Dungeons & Dragons & Sluts

They were an awkward bunch. The most unlikely group you think you would see. But then again I guess adventuring attracts characters from all walks of life.

Bardin, although being the shortest of the lot, was the first I noticed. Having closed the tavern door behind me it was his loud grunting of words that rose above the ideal chatter that filled the Dripping Wench. I quickly located the source of the grunting and identified him to be a short brown-haired dwarf with a sizable beard. He seemed to be dressed in combat leathers and carried himself in a way not dissimilar from members of the rogues guild. Next to him, but also above, as she was considerably taller, was Elara. A middle aged elvish woman who donned a silk shirt that clung to her ample cleavage, loose brown pants, and a long bow strapped to her back. To her left was the excitable young woman I would come to know as Fienie. She leant over the table, her elbows propped up with her chin resting on her hands. Her back was bent slightly, accentuating her nice rear which was constricted by tight, black leather pants.

“Hi my name’s Fred” I boldly announced to the three of them. “I’m looking for adventure, do you have room for a fourth?”

“I’m Bardin. What can you do, pipsqueak? We could use another pair of hands, but only if the contribution matches a quarter of the cut.” Said Bardin.

“I’m a fighter.” I said as I unsheathed my shortsword. “There’s nothing I can’t slash with my trusty sword.”

Fienie stood up, wrapped her hand around my bicep and looked toward Baridn and Elara. “We could use a handso- I mean strong fighter. Gods know you two don’t get anywhere near the front line.”

I tensed up slightly as the cute girl grabbed me. Fienie must have been no older than 19 and boi was her physical contact doing stuff to my body.

“He looks adequate” came judgingly down from Elara.

“Then it’s settled, you can join the group.” Bardin declares before rolling out a bounty poster on the table. “Now everyone listen up, I’ve got us a job. There’s a small group of goblins hiding out in a cave 2 days west from here. Farmers from the next town over have put up a bounty of 30 gold pieces for whoever can wipe them out.”

“Oooh I love killing goblins” says Fienie a little too eagerly.

Just then a waitress came over to our table. With a hand down her pants and a somewhat pleasured expression on her face she began “Can I get you brave adventures another moan* round of ale.”

“Yes, another round! Let’s enjoy the pleasantries of the tavern before we head out tomorrow.” Says Elara.

“I’ll be right back then” The waitress says before turning and heading back to the bar. She wore a tight top that pushed her breasts up and baggy pants that were covered by a long apron. When she turned around a wet patch could clearly be seen on her pants at the base of her bum.

“Fuck I love this tavern” say Fienie.

“Yes, who knows of a tavern that can better live up to its name than the Dripping Wench.” adds Bardin.

Half an hour went by laughing with Bardin and Elara before I realised that not only had our ale not arrived but Fienie had disappeared. I walked over to the bar and found the waitress standing there leaning on the bench.

“Wench. What happened to our ale.” I asked, clearly annoyed.

“Oh. Sorry.. Sir… moan* I… got a bit.. Distracted” struggled the waitress. Thinking something has got to be up I peered over the bar and there was Fienie on her knees eating out the waitress.

“Oh my gods.” I said, my jaw dropped in disbelief. The waitress, still in a state of pleasure, didn’t seem to notice me as I stood there staring. Fienie on the other hand did. She glanced up at me, a mischievous glint in her eyes and winked.

“Hey Fred” She said, her voice muffled by the waitress’s pussy. “Wanna join in?” Frozen and unsure of what to do I remember thinking to myself, this is one hell of a girl.

“Uh, sure if there’s room that is.” I stammer as I feel my face go somewhat flush. Fienie laughed in a way that was both playful and also predatory. “Don’t be shy, climb on over, the taste is so refreshing.” Bardin, who had been watching the whole scene unfold with a knowing mixture of amusement, cleared his throat loudly.

“Oi, you two! Enough with the public display! We’ve got a journey ahead of us tomorrow.”

Elara, who had somehow gotten a hold of a cup of wine and had been sipping it with a bored expression, finally spoke. “Yes, Bardin is right. We should be getting some rest. We have a long walk ahead of us.”

Fienie, with a final lick of the waitress’s clit pulled away and stood up. “Alright, alright” she said disappointedly to the group before turning towards me and adding “Sorry Fred, another time perhaps.” Then the waitress came down from her high and looked around in confusion.

“What? What happened? Where did you all come from? I swear I was just cleaning the cups. Last thing I remember was… you” said the waitress pointing at Fienie.

“Oh I tripped and fell behind the bar. I must’ve knocked you and in turn you must’ve knocked your head.” She said charmingly and in a way that the waitress seems satisfied with.

“Wait did you…” before lowering my voice to a whisper as we walked to our rooms “Did you do magic on her?”

“Haha, If by ‘do magic’ you mean beseech my devilish patron to grant me the power to put our cute waitress into a trance then… yes.” she said with a cheek before entering her room and giving me a wink before closing the door.

I said goodnight to the others as they also disappeared into rooms before doing the same. “Well they are an awkward bunch” I said to myself as I laid there in bed. “But I think I’m going to have a lot of fun.”