Home from the War

We were four army buddies home from Iraq. We’d been eating sand and pissing dust for over a year and were dying for a genuine, frost sweating long neck beer in a bar listening to the loudest band we could find. In the next week we wanted to get drunk, laid, laid, drunk then laid again. My home town was the closest to the base so I called my younger sister and told her I had three friends and we were coming to town. I asked her if she could set up a party with some of her college friends for us homecoming heroes. She got excited, squealed with delight and promised me a welcome I would never forget.

My sister Ashley is two years younger than me. She had just started her second year of college when I left. She is barely over five feet tall and reminds me of Megan Fox in looks and body. Not only is she hot and pretty, she’s smart. At school she is studying to be a Veterinarian, which in any language means doctor. That takes more brain power than I have.

One of my three friends had saved my life in Iraq with covering fire during an ambush and I felt like I owed him everything I had, and one of those things was my sister. I was going to ask her to fuck this guy until his nuts shriveled up from abuse. I was positive I could talk her into it, he wasn’t bad looking and was the type she liked to date.

My parents were beside themselves with joy at the reunion with me and my friends. Nothing was too good for us. Ashley wasn’t there; she lived in her own place near the college. We managed to down a few beers then fell out in my room. We crashed at my parents place the first night, there were bodies all over my bedroom floor.

The next morning I was woken up by someone shaking my shoulder. I barely opened an eye and saw my baby sister grinning down at me. “Good morning lazybones. You going to hide out in here all day?” I smiled up at her and held my arms out. Ashley stepped over a body beside my bed, into my arms then lay down beside me. She put her head on my chest, her arm over my stomach and said “I’ve missed you Brad. You don’t know how much I’ve needed to see you again. I’m so glad you didn’t get shot and killed over there.”

“I’m kinda glad I didn’t get killed too.” Then I teased her, “If I were dead then you’d be the first angel I ever held in my arms.” She beamed happily, gave me a little sister peck on the lips then pushed off me and the bed.

“I have to go,” she dropped a piece of paper on my chest, “but be here tonight, we are going to welcome you home properly. Bring a few pizzas and junk food, we’ll get the keg.” I looked at Ashley from head to feet and had a small feeling of regret that she was my sister. Not so my friend lying next to my bed. Ashley was standing over him, feet planted on each side of his head and as she talked to me he was inspecting her jeans covered legs from crotch to floor.

After she left he looked up at me, “Damn she’s hot. I got dibs on that one.”

“No offense Mike, but she wants to meet King. They’ve been trading notes to each other in the letters and emails she and I write. She’s lined up other girls and I’m sure she won’t hook us up with the dregs of society.” King was my life saving best friend.

After a huge breakfast served by my joyous mother the four of us toured the town and waited impatiently for the party to start. I spent most of the day with a semi-rock erection, trying to imagine what kind of welcome me and the boys were going to have. Ashley was a natural, likable girl that grew up with friends that could burn my hands if I touched them. I spent the better part of my teen years trying to fuck most of them. I managed to get lucky with three. My sister always chided me for chasing ‘younger women’ but she never got mad when I managed to screw one, and I know for a fact she fucked a couple of my friends.

We got to the house as early as we could without appearing too eager. My sister met us at the door and gave me another long hug while telling me how much she missed me. Each of my friends got a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek as he came into the house. Inside we met three more college coeds and true to form, Ashley invited the best of the best. The four of us stood in a line as the hostess introduced us. First to put out her hand was Claudia. Claudia looked Swedish. She was a tall, lithe, blue-eyed blonde whose eyes sparkled like the waters of a deep clear fiord. She gave each of us a peck on the cheek then stepped aside for Monica.

Monica had a rack of tits on her that I could get lost in. She was about 5’6” and had a ‘come hither’ aura around her. She looked instantly fuckable. As she smiled up at me, her long dark hair framing her pixie face I was ready to throw her on the floor and get it on right there.

Sally came down the line last. I may have fallen in lust with Monica but I fell in love with Sally. I found my date for the night as she caressed my hand and kissed my cheek. She had layer cut brown hair slightly tinted with auburn highlights. Hazel eyes smiled up at me from behind long dark lashes, her lips were glossed dark red. Her body was perfectly formed and highlighted by a silk red blouse, no bra, over a dark blue pleated skirt that ended about two inches above her knees. As she walked on 3 inch heels into the room ahead of me I couldn’t take my eyes off her legs and butt. My heart skipped and my cock took a deep breath as I looked at the most incredible female vision I could imagine.

If my sister had set this up right everybody in the room knew that there would be a lot of seriously intense sex going on later but we started out polite and considerate of the girls. None of my sex starved buddies tried to get a girl alone as soon as we walked in and I was a little glad of that. We tapped the beer and chowed down on pizza while the girls pried us for stories of the war. In less than 30 minutes the eight of us had paired up with our choices for the night. I sat with Sally, Monica with Dutch, Claudia and Mike and of course Ashley with my friend King.

It didn’t take too many beers before I noticed hands and bodies getting more familiar with others. Ashley got up to change CDs in the player while King held her hips and leaned closely over her watching, talking. She was receptive and gave him a rub on the bulge in his pants with her ass. Mike was talking to Claudia, stroking a long denim covered thigh while she flirted heavily with him. Monica and Dutch spent most of their time in each other’s arms dancing on a small spot of wooden floor in the middle of the room, her big tits pressed tightly against his chest.

Sally and I had moved past introductions to family and personal histories while working up our libidos for each other. My balls were as hard as coconuts and aching so much I could hardly move when I invited her to show me the house. She took my hand and led me quietly toward the back. As we moved past my sister she looked at the extension of my body causing a large bulge behind my zipper then smiled up at me. She touched my arm and winked then turned back to King.

She led me directly to a bedroom. When I walked past her to the bed Sally clicked the door shut then put her arms around my neck and put her dark red lips on mine. We were instantly hot for each other and began pulling at any clothing our hands could reach. She was stripping me as I disrobed her. In less than 30 seconds Sally and I were naked from the waist down and falling to the bed. She landed on her back, legs spread wide, went to my knees between her thighs then put my mouth over her cunt and tasted the sweet warm flesh of her sex.. I ate that girl until I couldn’t wait any longer, I put the end of my cock against the wet, swollen lips of her sex and penetrated deep and fast. Sally gasped for air, put her lips on mine again and attacked me with her tongue as I started fucking my first piece in over a year.

I wasn’t prepared for her. Sally got hotter and wilder as we fucked; she was thrashing her legs and hammering my hips with hers. I lasted maybe eight minutes before all the pressure from the war ripped my nuts apart and I came long and hard into the brown haired beauty. When I was done convulsing Sally pushed me off her then rolled up, lying flat on my body. She looked down at me, smiled and said “That takes care of the introductions, let’s go get a beer. We can come back here later.” She licked my neck then slipped me a lot of tongue before she got up.

When we got back to the front room, there were only two people there. Mike and Claudia were alone and they hadn’t bothered to find a room. She was on her back on the sofa with her long legs wrapped around his body while he hammered her cunt. Sally glanced at the porn show then poured two beers. I tried to ignore the mating pair but the tall blonde was an attraction even as she got nailed.

Mike’s pants were still around his knees while Claudia’s were heaped on the floor. Sally stepped up to me, watching the fuck action and whispered “You get to have the three of us if you can get it up that much.”

I looked down at her, “What do you mean?”

Sally put her free hand on my chest, kissed me lightly, “Ashley asked us to screw all of you guys. It’s going to be a long, fun weekend.”

“How come you get four and I only get three?”

“Have you forgotten that one of us is your sister?

Just then Claudia urged Mike “Come on soldier, give it up.” He groaned loudly while firing round after round of liquid ammunition into his target.

Mike stood so Claudia could get up. She disappeared toward a bathroom, her bare ass swayed invitingly as he hauled his pants up again. He grabbed the beer from my hand and said “Remind me to thank your sister.”

Ten minutes later my sister came back into the room with King in tow. He was smiling big and she looked crumpled and folded. Just as Ashley grabbed a piece of cold pizza the fourth couple showed up from wherever they’d been fucking. All eight of us were together again tapping beers.

As the clock moved forward so did we. There was some heavy necking and petting happening in between glasses of beer and trips to the snack table. Mike had taken Claudia to a bedroom and fucked her again, through the open door we could hear their bodies slapping until she climaxed with him. That got Dutch and Monica hot for each other again and they ended up in the kitchen where he rammed her from behind while she bent over the table.

By this time King and I were sporting big woodies again so Sally and Ashley took us back to the bedrooms. It was sometime after midnight when I screwed my dream girl again only this time we were completely naked and enjoyed the full expanse of the queen sized bed for over an hour. We stayed in bed and drifted into satisfied sleep for the rest of the night.

The next morning King and Dutch were making coffee and breakfast when the rest of us gathered in the kitchen. There were smiles, caresses, and small kisses passing between the four girls and us. Ashley was astraddle Mike’s lap at the table; she was grinding her butt on his groin while he put a hand under her blouse. I watched my sister and my friend start seducing each other right there in the middle of the crowd. It didn’t take long for her to stand while he freed his stiff cock. She reached under her skirt and guided him to her just as King set a plate of pancakes on the table. Mike and my sister fucked easily on that chair without embarrassment while the rest of us resupplied our energy levels.

The party broke up temporarily after I had taken a shower with Sally where I nailed her to the shower wall with my hammer. She had a second orgasm; I got off for the third time. The eight of us spent the day running around town doing tourist stuff. While we were walking through a city park Sally gravitated toward Mike and Claudia became my close friend. Monica and Ashley made their moves too and by the time we got back to the house, we were all paired up with new partners.

Claudia said she needed to change her clothes so I volunteered to help her. It took us over an hour of fucking and sucking before we were dressed again. When she tied me up with her long legs I felt as if I had fallen into a tender velvet trap and she was trying to pull me into her completely. When we finally went to pull a beer there was only Ashley and Mike in the front room. The other two couples were somewhere exploring with their new playmates.

The party started in earnest when all of us were together again. I’d fucked two of my dates and was looking forward to the third. As I flirted with Monica I asked her if her tits looked as good out of the bra as they did in them. She smiled, stood and began to sway to the music then she started to strip. King, who was watching the action clapped for attention and suggested that all the girls put on a show for us. There was no hesitation, no dissent, the other three quickly came to a consensus and stood with Monica. The music had a heavy beat just perfect for a slow, grinding dance. In unison the coeds began to give us a floor show.

I was sitting on the floor, riveted in place as I watched them strip. My cock grew long and hard in my pants, my balls pulled up tight and begin to fill with lust again. The girls pulled off their blouses and threw them at us. Only two had bras which came off quickly. I’d never seen Ashley’s tits before and I was staring at her as much as the other three. Two skirts and two pairs of pants dropped to the floor in time with the music which left them with only their panties hiding their secrets.

My sister was every bit as full bodied, curvaceous and sexy as the other three. I had a brief stab of envy, or maybe jealously, for King and Mike, they had both fucked my sister.

Sally reached for Dutch and pulled him off the sofa and urged him to take his clothes off. He glanced around at us and said “Come on, the enemy wants to engage us.” The rest of us stood and in a few moments seven of us were covered only by our underwear. Mike wasn’t wearing any so he stood nude, his erection pointed eagerly at the group of girls.

More beer was poured which fortified my alcoholic courage so I suggested that we get completely nude, strip to our natural state. Nobody flinched, nobody complained. In seconds seven pair of underwear were thrown into a pile under a small table.

Someone dimmed the lights and games started.

Ashley looked us men over and told the other girls “None of them have anything to be ashamed of; all four of those cocks look like they could do a good job for any of us.”

Claudia spoke up “Two of them already have. I’m ready for the next two.”

Sally stepped to King, wrapped her fingers around his dick then went to her knees started blowing him. That was the cue for the other three, Claudia chose Mike, Ashley went to Dutch and Monica got me. The four of us were lined up in formation while we got blow jobs from the college girls. All of us guys had gotten off at least three times so none of us was going to cum in a hurry. Those girls sucked and licked our dicks for a while then as if on some unheard command, they dropped the cock in their hands and moved to the left. Instead of Monica, now I had Sally licking the end of my dick.

Sally put a hand on my ass and pulled me in until the head of my cock was way past her tonsils, rubbing the back of her throat. She pulled on me with her lips and fingered my butt hole while I fucked her mouth. My balls were caressing her chin while she caressed them with fingers. I was lost in the sensation of her mouth when she let me go and Claudia took over. I was building to a big blow out by the time Claudia got me between her lips. She sucked and licked my cock using her tongue to tease my ball sack and the shaft of my erection. I looked down the line at my buddies and all three of them looked like the end was near. King had his hands on my sister’s head and was screwing her throat furiously, moaning with pleasure. It looked like Ashley was going to give him a real happy ending.

But it didn’t happen. At the same unspoken cue, the girls moved one more cock to the left. I looked down at my sister who was on her knees in front of me. She looked into my startled eyes and breathed quietly “Relax Brad, you look tense.”

“I’m you brother” I whispered back.

She looked at the other six then into my eyes again, “Nobody cares right now” then she slipped her mouth over the end of my cock.

Hav ing my sister sucking my cock caused a swirl of hormones to dump into my blood. She was the forbidden fruit, banned by custom and law but when she tapped the tip of her tongue on the end of my hard-on all the laws and punishment in the world couldn’t have made me pull away from her. Ashley wrapped one hand around my pole while the other held my nuts. The first three girls had built me to the point of explosion and now my sister was taking me far beyond. It started in my balls, I felt the fluids rushing through the veins of my cock, slam into the tip of it then burst from me as a pulsing geyser of lava hot cum. When the first surge slammed into her throat she squeezed my balls then vacuumed the rest of my discharge from me, my cum was spilling from her lips in stings to the floor. My orgasm started a chain reaction so I heard my friends grunting and groaning while the girls sucked them dry.

We sat in the dim light of the room, all naked and paired up with someone of the opposite sex. I was with Monica who was sitting on my lap while we enjoyed a good slow fuck. Claudia and Mike got too hot and went to bed, King and Ashley were back together and the other two vanished into the dark. I had a finger on Monica’s clit while I was talking to King who was feeling up my sister while she admired his balls. She was lying on her stomach, her head on his thighs and all I could think while I watched her back of was plugging her hole with my cock. I wanted to fuck her. The more I thought about it, the harder my cock got which pleased Monica greatly.

It was Monica who started it. She moved off my lap to lie flat on the floor then told me and King to seduce her. She wanted both of us to work on her at the same time. King and I had raging hard erections again and now this girl was offering to take care of both of them. We went to the floor with our next piece of ass.

I was on her right, King on the left. I was suckling a nipple while sliding two fingers in and out of her hot wet slit. King had the other tit in his mouth and a hand between her legs too, Monica was getting fucked by four fingers at the same time. She was gasping for breath and moaning loudly while we pleasured her body. King and I moved our fingers to her clit and captured it between us and began to stroke it together. The girl turned into a hot, wonton carnal creature sobbing deep breaths while King and I gave her what she wanted. Monica arched her back off the floor and began to quake as the orgasm ripped from our hands through her body.

As Monica thrashed and wailed under the attention of two men, Ashley was lying on the sofa watching. Her eyes were glowing, her breathing shallow and fast. She was flushed from face to legs. I looked at her as her friend relaxed back to the floor, delirious from the strength of the orgasm. Ashley was softly humping her hips against the cushion under her. She was turned on, needing to get laid again.

I rolled away from Monica, stood and helped her stand on shaky legs. I wanted to lead her to a bed but before I could, King picked her up and carried her out of the room, the conquering hero taking his prize. In seconds I was alone with my sister who watched King’s naked butt fade into the dark with her friend. She looked puzzled and frustrated at the same time.

Ashley sat up on the sofa and offered me a place to sit beside her. There we were, the soldier brother and coed sister sitting naked on the furniture at two in the morning. The party was supposed to be over when the sun came up but it looked like our party had just finished. My erection pulled in it’s head reluctantly, withering to a limp vine hanging from my groin. We heard the sounds of sex coming from the rear of the house, at least two couples were still partying.

“I thought King would take me to bed again.” She said quietly disappointed.

“I guess he likes big tits.”

Ashley shot me a sharp look and pouted “Maybe my tits don’t fit her bra but they’re good enough for most men I know.”

“They’re sure nice enough for me, I’ve never seen them before but I was always attracted to your boobs.”

She blushed a little “I wondered sometimes if you ever looked at me like I wasn’t your sister.”

My turn to confess “More than once; I always liked it when you wore short skirts and could get flashes of your thighs and panties when you sat around the house. It was a turn-on”.

“I’m not wearing anything right now, how do I look?”

She looked sexy, enticing and hot but I changed the subject “Why did you suck me off?”

She blushed red, “It was the heat of the moment. I got hotter than hell when we did that but don’t think it will happen again. I love you but not that way.”

“But you did then?”

“Yeah, for a few minutes I loved you like I would any guy I’ve been intimate with.”

We settled back, sitting quietly close enough that our legs were touching. Ashley lifted her legs, twisted around then laid them across mine and fell to her back, her head on the end of the sofa. Now I had my naked sister’s thighs lying across my lap. As I looked at her body my cock began to rise again. She did have nice tits. And legs. And body. And pussy.

She reached for my hand and put it on her stomach then covered it with hers and closed her eyes as if she were asleep. I knew she could feel my cock growing hard on her legs. Another few minutes passed in silence, both of us buried deep in our own thoughts. Ashley shifted her legs apart and allowed my hard-on to spring full length between her them then she closed up again, trapping my cock in the firm hot flesh of her inner thighs, I could feel the lips of her pussy on the shaft. She was tender and wet, her fluids coating the skin of my cock. She humped her hips slightly, stroking me with her body. The hard purple head was protruding from between her legs and I watched it jerking as she moved on it.

I pulled my hand from her stomach and eased it along the lips of her body. “You trim your pubic hair.” I observed.

She opened her eyes “Of course I do, we all do, or didn’t you notice?”

“Oh, I noticed all right.” She puffed quietly when I put my finger tips on the hood of skin over her clit. Ashley lifted a leg over my head, pulled on my arm then breathed “Let’s just kind of forget right now I’m your little sister, fuck me until I can’t move anymore.”

I moved around to cover her and put my cock against her pussy lips. She was slick with lust and cum so I slid down and in until my balls were hanging against her ass.

She had her first orgasm only a couple of minutes after we started having sex. She stiffened up under me, slammed her pelvis against mine and wheezed for air as I pummeled her. Getting laid five times and the blow job earlier had taken the urgency from my nuts so I was just getting warmed up. After she quit shivering, I rolled her over so she was on her knees leaning over the end of the couch, her butt high off the sofa. I pushed into my sister and continued to couple with her.

She liked the new position and started talking to me “Oh hell yes Brad, ahhhhh- I – I like it this way, I want you deep and hard, ssssss – don’t ever stop.” I gave her what she wanted. She got hotter, looser, her cunt was dripping wet. I slapped her ass with my hand and she grunted sharply. I smacked her cheeks twice more, each time harder which caused her to trip over her own passion and she fell into another body shaking climax. Her entire body was flowing in waves as she rolled her ass against my groin, taking every inch of my erection and wanting more as her muscles rippled and quivered.

As soon as she could she rolled over and pushed me into a sitting position. My erection was standing long and hard from my pubic curls. She threw a leg over me and lowered onto the shaft until she was sitting on my lap. She grabbed both sides of my head and leaned down to kiss me. In seconds our tongues were dancing in time with the humping of our bodies. Her tits bounced with every move.

I balled my hot petite college sister hard on that sofa. She was riding me, taking everything I had and giving me everything she had. She sat straight up and put her hands on my shoulders, her mouth open as she panted for air. She closed her eyes then dug her glitter painted nails into my skin and exploded with a third cuming. I was ready for her and when she sailed off on clouds of ecstasy I held on to her hips as my balls clenched and gave up their joy to the hot deep tunnel I was fucking.

She melted into a boneless mass of overheated flesh as she rested her head on my shoulder. I felt my sperm spilling around my still hard erection; she shivered and moaned again with an aftershock of the orgasm. She lifted her head to say “Oh my god I’m tired, let’s go find a bed.”

Ashley and I curled up in each others arms and fell into a sexual exhaustion. I was still holding my sister when Claudia poked us awake about 10 in the morning. “Come on you two, it’s time to get up.”

Ashley sat up next to me, her bare body radiant in the morning light. “Give us a few minutes, we’ll be out.”

After the tall blonde left I looked at my sister sitting beside me “She didn’t seem bothered to see us together like this.”

“Not her,” responded Ashley, “she sleeps with her own brother once in a while.” With that said she stretched full length next to me and offered me another opportunity to seduce her.

After that incredible weekend it’s been only King and I who visit my home. Ashley and Claudia are always ready for us and the weekends are usually long sex parties, those two college girls share their night time adventures with both of us. We all agree the most fun is doing a foursome, swapping cunts and cocks throughout the night on a single bed.