It was fine being me. 6-2, 210, benching 240, and wide receiver on the football team did help the social standings. I wrestled the 215 weight class and had one more season to become state champion. My previous competition had graduated, and getting second to the most promising wrestler in the rankings was fine.
I took so many classes to beat him, but he still made me look like an idiot. I got so mad, my girlfriend, Danielle, couldn’t cheer me up. She almost left me, but knew how competitive I was and stuck through until I apologized to her and took her out to Hibachi.
Amber was not drop-dead gorgeous, but you would almost certainly give her a lot of credit. She was 5-5, large B but not quite to C cup, and did volleyball. We would flirt in the halls, and shoved each other around, but were never the constantly kissing couple that could be found during class in the dark corner. Just the quick peck, me feeling her tight ass and getting a slap in the arm for it, and the occasional oral sex with me either sucking or fingering her.
Not the “it” couple, but at least once a week, I would be asked when I would go all the way and finally screw Amber. To be honest, I was not comfortable with pre-marital sex, but she was a virgin so the chances of STDs was considerably lower. Plus, she was on birth-control for stomach cramps and I would use a condom unless told otherwise by her. Playing it this way, there was a 99% chance of her not getting pregnant.
I got to Amber’s house a few minutes early, knowing that she wouldn’t be ready. Her parents were not home, so I let myself in. I heard shuffling around in the kitchen and crept as quietly as I could toward the noise. I peeked around and saw Amber with nothing but a towel on. She was painting her nails and had I guess to be a hard time finding the nail polish. There are two entrances into the kitchen, and mine was the one with her back to me.
I slowly crept forward and shook her as I screamed in maniacal laughter. It was perfect. She jumped and the towel was not knotted, so it fell off. The little brush to put the polish on was streaked across her foot, and she let me get the full frontal view. I stood there, a stupid grin on my face because of the laughter this predicament caused.
Amber went from freaked out, to pissed off in no time and proceeded to chase me around the house while I ran backwards to keep looking at her. She soon calmed down as she had chased me into her room, and the realization of what actually happened hit her. Pretty soon, we were both laughing and I hugged and kissed as much flesh as I could until she pulled away.
I was locked out her house until she finished, and told after she gave a quick look at by bulging crotch to “take care of myself, by myself, or let it calm down before dinner”. Even though it was tempting to “finish”, and blue balls hurt, I knew that Amber would be able to tell and that might ruin the chance. So I braved blue balls and slowly calmed down, but after seeing her like that, I just kept pulling it up.
Some fifteen minutes later, I was greeted with a knock on the window and a comment to close my mouth. Amber was in strapless, backless, short dress that showed every curve and accentuated the best parts of her. It was a dark blue, pure silk, with a cut up the side that was closed with loose stitches stopping where bra and underwear were supposed to be. It was clear from the lines that she wasn’t wearing any, and my second head got working over time. The tan that Amber worked hard to get without a tanning bed was evident and it was pretty clear that she had tanned nude when I wasn’t around, which was pretty rare.
Amber just pointed in the direction of the restaurant and gave me an awesome pout. I drove a 1967 Shelby GT500 “Eleanor” Replica that I had bought from a guy who makes those type of cars. It was perfect and got great gas mileage. I boosted it to top at 225 mph and was a constant acquaintance with the highway patrol. But I mostly drove where my friends had shifts and they would clock me for fun but if I set a new record than I was given a mock ticket like paying for lunch or setting them up on a date with one of Amber’s friends.
The place was really fancy and took a three-month reservation to book a seat. I wanted to treat Amber to the best. She was my best friend for middle school that I had and it took me two years of high school to get comfortable enough to finally ask her out. She did the “I will consider it” stall and after a week of making me sweat, said that she had said yes last year when I pretended to ask her last year to get away from a stalker. I didn’t cry, but came close to and we were late to class from just hugging.
I won’t go much into detail about dinner but it was the best I could buy without going overboard. It was her birthday and she asked for a nice quiet evening with just the two of us and a new movie that is somewhat action and somewhat romance. That I had saved for after dinner. She needed some splurging on and if I didn’t treat her like this than I would feel really bad.
We got to her house and that is when Amber broke me the news. She was moving out of her parent’s house. They were fighting constantly and she did not want to take it anymore. I got really confused because Amber never mentioned how bad the fighting was. She was 16 and legally allowed to move out, but only to someone who owned a house and was 21 and over. I was 17 and couldn’t really move her into a house. It took a little bit, but Amber just said how she wanted to live in my house.
I was jumping inside about it, but it knew that it would definitely cause rumors and there would be child services as well as other stuff. I didn’t say anything for a few minutes but stood outside in the 20 degree weather and thought with Amber right there looking at me with a pained grimace that did not suit her. Finally, I knew what to do. I grabbed Amber and carried her to her room and said only one word, “Pack”.
Well it wasn’t that easy to make her pack. My car could only hold us two and did not really have much trunk space but I left as soon as possible and got my dad’s pick up. Still it was four hours into packing with most of the essentials at my house in the spare room for when I have a guest or relative staying with the family. That is when all hell broke loose and the parent’s came back from a night of merry-making.
Amber’s dad is not large, but he does work out and I used to wrestle him for fun. He also knew boxing. I kind of knew there would be a fight, so my knuckles were wrapped in anticipation and they didn’t get used until Amber broke the news. He grew redder and looked so angry I was going to drop the box and tackle him prematurely just to keep Amber from being hurt.
Luckily, we were in a large room and there wasn’t anymore furniture to be broken. I quietly told Amber to be careful, and set the box down carefully getting ready at anytime to have a real fight. And I got one pretty soon when some more talking or more like shouting was done. We tussled for a little bit until it really exploded when he threw the first actual punch to the face. It was mostly body shots but I almost had my lights out with that punch. It got really nasty. I shot a right to his nose but he ducked quickly and I got his forehead instead. He grabbed my arm and threw me into the wall, but I missed the dry wood and struck the wood instead. By then, I was pissed and didn’t care about making sure the place was nice.
Phil, Amber’s dad, soon followed my side and smashed through the dry wall with his head. He struck blindly with one hand and tried to free his head by bracing with the other. Despite my rage, I did keep to the rules of combat and let him get freed. He soon became free and charged like a bull so I rammed a few knees into his gut and a head butt that almost broke my skull.
Phil staggered a little and then tried kicking me where it hurts, but I didn’t dodge and instead caught his foot. A quick ankle lock should have ended the fight but he rolled through it and struck me with the other foot. I was forced to let go and Phil ran to the kitchen and grabbed the first weapon he saw. It was a motherfucking butcher knife. He stabbed down at me, but I blocked and knocked the knife out. I shot on him in double leg and he fell down pretty hard.
His arm hit the wood floor and twisted strangely. I was too far in blood lust and he was still hitting me with the other arm. So I did a quick “climb the body” and shot punch after punch into Phil’s face. He did kick me in the back but I could barely feel it. Pretty soon Phil stopped moving and Amber was pulling me off and Amber’s mom was calling 911 for the police and for an ambulance.
I stayed until the police got there and had to talk through a mouth full of congealed blood and my suit was stained even darker black. My shirt had gotten red and from my wrists down there was a coating of Phil’s blood. The paramedics said he would live, but was critical for the next day or two. I asked if he was conscious and when they said yes, I said in front of everyone that he could no longer treat anyone like that and then turned to the officers.
Even though they tried to act cool, at least one hand was near a gun or nightstick and they were really jumpy. I was told that this would be a charge of battery against both Phil and I. If either one of us wanted to sue then we would have to go to the courthouse and fill out the paperwork.
Amber did her best to clean me up and then we loaded the last boxes into my dad’s truck and I drove away. We didn’t really speak, and the radio sat untouched. Then, after a few minutes of silence, Amber thanked me for defending her, but I couldn’t respond. My blood was still boiling and I was clenching my entire body and it was a miracle that I could still drive normally.
At a red light, Amber grabbed my head, and started kissing me all over. She was wet all over from crying and I knew that it was time to stop being angry. We kept kissing and tongue wrestling until a few angry honks told us the light had changed. We stopped and I kept driving until my house was in sight. There were cop cars surrounding it.
I slowed down and was asked for identification. That is when ten guys drew their guns and held up a pair of handcuffs, the meaning became very clear. I was under arrest and it was probably from the fight. So I called to my dad to help Amber, and put on the pair of hand cuffs.
There were three cops in the car with me and I was escorted to the prison and put in the overnight holding cell with the other guys. There I tried to post bail but was unable to because the battery was only the ticket. Phil was suing me for aggravated assault and other crimes. The bail was told to me and I knew that neither Amber or I could pay it. So I just sat and waited for the trial which was luckily the next day.
I had to go in the blood soaked suit and with my hair all messed up. It was not the image I wanted to present but I apologized profusely and the judge recessed until I could get a suit. Which was cool cause Amber had brought a suit and kept it if the judge would let me change. So I quickly changed but had to do it in front of her because of the handcuffs. We did a little kissing but only had a few minutes.
Court resumed and I did not have a lawyer, but instead I just asked and answered questions. It went pretty well and Amber was a witness and told her view, but I couldn’t believe when she said how long the fight had gone on for. It was maybe a ten minute fight with two minutes being me sitting on top and pounding Phil’s face in. there was deliberation from the jury, my charges were not for one judge to decide. So I had to sit there and wait the entire time.
The jury came back in and the foreman had a long talk with the judge. They conferred for awhile and Phil and I were called to talk as well. It turns out the jury wanted to reverse the charges and that I should have sued Phil instead. I asked what was going on and found out that the judge had decided to reverse the charges and now I was suing Phil but my lawyer was to be there, so court was adjourned for today, and would resume tomorrow.
I went home, because there was no need to pay bail as it was no longer relevant and Phil was put in the cell. Amber was waiting for me in the doorway. My dad had left for some sort of business and said he couldn’t make the trial tomorrow. I wondered if he made that up, my mom never has a say, she is always away on business. But it was just me and Amber, alone, in a house, with no interruptions, and I was supposed to fuck her today, and now is the time, and she is giving me a look.
I turned toward Amber and gave her a kiss while closing the door and locking it. She pulled away and ran. I stopped, stunned, and confused. She had just run, from a simple kiss. I must have stood there with the stupid/confused look on for a minute before I decided to run after Amber.
She was upstairs. That I knew after looking in every hiding spot on the main and basement floors. The only rooms upstairs was mine and the guest and the bathroom they share. I chose my room and searched carefully, but she still wasn’t there. I went through the bathroom and into the guest room. Amber was lying there, crying.
I went over to hug her and she just kind of shied away. So I sat there and waited until she started to talk.
“Look, I don’t want you to sue my dad”
“ I wasn’t going to. He is just mad and acted on it. I didn’t want this to go past the fight anyway.”
“I know what you were planning tonight. With the grill and movie.”
“To be honest. If you don’t want to, I really won’t force you. I just don’t feel like tonight is right with the lawsuit and all.”
“Thanks, most guys would try to say it is part of consoling.”
“How long have we known each other?”
“5 or 6 years.”
“How often do I act like other guys to you?”
“Not very often, except you all love me because I am a girl.”
“I don’t think tonight is right. So I am going to say good night, and change without you.”
“Good night babe. You going tomorrow?”
“Do I have to waste my Saturday?”
“If you love me.”
“Not going…….. to the mall. Sure I will go.”
“What time do you want me to wake you up?”
“I don’t care. Not too early.”
I left the room and got in the shower. I had been blue balled twice this evening, and it hurt but I could understand. Now I knew a lot more about Amber and it really hurt that she didn’t trust me with this. But I could understand why she wanted to keep it a secret, but when her mom and dad wanted to get a divorce she told me.
I went to bed a little more conservatively than usual. Actually putting on pajama bottoms over my boxers. If the police busted in again, I didn’t need to paraded around in boxers. Knowing that Amber was only a few feet away, I went to say good night and found her fast asleep. I didn’t interrupt her, but instead just stood and admired the luck I had to have her, and whispered good night.
The next day, Amber got the full treat. I woke her up in plenty of time for breakfast in bed and to get ready for the trial. She was going to dress nicely, not the jeans and t-shirt that she had worn yesterday. While she was putting on her make-up, I brushed her hair and sang softly. She was the best thing in my life and I wanted her to know it.
I drove the Shelby to the courthouse because I wanted to make an entrance, and getting out of a mud splattered pick up is not right with the dress both Amber and I were wearing. Well, I didn’t drive. Despite how much I love my car, Amber drives it whenever she feels like and has the only set of spare keys so my dad can’t take it.
I got into court and the judge asked if I wanted to press charges against Phil. I quickly looked at Amber and said as evenly as I could, “No, your Honor. I would like this matter to be closed and am not looking to press charges.”
The judge was skeptical and asked if I was sure. I told him that the beating and being humiliated by having the reversal was enough humiliation for one man and as long as he did not hit Amber or verbally abuse her, he would not be sued or see from me as often as I could help it.
Then the judge made another ruling that Amber’s parents no longer had custody over her and would hand over her inheritance and her belongings that were not currently in her possession. This made me splutter as I had no idea it was a duel case. But the jury had decided to split it up and two charges were being tried in one court.
I left the court in a daze and wandered over to Amber waiting by my car. She was deep in thought and didn’t see me until I grabbed her arm and gave her a hug. I looked down and saw her face. She knew that there was a duel trial going on and if I had pressed charges, she would have not chosen my dad to be her guardian.
“Did you set the trial up to be that way?”
“No but the jury asked me if I wanted to denounce my parents as guardians and they told me that the two cases would be tried together.”
“So why didn’t you tell me about your parents?”
“I thought you would fight my dad and you ended up fighting anyway. I didn’t know what to say to you so I just kept silent.”
“At least it is over now. He can’t hurt you anymore, and if he does just tell me and I will take care of it.”
“Don’t hurt him.”
“Only if he hurts you first.”
“Just talk to him. But don’t provoke anything, please.”
I gave Amber a kiss and promised to not provoke her dad into further actions. We climbed into the car and I handed over the keys while telling her to pick any place for lunch and that I would treat. She pulled into a Waffle House or Huddle House, I don’t know they all look the same to me and serve pretty much the same purpose.
We grabbed some brunch and I then drove to my house where my dad told me that I would be in charge. My parents had decided to take a vacation for a few weeks and since there was a girl in the house now, it wouldn’t be a complete mess when they got home. The plane left in an hour so My dad drove the pickup full of luggage to the airport with Amber and I in the back seat.
They left and I drove home while enjoying the silence with Amber. She broke the silence first.
“Do you want to break my cherry?”
I almost cut three lanes of traffic when I ripped my head around to look at her.
“Well, do you?”
“Yes. Ever since high school I have wanted to be your first.”
“Are you a virgin?”
“No. I lost it freshman year when I got drunk at a stupid party. Still pretty mad about it. The girl was fucking me when I was asleep and I had no idea until she started screaming in orgasm.”
“I- I don’t want to do it soon though.”
“Maybe later. Probably on your birthday or some special night. But not so soon after all that.”
Thank god my birthday was in a week. “Sure. I don’t really care when, I just want to be your first.”
The rest of the ride was full of pointless small talk. I pulled up and we just sat in the car with the knowledge of what my parents had (I’m pretty sure) on purpose done. They had been trying to get me to go out with Amber since 8th grade, and now that we were and she was living with us, they were pushing us to have sex. This suspicion was confirmed when I called them, and found the box of condoms that they had left on the kitchen counter. According to them, that box should last for two weeks.
Amber saw the box and looked at me with her mouth slightly agape. I just gave a knowing smile and went to turn on a DVD and told her to start the microwave. Picking up the rest of Amber’s stuff from her dad’s house was put off until after the movie. Of course, once the movie ended, we weren’t really paying attention.
I always feel Amber up during movies and this time was not really different. My left arm draped over her shoulders and my hand was inch from one her boobs. She wasn’t wearing a bra and I traced her nipple for a few minutes. Sometimes slowly squeezing the tip, others just grabbing her tit lightly. Meanwhile, I had my cock out and it was given a very slow handjob so I wouldn’t cum too quickly.
We sat there like that, me caressing Amber’s tit, and her almost painfully slow giving me a handjob. Finally, it just grew to be too much and I pulled Amber’s shirt over her head and started to manipulate both of her boobs at the same time. Occasionally I would kiss and bite her nipples lightly or suck on. She kept moaning and started to speed up.
I kept up playing with her tits for as long as possible until Amber stood up and shucked her sweatpants. The front had a large wet spot, much larger than normal, and then Amber showed me she wasn’t wearing any panties at all. I grabbed the tight ass and pulled her closer, drinking in her sweet scent.
Once she was close enough, I flicked my tongue out and began to trace her outer lips and squeezing her ass. She was the best tasting girl I had had, and I enjoyed every time she let me eat her out. I began to work towards the crease and stuck my tongue just a little bit in. From the bottom to the top and back down. Almost touching the clit, but not quite. I finally pushed my tongue all the way in and explored for a few seconds before slowly caressing the clit.
Amber moaned and pushed her hips closer to my head. She ran a hand through my hair and pressed me closer. I began getting rougher with my tongue and had full control of her clit. I began to lash it, and then slow down to a slow rubbing motion. All this teasing just made Amber even hornier and despite the fact I couldn’t get any closer, she pushed me even harder and I knew that now she would be close to cumming.
I traced Amber’s asshole with my finger and started to suck on her clit as hard as I could. She moaned louder until finally, she was screaming and her legs were locked around my shoulders. I was almost drowned in the amount of cum that came from her but lapped up as much as I could without letting it escape.
After a minute of being almost suffocated, I got Amber to unclench her legs. Then, as she sunk back down to eye level, I kissed her in a line from pussy to mouth and made sure she could taste herself. Amber broke the kiss and looked down at my cock which felt about to burst.
She looked at me knowingly and then got on her knees and proceeded to kiss every inch of my dick. I just moaned and thrust at her, but she backed away and wouldn’t suck me. Amber just kept up the kisses and it was torture. I hadn’t jacked off in two or three days, and been blue-balled twice. I needed instant relief and Amber was just not giving it.
Finally, she swallowed four inches of my dick and ran her tongue around every inch that she could see. I had to help her when she tried to deepthroat me. I knew that she didn’t like it rough, so I cleared her hair and pushed slowly down until all seven inches of my cock was inside of her mouth. My dick was kept there until lack of air and the gagging made Amber give it up. I waited and then pushed her back down again.
Eventually Amber went at it with gusto and was working hand and mouth as fast as she could and it was all I could do to keep her hair from getting in the way. Once her hair was under control, I reached for one of her perfect tits and began fondling that. The moaning of Amber was just too much and I came in her mouth for who knows how long. All that pent up frustration and sperm had found an outlet, and despite all her tries, Amber could not keep up and some ran down her chin onto her tits.
We relaxed for a little bit and then headed for a relaxing bath. I kept grabbing her ass all the way to my parent’s bathroom and set the Jacuzzi to start pouring in water. Then I proceeded with another tit massage while waiting for it to fill up. Amber and I kept kissing until it was ready and got in. I set the jets on and we cuddled there, caressing each other but not making any moves. Only when the water was cold did I notice the passage of time. We got out and toweled each other off, making sure not to “over excite” one another.