Instructor Mike’s Academy – Part 1 – Taking the First Step

“Thank you for the presents Uncle Mike! This is the best birthday ever!”

“Anything for my little princess. My little niece is growing up so fast and I bet she’s starting to notice boys. Tell Uncle Mike all about…”

There I was on the floor of a stranger’s living room, laying on a doggy bed, looking up at him with unsure eyes, hiding behind the façade of the bubbly persona he has chosen for me, and playing out his perverted girl-touching fantasy in cute little dicklet-encasing xxs panties and an adorable little sundress.

“…and I bet you’ve started exploring your body but are unsure about how it makes you feel. There is so much that you need to learn and having a special teacher…”

I’m scared. There’s enormous fear every time I’m around a Man. I’m a late bloomer and my 5’2″ 100 lb south asian boy body is quickly learning its place in the sexual hierarchy as grope meat for older White Men, but it’s true that I have a lot to learn and experience growing up in a very conservative family. It’s also true that this 45 year old 6’2″ 190lb slab of man could rape his little princess with just one of his powerful arms. Fortunately for me, that wasn’t part of his fantasy.

“…which is why I’m proposing extra tutoring on the subject for you, young lady. You are supposed to run 2 hours after school daily for cross-country practice, but I think I have a better use of your time, and I promise you’ll get a good workout. The curriculum will be rigorous but I’m confident you will learn a…”

At this point I’m still very new to being with Men. Uncle Mike ended up being my 3rd but he was really my 1st. I definitely enjoy the female form, but they weren’t all that interested in a scrawny little bitch like me at the time. A few months earlier I was horny as hell and willing to try anything. I snuck away and went to a hopping gay bar in the city and discovered a whole new universe. I was the center of attention there. All of these tall and strong White Men were looking down and chatting with me all night. My neck got strained from looking up at them for hours! I now knew that I was a high valued prize and it made me want to give that prize to the right man. I certainly didn’t want to wait till I left my conservative household for college, nor was I interested in being with other boys. I wanted to be with a Man and I wanted to learn.

“…and since we had to start class late today, you unfortunately need to get home before a proper lesson could be administered, though I’m pleased to hear that you enjoy your school uniform.”

“Yes, Sir. I’m happy to learn from you and look forward to the next lesson. Thank you, Uncle Mike!”

“You’re very welcome little aimee. Going forward you will refer to me as Sir or Instructor Mike. Stand directly in front of me and carefully remove all of the provided uniform items, place them on your left, and then stand at attention for post-class inspection.”

Being named Amir and being as small as I was led to the inevitable nickname aimee, which was conveniently an ideal asian sissy name. As I approached this powerful Man, I was still terrified, but I sought out Instructor Mike for a reason. After finding a good chat area on the early 90s dark web (dial-up newsgroups and chat boards), I started meeting some truly perverted men. As I said, I learned that I was a high value prize and wanted to find a high value man. But for me that criteria is less related to status and more related to their sexual creativity. Instructor Mike and I had a great rapport right off the bat in our chats. He really sounded like the right mix of kind heart and twisted sexuality. His face pic had me swooning and I loved the Dominant tone he had towards me.

But I was scared, and I was even more scared because he lived so close to me. What if he outed me to my conservative parents, or to my friends? He suggested we meet in a park nearby so there’s no pressure and we can get to know each other in person before taking things further. In my previous 2 encounters with men I met from the bar and the chat, they tried to get me to suck them right away but I refused. I did play with one of their cocks for less than a minute in the dark but nothing felt right and I left. What if I have the body and face of a submissive cocksucker but not the demeanor? Maybe the vibe has to be right. Starting off slow was probably good for me. Uncle Mike found a secluded spot in the park and felt me up all over while I compliantly submitted, but since then he hasn’t touched me and has never had me touch him once. At the end of our first private encounter together, what will he desire? Why am I not thinking at all about what I desire?

“Thank you again for the presents, Instructor Mike! I look forward to wearing them every day at our sessions.”

I remove the flowery sundress in one movement, fold it, and place it on the table. Now I’m wearing nothing but a pair of tiny pink panties, which while they provide only the typical female covering on the front, are still adequate to cover my soft cock and cute golf ball-sized sac. I feel so humiliated standing there in front of him as Mike gropes me with his eyes. But I also feel sexy. He had asked for all of my measurements ahead of time and the panties are a perfect fit. I may be light as a feather but I have a girly ass and fill them out nicely. I start feeling myself in them.

“Turn around slowly while you do that, little aimee.”

I did as I was told and started to get a bit aroused. And then with my back turned to him, totally vulnerable, clad in nothing but sexy panties, with the fear building within me again, he learned over and whispered in my ear,

“You were born to serve the desires of White Men. You don’t understand yet because you are too young, but you will soon.”

My cock grew to its full 3′ length and 2.5′ circumference. It had never felt this big or aroused before in my life. I was shut off from the sexual world and I only recently discovered masturbation, though it mostly dribbles out when I stroke to completion. For some reason, his words had more erotic impact on me than anything I’d ever experienced.

“Turn to face me girl and remove your panties.”

I obliged and my hard-on was raging. I was so proud about how big it was and thought he would be impressed. He looked at it and smiled so I thought he was. Then he took the head and started gently rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. It was the most amazing feeling of my life to date.

“I’m giving you a nice treat for your first session.” He kept rolling and it felt so good!

“Thank you, Instructor Mike!”, I gasped. This Man really knew how to touch my little button. I was getting close to dribbling like never before.

“‘What were you born for, aimee?”, he asked as he picked up speed.

“To serve White Men!”, I groaned loudly. My little almond balls were aching in anticipation.

“And how does this serve the needs of White Men?” He slowed down a bit as if my answer was a ticket to heaven.

“I don’t know, Sir.”, I answered truthfully.

“Exactly. It does not. Do you want to be a good girl, aimee?”

“Y-yes, Sir.”, I said unsurely. I’m so new to all of this. Being called a girl, these sensations, my peepee getting so big from what he said to me, realizations about how this might affect my life and purpose going forward. So much to contemplate while he’s driving me over the edge.

“Part of service is understanding that the desires of those you serve may run counter to your own desires. In fact, having you tolerate the act of going against your own desires is often a strong desire of those who you will serve.”

The sensations turn from pleasure to pain as he pinches the head, draining my erection and arousal quickly. I reach for my cock but my hand is immediately slapped away.

“Don’t touch it!!!”

I’m on the verge of tears. The best feeling in my life was quickly replaced by the worst. He takes my head in his hands and locks eyes with me,

“You have to trust me that whatever I do between us is for your long-term benefit. Like I said, you are young and there is still much to understand. So much of your life is about to come into focus. Your education will be swift because the revelations will be so clear they will change you immediately with their undeniability. You’ve come this far, and you are free to walk away at any time. However, I guarantee that you will be changed tomorrow forever. Are you brave enough to accept my offer and make that commitment?”

My cock didn’t feel good but I figured that was a lesson that I would learn from. As inexperienced as I was, I didn’t know what was right or wrong. I didn’t understand myself or my desires at all. I just knew that I was desired, and that I liked that. If being desired by so many who mean for me to serve their needs, then it seems logical that Instructor Mike was correct and I was born for this. I must embrace it. This is how I fit in.

“I’m afraid.”

“Fear will always be part of you. It’s in your nature. When we chatted and you told me that your dad was rarely around, I knew that you walk around through life feeling vulnerable wherever you go. You will learn how to serve the right Men who will protect you from your fears. You will learn to enjoy and/or tolerate that which they ask of you to make your presence worth their while. They will use you. They may hurt you. But they will protect you from worse dangers in the world. Life is a series of barters with others and this will be a common one for you. If you don’t go down this path, you’ll always be afraid. This is the day-to-day lives of most women, the weaker sex, hence your uniform and the training regiment I intend to put you through as your body resembles a female.”

While I may have been young and naïve I did sense the wisdom of his words. I was hungry for more knowledge and guidance from an older Man. I made the bravest decision of my life.

“I can actually be here 45 minutes earlier than requested if it pleases Instructor Mike.”

“That’s my girl!” he said, satisfied with my compliance. “More time for instruction and extra credit will be to your benefit. Run directly here and we will discuss your daily class preparations. Tomorrow we will know if you are ready to take the journey.”

“Thank you, Sir! I promise to do my best.”

“Good girl! Now get dressed and scoot!”

Off I went with butterflies in my stomach. As the door closed, the fear was worse than ever, and the truth that the fear will always be a part of me reverberated. I don’t even know how I’d possibly pay attention in class tomorrow. And I was forbidden from pleasuring myself after I’d been taken to the edge. The one thing that might give me relief right now was off limits on Instructor Mike’s orders. I’d better obey. I’m not sure I’d like his punishments after feeling him pinch my cock head.

Tomorrow. The first day of my new life.

***At his home I’m sure Mike couldn’t believe his luck. He found the perfect panty boy to mold into a lifelong aficionado for White Pipe. He had it all planned out and was going to enjoy himself along the way.***