Devil’s Island CH 8

8. Evening

“Now Gina. I want you to understand you are not being punished for anything. This is a training session. There are few things wrong with how you are lying. Do you know what that might be?”

Gina thought for a moment. She was on the bed on her belly like she had been told.

“Oh, I should have taken off my panties Master.”

“No that isn’t it, but it was a good answer.”

“When you are waiting for a cropping or canning you should have your hands on the back of your head with fingers locked. Your legs should be together and straight.” He bent down and put her legs together.

“I’m sorry Master.” Gina put her hands behind her head.

“You are still learning so it is fine. Next time you must remember however. A few more things you need to know before I give your ass a workout. You can scream but you must not move. If you move, the blow won’t count. You must count the blows aloud. If you lose count, we start from the last correct count again. At the end no matter how badly, you hurt you must never forget to thank me. Any questions?”

” No Master.” Gina was nervous. She had never been spanked before.

Master bent over her and rubbed her ass cheeks through her panties. Gina lay still and waited. The ass rubbing made her pussy start tingling. The waiting was nerve racking. He kept rubbing her ass and Gina was getting wet. Then her panties were pulled down to just under her ass. Swish. Swat the first blow landed right across both of her cheeks.

“AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE.” Gina screamed but she remained in place.



Gina screamed again. The second blow hit her parallel to the first but a little higher up. Her ass stung.



“AAAARRRGGHHH” Gina yelled. The third blow was above the second.



“AAAAIIIEE” Gina found it helped to scream. She felt tears in her eyes.


SWAT. The fifth blow fell. Again, Gina screamed.


SWAT. Gina hollered more loudly this time. She now had six parallel stripes

across her ass.


SWAT. This time she really felt the pain. This blow was laid across the others.


“Seven.” She sobbed.

SWAT. Again, the blow was laid across the others parallel to the first cross



“Eight” Gina felt the stinging and burning on her ass. When Master bent down and rubbed her ass the fire was felt more intensely. How many was she getting Gina wondered. She wasn’t sure she could take much more. Master reached under her and stuck a couple of fingers in her pussy. He had been right she was wet. Gina hadn’t realized she was wet until Master’s fingers entered her and probed her pussy. Why was she wet when her ass was burning?

Master gave her no time to think with his fingers still inside her he delivered the next blow.

SWAT. Another cross blow landed on her ass but from the other direction this time. Gina’s pussy grabbed on to his fingers. He smiled.

“Nine.” Gina sobbed.

SWAT. Gina now had six parallel red stripes with a double X crossing over them.

“AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAARRRGGGGGGGGHHH.” Gina’s ass was on fire and tears rolled down her face. Still she was very wet. Master started to rub her clit and between sobs, she started bucking against them.


Master rubbed her harder and to Gina’s surprise, she felt her climax building. She bucked against his fingers again and raised her ass a tiny bit.


“May I cum?” She forgot to add Master in her aroused state.

“Go ahead.” Gina let go and her orgasm hit like a ton of bricks. At that precise moment, Master rubbed her ass hard. She felt the pain on her ass and the pleasure in her pussy.

“Ummmmaaaoooummm” Gina moaned. Master just smiled. She would take to pain like a duck to water. Master pulled his fingers out and held up to Gina’s mouth. Without delay, she sucked and licked them clean of her own juices.

“Thank you Master.”

“Did you enjoy that Gina?”

“Ummm. Well parts of it anyway Master.”

Master laughed. He sat down and stroked her hair and her back. Gina felt the burning but she also felt the gentle touch of Master and his words warmed inside her when he said.

“You did very well. You never moved or lost count. Not many slaves manage that their first time with the crop.”

“Thank you Master.”

“Now go and fix your face and look at your ass but don’t pull up your panties.”

“Yes Master.”

Gina stood up and went over to the washbasin her mascara had run with her tears and face was a mess. She looked in the full-length mirror and saw her new design on her bright red welt were on her ass. She touched her ass and winched. Her ass was sensitive to any touch and hurt. She washed her face and applied new make-up then went over to the dining table were Master was sitting.

“Sarah is on her way with dinner.” He said.

There was a knock on the door and Master went to open the door. Sarah was a

petite blonde with very long hair.

She had large breasts and was of course wearing stockings and heels. What caught Gina’s eye were the two gold rings in her nipples. A small gold chain ran between the rings. Two more chains ran from each nipple ring down over her belly and ended up in the ring trough her clit. Her hood had been removed and her clit

was at least an inch long. Three more rings were inserted in each of her inner pussy lips. The lips had been stretched and protruded some two inches. When she turned around Gina could see her hair went all the way down to her ass. She was a beautiful woman and her bush was golden and thick but trimmed in a neat triangle.

“Sarah meet Gina.”

“Hello Gina. I’m Sarah the kitchen slave.”

“Hello Sarah. Nice to meet you.” Gina replied.

“Nice to meet you too. Hopefully we will get to know each other much better

soon.” Sarah said.

“Feeling horny Sarah? Would you like some relief?” Master said with a smile.

“Yes, to both questions, Master.” Sarah answered.

“You may take Devil to your room tonight if dinner is excellent.”

“Thank you Master. I’m sure you will enjoy dinner; it is one of your favorites. Banana chicken with rice.”

“Very good. Sit down Gina.”

Gina very gingerly tried to sit down. She grimaced as she sat. Sarah smiled.

“Oh dear first time with the crop? Let me see.”

Gina stood up and Sarah touched her ass very gently.

“Oh yes. You have some very nice welts there. Sitting will be a bit difficult for a day or so.”

“Yes.” Gina said and gingerly sat down again.

“Sarah would love to nurse your red ass tonight. She gets very turned on by a red ass, Gina.”

“Oh yes Master. May I?”

“What do you say Gina? Would you like to spend the night with Sarah or stay her with me?”

Gina liked Sarah she seemed nice, but she never been with a woman before and maybe it was a test of some kind, she thought.

“Which ever would please you Master.” Gina replied.

Master had several fingers in Sarah’s pussy when he pulled them out they were wet. He offered them to Gina and she dutifully licked them like.

“Like how she tastes?”

“Yes, Master she tastes very good.”

Sarah looked hopefully at Gina and then Master. She really would love going down on Gina and have her eat her pussy in return. Gina looked delicious to Sarah.

“I’ll tell you what Sarah. You can crawl under the table and lick Gina’s pussy while we eat. Then tomorrow night when you bring up diner you may stay the night here with us. You may still have Devil in your room tonight though.

Gina felt herself blush. She never had a woman eat her pussy but the idea

excited her.

“Oh, thank you Master. Pull down your panties Gina and let me get between your legs.”

Gina grimaced as she had to adjust her ass to get her panties down, but it was soon forgotten when Sarah’s lips started sucking on her clit. Gina tried to eat but it was difficult with Sarah between her legs. Sarah took her time. As soon she felt Gina getting near her climax, she held off.

“Is she getting wet Sarah?”

“Oh yes she is very wet Master and yummy.”

Master laughed. Sarah was a good slave and Gina would be too. Master finished eating and Gina hurried up to finish her meal as well.

“Ummmm” Gina moaned.

“May I cum Master?”

“Yes, you may Gina?”

Sarah heard that and stuck her tongue deep into Gina’s pussy, flicking her

tongue madly. Gina climaxed.

“Did you enjoy that?”

“Yes, Master very much.” Gina replied.

“Thank you Sarah. You can finish up in the kitchen then go and get Devil. Have a nice night.”

“You too Master. Night Gina.”

“Night Sarah.”

Sarah disappeared with the dishes and Master undressed and went over to sit in bed. Gina pulled her panties back up, followed Master, and knelt by the bed.

“Get your bra and panties off, come up here, and sit beside me.” Gina undressed and again gingerly stretched out beside Master. The sheets felt cool on her ass and it wasn’t so painful to sit in the bed as on the hard dining table chairs. Master put his arm around her pulled her close playing with her left nipple and tit. Gina put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

Meanwhile Sue was hanging from her tits with the strap-on in her ass. Alex had gone to feed the cow, bitch, and Tina.

“What a stinking mess you are. I guess you didn’t enjoy your breakfast since you shitted it out again.” Alex laughed cruelly.

“I better feed you again, so you won’t starve. Tonight’s meal consists of raw meat, raw onions, a little yeast, horse semen and bread crumbs, plus your vitamins and drugs of course.”

Alex started pouring it down the funnel adding water now and again while Tina retched but swallowed. Tina’s whole body ached from the position she was strapped into and she felt sick from the stench of her cage. Alex finished feeding her and gave her tits a couple of swats with her crop.


“Don’t worry I’ll soon start working on those udders of yours. Before you know it, you’ll have a couple of watermelon-sized udders. Won’t that be fun?”


Tina was sick to her stomach, tired and in pain but Alex’s words still scared her. Alex left her to her misery and went to feed Linda.

Linda got the same meal as this morning sugar, bull semen, and eggs with

vitamins her drugs added. Linda would get little else the first week. She let Linda pee and clamped the tube again.

“Tomorrow we work on your suckers again.” She said as she walked away to feed the bitch. Jackie got her usual dog food with the drugs added. Jackie ate her food without delay and Alex removed the bowl and left her in her pen.

Jackie was very sore, but the cream Gina had put on had helped quite a bit. She would get a little sleep at least.

Alex took Sue down and removed the strap-on from her ass.

“Time for bed Sue between my legs all night or you’ll be sorry.”

“Yes Mistress.” Her tits were hurting, and she wouldn’t get much sleep between Alex’s legs. Gina exhausted nearly fell asleep on Master’s shoulder but a light pat on her ass woke her up. Master hooked her hands behind her back and Gina rolled over on her belly.

“Night Gina.”

“Night Master.” Gina was still very sore from the cropping, but she was also very content. It had been a strange day, but she wasn’t unhappy on the contrary, she almost felt at home.