Far From the City’s Bustle


It seemed to her like a crazy idea at first, to go out on a boat ride like this. When you went out with a boy, everybody knew you went to a movie or maybe an amusement park, or you went to sit on a bench or just hang around on the street. Of course some of them just wanted to park somewhere, but Jasmine didn’t go for that — or only for part of the date. This boat thing was really different from anything she had ever heard of anybody doing.

And she found that it really was different. The sky was beautiful, blue and full of clouds, and living in the city she never thought to look up at it at all. The water looked very nice, and there were actually little fish living in it. Jasmine never would have thought that fish would live in a lake right in the city, though she had know for about all her life the lake was there; she had stood by it many times and thrown stones in it.

But Bobby was different too, she guessed. She had gone out with him twice now, and he hadn’t tried to get his hand on her breasts, let alone get into her pants. He just talked to her and they got to know each other. Bobby did kiss her, but he did not even do that much. Less than she was getting to want, in fact.

Bobby had told her they would be out in the bright sunlight, so she wore a light white dress, and even the big white hat she wore to church when she visited her grandmother. That made her dark brown skin look more beautiful than ever to Bobby, but he did not say so. At least not when he met her.

Bobby paid the old white man who rented the boats for three hours use. Jasmine thought that was an awfully long time to just row around, but he had not said what he had in mind beyond going out in the boat.

He stepped into the boat, then took the wicker basket from her, then took her light chocolate hand to help her make the little hop to get in. And what was that blanket for that he had?

He headed straight out from shore and Jasmine lay back and watched the sky and the water — and Bobby. He, on the other hand, just faced her and only looked around once in a while to check where he was as he rowed.

“The perfect picture of a lady of leisure taking pleasure in an outing on a sunny day,” he said to her.

“And you are the old-fashioned gentleman companion indulging her pleasure,” she replied.

“I would certainly like to provide you with as much pleasure as I can.”

She decided not to answer that one. It could lead to too much, for all the carefully innocent wording. She studied the half-visible fish that swam by the boat, and hoped the blush she felt did not show.

When they were a little past the middle of the lake, she said, “Are you just going to the other side? I’ve never been there that I remember, but it doesn’t look much different. More trees, maybe.”

“No, I’m not,” he said. “Not really. Those trees aren’t on the other side, but on an island close to it. That’s where I want to go.”

Jasmine’s eyebrows went up in surprise. “How’d you find out about that?”

“It’s on the map of the city, though you have to be almost behind the island to know it’s there. I swam out there the first time when I was about ten. Really I’ve swum there since too, because I like the place. It’s quiet.”

“You like to take girls there in a boat?” she asked. Maybe he wasn’t that much better than the other boys she had known in her seventeen years. She might have to fight him off too.

“No,” Bobby said. “Though I’ll say I’ve thought about it. But you are the first girl I have known who I thought might like it.”

Her mouth opened and she looked at him but she couldn’t think what to say.

The rowboat ran up onto the dirt and Bobby hopped out and pulled it further in so that Jasmine could step onto dry land.

“There are a couple other boats on the lake. You think they are likely to come here?”

“I doubt it,” he said. “I’ve only a few times seen anybody land here. Don’t know why, since I like the place a lot.”

Jasmine looked around, then followed Bobby as he walked away from the water. He stopped at a clearing with enough trees that you couldn’t see the water easily, though it was not far away — on all sides, really. They sat for a while and talked on the picnic blanket Bobby spread out, then ate the lunch he had brought. Jasmine was a little withdrawn at first, fiddling with her big white hat, then cast it aside and became more comfortable. Then he lay on his back and looked into the sky. Jasmine joined him, a little hesitantly. This, she thought, was the point where he was going to see what he could make her do.

Well, yes and no. He put his brown arm around her, supporting her head, but he just talked for a while. Then he paused and told her how beautiful she looked in that dress, wearing that big white hat. She wanted to compliment him too, but the words would not come. She was not used to being told a thing like that when it not only was appropriate but might even be sincere. She just stared into his eyes; he stopped speaking and looked to her face. He kissed her, but after she had expected it and indeed after she wanted it. He never forced her, did not even really seem to lead her, but the time came when her whole body tingled with emotions and sensations he had aroused in her, her mouth almost ached from the exploration of his tongue, and his hand was gently brushing the black tip of one bare raised nipple — for she had not worn a bra under that light white dress.

Jasmine got to her feet, closed the top of her dress, and kissing his hand said, “I’ll be back soon. I want to think alone.”

She stepped back the twenty feet or so to the rowboat. She looked out at the water, around at the trees, and back to where Bobby lay patiently on the blanket, looking into the heavens and not at the excited and troubled girl.

Jasmine took several deep breaths while she thought. Why was this boy who seemed not to be trying able to do so much more to her and make her want to do so much more with him? And (in more than one way) what should she do?

When she turned at last back from the lake, Bobby was standing and turned in her direction but looking at the ground. She walked to him and kissed his lips as his face rose towards her.

That kiss began gently but did not remain so. His arms went around her as the kiss deepened, and in time her body sagged as he leaned forward. All the electric tension she had felt before returned, more quickly now as her breasts were pressed against his, as his hard manhood pressed against her.

Jasmine straightened, stepped back, raised her hands to his neck. “Make love to me,” she said as she unbuttoned his shirt.

As the shirt came off, and his brown expanse of muscle was bared to her eyes and hands, and the shirt fell gently to the ground, he kissed her again. Bobby’s fingers took the buttons of her light white dress down until she need only shrug to stand before him naked except for the panties that stood out against her brown skin and made him want her more.

When Bobby had removed his trousers, he stepped with Jasmine to the edge of the blanket and held her hands as she sat, then lay, on it. He knelt and joined her. Their shoes were set aside by each other, with interruptions for gazes and touches and kisses, then Jasmine’s hand entered his shorts to touch and hold and caress what she found there as his tongue entered her mouth again. As he knelt over her to circle his tongue tip round the little peak rising from one breast, she tugged the shorts off.

His fingertips, hands, and lips and tongue brushed her, rubbed her, teased her, kissed her, from knees to forehead. Except for the portion of her still covered, where the effect of his caresses were most felt as he progressed; that he skipped over and never touched.

She lay back as Bobby lifted her hips and removed her last garment, revealing her last and most hidden beauty. As he lay beside her, her lips sought his mouth once more while his fingers sought and caressed those other lips between her legs.

It was soon as clear that she was ready to accept him there as it was obvious that he was ready to enter her. Her legs drifted apart and she softly said, “I want you very much.”

He took from the blanket the little foil packet which he had dropped there from his trousers. Bobby half-rose and knelt between Jasmine’s open legs. His hand guided the head of his shaft to her entrance and he paused.

“I want you very much,” she repeated.

“I want you,” he replied, and he moved his hips.

With a few moments, a few increasing strokes, he stopped in surprise.

“You’ve never…” he whispered.

“I want you!” she said fiercely.

“Neither have I,” he replied.

And there came a gentle stretching, and a release, and her face changed from determination to a growing wonder.

As Bobby raised his hips to withdraw, before slowly sliding in deeper, he wondered if the lubrication she had produced was now tinged with red, if there was blood on the latex that was all that separated them. The thought gave him an extra impulse to move forward and the additional force of his deepest lunge made Jasmine gasp.

Bobby had heard that long slow strokes would allow him to keep going until a woman was thoroughly satisfied. The truth of that he could not judge here, with his inexperience and the tightness of her equally untried tunnel. All he knew was that he lasted as long as he could, that it was an eternity of heaven, and that it was over much too quickly.

Jasmine, however, was plainly very happy. She felt the impact of his squirting semen through the barrier at the perfect moment to send a convulsion of ecstasy through all of her body.

She surprised herself by suggesting that they dip naked into the lake, crouching until they entered the water, going to the side away from the land to avoid being seen. They dressed later, wanting to do it all again but unsure that their bodies could. The old man was grumpy but did not charge them extra for being a half-hour late bringing the boat back.