Hunter Naked in School 5

Friday, August 26, 2005

I awoke to Jeff fondling my balls. He brushed my cheek with his other hand as he invited me to follow him into the shower.

“How about we stay here,” I replied, “I already need to wash these sheets.” Jeff smiled sweetly as I began stroking him. I cradled his shoulders with my free arm as we kissed passionately. My breathing quickened and I felt an oncoming orgasm. Jeff and I came in unison. After a few more minutes of cuddling, I proceeded downstairs for breakfast while Jeff showered. Reverend Neale was on TV again, it appeared that he’d called off the protestors in exchange for a promise that the state Board of Education would investigate St. Mary’s Academy. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee, and chatted with Mom.

“So what do you think will happen with this investigation?” I asked.

Mom sighed. “I’m afraid they’ll use it as a pretext to shut down the school, which will just make the overcrowding in the public schools worse, and send more kids to Reverend Neale’s so-called school.” Before coming to St. Mary’s, Mom had been a teacher and guidance counselor for public schools. I remember she always used to complain about how class sizes and a shortage of counselors made it difficult to work with individual kids.

“So what would we do?”

“Fortunately, your fathers doing well enough that we could afford to send you boys to boarding school, even without my salary, but I’m worried about the effect this will have on the kids I see in the guidance office. Many of them wouldn’t do well at all in public schools, and a fundamentalist Christian environment could well be disastrous.”

“How so?”

“Jeff isn’t the only kid I’ve seen who has issues disclosing his sexuality.”

Jeff came downstairs, and I went up to get my shower. We made out a little in the back of Mom’s Volvo, and walked to English class holding hands.

Ms. Lease smiled at us. “Would you like to ask for relief, Hunter?”

“Already taken care of,” I replied, and we sat down next to one another.

Second period was Club Day, this thing the school does on the first Friday of every year where they let all the clubs set up booths in the gym and have students circulate among them. I signed up to tutor underprivileged kids, and Jeff joined the debate team. After I took a few requests, we met Zach and Quint at the booth for the gay-straight alliance.

“What clubs did you guys join?” I asked.

“I’ve been manning the booth the whole time,” Zach responded, “but I did have someone from the Interfaith Council try to recruit me, said they needed a Muslim.”

“You’re a Muslim?”

“Nope, cafeteria Catholic, she lost interest when I told her that.”

“Oh, so you’re overdone and taste like cardboard.”

Quint laughed. “Actually, it is about time for lunch, want to head over a bit early?”

We did so, and I sat down across from Zach again. This time he was wearing flip-flops, which he slipped out of to begin playing footsie with me. I had other ideas. I ran my bare foot up Zach’s leg until I reached his crotch. I could feel his hard-on under his shorts and I began massaging it with my big toe. Zach grinned, and Quint burst out laughing as he realized what was going on. I kept going until Zach cried out: “Stop! You’re gonna make me cream my shorts.” This of course required an explanation for Laura and Tammy’s benefit, which led to me being teased mercilessly for the rest of the lunch period.

Despite the teasing, the performance aroused me, and I asked for relief at the beginning of history class. Somewhat to my surprise, Mr. Guzman was happy that I did so, because it gave him an opportunity to discuss the development of clothing and sexual mores in early humans.

Since my performance would be used as an instructional aid, I concentrated on making it as memorable as possible.

My face contorted with pleasure as I began panting. I surveyed the room, some people were looking away in apparent disgust, but most of the class was looking on in rapt attention. “Ohhh yeah … Fuck yeah,” I moaned, as my eyes rolled back in my head. I kept this up until I couldn’t hold out any longer, and shot all over my stomach.

Someone started a slow clap, which was taken up by several more students until Mr. Guzman started talking. “Now that we’ve seen a demonstration of human sexuality in action, let’s talk about how human societies developed ways to regulate that sexuality.” As I made my way to my seat, he began a lecture about how hunter-gatherers developed rigid sexual mores to prevent the births of illegitimate children. He then described the role of religion in promulgating these mores to future generations, and concluded by discussing new scientific hypotheses that argued that much of the recent erosion of sexual restrictions was due to the reduced risks associated with extramarital pregnancy as a result of birth control and new forms social organization.

When class ended I headed out to the pool for swim practice. Coach Overholt was standing on the diving board. “Ok, everybody whose parents signed the forms for you to do the Program raise your hand.” About half the team raised their hands. “Ok, you guys get naked, the rest of you can get your suits at the locker rooms.”

Practice was tiring but rewarding. Coach had me swimming freestyle and backstroke, and put me on the relay team with Zach, Jeff, and a sophomore named Larry Buckler. As we headed for the showers, Jeff turned to me.

“You up for some more fun in the showers?”

“Sorry, I jerked off in fourth bell, try Zach.”

When I got out of the shower Jeff and Zach were sitting on a bench in the locker room, stroking one another. I pushed my way to the front of the crowd to watch. I licked my lips as I savored the spectacle of their naked bodies straining in pleasure. I could see why Quint used this stuff for his art. Zach came first, followed quickly by Jeff.

I turned and headed to Dr. Martin’s office to get dressed for the last time of the week. As I walked out to the car, I noticed Jeff talking to his parents. I went over to him and kissed him on the lips.

“See you next week,” I said.