Internship- Chapter 2

Hannah stood beside the reception desk at Robert Williamson’s office, Katie standing next to her. Katie had told her to arrive at 7:30 this morning, half an hour before Mister Williamson would arrive. So Hannah had made sure to arrive at 7:20, which obviously pleased Katie. She nodded to the girl and then looked her up and down. “That outfit is definitely an improvement”, Katie said, her scrutinizing gaze making Hannah feel insignificant.  “Whether or not it meets Mister Williamson’s approval remains to be seen.”

Hannah’s heart fell at these words, a fact which she tried to conceal. She just took the critique and followed Katie as she walked to the reception area. Katie spent the next thirty minutes explaining what Hannah’s duties would be at the start of the day. She handed Hannah a coffee, which was for Mister Williamson, and quickly told her how to order the drink in order to get it right. Hannah made a mental note of how Mister Williamson liked his coffee and continued listening.

By the time Katie’s explanation was finished, they only had ten minutes until Mister Williamson arrived. Katie showed Hannah where to stand, in order to greet their boss when he arrived. At eight o’clock exactly, the door opened and Robert Williamson walked into the large, open room. He walked by the two women without saying a word, taking the coffee that Hannah offered without even breaking his stride.

“Good morning, sir”, Katie said and Hannah mimicked the greeting, Robert saying nothing in response. As he entered his office, Hannah followed him, as Katie had told her that she must. The door closed behind Hannah, leaving her alone with her boss. She watched as he set the coffee on his desk and then set his briefcase on the floor next to the desk. As he sat down in his chair, his eyes turned to Hannah.

His eyes looked her up and down, examining her with such intensity that Hannah was forced to look at the floor. “Your attire is much better than what you wore yesterday”, he said and Hannah felt a small smile jump to her lips. “However, there is still room for improvement.” He reached over and pressed a call button on his desk and, within moments, Katie opened the door.

“Yes, sir”, she asked and Robert looked over to the redhead. “Fetch the tape measure. Miss Taylor needs a wardrobe that is better suited for her position.” As Katie left the room, Hannah felt herself blushing. She felt ashamed, although she wasn’t sure why. But it was nothing compared to the heat that rushed to her cheeks when her boss spoke again.

“Take off your skirt and your blouse”, he said and Hannah looked at him in shock, unable to believe that she had just heard him say those words. “Excuse me, sir”, she asked, sure that she had heard him wrong. “Are you too stupid to understand”, he asked, his eyes taking on a steely quality. “Or perhaps you’re refusing to comply with a direct order.” “No, sir”, Hannah said quietly, remembering what he had said about disobedience.

She knew that it was very unusual for a superior to demand this of their subordinates and, perhaps, wrong from an ethical standpoint. On the other hand, she didn’t want to upset her new boss and hurt the chances of keeping this job. With trembling fingers, Hannah reached for the top button of her blouse. She slowly undid the button, followed by the rest. With trepidation, she removed the garment, letting it drop to the floor.

Despite her embarrassment, Hannah chanced a glance at her boss, to gauge his reaction the her nearly nude chest. To her surprise, she saw no reaction in his eyes, no hunger or disappointment, only a clear expectation of obedience. Taking a breath for courage, she reached for the button at the hem of the skirt, undid it, and let the skirt fall around her feet.

She subconsciously moved her hands to her chest, in order to preserve what little dignity she still possessed. “Put your hands at your sides”, said Robert and Hannah forced herself to obey. At that moment, Katie entered the room once more and went to Hannah. Without a word, Katie took Hannah’s measurements, recording them on a piece of paper. This she handed to Robert, who looked at it approvingly.

“Very good”, he said and handed the paper back to Katie. “Make sure several outfits are purchased for her.” “Yes sir”, Katie said and left the room once more. Hannah’s cheeks burned with embarrassment as Robert looked her up and down once more speaking.

“I am only going to say this once, Miss Taylor, so listen well.” His voice was firm and commanding, the voice of someone who knew the power he wielded. “When I give an order, I expect it to be obeyed immediately. If you hesitate to comply again, you will be punished. Do you understand?” “Yes, sir”, Hannah said quietly, looking at the floor.

“Good. Then you may get dressed”, he said and Hannah had never felt more grateful in her life. She quickly grabbed her clothes and put them on, hiding her body once more. Once she had her skirt and blouse back in place, Hannah looked at Robert nervously. “Take this”, he said as he set a phone down on his desk. “Why, sir”, she asked as she grabbed the phone, amazed that he was giving her such an expensive item.

“Because, I need to be able to get into contact with you at all times”, Robert answered. “If I need you, I will call that phone. Don’t put any other numbers or contacts into that phone, do you understand?” “Yes sir”, Hannah said, holding the phone tightly, since she had no pocket to put it into. “If I call, I expect you to answer immediately. If it rings more than twice before you answer, you will be punished. If that happens more than once, I will consider it a sign that you aren’t willing to do what it takes to keep this position and you will be terminated.”

“But, what if I’m asleep or in the shower”, Hannah asked, watching as Robert’s eyes darkened at the question. “Keep the phone nearby and learn to listen, even if you’re asleep”, he said firmly. The request seemed unreasonable to Hannah and she couldn’t keep herself from speaking again. “But”, she started to say, but Robert cut her off.

“I see that I’m going to have to show you how serious I am”, he said, pushing his chair back and standing. “Stand at my desk, bend and put your hands on the desk”, he said in such a commanding tone that Hannah dared not disobey. She quickly went over to the desk and assumed the position, very aware that her young ass was sticking out.

Hannah let out a squeak of surprise when she felt Robert’s fingers reach into the hem of her skirt and pull it down, the garment falling to her feet. She was even more shocked when he did the same with her panties, leaving her ass completely exposed to his gaze. “What are you going to do”, she asked, a whimper in her voice. “I’m going to teach you the price of diaobedience”, he said and then Hannah heard a sound she hadn’t heard since childhood and it sent a shiver running down her spine. It was the sound of a belt being pulled through belt loops.

Within seconds, Hannah cried out as she felt the sting of leather slapping her ass cheeks. Robert had the accuracy of a sniper and each swat of the belt landed on a different part of Hannah’s ass. Each time the leather made contact with her skin, a sharp jolt of pain ran through her and she cried out. Tears ran down her face and Hannah felt her cheeks burning with humiliation at being subjected to this treatment.

And yet, despite herself, she felt something else burning inside her. A hunger for more, that manifested itself by causing her pussy to contract and spasm, juices beginning to leak from her gash. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the spanking stopped and Hannah tried to stop the tears. “Turn around and face me”, Robert said and Hannah knew better than to disobey.

She quickly turned and stood, all too aware that he could see her wet pussy. “It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing. If that phone rings, answer it.” “Yes sir”, Hannah said meekly, afraid to meet his gaze, even as she felt him looking her over. “Get dressed and then have Katie show you where the filing room is and how to quickly find files if I need them.”

Hannah grabbed her panties and pulled them up, wincing as the material ran across her burning ass. At just that moment, the door opened and a gorgeous brunette woman walked in, her eyes immediately locking onto Hannah. The woman’s gaze was hostile and ferocious, as if she were a predator and Hannah was her prey.

“What’s going on here”, she asked and Robert barely looked up from the papers he was looking through. “Nothing. I was just disciplining my new intern”, he said as Hannah quickly pulled her skirt back on. “Just make sure that’s all that you’re doing”, the woman said, glaring at Hannah as she darted from the office.

As Hannah wiped the tears from her eyes, she looked at Katie. “You’ll either learn to obey quickly or you’ll be in pain quite a bit”, Katie said and Hannah wondered if the redhead had been punished by Mister Williamson before. “Mister Williamson said that you should show me the filing room”, she said. Katie nodded and led the way down several hallways, Hannah memorizing the route she took.

As Katie showed her the files and instructed her in the proper way to retrieve them, so as not to get anything mixed up, Hannah’s mind wondered to the woman who was with Mister Williamson now. “Who is she”, Hannah asked when Katie finished her instructions. Katie looked back the way they had come and rolled her eyes. “She’s the latest fling”, Katie said, contempt in her voice.

Hannah sensed that Katie was jealous, perhaps wishing Mister Williamson wanted her, instead of the brunette. “Does he date a lot”, Hannah asked as the two women walked back to the reception area. “Yes and no”, Katie said, smirking. “He always has a beautiful woman, especially at public events. But he doesn’t really date the women. Rather, they’re useful to him, to keep up his image.”

“That’s terrible”, Hannah said, outraged that her boss would use women like that, but Katie shook her head. “Don’t feel sorry for those sluts. They profit from the arrangement too.” “How so”, Hannah asked. “Mister Williamson knows quite a lot of important people. More than one of the tramps has gotten and acting or modeling job after being with him.”

As they reached their destination, Hannah looked into Robert’s office. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the woman bent over the desk and Mister Williamson’s dick ramming in and out of her pussy. Hannah felt her own cunt growing hot and wet as she watched her boss fucking the woman. Then she felt the color drain from her face as he looked up and caught her staring.

She tried to look away, but he motioned with a finger for her to enter his office. Unsure that she should, but afraid to disobey, lest she be spanked again, Hannah walked over to the door and opened it quietly. “Yes, sir”, she asked, the brunettes’ eyes darting up at the noise. Robert didn’t seem to notice or care and just kept fucking, even as he looked at Hannah. “Open the notepad on your phone and take my lunch order”, he said.

Hannah frantically pulled out the phone, trying to ignore the smoldering gaze of woman underneath her boss. He recited an order for food and told her where to get it, then motioned for her to leave. Hannah had never been so glad to leave a room in her life. As she closed the office door behind her, she saw that Katie was laughing. “You’ll have to get used to that. Mister Williamson is a busy man and often mixes business with pleasure.”


It didn’t take long for Hannah to find the restaurant and get the lunch for Mister Williamson. Within forty-five minutes, she was stepping out of the elevator and into the reception area once more. She glanced at Robert’s office, breathing a sigh of relief when she saw that the brunette woman was gone. “Hurry and get that food to him”, Katie said, snapping Hannah out of her thoughts. Hannah nodded and quickly approached the door, pushing it open.

“It’s about time”, Robert said and, between the tone of his voice and the look on his face, Hannah could see that he wasn’t happy. “I’m sorry, sir”, Hannah said, setting the food on his desk. “I got it done as quickly as I could.” “It’s fine”, Robert said. “Apparently, Marissa wasn’t happy that I called you in here while I was fucking her. Nor was she particularly happy with how she saw you when she came in.”

“I can imagine she wouldn’t be pleased”, Hannah said, unsure why her boss was divulging such personal information to her. “Well, be that as it may”, Robert continued, “she left before I finished. So, you’ll have to take care of it.” “Excuse me, sir”, Hannah said questioningly, positive that he meant something other than what she imagined. “Get over here and suck my dick”, Robert said, leaving no more room for doubt.

Hannah stood there for a moment, hesitant to comply. She knew that he couldn’t legally ask her to do this, but she also couldn’t deny how wet she’d gotten from him spanking her; or how amazing the orgasm had been when she’d fantasized about him last night. “Don’t make me repeat myself”, Robert said, his voice firm and strong. In that moment, Hannah knew he wouldn’t hesitate to spank her again and then he would still expect her to pleasure him.

Without any further hesitation, Hannah walked around his desk and knelt beside him. Robert turned and she saw, with wide eyes, that his cock was still out and it was still rock hard, although it gleamed with pussy juice from Marissa. His dick was big, probably eight inches long, and it was at least three inches thick. She took a breath and gripped his shaft around the base and then touched her tongue to the head.

As Hannah began running her tongue over Robert’s dickhead, she ran her hands up and down his shaft. She hadn’t given very many blowjobs before, but she remembered that some of her guy friends said they loved it when a girl used both hands while stroking their dicks. She moved her tongue slowly over his dickhead, which was leaking precum, and then lowered her mouth and began sucking.

As she sucked, Hannah looked up, disappointed to see that Robert was concentrating entirely on his lunch, not paying her any attention. A pit formed in her stomach, sure that she was disappointing him with her inept attempt at felllatio. Much to her own surprise, the feeling made Hannah determined to do better.

She slowly took more of his dick into her mouth, until she felt the head poking her throat. Then she moved her hands to his balls and began massaging them. Hannah hoped she was doing a good job, but Robert suddenly sighed and stood up, pushing her back. “I’m never going to get off if you’re so pathetic at this”, he said and Hannah felt tears forming in her eyes. “Just open your mouth and put your hands on the back of your head”, Robert said and Hannah silently obeyed.

Without another word, Robert grabbed her hair and rammed his cock down her throat, ignoring her gags of protest. Hannah felt like she was suffocating, but she could tell that he didn’t care. He wasn’t going to stop until he orgasmed. So she did her best to control her gag reflex as Robert shoved his dick down her throat again and again.

As Robert’s dick ravaged her throat, his balls slapping against her chin, Hannah felt her pussy getting wet. Something about the way he held her in place, exerting absolute control over her, sparked a fire in Hannah that, up to this point, hadn’t known existed. She looked up at him as she heard him grunting and then she felt his cock begin to jerk.

With a groan, Robert thrust his dick forward as hard as he could. Hannah felt his dick twitching as spurt after spurt of cum shot down her throat, going straight into her belly. After several seconds, he pulled back and then, to Hannah’s surprise, two more ropes of cum erupted from his dick and splashed against her tongue. She swallowed them and, to her delight, found that the taste wasn’t horrible. In the past, she had only swallowed once, finding the taste of semen to be bitter and acrid. But this time was different. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the circumstances or if Mister Williamson took better care of himself than her past boyfriends. But, whatever the case, his jizz actually tasted alright.

When he finished, Robert pulled his dick out of Hannah’s mouth and looked down at her. “When you get home, I expect you to study how to give a proper blowjob. Next time I need to use you, your performance had better have increased significantly or there will be repercussions. Now, take your lunch break and then, afterwards, study the Henson file.” “Yes, sir”, Hannah said as she got to her feet and left the office.

To be continued…