Hanna gets dogged

Hannah and her husband Ben had fallen on hard times and moved back in with her Mum temporarily so it was a big surprise when I came back from a two week work stint to find my girlfriend now had a house full.

Carrie and I had been seeing each other for several years and enjoyed our time together probably because we had a couple of weeks apart when I did my fortnights stint.

The six days off in between usually saw a weekend off for Carrie so we would often spend the entire weekend in bed and walking around the house naked but that was about to change by the look of it.

After 3 months it didn’t look like Hannah was about to move out anytime soon so I booked a weekend away for Carrie and I to give all of us a weekend of intimacy with our respective partners.

Carrie and I headed off early Saturday morning for the 2 hour drive to the beach and checked in at the Hotel, our room would not be ready until around 11 AM so we headed off to the beach with the receptionist letting us know we would likely have the beach to ourselves as apparently the whole town was booked out for a huge expo and most of the visitors would be there for the show.

I must admit the news spiked my interest as a bit of public sex appeals to me but as Carrie is a bit shy I don’t get the opportunity very often.

With an empty beach and a lot of sweet talking I was soon up to my nuts in Carries guts and thoroughly enjoying making love out in the open, until Carrie spotted some movement at the far end of the beach and quickly slid out from under me and slipping on her bikini again leaving me quite frustrated.

It was nearly lunch time so I suggested we head to our room and get some room service so we could continue our session, Carrie was little less enthusiastic but I was sure I could get her on the boil again fairly quickly.

When we arrived back at the hotel we received the news that our room was not ready as there had been a mistake and the room was booked out until the next Saturday and the hotel was completely booked out for the expo for the whole weekend.

The manager was quite apologetic and even tried phoning every other hotel in town with no luck so he offered us a free weekend in the future by way of compensation.

We sadly decided to head for home.

It was a quiet and subdued drive back but when we arrived home and opened the front door we heard a lot of commotion and Hannah screaming in pain yelling “NO NO IT HURTS, STOP PLEASE STOP, BEN HELP ME”, I had noticed Ben’s car was not in the driveway so thought the worst and went running up the hall fling the partly open bedroom door wide to find Hannah tied to the corner of the bed on her stomach and Rocky our dog on her back.

Hannah screamed in pain as Rocky saw me and turned to greet me but was stuck to Hannah … Carrie and I were both shocked speechless as we realised Rocky was knotted with Hannah and his penis was embedded deep inside her.

Hannah had turned her head shouting through the pain “don’t let him pull out he’s ripping my guts out!” so I quickly moved around in front of Hannah throwing one bent leg on the bed with the other still on the floor and grabbing Rocky’s collar to pull him forward.

Hannah’s sigh of relief was quickly followed by embarrassment as she explained that she and Ben liked a little light bondage and he would often tie her up, have sex with her then leave her tied up while he went to the pub for a couple of hours to recuperate and they would have a wild session when he came back.

Apparently all had gone according to plan but Ben had not closed the door properly and Rocky had nudged it open and started to lick the semen from her, Hannah could do nothing about it as she couldn’t move and not long before we arrived home Rocky had mounted her and his huge knot had grown inside her.

Carrie tried to undo the knots but the wriggling had tightened them to much so she said she’d have to cut the ropes.

Hannah said “ it didn’t really hurt while he first started but when he tried to get off me it was stuck and when I screamed he panicked and tried harder to get off making it worse and worse, then you came home” “Oh god, will we have to call the ambulance?”

“Don’t worry” said Carrie from the doorway “It goes down by itself in about 20 minutes !”.
Carrie’s face flushed and she hurried off down the hallway mumbling something about making us all a nice up of tea which I thought was a bit strange.

I had slacked my grip on Rocky a little and he had pulled away a bit causing Hannah to groan involuntarily but it wasn’t a painful groan like earlier.
“sorry” I said, “is it hurting bad?”
“no, when its pulling back lightly its sort of nice but when he tries to pull out it hurts like hell” replied Hannah … “its really embarrassing but it a lot better now that the awful pain has stopped”

Hannah was squirming a bit now and I noticed her breathing was quite laboured.
Hannah turned her head pushing her face into my upper thigh as she breathed in deeply and I had the feeling that she was getting turned on by the smell of sex on me and the feeling of Rocky’s knot putting pressure on her G spot.

Now it was my turn to be embarrassed as the realisation was giving me an erection and I was only wearing a pair of loose terry towelling shorts.
Hannah’s head was in my crotch, she was mouthing my bare inner thigh and my growing erection was heading down my leg towards her face and I couldn’t move to avoid it.

With growing embarrassment my penis poked it head out from the leg of my shorts and touched Hannah’s cheek, she moaned and turned her head sliding her lips over my knob and pushing back against Rocky driving his doggie cock deeper inside her.

“Mmmph, Mummph, Mmmuuf” mumbled Hannah as an orgasm swept over her causing her to suck hard on me and taking more of me into her mouth.

The sights, the sounds, the smells the previous unfulfilled erection and the sucking caused me to unexpectedly shoot my load into her mouth eliciting even more loud groans from Hannah just as Carrie arrived back at the doorway.

Rocky had lifted one leg up on Hannah’s Rump exposing their joining so Carrie was staring at her daughter’s pussy and didn’t notice my face as I finished emptying my balls in Hannah’s mouth.
I have a feeling Hannah did not welcome a mouth full of my semen but when Carrie asked her if she was in a lot of pain she had no choice but to swallow it and reply “it’s a lot better now”

The orgasm had opened Hannah up and Rocky managed to slide out of her pussy with a loud plop trailing a river of cum “oh my god look at the size of that thing, no wonder you were in pain” exclaimed Carrie

“I can believe that whole thing fitted inside me … it must be a foot long” exclaimed Hannah as she twisted her head to look.

“It looks like my forearm holding an orange” I laughed lightening the situation.

Carrie cut the ropes off and I quickly bent down in front of her to get the ropes off her ankles to hide my semi erection while Carrie got the ropes off her wrists.

“Please don’t say anything to Ben” pleaded Hannah, “its bad enough that you two know” she said as she headed for the shower.

Carrie dragged me into the bedroom with that look in her eye so I quickly took the initiative and went down on her while I tried madly to get another erection, She was coming up to her third orgasm before I was finally able to slip a hard one into her.

In the meantime Ben had come home and there were red faces all round when we walked out but nothing was ever mentioned.

I’m still wondering about Carries reaction.