Joyce on the Pill

I stopped by my sister’s room to ask her if she had money to pay back the twenty dollars she borrowed three days before. She was lying on the bed, on her stomach looking at her smart phone. When she heard me she slapped the phone face down “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I need my twenty bucks, you got it?”

“Uh, you said I had till Saturday to pay it back, I don’t get paid at work until Friday, I don’t have it.”

“I know I said you could give it back Saturday but I really need some money today, do you have any? Five bucks maybe?”

“Huh! I only have a ten.”

“Come on Joyce, I really need it.”

She gave in “Shit. Okay give me my bag.”

Her shoulder bag was setting on the top of her dresser so I reached up to grab it. I picked it up but one of the handles was looped over a bottle of lotion so when the handle moved the lotion fell. I saw the bottle tip and snapped my hand out to catch it before it hit the floor. I caught the lotion but the purse fell too, bounced on the floor and spilled its contents across Joyce’s throw rug “Fuck. I’m sorry.”

Joyce sprang off her bed and went to her knees and started gathering the junk on the floor “Damn it Dirk, do you have to be so fucking klutzy all the time?” I bent to help her pick up the pile of junk but she slapped my hand away “Get out, I’ll bring the money over.”

I saw a pill pack lying just under the dresser and picked it up. I was expecting cough drops or maybe breath mints but what I held was a packet of birth control. I recognized the Pill because sometimes mom leaves hers in lying around, the packet I was holding was similar. Four rows of clear plastic bubbles labeled with days of the week, three of the seven pills in the first row were missing. I looked at my sister who was watching me and growing red in the face. “You take the Pill? You take fucking birth control?”

She snatched the packet from my hand “Get out, get out now or I’ll kick the shit out of you!” At the moment I saw death and dismemberment in her eyes so I got out of her room in a hurry.

I retreated to the front room without the cash, I figured I would go without but I wasn’t concerned about that just then, my thoughts were about what I’d found. Joyce takes the pill? That was a pretty sure 100% guarantee she wasn’t virgin. My sixteen-year-old sister was getting laid and I never had a clue? And how in hell does a sixteen-year-old girl get that shit in the first place? Did mom know? For sure dad was as clueless as me. I grabbed a Coke from the fridge and went to my own room.

About an hour after accidently finding out my sister took the Pill, I heard a tap on my bedroom door then it opened a crack. Joyce poked her head in and peered across the room at me “I have that money for you.”

“Okay, come on.”

She stepped to the bed and sat on the end of it, the bill folded in half in her hand, her head hung low, she avoided my eyes “Don’t tell anybody. Dirk, it has to be a secret, if mom and dad ever found out I they would lock me up in my room and push food under the door.”

“Hey, you know I have a bunch of questions and you know what they are going to be. Can I ask? I won’t say anything to anybody but you have to tell me what’s going on.”

Joyce shifted her ass on the bed, dropped the ten to the nightstand then laced her fingers around one knee and pulled it up to her breasts so tight her knuckles turned white “Okay” she sighed, “if you have to know but never say anything to anybody, swear it.”

“Come on Joyce, you know I don’t ever talk bad about you.”

“This is different Dirk, this is totally different.”

“Okay,” I raised my right hand as the boy scout three finger salute “I swear I won’t tell anybody my sister is on the Pill.”

She looked at me, her large hazel eyes guarded “You can ask me anything but I might not answer.”

“I have to guess you’re not a virgin.”


“When, who?”

“Two weeks before I turned fifteen. Micky Callon.”

“Jesus, you were only fourteen?”

Joyce snapped “Don’t be judgmental.”

“Just Micky since then?”

She blushed red, let go of her leg so both her feet were on the floor then looked past my shoulder to the wall behind me and uttered softly “More.”

“Come on Joyce, don’t hold back, how many?”

She took deep breath then mumbled “Four — four more.”

I was dumbfounded, my little sister who just turned sixteen started fucking when she was fourteen and in a little over a year had screwed five guys? What surprised me even more was that I never heard a word in school. Usually girls who fuck have their names scratched all over the walls in the boy’s room. I hadn’t seen ‘Joyce’ up there at all. She took my breath away, I couldn’t say anything, I just stood in front of my pretty young sister and stared at her blushing cheeks for a few seconds then squeaked “Five? You’ve let five guys screw you?” Crap! She was two up on me. I am fifteen months older than her and she’d gotten more dick in her short sex life than I’d gotten pussy.

Her pony tail bobbed when she nodded “Yeah.”

My head was full of questions, how far in her confession would she go, name names? Tell me what she did, does or likes? Was she a one-night thrill or did she date first? As I watched my sister sitting on the end of my bed I felt my prick began to swell. I was getting turned on and wanted to ask all those questions and more but I was embarrassed by my reaction to her. “Hey, Joyce.” she looked up at me, “You need to find some place to hide your pill pack, anybody snooping in your purse would see them and you know mom snoops.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Promise you won’t tell?”

“I already promised but I promise again, nobody will know from me you take the pill and have fucked around with a bunch of guys.” When I said that Joyce rolled her eyes away and blushed, I ended the revealing conversation with “I have to go now but can we talk more later?”

She stood to leave, glanced over her shoulder at the closed door then offered “What are you doing after you get off work?”

“Nothing, Xia is on vacation so I just hang around the house texting her.”

“Look, if you want, when you get home let’s go somewhere, we can talk without mom and dad around.”

“Talk about your sex life?”

She spoke almost shyly “That’s what you want to hear isn’t it?”

I wasn’t sure why she volunteered to tell me more but I wasn’t going to say no, “I get home around 7.” She looked me squarely in the eyes and nodded then left. Having made a date with me to share her secrets my sister left my room and my prick pumped a dose of precum into my shorts.

While on break from my part time grocery shelf stocking job I made notes on my smartphone, questions I wanted to ask Joyce. I didn’t trust myself to remember everything I thought of so the list got fairly long:

How did you get the pill

After Micky who were the others (do I know them)

Our age or older guys

One time or more

Do you get off

Suck cock or just fuck

Where? Cars, school, their house, our house

More than one at the same time

Do you party with girls

Straight, drunk or stoned

What do you like to do

What do you like done to you

Do you watch porn

What turns you on

I was sure there would be more questions but I couldn’t think of any just then. I got home at 7:10 then dashed to my room to shower and clean up. I didn’t see Joyce until I was ready to leave the house. I poked my head into her room, she was texting again “Hey, you ready?”

She put the phone down and got off the bed then pulled a light hoodie from her closet “Yeah, where are we going?”

“Where do you want to go?”

She picked up her phone, glanced at a new text then back to me, “Take me to Maxi’s house, she has some wine coolers for me. After that it’s up to you.”

“You’re going to drink coolers?”

“Hey, I said I would answer your questions but I’ll need a little courage before, you can have one too.”

“Okay, let’s get out of here before mom and dad make plans for us.”

Joyce was riding in the passenger seat leaning back on the door, her legs folded up, she was sitting on her feet. As she typed on her phone, I was checking her out. She wore a short skirt that rode high up her thighs and her cheerleader hoodie with a picture of a Viking ship on it. The name of our school team, Vikings, was emblazoned across her tits. Her short cinnamon colored hair was covered by the hood but when I could see it, it was cut short like Cersei on Game of Thrones. She had put on some make-up and wore a double strand black bead choker with matching earrings. Joyce was pretty. I’d never noticed before. I mean I noticed she is pretty before but I’d never really looked at her like a girl, only a sister. My prick twitched just a little when I pictured what five guys had seen and I never did. Another question formed in my mind: Do you shave or are you natural?

She was in Maxi’s house just long enough to grab the six-pack of Seagrams coolers then dashed back to my car. When she was settled and I pulled away Joyce twisted off the lid off a bottle “What the fuck, don’t open that in the car, I could get busted.”

“Only if you get stopped. Don’t get stopped.” She leaned back on the door again and took a sip. I still didn’t know where I should take her. Since she was drinking any place public was out so I headed out Highline Drive to a side road I knew. We could sit and talk in the car. About a mile from the parking place Joyce grunted “Shit, my legs are cramped.” She lifted her ass off her feet then twisted around to stretch her legs. When she moved, I got a full up-skirt view of her thighs and the junction of her legs. It was hard to tell in the dusk but her panties looked light red and lacy. My cock jerked as she arched back against the seat then pulled her skirt back down to where it belonged.

I shut off the engine and we opened the windows for fresh air. Joyce handed me a Cherry Fizz cooler then we relaxed for a minute or so. She was looking out the window saying nothing. I wanted to start grilling her but I didn’t want to come off as too eager to hear the sordid details of my sister’s sex life so I kept quiet. She reached down to recline the seat then laid back and turned to her side facing me “How many girls have you fucked?”

Whoa? What? She caught me off guard. I hesitated, thinking if I should answer when she said “Hey, if I tell you everything, I want to know what you do too. We are gonna share.”

Yeah? Okay, that was fair, “Three.”

“Only? I would think more. I know girls who would let you.”

I sat up, she had my full attention “Who?”

We started a conversation, a question and answer period about some girls in her class that thought I was hot, that they might screw me if the chance came up. Joyce teased me with hints but didn’t divulge any names. She was laughing and teasing as she finished the first bottle and started the second. “Are you going to give me some names?” I pressed.

“No, not yet, maybe later.” She continued by asking me who my first girlfriend was, how old we were and what we did. That thread of conversation went on through the next two girls. The whole reveal was an easy lighthearted grilling that didn’t embarrass me at all.

Joyce drank one and half coolers while interrogating me then it was my turn “Now I have questions for you.”

“I know, that’s why you brought me to a secluded parking spot in your cozy little car with alcohol to loosen my tongue” she quipped.

It was an opening I couldn’t resist “What can you do with your loose tongue?”

“Ha,” she sparkled, “wouldn’t you like to know.”

Oh fuck yes, I would like to know. I opened the notepad on my smartphone and told her “I have a list, are you ready?”

She took three swallows from the bottle, draining her second cooler then sighed “Okay.”

“When and how did you first fuck Micky?”

My sister shuffled around the seat and started “We only did it one time. I went to a party at Janel’s. Her parents weren’t home so some of us were drinking but then Jacob dug some pills out of his pocket and passed them around. I don’t know what it was but I didn’t want to let the others to think I wouldn’t do something so I took one. I don’t know how long it was after but I started floating, I got really light and my head was all over the place, I felt good and I was thinking all kinds of weird shit. Then Micky started talking to me, I don’t remember about what. We were sitting on the couch and he started kissing me and felt me up. I kind of wanted him to stop but I let him because I was curious how it felt to have a guy touch me. We necked for a while then he stood up, took my hand and led me to Janel’s bedroom. He closed the door then told me to take my panties off. I knew I shouldn’t but without really thinking about it did it anyway. He turned me around and pushed me to lay down on the bed; I was lying on my front with my feet on the floor. When he lifted my skirt I knew what was going to happen but I was kind of like ‘so what’. I was interested about what a boner looked like so I checked him out when he undid his pants and pulled it out, it was the first one I’d ever seen. He pushed my legs apart with his knees then moved close and put his prick on my pussy. I thought I should protest but I really didn’t care what he was doing, my mind wasn’t involved with my body just then. He pushed against me two times before I felt him go in, it kind of hurt but not too bad. Micky fucked me maybe five minutes then jammed up as far as he could and finished. When he was done, he pulled his pants back up then left me lying on Janel’s bed with a mess between my legs and I was thinking ‘Okay, what’s the big deal with that?’ He and me never did it again.”

“You were high, you took some pills?”

“Only that once. The next morning I was sore and when I remembered what happened I got scared as hell that I laid there and didn’t care what he did and that I could get pregnant. I never took any more pills or smoked anything except pot.”

Another revelation! “You smoke pot?”

“Or eat cookies.”

Where the hell had I been living in the last couple of years, in a fucking opaque bubble? Man, my sister was one surprise after another! And I never heard any rumors about her. “So he was the first, who was next and when?”

“Randy Omald at the homecoming game. We were going to Homecoming Dance after the game but he got a call from his dad, he was coming to pick him up because Randy’s mom had been in an accident. She wasn’t hurt bad but Randy and me had only about twenty minutes before he had to go. He and I had been dating about six weeks and I was going to let him after the dance but then he had to leave. I made excuses to the cheer team coach then I got him to go with me to the parking lot then tried car doors until I found one unlocked. We got into the back seat of somebody’s car then we made out and fucked. He was fifteen minutes late to meet his dad because we were busy. We had sex until I broke up with him.”

My prick was transforming, it was swelling “That’s pretty hot Joyce, you took it to him.”

“He is the first boy I ever got horny for.”

“Keep going.” My sister finished her second cooler and grabbed another then continued to tell how she had fucked three more guys. She confessed to doing Sam and Robb at the same time, at another party. She smoked some pot and decided to try them both. “Did you like that?”

“I felt kind of weird letting one screw me while the other was standing beside the bed jerking on his boner. Weird but fun until Sam came in me. I spent the next few days worried he went far. Randy finished in me too sometimes and I would get ulcers waiting for my period so I decided I needed to protect myself. I went to a doctor I heard didn’t ask a lot of questions if he was paid cash so for $100 he prescribed me the Pill. That was three months ago. After that I started dating Wesley.”

“Where did you get a hundred dollars all at once?”

“From Grandmam, she didn’t even ask why I wanted it.”

That sounded like our grandmother “Do you let Wesley cum? In you?”

“Sure, why not? I don’t have to worry now.”

My cock lurched against the barrier of my jeans. I’d gotten lucky with three girls but none of them let me do them all the way. I’d cum all over backs, tits and tummies and in condoms but never in a pussy. I informed my sister “I never got to do that, I can’t imagine how good it must feel.”

“Never? No girl let you finish in her?”

I needed a break so I got out of the car, Joyce joined me, leaning on the hood next to me. I looked down on her “Hey, you want to smoke a joint?”

Her eyes darted up to mine “You got one?”

Joyce and I lit a nice fat joint then sat on the grass in front of the car to smoke it. When I handed it off to my sister I had a hard time believing this was Joyce and we were smoking weed together, something I never thought would happen. We didn’t say much but I was getting ready to continue my questions. She had already answered about half but we weren’t done.

“When you have sex to you get off?”

“Sometimes, sometimes not. It depends on what he does to me or for me. Randy, Robb and Wesley have done that.”

“So, you just fuck or do you do other things?”

“Like what?”

I was kind of hesitant to ask the next question but I braved on “Like suck him off, give some guy a blowjob.”

Joyce looked at me then grinned, her eyes glinted “Can I keep some secrets?”

“Do you play with yourself?”

“You mean alone, in my own bed?”

“Yeah, with your fingers or something.”

Joyce laid back so she was resting on her elbows looking at the stars “I do sometimes when I’m horny. I rub myself or use a hair brush handle while thinking about Wesley or somebody else.” That confession sent a shiver of thrills through my gut.

“You ever party with another girl?”

“You mean at the same time, on the same bed or something?”

“No, with other girls, no hard-ons.”

My sister stood and laughed, she walked a few feet away then caught her breath then faced me “Man, how many fucking questions to you have? No, I never messed around with another girl. She giggled then stepped close to me, my eyes were level with her crotch, I checked out her legs while she asked “You ever mess around with another guy?”

I told Joyce I had to piss then went into the shadows behind my car to a big tree. I pulled out my cock but it was hard so it took a concentrated effort to pee. I looked back at my sister and saw her reach under her skirt and pull her panties to her knees then squatted and drained her bladder too. I almost lost a nut load while watching her flow.

Back at the car Joyce and I finished the joint then she continued her x-rated stories. “I’ve had sex in cars, twice at Janel’s house, and once I took Wesley home. That was the first time I got completely naked with a guy and the first time in my own bed. That was totally awesome.”

“You only did it once at home?”

“Yeah, mom isn’t gone that much.”

“What turns you on, what makes you hot enough to fuck some guy’s balls off?”

She laughed “I haven’t done that yet but if I did, I’d put them in a baggie under my pillow. I like fingers in me, I like when some guy sucks my tits and I’m jerking on his erection before he puts it in. Wesley will put his head between my legs and lick me until I explode. God that feels good but he’s the only one that did that.”

Ahhww fucking shit my cock hurt, I had to go home and relive some pressure. I looked at my phone for the time, it was 10:14, Joyce and I had been out since about 7:30, almost three hours. My nuts were aching, my dick would never be soft again. I’d had about as much stimulation as I could handle “Are you ready to go home, mom and dad must be wondering where we are by now.”

Joyce stopped talking, she stepped back and looked at me from head to feet then her eyes settled on the massive bulge in my jeans. She reached out with a finger and touched it then pulled the fingertip the length of my erection. I was embarrassed by her move but not about to reject her. My sister pressed on my prick then asked me the obvious “You have a boner?”

I tried to justify my condition “Come on Joyce, we’ve been talking some pretty hot shit.”

She held my eyes prisoner with hers while she was thinking then asked “Do you want to know how it feels to cum in a girl?”

“Uh —” I didn’t need any more stimulation, I needed to get home.

My sister said “Come here” then went to the back door of my car and opened it. She reached under her skirt then her red lacy underwear fell down her legs. She sat on the edge of the seat, spread her knees wide and offered “Do it.”

My knees damn near folded when she pulled her skirt up, bearing her body for me. Another question answered, she shaved. She was watching me with amused eyes while I opened my pants and shoved them to the ground. I shuffled to her then without hesitation put the head of my swollen cock against her pussy. The end of my boner was slippery with lube and she was glistening wet. I easily pushed through the lips of my sister’s sex until our groins meshed. Joyce watched me push into her then said “You don’t have to worry if I like it or anything, just screw me until you’re done.”

It took me maybe five minutes between Joyce’s legs to boil over. She must have seen how I was tensing up, ready to erupt because she lifted her legs until her feet were resting at the sill of the open door then said casually “You like this don’t you, you like fucking your cute little sister. Cum Dirk; cum hard, push all the way in and do it.”

The pressure that had been building for three hours blew the end right off the shaft of my erection. I pumped two nut loads of semen into Joyce while she held my arms and smiled at the night sky. I don’t think I ever had that strong of an orgasm, my knees almost folded my body was shaking so hard. My god I never thought sex could feel that good! When I was done jerking against her I pulled out then leaned on the side of my car to catch my breath. Joyce got off her back then put her panties back on. “You ready to go home now?” No fucking way, I was ready to stay the night and fuck my sister a dozen times. She got into the front seat and waited for me to recover.

On the road home Joyce rested her head back and drifted into a nap. I was kind of glad because I didn’t know what I should say to her. Every time we went under some street lights or stopped at a red light, I watched her, looked at her legs and thought about what she did, by the time we got home I had another hard-on and I wanted to use it with her. I woke her up but before she got out of the car she said with a wickedly delightful grin “Now you know what if feels like to go all the way with a girl. Do you feel better?” Not waiting for an answer Joyce puckered her lips, blew me an air kiss then told me “I have to take shower” then went into the house.

I was in love with my sister. She was pretty, had a great body, a shaved pussy, liked to fuck and lived in the same house.

I was agitated like never before. I left my bedroom door open so I could listen to my sister taking a shower then dry her hair. Our parents were already in bed so I didn’t worry about them catching me stroking my erection while fantasizing what Joyce was doing in the bathroom. I stood in the dark of my room and waited for her to come out. The door opened a crack and she stuck her head in the hall and checked that our parent’s door was closed then stepped out. Joyce didn’t look my way, she walked the other way down the hall to her own bedroom, nude, not wearing a towel, but carrying it. The image of her bare back, narrow waist, ass and legs burned into my retinas forever.

I couldn’t sleep. I lay on my bed with my prick pointed at the overhead fan and remembered how it felt to cum in Joyce. She was the first girl to let me and she was my fucking sister! She just laid back, opened her legs and let me! Would she do it again, would she let me screw her some more? I couldn’t sleep.

My balls were swimming in hormones, my chest constricted, I couldn’t breathe right. I wasn’t thinking, I was on autopilot when I got off the bed and went to Joyce’s door. I listened but didn’t hear any phone conversation or pop. No light shown under the door. I went to the other end of the hall and put my ear on our parent’s door; snoring, they were asleep. With a hard case of tremors I returned to Joyce’s room, opened the door then eased inside. The room was not quite dark, a yard light sent in enough light I could see her. She was lying on her side away from me, under one blanket wearing a flannel night shift. I pushed my briefs to the floor then went to bed with my sleeping sister.

I fought off the high-strung shakes then put a hand on her hip and slid it down her butt, she wasn’t wearing panties. When my fingers found the hem of the night gown about half way down her thigh, I gripped it and pulled it up until her butt cheeks were uncovered. I leaned back and studied Joyce’s firm round ass, the tightness and smoothness of the skin. My erection convulsed and I had to force down the impulse to blast a load on her back. My prick was totally wet with lube so I put the head of my cock between her legs and stroked across the soft puffy flesh of her pussy. Two strokes then I tipped my cock so I could push into Joyce. I didn’t give a rotten damn if she was sleeping or not, it didn’t matter, I needed to fuck her.

I thrust and pulled in and out of her maybe nine or ten times when she started to wake up “Uh. Uh. What the hell?” She rolled her head to look at me “Dirk, what the hell are you doing!!” I slapped against her ass again, she grunted. She pulled away then rolled to face me “Goddamn! What the fuck are you doing here?” She may have been surprised but at least she wasn’t yelling.

“I can’t sleep, I’ve been hard since we go home and this is the only way.”

Joyce regained her composure quickly “The only way for what?”

I avoided the direct answer “Well I thought since you let me before it would be okay to do it again.”

She studied my eyes for several seconds then “Do it? Come on Dirk, are you too shy to say ‘fuck’?

She wanted blunt, I gave her blunt “I want to fuck you again.”

“Hand me the towel.”

I leaned over the side of the bed and picked up the bath towel and gave it to my sister. She folded it in half then lifted her butt off the bed and spread it under her. When it was in place she laid on her back, pulled up the night shift then invited me with one look to finish what I had started.

Having her awake and willing changed the dynamics of my thoughts, of my intent. Since she had just become a willing partner the urgency to get off faded to be replaced by another, stronger desire. I rolled over and between her legs so my head was above her hairless body slit. I pushed the night gown further to expose her breasts then bent to kiss my sister between the legs. She’d told me she likes that so I wasn’t afraid that she would reject me for being too intimate and I knew what to do, Xia liked it when I went down on her too. The fragrance of her musk mixed with a jasmine after bath lotion filled my nose, my erection swelled even larger. I kissed her cunt then began to lick it. Joyce’s legs vibrated against my ears, she arched her back then twisted her fingers in my hair. I tickled the tip of her clit with the tip of my tongue just as I pushed two fingers into her. She gasped, grabbed a pillow to smother her moans and spread her legs wider. I finger fucked and ate my sister until she tipped over. Her legs were kicking, her body rolling in waves while she forced her silence under the pillow. When she was done bouncing, I pulled up over her then attacked her with all the passion I felt. She was hot, wet and tender and my cock slid effortlessly into her until my balls slapped her body. Joyce rattled with another orgasm then collapsed limp while I fucked her. My ball pressure had been building for almost two hours so it didn’t take long for them to rupture. I laid down on her, wrapped her ass up in my hands then surged an almost unending series of cum shots into her womb.

I rolled limp to her side then sat up to look at her pussy. She widened her legs even further then smiled tiredly at me while I watched my cum drool from her to the towel. She let me look for a few seconds then pushed on my arm, “You better go” she whispered. And just like that it was over. I went to my room and quickly fell to sleep.

The next morning I was a hesitant to face Joyce but when we met in the kitchen the first thing she said was “Why didn’t you do that before I took a shower?” From that moment on my sister and I clicked on a level of understanding and empathy we had never before shared. It was our secrets that forged a tighter bond, a more intimate accord.

And the fact she let me cum in her twice without worry.

Joyce was dating Wesley so she didn’t need me to keep her happy. I was dating Xia who was trying to teach me all the ways Chinese girls like sex. My sister and I let our night of revelations and screwing fade to memory not talked about. Near the end of basketball season my team was playing for the district finals when I went up to block a dunk then landed wrong, my ankle twisted. I was rolling around on the floor thinking I’d busted it but the team doc informed me it was sprained, not broken. No matter, I wouldn’t be playing out the season. I hobbled to the bench then sat on the sidelines while my second-string replacement made some spectacular moves and hung two rimless three pointers to win the game. I was depressed. As a cheerleader Joyce was bouncing all over the court in her short skirt, so were the other girls, including Xia, but that night it was my sister I watched. Every time her short skirt flipped up to reveal her satin hot pants I watched and remembered how her ass looked naked.

Xia brought me home from the game but because I was in a pissy mood and my leg hurt, she didn’t stay. Mom and dad went to bed after commiserating with me for a few minutes then I retreated to my room early and wallowed in self-pity while getting my ass kicked playing Mars Battle. I was not having a good day.

It was well after midnight when Joyce came home. I heard her walking around for a few minutes then she took a shower. After the water stopped, she went to her room, I assumed to bed. It was maybe ten minutes later when she opened my door a crack “You still up?”

I paused the game “Yeah, it’s been a fucked up night, I can’t sleep, come in if you want.”

Joyce came in, closed the door with a soft click then sat on the end of my bed, next to me “How is your ankle?” She may have been concerned about my foot but it was her ankle I concentrated on. Her ankle and the leg attached to it. She was wearing a short nightie, showing skin from her feet to damn near the junction of her very shapely thighs. I felt a soft flare of carnal interest for my sister rise in my cock.

“It’s okay, Doc says I have to baby it for a few days but I can’t finish the season.”

Joyce looked at me “You know marijuana has medicinal properties, medical marijuana is used to help control pain.”

“Yeah, so what.”

“Want to control your hurt leg?”

I was definitely up for that “You have some, want to do it here?”

“Not in the house, if can you hobble to the back yard, we can sit in the yard swing.”

Since I was still in my team uniform I told her “Let me change, I’ll be right out.”

“I’ll get it, meet me there.”

When she joined me, Joyce had changed into an over-sized t-shit and a loose around the house skirt, the way the shirt hung over her tits I was sure she’d left her bra on the floor of her room. She sat next to me on the bench swing then opened a small baggie that contained some pot, the small brass pipe and a BIC lighter. I watched then commented “One stop shopping, that’s convenient.”

She smiled at me while stuffing weed into the bowl “I don’t have to rummage around my purse or pockets, I keep it all together.”

She set the plastic bag between us then put the pipe to her lips. Just as she held the lighter in place we heard “Dirk, are you out here?” It was our father.

Joyce’s eyes grew large with surprise then she pulled the pipe from her mouth and quickly put it and lighter under her skirt, between her thighs. She hoped the baggie between us was out of sight when I answered, “Yeah dad, what’s up?”

“I heard you talking, who is with you?”

“Joyce, we are talking about the game and my bum foot.”

Dad said “Good. I’m glad you’re both home, don’t forget we have a busy day tomorrow, don’t stay up too late. Good night Joyce.”

“Night daddy.”

I looked at my sister “Tomorrow?”

“Hey, remember, we’re going to Grandmam’s house for dinner?”

“Oh yeah, cool, I could use a little extra cash.” Our grandmother never failed to get her two adorable grandchildren away from their parents long enough to give each of us $50. It was on open secret; Grandmam was always sneaky but her daughter and son-in-law knew what she was doing. They didn’t mind one bit.

I looked to see the back door closed, our dad had gone. I reached under my sister’s skirt for the pipe. She eased her legs apart far enough so I could grip it then with it in my fingers I moved my hand up until the side of it was pressed on the junction of her legs. Joyce flinched lightly then pulled his hand away “No, not now, he might be still up” she whispered. She didn’t say ‘No’. She said ‘No, not now.’ Encouraged, my cock twitched as I held the lighter for my sister.

We laughed, played and giggled through the bowl of weed. We were pleasantly stoned and lying on the lawn tying to point out what few stars we could identify in the cloudless night sky. I was getting increasing horny for my sister, she was close, high-spirited and radiating sexuality. While shifting around pointing out stars her skirt had inched up her legs until her panties were visible. She didn’t seem to care or didn’t know what she was displaying. I rolled from my back to lie over her, he pinned her arms to the ground then put my mouth on her ear “Let’s fuck.”

Joyce stopped talking about Ursa Minor, looked up at me and replied “Not bad, at least you didn’t say ‘do it’ this time” her eyes glinted fun. She put a hand on the back of my head then pulled me down until her lips met mine. She kissed me tenderly for a few moments then pulled back “Okay.”

What she did, kiss me, not only surprised me, it caused my heart to flop in my chest, it was bruising against my rib cage, my erection pulsed while I slid a hand up her thigh, under the skirt and against the form of her pussy. Joyce arched her back, angled her legs wider then kissed me again. I hooked my long finger under the leg hole of her panties then pressed it into her. Her legs vibrated, she sipped a deep breath then her hips started rolling. I fingered her as we made out, Joyce’s sex was swelling open, warming and growing wetter with lust. I eased a second finger into her then began in earnest to bring her to peak. She sipped a deep breath then whispered into my ear “I can’t feel you right, take em off.”

I pulled my hand from between her legs then sat up to pull her panties down her legs. Joyce was smiling hugely while she kicked her feet high for me. I cupped her pussy in my hand and pressed on her clit, she quivered then gushed quietly “I’m ready.” I stood beside her and dropped my pants as she watched. When my erection was standing free Joyce reached up and gripped it. She stroked it a few times then pulled on me, forcing me down to her again. She tugged my erection until it was close enough to kiss. She puckered her lips, pressed them to the end then licked it with the tip of her tongue. I put a knee across Joyce’s body so I was astraddle her, she lifted her head then put her mouth over my hard-on and vacuumed it in until it filled her mouth. I rolled my hips forward so she had more cock to suck then reached behind to put my fingers into her again.

Joyce entertained me with her mouth for a couple of minutes then I pulled away to lie on my stomach between her legs. I pulled her skirt to her tits then put my mouth over the top of her slit. I licked the pocket where her clit was peeking out then kissed it. Joyce moaned slightly, her stomach rippled and she slapped the ground with both hands. I focused all my sexual energy on my sister’s pussy and clit. Her hips were bouncing, her legs shifting, her breath coming in quick puffs. I put my hands under her ass, held her close then suckled her hot button until she arched, cried out and shook from head to toes. She relaxed back to the ground then I moved up until I could impale her with the biggest, hardest cock I’d had since the first time I ever screwed a girl. I fucked Joyce while she lay under me, watching me with dancing eyes and a small intimate smile. She was still for a couple of minutes then started to respond to again. My sister and I shifted and rolled until she was over me, flexing her ass, sliding her cunt on my cock. She put her hands on my shoulders and leaned into me when I pushed up under her shirt to cup her tits. I pinched her nipples and she started grinding out another orgasm and I couldn’t hold back anymore. I injected her while she cramped.

She collapsed down on me, I could feel cum puddling in my pubic hair as she panted. I twitched once more, driving my hard cock into her, she flexed back then raised her head and kissed me softly “We better go in before dad comes to find out what I was yelping about.” Joyce pushed off, picked up her panties then left me lying on the lawn with my pants around the ankle that didn’t hurt anymore. I wondered briefly if she would marry me.

The next day Joyce and I acted normal. By that I mean we ignored each other totally on the drive to our grandmother’s house. She was texting Janel and Maxi, I was totally involved in Xia. It was only after dinner that she and I began to interact. We had gotten the $50 from Grandmam then went to the back yard to watch the sun set and talk. Mom came to the yard “Hey kids, your dad and I are taking mom shopping, she wants a new recliner and her car isn’t big enough to haul one in. There won’t be room enough for you two, do you mind staying here?”

Joyce asked “How long?”

“Not sure, a couple of hours at least.”

My sister answered for both of us “That should be fine mom, if it’s only two hours I’m sure we’ll survive unhurt.” Ten minutes later we were alone and my stash was lying on the ground between us. Joyce and I puffed away a bowl of marijuana then wondered aloud what we could do.

“Let’s take her car and go someplace.”


“Who cares, I just want to drive Grandmam’s BMW.”

Joyce got off the lawn “I have to go pee first and will you let me drive it too?”

“You don’t know how to drive.”

“I know how to drive, I just haven’t gotten my license yet.”

I was stoned and beginning to think of how my sister and I could pass the time so I proposed “How about a trade, you give me a blowjob and I let you drive the car.” Joyce didn’t answer, she just looked at me for a couple of seconds with unreadable eyes then went into the house.

The car was awesome, a BMW X2, not the biggest or best Beemer but still a hell of a lot more car than my dented up old Civic. I drove out of the suburbs onto Caspar Road then toward Hollendell, fifteen miles away. The car was exhilarating, I wanted to drive it to the ends of the earth and back. We opened the windows and let the wind blow around us as I nudged the speed a little over the limit. I glanced at my sister and she was relaxed back on the seat smiling at the stars, I reached over and put a hand on her thigh. Joyce turned her head to look at me then put a hand over mine then pulled it over and between her legs. She rocked her hips while pressing my hand into the junction of her legs. My cock reacted immediately, I went from zero to X-rated faster than the car would go from zero to sixty. Joyce grinned, pressed my hand on her tighter then pulled it from between her legs and said “Drive with both hands.”

I stopped at a scenic turn out where my sister and I got out of the car. We sat on the grass while smoking more grass then decided to continue our joy ride. “Can I drive now?” she asked.

“You haven’t sucked me. You go down on me, I let you drive.”

Joyce studied my face for a few moments then said “You drive.” I sat and watched when she got off the ground and returned to the car, I was still sitting when she called out “You coming?” I got up thinking she’d rejected my proposition.

I started the car and backed out of the parking spot. When I started to pull onto the road Joyce leaned to me and started to pull my pants open. She was taking me up on my offer? I slid the driver’s seat back until I could barely reach the pedals then tried to concentrate on the road. I tried but what my sister was doing was extremely distracting. She had pulled my erection out and was stroking it up and down while resting her head on my shoulder. She pumped me for a mile or so then slid her head down to my lap. Her lips sealed around the knob of my cock then Joyce started giving me head at while I cruised along the road. She was holding the shaft while her tongue licked and teased my cock. Joyce bobbed over my lap, her mouth was warm and wet, her fingers caressed the shaft and my balls. I was building pressure fast and warned her I was about to tip. She lifted off to say “Go for it Dirk, it’s okay” then dipped back down, pulled my cock between her lips then sucked my cum as if drinking Root Beer through a straw. Her cheeks swelled full as I fired hot bullets across her teeth then in one swallow, it all slid down her throat. Joyce sat back up and said “I get to drive now.” Again, I wondered if she would marry me.

Joyce drove our grandmother’s car back to the house; I was surprised, she did pretty good. I wanted to mess around with her but didn’t think it would be a good idea to distract her while she was behind the wheel. We beat our family back to the house by only a few minutes so my sister and I didn’t have time to fuck around anymore but I was intensely focused on her. My cock was rock hard and pulsing for another chance with her.

It was late when we left Grandmam. Mom was tired and went right to sleep while dad concentrated on the long drive. Joyce and I were texting our friends but my mind was reliving the blowjob. My sister sucked and swallowed and my prick wouldn’t forget. I was sitting next to her in the back seat of the big SUV with a monolith in my pants. I checked my dad and saw he wasn’t paying any attention to us so I slid a hand across the seat and eased it under Joyce’s skirt. She didn’t jerk away in surprise or concern so I got bolder and moved up her leg to her crotch. Joyce moved her knees apart and I felt the temperature of her pussy increase. She turned on the seat so she was angled closer to me with her legs a little further apart. I slid my middle finger up and down her crack while she texted Maxi.

Her panties were getting wet, her hips bucking slightly. I got even bolder and eased my finger in the leg hole of her panties then slowly, with short strokes pushed it into her as far as I could. Joyce put her phone down, laid her head back on the seat and closed her eyes as fingered her. I stroked her for a couple of minutes then withdrew to focus on her clit which was stiff and extended from its cozy home. I pressed and caressed Joyce’s hot button until she sucked in a deep breath, grabbed my arm then held it in place while she climaxed as quietly as she could. Just as she relaxed our father spoke up “What was that Joyce, did you say something?”

Her eyes flew wide open with angst but I answered him “She’s asleep, I think she was dreaming.”

It was after midnight by the time we pulled into the garage. Everybody said good night to everybody else then we all went to bed. Fifteen minutes later I met my sister in the front room, something we had tacitly agreed to do just before going to our rooms. We both knew what we wanted, we both were hot to continue where we left off. She was wearing a slip, nothing else I wore athletic shorts and a t-shirt. I pulled her into my arms and my sister and I began to neck. We heated each other up for a couple of minutes then I turned her around so she could lean over the back of the sofa. I lifted her shift, pulled my erection from my shorts then penetrated Joyce as she bent over the furniture. As I screwed my sister, she got more active, more turned on, more vocal. She was chirping with increasing volume every time my groin smacked into her ass. I put a hand over mouth, pulled her head back until her neck was stretched then fucked Joyce as if she were the first and last piece of ass I would ever get. Her legs began to quiver, she pressed back to me even tighter then began to bark out cries of passion, muffled by my hand over her mouth. My cock swelled, convulsed, then I came in sync with Joyce.

After we recovered enough strength to go back to our rooms, I realized I didn’t need my sister to marry me, she was willing to fuck me with no strings attached.