subsided. I just rested there for a little while. That was amazing, I had created that pleasure, it was an amazing feeling for the both of us. She crept down to me, reaching out her hand to my face then we kissed again, with a new tenderness. It was a loving kiss, like none I had had.
It was my turn. That was unspoken. She pulled her panties back on, but left the pants in the grass. Then she tugged at my bet, smiling at my face, I wasn’t about to stall. I undid my belt and pants in one swift movement, my pants were off right there. She felt my cock through my underwire, it was as stiff as ever now, rock hard steel. Her eyes were wide, I saw, she was just staring, her hand on my cock, then I decided to help out a little. I took her hand and pulled it through the flap in my boxers, the grabbed my shaft and gasped. She hadn’t done this before. Then she took a deep breath and pulled it out, dropping it directly afterwards.
“its… so big” she gasped. I wasn’t about to discourage her, it wasn’t a big dick, not small, but not a porn star shaft. Id say about 7 and a half inches.
She stared for a second then took it again. Now rubbing it, up and down, slower than in could bare. I closed my eyes as she had done. Taking in everything. So I couldn’t see when she tasted it, licking the head, sending a shiver down my spine. “hehe, mmmm” she moaned then in one brave moment of ‘what the fuck’ took my cock in her mouth. Oh. My . God. This wasn’t anything like I had expected. She went deep, slow, tongue flicking fast and perfectly. I wouldn’t last long, I knew it, but every second leading up to my orgasm was amazing. I felt the quick build up in my cock and I , without thinking, held her head on my cock as I shot my stream of cum into her throat. This obviously took her by surprise, I thought ‘damn it’ as she pulled away, a sour look on her face, like she was gaging on some medicine. Then, she gulped, took a breath and let that ever so beautiful smile back on her face. “haha, oh, my , god” she groaned, “that was wild kid”
“well, sorry for the lack of a warning” I replied
“ha, not like anything tonight has been planned right” smiling. I smiled back. My cock was going limp again. “well, thaw s a first for me” she said
“same, hell, ive only ever kissed a girl before now” I mumbled
“ Ha same, but hey, what a start” she said. She lay down, her head on my chest. “sing to me” . Well, I had to now. I sang ChelseaHotel no.2 Through and through with my guitar and when I was done, Lil’ had gotten dressed and was dancing to the slow beat. “ we better get, out folks will be wondering where we ran off too soon”
“true I said, but hey, I wanna see you again soon, im sleeping out here in a tent, its right over by the forest where that grass patch is at the water front. Do you think you can get out later?” I asked eager.
“ Id love too she said, all depends though, we will see” then we left, holding hands till we could be seen my the breaking up party. At home I met a lot of teasing, from my sisters, but whatever. I told my Parents I was tired and was off to the tent after my shower. I couldn’t get there soon enough, I just knew Lilly was goanna come tonight. I cleaned myself, tuned my guitar, brused my teeth, I even took some chocolate and a few topo chicos I found in the fridge.
That night I sat up, for hours waiting. It was 2 am and I thought she must have not pulled it off, so I unzipped my sleeping bag and was sliding un when I heard a whisper “hey, you got room in there for one more?” I nearly lept out of the tent. I unzipped the tarp and let her in.
“ hey Lil’ Lil smiled.
“Ciao kiddo” , She replied. I was already scooting toward her. I had been thinking about her all night. I needed her. She shoved her bag into the corner and pulled me close. I stripped her shirt, she was bare, no bra. And she stripped mine. We held each other like that, kissing, feeling, loving. I moved my lips to her beautiful breasts, lit by the lamp I had hanging from the tent supports. They looked delicious in the orange light. I sucked them till they were hard and at attention. Lil was moaning, there was no one for a mile around and no one could hear two kids in this tent, noise wasn’t a problem. She pushed me down on top of my sleeping bag and stripped me of my pants, underwear and all. She was crawling toward me when I reached out and grabbed the rim of her pants, there was no way she was keeping these on as long as I was naked too. The elastic pajama pants came off easily and revealed no underwear. Now I was on top. My dick inches away from her slit. I could feel the heat pulsing from us both. She was looking down at us as well, her hands slid over her pussy, she opened her lips and moved her finger in, then pulling it out, she kissed me, her eyes closed again. “well, let’s do this kid” she said and that was all I needed.
My rock hard cock inched towards her, then brushing her clit with its head Lil bit her lip. She was preparing for my entry. I leaned over and killed her deeply as I pushed in, she inhaled deeply as I did. She felt amazing, it was pure pleasure as I slid deeper, every inch of my cock traveled through her, cutting her hymn and setting deep into her. We stopped out kiss. “are you ok?” I asked her sweetly. “yes, yes…..yes” she moaned. So I slid out, then back in, as slow as I could. I wanted to feel every inch of her, squeeze me, my dick was pulsing with pleasure. We both moaned and groaned in unison as I made my passes. Then I sped up, there was no blood, as I had expected, but I didn’t want to hurt her. My pace was gentle, massaging her inside. She then grabbed my beck and murmured “faster”. I smiled, taking her chest in my hands squeezing, I sped up, my passes were harder now. Her eyes rolled back in her head, the moans were loud, turning into cries. I felt the pleasure boiling up inside of me. I was near, but before I could pull out she too found herself at orgasm; arcing her back, tightening her muscles and squeezing my cock with all the strength of her pussy. I felt the squirting around my cock and I pulled out right as the first stream of semen came shooting out, she was still twitching and jerking uncontrollable as I squirted all over her stomach, the orgasm was stupendous, it was new, more intense than anything I had ever felt. I looked down at Lil as her orgasm ended, it looked as if I had murdered her. She was lying there limp and her eyes close. Then, that smile crept across her face, that beautiful smile.