Instinctual Insemination_(0)

I’m not a young man, but when I sat in the doctors office with my wife as our doctor told us we couldn’t conceive, I had never felt so old. I never imagined being one of those couples that had to adopt, and definitely not one that imagined never having kids, but as the doctor explained how my wife, Clara, could not have children I grew very very still.
Clara was crying and I was telling her it would all be fine, but I didn’t know that it would. We had thought I was shooting blanks, but as it turned out, my target was what had gone wrong.
After a year of us “accepting it” we finally came to the conclusion that this wasn’t going to work out sans kids, and we started looking at other options.
I didn’t want to adopt. The wait was long, it was really all luck of the draw, and most of all, I wanted MY genes to be in MY kid. Plain and simple.
That was when surrogacy was brought up to us and we began the process of finding the perfect surrogate for our child.
We flipped through the pamphlet until we both agreed on a girl with a great profile. We asked to set up a meeting, and waited patiently a week later in the lobby for our first appointment.

A young woman walked into the room and I could do nothing but stare. Amazing legs helped shape a nice round ass, supple hips, and an amazing set of tits. All were packaged in an pair of athletic pants and a running tank. The beauty’s hair was a chestnut brown, rich and healthy, and her skin was a soft smooth milky white. She looked youthful, healthy, and over all incredible.
She sat, and then a secretary came out.
“Naomi, Mr. and Mrs. Michaels. The doctor will see you now.”
To my started surprise, the girl stood back up along with us, and we all entered the room, she flashed me a charismatic smile.
The doctor explained all the medical mumbo-jumbo but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t distracted.
Even her collar bone was sexy. Her neck was slender, and she had high cheek bones framing a beautiful face and seductive full lips that curved into a smile even when neutral. Her eyes were heavy lidded and a light honey brown.
“Any questions?”
I tuned in and sputtered, “How do we do it?”
The doctor explained, “We go in and artificially inseminate the fertile egg. This will be done with your semen.”
I looked over at her, my body somehow very aroused at the idea that Naomi was “fertile”. There was something suddenly so damn sexy about her taking my seed, and caring my child I was momentarily speechless.
“Great.” I managed. We concluded our first meeting.
In the lobby, Clara stopped Naomi.
“I’d like if we could ask a few questions as we go over and sign papers.” She said,
Naomi agreed, “Sure, I’d love that. How about dinner at my place. I’ll cook.”
My wife nodded, “That’d be great.”
We left.
The next day Clara was called in for a late night evening.
“Can you cancel with Naomi? I’ll have to be at the office late, and I want to reschedule.”
“No problem” I said, barely masking my disappointment.
When I went to make the call, I couldn’t do it.
Instead after my wife left I jumped into the car and headed over to Naomi’s at the scheduled time.
She answers the door bell and the smell of food wafted in. It smelled delicious.
“Hello!” She said, her voice was like honey to match her eyes.
“Come in, no Clara tonight?”
“Afraid not,” I said, “She got caught up in a work thing, but I brought the papers over to sign.”
“Great. But first, lets have dinner.”
The meal was as good as it had smelled. Tri-tip steak, green beans, and mashed potatoes and gravy.
We had small talk while she dished me up, but once we were both seated, I couldn’t help but flirt, I was so attracted to her it came naturally.
“So how’s your husband feel about you having my child?”
“Hah, no husband, just me. I’m focusing on my schooling.”
“I didn’t know you had to go to school to model.”
“Oh I’ve never modeled before…”
On it went. Until dinner was done and papers were signed.
I stood to go, she cleaned the dishes and I apologized for keeping her so late.
“Oh not a problem!” she chimed, “I’m just going to take a bath and head to bed.”
Imagining her taking a bath was almost too much to bear. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
“Well then, I’ll let myself out. Thanks again Naomi.”
“See you next week!” She called from the kitchen as I stood in the entrance way.
I hesitated, then, in a moment of pure spontaneity, I open and closed the door without leaving. I heard her continue to shuffle around the kitchen as I went up the stairs to her bedroom. It was obviously hers by the smell of honey and lavender, and the signs of the room being “lived in”. The bed was a large king sized one, with dark purple bedding and high bed posts. Underneath her bed is where I hid myself until I heard her softly walk into the room, the only part of her visible were her petite manicured feet and bare sexy legs.
I withheld a gulp as I watched her satin bathrobe hit the ground as she stepped naked into bed.
The light went out and I made my move.
Quietly I moved from under the bed and loomed above her resting form.
She was breath taking, with bare shoulders and partially exposed chest, hair laid messy around her pillow.
Slowly I moved my hand over her mouth and pressed it firmly down. Her eyes grew immediately alert and frightened, and I shushed her as she gasped beneath my palm.
It was dark, but as I mounted on top of her, pinning her arms to her side and her body down with my weight, her eyes adjusted and recognition showed in her features.
“I’m going to move my hand” I said, “If I do, you have to promise you’ll be quiet, or I’ll gag you.”
She nodded frantically and I removed my hand from her mouth.
She gasped out but stayed silent apart from breathing heavily while I adjusted myself, sliding the covers down to reveal her named body.
She had an amazing hour glass, her breasts full, and stomach tight.
I imagined her belly plump with my child and I grew harder.
“W-why… why are you doing this?” She asked softly, her voice quivering.
“Because from the moment I saw you, I knew I had to have you. It’s not enough for you to carry my child, I want to put it inside of you.”
“But your wife-“
“Barren. You on the other hand, are young, and healthy, and beautiful. It’s nature for man to seek out a woman in this way.”
I realized it was true. These were my base instincts, my most primitive desires.
“Please don’t do this…” She began, but it was too late. I had more than made up my mind. removing my belt, I fastened it around her wrists and tied her to her bed frame.
Then, spreading her legs apart I nestled my hard rod at the base of her warm opening, and thrust inside her. She let out a cry and I decided as long as she didn’t scream, I didn’t care. I began pumping into her, loving the way her body rocked with mine, her tits bouncing with my motion. Her mouth open in a silent cry.
I glided in and out of her with speed, sweat building up inside of me and before I knew it I felt my release as I came inside her. A groan of my own escaping as she cried out.
Her breath was ragged. She fought to break loose from my hold, but I held her still. No. This was not over. She was mine. I would fuck her until I ran empty.
Unbuckling the belt, I tightened it around her throat and she panicked, reaching out to grasp at her leash. I pushed her hands aside before flipping her over and pulling her up to all fours. Now she tried to scream and fight, but I pulled my reins hard and pulled open the bedside drawer. Inside I found an athletic training band used for yoga and stretching. I expanded it out and tied it tightly around her face, severely muffling her voice.
Now I could focus.
My cock still hard, I positioned myself and pushed back inside her. It was easier this time and my pumps became more frantic quicker. I began humping her like a beast in heat. Our bodies colliding with my forceful impact. The slap of my cock reentering her at break neck speed. Beads of sweat glistened on her back as I rode her, her ass rippling to my hard pumping motion.
I leaned in, squeezing her perfect breasts hard, making her moan as I pinched the nipples, then I braced my hand against her smooth, toned belly. I slapped it, feeling so much masculine power and energy that I was sure I could go all night like this.
But finally, I felt my cock pulse with my second load. I pressed as far in as I could go, filling her with my seed. I came in waves and waves, as hot stickiness filled her cunt, over flowing to burst at her opening.
I let her go and she dropped with exhaustion, a used piece of flesh.
I removed the band and she sobbed into her pillow before moving to get up and away from me.
“Not so fast.” I said, sounding cold even to myself.
“What else could you want with me?”
“I’m not taking the chance of you getting rid of all my hard work. I need to make sure I’ve impregnated you. I want you full and round and carrying my child.”
“I wont do anything, I promise.”
“Not good enough. I’ll be back to untie you in the morning, once I’ve left for work. Until then, I’m giving us our best chance.”
With that I got up, and finding a jump rope, and another athletic band, I tied her arms to the bottom bars of the bed post, then stringing it up like a pully to the top bars, I tied her legs so she was cut in half, her legs spread up and back, her ass out, as she lay on her back.
“Now my cum can trickle into you. All of it.”
With that, I left her.
The next morning I got up, Clara made me breakfast, apologizing for getting home so late, and I headed off to work.
I stopped by Naomi’s and she was where I left her. Hard again, looking at her taunt form, I set down my brief case and came over to her. She was passed out. I unzipped my pants, and fucked her to consciousness, releasing myself for a third time inside of her.
“If you terminate this pregnancy, you’ll be in breech of contract. If you say I raped you, I’ll deny it. And if it’s found you had sex with someone, possibly complicating my pregnancy, you’ll be in breech of contract. So unless you have an extra 300,000 dollars laying around. We go about this surrogacy as planned and as normal. Do you understand?”
I said all of this while still inside her. She nodded her tear stained face and I released her bindings.
“You’re going to look beautiful carrying my child Naomi.” and with that, I kissed her forehead and went off to work. More man than I had felt in years.