Duplex girls

This story itsn’t real and probably shouldn’t happen.

I recently moved into a duplex. It was the first place I had a chance to live by myself. Before I’ve lived with my parents or roommates, I welcomed the change.
I was in my early thirties and in fairly decent shape. And had a decent amount of money that allowed me to work out of the house. Unfortunately I was single at the time which left me horny.
The family living next consisted of a woman and her four daughters. The oldest a fifteen year old frequently argued with her mother. I often ended sitting on the front porch listening to them. The youngest two of her daughters cute ten and nine year olds sat outside as well.
“Do they do this a lot?” I asked them.
“Only after dad left,” said Katie the ten year old. She a cute blonde haired blue eyed kid.
“You two get your asses back in here,” said their mother. She was blonde haired like her youngest three daughters. The oldest was brunette. The woman looked at me and gave me a smile. “Hi.” She was obviously just trying to be friendly.
It was my third week at the duplex. I recently learned that the halves were separated by a door in the basement. It was also where the washing machine and dryer was. I saw the door and decided to give the door knob a twist. It opened surprisingly easy. I gently shut it. I walked upstairs.
I heard another round of arguments the next day. It was much worst then the others. I heard a slap and the fighting ended. The back door opened and closed. So I listened to the conversation.
“You know Katie and Kelly I wouldn’t have gotten made at Kerri if she hadn’t said those things about Joe,” said the woman.
“We know,” said Katie. I realized that I hadn’t seen the twelve year old hardly at all. I became very curious. I knew what to do. I walked out the back yard.
The young girls had turned on a sprinkler and ran around the backyard. Katie wore a white t-shirt and red bikini bottoms and Kelly wore a red bikini top and shorts. I suspected they were sharing the same swimsuit.
“I heard the arguing and wondered what was going on?” I asked.
“Hi, Bryan,” said Kelly. Katie walked up. Her shirt was plastered to her body. I saw the shapes of her nipples underneath the light fabric.
“Mom and Kerri keep getting into fights about Kori,” said Katie. She didn’t seem to mind or notice that I was staring at her chest.
“What happened with Kori?” I asked. I was actually very curious.
“She said Uncle Joe touched her, but mom said her brother wouldn’t do that,” said Katie. I talked with the girls for a few more minutes before I learned of their situationKerri and Kori had the same father, and Kati and Kelly had the same father, but their dad. Their mother’s last husband was their stepfather and he left as soon as she defended her brother.
I stayed to watch the two girls play. They didn’t notice the way I was staring at them. Kelly’s top slid down and I saw her nipples. I couldn’t help, but stare at them. She saw me and waved.
“Come in girls,” said their mother. “Hi. I saw you hadn’t had any women around lately.” She adjusted her shirt to show some cleavage.
“Work’s kept me busy,” I replied.
“Wait, don’t come in here with those clothes on,” said the woman.
“Won’t he see us?” asked Kelly.
“If he wanted to see you naked her probably would have already,” said their mother. I watched as the girls stripped naked. Katie turned around to wave at me. Their mother handed them one big towel to share between them.
Kelly toweled off first. It gave a chance to see Katie as best as I could. I resisted to urge to smile at her smooth ass. Her little nipples were just being to puff out. Her pussy was hairless and tiny. I wanted so much to touch her. I wondered just how oblivious her mother was.
“Bye,” said Kelly. She walked inside. Katie toweled off.
“Do you work at home?” asked the woman.
“Yes,” I said. “I’m pretty much here all day.”
“That’s good. So if I wanted to come over for a drink we could have one,” said the woman.
“Yes, I replied. I went back inside and thought about the two young girls. I had a rock hard erection. Since I was alone in my place I decided to take care of it. I stripped off my clothes and sat down on the couch.
Katie’s smooth pussy and tight ass kept me hard. The image of me licking her and then spreading her pussy lips open before pushing my dick into her brought me close to orgasm, but I suddenly imaged Kelly telling me no as I assfucked her caused me orgasm hard. Exhausted I took a nap.
It was after ten when I heard the front door open and close. Two girls carried suitcases outside. The shorter one looked pregnant. They got into a car. It drove off. I sat back on the couch. A few minutes later there was a knock on the front door. I pulled on a pair of boxers and opened it. Katie stood outside wearing a long t-shirt.
“Kerri and Kori left,” she said. “Can I call my mom?”
“Yes,” I replied. I let her use my cellphone. I then talked to the woman. “Yes, I’ll watch them.” I hung up the phone. “Do you know there’s a door between our places?”
“No,” said Katie. I lead her down to the basement. I showed her the basement door and opened it for her. “I tried to open it before, but I was stuck.”
“I guess it was locked from this side. I’ll escort you back up,” I said. I followed behind the girl as we walked up the basement stairs. I saw up her t-shirt. She wasn’t wearing any panties. From what I could tell. Their mother left them alone with their older sisters, but now I might be expected to watch over them. I smiled as I looked up at Katie’s pussy.