Kayla watched from the bleachers with her friends as Taylor ran across the gym with the basketball and passed it to one of the guys on his team. He was a year and a half older than her, had a lean but muscular build and was about six foot two. She liked to watch him play everyday with all the other black boys. No one suspected that she had a thing for black guys, seeing as how she was one of those shy, artistic, intelligent type white girls who never got into trouble. It just wasn’t expected. The truth was that she did feel a certain pull toward them, Taylor in particular. It was mostly his style. He wore the baggy pants, the big shirts, the dew-rags, the diamond studs, and she loved it. She had heard some things about Taylor however; that he had a lot of energy, that he always won the fights he was in, that he had connections, and that basically, you didn’t want to mess with him. She had to admit that this excited her a little.
Taylor raced across the court and snatched the ball from a boy on the opposing team and arrowed off toward their hoop. After zigzagging around another boy he dunked the ball, much to the other teams disappointment. His friends patted him on the back as he went to sit on the bleachers. He had been playing nonstop for a while now and was sweaty and hot. Because it was the day before Christmas break, the school schedule was altered and they had two hours in P.E., so he decided to take a short rest. He spotted Kayla as he walked to sit down and made sure to pass right in front of her on the way to his destination. He had noticed her interest in him the past few weeks. Taylor sat about 10 feet away from where Kayla conversed with her friends and glanced over at her. She was wearing a slightly low-cut powder blue sweater, and a jean skirt that showed just enough of her legs to make him a bit warmer than he already was… one place in particular. But by far, her best feature was her eyes; wonderfully blue and clear, and topped by soft curvy eyebrows. Currently, Taylor had three girls he was going out with, none of which went to his school, and none of which knew he had other girls. They were all black… He figured it was time for something new.
Kayla had stopped paying attention to Kyra and Jacob’s Christmas Break chatter when Taylor had walked by, passing so close that she had felt the air move in his wake. She glanced over at him, admiring how his muscles showed through the white wife beater and dark blue gym shorts he was wearing. While she was observing this, he made eye contact. Kayla, blushing, turned back around and pretended to be involved in the conversation. His eyes were so intense. Jacob noticed her blush and her distraction. “Kayla? Yoo-hoo… Wake up!” he said as she shook herself back to reality. “What did you say?” Kayla blinked. Kyra laughed, “You’re all red and you’re staring into space with this weird look on you’re face.” “What? Oh… um, it’s nothing. Hey I’ll be right back, I’m gonna go get some water.” Kayla got up and headed toward the double doors that lead to the locker room hallway. It was a short hall, the only rooms off of it were the athlete’s locker rooms and the weight-lifting room, and all were empty and quiet. Reveling in the silence compared to the very noisy gym, she took a deep breath and let it out. As she walked to the fountain she thought about the look Taylor had given her. Was it possible he knew? She hadn’t told anyone, so if he had noticed then he would’ve had to have been watching her as well, a thought that interested her greatly.
Taylor had seen Kayla get up and make her way to the hall, his gaze focused on her hips as she walked. Nice ass he observed, deciding to follow. He was going to get her all worked up into a lather for him. He didn’t know if she had a boyfriend or not, but he didn’t care. He would fuck him up good if he got in the way.
As he walked through the double doors she bent down to drink. Doing so caused her skirt to hike up a few more inches in the back, revealing even more of her legs to him and causing a familiar burning in his loins. He wanted a challenge, some resistance, and he figured with Kayla that’s what he would get. Taylor had heard that Kayla was a bit conservative, but he was sure that with the right tactics he could make a gap in that barrier. No one could say no to him, not for long anyway. He smiled as he quietly walked up behind her. According to the people that new her, Kayla was a virgin, and they always had the best reactions…
While she was drinking from the fountain, Kayla was startled to feel as if there was a presence near her. She looked between her legs at the floor behind her, and saw a pair of Nikes, out of which came some lean but nicely built legs, the bottom fabric of dark blue shorts barely visible before her skirt obstructed her view. Taylor had followed her? Her stomach fluttered. As she was lifting her head from the fountain, she felt a hand gently slide up her leg underneath her skirt and another hand rest itself on her hip.
She froze.
The one hand stroked her inner thy, and then slid up even farther to rhythmically smooth over her panties. She felt a warmth build up in between her legs. Kayla knew she should walk away, but this had never happened to her before (most guys knew where she stood on this kind of thing), and she was intrigued. She stifled a noise of alarm as the hand slipped inside her underwear, slowly massaging her clit. Her knees began to weaken. Why wasn‘t she doing anything about it? Any other guy would have been kneed in the groin by now. At the same time she was thinking this she found herself wanting more, and it sickened her that she could be so easily influenced. At that moment a finger slid into her, not very far, but it surprised her enough. Her legs trembled, but Kayla grabbed the edges of the water fountain and slowly straightened herself up, trying to look undaunted and uninterested. She turned to face him and as she opened her mouth to speak was met with those intense dark eyes. Taylor placed two fingers over her mouth signaling her to be quiet, then looked her up and down. She should leave. Kayla whirled and started towards the gym doors, but a firm grip closed on her arm just above the elbow, jerking her to a stop. She was slowly pulled back toward him and held against his chest.
Kayla was definitely a virgin. Taylor wrapped his arms around the girl. She was shaking, and he didn’t want her to be afraid of him. He ordinarily wouldn’t mind it too much. Actually it excited him when girls were just a little afraid, but it wouldn’t be good for her to get away and go tell a coach or something, so he had to calm her down just enough so that wouldn’t happen. He could tell that she was into him though, by the way she breathed and how warm she had gotten from just that slight fingering. He stood with her like this for a short while until he judged that she wasn’t likely to run off. The top of Kayla’s head came just at his chin, and he could feel her soft breasts pressing on his chest, feel the rapid beating of her heart, smell the fragrance of her shampoo. Taylor smoothed her hair with one hand, her nervousness and innocence turning him on more and more. She tried another escape attempt, but didn’t even get two feet away from him before she was back in his grasp. With a finger, he turned Kayla’s chin up to face him. Fear was in her eyes, and she had the look of an animal trying to figure out the best way to escape a trap. But there was something else in there that made him smile slightly: curiosity.
Kayla could barely comprehend what was going on she was so shaken. She had already tried to get away, and he was too strong for her to overpower, but she didn’t want to yell for her friends…how would this look? It would be all over the school in a matter of hours if anyone found out, even a coach. Besides, wasn’t it possible that nothing that serious would happen? Maybe he just wanted to… make out… right? Then, still holding her eyes level with his, he said, “Alright… yo name is Kayla…”. Her stomach flipped. How does he know my name? “But do ya know my name?” he asked as one of his hands slid into her panties again. Kayla nodded slowly, never taking her eyes from his own . A grin spread over his face as he said softly and a bit teasingly, “Oh really? What is it?”. Kayla was trying very hard to concentrate, but she was getting wet, both because of the sound of his deep voice that radiated through her when he spoke, and the hand in her underwear that was making its presence ever more noticeable. “Tay-”, she gasped and clinched her teeth as his finger found a particularly good spot, “…lor…” she breathed, noticing the amused smile on his face. “Good… remember that.” Suddenly he swung her up into his arms and headed toward the weight-lifting room.
There were mirrors on every wall from floor to ceiling, and the floors had rubber mats on them. The equipment had padded seats and benches. He didn’t have to worry too much about getting caught either, as no one ever came in here except on Mondays and Wednesdays. They had over an hour left in P.E. and he didn’t have to rush, so he thought he better start out slow. What he considered slow anyway. He looked down at Kayla and saw that she was checking out the mirrors, a worried look on her face. She was breathing shallowly, and it was easy to see she was nervous and taken aback by what was happening to her. What‘s happening to her… Taylor thought smiling to himself. Her stress would make it all the better for both of them. She’d be like a coil wound tight. He took a short moment and studied the way the light hit her hair and the way her eyes sparkled, the way her chest moved up and down when she breathed. He had over an hour alone with her. Taylor set Kayla on her feet with her back against a wall. He pressed himself upon her, pinning her to the wall as he kissed her. He wanted her to feel his hardness. With one hand always on her shoulder to keep her from moving, the other hand traveled all over her body. First it would be in her hair, and then it would travel down her neck to her breasts, where it would spend some time caressing them through her shirt. Taylor could feel her responding to him. The heat radiating from her, the wetness in her underwear, her ragged breath all evidence that her body was enjoying this even as she pressed her hands against his chest as if to push him away. With the one hand still on her shoulder, he made to lift up her shirt and remove it. “Get… off!“ Kayla grunted finally getting a hold of herself as her hands flew down to grasp the bottom hem, holding it in place. Swiftly and before she could even blink, Taylor grabbed each of her wrists and slammed them against the mirror covered wall, pinning them beside her head. Her response was to pale a bit and breath even heavier… good. It needed to be established that he was in control. He looked her straight in the eye and put on a cocky grin. He wanted this, and she was going to cooperate. “So you gonna be feisty huh? I like feisty. It makes things so much more enjoyable…”
Taylor’s voice trailed away as he kissed her again with renewed hunger. Kayla’s heart was racing, her mind struggling to keep up as a river of sensuality washed her thoughts away. How could she get away? And from somewhere in the back of her mind came the nagging question: Did she really want to? Even if she tried he’d catch her, and he seemed to have a temper… It would probably make things worse for her. Besides, she was finding it harder and harder to think straight as his kisses got to her. Taylor’s tongue played with hers, then he moved to nibble her ear and she let out a quiet, breathy moan in spite of herself. He released one of her wrists and went for her shirt hem again. This time she didn’t move, she didn’t dare. Slowly he lifted up her sweater and pulled it over her head, her brunette hair falling back about her like a silken shower, and then proceeded to unclasp her white bra. He laughed, her nipples were already hard as they could get. “You like this huh? Someone’s not as angelic as they think they are”. She blushed horribly and squirmed in his grasp, trying her best to avoid looking at him. He was treating this as if it was a game, just laughing and using almost no effort at all to hold her when she tried to wiggle away. Her heart kept fluttering, and she was sure it was loud enough for the whole school to hear it. Then she inhaled sharply; he was cupping her right breast in his hand, stroking her nipple with his thumb. She put her one free hand against him and pushed, but he just chuckled and whispered in her ear, “You can fight it all you want baby, but you’ll beg for mo before it‘s ova”. His mouth replaced his hand, and he licked, suckled and kissed her, going from first one breast to the other. She found herself thinking that this was torture. The sensation between her legs was rising more and more and her back slowly arched as he sucked. Before she even knew what she was doing her free hand slid down and underneath her skirt. Just as her hand encountered the wetness, Taylor’s slid down and pulled hers back up. He held it in front of her face as if to show her that she really was enjoying this, and she looked shamefacedly away. Taylor pulled her from the wall and pushed her to the floor (not without protest from her) so she was lying on her back. She tried to sit back up, but he straddled her waist and pushed her back down. Almost immediately the heat flared stronger between Kayla’s legs, bringing with it that indescribable need. Taylor pushed her long hair off of her chest and then… he sat there. He sat, and watched her. Kayla felt herself start turning red and averted her eyes. She couldn’t look at him; she had to focus on something else. Anything else. To her dismay, the first object her eyes encountered was a mirror. She saw her vulnerable position, saw his body on top of hers, saw the whole situation fully for the first time. Goosebumps covered her skin. “You ever been fucked by a black guy?“ he inquired nonchalantly, even though he knew the answer. Kayla, startled by the abruptness of the question, barely managed to shake her head. ”Virgin…” she stammerd. “Aww,” he cooed, “you innocent ain’t you baby. Shame you wont be fo too much longer.”
The need increased.
When Taylor reached for her skirt Kayla grasped his wrists, her mind still clinging to the idea that maybe she could stop him, but he easily cut her grip and chuckled at her spirit. He reached for her skirt again, and, yet again her hands caught his. This time however he quickly laced his fingers with hers and bent her hands back, eliciting a pained yelp from her. He leaned forward and started to kiss her neck and chest and she wiggled, but found herself unable to fend him off. It didn’t take long for her to stop squirming and little by little become aware of the sensations she was getting. Kayla could hear his breathing, she could feel his warm, strong hands, caressing and touching all the right places at all the right times, his dark skin glistened in the light from the one window high up on the wall. Her arousal was heightening as his hands moved down to her lower stomach and his fingers trailed over her hot skin. As he removed his shirt he started whispering, telling her how sexy she was, telling how happy he could make her. His voice always soft, always deep and comforting, but never leaving any doubt that he was dominant. His hands massaged her neck and chest as she closed her eyes. A soft sound escaped her lips, and when his hands found their way to her skirt once again she didn’t even notice. She felt the chill air hit her skin as he slipped off her skirt and underwear in one motion. He paused and a surprised expression passed over his face when he saw that she kept herself hairless. He nodded his approval before continuing and slowly ran a hand over the soft smooth skin. Involuntarily she pushed into his hand, trying to achieve more contact. Taylor was kissing her almost violently now as he slipped off his pants and boxers. Kayla felt a flash of pain, accompanied by an odd tingle as he bit down where her neck met with her shoulder. She shuddered. It all felt so good to her. She gradually started to kiss him back, forgetting that she was in the school weight-room against her will with a guy she had never even talked to.
Taylor couldn’t help but smile to himself when she finally began kissing him, enjoying the feel of her fingers across his bare back. She was breaking. He had known she would. This was the fun part for him, the chase and the persuasion. Oh the act itself was good too, but it was so much better for the whole thing to be drawn out. Taylor let his hands trail over her breasts again and felt her arch beneath him, then let his fingertips lightly brush over her ribs and sides. At this her side muscles flinched , and he made a mental note. Obviously he had found a ticklish spot. He positioned the head of his cock right at her opening, and let it even touch a little, but he wouldn’t go in. Not yet. The object was for her to admit she wanted it. Almost immediately and much sooner than he’d expected he felt it. Damn I’m good… he thought to himself. Her hips flexed subtly, trying to get down onto him, but he pulled ever so slightly away and continued to nibble and bite and lick like she hadn’t done anything. She moved again, her hands traveling down. Taking one of her wrists in each of his hands he pinned them above her head. He touched the head to her again and she responded by trying to get around him once more. He stopped kissing her and looked down at her. Kayla opened her eyes and glanced up at him, a strained look to her features. She was trying her hardest now not to be turned on, not to respond, he could tell, but her body was betraying her. Her breathing was hampered and she fixed her eyes on the ceiling, trying to ignore him. Yet again he pressed his cock lightly against her opening and watched as she closed her eyes, her mouth tightening into a grim line. Her abdomen muscles tensed and he sensed her torment. He brushed his lips lightly over hers and whispered, “Do you want it?”.
Kayla’s blood was racing as she tried to control herself. Her brain was telling her to say no. She didn’t know him. What if someone walked in? Her pride was telling her to say no as well. She shouldn’t let someone force himself on her. That meant she was weak. Her body on the other hand was eagerly trying to override all of that. The feelings that flowed through her were undeniable. She needed to be touched. Now. She was aching with it, and here he was, playing games with her head. She almost wished he wouldn’t ask, that he’d just go ahead, that way it wouldn’t be her fault. “Ill ask again,” he said, “You want it?” His only reply was the tears building in her eyes. She tried unsuccessfully to blink them away. He bent down and, still holding her hands above her head, kissed her passionately and nuzzled her cheek while his manhood once again applied pressure to her pussy. He then slid up and brushed her clit, sending a spasm through her. She nodded once, not believing what she was doing. She was giving up her virginity. He looked at her, a smile playing over his features at his victory. “What was that?” he said, his voice devilishly soft now and with an undertone of dark humor. “Yes…“ she breathed. Taylor cocked an eyebrow but otherwise didn’t move. Kayla wanted to scream. Did she have to say it? “…Please…“ she ventured. No response. “Please…” she said again, humiliated. “I need…“ she stopped herself from completing the thought. He leaned down, his proximity bringing heavier waves of want to her, and quieter still he said, “I told you you’d beg”. Slowly, ever so slowly he started to slide into her. Kayla whimpered, adrenaline pumping through her body as she realized what it meant to feel full. Taylor smiled at her helplessness, and not a second after her realization he plunged into her with full force, causing her to gasp and buck at the shock wave that flashed through her. Taylor held still for a moment and gave her time to concentrate on what she felt. He wanted her paying complete and total attention to what his dick was doing between her legs. When he moved, he pumped hard, each thrust getting just a bit deeper inside of her. Kayla cried out as they got stronger. She struggled with her hands, needing to grip something, but he was still pinning them above her cruelly, denying her that need. Her breathing became irregular and even more ragged, and she started to move her hips with him. She could feel a searing heat spreading all over her body, moving from her abdomen to her toes and all the way back up to her fingertips, and causing a glistening layer of sweat to appear in it’s wake. She started to experience small muscle spasms in her legs and stomach and still he went on relentlessly. He was breathing heavily as well, though not making the racket that she was. Kayla felt herself being pushed toward the edge as his cock time and again steadily slammed into her, but just before she went over, he stopped completely. She opened her eyes and looked incredulously at him as she gasped for breath. An arrogant smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He was still in her, very far actually, for his balls were up against her. He shifted his hips slightly to tease her, and she glared at him. She could feel him in her, and she could feel the waiting orgasm just out of reach, then, she felt it start to fade. She flexed her hips, trying to get it back, and bit her lip in frustration. It was unfair. He had made her go through all of this and she didn’t even get to relieve herself. Taylor was still smiling, amusement dancing in his brown eyes as her eyebrows came together in torment. If this was any other guy (one without such a temper) and her hands had been free, she would‘ve slapped him. Then, very slowly, he started to move again, grinding his hips with hers, never speeding up, just keeping a constant pressure and pace. Kayla felt the orgasm returning, though it was building much more slowly…and strongly. She tried to speed it up, but he grinned and cautioned her. “It’ll be better if it comes slow…” he said smoothly, leaning down to kiss her neck, “…I bet you can’t hold it”. “I can,” she said in a defiant, breathless whisper. Maybe not… She could feel it there, every time he moved even the slightest bit, the pressure built more until it was unbearable. Her whole body ached with it and she was sure that there was no possible way to keep it down. How long am I supposed to hold it?! She thought.
Taylor continued to grind, savoring it all, watching the expressions on her face. He could feel her walls tightening, exerting more pressure on his cock. He was having some difficulty holding himself back from finishing them both off, she was doing pretty well considering it was her first time. His skin started to tingle and burn, sweat glistened all over his body. Suddenly he felt what he had been waiting for, the unexplainable feeling just before climax. She was about to cum and bring him along with her. He watched as her eyes closed and she clinched her fists, and laughed to himself even as the first waves of ecstasy rolled over him. She was still trying to fight it even though she knew it was impossible. Then she came. Her skin flushed and she let out a long breathy moan that was joined by his sigh as she pulled him along.