I want your story UPDATE new Email

If you are interested in getting a story published as part of a larger book please send your story to:

[email protected]

I am assembling a collection of stories for publication. You will be paid, if it sells. It must be original and you are the author.

The story should be real, or based on real experience. You can receive editing and writing help also. If you can’t write a good story, I can help you write it.



Suggestions include your first time having sex, or the best time having sex. Perhaps you had an affair and would be willing to tell the entire story. There is in each of us a story to tell. Perhaps you were abused, or raped, or had sex young. Maybe you are older and are having great senior sex.

The true stories are the ones that are most interesting to everyone. Fantasy is ok, but really, everyone likes the real experience better. Perhaps the first time you kissed a boy, or girl, the first time you touched their genitals, or a vacation, spring break, or other special event.

You might want to talk about having your picture taken, or taking pictures of your wife, girlfriend or someone. Have you ever posted your naked pictures on line and gotten comments? Did they turn you on? Did you like the attention? Can you say why? It would be a good story.

There are no boring stories if someone can ask the right questions about how you felt. Did you enjoy it, and why. The emotions of each person are genuine and exciting. Share them. Let your inner voyeur and inner erotic feelings come out.

No two people have the same experiences or feel exactly the same things. Stories don’t need to be long, or use dirty words, or swear. They don’t need raunch. People like to read about emotion, real emotion. If you don’t know how to say it so it comes our flowery, don’t worry about it. Your experiences can be put into words that will sell. Some of the most successful stories on this site are the worst written. Some of the best are the pure and simple expressions of “what happened to me.”

Now ou can express them and get the story told.

The type of story that people like to read is about love, or excitement, sometimes danger, like being caught. Perhaps you were making out in a car and just as you were getting lucky a cop came by, or your dad, or mom. Perhaps you got in trouble, but hooked up later.

Her is a short example from a contributor:

I was visiting my friend in high school and he was having a party. There were a bunch of guys and girls around and we were dancing in a playroom that had been a garage. He had it fixed up real nice and had lava lights around. Some of the guys and girls began hooking up and making out. I wan’t particularly interested in any of the girls so started to drift off.

I was going to go home but ran into his older sister in the kitchen. She had a great figure for a girl just out of high school. She was a woman of the world as I looked at it as she had been to San Francisco and gone to art school for a year. We sat and talked for a while and she told me of a story about going to a party there and having too much to drink. The boys were real interested in her and pretty soon she ended up in one of the bedrooms very drunk. She remembered one of the boys came in and started making out with her and fondling her big boobs.

I looked at them. They were great. She was very pretty at that moment. I never thought so before. And she cried a little, held my hand. As she told me the story of how she was raped, more than once, she went into great detail about it. Soon I found my hand on her breast and it didn’t take long before she had her T-shirt off and I was fondling her over her bra. After 15 minutes of her story her bra was off and we were sitting on the couch in her parents living room.

I was worried at any moment either they or her brother or any of the people at the party might walk by and catch us. I was scared and yet kept going. I kissed her, it wasn’t a great kiss. But then I kissed her boobs, and those were great. Her nipples were even greater. I fondled her and kissed those great boobs for most of an hour before ending up in her bedroom. She slowly took off her jeans and we laid down on her bed and made out. My hand went between her legs and started feeling her wet panties. I love it. I never knew a woman got wet like that. It was a first for me.

Then, and I don’t know why, I stuck my hand inside the panties. After a while, and some help from her hand, my finger found her vagina and went in. Then another finger, and another. I had three of them in her soon. I was so excited feeling a girl up for the first time I nearly peed my pants. Little by little I got more and more excited pushing my fingers into her. I was amazed when the fourth finger went in and finally my thumb knocked at the opening as it were. A little more, and a little more my thumb went in. I was nibbling on her tits and biting them and all of a sudden was so excited I bit one of them hard. So hard I left teeth marks.

She squealed and came to a climax lubricating all over my hand fluid that allowed my hand to slip into her so easily that….

Now.. can this story be put into something better? Finished? Yes. I bet you have a story that can be told and thousands will enjoy it. It just has to have the right exposure in the right market.

Good writing, and I hope to hear from you.
