Internship- Chapter 3

Hannah lay in her bed that night, unable to fall asleep as the memories of the day’s events tumbled through her mind. From having her new boss, Robert Williamson, spank her bare ass for hesitating to obey him, to seeing him fucking a woman in his office, to giving a rather disappointing blowjob to him when the woman left angry.

Her emotions were a mixture of disappointment, shame, and outrage. Hannah knew that her boss, legally, couldn’t do anything he had done today; that she could, if she so chose, sue him for sexual harassment. But he was rich and she wasn’t, which meant that, if she pursued that course, it would most likely end in failure. So it probably wasn’t worth the trouble.

However, even if she could successfully go down that road, she wasn’t sure she wanted to. A part of her, the part of Hannah that had always led to her getting good grades when she was still in school, wanted to please others. And that part made her upset that she had disappointed Mister Williamson with her pathetic attempt at oral sex. “So then”, she had told herself as she sat in her driveway, “I have two choices. I can either quit and try to find another job or I can improve my skills so that, the next time he wants me to please him, I will.”

By the time she had made it to her bedroom, her mind was nearly made up. After fixing dinner and making sure her mother was settled for the night, Hannah had gotten on her computer to do research. She was surprised to find several instructional videos, as well as the plethora of porn she had expected.

She watched one video after another, taking notes on anything she thought she might forget. Then, partially to sate her curiosity, she went to one of the suggested porn sites and clicked on a video. She watched in amazement as the actress took a huge cock all the way down her throat, never gagging in the slightest. She also saw the the woman never broke eye contact, a fact that the man seemed to find incredibly sexy. Hannah resolved to try that next time.

Now, as she lay in bed, mostly sure of what she was going to do, she realized there was another issue that she needed to figure out. “Why is it that, out of nowhere, I’m suddenly turned on by being spanked or even the idea of being spanked”, she asked herself.

Even now, hours after the event had occurred, she remembered how it felt for Mister Williamson’s belt to smack against her ass. She remembered how the cool leather had stung whenever it made contact with her skin. What surprised her the most was that the part that had turned her on the most was how Mister Williamson hadn’t even hesitated. He had commanded her and taken control of her, heedless of her own desires. “What the fuck is wrong with me”, she wondered. Part of her said she should be disgusted that a man thought he could treat her in such a manner; that she wasn’t being a good feminist if she let a man have control over her.

But a larger part of her said that, if it felt this good, it couldn’t be wrong. Hannah knew that didn’t make a lot of sense, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to understand why these things, being spanked and being controlled, turned her on so much. She grabbed her phone off of the nightstand beside her bed and started searching online, although she wasn’t sure what she could possibly find.

Much to her surprise, she found several websites dedicated to exploring exactly what she described. One website said that people who liked being spanked craved pain and humiliation and that this usually had to do with unresolved issues with authority. That didn’t sound quite right to Hannah, although she reluctantly admitted to herself that she had always been upset with her father for abandoning her mother when Hannah was younger.

“But surely it’s not just ‘daddy issues'”, Hannah thought as she continued reading. The next page she found appealed more to her. It said that some people were turned on by the mere act of submitting to others. This desire manifested through wanting to please, wanting to be punished, and going out of their way to make others happy. “That sounds like me”, Hannah admitted, then clicked on a link that looked interesting.

Rather than an informative website, the link led her to a site dedicated to erotic stories. Hannah’s eyes grew wide as she saw the vast amount of erotica that existed. She had had no idea that so many people liked stories that focused on sex. As she looked over the various titles, some of which sounded incredibly enticing, she saw that there was an entire section dedicated to stories about submissive women.

Without hesitation, she clicked the tab and there she found thousands of stories about women who enjoyed submitting themselves, sometimes to other women, sometimes to men. “Maybe my desires aren’t so strange, after all”, she thought as she tapped on one of the titles.

For the next few hours, Hannah read several stories, most of them fictional, about submissive women. The stories were incredibly hot and built up the fire that she felt burning within herself. By the time she finished her third story, Hannah couldn’t help but shove her fingers into her wet pussy. As she continued reading, holding her phone with one hand while she fingered herself with the other, she orgasmed multiple times.

Finally, after she felt like she couldn’t take any more, she set her phone down and lay back against her pillow, her breaths coming in quick gasps. She slowly calmed her body and mind as she reflected on what she had learned. “Not only am I not weird for feeling this way, but I’m also not alone. It seems that there are a lot of women who feel the same way I do.” The knowledge was comforting and, as she let the calmness of her mind flow through her body, Hannah began to feel sleep finally tugging at her.

Suddenly she heard a phone ring, breaking the serene quiet of her room. Looking at her night stand, Hannah saw that it wasn’t her phone, but the phone her boss had given her that was making the noise. As the second ring started, she quickly grabbed the device and accepted the call. “Yes, Mister Williamson”, she said as she pulled the phone to her ear.

“I need you to come to my house. I’ve texted you the address”, he said and then quickly hung up. Hannah groaned as she sat up and set the phone down. She had finally been ready to go to sleep and now she had to go and deal with this. “There’s nothing I can do though, if I want to keep this job”, she said with a sigh as she stood and quickly dressed.


Half an hour later, Hannah knocked on the front door of her boss’ house. Robert quickly opened the door, looking the young girl up and down. The clothes he was wearing, shorts and a t-shirt, were the most casual that Hannah had yet seen. “This way”, Robert said as he led her into the house, through a large living room, down a hall, to his bedroom. On the bed, passed out, was a blonde woman, whose dress was short and revealing.

A worried look must have come over Hannah, because Robert shook his head. “Don’t worry, there’s nothing nefarious going on. She came home with me and, before we could do anything, she passed out. She obviously doesn’t know her limits, at least as far as alcohol is concerned.” “So, what do you want from me”, Hannah asked and Robert handed her a piece of paper. “Take her home”, he said and Hannah saw that there was an address on the piece of paper.

“Are you serious”, she said, incredulous that he would ask her to do something like this. “Of course”, Robert said. “I don’t want her staying here all night. Especially when she didn’t fulfill the purpose for which I brought her here.” Before she could stop herself, Hannah glanced down and saw that there was a tent in Mister Williamson’s shorts. She quickly looked away, blushing as she remembered how it had felt to have his dick in her mouth.

“What are you waiting for”, Robert asked, clearly exasperated and impatient for Hannah to take the girl away. “I just, um”, Hannah started to say, but hesitated. “What”, Robert growled, “I’m not in the mood to deal with idiocy right now.” Hannah summoned her courage and looked him in the eyes. “I just wondered if, before I take her home, if you’d like me to take care of that”, she said, indicating his obvious erection.

Robert raised an eyebrow and looked at her. “Very well”, he said, “but first I’m going to punish you, for not obeying quicker.” Despite a small burst of fear, Hannah felt a pulse of desire rush to her pussy. “Yes, sir”, she said and went over to the bed, leaning over until her torso was next to the unconscious blonde.

Within seconds, she felt her shorts being pulled down and she felt Mister Williamson’s hand on her bare ass cheek. “No panties”, he asked and she could swear she heard the smirk in his voice. “I was in a hurry to get here”, she said, looking back at him. She could clearly see the hunger in his eyes, the desire to hurt and control her, and that turned her on even more. She could feel her juices flowing and she was sure that Mister Williamson could smell the scent of her arousal.

She watched as he walked over to his closet and open the door, ***********ing a belt from several that were hanging from brass hooks. As he walked back over to her, she turned away from his ravenous gaze and she took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. Suddenly, without any warning, she felt the sting of leather against her ass and she let out a cry of pain, even as she felt her pussy spasm.

The thought hadn’t yet occurred that she might be able to orgasm just from being spanked, but now it came to the forefront of her mind. Part of her didn’t want him to know how much she loved being punished, how much it turned her on, for that would give him even more power and control over her; and yet, another part of her, the part that had sparked less than two days before and was quickly growing into a blazing inferno, hoped that he would find out.

As the belt struck her ass again, Hannah cried out; however, the sound mixed with a desperate moan of pleasure as it escaped her lips. She looked back at him and saw a moment of surprise cross his face, which he quickly reigned in. Then a terrible grin came over him and she knew he had discovered her secret.

The belt hit her ass four more times in quick succession, never hitting the same place twice. Her tender skin stung where each impact had been made and she could feel each cheek burning with pain. The pain was suffused with a massive wave of pleasure that emanated from within her, her pussy dripping and her breath coming in gasps. Then, as the belt struck her firm ass once more, she felt something inside her give way.

It felt as if a tidal wave of pleasure crashed over her, her back arching and her cries filling the room. Hannah lost herself in rapture as the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced tore through her body, her cunt spasming and contracting as her juices flowed freely onto her boss’ bed. The incredible sensation lasted for almost a full minute before she felt her body begin to relax and she could slowly began to breathe again.

Her mind racing, Hannah knew that she needed to take care of Mister Williamson, so she tried to turn around. He surprised her by placing a hand on her back, holding her firmly in position. “Sir”, she said, her voice full of questions, not comprehending what was happening. “You offered to take care of my erection”, he said and she breathed in sharply as she felt the unmistakable shape of a dickhead pressing against her soaking wet cunt. “And what I want right now is this”, he said as he thrust forward.

Hannah cried out, a mixture of pleasure and the pain of being stretched filling her being, as all eight inches of her boss’ cock buried inside her hot snatch. “Goddamn, that’s a tight pussy”, Robert groaned as he pulled almost entirely out of her hole and then slammed forward again. Hannah moaned loudly as Mister Williamson hammered into her over and over again.

She didn’t hear anything else he might have said as she lost herself in a fog of lust. She had only had sex a few times before and it had never really been satisfying. It had gotten to the point that she had begun to suspect that she might be asexual. However, that suspicion was being obliterated by Mister Williamson’s large dick, slamming deep into her pussy. Nothing, save perhaps the spanking he had given her, had ever made Hannah feel this level of pleasure.

His dick drilled deep into her cunt, causing her pussy muscles to spasm and contract as she orgasmed again and again. Her juices drenched his hard rod as he pounded into her. Hannah could vaguely hear him groaning and grunting, primal sounds that came from knowing that you possessed the pussy you were inside. And, deep inside herself, Hannah knew that it was true. She needed the pain and humiliation he could give her, as well as the feeling of his dick burying inside her.

She suddenly felt him tense and she felt his dick twitching inside her soaking wet hole. As Mister Williamson erupted in orgasm, the only thing that Hannah felt was pure bliss. The rational part of her brain knew that she should be worried as her young, virile womb was pumped full of cum. But that part of her mind was buried under the raw ecstasy of the moment.

Hannah moaned as she felt Mister Williamson’s dick slide out of her messy cunt. Without a second thought, she turned and took his cock in her mouth, eager to clean every drop of cum off of his hard shaft. “My, aren’t you eager to please”, Robert said with a smile. “I do believe you’re going to do very well at this job.”

The End.