Is She Worth It? Chapter 4

FIRST OF ALL-Sorry for being months behind guys. I’ve had my senior year being a hassle for me. Not to mention college applications and university tours around the country. I’ve also been very busy with football practice, and now that football and NFL season is over, I can come back to writing. This first chapter back won’t be too long, as I’m going to L.A for a few days and won’t be back till next week. I just wanted to get a quick chapter out to you guys till then. Again, very sorry to keep you waiting! And also, Jashley (Famous author of SHE IS THE ONE) has let me partner with him slightly. You may see a hint or two in this chapter, but nevertheless, check the guy out here and on Adult FanFiction! Great stories! Okay…on to the short ass chapter.

School was…well different. As we pulled into my parking spot, already a couple heads were turning our way. And it wasn’t because I rock a 2014 Mazda 6 GT.
“Alexis, mind helping me out? Without my arm for balance I might fall.” I asked as I slowly pushed the door open with my free hand. My legs could barely move because I was crammed into the glove compartment. My left hand couldn’t reach the seat adjusty thingy buttons on the right side and I didn’t want to make Alexis worry, so I just dealt with the pain of being crushed. Now I know how Atlas felt in Greek Mythology…holding the sky up and all. “Here you are”. Lexi said as she came around to my side and pulled me out.
“The taxi fare will be slightly high due to me carrying your fat ass.” She mocked as she watched my hobble my bag over my shoulder. “Ha ha. Very funny. I don’t think my fat ass can make it to dinner in that case.” I snickered, holding her hand and closing the passenger door behind me.
“Oh no! I’m sorry Tyson, I was kidding.”
“Yea, sure you were haha. So was I, don’t worry gorgeous.” I smiled. She looked around at all the people watching, while we walked into the cafeteria. Even after breakfast at both homes, I was still able to scarf down a plate of bacon and pancakes before Natalie even got here.
“Hey Tyson, there’s your friend.” Alexis gestured, as Natalie walked over, carrying her purse bag to her side. She seemed upset about something for some reason.
“You asshat of a cunt. You promised that i’d be the first to ride in your new car remember? Or is taking a bullet to the arm an excuse?” She said jokingly, giving me a side hug (Greatfully to my left) before turning to Alexis. “Alexis, you look so cute oh my gosh!” Natalie squealed. Alexis did the same, they started talking about their clothes, and pretty soon I was falling asleep on my empty plastic tray.

“Wake up sleepyhead. You have math remember?” Natalie asked before turning back to Alexis to ask her about her favorite Uggs pair she owned. Women are impossible.

Math was the same, English sucked dick, Science could shove oxygen up its ass, and don’t even get me started on photography. Mondays SUCK. Doesn’t even help for the fact that everyone kept walking up to me saying “Awesome job Tyson!” or asking if I acquired AIDs in the hospital. By the end of the day, I walked over to my car and waited until Alexis showed up. But for some reason, even after all the busses and students left, I couldn’t find Alexis anywhere. I started to get worried. She after all had my keys. I leaned against the hood and waited and waited.
After a while, I checked my phone and noticed that I had a new message.
*Hey Tyson! It’s Tara! Guess what! My mom and dad got us a house somewhere around the east coast! We’re moving soon! See you tomorrow. BTW, what happened to you?

Tara was a friend of mine who had gone to her relative’s home over Winter Break for Christmas. Something about seeing her favorite cousin and twin cousins after a long time. I replied with a *Call me later and i’ll tell you.
Nearly an hour had passed, and the only others cars left in the parking lot were kids from Track, Volleyball, any clubs, and the staff of the school. Where did Alexis go?
And now to break the character count so I can publish this, and I PROMISE the next chapters will be MUCH MUCH longer!

Anyways, I’ve been trying to play college football and tryout for the NFL soon, so i’ve been focused on that and hoping to achieve my dreams of playing football. I’m only 130lbs so I need to start working out soon. On the plus side, i’m a GREAT wide receiver!