Fields of Daisies and Clover – A Hucow Story, Parts XII – XVI, Epilogue

My real priority for this last section was to try out a couple of final ideas and – most importantly – to bring this to a happy and somewhat wholesome ending. There might not be quite as much smoking hot sex as the other two parts, but I hope the ending makes up for that.

If you haven’t read the two previous postings in this storyline, you should take a look or this story will make no sense. The other parts are on my profile in the “Favorites” section (for some reason this site isn’t linking my stories under the stories section of my profile).


Fields of Daisies and Clover – A Hucow Story


“What?” I stammered, using a towel to staunch the flow of blood from the bite marks on my cock and handing a towel to Myrtle. I was grateful for the speed that cows and bulls heal. “Mad Cow Girl Disease? Is that like Mad Cow Disease?”

“Only in name,” Lyca said, bending over the prone pig girl twins. Olivia and Jenna were coming back online after the shock from the prods and both were already trying to push towards myself and Myrtle. A couple of wolves appeared and guided poor, confused Myrtle to the SUV in the driveway, pressing a towel against her bleeding cock. The pig girls began their monotone call again.

“Cock! Coooooock!” they called as more wolves converged on the scene and led them to the barn.

“What the hell is it, then?” I prompted.

Lyca sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. “It’s a virus and it spreads among cows like wildfire. There are vaccines for it, and you are required to have your cows vaccinated within 90 days of acquiring them. But things are going so fast we just haven’t gotten around to it yet.”

“Are all my cows going to get it?”

“Probably, but it passes in a couple of days, it just makes them want to suck bull cock insatiably. If there are no bull cocks around, they’re fine. You and the milk maids should stay at our wolf den until this passes. Once the bull cocks are off the property, the cows will settle right down with nothing worse than a runny nose. By the middle of next week this should have run its course. Even though bulls and milk maids don’t get it – there’s something about producing semen that makes them immune – in a way it’s way more dangerous to them than to the cows. If a cow with MCGD latches onto a bull cock, she will not let go. When the bull runs out of jizz, she keeps sucking anyway. That can lead to ruptured testicles, and worse. There are documented cases of the bull’s internal organs being sucked out through his cock. I strongly recommend you not go image searching MCGD unless you have strong filters set. There are some grim photos out there.”

“Jesus,” I murmured. “What about the milk? Do we have to throw it out?”

“We test the milk every day, and so far all the tests have come back clean, so no. But we won’t be collecting anymore for sale until this blows over.”

The siren call of “Cooooooock!” erupted up on the hill and Ykaterina came racing down from the pasture straight towards me. Thankfully this time the wolves were prepared and the cow girl went down with a hard shock from a cattle prod. The wolves were wielding the prods like Jedis with lightsabers.

“We need to get you out of here, the milk maids too.” Lyca said. “Stat. Go pull together what clothes you need for a week away, grab some cow girl duds too for the maids, and get out here as soon as you can. Tori and I will get the milk maids. Xana…you know what to do.”

And she did, zapping Mallory who was trotting down from the cam show building towards me, her mouth open in a savage grin.

I dashed inside. Alina was sitting on the couch, holding her stomach.

“I…I don’t know…how much longer…I can hold…back…God…I need to suck bull cock…” she said, doubling over. I threw some clothes in a carry-on for myself, shoved some cow girl garb in a plastic grocery bag for the maids, and hustled out to the SUV the wolves had running in the driveway. The milk maids were inside. I leapt in.

There were three more cow girls running down the path from the cow houses screaming “COCK!” at the top of their lungs. Alina appeared on the front steps, working hard to hold herself in check. My mom was knelt down in the front yard, struggling for control. The horde of cow girls coming on grew. Xana spun the wheel and peeled out hard enough to spray gravel at the approaching mob. We tore down the driveway, out the gate, which slipped closed behind us, keeping the cows safely in.

I looked over my shoulder as we drove away.

“Are they going to be okay?” I said, a lump forming in my throat. I thought of my wife, doubled over on the couch. My mom was back there too, crouched on the ground, as well as the rest of the cow girls I have grown so fond of.

Lyca nodded. “Now that you’re out of sight and scent range, they’re going to be completely fine. By the time we’re at the wolf den, they’ll be back to their old selves. We’ll give them some artificial pheromones and we’ll bring them some of your semen from you and the milk maids. That will fulfill their need for bull juice, and they’ll be good until this passes. The last farm I know of that had an outbreak just settled in to a huge week-long all-cow-girl strap-on party. They abused themselves way worse than the bull ever did and had a great time. Camshow income was off the charts. Your cows will be fine, I promise.”

I wanted to be skeptical, but the wolves had always been on the level with me – more than my own family had been at the start.

“Thank you – once again,” I said. Lyca leaned over and kissed my cheek.

It took a half hour to reach the wolf den. I was excited to see their home base at last.

We pulled into a street through an office park. At the very end of the park, where the main drive reached a court, stood a strange building sitting in front of a sea of green forest. It was a pyramid probably twenty-five stories high. The base and first three floors were made from stone, cut and mortared. The rest of the stories were mirrored glass and steel. The area in front of the building was perfectly landscaped, behind it was primordial woods. Off to one side, behind a fence that prevented access except through the building, was a path leading from the tower off into the trees.

The juxtaposition of a pyramid shape, a modern glass architecture next to the ancient stone masonry, and a path leading back into the woods seemed perfect. It was exactly like the wolves. Professional, modern, slick – but still deeply in touch with the animalistic, base nature of their being.

We climbed out of the SUV and walked up the path to the entrance of the building. The glass doors slipped open as we approached and a man came out dressed in black jeans, a black T-shirt, and sporting dark hair and a beard smattered with wolf gray.

“I’m Smash, den keeper,” he said. “Welcome, Brendan. And these are…” he gestured to Prudence, Amelia, and Myrtle. I introduced them.

“Welcome,” he repeated. “I wish we could have met under better circumstances, and I look forward to when we formally join herd and pack, but any time our herd-mates visit, it is a good day.”

He gestured us inside.

The next few hours were a blur. They took us to the quarters where we would be staying temporarily, gave us time to freshen up, then followed it up with a complete tour of the wolf facilities. Some of the floors of the pyramid were offices, some were large spacious apartments, and the lower levels included ceremonial spaces. Lyca’s living quarters were surprisingly simple and spartan. I admired that. She was devoted to doing good in the world, not to worldly possessions.

The penthouse at the very top held an amazing view for miles around.

At the deepest sub-basement was the den chapel, it was where the ceremony to welcome Helga into the pack would take place. The elevator opened into a business-like lobby about twenty feet square with glass doors at the far side. The image beyond the glass doors was breathtaking.

“Is that natural?” I asked. Lyca nodded. Beyond the glass wall was an immense cavern that had to be a hundred feet across. To the right, a set of stone stairs led up into the living rock – presumably another exit. Straight ahead was a raised stone dais altar. Slots for torches lined the wall, though they were dark and the room was just lit by dim auxiliary lighting.

An aisle led downwards from the elevators straight to the altar. On either side were tiered benches. It was an amazing space.

“How many pack members are there?” I asked Lyca.

“Our pack consists of a total of about thirty family groupings, with around 120 individuals. And family groups are pretty loosely defined. Some are traditional male and female pairings, some are same sex, some are poly-amorous. Some wolves are unassociated with families. There are also 26 children of wolves, but they do not become full pack members until they are twenty-one and join of their own free will. We welcome, we educate, but we do not indoctrinate. Offspring are loved and welcome whether or not they choose to become wolves.”

We walked up the stone steps out into the fading daylight and followed a path through the woods that led to a large clearing with wooden benches arrayed in a circle around a large stone platform. The sides of the platform were inscribed with strange markings.

“Those are wolfen language,” Lyca explained. “Roughly it translates into ‘Love, Service, Pack’ repeated around the perimeter.”

“What’s that?” I asked, pointing to another wolfen in***********ion on a wooden sign above the clearing.

“That’s the name of the pack in wolfen, it was also inscribed on the altar in the den chapel, but it’s hard to see in the dim light. It is the wolfen name of our original founder, centuries ago.”

“How do you pronounce it?” I asked.

Lyca cleared her throat and made a sound that went from a deep growl to a high-pitched howl. Then added “Casually, in English, we just call our pack ‘Groove’. It’s the basic idea without the wolfen growling and howling. But we never use that name outside of our pack and now your herd, once we are officially joined. Never use it in the presence of anyone who is not a member of those two groups, understood?”

“Groove. I like it, and I will respect and honor it.”

Dusk was falling, and Lyca sent the milk maids off with Smash and the betas to milk the maids and collect some bull seed they could take back to the farm. Lyca stepped to a small shelter on the side of the clearing, returning with several wolf pelts she laid across the altar, then she lay down and patted the pelt beside her. I lay down next to her and she ran her hand across my shoulder.

“You’re really tense,” she said. She slipped her hand under my shirt and ran it up my chest, than slid it up the leg of my shorts. “And you’re softer than I’ve ever seen you. What’s the matter?”

I sat in silence for a moment, then swallowed hard, fighting back the lump in my throat. “The two women I love most in the world are back at home sick. They looked really bad when we left, but here I am and I can’t do anything to help them.”

“That’s sweet,” Lyca purred. “But they’re fine. I promise you. Why don’t you give Alina or Shawna a call? I bet that will put your mind at ease.”

I sat up and called my wife as Lyca lay beside me on the pelts. It went to voicemail, which cranked up my anxiety another level, but my phone rang from my mom’s number just a couple seconds later.

“Hi Brendan,” Shawna said, her voice really cheerful. “How are you doing? Is Lyca taking good care of you?”

Lyca chimed in from behind me before I could answer. “I’m trying, but he’s worried about you and Alina. It’s giving him a little bit of a…performance challenge.” She giggled.

“Sweetheart, relax,” my mom said. “Once all the bull cocks were gone from the farm, everything settled right down. We’re so good they even let the contractors get back to work on the new sections of the farm, we just have to keep our distance. The wolves brought all the remote girls to the farm from the hotels, and it’s like a big cow girl sleepover. We’re all in the pasture having the hottest massive cam show you’ve ever seen right now – which is why your wife didn’t answer, she’s getting triple-teamed. You should see it. When we’re done with the show, the pig girls are going to show us how the mud sty works and we’re all going to try it. And then we’re going to put on our PJ’s, eat ice cream, and watch chick flicks. It’s great.”

“So you’re not feeling ill?” I asked.

“Everybody’s got the sniffles, but that’s about it. With all the bodily fluids flying around here, what’s a little runny nose? We’re fine. You go let Lyca give you some lovin’, okay? You need it. Mom’s orders. Okay, gotta run, Lucy’s got a huge three-foot strap-on ready and Helga’s pointing the camera in my direction. I think we’re finally going to find out just how deep my ass is. Check out the video replay later, it’s hotter than hell. Love you, honey.”

She hung up, and I laid back on the wolf pelts. Wow.

“Better?” Lyca murmured and ran her hand down my chest. “How about if you get undressed and let mommy Lyca give you a nice, relaxing massage?”

I relaxed, probably for the first time since the twins latched on to Myrtle and I what seemed like a lifetime ago. I peeled off my clothes and lay down on my stomach. I could feel the tone slipping back into my bull cock a little. I wasn’t hard yet, but I was about back to my normal state.

Lyca stripped and straddled my thighs, leaning down and pressing her lithe body and her pert wolfen, pierced breasts against my back. She was soft and warm, as was the wolf pelt underneath me. A slight trickle of juice slid from between her legs down across my thighs. It felt nice, it felt perfect. I could have lay there forever, the bull and the alpha she-wolf.

Lyca leaned back and began running her hands up my back, kneading my shoulders expertly. I let her work her magic for a few moments, letting go of my thoughts, clearing my mind, just enjoying the warmth from her body, the relaxing massage, the sound of the gentle breeze whispering the through the trees above us, and the soft fur of the pelt underneath me.

“Is it okay for us to do this on the altar before the ceremony joining the herd and the pack?” I asked, as Lyca worked.

“Any time the bull and the alpha join, it is auspicious. Even more so in the wolf’s chapel. While you’re here we should do this as often as we can here and in the den chapel too. It’s all good.”

“Mmmm…” I murmured, letting go of the last little niggling doubt in my mind, surrendering to her soft, warm, firm body.

She pulled the piercings from her nipples and rose onto all fours, running her pert tits down my back and across my thighs. She let her tongue follow, finally slipping it between my thighs and licking the underside of my cock that was definitely beginning to stir.

I rolled over and kissed her as she stroked my horse-shaped cock, slowly bringing me to attention. Then she disengaged from our kiss and ran her tongue down to my cock, licking the shaft.

As she worked my meat over with her tongue and lips, a strange energy moved through us. The leaves in the trees rustled, as if a fresh breeze had come up, but to the contrary, the air was still. It caught me by surprise, but when I looked at Lyca she smiled.

“Get used to that,” she said. “That’s the energy joining herd and pack. There will be much more of that at the ceremony joining the two, and after. What you just felt was merely the beginning.”

She punctuated that with a hard stroke of my bull cock, bringing a thick streamer of come from the end and sending it sliding down the shaft. I moaned as I felt the first emanation since the incident back at the farm. It felt good. Lyca ran her tongue up the shaft and played with the jizz, stretching a thread out from her tongue before sucking it in.

Because she was an alpha wolf, not a cow, she couldn’t take a cock in her throat or ass like a cow girl, but she still managed to take several inches of my gargantuan meat down her throat. I was impressed. She gagged once and pulled back, throat slime sliding down my cock.

“Not bad for a wolf,” she said, then leaned forward and pulled my cock between her wolfen labia, sliding all the way down until her ass hit my balls. The outline of my cock was pressed against her abdomen, the head disappearing under her rib cage.

“That’s better,” she said. “I can at least satisfy you in one special place.”

Lyca began slowly sliding her cunt up and down my cock. I slid my hands up her stomach to her hard little nipples. She leaned down and let me suck on them. They were sweet and smelled of the forest and earth. I ran my tongue across the tight little aureoles, then across the space between and to the other breast. She moaned softly as I worked them over, slowly rotating her hips around my cock that was buried deep in her body.

The windless rustling in the forest came again as Lyca leaned back and increased the pace, bouncing her slender form up and down on my bull cock. Thick loads mixing my bull juice and her wolf juice slid from her cunt around my shaft. I could feel her gaped wolfen cervix sliding up and down my cock as she moved. I reached around and grabbed her ass, supporting her as she cranked up her motions even further. She came for at least the third time.

I felt my bull balls pulling close to my body. I could sense I was close to coming, but I almost didn’t want to. This moment was too perfect, too beautiful. I loved my mother and my wife, yes, but the connection I had – as the bull – with Lyca – as the alpha she-wolf – was special in its own way. It was a different sort of love, a love bonding the pack with the herd, the love of bonding one group with another. All the cows and all the wolves were subsumed in the love Lyca and I felt.

Lyca groaned and came hard. I couldn’t hold back, my bull balls pumped load after load of my juice deep into her womb. Sweat poured down her body as she came yet again and so did I. The wolf pelts we lay on were soaked with the juices from wolf and bull.

Finally she lay forward across my chest and I hugged her to me. The leaves were still moving in the trees, though the breeze had sprung back up and normalcy had returned to the glade. We lay there for a long time in each other’s arms as the night came alive around us.


I would have probably lay there all night, but Lyca climbed up, slipped the piercings back in her nipples and grabbed a torch. She lit it, illuminating the clearing, then handed me another and gestured for me to follow.

I reached for my clothes, but she shook her head, instead she took my hand and pulled me down a path lined with a layer of soft pine needles. We walked in a slow arc, the night air cool but balmy against our bare skin. Occasionally I could catch glimpses of the lights in the pyramid through the trees and realized we were taking a different path back to the den. Then we came out in a small pasture. Lyca held the torch high and I did the same. There were a couple of small buildings similar to the ones back at the farm, and a couple of cow houses.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Lyca said back.

“It looks like a cow farm.”

“We’re building a small den on the farm for when wolves are there, so we similarly are building a small farm for when cows are here. Since the ceremony is being delayed, both our den on the farm, and your farm at the den, should be finished before the ceremony. Do you like?” She scurried to one of the outbuildings and threw a switch, illuminating the small farm area.

“Oh my god, this is amazing,” I said, hugging Lyca. We walked through the buildings. There were a few houses, a cam studio, a little barn, and a small pasture. It was going to perfect when completed. I felt a lump in my throat.

We held hands as we walked back to the pyramid, our clothes forgotten.

Life at the wolf den for the next six days were a pretty steady routine. In the morning, I would fill the milk maids, then Lyca would empty my cock and the maids’ cocks to be sent back to the farm. Next, we would review the video from the farm to go over the progress the contractors were making. Mid-day we would do a video chat with my wife and mom, to see how they were doing (they seemed to be enjoying this way too much). The afternoons were kind of unstructured time. Sometimes I would drill the maids, sometimes we would walk in the woods, sometimes we would just sit around and binge watch TV.

On the third day of quarantine, Lyca and I came back to the pyramid after a soiree in the forest chapel. I went to my quarters to freshen up and found Prudence, Amelia, and Myrtle waiting outside my door.

“He’s here!” Prudence said, bowing. “My bull, we were just wondering if, since we were all stuck here, bored, for another couple days, if you would honor us with an extra load of bull juice. Once we get back to the farm and settle into our new routines, we’ll have fewer interactions. But, since we’re here, we thought, if it pleases the bull…” She trailed off and cast her eyes downward, humbly. The other milk maids did the same.

Being an active bull, I was always up to filling cow girls with seed, including milk maids. I felt my bull cock stirring.

I nodded and pushed open the door to my suite. The milk maids slipped inside and I followed them.

Prudence shook out her dark hair and peeled off her outfit, revealing her big milk maid tits, Amelia followed suit, her pink freckled skin shining bright against her red curls. Myrtle’s six big udders trickled milk.

Always a sucker for a rack of cow breasts, I buried my face into Myrtle’s big milky udders, sucking at the long hard nipples and drinking in draughts of sweet saffron cow girl milk. Prudence bent down and went to work on one of Amelia’s tits as the ginger cow girl pulled her other mammary up to her lips and drank down her own breast milk. Cow milk and grool began flowing freely.

My purple pulsating bull cock was coming to attention and trickling its first tastes of semen. Prudence disengaged from Amelia’s big, pierced cow tits and ran her tongue up the underside of my bull cock, licking the thick stream of bull come that was now sliding down the side. The tip of my flared meat was gaping and pulsating out its slow load of seed.

Amelia grabbed my cock like a pole and sucked the head into her lips, sliding her hands and lips up and down the two-foot shaft, working me over like a high-end whore.

Meanwhile, Prudence had taken over my duty of working over Myrtle’s amazing rack. I looked over and watched them while enjoying the magical efforts Amelia was applying to my shaft. I reached down and used her horns to force her all the way down my cock until her full cow lips were pressed against the base and her chin was buried in my balls. I felt her giggle around my meat and pulled her head back. My cock popped free of her lips, throat slime and bull come sliding out of her mouth and running across her gargantuan cow tits.

I stood up and pulled her face back to my cock, snagging her horns and using her face like a sex toy, forcing her up and down my meat. Like a good cow girl whore, she took my meat without hesitation of gagging, relishing the oral attention and opening her gaping throat wide. Bull juice and cow throat slime gushed from her lips around my massive cock that I was burying in her gullet.

I turned to Prudence and Myrtle, who were sucking each other’s udders.

“Myrtle, please fuck Prudence’s ass with your cock.”

“But my bull, that means I have to show…” Myrtle replied, her eyes downcast.

“Are you questioning my order?” I snapped. Discipline had to be maintained.

“No, my bull,” she said. She kept her eyes downcast, as did Prudence, but I could see they both were smiling. Prudence rolled over onto all fours and pointed her crinkled, well-used cow asshole at Myrtle. She reached around and used three fingers from each hand to pull the sphincter apart. Pink ass flesh tumbled out in a pink dome, and below, her cunt gaped, revealing an yawning cervix just behind her lobes.

Myrtle, meanwhile, had slipped out her two-foot horse-shaped bull cock. I could tell it was just a smidge smaller than mine, but not by a lot. The long veins along the side throbbed and pulsed, and bull seed – my bull seed – was gushing from the end.

Maybe it was being separated from my herd for this long, maybe it was my frequent trysts with Lyca, maybe it was something altogether different. I don’t know. But for the first time, I looked at that big bull cock Myrtle was displaying, and I wondered what it would be like to suck one.

Myrtle began driving her meat into Prudence’s deep, begging asshole. I turned my attention back to Amelia. I was still, almost absently, using her like a fuck toy. I pulled her head back and looked down at her jizz-and-throat-slime-covered face, her mouth hanging wide open – wide open in a way that only a cow girl can do. Suddenly that passing, casual thought about sucking one of my milk maid’s cocks was locked into my consciousness and wouldn’t let go.

What would it be like? Would it fuck up my relationship with the milk maids? Would it alter my body? Would I lose my bull abilities?

I may have become a take-charge bull, but I had just enough milquetoast left in me not to make a hasty decision about something that could affect me, or the entire herd and pack. I disengaged from the milk maids and went into the other room, punching Lyca’s number on the cell phone. She answered on the second ring.

“Hi lover, what’s up?” she answered.

“I…um…I…” I stammered. How did I ask this question? I suddenly felt self-conscious. The alpha wolf immediately sensed my discomfiture.

“What’s the matter? Out with it,” Lyca encouraged.

“I’m here with the milk maids. What…what would happen…if…I…you know…”

“If you sucked their cocks?” Lyca said with a giggle. “You want to give milk maid head?”

“Damn, you’re good,” I replied, feeling defeated but oddly energized. “What would happen if I tasted their cocks.”

“Bulls are sort of like alpha wolves, they have one orifice that can take a bull cock. In the case of a bull, it’s their mouth. So two things would happen. First, you would have a chance to find out what it’s like to have a bull cock inside of you. And second, Xana would owe me a hundred bucks because I bet you would suck milk maid cock within a month of bringing the first one in. She didn’t believe me. Don’t do anything yet, Xana and I want to capture this moment on film. The bull’s first taste of milk maid’s bull cock. We’ll make loads of cash once we post that online. Don’t move, we’ll be there in a snap.”

“But…I…wait…” I stammered, but it was too late. The line was dead.

I walked back out into the other room. My milk maids, being good girls, were busily complying with my orders. Prudence was on all fours and Myrtle’s horse-shaped bull cock was sliding in and out of her overused asshole. Prudence’s flesh was gripping the shaft of Myrtle’s cock with each stroke, popping out almost a foot. The pressure of the cock inside Prudence’s body had caused her cunt to gape open and her cervix was hanging several inches outside her body, gaped and assaying cow grool. Prudence’s two big udders hung all the way to the floor and jiggled, as did Myrtles six huge milky tits.

Amelia, meanwhile, was sitting to the side demurely, eyes downcast, wishing she could join in the fun, but waiting for her bull’s permission like a good little cow whore.

A knock came on the door and I opened it. Lyca and Xana came in with a camera and a tripod. The alpha she-wolf gave me a peck on the lips and a stroke of my cock.

“Thanks for earning me a Franklin,” said darting her eyes in Xana’s direction with a smirk.

“Hey, watch it,” her beta shot back. “He still might chicken out. Are you sure you want to do this, Brendan? This seems surprisingly bi-curious for you.”

“You’re barking up the wrong tree, wolf-girl,” Lyca interjected. “I had him picked for this the moment we started talking about milk maids. I knew he was curious.”

“Don’t be so sure,” Xana sneered, then turned to me. “This is cock, we’re talking about, Brendan. Big, hot, pulsating, jizz-dribbling cock. Do you really want your cows to think of you as a cocksucker?”

“That was low, bitch,” Lyca shot back.

“My mother taught me everything I know,” Xana sniped in return.

I had been watching this interplay with growing discomfort. Finally I held up my hands.

“STOP! Everybody just fucking stop!” The wolves, the milk maids, the entire room froze and turned in my direction. “Yes, I am curious about my milk maids’ cocks. Yes, I want to try them out. I never said anything about being bi-curious or gay-curious. I just have three really hot, beautiful women who happen to have big, gigantic cocks, and I am curious. Got it? Jeez. I express curiosity about my milk maids’ cocks and you guys practically have me making gay porno.”

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence.

“Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” I added. “It’s just not my jam.”

Lyca looked down meekly. “You’re right, I’m sorry.”

“Me too,” Xana added.

“So are we,” the milk maids all said, almost in perfect unison, though I have no idea why.

I sighed. “You know, forget about it. I don’t think I’m in the mood anymore.”

My discomfiture upset the milk maids, who began making mewing sounds and crawled on their hands and knees to me. They knelt at my feet and ran their hands along my legs and my cock, trying to make me feel better. Myrtle had withdrawn her cock, though a thick thread of bull come was still flowing from the end. Amelia bent down and sucked the tip of my cock back into her throat, pressing her face down the shaft again until her lips were at the base of my cock. She shook her head side-to-side.

I had to admit, it felt good. A little surge shot through me. I pulled Myrtle up to a standing position and latched onto one of her six udders, sucking in thick draughts of cow girl milk. The saffron flavor and the intoxicating aura suffused me, relaxing my nerves. My cock hardened inside Amelia and she started face-fucking me, slamming her throat up and down my cock, bouncing her lips against the base.

I pushed Myrtle back.

“It’s Prudence’s turn to fuck your ass,” I said to Myrtle, who dutifully dropped to all fours and assumed the position. I looked at Prudence and caught her eye before she even asked about showing her cock. She just nodded, pulled out her thick, throbbing meat, and drove it deep into Myrtle’s bottomless asshole.

Amelia was still sucking my cock. I grabbed her horns and pulled her back, pulling her to her feet and kissing her on the lips. Our tongues intertwined as I ran my hands down her big chest, down the cow fur landing strip, to her large clit that was actually the tip of her cock.

“Show me your cock,” I whispered to her.

From the corner of my eye I saw Lyca and Xana working the camera. I didn’t care anymore. Amelia looked at me nervously, then slid her two-foot horse-shaped bull cock out. I pulled her up by her horns and had her sit on the edge of my bed, spreading her legs. Her cunt was gaping and even though I couldn’t see her asshole, I was pretty sure it was wide open as well. A steady stream of milk was trickling from the ends of her big milky udders.

A part of my brain was screaming how bad I wanted to try this, and another part was screaming what a horrible idea this was. Part of me was incredibly turned on by this ginormous doppelganger of my cock, another part of me was cringing.

Lyca sensed my nervousness. “If you want us to turn off the cams and leave, we can. In fact, if you would like, everyone but you and Amelia can leave. That way you get to do this in private.”

I sighed. “The cams are fine, as long as I get to review everything before it goes online. It’s just…ugh…I don’t know. I never considered a cock to be a part of a girl’s anatomy. But now that I have a girl with a cock in front of me, I know it’s going to torture me until I actually try it.”

“And the worst that could happen is…what?” Lyca asked.

“I hate it…or I love it…I don’t know.”

Lyca knelt on the bed behind Amelia, and squeezed the milk maid’s milky udders. Amelia’s cock was sticking up in the air about a foot in front of her meat, so it got coated with cow juice. The milk ran down the thick shaft and puddled on the sheets between her legs, mixing with the grool assaying from Amelia’s cunt and asshole.

“How about you just lick off the milk, for starters?” Lyca said.

“Wait…” Xana interrupted. “If you lead him on, our bet is off.”

Almost in unison, Lyca and I turned to Xana and snarled. The beta she-wolf got the message and looked down at the floor.

“Sorry…” she whispered.

I gulped and knelt down in front of Amelia’s thick cock. I leaned close. I had half expected the cock to give of a musky male scent, but instead, it smelled of saffron and lilacs. It was nice.

It really was a girl cock.

With a mixture of fear and desire, I ran my tongue up the underside of Amelia’s cock, licking off the milk, tasting my first milk maid cock – or any cock for that matter. The fragrant mixture of saffron, lilac, and grool wafted up to my nostrils. It was sweet, divine, heavenly. I let my tongue run all the way up to the flared end of the horse-shaped cock. The tip was wide and the aperture at the end was gaped. I had a feeling it wouldn’t take much more stimulation for that cock to begin flowing out my bull seed.

Suddenly, my hesitation dropped another level. I was warming to the idea of sucking milk maid cock.

I ran my tongue back down the shaft, licking up more of the milk as Lyca squeezed the milk maid’s tits to keep the flow going. After two or three trips up and down the shaft, I ran my hand up and down. Amelia closed her eyes and moaned, leaning her head back and accepting a kiss from Lyca.

I flicked my tongue across the tip again, and the heady fragrance of the room was enhanced by a new aroma – that of my bull semen pouring from the end of Amelia’s cock.

I glanced at Lyca. She and Amelia were still in a super-hot soul kiss. A thick streamer of come trickled down Amelia’s cock. My come. Actually, I had tasted my own semen many times when one of the cows had some on her lips or tits or whatever. But this was my first time straight from the tap. I flicked by tongue up Amelia’s cock, pulling a thick glob into my mouth.

The taste was sort of musty, but with the same lilac and saffron undertones I had detected earlier. It tasted really good. And it seemed to have the same intoxicating effect as cow girl milk did.

My last barrier dropped. I opened my mouth and slipped the head of Amelia’s horse-shaped bull cock into my mouth. My cock. I was, in essence, sucking my own cock, but it was hanging off of another body.

And I had to admit, it was amazing.

I slowly slid my lips down past the flare of Amelia’s cock head. I felt the tip press against the back of my throat. I looked up at Amelia. She had pulled her tits apart so she could look down at me. Her face was a mixture of nerves and arousal, as if she couldn’t believe this was happening, but she really hoped it was real. So did I.

This was the moment of truth. I had never taken anything down my throat, and definitely never deep-throated a cock – not to mention a gargantuan one like this. It was a little crazy to think that I might be able to do so. Lyca knelt beside me and lightly ran the tips of her fingers up my chest to my neck.

“Just relax and let it slide in,” she said. “Your bull body knows how to do this naturally, just let it do its thing and don’t fight it.”

She wrapped her finger’s around Amelia’s cock near the base and pulled it forward, sliding the first five or so inches down my throat. My gag reflex kicked in and fought it, but Lyca ran her fingertips across my throat again.

“Just relax, don’t fight anything,” she purred into my ear. “If you feel your throat tightening up, let it do what it wants. Don’t fight anything. Your bull throat knows what to do.”

I didn’t want to believe her, I wanted to control myself, but Lyca had never steered me wrong. I trusted her implicitly. So I just relaxed my entire body, gazing up at Amelia’s amazing, magnificent, beautiful cow tits. She squeezed one and sent a spray across her cock and my face.

At that moment, something magical happened. I no longer felt the need to struggle or fight. My throat relaxed, my breathing steadied, and my jaw – what the fuck – I suddenly understood how the cows took such a huge shaft into their mouth. It was almost snakelike the way my mouth just opened.

I knew I was ready. I grabbed Amelia’s ass cheeks and drove her cock all the way down my throat. It was fucking amazing.

I closed my eyes and began sliding my throat up and down Amelia’s immense meat. I based my technique on what I liked in a good blowjob but had no idea if Amelia approved – then I looked up at her and her head was thrown back and her eyes were closed, her lips parted in ecstasy.

Apparently I was a natural…

Lyca had slipped back to where Tori and Xana were filming the action, and in her place, Prudence knelt beside of me.

“Would our bull give us permission to suck his cock while he suck’s Amelia’s?” Prudence asked respectfully.

Obviously I wasn’t able to answer verbally at the moment as I was now deeply engaged in fellating Amelia, but I gave a thumb’s up. Prudence leaned over on all fours and wrapped her lips around my own gargantan cock, sliding her throat down the shaft with a grace I could only hope to match someday. I reached along her back and slipped three fingers into her asshole, pulling it open. Myrtle got the drift and slowly slid her horse-shaped cock into Prudence’s ass.

I pulled my hand away and went back to having both fists wrapped around Amelia’s cock as I sucked her down.

As I adjusted to the sensation of a two-foot horse cock ramming in and out of my mouth, I realized how much I was enjoying the sensation. I could feel the veins in the shaft pulsating and throbbing with her heartbeat. The cow’s perfumes and their natural fragrance combined into a heady aroma that I smelled much more deeply now that I had a milk maid’s cock sliding in and out of my throat just inches from my nose. A steady trickle of semen – my semen – slipped from the end of Amelia’s cock and filled my stomach, my throat, my mouth, and finally overflowed, sliding down my chin and running off onto my cock that Prudence was sucking. It was – divine.

I glanced over at the wolves, and they were still filming my first milk maid blow job. I was enjoying the experience, but I wasn’t sure if I was ready to share the film. But still, at least we had the footage for if/when I was ready.

I felt Amelia’s body tighten and realized she was about to have an orgasm. My gullet was already full from her pre-orgasm stream, was I about to drown in her ejaculate? I started to slide my throat back down the shaft, trying to pull out before the explosion. I just barely cleared my throat from the flared head of the horse cock when Amelia came hard, filling my mouth with my own thick seed. I swallowed as fast as I could, but it wasn’t fast enough, and the milk maid’s load overflowed my lips and ran off my chin onto Prudence’s head.

I sucked, I swallowed, I gulped.

I slowly slid back and smiled at the camera.

The next hour or so was a blur. I sucked all three of the milk maids, and filled all nine of the milk maid holes, plus the three alpha and beta wolf cunts. I finally sank down on the bed, exhausted. It was amazing, but I knew I still had a lot to process to decide if this was okay for me long term.

Lyca disappeared and came back with some clean sheets, and after we cleaned up my bed, I laid down for a nap, exhausted and happy.


As much as I loved the wolves and my milk maids, they weren’t my wife or my mother. I couldn’t wait until I could get back to the two women I loved the most.

After about a week, the tests from the farm all came back negative for Mad Cow Girl Disease and on Sunday afternoon we returned. I was thrilled to get back to the farm. My alphas were standing in the driveway when we pulled in and they dragged me up to the pasture for two hours of intense, filthy rutting. We finished up, hit the cow showers, then fell into bed early without even eating dinner or the girls milking. We were just happy to be together again.

On Monday morning, Alina, Shawna, and I were on the porch having our morning coffee when Lucy, Angela, Helga, and Lyca came up.

“I know it’s early, but mind if we talk business?” Lucy asked.

“Sure,” I said. I was still feeling super-content now that I was back with my alphas, so I probably would have agreed to anything at that point.

“Two things. First…” Lucy started, then pointed at Lyca.

“First,” Lyca picked up. “First, we’ve had a ton of delays, but maybe next Saturday we can finally have the ceremony when we turn poor Helga into a wolf and cement the herd and pack. I think Helga has been more than patient.”

“Sounds good to me,” I said. My wife and mom both nodded, their cow tits quivering.

“Perfect,” Lucy said, picking up where Lyca left off. “And second, we had been talking about trying to give some of the other girls additional udders. We were holding off until we got the whole milk maid thing straightened out. I think it’s time, would you agree?”

I nodded again. “Yep. Bring out the pills. I think you said we needed four days between when they start the pills and when we turn you guys into wolves then back into cows. So if you start today, we can do the deed Friday, then you’ll have your new big tits in time for the ceremony Saturday.”

Lyca oversaw the distribution of the pills and Alina brought out a pitcher of morning OJ for the girls to wash them down with.

After breakfast and the morning milking, Lyca and my alphas gave me a tour of the work that had been done while I was at the wolf den. Myrtle’s old farm was transformed into an extension of ours. There were a couple more cam studios and more cow houses than we had cows for. A larger cow house for Myrtle stood at the far end of the property right where she wanted it, with a big back porch providing a view of the low mountains beyond. There were several large mud sties for the pig girls, and right near the junction of the two properties was a huge pool with some fancy filtration gear to keep the cow milk and bull seed for turning the water nasty.

Not far from the pool, in a central, high-traffic area of the farm there was a pavilion that had several wooden poles with manacles hanging off them. Each milk maid would spend at least a half-day each week chained to a post. There were paddles and soft whips in a rack, and everyone was encouraged to heap on a little gentle abuse. It was to help keep the milk maids in their proper place. If a milk maid was being particularly intransigent, she would get more time on the pole. Prudence was chained up when we came by and Ykaterina was spanking her while Mallory gave her a rough fisting. It seemed to me, however, that Prudence was enjoying the treatment way too much, so I wasn’t sure if it was really going to accomplish what it was intended for. But again, I trusted the wolves knew what they were doing.

Anyway, continuing the tour, to pull it all together, there was a paved pathway that ran throughout the farm, tying it all together, with each cow girl having her own little cow-spotted golf-cart-like thingy to tool around in. It was just too fucking adorable.

What was also great is that we had room to grow. Which turned out to be a good thing because on Tuesday the deputy swung by and said they had just raided and shut down the last of the cow pounds in the county and asked if we could take on another dozen girls. We said yes, of course.

This, however, meant we needed a couple more milk maids. Lyca and I were out in the barn discussing that topic when Myrtle approached us. She knew of a couple of older farm girls, like she had been, who were interested in maybe joining in the fun as milk maids. The idea was intriguing, because once Myrtle had adjusted to being a milk maid, she had become the most stable, sane one of the three. I attributed it to her years of life experience. We met with the two ladies she had in mind – Lillian and Blanche – and they seemed like a great fit.

Wednesday and Thursday went smoothly. On Friday morning we turned our new milk maid candidates into maids. But Friday afternoon was the first of two big events over two days.

Friday afternoon we were turning Alina, Lucy, and Angela into wolves briefly, then back into cows. They had been taking the herbs to give them extra udders, so the hope was that when they switched back to being cows they would have four or six udders. If it worked for them, we would offer it to any other cow at the farm who was interested.

After turning Lillian and Blanche into milk maids that morning, I had ducked into the house for a lunch snack, then hit the cow showers. By the time I showered and made it to the barn all the key players were there – my alpha cow wife (Alina), my mother-in-law (Lucy), and my sister-in-law (Angela). Helga, Lyca, and her betas were all absent, they were back at the wolf den getting ready for the ceremony the next day. So a lower-level wolf girl was there with the blood potion and we had one of the cows manning the camera. Also in attendance were my alpha cow mom (Shawna) and my omega cow grandmother (Bibi).

In looking at my mom and grandmother, and considering what my wife would look like with six big udders, I felt my cock stirring. Even though I had completely deferred to each of these women as to whether they wanted extra udders, inside I was really looking forward to this. Alina with six big milky tits. Hot. When I went to bed at night with my two alphas, my wife and my mom, I would have twelve big, hot, veiny titties to cuddle up to. I couldn’t wait.

“Party time,” the lead wolf girl said, pulling out three small plastic bottles containing a deep red mixture – blood tincture. “Let’s get Alina, Lucy, and Angela turned into wolves, temporarily. Be sure to shake the bottle for at least 30 seconds before you open it to break up any blood clots that had formed and mix the herbs in properly.” She handed one each to my wife, my mother-in-law, and my sister-in-law, then smiled wickedly. “Make sure you drink the entire bottle, though it’s only a little over a cup of fluid. It’s got a very irony flavor because of the blood. And if there are any chunky parts, they are just blood clots the shaking didn’t break up. Be sure to swallow them down as well. Sorry if that’s gross, but to wolves it’s the best part.” She licked her lips, clearly enjoying this.

Angela, Lucy, and Alina shook up their bottles, then paused, looking at each other. Finally Lucy, always the daring one, yanked off the top and shouted “bottoms up!” before sucking the whole bottle down in one swallow. She coughed once and wiped her lips, turning to the wolf.

“That was nast—” she started, then her eyes got really wide.

What happened next sort of defies de***********ion. When a girl becomes a cow, she’s between another cow girl’s thighs, so the mechanics of what happens is sort of hidden. But Lucy was standing right there in front of us, and it happened suddenly and all at once. It was as if her tits deflated and her face shrank. Within twenty-five seconds she now had small, pert, firm tits like Lyca’s and her betas, and her face had gone from the bimbo look to a more wolfen aquiline appearance. Her body was firm and lithe.

“Actually,” she said. “Suddenly I don’t mind the taste of that blood tincture. And I kind of like this new body…but not as much as I would like six big cow girl udders.”

Having seen how smoothly Lucy’s switch to wolfhood went, Alina and Angela opened their bottles and gulped down the blood potion. Alina gulped it down like her mother had, all at once, but Angela got halfway through and pulled back.

“Ugh…this is gross….” she cursed, before gulping down the rest. She coughed on a clot and for a moment I thought she was going to be sick, but then, like her mother and sister, she suddenly changed.

While this was going on, Bibi had moved to another chair in the center of the barn. She had her legs apart and her six udders dribbling milk. She pointed at Lucy and gestured towards her own cunt.

“I can see why someone might want to be a wolf,” Lucy said to the presiding wolf girl. “But it’s the cow’s life for me. Time for me to get my six big milky titties.” She knelt down between my grandmother’s thighs and started lapping at her thick cow lobes and asshole.

Not to be outdone, Alina went to work with a gusto on my mom’s cunt, looking to earn her cow girl horns back as quickly as possible. Next to her, her mother was already back to her full cow form. I grabbed Lucy by the horns and pulled her back. Sure enough, six big titties hung from beneath her chest.

Angela dove between Shawna’s thighs to transition back to cow-hood, and a moment later both my wife and my sister-in-law were back into cow form, but with six big, milky udders instead of two.

I thought the ceremony was mostly over at that point, except for me drilling whichever of these freshly six-titted cow sluts suited my fancy. Lucy and the other cow girls had some other ideas. They had a plastic bin with nipple rings out – big gold nipple rings – and were piercing their new tits themselves. There was very little blood and the huge rings went right through their big long nipples smoothly as could be, hanging down below and stretching the piercing hole wide open.

“What the fuck,” I mumbled, staring at them. “Are you piercing yourselves?”

“Yeah, we figured out we could do this at home and save the money,” my wife said, showing me her six big udders with huge gold rings hanging from the gaped nipples. “No muss, no fuss, and hotter than hell. You like?” She slipped a finger in one of the rings and used it to twist her nipple two or three rotations around. She pressed her hand against the breast and milk slipped from the twisted tit around the piercing.

“Oh god yeah,” I gasped, almost ready to come just from watching these girls. I grabbed my grandmother by her horns and pushed her down on all fours, forcing my throbbing, rock hard cock into her permanently gaping asshole, sliding my shaft in and out of her sphincter as I watched the other cows do their…thing.

Alina, Angela, and Lucy all now had huge rings piercing their nipples. But Lucy had decided to take things to another level. As I watched, she removed the large rings back out of her udders, then took out a tiny ring from the box. She pushed it through the hole she had already made in her top left nipple and then drove the same small ring through the hole she had already made in her top right nipple, linking left to right. The then did the same with her second row of tits, then with the third. This had the effect of squishing her tits together, stretching out her nipples, gaping the piercing holes, and creating a cleavage tunnel up her abdomen between her three pairs of tits. She looked at me and squeezed a thick gush of milk out from her six udders.

“When you’re done with her asshole, how about you come over here and fuck my pierced and stretched cow girl udders?” she cooed, winking.

Lucy’s milky cow cleavage fuck tunnel looked hot and inviting, and it was enough to drive me over the edge. I shot three or four thick streamers of bull come into Bibi’s stretched gaping asshole, then ripped my cock out, leaving her pink assflesh hanging out from her sphincter. She reached around and stroked her flesh.

I turned to Lucy, pushed her against the barn pillar, and began sliding my cock up in between her linked udders, squeezing my meat into the squished tit flesh, and pushing the milky mounds out to the side. Her already stretched nipples stretched even longer, reaching several inches and opening the piercing holes painfully wide, but it didn’t even seem to bother her. Her six big milky tits were soft and warm around my monster horse-shaped bull cock. As I began a steady rhythm, the head of my cock popped out from the top of her tit-tunnel with each stroke. She stuck out her tongue and teased the wide, gaped horse-shaped head of my cock.

Lucy wrapped her arms around her tits and squeezed them even tighter against my cock. I shot a thick load of bull juice across her face. She smiled, licking her lips and chin with her long tongue. I ramped up the pace and pounded her cow-tit fuck tunnel, lubricated by her milk. All six of her tits quivered, her long nipples stretched even longer, her tongue continued to tease the end of my horse-shaped cock.

I glanced over at Alina, Shawna, and Bibi. They were having another gaping, fucking, sucking cow pile. There were a lot of quivering titties on display.

The sight of all these women with six udders was a little too much for me, and I shot several thick loads of bull juice across Lucy’s face. I slid my cock out of her boob-tunnel and leaned back. I felt hands pull me back from behind and push me into a chair. My wife appeared in front of me, having done the same trick Lucy did, linking her udders together and building a tit-fuck tunnel between. She knelt down and pulled my still-throbbing monster cock up the tight cleavage between her big milky tits.

“Do you like my new udders?” she asked, rotating her tits around my cock.

“More than you can imagine,” I replied, unloading a fresh shot of semen across her face.

The fuck scene continued for another hour before we finally slowed down.


All eyes now turned to Saturday. Finally we were going to turn Helga into a wolf and cement the bond between pack and farm. That day had been delayed twice, but it looked like it was finally going to happen.

Since my mother was now my other alpha, she was expected to participate in the ritual as well, and all three of us were nervous and excited. All the cows, pigs, sheep, and milk maids were going to attend, and from what I understood, so were all the wolves in the pack. The indoctrination of Helga was more than just turning her into a wolf and joining the pack, it was cementing a special bond between the farm and the pack. The wolves worked with a number of farms and other alternative human enterprises, but ours was special because of our willingness to take in mistreated cows and our other efforts to just be good citizens. So having that connection between the farm and the pack was meaningful to both entities.

And everyone at the farm knew and loved Helga, she was the original cow that got everything started. And she was in demand as the cam operator for the camshows. So the anticipation was high.

The ceremony was scheduled at 7:00 PM Saturday, and the cows were expected to be there by 6:30 at the latest. The wolves had arranged for a chartered bus to bring the entire herd to the ceremony. But Alina, Shawna, and I were supposed to get there a little earlier. It was a chance to show my alphas the wolf den.

When we climbed out of the car, my wife and mom marveled at the stone-and-glass pyramid in front of us. Smash was standing at the front door.

“Great, welcome all of you,” Smash said, smiling broadly. “We are excited you folks are here, both the participants and the spectators. Every one of us here in the pack has been looking forward to this day. Your farm is more than just a business relationship, you guys are our soul mates. Today we formalize that bond. Helga’s new duality symbolizes that eternal friendship.”

“Thank you,” I replied. “We are equally excited. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t give thanks that your pack has taken such an interest in our little enterprise. The fact that we have been able to grow into something bigger and more valuable to the world is due to your guidance. You, your pack, your kind, your friendship, mean the world to us. You are, indeed, our soul mates and we are thrilled to cement that bond.”

Smash pulled us to the elevator and hit the button to the penthouse.

I had visited the penthouse the previous week when the cows were in quarantine. But when the elevator doors opened, my alphas gasped at the breathtaking view.

“They’re here!” cried a very familiar voice. We turned and Helga ran up, hugging me, then Alina, then Shawna. “They’re here! This is so exciting!”

Lyca, Xana, and Tory followed. The alpha and beta wolves wore light robes, but Helga wore some additional clothing to support her heavy cow body.

When Helga disengaged we had hugs all around, then Lyca bowed.

“As I am sure Smash has already mentioned, we are super-excited about this.”

“As are we,” I responded, also bowing.

Lyca gave the girls an abbreviated version of the wolf den tour she had given the milk maids and I a few days before. But despite trying to move swiftly, it was a quarter to 7:00 when we returned to the penthouse.

“We don’t have a lot of time, so let me go over a couple of things, then we can get started,” Lyca said.

Smash appeared carrying a bottle of wine and glasses. I gratefully accepted a glass of the pale fluid as we listened to the instructions Lyca gave us.

Smash disappeared and reappeared wheeling a clothing rack with a animal skin mixture of wolf hide robes for the wolves, and cow hide leather robes for the cows and bull. The leather was soft and supple against my skin, sensual and erotic. I noticed Alina and Shawna also enjoying the feel of the leather. It brought a flush to our skin. The wolf hides on the wolves looked vital and animalistic, causing their skin, too, to flush. A basal, brainstem-level energy wafted through all of us. The night was going to be special.

I noticed that Helga had ditched her special supportive clothes, and now wore a cow leather robe over bare skin. Though she was excited, I knew her enough by now to recognize that, without her special clothes, her cow body was an uncomfortable burden. She was ready to discard in favor of the more lithe wolfen form.

Outside, the sun was setting. I walked over to the window and looked in the direction of our farm. Sure enough, in the distance, against a far hillside, I could make out a spec that was our barn, farmhouse, and the pattern of outbuildings looking like a town in the old west. I could even make out the pool.

I reflected on the insane changes that had happened in the past few weeks. Even if I had been brought into this life hesitantly at first, I would not change today’s life for my life a month ago for anything.

Just enough of the milquetoast Brendan remained to make me an empathetic, compassionate, humane bull. I realized that I didn’t just like my life, I liked who I had become. Brendan the Bull was a person I could love and respect.

Behind me an elevator dinged, and I heard Smash’s mellow voice say “the guests are all assembled”.

We piled into the elevator and hit a button at the very bottom of the stack labeled “DC”. It was below the three basement levels.

My wife boggled when the doors opened, seeing the immense stone cavern before us.

“This is the Den Chapel,” I said to her. “Not to be confused with Forest Chapel, which is where we will finish the ceremony later.”

“Is that natural?” she asked. Lyca nodded. Beyond the glass wall was the immense cavern that had to be a hundred feet across. I had seen this a week before, but to the cows this was a first. The tiered benches were full of people clad in wolf skin or cow skin robes. I surveyed the crowd and down near the front I spotted three key spectators – Lucy, Angela, and Bibi. The rest of the cows were intermingled with the wolves, and everyone seemed happy and chattered cheerfully. Music boomed from a hidden speaker and some of the attendees were dancing in place.

It felt right, festive, like all the best holidays rolled into one.

The attendees had been laughing and chatting, but once the music stopped and Smash announced our presence, a hush fell across the cavern. We walked slowly to the dais and altar in the center of the room.

Lyca led the procession and positioned herself behind the altar facing the crowd. Xana and Tori stood at the ends of the altar. Helga positioned herself in front, I stood next to her. Alina and Shawna positioned themselves next to the beta wolves at the ends of the altar.

Lyca raised her hand and a deafening howl roared through the room as all the wolves called out to her in a wolf-like song. The cacophony lasted about fifteen seconds before Lyca lowered her hand and the crowd silenced.

She then pointed to Helga, and the audience cheered and clapped. Again, after fifteen seconds, she lowered her hand.

“Welcome my honored wolves. Welcome honored cows, milk maids, pigs, and sheep. Welcome most honored bull and alphas, and welcome honored guests. We are so glad you are here. Tonight is going to be a very special night that has two intertwined ceremonies. First, we welcome our beloved friend Helga into wolfhood and into our pack. And secondly we forge a bond between our wolf pack and our most beloved cow farm.”

She paused and smiled. “Tonight, the lupine and the bovine will be one. There will be milk, there will be seed, and there will be blood.”

A fresh round of cheering erupted in the hall. Lyca let it continue for a moment before raising her hand for silence. She then gestured to Helga, who removed her robe and handed it to Smash, who seemed to always be quietly and helpfully lurking nearby. Helga stood nude in front of the altar, facing the crowd, her milky cow tits hanging in front of her.

“Helga came to us as one of the cows at the Daisies and Clover Farm,” Lyca began. There was a cheer at the mention of our farm, which she allowed for a moment before calling for silence. “She was the first cow of their herd, she was smart, quick with technology, and rapidly became a key member of their herd and their operations. Unfortunately, she was not destined to be a cow for long. Her body did not adjust well to the rigors of a cow’s life, and she was sad and in a lot of pain. She decided that she did not want to be a cow any longer, but didn’t know what life would look like after cowhood. Today, we can say, that life after cowhood for Helga will be amazing.”

Another round of cheers, which Lyca silenced.

“Our cow partners wanted what was best for Helga. We wanted what was best for Helga. Helga wanted to remain part of the farm, and the farm wanted her. What a perfect situation, and one we were able to step into. Tonight, Helga sheds her cow form and becomes what she was truly meant to be. And in doing so, she will help us build the cement that binds this pack and this farm together. Smash, the chalice please.”

Smash again seemed to appear where he needed to be magically. He produced a golden chalice that he handed to Lyca. The alpha wolf placed it on the altar and pulled out a small drawstring bag of herbs that she poured into the cup.

Lyca peeled off her robe and handed it to Smash, who collected the robes from the rest of us standing around the altar, leaving us nude. Xana, Tori, Alina, and Shawna all stretched out their hands and held them above the cup on the altar. Smash handed a sharp stone bade to Lyca.

“Ready?” she asked. The four standing over the chalice all nodded. Lyca sliced open the palms of each of their hands, letting a flow of blood trickle into the chalice, mixing with the herbs. She didn’t cut deep, so the blood flow slowed pretty quickly. Once the chalice was half full, the four women pulled their hands back and used the blood on their palms to smear diagonal lines across their chests going from top left to bottom right.

Lyca lifted up the chalice and swirled it, mixing the blood and herbs, holding it over her head.

“Beloved wolves, what do we say to Helga?” the alpha wolf called.

“Join us, Helga. Be one with us. Run naked through the forest in the full of the moon. Be one with the night. Be of service to all humankind. Bring us love and compassion, and we will show you all the same and more. Come to us, beloved.”

“Yes,” Lyca said softly. “Come to us, beloved. Come to us, Helga.”

She placed the chalice on the altar in front of Helga. The girl who would forever be my first cow reached out and picked up the wolf chalice and turned to me.

“I thank you,” she said, leaning over and kissing me on the lips. “I may become a wolf, but you will forever be my bull.”

Then she turned to the crowd.

“I come to you, by brethren,” she called, and gulped down the blood tincture.

The change was sudden and swift. Helga’s features changed, becoming more aquiline and wolflike. Her canines erupted, giving her soft fangs. Her cow features shrank, her breasts became small mounds, her body light and lithe, her hips narrow.

It all happened all at once. Then the Helga I knew was gone, replaced with the Helga that she truly was meant to be. The sadness and the joy in my heart mingled, separated, and meshed. A tear crept down my cheek.

Lyca spoke up.

“Wolves, welcome your new member.”

The crowd erupted in cheers and Helga raised her hand and waved.

When she turned to me again, she beamed. I could tell she was no longer in pain. Both of our cheeks were wet as she hugged me and kissed me again

“Thank you my bull,” she whispered.

The crowd in the room was still clapping and a murmur had arisen. Lyca called for silence.

“This night is not over. We will now convene to the Forest Chapel for the next part of our ceremony, when blood, milk, and seed will become one, when the vulpine and bovine will become one, and when a pack and a farm will become one.”

A fresh round of cheers went up. Smash handed me my robe, and passed out robes to the others who had discarded them.

This time, however, Helga’s robe was wolf skin.


The crowd made their way to forest chapel. In the week I had spent with the wolves while the cows were recovering from MCGD, I had fucked Lyca or one of her betas almost every day in the forest chapel. I had gotten used to seeing it vacant and secluded. Now was a different story. Torches stood all around the clearing and the benches were filling up with cows and wolves. Lyca, my alphas, and the wolfen betas clustered around the stone altar, while the rest of the crowd took their seats. But they didn’t stay seated for very long. As soon as Lyca climbed atop the altar and discarded her robe, the entire crowd rose to their feet and cheered.

The sense of celebration from the earlier ceremony had intensified and grown. Everyone was looking forward to both the activities of the ceremony, and the massive party that was going to follow.

Lyca dropped her robe and raised her hand. The clearing fell silent.

“Are we ready to get on with this?” she called to the crowd, a big smile across her aquiline features. A roar came from the assembly.

“Then lets do it!” she called.

Smash appeared – like he always seemed to – and handed a stone dagger to Lyca. She knelt down on the altar and pulled me over in front of her, pushing my robe to the ground. She reached down and gave my bull cock several strokes, bringing it to attention, then held the stone dagger in front of me.

“Ready?” she asked. I nodded.

She took the dagger and ran it down her own chest, cutting her skin and creating a deep gash that went from just below her throat down to just below her breasts. A thick, red flow poured down her stomach. Then she took the dagger and made an identical cut in my my own chest. The blood pouring from my chest ran down and coated the base of my cock, turning my balls red.

Lyca coated my cock with the blood from both our bodies, then leaned back on the altar and spread her legs, allowing me to slide my immense blood-covered bull cock into her wolfen cunt. Then I lifted her up and we hugged, our bodies pressed together, our blood mingling. We kissed, then she leaned her head against my shoulder and her breathe tickled my ear as I began pistoning my blood-coated cock in and out of her cunt.

As we fucked, the entire glade had gone silent. All eyes were on the blood-covered fuck that was happening on the altar. Lyca clutched my body, her nails digging into my pecs as I pounded her. She moaned softly, then louder, then finally she leaned back on the altar and arched her back in a crashing orgasm. Her climax drew me along with her, my balls tightened, my bull seed poured into her blood-soaked cunt.

A cheer rose from the crowd. Smash handed stone blades to Xana and Tori. They re-opened the gashes in their palms and poured blood across Lyca’s body as I went back to sliding my cock in and out of her slit. Her eyes were closed and she rubbed the warm blood across her stomach and chest. Shawna and Alina leaned over and squeezed out thick streamers of cow milk across her body.

Then, one-by-one, everyone contributed to the juice that was coating Lyca’s body. The cows, sheep, and pigs all gave milk. Each wolf cut open their palm and poured out blood. My milk maids tried to get away with just milk like the other cows, but I insisted they take out their cocks and add their thick seed to the mix.

By the time everyone at the ceremony had approached the altar, Lyca and I were covered in blood, milk, and semen. The stone altar itself was slippery with fluid. Lyca rolled over on all fours and I knelt on the altar behind her and began thrusting in and out of her cunt wolf-style with reckless abandon, bringing us both to several more climaxes, until we finally collapsed on the altar, laying on the slippery stone, catching our breath.

It was done. The herd and the pack were one.


The party lasted all night, all the next day, and through the following night. Dawn on the second morning finally brought the festivities to a close. It had been a wonderful, beautiful and amazing ceremony.

And it had been a beautiful few weeks since Helga first appeared on my front lawn.

The bond between pack and herd stayed strong, and the boundaries between the two slowly melted away until they essentially became one entity. Between the two, we are bringing in a very healthy income, much of which we use for charitable purposes.

Our income was further supplanted by most cows opting to follow in Alina’s, Lucy’s and Angela’s footsteps and get more udders. Our cow farm is now hosting lots of cows with six huge cow-tits full of intoxicating, saffron cow girl juice. As a bull, loving big cow tits is in your makeup, so I could not be happier.

Alina, Shawna, and I remain together, helming the cow side of the equation. Lyca and Xana continue to be in charge of the wolfen side. A few weeks after the ceremony, Tori started expressing an interest in becoming a cow. She has since joined the herd, and Lyca has elevated another one of her daughters – Freya – to be her other beta.

Lucy is still in the herd, but Angela decided she wanted to be a wolf. She joined the pack but still remains active in running the farm.

Tori and Angela’s changes are just one more bond in the cement that holds pack and herd together.

Bibi still owns the bottom of the cow milking order. Though I have told her all is forgiven, she seems to like being the lowest cow whore at the farm.

We’ve expanded twice more and are still accepting any mistreated cows, pigs, or sheep, regardless of where they are from. We have added three more milk maids to keep the girls all happy, and I have relaxed the rules about the milk maids keeping their cocks hidden. I made peace with the fact that I like milk maid cocks.

And, with that, I guess we have come to the part where we say “…and they lived happily ever after.”

THE (very happy) END(ing)