From Sex Deprived to Sex Addicted Pt. 10

Mari Rosales sat at the edge of the bed, her hand drawn to her mouth and her insides feeling like she’d been kicked in the stomach. She had a habit of biting on her fingernails when she was nervous and she couldn’t force herself to kick the habit in this instance.

Her friend Tiffany was pacing back and forth in the blue bedroom that she occupied. She had invited Mari over to pry her for details about the homecoming dance that Mari and Stacy went to the night before. When Mari reported that she hadn’t been successful in her attempts to woo Nick and cause tension with Stacy, Tiffany became furious.

After an initial bout of yelling, Tiffany started grabbing various items in her room to hug to her chest while she paced the room. At the moment, she held a turquoise blue pillow to her chest. She wore a teal blue tank top and white Capri pants.

“Let me get this straight,” Tiffany said after a few silent minutes. “You found the time to fuck your boyfriend in the bathroom but you couldn’t get Nick alone for two minutes? I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you with this plan.”

“Tiff, he’s not my boyfriend. He’s just some guy I met at one of my parties one time. He’s cute but not a good fuck, no.”

Tiffany threw the pillow to her bed like she was holding a hot potato, startling Mari.

“Oye, what is it?”

“Aha, I’ve got it. You just said you met your date at one of your parties. That’s where Nick and Stacy met right? I thought you said he hooked up with some other girl there.”

“Si. It was the blonde conchita who broke up with one of Nick’s friends and started dating another one. I think he was involved too.”

“Well there you have it,” Tiffany said. “You were there. Just tell Stacy that Nick was in a threesome with some whore the night they met and we’ll see how genuine she thinks he is now.”

“Do you really think that will work? That was before they started dating. I think your best bet is if he hooks up with someone new, someone he hasn’t met before.”

Tiffany jutted her long pointer finger at Mari, affirming her idea.

“I like where you’re going with this, girl. You need to have a party this weekend. We’ll have to invite all of the hottest girls we know, even the bitches. Do you think you can get your parents to leave for the weekend?”

“Most likely. They’ve been dying to see some fall colors and you know they’re going to have to drive way up into Wine Country to get close, probably further than that. I could convince them that now is a good time to take a weekend trip.”

“Gotta love Napa,” Tiffany said. “We have to get some of these girls to go for Nick and Nick to go for some of the girls. We need to make sure Stacy catches him in the act or that there’s at least enough evidence that she’ll have to leave him.”

“Are you sure you want to do this? I know you have feelings for Stacy too and all but I think she really likes this guy.”

Mari continued. “She’s your best friend. She may not like you getting in the middle of their relationship if word gets out that we’re planning this.”

“Don’t worry, it won’t. That is unless I can’t count on you to hold up your end of the bargain again. You know why we have to do this, right? If he would cheat on Stacy so easily with me at the mall, what makes you think he wouldn’t cheat on her again?”

“Si, very true. I just hope you know what you’re doing, Tiff.”

“Oh I do. Trust me.”


Frank Hawkins entered Louie’s Bar for what he hoped would be the last time. It had been an enjoyable trip for him to Southern California but it was time he returned home. He’d come here for a few reasons, to finally own up to his past and meet his son Nick, whom he’d had no sort of relationship with during his 18 years and to also find a way off the streets.

Frank had revealed to Nick that he was homeless and out of a job. While he didn’t want to say he was looking for a handout; that was essentially what he was doing. Frank was willing to do whatever it took to avoid being homeless forever.

But after the fiery reaction he received from his former love interest and Nick’s mother, Roberta, he knew she was in no mood for reconciliation or charity. It was time for Frank to face the facts and move on. He had at least met his son and they seemed to get along fine.

He didn’t want to continue sending his son mixed messages about how great it was to have sex with whoever you wanted when in large part Frank was in his current situation due to his constant desire for sex. He hoped his son didn’t fall into the same patterns he did.

Maybe Nick would see how much of a bum he was and take a hint. Frank had last been serious with a woman 5 years ago and their successful 3 year partnership nearly led Frank to change his ways and finally settle down but it was all for naught. The desire overcame Frank again and he ended up cheating on his then fiancée.

His latest predicament saw him sleeping with his boss’s wife, which led to his current state as an unemployed homeless man.

Frank sat at the counter and ordered a pint of Guinness, his longtime beer of choice. The bartender quickly served him and moved down to assist another patron. Frank took a sip of his cool beverage and saw the door open out of the corner of his eye. He noticed Nick enter the building, holding the hand of a cute brunette who appeared to be a good 6 or 7 inches shorter than him.

Frank fought the urge to acknowledge his son since he wasn’t sure if Nick shared the nature of his reappearance with his friends. Frank couldn’t blame Nick for hiding the fact that he had a deadbeat dad that finally showed up in his life after 18 years.

Frank took another sip of his beer as Nick and his guest were seated at a table behind Frank. Frank was surprised that the place had any available seats on a Sunday but then remembered the Chargers had a bye week this week. There were a few obnoxious Raiders fans seated on the other side of the bar but the other drinkers and diners looked like regular folks just enjoying a good meal or hanging out with friends watching some football.

Frank suddenly felt very alone. He’d met some good people while here but none that could help him out financially and none that he could call on when times were tough. It wasn’t like he had a lot of friends to go back home to. He’d slept with his buddies’ wives or girlfriends and all of his female friends. He thought to seek more answers for his behavior like Nick was doing but figured it was too late for that.

He looked over his shoulder to the table where his son and the girl were sitting. The girl got up and headed towards the women’s restroom. Frank didn’t see any sort of acknowledgement from his son.

It was probably best for him to just leave now and forget any of this had ever happened. Frank considered leaving the remainder of his beer at the counter and walking out but felt a sudden tap on his shoulder.

“Hey, Frank. How are ya?”

It was Nick.

“Nick, what are you doing over here? Do you really want your date to know about me?”

“Relax, I’ve got a few minutes. Women and the bathroom, you know?”

“Right,” Frank said. “How’s your little…problem coming along?”

“I actually think everything’s going to be ok,” Nick smiled. “I’m seeing a therapist and even though I’ve only been once, it was a great session. I asked Stacy to be my girlfriend and we had a great night at homecoming last night; she’s the girl in the bathroom right now.”

Nick moved closer to Frank’s ear to whisper something.

“And the best part,” Nick continued. “Is that we had sex 3 times last night and once this morning. All of those urges I’d felt before seem to be gone. Maybe it was as simple as having a girlfriend and knowing that I don’t want to do anything else to upset her that’s allowing me to move past this.”

Oh no, Frank thought. He remembered feeling that way too, just 5 short years ago. That was when everything else in his life began to go downhill.

“Well I’m glad you’ve figured things out. But before you go, I wanted to tell you that I’m leaving.”

“Why? What for?”

Frank swallowed hard and looked towards the women’s restroom. He definitely didn’t want Nick’s girlfriend overhearing his problems.

“I’m still broke, still homeless. Things are much easier to afford up where I’m from since I wasn’t able to figure out anything during my visit. At least I got to meet you though.”

Nick looked visibly disappointed. Despite being out of his life for 18 years, had Frank somehow won his son’s affection? It gave him a small sense of hope that he actually mattered to someone else.

“Don’t worry. I can always come back once I’ve got things figured out.”

“Dang, that sucks,” Nick said. “I wish there was something I could do.”

Frank’s ears perked up at the mention of Nick willing to offer help.

“Well if you’ve got any lifelines for jobs or housing, I’d be willing to extend my stay.”

“I’m not sure what I could do. I don’t even have a part-time job. What did you do for work before?”

Frank wasn’t sure he wanted to disclose what he really did for a living. It could cause more harm than good if Nick found out. Before he could answer, Nick’s girlfriend arrived from the restroom.

“Who’s this, babe?” Stacy asked.

Nick hesitated; apparently shocked she had emerged from the bathroom so suddenly.

“Uhh, this is Frank. He’s a family friend.”

Family friend, eh? Good cover.

“It’s nice to meet you Frank.”

“And you as well, Miss?”

“Stacy. I’m Nick’s girlfriend.”

“Well then, Stacy, I won’t keep you two from enjoying your day. Goodbye.”

Without waiting for them to go back to their table, Frank placed a dollar bill on the bar to leave as a tip and walked out of Louie’s and out of his son’s life as if he had never entered it.


After enjoying a nice lunch with Stacy, Nick held her hand as they walked through a scenic park not far from Louie’s Bar. The sounds of water surrounded them as they walked past an old fountain.

Nick wished he could have done more for Frank and didn’t want to think that was the last chance he possibly had to speak to his father but it very well might have been. Instead of dwelling on the side of pessimism, Nick thought back to all that had transpired following the homecoming dance and the night of bliss he shared with Stacy at the hotel.

After the first time they had sex, they fell asleep in the spooning position. Nick had placed his still hard penis near Stacy’s entrance for no particular reason, if only to comfort him in knowing that he could still have sex with her again when they woke up.

He had awoken to the pleasurable feeling of his bare penis nestled inside of Stacy’s vagina instead of being sheathed in a condom. They fucked in that position before Nick pulled out just in time to spray his load on Stacy’s ass.

Still hard, Nick convinced Stacy to have sex one more time in the shower as they cleansed themselves from the activities of the day. One more round of sex followed in the morning before they agreed to spend the rest of the day together.

Surprisingly, Nick received no texts of concern from his mother. Maybe she enjoyed a nice night with Robert and had too much fun to worry about him.

“Look at all of these flowers,” Stacy said, interrupting Nick’s daydreaming. “They’re so pretty that I wish I could take some home with me.”

“Yeah, they’re nice. But they’re not as pretty as you.”

“Nick, you don’t have to flatter me. I’m already your girlfriend and we just had sex 4 times in the last 24 hours. I’m safely yours.”

“I know but it’s still true. So what do you want to do after our walk?”

“Well, my parents aren’t home and I haven’t had a chance to break in my new bed yet, if you’re up for another round.”

“You know me. I’m always up for another round. Let’s go.”

Even though Nick didn’t feel particularly horny after fulfilling all of his sexual desires over the past several hours, his dick hardened at the thought of having more sex. Now that Stacy was finally open to having sex with him again, he no longer felt the same urges that he constantly had between random sex with Lizzy, the hooker and Tiffany. He would be sure not to fuck up his relationship with Stacy for his own sanity.

After a long drive back to her house, Nick and Stacy lay on top of her bed and began to make out. Stacy’s comforter and pillows were the very definition of girly-girl. Her comforter was hot pink and her pillows were a mixture of pink and white. If only some red was sprinkled in, it would remind Nick of Valentine’s Day.

Nick grabbed Stacy’s breasts through her black tank top and enjoyed the softness of her flesh. Even though they’d only had sex a few times, Nick learned exactly how Stacy liked to be warmed up for sex.

He’d discovered her breasts were particularly sensitive. Even through her shirt and bra, she still would moan in appreciation when he touched them. Nick moved to help Stacy remove her shirt, leaving her in a plain black sports bra. It wasn’t the sexiest undergarment ever but Nick only cared about what was underneath anyway.

After removing her bra, Nick buried his face into her breasts, paying special attention to her hardening nipples. Stacy was panting, unable to control her breath from the pleasurable sensations she was feeling.

Nick found Stacy had two other sensitive spots that drove her wild during foreplay. He could easily reach both of them while lying over her. He moved his mouth to the right side of her neck and bit into the skin gently, causing a yelp from Stacy, before planting gentle kisses on her neck.

As he strayed from her neck, down her collarbone and back to her chest with his kisses, Nick took Stacy’s right earlobe between his thumb and index finger and tweaked it. He was surprised to find that her ear was sensually sensitive but he didn’t argue when Stacy encouraged him to keep going during their adventure in the shower this morning.

He wanted to reward Stacy for putting up with his pushiness for sex very early in their relationship and part of him still felt guilty for sleeping with Tiffany before they began dating. It was time for him to remove her bottoms and give her oral pleasure.

“Wait a minute,” Stacy said. “Let’s get your shirt off first. I want to see those abs.”

Nick sat up and slowly lifted his t-shirt off. He wasn’t blessed with the greatest physique, but he had some solid muscle tone in his pectorals and a trim chest. Danny always boasted about his six-pack but Nick didn’t worry too much about carving one as long as he stayed in decent shape.

“Very nice,” Stacy said after he was done. “Now the pants can go too.”

“Not so easy. I’m taking your pants off first.”

Stacy pouted and let out a whine.

“I want to see how hard I’m making you.”

Nick grabbed the outline of his bulge through his shorts.

“There, you can see it.”

Stacy whined again before gasping in shock as Nick pulled her leggings and panties down in one quick grab.

“How did you do that?”

“I think I’m getting pretty good at undressing you.”

Now completely naked, Nick turned his attention to Stacy’s moist pussy. A thin landing strip of dark hair rested above Stacy’s vagina. Stacy wasn’t completely shaven like Lizzy and he couldn’t quite remember the pubic hair situation for his other partners. Thoughts of them were instantly pushed to the side as he lowered his mouth onto her mound.

He saw Stacy shudder before he had even placed his lips against her flesh. Perhaps it was his hot breath that was making her squirm. Regardless, Nick received as much of a thrill from watching Stacy’s reaction to the pleasure she drew from oral sex as he did when he was actually inside of her.

Nick’s oral assault began with his tongue making circles atop her clit before he jabbed at her nub with his tongue.

“Ahhh,” Stacy moaned.

Using the encouragement to continue, Nick focused on nothing but Stacy’s clit as she continued to moan. As much as he wanted to add his fingers to the mix, he was having too much fun watching and listening to Stacy to do so.

“If you don’t stop you’re going to make me cum.”

Nick moved his tongue away from her clitoris.

“Isn’t that the point?”

“Yeah but I don’t want it to happen yet. Let me play with you.”

Nick shook his head, fighting off his own desire to be touched.

“Nope. It’s all about you right now, my lady.”

Stacy pulled one of her large pink pillows over her face and half laughed, half moaned into it as Nick darted his tongue to the inner folds of her pussy. Now that he was able to taste her, Nick felt the rest of his body awaken with a renewed romantic vigor.

He wanted to watch Stacy’s facial expressions as he pleased her, so he reached up to her head and yanked the pillow from her hands.


“I want to watch you,” Nick said.

While he was busy with his tongue on the inside of Stacy’s vagina, he placed both of his hands on her breasts and gently squeezed them. He thought he saw Stacy’s mouth open wide as if she was yawning.

“Did you just yawn? Am I boring you?”

Stacy laughed. “No, you’re not boring me. It’s just that we’ve fucked so much that I didn’t get much sleep last night. Please keep going.”

Nick was going to make her suffer for almost dozing off. He went back to licking her clit like it was an ice cream cone before moving his mouth away from her vagina entirely to kiss her inner thighs.

“Hey, not fair. I was getting close.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t yawn next time,” Nick joked.

Nick decided he could play nice when he wanted to and placed his mouth back on her delicious pussy, much to Stacy’s delight.

“Ohh yes, eat my pussy.”

Nick was pleasantly surprised at the dirty talk. His girlfriend had gone from keeping her pussy on lockdown to a sexual vixen in less than 24 hours.

He placed his tongue back in her pussy and rotated clockwise right until his tongue moved to the six o’clock position, then rapidly moved counterclockwise until he reached eleven o’clock. With the rapid tongue movements, he wouldn’t be surprised if he needed an icepack after he was done. He thought he felt his jaw tightening as well.

“Oh wow. Keep doing that. How did you get so good at eating pussy?” Stacy asked.

Nick shrugged to himself as he kept licking her. He soon brought his thumb to her clitoris to vigorously rub it. He knew she would be shaking like an earthquake as he rubbed her sensitive bit.

“Oh my god. Don’t stop, don’t stop.”

Stacy was panting heavily now, like she had just run a marathon. Nick’s tongue moved so fast, he might as well have been running a marathon as well; a glorious, pussy eating marathon.

As he continued to wiggle his tongue inside of her, he added his index finger to the mix as well, hoping between the licking and fingering that he would be able to bring his beautiful girlfriend to orgasm.

“Ugggh fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Stacy shouted.

Nick focused all of his remaining attention on her clit as Stacy rode her orgasm. Her moans filled the room and nearly deafened him. Nick thought he felt a sudden spurt of wetness jet onto his lips. Sure enough as he shifted his gaze from her eyes to her face, Stacy began squirting subtle amounts of hot liquid at Nick.

Nick slowly licked some of the fluid from his lips and tasted them on his tongue. The glow on Stacy’s face after her release made him want to kiss her. Nick moved up towards the edge of the bed where her head lay and kissed her deeply. Their tongues intertwined as Stacy tasted her vaginal secretions on Nick’s tongue.

“Holy shit, that was hot,” Nick said after Stacy’s breath slowed and her orgasm died down. “Have you always been able to do that?”

Stacy panted some more. “No, that was a first.”

“Well that was amazing.”

“I’m so worn out, I don’t know if I can suck your dick, babe.”

Nick had already taken his shorts off and placed his underwear below his knees. Rather than complain about a lack of a blowjob, Nick grabbed his hard cock and placed it at Stacy’s entrance.

“I guess that doesn’t bother you too much from the look of things.”

Rather than speak, Nick slowly shoved his cock in Stacy’s pussy. Even after a rather wet orgasm and all of the recent sex, Stacy still felt extremely tight as he entered her. They were lying in the spooning position, much as they had been when they woke up and had sex this morning.

With his thrusts growing longer and quicker, Nick felt something he hadn’t during their earlier lovemaking and that was boredom. Had he really been able to eliminate his cravings that much that he became bored from sex? Maybe he couldn’t blame Stacy from yawning earlier.

Suddenly, Nick unexpectedly slipped out of Stacy’s pussy and realized what he was feeling. He was missing out on novelty. He let his penis stay between her pussy and ass, wondering how anal sex would feel.

“Put it back in me,” Stacy said.

Nick grabbed his erection and slid it back and forth over her pussy lips, then moved his head to her puckered asshole. He was really tempted to fuck Stacy in the ass, even if she wasn’t a willing participant. Those urges that were unquenchable before were suddenly rising up the pit of his stomach. Would forcing Stacy to have anal sex damage his relationship with her?

“What are you doing?”

Her worried tone scared Nick out of his trance. He placed his cock back in her pussy and began thrusting like a mad man. Soon, Stacy was moaning again and all was forgotten.

Nick’s thrusts grew faster and he wondered what it would be like to have anal sex. He hoped Stacy would become receptive to it at some point. Would it feel even tighter than the vice grip he felt from her pussy? Would it feel as warm? These were questions he hoped to answer sooner rather than later.

Nick pulled out and told Stacy to get on her knees and face away from him so he could fuck her doggy-style. He looked down at his cock sliding in and out of her wet hole, enjoying the view of his glistening cock and her saturated pussy. Seeing her asshole pucker before his eyes made him want to experiment further with anal play.

Even if she didn’t want his cock there, Nick figured Stacy might like it if he put a finger in her butt. He took a finger in his mouth to wet it and then placed it at her anal cavity.

He heard Stacy gasp but give no resistance. He nervously slid his finger inside and was amazed at how hard it was to extend his finger deeper into her ass. He could only imagine how tight it would feel around his cock.

The sensations caused him to thrust harder and faster, determined to make Stacy cum again before he shot a load himself. He swore Stacy was moaning louder than she was before as he thrust with his finger in her ass and his cock in her pussy.

“Fuck that pussy’s tight,” Nick moaned, hoping to get Stacy talking dirty again. Instead, he was only talking himself into cumming a little sooner than he expected.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”

“Cum in me,” Stacy cooed.

Given he had yet to cum in her without a condom, Nick was surprised Stacy was willing to have him spill his seed inside of her. Yet the primal urge for his cum to mix inside of her fertile womb drove him to keep his hardness inside of her. With a few quick thrusts, he felt his orgasm begin.

Spent, Nick pulled out of her and allowed himself to share his post-orgasmic high with Stacy with another deep, lasting kiss.

“Babe, I’ve got it so good with you. You’re the best,” Nick said.

Stacy laughed and rested her head on his shoulder.

“Don’t you forget it.”


Danny stood in line at the concession stand at the movie theatre. After a fun night at the homecoming dance, Danny and Lizzy hung out with Jake, Trent and their dates at Trent’s place, drinking and talking the night away. Even though they all had sex at the same time in the men’s restroom at the dance, there was no more sexual activity that night.

They’d enjoyed a delicious brunch that morning before Danny and Lizzy agreed to separate from the group to see a movie. Danny had really wanted to see The Equalizer but agreed to go see Gone Girl with Lizzy after she promised him that it wasn’t a chick flick.

“Make sure we get the big bucket of popcorn. I know we just ate brunch but I love the buttery goodness that is movie theatre popcorn,” Lizzy said.

“Don’t worry, I like it too. We’ll get the big one,” Danny said in response.

“Ok great. But let’s not get the jumbo drinks. I don’t want to have to get up and pee during the movie.”

“Haven’t you downloaded RunPee yet?”

Lizzy raised her brow at Danny like he was a crazy person.


“I know it sounds goofy but it’s this app that allows you to look up the best time during the movie to go to the bathroom so you don’t miss anything important.”

Lizzy just stared at him blankly. “Wow, why hadn’t I thought of that?”

“You would’ve made that app?”

“You bet your ass. I’m not just a pair of tits and ass you know.”

“Oh believe me, I know.”

They only had one more group ahead of them in line at the concession stand. Danny found it ood that he and Lizzy were here at the movie theatre on what most people would consider a date. Danny thought he had Lizzy figured out after Mitch told him she broke up with him to explore her sexuality with different guys. Danny thought that meant she’d have no interest in a boyfriend but perhaps he had her figured wrong.

Danny didn’t want to intentionally hurt his friend if Lizzy wanted to officially date him but he seemed to want it more than anything. There was just something special about Lizzy that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Mitch had seemed ok after spotting Lizzy and Danny together last night and perhaps he had found someone else anyway in Lucy.

And if Lizzy wanted to date anyone again, why wouldn’t she date Danny? He was tall and built and even though he wasn’t as smart or naturally kind-hearted as Nick and Mitch were, he could surprisingly show some emotion with a girl when he wanted to.

After ordering their popcorn and sodas, Danny and Lizzy made their way into the theatre awaiting the start of their movie. They still had 20 minutes until the previews started showing. Danny didn’t want to get there this early but Lizzy insisted on an early arrival since Gone Girl had just come out that weekend and it would likely be packed.

“See, I told you the place would be crowded,” Lizzy said as they entered.

Danny hoped they could find a seat towards the back so they could fool around a bit; he was sure Lizzy would love to have sex in a movie theatre. Alas, there didn’t appear to be any opportunities.

“Hey, I’ve gotta piss real quick. I’ll be right back,” Danny said after they had settled into their seats.

“Alright but don’t shocked if all of this popcorn is gone.”


Lizzy stuck her tongue out at Danny at the joke and proceeded to munch on a large handful of popcorn.

Danny walked out of the theatre and towards the bathrooms. His mind replayed the sex he and Lizzy had in the bathroom at the dance yesterday. How they’d managed to finish and escape the bathroom without getting caught by anyone was nothing short of a miracle.

He headed for the bathroom door and pushed it open only to hear a soft feminine voice call his name.

“Danny. Hey!”

Danny turned around and stepped away from the bathroom door. He saw Lucy Hemingway standing in a light green tank top with skimpy jean shorts. She had her blonde hair in a ponytail.

“Did you and Mitch have a good time?” Danny asked. He’d hoped there was a genuine attraction between them and that Lucy didn’t just go with Mitch because she felt sorry for him.

“Yeah, I had fun. Mitch is pretty cute and a really nice guy. I’m meeting him here, you haven’t seen him have you?”

“Nice. I thought you two would like each other,” Danny said. “I haven’t seen him around.”

Lucy took several steps closer to Danny until they were nearly touching. Danny swore she was coming on to him.

“I remember what you said you would let me do if I went with Mitch to homecoming,” Lucy said softly. She grabbed Danny’s soft cock through his shorts and gave his cock and balls a squeeze. “You said I could have a piece of that.”

Danny pulled away and thought the right response would be just to hightail it back to Lizzy or use the restroom as he had planned but he didn’t want this girl after him when he was trying to prove himself to be boyfriend material for Lizzy.

“Look, normally I’d be very flattered but I think Lizzy and I have something pretty serious right now and I want to give you and Mitch a chance.”

“Oh please. You basically stole Mitch’s girlfriend from him. I know you too well, Mr. Morgan. You’ve never turned down any girl before and I won’t be the first one.”

Danny shook his head. While Lucy was technically correct that he hadn’t turned any girl down that showed enough interest in him sexually, he also hadn’t had someone like Lizzy that he wanted to date weighing on the back of his mind.

“We don’t even have to fuck. I can just suck your dick. You don’t even have to touch me if you don’t want to,” Lucy said as she pulled out her phone from her purse. “Oh look, Mitch just texted me and said he’s here. If you follow me right now, we can go somewhere and I can tell him that I’ll meet him in the theatre. It’ll give us plenty of time.”
Danny felt his bladder about to burst. He hoped Mitch would hurry up so he could leave this crazy girl alone.

“Or I could just wait until he gets here and I could let you two enjoy a nice movie date.”

Lucy placed her hands on her hips and huffed. “Fine. But don’t think I won’t get a piece of you sometime Danny.”

Though Mitch had texted Lucy that he had just arrived at the theatre, the truth was that he was already sitting in his seat, with a jacket draped over the seat he was saving for Lucy. Mitch wanted Lucy to meet him in the theatre separately because he just knew Lizzy would be at this movie. He knew his ex-girlfriend too well. She lived for suspense movies like this. He’d hoped that he’d have a quick moment alone with her to talk and really ask her why she broke up with him and why he wasn’t good enough for her.

This wasn’t some vain last-ditch attempt to win back Lizzy’s heart. Throwing up in the bathroom at school had caused Mitch to think differently about his situation and finally move forward with Lucy instead of feeling sorry for himself that his long relationship with Lizzy was over. He saw Danny leave, presumably for the bathroom, and he made his move for the open seat next to Lizzy, hoping his own seats would be there when he returned.

Upon sitting down next to Lizzy, he’d realized he should have made more noise so as not to scare her. It was too easy to forget that his former lover scared easily.

“Holy shit,” Lizzy screamed, startling some of the other moviegoers around her. “Jesus, Mitch, you scared me. What are you doing here?”

“I’m here with Lucy, the girl I took to homecoming last night.”

“Oh. Why are you over here talking to me when you could be sitting with her?”

“Look, Liz, I just wanted to ask you something. It’s been on my mind for a while and now that I think I’ve finally moved on, I wanted to ask it.”

“Wow, you’ve finally moved on, have you? I’m glad, Mitch. I was worried about you.”

Hearing Lizzy say she still thought about him, even if it was in pity, alerted Mitch. “Wait, you were?”

“I was worried about you as a friend, yes. I’m glad you’re moving on. So what did you want to ask me?”

“Well, I know you said you broke up with me because you wanted to do more with sex. But is that the real reason? I just feel like there might be something wrong with me.”
Mitch knew asking her the question might do nothing more than piss her off. He knew most girls didn’t like to tell a guy the real reason they broke up with them but he hoped he would be an exception, given how long they’ve dated and their lifelong friendship prior to dating.

“Mitch, it had nothing to do with you. You were a great guy and I loved you,” Lizzy said. “Part of me still does. I broke up with you because it was about what I wanted. I wanted to see other guys and do new things. We’re both going off to college next year anyway and I just thought it was good timing. There’s nothing wrong with you. You got that?”

Mitch’s mind flashed back to a simpler time, when they were both 9 years old playing at the park. Some older bully threw some sticks and called him names because of his curly hair. Mitch’s hair looked like an afro at the time since his mother thought it was cute and didn’t want to cut it.

Mitch remembered being devastated and crying in front of Lizzy. He remembered her comforting words and even her taking his head into her chest and rocking him back and forth, like a mother did to a baby.

Her response on the cause of their breakup may not have seemed honest to most guys but knowing the real Lizzy, Mitch knew she had meant it.

“Ok. That was all I wanted to say. I hope you and Danny enjoy the show.”

Mitch got up to head back to his seat when he felt Lizzy place a hand on his chest to stop him.

“Mitch, I don’t want you to worry about me and Danny. I know he’s one of your best friends and all and I know how it looks with the two of us being together after all that’s happened. I’m telling you only, but I’m still true to my mission. I’m going to be a single girl for a while.”

Nick was back in the dingy parlor room at Sheila Davis’s Victorian House on a surprisingly crisp Wednesday evening. He still hadn’t figured out whether the house was hers or if she was sharing a commercial space with other mental health practitioners but he’d seen nothing to suggest anyone else occupied the space.

Footsteps descended the staircase and signaled the end of Sheila’s session that preceded his. Nick’s heart pounded in his chest. Even though he had warmed up to Sheila during their last session and told her that he felt he needed to act on his sexual desires whenever he saw an attractive woman, he was still nervous for this appointment, despite the better news he had to share.

After spending so much time with Stacy over the last few days and their constant texting back and forth during school that week, Nick was convinced that all of his problems were over. He didn’t find himself constantly craving sex and he didn’t fantasize about other cute girls at school like he might have before. He planned to share this with Sheila so she would confirm his freedom from his addiction as if nothing had ever happened.

Ms. Davis showed her last client, an elderly woman walking with a cane, out of the door and wished her well, reminding her again when their next appointment was. She closed the door tightly and held it in place for a moment before turning to Nick.

“Nicholas, are you ready for your appointment?”


“Excellent. Follow me, young man.”

Nick followed the tiny therapist up the stairs and into her office. He noticed a box of tissues that was sitting on her desk had tipped onto the floor. Nick reached to pick them up but drew his hand away when Ms. Davis told him to leave it for her to pick up.

The therapist picked up the tissues and returned to her desk.

“So tell me, Nicholas, how have you been using the suggestion I had for you at the end of our last session?”

Nick cleared his throat as if to settle his nervousness. “I think your advice helped me a lot. Stacy and I went to homecoming this weekend and had a great time. We had so much fun that I think I see what you were saying about not doing anything stupid to disappoint someone I love.”

“Go on,” the therapist prodded.

“I just feel like I would be doing too much harm by giving into my desires and it would cause Stacy a lot of pain if I gave into them. My relationship with her is more important to me than anything so I don’t want to do anything to upset it.”

“So you’re saying you value your relationship with her over your own selfish needs and desires.”

“Exactly. I love her so much that I’m not having any urges that I was having before. I already feel 100 times better from our last session.”

“Wow, maybe I am a miracle worker,” Ms. Davis joked. “Let’s get specific about some of those urges you’ve had to see if you might really be moving past them. I remember last time you said that every time you see an attractive girl that you not only had sexual thoughts about them but you also felt like you had to act on them. Is that right?”

Nick gulped as Ms. Davis reminded him of his faults. He almost felt like rushing out of the room. He thought she would be ecstatic that he was conquering his desires. Instead, he’d have to relive all of the mistakes he’d made while pursuing them.

“Yeah that’s right.”

“So tell me about one of those times, if you are comfortable.”

“I’m not sure if I am,” Nick said. “It’s kind of personal.”

“Well, I can’t force you to say what you don’t want to say. But at the same time I won’t be able to help you as well if you don’t let me know what’s going on.” Ms. Davis looked down at her maroon painted nails before continuing. “I know what I’ll do, I’ll tell you a story from when I was your age. It might make things a little easier for you.”

Nick didn’t think therapists usually told stories but he nodded for her to continue.

“As a girl, I had a very similar mind when it came to sex. Now mind you, I didn’t feel like I needed to sleep with every boy I met but I did have an obsession with giving oral sex. It’s funny to admit now but it really troubled me at the time. I put myself in a lot of situations that I otherwise wouldn’t have. I created some unnecessary risk for myself. Is that sort of what you’re going through?”

The look of shock on Nick’s face must have been painfully obvious.

“Yes, I get a lot of looks like that when I tell patients that story. At least I didn’t go into a lot of gory details, right?”

Nick stared back at her for a moment before answering. “Yeah, I guess I feel like that. I’ve put myself in some risky situations. Having unprotected sex with strangers a couple of times, lots of risk involved.” He didn’t dare tell Sheila about him hiring a hooker or that he contracted chlamydia and may have passed it to someone.

“How did you find yourself in those situations? Why take those risks?”

“I don’t know. I guess it was this feeling in the pit of my stomach telling me that I needed to have sex with these girls to satiate myself. It was like a thirst that needed to be quenched.”

Sheila tapped her fingers on her desk, nodding a “mhmm” while she played a tune on the wooden work surface.

“Yes, I know the feeling exactly. Do you still feel those urges?”

“Not at all. Like I said earlier, I think having Stacy in my life as someone I really care about is making me think twice if I even come close to having that feeling. I haven’t had any desires for other women since we started dating.”

“Do you expect that to continue?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you expect to not have urges when you see other attractive girls? Do you think if you have them you won’t act on them?”

“I hope so. Keeping in mind how important my relationship is with her and knowing what you said last week has me ready to truly fight those urges off.”

“Well I wouldn’t take my advice as the gospel but I do find that it helps young men such as yourself who haven’t quite figured out how to put the needs of others first yet. I think Ms. Hendricks has herself quite the catch.”

Nick was about to thank her for the complement when he realized she had used Stacy’s last name. How did she know Stacy’s last name?

“How did you know Stacy’s last name?” Nick asked. He certainly hadn’t brought it up in either of his sessions.

“Oh did I say Hendricks? It must be some weird coincidence. One of my best friends in high school used to go by Stacy Hendricks. Lucky guess, right?”

Judging by her uncomfortable smile, Nick sensed something odd about their conversation. If Sheila knew Stacy, that didn’t bode well for Nick sharing all of this information with her. He knew there was something like patient client privilege or some other code of ethics preventing his problems from being shared with Stacy but he didn’t want to take the chance.

“Hey, Ms. Davis..”

“Call me Sheila,” the therapist interjected.

“Umm, Sheila. I’m not feeling so well right now. Am I able to cut the session short?”

“Of course, my dear. The session is already paid in full so you can leave whenever you like. Was there something else on your mind?”

Nick thought for a moment. He didn’t want to incriminate himself further with sharing any stories of his sexual trysts before he started dating Stacy but he was curious as to the urges he felt to fuck Stacy’s ass the last time they’d had sex. Perhaps this was some sort of new urge towards variety that could lead him down the path of darkness again. He was curious for Sheila’s take.

“Yeah just one more thing,” Nick said. “My girlfriend and I were, um, having sex the other day and I just felt this desire deep inside of me to get her to try anal. She said no and I guess I was fine with that but I’m afraid I’ll keep wanting it more and more if she says no. You don’t think that’s related to the other urges is it?”

Sheila raised a brow and continued her finger tapping on the desk but otherwise kept a calm look on her face. She eyed Nick from head to toe. He wondered if she was checking him out.

“I don’t think so, dear. Wanting anal sex is a normal part of a healthy human sexuality. As long as you truly don’t force your girlfriend into it, I think you’ll be in good shape.”

Nick breathed a sigh of relief. He hoped the urge to act against Stacy’s will didn’t come up the next time they were intimate. If it did, he might have to get some extra help from someone more qualified than Ms. Davis.

“Alright, I’m going to take off now. Thanks Sheila.”

“You’re welcome, honey. Stop by next week if you want to chat again. You have two of Mrs. Morgan’s appointment slots you can use.”

More unsure of himself than ever, Nick walked out of Sheila’s office, down the stairs and out of the building. As confident as he was leaving his last therapy session, he was even more confused this time.

“Tiff, it’s Auntie Sheila,” Ms. Davis said into her cell phone. “Your boy just left my office. I think I know where you can hit him hard and spare poor Ms. Hendricks from a dirty, dirty boy.”