GUEST FILMS Presents Girls Undergoing Extreme Sexual Torture. #Cherry.

Big Bernie (Bernard Bare) had set his sights on 18 year old Cherry Pope ever since she had walked past his house late one afternoon, her fantastic ass swishing side to side had aroused some very dark thoughts.

The very next day he was stalking her, discovering as much as he could about her comings and goings, so eventually he could put a plan into action, and lure the innocent girl into his basement of pain and terror.

Bernie was a film maker – but nothing you would see at your local cinema. His films consisted of young women undergoing a terrifying ordeal of extreme sexual abuse

and torture at his hands and sometimes a *********** few would join him. A *********** few who enjoyed inflicting pain and torment on young helpless girls.

Every evening he would log in to her Face Book page and stare drooling at the many photos she had posted. She was lead Cheer Leader at the University in Berkley, and she was ravishing. He had set his screen saver to a full face shot of Cherry (probably a selfie). She had long strawberry blonde shoulder length hair with lighter highlights, a dreamy face that could have been a fourteen year olds, with sparkling blue/green wide eyes. Her cheeks were peppered with freckles, either side of a cute button nose. And her mouth, oh my god her mouth. It was a pornographers dream. Perfect with her red lipstick to highlight the full bottom lip.

In his mind she was now called Cherry Pop, a name he would use on the DVD sleeves. And she is really gonna Pop when I get her trussed up downstairs.

And now he had her in his evil clutches.

Big Bernard Bear stood over the snivelling sobbing tearful teen Cheer leader.

Wearing just a filthy string vest he loomed over the frightened teen. His long unkempt straggly hair hung to his shoulders, and his once muscular body now turning to flab, was covered in a thick matt of course dark hair.

His massive cock was upright and pointed towards his sagging belly, waving threateningly above her bowed and perspiring head.

In his right hand he held a large cattle prod.

“Who’s in charge here?” He screamed at the cowering, crying girl.

“” she said very quietly between sobs.

“Sorry, I didn’t catch that you piece of fuck meat- who is in charge here?” he bellowed.

“You are. You are” she said. “You are in charge, but please don’t hurt me again”.

“But that’s why you are here” grumbled Bernard. “ To be hurt, and cry and scream in my filthy fuck film”.

“My father is rich – he will pay you to release me. Please please phone him – he will pay”.

Bernard roared with laughter – “I have all the money I need, and this film with you as the star will sell like hotcakes. Now, you have already met my little Persuader” he said as he menacingly raised the cattle prod, “ Shall we begin? And feel free to scream as loudly as you can – your audience will love it”.

3 Hours Earlier.

Bernard had parked his van on Oxford Street, near the University of California, and opposite the entrance/exit that Cherry Pope used day in day out. He had been watching and following his prey for a couple of weeks now. Knew her exact movements and even her address – only two streets away from his own home. Ever since he had first seen her from his bedroom window, as she passed by in that sexy cheerleader outfit, he knew she was to be his latest victim or “Star” as he liked to put it. One day when passing by she had stopped to tie a sneaker lace. As she had bent to tie the lace, her short skirt had ridden up giving him a perfect view of firm bubble butt encased in sheer white panties. He had immediately become rock hard. That perfect pale arse was gonna get it, and get it good he thought. A nice cherry red for Cherry Pope.

Bernard was stood next to van, peering through the side windows, waiting for Cherry to appear. A full bag of groceries in his right hand and an unnecessary walking stick in his left. His heart was thumping in anticipation.

And there she was in full cheer leader outfit, exiting the University waving friends goodbye. Bernard looked up and down the street – nobody about. He waited until she was opposite the van, then quickly sat down throwing the walking stick aside and emptying the groceries all over the side walk. He made a loud strangled “Aargh” sound and picked up a can of sweet corn, and hefted it under the van so it clattered into the road.

Cherry heard the shout and saw the can rolling towards her. She quickly crossed the road and around the van.

“Oh my god – are you alright sir”concern in her voice. “Such a sweet girl” thought Bernard. “My knee gave way – it does that sometimes. Waiting on an operation” he puffed.

“Let me help you sir,”rushing to retrieve his unnecessary walking stick and helping him to his feet. “Is anything broken – are you hurt?” “Only my pride” he said. “Let me gather up your groceries”.

Bernard lent against the van and admired Cherrys lithe body, thinking of all the terrible but glorious things he was gonna do to her. “Those tits” he thought, “gotta be at least 36dd, with a tiny waist and that fantastic butt atop those long dancers legs”. “My clients are gonna go nuts for her” he thought to himself, dollar signs dancing in his eyes.

“I think I’ve got everything” she said handing him the bag.“You are a very sweet girl – thank you for your help”.

“No problem – well if you are ok I’d better get going” and she turned to leave.

“Argh” exclaimed Bernard holding his knee. “I think it must be badly bruised – no way I can drive like this”. “I don’t suppose you drive do young lady?” Knowing full well she did as he had seen her driving what he supposed was her mothers pink Porsche.

“Er…yes I do…where do you live?”

“Newbury Road Thousand Oaks”

“Thats just a few streets away from me – what a coincidence. I could drive you home and walk the rest of the way.”

“If I am not putting you that would be great – thank you miss”

“It would be my pleasure”. “NO – the pleasure is gonna be all mine” he thought.

Bernard made a good show of limping round the van, and trying to get into the passenger seat. He smiled at her as she clambered behind behind the steering wheel, only to find that the seat was to far forward, causing her to spread her knees wide and her short cheerleader skirt to ride up, showing an expanse of silky thigh and a glimpse of her plump pussy clad in tight white panties. “Sorry” he said “Mechanism is broken” taking a quick glance at her nicely packaged teenage cunt straining against the fabric of her undies.

“Thats ok…guess I can manage”. It didn’t occur to her that this big man would never have been able to drive in this position.

It was a very informative short drive for Bernard. He learned that she was just turned nineteen, no boy friend, but most importantly – “Oh I am home alone at the moment. My parents are away with my younger sister on a short break and wont be back till Sunday”. Fantastic news he thought. I was hoping for few hours with this slut, and now I have a few days. Three days instead of three hours – think I will get those nasty fuckers Jon and Ron round for some fun and games. “Oh really” he said. “How old is your sister”?

“She’s just turned 17”. Bernard smiled and made a mental note.

When they arrived at his house he reached into the glove box and pointed the remote at the garage. The doors swung upwards. “Could you park inside please – less distance for me to walk.” As she she parked in the garage the doors swung closed behind them. She suddenly felt like she was making a big mistake. “How do I get out?”

“Well you have been so kind – I was hoping you would help me in with the groceries – that door over there goes straight into the kitchen” as he once again made a big show of struggling to get out of the van.

He limped over to the door and she dutifully followed with the Safeway bag.

The kitchen was beautiful with cream coloured Shaker style units and butchers block work surfaces. “Just dump the bag on the table please”. “Ok”.

“Oh dam-it” he said “The meat products need to go into the freezer and thats in the basement – through the door next to the garage door. I don’t suppose you would be a dear and…” “Ok then I really have to go”. She grabbed the three packs of ribeye steaks and headed for the basement door.

“Light switch is on the right, and be careful those stairs are steep”.

The light was very meagre as she made her way down into the dark depths but she could just make out the white freezer unit against the far wall.

Cherry was just closing the lid of the unit when she heard the basement door slam shut. There was heavy footfall on the creaking wooden steps.

“Hello – who’s there?” She said in very timid voice..

“Hello to you to” grunted Bernard as he stepped from the bottom rung into the dark and now claustrophobic basement.

“What the…I thought you were…”

”Hello…and welcome to your hell on earth”

“GOTCHA” he shouted. And roared with laughter.

“Now before we commence with proceedings we need to have a little chat”.

Cherry eyed the staircase, and Bernie saw her sideways glance, but just stood and watched as her athletic legs carried her to the stairwell. Suddenly from under the stairs two huge Mastiff dogs appeared and sat blocking her swift exit.

Cherry skid to a halt and started to shake from head to toe. She was petrified of dogs having being bitten by one as a child. “Thats Thumper and Hammer – they’ve not been fed yet today so I suggest you come back over here so we can have that chat”. Cherry stared at the dogs bared teeth and rivers of drool running from their jowls and slowly backed away.

Bernie walked over to a work bench and flicked a switch on the wall. Immediately the centre of the huge basement was flooded with bright light coming from six video lights on tripods. Bernie was carrying two wooden stools into the lit area. “Come and sit – so we can talk about you getting out of here.” Cherrys hopes raised she slowly walked towards Bernie, occasionally looking over her shoulder to make sure the dogs were staying put.

“Don’t worry about them – they will only move if I call em. Now take a seat while explain what I am going to do to you and how eventually you will leave here and go home”.

“Please please – just let me go. I promise I wont tell on you.”

“Sir or Mr. Bear”


“That would be sorry sir or sorry Mr Bear – got it.”


“What did I just tell you ya dumb cunt” he shouted.

“Sorry sir I understand sir” a tear broke out in the corner of Cherry’s eye.

“Can you guess what I do here?”

“No. No no no I mean no sir”. Bernie smiled – she was getting it at last.

“Now I am going to explain to you what I do here and how you will get to go home. Now keep your trap shut or the dogs will come over.” Cherry opened her mouth to speak but Bernies raised eyebrows prompted her to shut it again.

“This is where I run my small but very profitable porn business. But it’s no run of the mill porn I make here – it’s what you might call underground. Bit like snuff but without the snuffing”. He smiled at his little joke – she just sat there looking confused, worried, terrified. He couldn’t tell which. Probably all three he thought to himself.

“Anywho – I have a large database of clients who get there rocks off watching young attractive girls like you getting abused and tortured sexually. There are over 50 HD cameras set in the walls, ceiling and floor, all there to capture your performance”.

Cherry raised her hand to speak.


“I am sorry but I couldn’t act in something like that”. “Sir”was added as a quick afterthought.

“But you wont be acting. I have abducted you and you will be in my nasty skin flick. No acting, no payment, nothing fake. It’s gonna be all for real. Your screams and tears will be real. Your pain suffering will be real. And believe me you will suffer. But on a happier note for you, you will not have any permanent damage. After two days you can go home, which will give you a day to recuperate before your parents get home. Oh, and that sexy little sister of yours I have seen on your Face Book page.I have a couple of mates that would love to get hold of her”.

Cherrys arm shot up.

“Yes what now?.”

“But you will never get away with it. I know what you look like and even where you live. Please please let me go”.

“SIR” he screamed.


“And that’s where my insurance plan comes into action – and the plan starts now. Put this collar round your neck, it’s Velcro closing – one size fits all. And that steel ring on it goes to the back”. He tossed the collar into her lap and she just stared at it before picking it up with thumb and forefinger and casually dropping it on the floor defiantly staring at him.

“And now the learning process begins” he said.

Before she could take another breath he was on her, pulling her up by her nipples. It felt like her tit tips were in a the jaws of a vice as he dragged her along to stand between two eye hooks set in the concrete floor. The dogs followed and sat either side of her.

“Spread your legs – feet out next to the bolts”

She looked down and saw the bolts about four feet apart.

“But….” SLAP. Her face flew to one side – a red hand print on her right cheek. SLAP. Another glowing print on her left cheek. Quickly she spread her legs, her white ankle socks touching the bolts. Bernie was down on one knee attaching each ankle to a bolt with straps. He stood and gave her a leering smile then went off into the darkness, returning with a tubular steel T piece and a handful of Velcro restraints. Just behind her was a metal cylinder poking six inches up from the floor. He slammed the T piece down into the cylinder the loud clang making her jump. “Remove the jacket”.

“But its cold down here…..Sir.” “I will soon warm you up – soon you will be sweating like a pig on a spit”. He raised her skirt and delivered a stinging slap to her left bottom cheek. She stood there misty eyed and rubbing her red butt. “Remove the Jacket”. She didn’t move – but as he raised the skirt again she hastily removed it. Taking it from her he threw it into the darkness.

Grabbing a hank of her hair he pulled her back across the T piece, then pulled her arms over the top. He made some adjustments so the cross section sat just below her armpits. Finally a large strap was placed around her upper arms and cinched tightly down till her elbows almost touched. “Aargh …thats too tight”. He just smiled and tightened it a bit more. Fleshy bulging.

Standing in-front off her his grin even widened. Her long dancers legs spread wide apart, body bowed slightly back so those magnificent tits were thrust up and out just begging for attention. “No time to waste he thought”.

He went off into the darkness and returned with a torch, placing it on the floor between her stretched open legs.

“Now let’s give these puppies some attention”.

He could clearly see her nipples poking against the fabric of her T shirt.With thumb and finger of each hand he grabbed them in a steel grip and pulled hard, twisting and tugging. Rolling the stiffening nubs as she started to cry and whimper, tears and rivulets of mascara running down her freckled cheeks. He continued until they stood out like blunt spikes, raising the shirt material a good half inch.

Cherry was sobbing loudly now, gasping and mewling “ no no no – please leave me alone.”

“You didn’t say sir, so I am now doing to introduce you to my little friend – I call it the Persuader”.

Picking up the torch he pointed it at her. Was he gonna beat her with it? Then through a mist of tears she saw it wasn’t a torch. A metal cylinder with a rubber hand grip and a red button on the side , the end facing her had two short metal pillars about an inch apart.

Bernie stepped forward – “Just watch Cherry – lets see if we can make your nipples pop. Ha Ha Cherry Pop! Feel free to scream”.

He poked the pillars either side of a straining nipple and pushed the button. There was a blue crackling light as 4000 volts arced through her erect teat. With an ear shattering shriek Cherry arched back over the t bar, her tits thrust out shaking furiously, the tendons in her neck standing out in stark relief like steel rods. Her high pitched scream echoed of the basement walls. It felt like a rat was trying to chew off her nipple. The dogs howled along with her.

Bernie released the button after four seconds and Cherry slumped forward trying to catch her breath, snot running out of her nose as she burst out crying. He just stood there gloating at her misery, and smiled knowing that his camera set up would have caught the action in crystal clear clarity.

He raised the Persuader towards her other nipple.

“Please please please not again – I will wear the collar – give me the collar – I will put it on – pleeese”.

“You forgot the magic word. When will you learn? Anyway we don’t want the other one to feel left out do we”.


To late, as Cherry reared up, her tits shaking like jello on a rollercoaster of pain. The dogs howled with her as she screamed to the ceiling. Bernie rubbed his cock through his pants, hard as a crowbar as she slumped down once again.

“Please sir – the collar – please I will were it – give me the collar – please” she snivelled.

Her hair was plastered to her fore head and face awash with perspiration. Bernie gently brushed her hair to one side, and used a tissue to clean up her face. “There there all done for now – have you learned a lesson? Will you now do as I say.?”

“Yes sir”

“Who is in charge?”

“You are sir”.

“With pain comes pleasure” he said as he raised her skirt at the front and cupped her plump pussy worming his middle finger into the slit through the fabric. His finger moved gently up and down, and after a few minutes he felt the fabric of her knickers begin to moisten. He kept on, feeling her young cunt start to heat up, then wrenched her panties to one side rubbing the oily slick inner lips up down spreading the moist secretions along the length of her pussy.

“Please don’t rape me sir”

“I wont….not yet anyway. Now be quiet…you don’t want to feel the Persuader tickle your tits again”.

He crooked his middle finger up inside her silky folds and massaged the roof of her cunt searching out her g spot. When she gasped and ground down on his finger he knew he had found the sweet spot and used his thumb to massage the top of her slit until he could feel her clit rising to attention. Her pussy was becoming a sloppy mess as he stood back from her.

“Thumper … FEED!”

Thumper was there in an instant, licking the juices that had seeped onto her thighs.

“Oh no…please… not the dog… I’m frightened ….and it’s not right…please take him away…..”

“Shut the fuck up ….one more word and I’ll zap your tits until you pass out”. He waved the Persuader menacingly near her nipples, then stood back stroking his cock through his pants.

Thumper had finished licking her thighs, and was starting to lick her pussy. His wide rough tongue was incredibly long and he lapped the entire length of her cunt, but it seemed she had dried up – probably from fear. Thats when he started to push his seven inch tongue deep inside her – lapping and swirling his tongue about looking for the nectar he wanted. Bernie could see it was getting to her. The way her toes curled and her fingers flexed. Her thighs started to quiver and she arched back shoving her pussy onto the dogs face. She knew this was wrong, she was disgusted and hated it, but couldn’t deny the awful thrill the dog was forcing her to accept.

Thumper was pushing his snout into her pussy lapping deeper and deeper, licking all around her cunt sheath and finally he was able to stab his tongue through the eye of her cervix. Cherry let out a guttural moan as her pussy flooded. It felt like a whirlpool in there as she ground down on the dogs face. Juices were seeping out in a river down her trembling thighs. Thumper was how content to lick the length of her pussy, long sweeping laps always ending on her clit.

“You must tell me when you start to cum – Thumper goes a bit crazy when women come on his face – I can command him to desist.”

“Y yes Ss ir”.

Cherrys head was back – eyes closed – breathing deep and heavy as the dog continued to lick her senseless.

Thumper was licking her cunt like a mad thing – flicking his tongue again and again over her enlarged throbbing clit – now big as a baby’s little finger tip. Her breast shaking and stomach muscles rippled as the dog gorged himself on the fountain of slime pouring from her pulsating quim.

“Oh my god she screamed – I am so close….yes….yes..nearly…nearly…oh…YES YES I am there aargh…oh Yes here it comes…..”

Cherry’s whole body vibrated then locked back stiff as a board as Bernie quickly dismissed the dog and stepped forwards holding the Persuaders prongs either side of her clit and pressed the button. Cherry screamed long and hard.As her cunt was flooded with juices the electricity surged around the walls of her pussy, and snatched at her cervix. It felt like a nuclear explosion had gone off in there and her clit was about to burst as it swelled to massive proportions.

Bernie stood back and watched as a tsunami of fluid burst from the folds of her sexy clam like pussy, soaking her thighs and the concrete below.

She seemed to be in a world of her own, eyes closed, barley conscious muttering “Oh god oh god” over and over.

He released her ankles and lowered the T piece. She just sank to her knees – head down and sobbed and sobbed. Bernie released her arms from the cinch strap. They just hung uselessly at her sides.

Bernie had stripped down and wearing just a filthy string vest he loomed over the frightened teen. His long unkempt straggly hair hung to his shoulders, and his once muscular body now turning to flab, was covered in a thick matt of course dark hair.

His massive fat cock was upright and pointed towards his sagging belly, waving threateningly above her bowed and sweating head.

In his right hand he held the cattle prod.

“Who’s in charge here?” He screamed at the cowering, crying girl.

“” she said very quietly between sobs.

“Sorry, I didn’t catch that you piece of fuck meat- who is in charge here” he bellowed.

“You are. You are” she said. “You are in charge, but please don’t hurt me again”.

“But that’s why you are here” grumbled Bernard. “ To be hurt, and cry and scream in my filthy fuck film”.

“My father is rich – he will pay you to release me. Please please phone him – he will pay”.

Bernard roared with laughter – “I have all the money I need, and this film with you as the star will sell like hotcakes. Now, you have already had a taste of my little Persuader” he said as he menacingly raised the cattle prod “ Shall we begin?” He threw the collar on the floor. “Put it on”.

She just stared at it – but soon as she heard the Persuader crackle she grabbed it from the floor and fixed it round her neck. “Now these cuffs – the rings go on the palm side of your wrists”. They landed on the floor between her spread thighs, her pussy still dripping. With shaking hands she put them on.

“Now place your hands behind your head and link your fingers”. Cherry slowly raised her arms, her breasts rising in her T shirt. Bernard moved behind her and holding the neck and cuff rings together he slid through a small padlock and snapped it shut. “Now Kneel up high as you can”.

She rose up, back straight and elbows out. Bernie adjusted the t Bar so it was the same height as her shoulders, then removed a pin allowing him to extend the bar horizontally. He pulled her left elbow back, and extended the bar through the crook of her elbow, then did the same to her right arm.

Her upper body as now totally immobilised, elbows pushed back but more importantly to him her tits were thrust way out, shaking slightly due to the awful strain in her upper back and shoulders.

“Nice, but one final adjustment I think” he smirked. Coming back from his bench he was carrying some sort of thick leather wedge. Sliding it between her lower back and the upright post he hauled it upwards, until it was firmly wedged against her shoulder blades. This caused her to arch her back even more, her tits thrust out further and higher, straining the fabric of her shirt.

“Nice he sneered” staring down at her strained body. “Its now time to make your get out of jail card. I have prepared a short story for you to read. It will guarantee my safety and anonymity deterring you from going to the police. So when I have finished with you, you will be free to leave”. “Your *********** and directions are on this large piece of card, it will be in your site line and I want you to make it as convincing as you can. I am gonna record your acting debut, and if I should ever hear that you are gonna blab, the video will go to everyone on your contact list. Understand?”


The Persuader crackled. “Yes sir”. She croaked immediately.

Bernie brought the card and placed it upright on a high backed stool a few feet in-front of her. “Read it a few times so you get the gist of your lines”.

Cherry read it a few times and with each reading her eyes teared up a little more. He dabbed her eyes and cheeks with a tissue. “Cant have you crying – it will seem like you are being forced – now lets go for a take”.

Bernie focused his phone on her face. “And action”he said.

“Hi, you all know me as Cherry Pope but I like to be called Cherry Pop when I am with my Uncle Bear.” “No no no…you sound like you are reading and that monotone voice is no good. Sound happy and cheerful, like you want the world to know your wonderful secret. Start again”.

“Hi, you all know me as…” Fucking hell you dumb cunt – do you want to get out of here. I could always sell you on or gift you to Ron and Jon. Your body would probably end up in a wood chipper”.

“ But I am frightened – it says on the card that I have to take your thing in my mouth – its so large I don’t think it will fit”.

“It says on the card COCK you stupid fucker, NOT THING, and it WILL fit!” “ Now last chance girl – get it right – or its Ron and Jon for you. They make films to. Their videos are called Squeal Piggy Squeal. You wouldn’t believe the shit they do to attractive young girls.”

“No please don’t send me to them – I will try harder…I want to stay here and then go home…please..not them”.

“Better the devil you know I guess – ok – action – and bloody smile”.

Cherry smiled into the camera lens.

“Hi, you all know me as Cherry Pope but I like to be called Cherry Pop when I am with my Uncle Bear. He is so kind and loving and has the hugest fattest cock I have ever seen”.

Bernie moved closer – his huge cock head waving in her face and in camera shot.

“He loves me licking it, and sucking him off, and if I am lucky he spunks in my mouth, or on my face”.

As a reminder he poked her in the cheek with his cock, she looked up and he had his tongue out wiggling it. Cherry poked the tip of her tongue out and ran a trail of saliva along the length of his prick then planted a kiss on the tip.

He tapped her on the shoulder and pointed at the *********** board.

“Can I suck you off please?” Bernie made a big O with his mouth and she opened wide as he slid his cock into her mouth, stretching her lips to the limit.

“Thats a take” he said. “Now all I need is the contact list from your phone – what’s your phone code? Oh sorry can’t you speak”.

Bernie looked down at her cute freckled face, her eyes like saucers looking up at him, her lips stretched taunt around the girth of his ten inch monster.

“If I feel any teeth Ron and Jon will becoming to see you – and they will bring pliers”.

“Time for some tonsil bashing” he chuckled.

Placing his hands on the shoulders for support, he thrust forward, his cock sliding over her tongue until he hit the back of her throat and she gagged. It was like fucking a cardboard toilet roll tube. He pulled out in disgust.

“Gonna have to teach you how to blow a man – you are fucking useless”.

“Now whats the password for you phone?”

“I cant remember” she said wishing for a drink to get the taste of his thing from her mouth.

“Well we are just gonna have to help you remember”.

He picked up the Persuader and to her relief he put it down again. No he had a better idea and so much more fun for him. Returning from his bench he was carrying something and swishing it in the air.

“Ping Pong anyone? Well Im gonna play ping pong with your tits until you remember”.

Gabbing a hank of hair he roughly snapped her head back – she opened her mouth to scream, but before she could utter a sound he shoved the bat into her mouth. “Better not drop it or I’ll double the amount of swats”.

His big hands snatched at the neckline of her shirt, and with animal strength tore her shirt open to the waist. The tight shirt sprung apart, her tits bobbing and swaying, two firm succulent globes, topped with pink nipples that seemed to reach for the ceiling. He wrenched the bat from her mouth and stood back a pace raising the bat in a menacing manner, then started swinging.

Cherry closed her eyes, her perfect teeth gnawing at her bottom lip, determined not to give him the pleasure of her screams. The bat whooshed nearer and nearer and she could feel the air movement tickle her nipples.

Splat! The bat caught the side to her tit with such force that her tits both flew sideways, then he gave her a savage back hander and both her tits slapping together, flexed in the opposite direction. She threw her head back, her face screwed up in agony, tears running from the corners of her tightly closed eyes. The position thrust her scalded breasts out more as if offering them up for punishment.

Two more times he gave them the same rough treatment, forearm and backhand, tears running freely down her face to drip onto her punished and now red flesh. And still she didn’t cry out.

He prised her mouth open and wedged in the bat . She was happy to have something to bite down on – trying to lesson the pain in her throbbing aching tits. He had his hands at both her nipples, twisting, tugging and rolling them to hardened twin peaks. She knew what his next target would be. He took the bat from her mouth observing the teeth marks in the rubber surface, and gave her an evil smile.

A big hand cupped her left breast, and as he raised the nipple up he also raised the bat high above his head.

“ Please sir I have remembered”.

“Remembered what?”

“The password for my phone”.

“That’s good … you can tell me when I have finished having my fun”.


Like a lightening strike the bat hurtled down flattening her nipple into her flesh. Then again, and again and again. The fifth strike brought a a guttural groan that grew and grew into ear drum splitting scream “Aaieeeh” The dogs howled.

Cupping her right tit he raised it up and the bat came down with a whoosh, exploding onto her erect nipple. The scream was high and piercing. “ Please please…no more its..Aaargh…no no.. Pleeease…Ayieee…let me tell….fucking hellll ….no more more…Fuuuuuuck!”

He starred at her will hungry eyes, her face covered in tears, snot and mascara, all running down onto her heaving breasts and dripping from the tips of her beaten quivering nipples.

“You have a choice – I can give each tit another five smacks apiece or just one each and then you blow me. .. whats it to be?”

Cherrys mind was in turmoil. Ten swats or two and a blow job.

“Two” she said being the least painful of options.

“No… you have to ask nicely. I want you to say…please sir smack my slutty tits again, and as a thank you I will suck your beautiful big cock and swallow everything that comes out”.

She took a big breath – “Please sir..w will you smack my tits again… ssslutty tits..a a and as a th ththtank you I will suck your cock an an and s s swallow everything”. Cherry sobbed as she said the horrible words, and offered her mouth as a thank you to this pig.

“Close enough…here we go then”. Bernie walked off disappearing into the the darkness.

Where was he going? Was this a trick? She squinted her misty eyes trying to see into the darkness where he had gone. What was he doing. Then she heard the footsteps slow at first but getting faster and faster, pounding the concrete floor, her heart beating out of her chest as Big Bernie Bear burst into the light at full pelt like a steam train, the bat raised high and swinging in an arc as he roared and delivered a punishing upper cut to her right tit. Her breast flew upwards, the nipple almost touching her chin as tears, snot and a river of perspiration sprayed into the air from the force of the blow.

“Aaieeeeegh ….no no no not again…please please ..I cant take any more. Just the one please sir..just the one…let me suck you now. I want your thing in my mouth.”

But he had gone again ..vanished like a demon.

She heard a snickering laugh way of behind her. She shuddered. Then the footfall getting faster and faster off to her right, circling around her, crashing around the basement getting closer and closer, the pounding feet now in front of her. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, her whole body locked in terror as she waited for the impact.

Silence. Nothing.

She relaxed and opened her eyes peering ahead into the darkness. What now? Another sick game?

Bernie was stood in silence off to her right, just out of her peripheral vision. Bat raised high, waiting like a cobra to strike.

“Hello?” She sobbed into the darkness, voice cracked from the screaming.

“Hi” he said, as he swung the bat with all the the strength he could muster giving her left tit a scourging upper cut. Her tit flew up spraying a fine mist into the air, and Cherry wailed like a banshee.

“Aaaaieeeeeh” she cried trying to drag in deep gulps of air..trying to fill her empty lungs after she had exhaled so hard from the torturous bat.

He was now in front of her. His cock ramrod hard. The massive head already leaking cum. Ten inches if gristle with with big veins running its length and fat as a babies arm.

“Suck” he said pushing the tip to her mewling lips. “And no teeth or it will be the pliers”.

“Ccc can you please just give me a minute….please…”

He looked down into her pleading eyes – her face a mess from all the crying.

“You forgot the magic word…so no!”

He forced her mouth open and pushed the bulbous head in, her tongue trying to push him out.

“Move your lips over it and use your tongue. Suck it gently”.

She stared up at him. Was that defiance in her eyes?

He grabbed her ears, and using them as handles he thrust with a lunge to the back of her throat and held it there, then pinched her nose shut. She started to struggle as her air supply was taken from her. He starred at her with amusement as her eyes popped out on stalks, and her face started to take on a deathly hue. Five seconds, ten seconds, fifteen then twenty.He released her nose and she sucked in precious air, past his cock head into her burning lungs. “Now do as I instructed”.

She immediately started lapping with her tongue, and gently sucked at the shaft. Her mouth filling with spit, he rocked back and forth allowing her to lap at the underside of his prick, her lips stretched to splitting around his girth.

He grabbed her ear handles again starting to take longer thrusts, banging her tonsils trying to gain access to her throat.

She gagged and moaned – more tears as he used her.

“When it goes into your throat, just swallow. Fucking dumb cunt”.

“Here it comes – swallow it down”.

He pushed in with all his might till her nose touched his pubes and he held it there until she started to loose consciousness then he dragged it out across her wriggling tongue.

He started to face fuck her in earnest now – picking up pace – feeling his spunk coming to boiling point in his big balls – his ball sac smacking under her chin with every thrust.

“Gak..gak..gakk” her mouth full of saliva as he rammed into her defenceless face, his cock tousling with her tonsils.

With one hand on the back of her head and the other around her throat he slid in balls deep, loving the feel of her throat muscles squeezing and trying to eject his spasming length. Sliding his shaft up and down her aching sore throat, he could feel its progress against his hand holding throat steady.

She could feel his cock swelling along its entire length, the fat head threatening to block her throat and drown her in cum.

He pulled back, leaving the head of his agitated shaft on her tongue.

“Nearly there – just suck and lick on it till I cum – and every drop goes down or else!”

Resigned to what was inevitable and wanting desperately to get it over and done with, Cherry licked and sucked for all she was worth, making mouth love to his big prick. She ran her tongue around and around , sucking out his pre cum.

“Here we go – standing back a bit he jacked his cock two or three times and commanded her – “Open Up”.

Cherry opened her mouth – “Wider and Tongue Out” he shouted, and with her mouth a gaping chasm, Bernies cock spewed stream after stream of thick white salty cum into her waiting mouth. Five times his fat cock sent ropes of steaming jism over her quivering bottom lip into her waiting mouth.

“Close and hold it in your mouth, and don’t waste a drop” he said, stepping forward and wiping the last dribble from his cock across her lips.

He looked down into her sorry eyes and commanded her to swallow. Cherry’s face scrunched up, a fresh tear ran down her cheek as she struggled to swallow the mouth full of hot spunk. She gagged a few times as it went down, and she breathed a sigh of relief when her mouth was empty.

“Now what is your phone password”?

“1 9 7 3” she said meekly. But as she spoke a tiny drizzle of spunk ran from the the corner of her mouth and down to hang suspended from her chin.

“WHAT DID I TELL YOU” he screamed into her face. Then delivered a ferocious slap and backhand.

“Time to make a few adjustments – Thumper and Hammer have been very patient and they need a reward, and you will reward them very nicely”.

“W w..what do you mean” she croaked, her throat sore from his rasping cock.

“You’ll soon see”.

He released her arms from the T section and her ankles from the restraints.She slumped to her knees, rubbing her aching throat and tits. “No time for that” he said, as he grabbed her wrists pulling them behind her and tethered them together with a wide strap just above the elbows. With her elbows nearly touching, her nipples were once again thrust high and proud. Cherry shivered at the thought of more pain being being inflicted to her now smarting, sensitive tits, and was a little relived when he dragged her around by her hair and bent her face down, her shoulders across the T section. Cuffs were placed on her thighs just above the knees. First one limb was dragged out to be fixed to a waiting eye bolt, and as the other was pulled in the opposite direction she felt her pussy opening and her butt checks spread apart under her tightly stretched panties. Pussy and butt hole gaped in a silent offering.

Next he produced a length of rope and looping it around her waist a few times, threading the ends through a ring set in the concrete floor just below her navel. She grunted as he pulled the rope taut, her back bowing and her perfect butt seemed to rise. He tied of the ends and stood back to cast an eye over her bound and helpless body. Crouching down he plucked at the belly rope like a double bass player.

Dissatisfied, he went to the T section and removed the retaining pin and grunted and pulled the cross section higher, watching as her back bowed even more and she cried out from the intense strain. He spent several more minutes making small and tighter adjustments then stood back to enjoy the view. He walked around her stroking his cock. Smiled at her raised and spread crotch, panties strained gossamer thin near to ripping, the sinews in her thighs convulsing under the painfully tight constriction. Her back in a strenuous bow like a ski jump, her shirt sodden with sweat. He loved the way her hands flexed and seemingly trying to reach for something. The look of pain on her face – the perspiration pouring down her forehead to sting her eyes. Her lower lip quivering, her teeth gnawing at it.

“A few more adjustments and we are ready” he grunted, as he disappeared and returned with what looked like a length of chain and more tubular steel pieces.

He attached the steel parts to the ends of the T piece on which her shoulders agonisingly rested, creating a horizontal section two foot above her waist.

He dangled the chain he had collected in front of her face. Swinging to and fro she watched it like like a hypnotists subject, trying to fathom what was its purpose.

“All the parts of my little toy are pure silver, and silver is the best metal for conducting electricity” he chuckled.

“Even the crocodile clips are pure silver” snapping the un-noticed jaws with their sharp teeth open and close in front of her eyes. And then she understood, sudden realisation.

“Oh god…no…no…please don’t put them on me…please sir …please please please..I will be good..I promise .. anything you want…I will do whatever you want .. just please don’t…” SLAP!

“Shut your maw you stupid girl – they are going on, and yes you will do whatever I want with these attached to those succulent nipples of yours”

Bending down he gazed at her magnificent tits gently swinging below her body – defying gravity- barely any droop. He started roll a nippled, twisting and tugging till he was satisfied with its extended length.

“Now its usual to attach these little fellas straight across the base of the nipple – but I prefer to fix them down the entire length. So much more painful”. He opened the jaw of the clip, its jagged teeth glinting in the light, then nuzzled its tip against the base of her swollen teat and slowly let it clamp shut along the quivering length.

“Eeeeeiiiyaaaaaah” she hollered “Take it off take it off…it’s killing me ….please please…C c cant stand it” she cried.

He pulled down on the attached chain a couple of times, pulling her breast into a conical shape, just to make sure it was firmly fixed. Cherry screamed in pain, her nipple on fire as the the teeth bit and held firm. The chain attached to the clip hung down swaying beneath her, each sway bringing Cherry unbearable pain as the clip gnawed at her protruding nipple. She was crying and shrieking as he lifted the end of the chain with its attached clip and manipulated her other nipple and then let the clip close with a snap this time along the blood engorged length.

“Yyyyaaaaaaaaaaaargh” she screeched as her upper body lifted from the t piece, her back arching more and more, the muscles rippling, her hands clenched and unclenched, her nails drawing blood from the palms.

“Please please take em off….cant stand it… you are in charge ….I will please you any way you want….take them offff p.. p. ..please” she bawled as her back went into spasms and she flopped back down on the unforgiving steel, wailing and crying.

“Now .. I suggest you try and remain still. We dont want those clips to chew through your delightful nubbins”.

“Oh – I forgot this – how thoughtless of me”and bending down he hung a lead fishing weight in the centre of the chain connecting her heaving tits. The weight tugged down on her extended nipples, her breasts now hanging down another inch lower. Cherry was mewling quietly trying to keep as still as possible, her tears puddling on the floor below.

Bernie pulled up a chair, having recovered his Persuader and sat down. Swinging his feet over her, he plonked them down on her back as if she was an old used foot stool. She grunted as the weight forced her back to arch even more.

“Now it’s fun time for me, but sadly not for you” he chortled.

“Funtime for me as I get to watch, and Funtime for the dogs as they get their reward for being so patient”.

“ Thumper – Hammer – Come boys – daddy has a treat for you” he commanded and roared with glee.

Cherry closed her eyes and wished the ground would swallow her up as she heard the two huge dogs scamper over, their nails clicking on the hard concrete.

“Thumper… Feed, Hammer…Wait” he commanded.

Thumper immediately attacked her pouting pussy, lapping at the flesh through the taut fabric of her briefs. Hammer sat behind him waiting for his turn. Cherrys mind was in turmoil – wondering who would see Bernies vile film. She didn’t want to react to that long rasping tongue, slithering up and down her defenceless cunt. Didn’t want people to think she was a slut for dogs. But her clit had already started to throb and tingle as the huge mutt tried to push into her, her juices starting to flow, her briefs becoming a sodden mess and more translucent.

“Let him in you dog slut – loose the draws” Bernie commanded.

“Pp p lease sir I cant reach!” she screamed, her lower arms free, her hands sitting in the small of her back, fingers flexing and agitated by the fire starting to build between her thighs.

“Stupid slut…let me help you …Thumper Back!” The dog immediately sat back, tongue out and panting.

Bernie raised the Persuader and held the prongs between her tit chain….and…. Zzzaaaaaaappp – Cherry arched her back, rising from the T piece, every muscle in her back stood out in fierce relief, her tits and butt quivering, the lead weight yanking on her sore nipples.

“Yyyyyyaaaaaaaaaghhh” she shrilled. Her hands squeezed into fists, trying to override the pain. She flopped forward as Bernie released the button, her breath coming in deep gasps, as she her whole body shook in pain and terror.

“ Ya stupid fucking slut…your hands were right over your knickers – now I am gonna have to help you all over again.

This time just grab two handfuls and shred em…ready heres your lift coming”.

“No no no pleeeese…..”

The rod crackled and Cherrys eyes went out on stalks, her mouth wide just emitting a strangled gargle as she rose up. The waist rope creaked and burned the skin, as she bowed backwards, every sinew and muscle on fire, her whole back rippling under the strain.

“ Thats it …your’e there …come on .. shred em” he shouted.

Cherrys fingers scrambled and scratched at the material, trying to grab hold of the now slippery material. She was shrieking her head off as she plucked and pulled, over and over, as the electricity plowed through her nipples and then erupting through every sweating molecule of her body. A thumb and finger had found purchase, and pulling with all her might a small hole appeared.

She crashed forward as the power was cut, but her whole body continued to twitch and jerk as if receiving an aftershock.

“Well done” he grinned “But I want those briefs shredded apart. Just to give you some idea of your target, this might be helpful to you.”

Sucking and wetting his middle finger, he then jabbed it through the hole she had made directly over her ass hole, then pushed with all his strength three knuckles deep into her bowels.

“AAAAaaaarrrgh” she hollered, as her body bowed up, but not Persuader height, his finger twirling, a nail scratching, then slumped down as he pulled his finger free.

“Ok – third time lucky – and I wanna see them pants ripped apart or Thumper will be using his teeth and he does tend to nip at the skin”.

Cherry heard the crackle and saw the blue light, but relief. Nothing.

Then as Bernie saw her relax he raised the prod to the silver chain. “Up ya go again cunt”.

He must have used a higher setting. As she once again she rode the stream of electricity, her body rose to a greater height, her hair started to stand on end, her vision blurred and she felt like she was inhaling scalding hot air. Her hands were twitching about trying to find the hole, as her nipples grew and throbbed feeling like they were going to erupt and burst into flame. A finger snagged at the hole and she pulled, adding another finger, anything to end the torture gushing through her body. She now had two fingers from each hand yanking and pulling, as the fabric started to shred apart. Her tits were shaking, slapping together encouraging the lead weight to grind its teeth on her ripe red nipples.

In sea of perspiring, tortured agony, she roared to the ceiling as her panties ripped, gathering on each hip as her splayed gash was at last exposed to the waiting animal.

She just crouched there, mewling, crying and trying to catch her breath. Tears and snot fell to the floor below, her whole body still quaking and juddering as her muscles slowly started to relax.

“Well that was fun – well at least for me and your viewers -now lets see if Thumper can make it all better for you – Thumper..Feed.”

“Noooo” she pleaded as Thumper started once again to lick at her pussy.

Long laps up and down, then drilling his velvet tongue into her cunt as she started to seep. Surely people viewing this would understand that she was being forced, raped by a dogs tongue. “Not my fault” she thought. But it was starting to feel good -she felt violated and disgusted but her arousal was growing. Unwelcome but growing.

Thumper was licking at her whole crotch from pussy to ass hole, occasionally jabbing the tip into her bum sending shivers up into her brain. Then forcing his snout into her deeply, she was sure his tongue was tickling her cervix.

Cherry started to sway her hips as the dog continued to delve into her wide open pussy, rivulets of juice running down her thighs, her clit twitching in anticipation as Thumper started to bring her to a crescendo. His tongue slavering on the roof of her cunt, lapping at her G spot, her whole pussy a melting pot of swirling sex juice, the dogs face awash with it. His licking growing more intense, faster and deeper, she was mewling and panting feeling a deep desire rising up from the pit of her stomach – she was going to cum and cum on a dogs tongue. With the little movement she had she was humping back on his face, his mouth sucking up her juices, salivating all over her crotch, diving deep into her cunt, his face hair prickling her swollen sex lips.

“Oh ..oh so close so close…yes yes.. nearly there s so close …ah ah ah nearly …nearly..”


Thumper moved away with a whine.

“Hammer.. Time”.

“I’m So so close…please…Please…I need..”

Hammer jumped up – front paws on the bar raised above her waist, a massive cock up and ready, Bernie positioned the thin pointed tip between her dripping pussy lips. Beyond the dogs cock pointy tip, it spread out to massive proportions.

Still teetering on the edge of orgasm, her mind in turmoil, Cherry new this was very wrong but her body had betrayed her. She wriggled her bum trying to entice the dog into finishing her off – “Lick me pppleeeease sooo close”.

With an almighty growl the dog thrust forward, his fat red thick hard cock stretching her pussy lips to the limit, as he violated her with his entire length.

“Aaaarggggghh” she cried as the huge canine cock displaced her sex juice full cunt, some pumped up into her womb, the rest flew out, drenching the dogs hind legs and her thighs.He was hammering her insides with an animal ferocity, her pussy lips dragged in and out by the girth of his cock, his spiky fur rubbing over and over on her engorged clit sending a wanton charge up her spine to a brain in turmoil.

Cherry was so close to a cataclysmic cum, the dogs cock constantly spraying her insides with a constant stream of thin runny jism flooding her cunt. She could feel his cock starting to swell as he humped her remorselessly, spreading her cunt walls wider and wider, her pussy lips stretched to the max.

“Aaaa c..christ whats happening…he’s splitting me open…get him off…p p please ….”

“Its his knot … relax and take it dog slut. Thumper UP!”

Thumper was on her, his dripping cock inches from her face front paws on her back, sending her back into spasms as she was forced into a deeper arch. She screamed bloody murder, and as her lips parted into a welcoming “O” Thumper hopped forward sending his rampant pulsating cock head unhindered across her tongue and busted straight into her gurgling throat. “Ggggaaaaaaah” she whimpered, as Thumpers fat hard cock, face fucked her, spewing constant rivulets of pre cum down into her gullet.

Hammers knot now felt like a fist punching her cunt as he frenziedly pounded her pussy, determined to gain access and mate his bitch.

Cherrys mind was in turmoil. Spit roasted by two filthy dogs. This was all so very wrong. But despite all the filth and depravity, her cunt was spasming, and she knew she was going to cum. She seemed to ripple inside, sending wave upon wave of carnal pleasure through her existence, tingling all over with excitement, and dread. She was so close – humping back on the huge veiny knot, her hips swaying, inner thighs saturated with both their juices. Then with a massive thrust, Hammers knot smashed her defences, and with an audible pop it was inside, adding a further 3 inches to her impalement, the tip of his cock seeming to penetrate her cervix. Cherrys whole cunt seemed to erupt inside, and as Hammer continued his pounding, it sent her over the edge. Eyes like saucers she saw stars as her cunt spasmed and contracted gripping at Hammers cock, milking him until he spurted rope after rope deep into her swampy hole. And as she cried out in pleasure and despair, her throat muscles massaged Thumpers plunging spear head, and soon burst after burst of dog cum exploded directly into her stomach.

Thumper retreated, and she breathed in a deep breath of air heavy with the taint of sex. Dog cum dripped from the corner of her mouth, and big white globs bubbled from her nose – her heart beating like a loud drum sending shockwaves of emotion through her befuddled brain. Her pussy felt like it had been through a meat grinder, and was still spasming around the dogs knotted cock. The dog was growling and restless as he waited for the knot to subside. Not wanting to wait any longer he pushed back with grunt, and with a loud “plop” the dog was was free, as a huge spray of juices spouted out onto the floor. Cherrys pussy a wide open red gash.

“A mighty fine show” said Bernie.

Reaching below her he removed the weighted nipple clamps and she shrieked like a maniac as the blood rushed back into her abused nipples.

“That’s enough filming for today…though you will be on the live feed during the night for my clients that pay extra. Try and get some sleep – you will need all your strength for tomorrow.”

Bernie was half way upstairs. “Please s sir pp p please don’t leave me like this all night.”

“You need to stay like that cunt. The dogs will probably want you a few more times between now and morning.”

And with that she heard the basement door slam shut.

Cherry sobbed to herself as the dogs licked the cum from her face and pussy.

Bernie entered his kitchen.

“What the fuck – how did you two fuckers get in here?”

At the kitchen table sat the Fear brothers – Ron and Jon, guzzling down his beer and chomping on pizza.

“Nice to see you to Bernie” chuckled Ron. “My grandma could pick your door lock with a hair bobbin and with her eyes closed.”

Jon looked Bernie straight in the eye. “We need to have a serious chat with you – you have a problem and we are here to fix it.”

“What the fuck you on about Jon – the only problem I have is you fuckers breakin into my house and making yourselves at home – now get the fuck out!”

“Not so fast “friend” – you need to see this.” Jon held out an iPad. “This the chat forum that both our business sites share – just read the comments Bern.”


Not up to standard ….ya need to break this bitch or let the Fear brothers at her. Poor.


Fallen in love with her? Get the Piggy Brothers in to really sort that cunt out.


This is Lame Lame Lame. Scream Piggy Scream would have broken this big tity slut by now. Get Ron and Jon to give her the business.

And so the comments continued, page after page, all saying he had lost the plot, and more importantly loosing his audience and income.

“See what I mean?” Jon sneered “You are loosing your people…pre sales are practically zero and guess how many of your high payers are watching the live feed right now..well I’ll tell ya…only two sad fuckers..your usual would be hundreds.”

“Now I have a proposal that will make us all a load of cash. We join forces – Squeal Piggy Squeal & GUEST Films presents…. We amalgamate and grow even stronger, pool all of our charming clients and watch the cash roll in. We have a plan on how to keep the delightful Cherry for another two weeks and also get our hands on her cute little sister. As a gesture of good will, we will save this latest production of yours free of charge, but all future productions we split 50/50. Hows that sound to ya Bernard?”

Bernies head was spinning. He should have been keeping an eye on his clients and their comments. Sales had tailed off a bit lately. Was he really going soft? Did he have feelings for Cherry? What kind of hell would these two nasty perverts put her through? He had seen on many occasions how they operated, dragging some poor terrified girl from horror to horror at a frantic pace. Did he care?

He went over to the dresser and poured himself a very large Jim Beam, knocking it back in one gulp.

“Ok…”gentlemen”…I have reached a decision…..

To be continued???