Internship- Chapter 1 (second try)

Hannah Taylor glanced at her watch again, her foot tapping nervously as she waited for the interview to begin. She couldn’t believe that she was here, in the reception area for the office of Robert Williamson, one of biggest names in business. But she needed work experience and he was looking for an intern, so here she was. She just hoped that her age wouldn’t be a problem.

At eighteen, Hannah had just graduated from high school. She was young and, while she knew that might be a stumbling block for her, she was determined to prove herself. After all, what other choice did she have. Rather than being able to go on to business school, as she had planned, Hannah’s life had taken an unexpected turn when her mother became very sick.

Now she took care of her mother, which left very little time for school. Instead, Hannah had been forced to find a job to help pay the bills. Then she had learned of this internship and Hannah realized this might be another chance to pursue her dream. So here she was, waiting for her interview to start.

As she waited, Hannah reflected on what she knew about Robert Williamson. When she had been told that she did indeed have an interview with him, she had found out everything she could about him online. He was rich and successful, supposedly very shrewd and clever, and was never seen at a public event without a beautiful woman at his side. Then there was his physical attributes; he was tall, standing 6’3 and had a very fit physique; he had dark hair that didn’t betray a hint of his age, 40; and he had the most piercing blue eyes Hannah had ever seen.

Hannah blushed as she remembered how handsome she thought he was, although she knew that she would never attract him like that, not with the supermodels he dated. She was much shorter, only 5’4; her honey blonde hair hung straight, falling just below her shoulders; her brown eyes, which she hated, seemed much too large for her face; and her body wasn’t anything amazing.

Her breasts were much too small, only a B cup; her stomach definitely wasn’t as flat as she wished it was; and the one physical part of herself that she liked, her ass, always seemed much smaller than any of her friends’. Hannah knew that she wasn’t much to look at, so she devoted herself to pursuits of the mind. That was how she planned to make a name for herself, by proving how smart and determined she was.

“Ms. Taylor”, she heard and looked up, jarred from her thoughts. The receptionist, a curly haired rehead with large boobs straining against a white button-up shirt, was standing there. “Mister Williamson will see you now”, said the receptionist, whose name tag read “Katie”. Without another word, the woman turned and headed down a long corridor, Hannah hurrying to follow after her. They stopped before a glass door, which Katie knocked on and then pushed open, ushering Hannah inside.

Hannah took a deep breath as she entered the office, getting her first look at Robert Williamson. She felt herself blush as she realized he was even more handsome in person than the pictures she had found online. He also had an aura of power about him, which Hannah found more than a little intimidating.

“Sit”, Robert said, startling Hannah from her thoughts. She saw the chair across from his desk and quickly sat, embarrassed that she had been staring. “So, Ms. Taylor”, Robert said, grabbing a file that lay on his desk, “I’ve looked over your high school tran***********. Very impressive, I must say.” “Thank you, sir”, Hannah said and she saw Robert nod. She wasn’t sure what he was approving of, but she felt proud that she had pleased him, whatever it was.

“Your grades look good and you have very impressive extracurricular activities. You’re obviously very smart. So why aren’t you going to business school”, he asked, his gaze fixed on her. His eyes were intense and piercing, as if he were examining her very essence. Hannah summarized what had happened to prevent her from pursuing higher education.

“Ah”, he said, when she finished speaking. “Many a great mind has been waylaid by the concerns of family. I’m very fortunate that I don’t have any such things in my life to hold me back.” Hannah recoiled at his words, feeling defensive of her mother. “My mother is very supportive of me”, she said defiantly and she saw a glint in his eyes, as if he were studying a tool and figuring out how best to use it.

“Perhaps”, he said simply, then leaned back in his chair, his eyes looking at her with such intensity that she was forced to look away. “So, what is it you hope to gain by coming to work for me”, he asked. “Well, obviously I want to gain experience in the world of business. Also, many people say that you’re one of the best and I hope that, by being in such close proximity to you, I can learn to think like a professional”, she answered earnestly.

“We shall see”, Robert said, leaning forward and steepling his fingers. “If you get the position, I want you to be aware that I expect this job to be your top priority. You will be on call every moment of every day, not just during office hours. This job will demand your attention and time and you will have very little in the way of a personal life.” “That doesn’t bother me”, Hannah said. “I’m not afraid of hard work.”

“I will be the judge of that”, Robert said. “Also, I expect perfection from my subordinates, as I expect it from myself. Katie will explain the rules and requirements of the position and I would expect you to meet every requirement and follow each rule. If you disobey a rule or don’t meet my expectation, you will be punished.” The way he said this struck something in Hannah in a strange way. Perhaps it was the way he worded his statement, but she had no doubt that he would indeed punish her if she failed.

“I can accept that”, Hannah said and a strange smile came across Robert’s face. “We shall see. I suppose, if you still want the position, then you should go and see Katie. She has the paperwork ready and waiting.” With that, he turned his gaze to the computer on his desk in a clear sign of dismissal.


As Hannah walked through the front door of her home, she breathed a sigh of relief. “I can’t believe that I got the job”, she thought to herself as she dropped her keys into the bowl that sat on a small table by the door. As she went to check on her mother, Hannah reflected on her meeting with Robert, or Mister Williamson, as Katie had said to refer to him.

“He wasn’t quite what I was expecting”, Hannah thought aloud. Although, if she were honest, she hadn’t known what to expect. He was obviously a very serious man and didn’t like to waste time. “I’ve never met someone who doesn’t like having a family”, Hannah thought as she opened the door to her mother’s bedroom. Her mother lay there, sleeping, her breath even and peaceful. “Good”, Hannah thought as she closed the door once more. She had been worried about her mother being alone while she was at the interview. But her worry seemed to have been for naught.

Thankfully, the home nurse that Hannah had hired started tomorrow, so her mother wouldn’t be alone while Hannah was at work. As she went to her room to change out of the dress she had worn to the interview, Hannah thought about what Katie had told her before she left the office. “You need to wear something that is professional, yet flattering”, Katie had said.  “Mister Williamson likes to have beautiful women around him, so make sure that you choose something better to wear tomorrow.”

Hannah looked into the mirror before she undressed, scrutinizing the dress she wore. It was all black, going down to her knees knees coming up to just above her breasts. If she had bigger boobs, a little bit of cleavage would have been showing. Hannah had thought it was the perfect attire, but apparently it didn’t meet with Mister Williamson’s approval.

That thought made her think of what he had said just before the end of her interview. That she would be punished if she disobeyed or failed to meet his requirements. She knew that he likely meant getting a write-up, as had happened at jobs she had worked at during high school. But she couldn’t help remembering how, when she was younger and she had done something particularly bad, her father had spanked her.

Hannah’s cheeks burned bright red and she felt a small pulse of desire shoot straight to her pussy as she imagined Mister Williamson spanking her. “What is this”, she asked herself, surprised by her own thoughts. She had never been turned on by the idea of spanking before. And yet, now the idea seemed hotter than anything she had experienced before.

Maybe it was the man she was thinking about. Robert Williamson was strong and powerful, even if he was more than twice her age. For some reason, the age difference turned her on even more. Hannah felt herself growing hotter and she knew that she needed to take care of this, so that she could get on with the tasks she had to do for the evening.

Stripping off the dress she wore, Hannah lay on the bed in her sky blue bra and panties. She slid her hand inside her panties and began rubbing her labia as she thought more about Mister Williamson. In her mind, he stood before her and asked her if she would do anything to please him. “Yes sir”, Hannah said in her thoughts, as her fingers found her clit and began rubbing. It was like an electric shock ran through her body as Hannah rubbed her little bud, imagining Mister Williamson pushing her to her knees.

As she slipped a finger inside her moist cunt, quickly finding her g-spot, Hannah pictured him pulling out his dick and sliding it into her mouth. It was long and thick, choking her on its girth, as he shoved it down her throat. Hannah moaned loudly as she felt her pussy begin to spasm, two of her fingers buried in her snatch. Then, just as she imagined Mister Williamson orgasming and shooting his cum down her throat, her own pussy erupted.

She cried out and arched her back as her puasy contracted around her fingers, juices flowing out and soaking her cotton underwear. Her body flooded with pleasure for almost a full thirty seconds, then she slowly began to come down from the endorphin high. “Fuck”, she muttered as she relaxed and lay back against her pillow.

It had been a long time since she felt the need to masturbate while thinking about someone she had just met. As a matter of fact, it had been a long time since her pussy got any attention at all. “Maybe I need to get a boyfriend”, she thought. “Then I won’t be fantasizing about my new boss.” She wasn’t sure, but she would have to figure it out later. For now, she needed to shower and then get dinner started.


Once dinner was cooked and her mother had been fed and bathed, Hannah returned to her room. She looked through her closet, trying to find an outfit that would be suitable for her first day at work. Truth be told, she didn’t have a lot of clothes that she thought would fit Katie’s de***********ion. The clothes she had that were “sexy” would be entirely inappropriate for an office setting, while the clothes she considered professional would hide her body entirely.

She sighed in exasperation, wondering just what kind of wardrobe Katie and, more importantly, Mister Williamson would consider “professional, yet flattering”. She finally ***********ed a black skirt that ended mid-thigh, showing off her smooth legs, which Hannah had made sure to shave during her earlier shower. For her top, Hannah chose a white, button up blouse that would hug the few curves she had. Going to her dresser, Hannah found a pair of pantyhose  that matched her skin tone, along with a lacy black bra and panty set. Lastly, she found a pair of high heels that she thought completed the outfit perfectly.

Laying the outfit on the desk in her room, Hannah lay down and pulled her blanket over her nearly nude body. She thought about everything that had happened today, from the interview to her strange fantasy while she had masturbated earlier. All in all, it had been a good day and, as she drifted off to sleep, she couldn’t help but wonder what tomorrow would bring.

To be continued…