katherine meets her Daddy pt. 2

Walking up to the room on the note she lightly knocks on the door and steps back to wait. The door opens suddenly, and she is briefly blinded as her eyes adjust to the light as she feels a strong and rough hand grab her upper arm and pull her in then hears the door close and lock behind her. Roughly pushed against the door with His hand on her chest she looks up to study Him. He is tall, at least 6 feet or more and seems to tower over her with dark hair with some grey and roughly chiseled features. Muscular and handsome, its His eyes that grab her attention the most. Boring into her she sees they are the same intense green as her own almost as if they are matched.

“I see you are learning to obey and have listened well in coming here.” He says in a low voice looking her up and down. she manages a quick nod not daring to speak before feeling Him grab her wrist leading her towards a chair. she glances around the room and sees it is sparsely furnished with just a bed lamp and chair. He sits and pulls her into His lamp facing Him straddling His waist, His hands lightly resting on her thighs and hers on His broad shoulders. Looking deeply into her eyes as if looking inside her they begin to talk with Him proceeding slowly at first, asking about her family and confirming some of the things He already seems to know. As the talk turned to not knowing her father, He looked deep in her eyes and said, “I am sure he would be disappointed at what a stupid slut you are, sending the pictures to Me that you did and coming here to meet a Man you don’t know.” she caught her breath looking into His eyes unsure how to respond. For a long minute He was silent before saying “you really are a stupid cunt, aren’t you?” as she felt His hand slide up to find her moist slit. she gasped as He shifted grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling her close to Him, kissing her roughly. Their tongues meeting softly at first His mouth was warm and the taste overwhelming. she opened wider and His kiss became more invasive, His tongue roughly exploring her mouth pushing in deeply. He kissed her slowly and roughly like this for long minutes as she sucked lightly on His tongue swallowing their combined spit at times. Finally needing to catch her breath she pushed back with her hands to break away. His eyes suddenly angry He slapped her hard across the face and stood up dumping her to the ground as she cried out in surprise.

Stunned she sat feeling the sting of His handprint on her face when she felt Him grab her hair tightly dragging her towards the bed. Gripping her braids tightly in His fist He yanked her to a kneeling position at the foot of the bed and stood over her. Looking down with hard eyes He commanded “take my cock out, bitch”. Reaching up with shaking hands she unzipped His pants and pulled His rape stick free. she gasped at the size realizing her hand didn’t wrap the full way around. Twisting her hair roughly again to cause her to cry out He swiftly pushed into her mouth. Her eyes wide she tried to relax and suck lightly to stop from gagging. Rocking forward He slowly fucked her mouth, stroking slightly deeper each time until He hit the back of her throat. He held her there for a moment holding her tightly with her hands on His thighs. Suddenly she felt His grip tighten on her hair and He pushed forward slowly but steadily, her throat resisted for a brief minute before she swallowed in panic, and He suddenly popped forward the thick mushroom tip of His cock pushing past the barrier in her throat. she heard Him growl softly looking down at her as He pushed hard burying His thick shaft deep in her throat. He held her there a long moment until desperate for air she began to push back hard to try and regain her breath. Eyes still locked on hers He pulled back slowly until He withdrew, a thick strand of saliva connecting her lips to His cockhead. Gasping for breath her eyes tearing up she managed to grab 2 small breaths of air before again, He began to invade her throat. He raped her throat slowly in a steady rhythm only letting her one small gasp of air between each long stroke until her head was swimming and she lost track of time. Finally beginning to speed up He hammered her throat. she felt the bulge of His head rapidly pulsing in her throat until finally with an animalistic growl He held her down cumming hard, she swallowed hard feeling as if He was cumming directly into her stomach until finally pulling free He shot the last 2 streams directly onto her face and hair. Falling back against the bed panting and rubbing her aching throat and jaw she whimpered softly as He stood above her smiling and tucking His cock back in His pants. Laughing He asked her, “is this what You wanted, cunt?” Feeling any reply might be dangerous she simply shook her head looking at Him with wide eyes. Smiling now He said “well, don’t worry. I am just getting started.”

Reaching down to grab her braids He roughly pulled her upwards as she scrambled up onto the bed, led by His strong hands. Flipping her onto her front He grabbed her wrists and quickly secured them with leather cuffs He had prepared and tied them in front of her to the head of the bed. Walking behind her He grabbed her ankles and did the same tying each securely to a corner of the bed, spreading her legs wide. Laying tied tightly katherine fought to keep her panic down and catch her breath from the rough throat fucking when she heard a click of a knife next to her ear. her breath caught in her throat as He rubbed the blade softly against the skin of her cheek. Growling at her “no one knows where you, do they?” then feeling the blade trail down her back and legs He said “I can do anything I want, can’t I, cunt?” Stammering out “yes Daddy” she felt the blade slide under her clothes as He began to roughly cut her skirt away then move up to her shirt. Roughly pulling her clothes away she felt goosebumps rise as the cool air caressed her flesh and He again trailed the knife up and down her body. she heard a click as He put the knife away then heard the sound of His belt coming free from His pants. Feeling His hot breath on her ear He growled “count, bitch” before she heard the whistle of His doubled over leather belt just before is struck high on her shoulders just below her neck with all His strength. It felt like a line of fire, and she managed to gasp out “one!” before she heard the next blow coming, just slightly lower and overlapping the first strike. He steadily moved down her back carefully intersecting each strike to abuse every inch of her flesh. It felt like fire moving down her back as she gasped and cried concentrating not to lose count. He moved down her butt, and then thighs and legs, alternating between each one before reaching the soles of her feet. The pain felt excruciating there and He seemed to revel in her screams and sobs between her counting each blow. He spent long minutes whipping each foot hard before moving back up again slowly punishing her soft skin before finishing where He started back at her shoulders. her body felt on fire, and she sobbed hard trying to catch her breath. He leaned down, softly rubbing her cheek and whispered in her ear, “shhhh shhhh, don’t worry. The worst is yet to come”. Raking His nails slowly down her back and butt she cried out at the renewed lines of fire before feeling the palm of His hand cupping and rubbing her pussy. Finding her warm and wet He remarked as if to Himself, “you are just like her, aren’t you cunt?”

To be continued…