Enslaving Rico Part 2

A First Cup

It was Monday morning and Rico woke up with a semi hard cock he grabbed his dick only to realize he was bound by the cock cage that Ben put on him. The cock cage was preventing him to jerk off. He was naked in his bed as instructed and all cameras in the room were recording his every move, of course on the other side of the camera was Ben. Rico got up and got dressed for school he wore jeans and the school jersey. He came down stairs and he poured himself a cereal. Rico’s parents are researchers so they were always not around however because of this he enjoys luxuries in life for example his very own car. The doorbell rang he got up and opened it. It was his nightmare, Ben.
Ben: Good morning slave!
Rico: Good morning…..master. Did you read my text? Please take it off. I have a game this afternoon I can’t play with that thing on my dick.
Ben: sure sure I am giving you mercy since you obeyed everything I ask without question up until this point. However after the game you will drive me back here at your house since you have to repay the kindness I granted. Now strip so I can get it off slave!

Rico began to strip. Ben marvelled once again by the jock’s body. It was really toned and had very bulging muscles. Rico’s dick was flaccid and Ben didn’t bother to make it hard since there is a game this afternoon and Ben wanted to see Rico play his best, after all it was a good thing that Rico is MVP it was more rewarding to humiliate someone with high regards of themselves. Ben took off the cock cage playing with the MVP’s cock while doing so.
Ben: now drive me to school slave.
Rico: but I can’t be seen with you….master. I if any of my friends sees you with me they might ask questions.
Ben: well you have to think of something to tell to your friends about me or I will just send them the video then you don’t have to drive me to school.
Rico: Fine, Lets go. Coach doesn’t like late comers especially when there is a game.
It was only 10 seconds in the 4th quarter with the score of 67-68 in favor of the Eagles, (school rival). The Fire Tiger MVP Rico dashes though number 5 and counter dribbles to evade the guarding center to finish with a slam dunk it was buzzer beater shot. Fire Tigers Wins the game with the miracle shot of the MVP Rico. Everyone in the crowd was cheering. Tory, Rico’s girlfriend rushes to Rico and gave him a huge kiss. Tory was a red head hottie, she is one of the most beautiful girls in school her popularity was boosted by dating the most popular jock.
Tory: congratulations MVP! I am so proud of you!
Rico: thanks did you see what I did. I was on fire!
Tory: yeah yeah so are we going on a date tonight?

Rico saw Ben in approaching.
Rico: Maybe some other time you know my teammates when we win the game we hang out and celebrate together with coach.
Tory: I understand it was afterall your big night spend it well
Rico: I will see ya!

Tory left Rico and goes to her friends.
Ben: so Tory how is she? She looks so happy dating the most valuable player in the game.
Rico: Please leave her out of this.
Ben: I can’t make promises. So let’s go now!
Rico: but but my teammates and coach are here.
Ben: do I look like I care? Make something up fast!

Rico got to his teammates and coach only to reason out that he was feeling very tired and needs to get home he was also behind some homework and coach would not like that so they let Rico go. As soon as Rico and Ben got to Rico’s house, Ben went to Rico’s Bedroom.
Ben: so I see you placed the cameras in all directions. I will adjust their positions. Strip! And lay on the bed legs spread!
Rico obeyed he was really sweaty from the game but he just obeyed and laid on his back. He was a bit sore from the game but he wasn’t going to disobey now that Ben was talking about Tory. One of the worst thing he fears was Tory discovering all his unfaithfulness.
Ben: so did you ever do it with Tory?
Rico: what do you mean?
Ben: Did you two have sex already? Dumbass!
Rico: No we made a promise that we will do it on prom night.
Ben: Wait so you are telling me you are a virgin?
Rico: Shut up! You don’t understand we were together for so long.
Ben: Answer yes or no.
Rico: Yes, I am a virgin.
Ben: not even a blowjob?
Rico: nope I made a promise to her and also I want my first time to be special.
Ben tied Rico’s arms and legs to the bed posts.
Ben: so you are telling me that you are saving yourself up for your girlfriend or someone special? Well you better think of me as someone who is special.
Rico: No! no! no!, please don’t give me a blowjob, please don’t! I have my promise to Tory please.

Ben moves his face towards Rico’s dick and began licking it despite Rico’s protests. Ben started to lick the foreskin while rubbing Rico’s shaft. He also fondled Rico’s balls with the other hand. Rico was now moaning while pleading to Ben. All of Rico’s manhood was getting action.
Ben: you know you are hot Rico, haha! I bet all the girls in the gym wanted you but here you are in your own bed while a gay guy plays with your cock.
Rico blushed and can’t believe that his cock was being sucked by a nerdy gay guy but he was helpless. He was tied on his bed and even when he is not bounded he doesn’t have the power to stop what was happening. Ben started to suck the foreskin and soon Rico’s cock was 7inch hard.
Ben: I see that you can’t fully grow into the 9inch dick I saw in the video without you being very aroused.
Ben decided to swallow the whole 7inch cock he was now sucking Rico’s cock very fast however Rico’s dick was not growing into the 9inch he boasts.
Ben: I think I need to pull back your foreskin fully. I want to see your virgin cock.
Rico: please…don’t!!!! No one has ever seen my full 9inch dick with my foreskin fully pulled back please!

Rico was already losing energy to plead because of the overwhelming sensation of being sucked for the first time and also cause of his exhaustion from the game. Ben decided to spit at the edge of the foreskin to serve as lubricant and with one powerful tug at the base of the foreskin he bares the head of Rico’s cock fully it was so pink and precum spurted out as the head was exposed. Rico’s blushing was really evident now.
Ben: what? Are you shy? that me your nerdy classmate has finally seen all of your cock Hahaha! I better taste this cock head now.
Ben suck on the exposed sensitive cock head and Rico’s dick began to grow to a full hard raging 9 inch stick. Rico’s legs began to spread wider and his hips were moving now.
Ben: I see that you are enjoying this. Your moving your hips for me to suck on your dick more.
Rico: shut up! This.. is..my first so…
Ben stopped sucking and slapped Rico in the face.
Ben: one more time you say rude things to me and I will punish you more.
Rico: I am sorry.

Ben started sucking again this time with lots of concentration on Rico’s now exposed frenulum. Rico’s body started spasming.
Ben: Are you cumming?
Rico: Yes! Yes! Yes! please stop I am cumming!

Ben got a cup and the load started spilling out of the cock slit into the cup. Rico filled the whole cup.
Ben: now for your punishment for telling me to shut up and also for taking off the cock cage because of your game. You are going to taste and drink your own cum.
Rico: whaaaat? I can’t please don’t I am not gay like you! I can’t I don’t want to!
Ben: well you don’t have a choice open your mouth!

Rico didn’t obey; Ben then got out Rico’s phone and searched Tory’s profile.
Ben: now I can send everything I have from the video to your nude pictures to Tory and even to Mrs. Dayworth I hear that 90 year old dinosaur wants the school’s heartrob too.
Rico finally surrendered all protest and opened his mouth. Ben smiled and poured half of the semen into Rico’s mouth.
Ben: don’t swallow it yet gargle it until I tell you to swallow it.
Rico couldn’t believe what he had done; He is tasting his own seed. It didn’t taste bad at all it tasted salty and slimy but he still feels like gagging it all out.
Ben: Open your mouth filled with your cum slave!
Rico opened his mouth then Ben took photo of Rico’s face while he has spunk inside his mouth.
Ben: now swallow your cum! I want all of it gone when you open again your mouth!
Rico gulped down all of the cum followed by another batch of his cum from the cup, this goes on 3 times as Ben was carefully rationing Rico’s semen.
Ben: so what do you feel tasting and eating your own cum? You realized that I made the MVP taste and swallow his own spunk on camera!
Rico didn’t respond he couldn’t look Ben in the eyes anymore like he was now broken. After filming Rico taking a shower Ben proceed into his bag and emptied the contents.
Ben: I have new instructions for tomorrow you are not going to take this off unless I tell you to.
Ben placed a vibrator to Rico’s cock head and taped it securely. The vibrator was then covered by the foreskin. It was a bean shaped vibrator. He then placed the remote and taped it to Rico’s left thigh. He then placed a condom on the cock and taped it securely.
Ben: my advice for tomorrow wear a thick underwear, now drive me home and don’t bother getting dressed, you are driving in the nude.
Rico was now in a robot like trance he was just following orders without emotions since he can’t get the fact that It was his first time getting a blowjob thus breaking a promise he kept for almost 2 years with Tory and He tasted his own cum for the first time in his life. He felt like he wasn’t a man anymore.

End of Part 2