Desires Unhidden 1

Tangerine Dreams

Friday night. A year after graduation from school, I’m a secretary at a consulting firm in San Francisco, and it’s time to go out and have some fun. I may look like a sweet little blonde, but I do have a side to me.. it’s not socially acceptable to admit it, but I have a sexual appetite that I rarely can still. Many of my girlfriends from school don’t talk to me anymore, since their boyfriends found out that it’s easy to talk me out of my panties and onto my knees. And they just don’t understand.. I am not a seductress, but I don’t seem to be able to say no. I didn’t want to hurt my friends, but once a guy starts on me, and touches me in certain ways, I seem to have no self-control.

This Friday, I’m out with some girls from work. It was a long week, and everyone wants to have drinks, dance, maybe find some fun guys. I know it’s more than likely that I’ll end up taking cock again, and I’m in the mood for a good fuck. I know it sounds slutty, putting it that way, but that is the way I think. So, a tight tanktop that shows off my boobs, and stretch jeans are my choice. I decide on a black shelf bra, and a matching g-string, lacey and transparent at the crotch. Black stockings are a must, of course. It makes me feel so sexy just wearing them.

At the club it’s loud. The music is great, and I’ve had a few dances, and been felt up a bit on the dance floor, without really knowing who did it. But I haven’t seen any guys who really get my attention.

Then I see her. I can’t take my eyes off her. Like lots of girls, I am more or less bisexual and have had my experiences, in school and later. But this woman.. my jaw just drops.

She is a bit taller than me, has shoulder length blonde hair. She is dressed in a green and black striped dress that really hugs her body.. and her body can handle it. She obviously keeps fit. She has breasts that are firm, of a size I have always liked, maybe a b-cup. My own breasts are c-cups, they aren’t huge but they always jiggle around and seem a bit in the way. This woman’s body is just tight. And her rear..

What fascinates me most, though, what is making me ignore my friends, and openly stare, that is this woman’s eyes. As I observe her, she seems friendly, normal, and not at all stuck up, but her deep blue eyes are captivating, lending her an intensity which I cannot ignore. They show, there is much more to this woman beneath the surface. Seeing her, I start thinking I don’t need men at all..

Three men accompany her. I can’t tell which one is her partner, if any of them at all, but I can only assume, this beautiful woman gets all the attention she needs.

She catches me staring more than once, and my face reddens every time our eyes meet, but I can’t help myself.

For the rest of the evening, no one who approaches me has a chance. It’s like they no longer really exist. I venture onto the dance floor, trying to regain control of my senses, dancing with a girl from the office. Then.. a tap on my shoulder, and I turn to see the woman who has me so enthralled. She asks for a dance, and I think my heart will jump out of my chest. I blush and accept, not quite believing my luck. “Hi, I’m Natasha.. you can call me Tasha. All my friends do.” The music slows as we talk, and our movements become slower too, slightly seductive. “Hi Tasha, I’m Danielle. Dani, for you, hun.” We talk a bit, unconsciously reducing the space separating us. Our breasts brush, as if by coincidence, but it is no concidence. I feel elated and dizzied by Dani’s attention. By the end of the dance, we are talking intimately. Unusually intimately, for two strangers. “Tasha, I noticed you staring at me.” Dani says with a sweet smile.

I can’t hold it back any longer. “OK, I’m going to be honest. I think you are just gorgeous. I can’t stop looking at you. I’m sorry.. I don’t want to make you feel strange.” “Tasha, hun, seriously, you are such a cutie, yourself! I’m flattered you find me attractive! Come on, let’s get a drink..” taking my hand and leading the way to the bar, where Danielle’s friends are waiting. She introduces me. I am shy at the men’s flirting, although they are all polite.. our drinks arrive. Danielle gives me mine, and a small kiss on my cheek that makes my heart flutter. Then, smiling and laughing, she pulls me onto the dancefloor again, and during a slow number, we hold each other close, and in a magic moment, Dani kisses me on the lips.

I am dazzled by Dani, by her eyes, her touch, her scent. I feel elated at Dani’s kiss, and return it, a bit shyly, very willingly. I want our first kiss to be perfect. But something feels wrong.. I stumble a little. “Oh hun, are you alright?” Dani supports me, somehow my feet aren’t doing what I want them to. “Sweetie, you need some air. Come on, guys help her.. ” Somehow, Dani’s friends were already there..

I remember not being able to stand, and someone holding me.. then, voices, darkness..a slap..


Driving away from the Club. Sitting in the passenger seat, relaxing, pushing my thighs together, I squeeze them against my pussy, feeling the ‘Heat’ stored up inside me, from earlier in the evening.

I hear some struggling and muffled cries from the back. But before I can turn around to look, I hear a hard ‘Slap’, and then, finally silence.

I sigh with contentment…………………….

I knew, as soon as I had seen her, “Natasha” was her name, as I had later found out. I just knew she would be perfect.

The Club was incredibly busy that night, and even louder than usual. So for her to stand out, when I first scanned the room, I knew that she had to be very special.

I looked at my husband and his two friends, and we all made our way over to “her” side of the Club.

She is so pretty. Her face had this innocence, and yet her body, told everyone that saw it, something completely different. Whatever nasty thought would come into your head, her body would accommodate it.

Walking up to the bar, I ‘accidentally’ brushed against her. Touching her hand. She smiles, looking at me.

Reaching for my drink, my breasts press against her, I whisper, “Ooops, I am so sorry hunny”.

I kiss her cheek again, grabbing her hand, and pulling her out onto the dance floor. Holding her, and touching her at every opportunity. Her gorgeous figure, making me fantasize about what would happen later on. The rest of the night, a blur of music, and sex.

And all of this, was before my husband, even put his “trick” into her Vodka and Tonic. We probably didn’t need to use it, but it is so much better to be safe than sorry! Once she finished her drink, I knew there wouldn’t be a struggle at all.

I think deep down, that Natasha was hoping something just like this would happen. Maybe not on this night, but she wanted it. She probably would lay awake at night, and think about being taken, used, fucked. Her tight little body, being played with like a toy. Abused, hurt, raped………………

Sighing, with happiness, I look into the back seat, and watch my Husbands, two friends, bind that same pretty, young, girl’s wrists and ankles together, behind her back.

I giggle as I think that she looks like a little fuckpig, on her way to being roasted. All she needs is an apple in her mouth.

I press my thighs together again….