First time_(20)

It began one summer of July. When i was 16 years old. My best friend James from America has visited me in Europe. We were best friends ever since we were 11 years old and we had no secrets between us. We even talked about how much we hated our step mother and step father. Ironically James has step father that he wanted to kill and i had a step mother whom i just disliked.

I remebered last summer i went to his house in states and had fun playing games and stuff. But this time was something very unusual. My father and my bro and I had gone to pick my friend up and he hasn’t changed a bit, just tall maybe 5 foot 10 by now.

When we arrived home we started to play some computer games and was watching some movies. Until it was kinda late at night. As i made some jokes such as “haha he is dumb just like you” as we watched the movie, he started to punch me lightly. Once it got to the point he had got a pillow on me and jumped on top of me and moved around. I knew at this point that he was rather a sex loving dude since we were best friends for long time. I didn’t say anything that night.

The next day i and he went to some interenet caffee to play some games. In the game i was rather excited and private messaged my friend in the game because there were too many people around us that could hear our conversation. So i messaged him and asked “would you mind for a anal sex tonight?” He replied saying “mb” (for those who doesn’ t know what mb means, it means maybe ^^v)

That night we got in bed and it was first time for both of us although it was my first time to get something up my ass. I was rather addicted to shove something up my ass and i even learned how to clean up your ass so that it won’t smell even you stick a 30 cm ruler up my ass. It will smell nothing. We got in bed, lucky my house was rather short in room because my grandma was visiting at the same time. So we had my bedroom for both of us.

Once we agreed, i turned off the light and turned on the lamp light so we could see what we were doing to each other. At first i was little nervous and told him no kiss, no hug, no touching my dick because i was very nervous. So he agreed and just touched my ass. It was unfortunate when he tried to get his dick up my ass, he was also nervous and didn’t get a complete hard on. He had semi hard dick that was almost impossible to get it hard. So he started jacking off right behind my back and he cum on my ass by accident. He wiped it off with a tissue and we both went to bed. I was feeling very dissapointed.

The next day as usual we went to internet cafffe and this time after playing some games for 5 hours, we went to sex toy shop to buy some lubricant and some dildos. The dildo had a diameter of 5 cm and it was about 20cm long. At first he said he was still nervous and was putting lubricant on the dildo and made it very slimy and wet. He tried to insert it in me for 5 sec until he got one inch in. The pain was fucking bullshit and i took it out immediately grabbing my ass cheecks compressed together. I said “damn James it hurts like bitch aww.” and he said we should stop and went to bed. My ass still felt sore.

The next 1 week we didnt’ do anything because my ass was still fuking sore from the incident. Until the day it came that my friend had to leave back to the States so he was very egear. So he typed saying “we should try and get something done tonight since it is my last day here” so i agreed and we went home rather earlier.

It was around 10 our parents started sleeping because it was sunday and they had to get up for work on monday, i forced my little bro to sleep so we were alone. I went into the shower and washed inside my ass and was ready in 30 min.

As i came out and took my pants and boxers down immediately i layed on all fours. He was ready and hard on this time, he put some lubricant on his 4.5 inch dick and started to shove it up my ass. It felt really good and i felt my ass contracting as he moved in deeper. Although it wasn’t very big i was enjoying it. However the incident of my ass riping dildo still had effect on me because after about 10 minutes i started to feel pain and my friend had noticed because i bled alittle. He was no where close to cum so i took it out and said “i’m sorry James my ass still hurts, i wish i could do it with you but..” and i went to bathroom to clean up the lubricant that is dripping down my ass. As i went back to the room my friend was still hard and asked me to suck his dick. I sucked it for a while but before while i was showering, i masterbated and cummed. When guys cum, they lose their sexual appetite, and this happened to me.

After going up and down 4 times, i stopped and said ” we need to wake up early tomorrow for you departure.”
He said “sure let me go to shower, i need to masterbate, you turned me on you know.”
and as he went into the shower i heard him moan abit.

This is my true story for now and he agreed to come again next summer which in 2004 May – July which is for long time. But this time i’m ready to do anything with him including kiss and so on. Also i got a girlfriend here and told her i was bi and she said it was hot. She agreed to join us next time he visits and me and my gf doesn’t do much because she doesn’t want to pop her cherry, so i just lick her and touch her while she gives me blows.

p.s. if any horny person wants to know how to clean the inside of your ass very nicely that it will not smell like anything (no need to use special equipment, just water) dont’ be afraid to comment it on the bottom. If this gets rated high i’ll continue my true life sex life. Thanks