Dear Diary ~ 9.23.2016

Poor Bean is in love.

We emailed back and forth a lot that first Friday night, well into the morning hours. We talked about his life, I shared some aspects of mine… almost nothing, really… privacy and secrecy is a well-ingrained habit. It turns out I actually am the first girl to ever make him cum, he hasn’t even kissed a girl yet… and strangely, even though he came in my mouth, he still hadn’t kissed a girl.

He went to his bed and he told me he was going to dream about me…. sweet boy…. and I went to bed wondering what the hell I was doing. He is SO not my type by about 20 years. I’ve just never even envisioned myself with a younger guy.

I woke up not even really believing it happened, it was so out of character for me…. but having an email waiting nailed it home. Yeppers, I blew him, heh.

My BFFs were kind of in shock, too…. they know my preferences and tastes. Now they want to meet him, but I know he isn’t ready for that kind of assault, heh.

Anyway we emailed all week…. we have no other classes together, he still takes a bunch of them online. His parents don’t want him being on campus a lot yet, due to the dangerous element (translation: apparently, ‘me.’). I don’t really blame them. And I admit, a couple nights the conversation got kind of hot, and he turned me on, in spite of myself… I wondered if I would take him to the ladies’ room again when I saw him in lab that Friday. I know he was hoping.

But then in class I felt awkward. I knew he wasn’t focusing on the lab, he was always just staring at me, and that kind of ticked me off. I hate doing all the work. I know he knew I was mad.

During the break, “Are you mad at me?”

And I snapped a little, “I need you to focus on the project. Can you just do that please?” and walked away.

I realized afterwards that I was being harsh.

We didn’t speak again in class…. I could tell he was upset and confused. I just don’t know how to speak to younger guys… I felt really bad. I didn’t say anything to him when class ended, I just packed my bag and left.

So after class I emailed him… I told him I was sorry, things were just strange and I am not sure how to properly deal with it.

He answered as soon as he got home… asking if he did something wrong, and to just tell him so he wouldn’t make me mad again… such a sweet boy…

I told him that really, just make sure he focuses on the lab next week, and to make sure he did I told him that science makes me hot… because it actually kinda does…. and who knows what will happen then during the break.

He sent me a LOL and we were cautiously friends again…. and then…

My roommate went home for the Labor Day weekend, so I had my room to myself. He asked me what I was wearing, just panties and a t-shirt, at the time. I asked him, and just a pair of boxers…. and he ended up sending me a dick pic…. which is… well, it was hot, because I remember when I had it in my mouth. He didn’t get anything but me in a bikini, but he said again I was the hottest girl he’d ever seen.

And I ended up playing with myself, and cumming on my fingers, thinking about him.

And I should get to the point of this DD entry…. he talked his parents to coming back on campus Saturday for a “study group.” A study group of two, in my room.


I tortured that poor boy.


He showed up, I was just in sweats and a t-shirt. I was conflicted and I was going to let him in, but I wasn’t going to dress sexy…. I don’t even know why.

And he just takes my hands and tells me how beautiful I am.


I gave him his first kiss, then.

He was bad at it, but so adorable. ๐Ÿ™‚ He didn’t even put his hands on me, he just held mine… sigh.

But I broke the kiss and gave him a half smile, and I had out cushiony chairs set up so he and I could sit and talk… and we did. Things are a little slower talking with him in real life… his stutter is bad, poor thing… but he seemed to relax with me, and we laughed a lot and he shared a lot… and I, of course, stayed closed up.

He was telling me about his dogs and I’m not really paying attention, just looking at his face, trying to see behind his glasses, so I sat on his lap sideways and just kissed him. He got the point. And he even put his hand on my waist after a few moments, but held it there, so afraid to touch me… adorable!

I felt his erection grow under my leg, and I shifted and caressed it through his pants with my fingers, and asked if that was because of me. His face was so red, he just nodded.

“Good.” And then I stood up, turned off the lights, and adjusted the curtains just so, so just the glow of the outside lights was coming in the window. And I got right in that light and pulled my t-shirt over my head…. I was just wearing a light pink bra. I let him look at me, and he said, “Oh my god…” with no stutter. ๐Ÿ™‚

“Now you,” I said, waiting.

He unbuttoned his shirt as fast as he could, I could see his hands shaking. He was thin…. Mr. String Bean… but in the dim light he appeared to have nice skin, and I could see a little muscle tone in his chest and arms and abs… yummy ๐Ÿ™‚ The older guys I have been with… well, I guess when guys get older they lose a lot of their definition or something. Dad bods. ๐Ÿ˜›

“Very nice,” I said, channeling my inner Marielle (read Secret Love if you don’t know her ๐Ÿ˜› )… and I sort of ran my hands over my upper body, over and around my bra, around my breasts. “Do you think I’m sexy, still?”

“Oh my god,” but the stutter was back, I had him flustered.

I smiled, and pulled down my sweats, revealing my matching pale pink, lacey panties. I made sure to stand sideways to him and bend at the waist, I wanted him to see me from the side, in the dark room, in the light from the window, as I bent over. I heard him gasp and smiled as I stepped out of them, and stood and faced him, and I saw him getting out of the seat.

“NO,” I said to him sternly, “sit. No touching until I say.”


“NO BUTS. If you can’t follow directions I’ll get dressed. Is that what you want?”

And he immediately sat. “Good boy.” I let him look at me, and turned, cocked my hips at him, and looked over my shoulder at him as he stared at my butt, in my panties. “Your turn,” I said, turning, crossing my arms, looking at him.

I saw him smile.

He stood, unbuttoned his jeans, pulled them down. He had on the same style boxers from the night in the ladies room…. I could see he was very long and hard, in them. He began to sat, but I said, “Those too,” glancing at his boxers.

He didn’t really hesitate, and now Bean stood before me… not smiling really, I could tell he was feeling a little shy… but it was pointing at me, and I could see it throbbing. I walked up to him, looked up into his eyes, and put my fingertips on it… “Is this for me?”


“Mmmm. It’s very nice.” But then I pushed his chest back and plopped him back into his chair, and I returned to my spot in the light in front of the window, posing just so. He put his hands on the arms as if to get up, and I warned him, “Stay… you better stay.”

He sat back. And I began teasing. I was in the light, in the dark room, caressing my skin, looking at him, looking at his erection… and I could tell he wanted to touch himself. “Were you really playing with yourself when we emailed those nights?” I asked, caressing my nipple over my bra.

“Yes.” (I will dispense with the stuttering… just know he was stuttering.)

“Show me,” I commanded. “Show me how you do it.” I faced him, and crossed my arms, waiting.

And he did… he was slow at first, just sort of using his fingertips, caressing himself… and I’ve got to say, wow, it was hot. And after a few moments I started caressing the skin on my tummy, just sort of lightly touching… getting lower and lower. When my fingers reached the top of my panties, he wrapped his first around his beautiful penis, and began stroking.

I think I gasped, that time…. I began wondering who was I channeling… Vern, taking charge? I sort of felt like that… and when I got my attention back on him, I realized I was touching my pussy over my panties, and sighing a little, watching him, watching me.

I was still conflicted… I walked over to him, dropped to my knees, but I stopped myself. I think he expected me to suck him, but I whispered, “Keep going…” and I watched him masturbating up close, front row seat, this sweet boy. I let my hair hang down, draping across his penis… some got in his grip and he pulled a little, ouchie… and I realize that my hand is now in my panties, and I was masturbating, too… though he prolly can’t see. That’s ok, but I do moan for him… and I have some of my hair in the hand that isn’t busy between my legs, and I caress his balls with it…. they look hairless! Neat. ๐Ÿ™‚ He starts to gasp… and I touch him… just a little… I put the backs of my fingers against his testicles, they feel so hard… just like when Daddy would cum…. and I feel my own orgasm so close. I moan, “Cum on me… cum in my mouth…” and I bend down as far as I can. I open my mouth, stick out my tongue, giving him his target… and he stands. I have this cock in my face… right in my face… I can see the head is wet. It’s is pointing at me… and he’s stroking… and I start to cum… and I suddenly see spurts of cum shooting at me, hitting me in the face, I turn a little, I feel it on my tongue, shooting in my mouth… and it tastes soooo good. Then the cheeky monkey puts the head of his cock on my tongue, but I let him, in my own sexual haze, and I wrap my lips around it, feeling the last couple pulses of semen directly in my mouth.

I lick him clean as he sits back down in the chair breathing hard… and I get up, take his hands, and pull him to my bed, where we collapse on our side facing each other.

“Am I a mess?” I ask him, referring to my face.

“Yeah you have some on your face,” he answered, smiling sheepishly.

“Feed it to me,” I say to him under my breath.

And the sweet boy… he learns fast. One bit at a time he wipes the cum off my cheek and chin, and lets me suck his fingers… and when he’s done, I don’t ask… I lean in and kiss him, and slide my tongue in his mouth. He’s smart enough to not recoil. That would have irritated me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

We made out for a while, and he started touching me… he took the initiative this time, good for him. I felt his hand on my tummy, but I think he was scared to explore. I reached out and grabbed him…. rock hard. Wow… young guys, right? I started stroking him… and I don’t stop… and I get faster… and I do it like how he did it to himself. I could tell he was getting close again, so I stopped. He made a cry of frustration. “Listen,” I said. “No more daydreaming in the lab, right?” I gave him a squeeze.ย ย 

“Uhhh… right, no daydreaming.”

I gave him a stroke. “You’re going to pay attention. This is fun playtime, but class is class, right?” And I gave him a squeeze.

He groaned, “Right.”

“Good boy,” and I gave him a kiss on his cheek, and stroked him as fast as I could until he came all over himself, and my hand.

I licked my hand clean, then licked his tummy clean, and we lay down again, talking softly, I enjoy listening to him tell me how pretty I am, and how amazing, and smart, and sexy, and the most perfect girl in the world.


Being worshiped is kinda nice, I recommend it.

He’s lightly touching me, even over my bra, but still to shy to touch my panties. I’m caressing his stomach, and soon I reach down… and rock hard.


The vision came to my head pretty fast. “Get on top of me,” I said, but I put my legs together. He looked confused. “Straddle me, my hips.”

So he did, he swung his leg over, and I could feel his balls resting on my vulva… mmmm. “Now touch yourself while I watch,” and gave him a big smile. And no shyness this time, he does, masturbating himself while straddling me, me in just my bra and panties.

I was teasing this boy mercilessly, and didn’t know why… but I was enjoying it. I rubbed my legs together… I knew he felt the movements of my thighs against his young, hairless testicles… and I caress my upper body with my hands… even running them over my breasts, over my bra.

And after a few moments, when I sense he is getting close, I undo the front clasp of my bra, open it, and let him see my breasts, and my erect nipples. I don’t like my breasts, but I think that he might, and he might say nice things about them… and he does, he moans, “Oh my god” and starts cumming all over my tummy. The first shot went as high as my neck. I just watch, memorizing it, remembering when I was so little, and the other cock was so big in front of me, reminds me of now.

He’s melting now, still straddling me, still sitting on my hips, his long penis shrinking and resting on my lower tummy. I run my fingers through his cum on my skin, slippery, then sticky…. and let him watch me as I just rub it into my skin, this time.

He looks down at me, still naked from the waist up.

“Marissa, I…think I….”

And thank god he stutters, because I had time to realize what he was saying, before he said it. I interrupted, “Bean, what time are your parents expecting you home?” He looked at the clock next to my bed, “Uhhh, now.”

And that was my excuse to get him off me, and up, and dressed, and a quick kiss on the cheek, and an “Email me!” I closed the door on him.

Dear diary, what am I doing with this young boy?????