Do you want to know what the hardest profession is in the entire world? Name any that you want and I’ll trump you. Whatever your response is, I would simply shake my head with a knowing smile and say, “Nope, I have the hardest job in the world.”

No, you see, I am David Roberts, a 29 year old, attractive single man who, in addition to a working as an officer in a local Police Department on the Gulf here in FL, teaches Criminal Justice at the local Community College, mostly to incoming ‘freshmen’. These young adults are mostly wide-eyed kids on their own for the first time. Gone are the bratty and smart-ass ‘emo-types’ of high school.

The part that makes it so tough are the females With each school year, I am constantly bombarded with a new wave of incredibly hot 18-20 year old girls that I get to see and interact with on a daily basis, but of course,, I’m not supposed to pursue. What’s worse is that many of them realize this and try to use it to their advantage. There might possibly have been a few that truly wanted something, but most realized they could flirt or covertly tease without any worry of having to follow thru.

Now, have I fucked any of my students? Sure, but it was after they were in other parts of the curriculum, were mostly thru that first year, and were proving themselves stable. Above all they had to be willing, and really that opportunity has only made itself knows maybe twice. Basically, these hot ladies are forbidden fruit, so I have mostly let them be.

See, my thing is that I enjoy being in FULL control of my women, I LIKE them submissive, particularly if it is reluctant on their part, and this is a trait that young ladies out on their own for the first time just don’t have

So technically, no, I haven’t fucked any of my actual students. Well, not until this year that is.

Before I tell you that, let me back up a bit. Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Sierra was her name and from the first day she stepped into my last period class, I was immediately hooked. She was just 5’2″ in heels, a girl with model looks and long brown hair. Her dark, exotic eyes sparkled as she laughed with friends and that big, beautiful smile melted everyone around her. Her lips were full and soft and she always accentuated them with either clear or light pink lip gloss. She was obviously the queen bee of her click as she was always front and center in her group of girls. They were hot, she was hotter.

She had killer legs with great tone. Her hamstrings curved out slightly showcasing her athletic legs and her calves weakened my knees. They were incredible and seemed to shine whenever I was lucky enough to see her in a dress or skirt. She had a flat belly, tiny hips, a perky, athletic ass to die for and topped it all off with a set of firm, perky C-Cup breasts for such a small girl. Her cleavage would always cause me to lose my train of thought. I know I wasn’t alone in that.

She was an extremely smart girl as I found out thru the year. Her work was exemplary and she had a shot at being the graduating class’s Valedictorian, or at bare minimum the Salutatorian. This was one of those special girls. She did so much and was successful at it. Her father was a successful businessman in the area and her mother was some sort of philanthropist.

She was a friendly girl, even to those that didn’t fit within her social group and even to me. She always found a way to touch my arms when possible, but it was almost always followed up with a statement of how important it was for her to ace my class. I began to realize that she was just trying to ensure she got a good grade, even with her already stellar work, by flirting with me.

It was a Thursday after class and this wasn’t one of the days she stayed after. I began to tidy up the class so I could leave and head home, intending to work a voluntary weekend shift. As I did, I noticed a small makeup case by the door to the room and realized that one of the girls must have accidentally dropped it on their way out.

I picked it up and opened it up to see whose it was. I was completely shocked at what I saw. Inside was some small make-up items, probably $200 in twenty’s, a drivers license and a debit card and around 10 small baggies filled with a white substance. Cocaine.

I dropped into my chair and stared at what was in my hands. I made sure to only touch the cloth sides because the last thing I wanted to do was get my fingerprints on the felony I was holding. I shifted everything around so that I could see the license. My eyes widened as I read the name.

Elizabeth Alexandra Sierra.

I again stared at what I had in my hands and realized that I held her future in my hands. This would kill her scholarships, her father’s reputation, hell even her mother’s too. If I took this to the principal or school officer, her life would be forever changed, and not for the better. Horny or not, I decided I needed to think about what I was going to do.

Maybe the little head won out, but I finally realized a solution that would guarantee she learned a lesson. I have to say that this solution was personally beneficial as well. I went to work on my plan.

I laid my cell phone on my desk and went and donned a pair of nitrile gloves. I picked up my cell phone and opened the video recording feature and began recording with the camera pointed towards the zip lock bag containing the case. I documented where it was found, panning over to the seat, then back to the desk. I then opened and fully documented what was in there, showing the money, the drugs, and of course the debit card and drivers license belonging to Liz Alexandra Sierra. I ended it by saying that I intended to turn these items over to the school and to law enforcement so that they could take necessary action.

The next day came and I managed to make it thru all of my classes. I had butterflies all day, but made sure I didn’t reveal it to any of my students. Today was just another Friday. Finally my last period came and the students shuffled in. I saw Liz enter but there was something different about her today, and the reason was pretty obvious.

My class went as usual and then the final bell rang. As the kids shuffled out I said, “Oh, Elizabeth-Um, Liz, could you please stay a moment after class?” Fear spread quickly over her face.

Once the class was empty save for me and the young Miss Sierra, I sat down at my desk as she stood by. “We need to have a talk,” I began. “I found something that you dropped in my class yesterday.” Her eyes watered up.

“I can tell from your expression and reaction that you know exactly what I am talking about, is that correct,” I said in a stern tone. She nodded ever so slightly as a tear ran down her cheek. “Just to be sure, I want you to see something.”

I pulled out my phone and opened up the recorded video and began to play it for her. She cried more and more, deep, silent sobs coming from her now. When the video got to the part about turning the video over to the school and law enforcement, she dropped her head into her hands and began to weep, her upper body jerking from the sobs, so I offered her a tissue, thankful I was seated because all this made me hard.

“Now, this is a very serious offense Miss Sierra. This is a major felony violation. Its more than just possession, it’s possession with intent to distribute. Being at the age of what, 20? This comes with serious jail time even for first offenders. Your scholarships, your bright future, your PARENT’S (I emphasized and lingered on this word) reputations will all be severely tarnished from this.”

“Mr. Roberts, please, no,” she said quickly between sobs, her gorgeous tear-filled eyes pleading with me. “”I’m so sorry, please, I promise, I’ll never do it again, please?!?!” She started sobbing again, looking into my eyes, trying to see if there was any sort of hope to be found.

“I’m sorry Miss Sierra, my hands are tied,” I said back. “I don’t believe I have another choice but to turn you over to authorities. I have to ensure that drugs are kept out of our schools even if that means allowing your actions to ruin your life and the lives of your family.”

“You can’t! You can’t do that!” she pleaded with a hint of anger on her voice. “How could you be so mean? Don’t you care how many lives you’ll ruin?”

“Ah, Miss Sierra, this is exactly why I have to do this,” I said. “You are so disconnected. It won’t be my actions that ruin your family and your future, the blame lies squarely on your shoulders. You’ve had everything handed to you on a silver platter and, I’ll be first to admit it, worked extremely hard at everything else, but it was also your decision to sell cocaine so the consequences and fallout from such actions are solely yours.”

Her head dropped again and she started crying. “So why are you telling me all this instead of just turning me in? Please, there must be something I can do.”

I told you she was intelligent. This meeting shouldn’t have been with me. This should have been a conversation she had last night when the authorities showed up at her house to take her into custody.

“I actually wrestled with my options Miss Sierra. I actually even contemplated destroying everything, burning it and pretending I never found it,” I explained. “You are an extremely talented young lady and I couldn’t believe you would do something so dumb. This is something I would expect from kids like Jeremy or Tasha (referencing two suspected stoners and obvious slackers in class), but not you.”

Her eyes widened sensing a glimmer of hope. “You still can, please Mr. Roberts, I promise I’ll stop. I’ll never do it again, I promise, please.”

“But Liz, you wouldn’t learn anything,” I started before she quickly interrupted me, “I have, I have, I’ve learned my lesson, I promise.”

“Learned what?!” I snapped back. “That you can commit a major felony and the only consequences are a stern talking-too? I don’t believe for one second that you’ve learned your lesson. An hour from now, you’d be fine and probably brag to all your friends about how you got away with it. Next week you’d be back to your old ways only this time you’d be smarter. More clever. So don’t give me that shit that you’ve learned your lesson. I’m not an idiot.”

The sharpness of my tone and the cursing from her teacher showed her the gravity of the situation. She sunk down, defeated and said, “So that’s it. There’s nothing I can do. I’m just screwed.”

I chuckled internally at that last statement and thought to myself, “not yet….”

“Liz, you have to be the most talented young lady I’ve ever taught and it’s so unfortunate and disappointing that this very serious infraction, this completely idiotic set of choices on your part, are going to cause so many hardships in so many people’s lives. It is so disappointing because I’ve liked you since the moment I met you. Probably more than a teacher should like one of his students.”

I said nothing else and just stared at her. She slowly looked up and I saw in her eyes that she was processing this new information. A confused realization crept across her face and she said, “Mr. Roberts, are you saying that you,” she swallowed hard, “you LIKE me?”

I said nothing but continued to stare her directly in the eyes. She readjusted her posture from that of someone who was defeated to someone who now realized that they had a new weapon to use in their battle. She wiped tears from her eyes, put on a desperate smile and said, “Mr. Roberts, I’ve had a crush on you since the first day of class, even before. Most girls do. Every girl wants you as their Entry Law teacher. There must be some sort of mutually beneficial agreement that we could come too, privately, that could ensure this whole thing just disappears?” she stressed the word ‘privately’.

“I’m not sure what you are getting at,” I said, intent on this being her idea.

“Maybe there’s something I could do to make you forget this ever happened,” she said and bent over, placing her hand on mine that was resting on the desk. I had a wonderful view down her shirt.

“I don’t know what you could offer that would make me forget something as serious as this,” I said, but didn’t move my hand.

“What if I offered you…,” she paused and looked deeply in my eyes, “me?”

There it was. I was rock hard under my desk, but I was far from done. “Liz, if you are suggesting what I think you are, it is highly inappropriate. Such actions, if revealed, could cost me my career.”

“But I wouldn’t say anything,” she said. “You’d be helping me get what I want and you’d be getting what you want, however you want it.” The last portion was dripping with sexual overtones.

“Here’s what we’ll do, pull out your phone and do a Google search for ‘Jonathan Roberts address’ and see what it pulls up,” I said. I am publicly listed so I knew my address would come up. I wanted it to appear as of she searched me out, not that I gave her my address. It may be a little too cautious, but still.

When she found it, she showed me the phone and I confirmed it was my address. “I want you there tonight at 8pm on the dot. You are not to be tardy. We can then discuss this beneficial arrangement some more. You are by no means to tell anyone you are coming there. If we can work things out, I will destroy everything and your life and that of your families will go untarnished. Is that clear?”

“Yes Mr. Roberts,” she said. “Is my stuff at your place?”

“Absolutely not,” I lied. “I’m not an idiot. There’s no way I would keep something like that at my place.” If I had said yes, she could have tried to set me up. Again, I may have been a little more cautious than I needed, buy this was still risky for me. It was definitely going to be worth it though.

I dismissed her and reminded her of the time. I told her I didn’t care how, but she should make her parents realize she wasn’t coming home tonight. She just smiled and said, “ok,” before walking out of class and leaving me there alone.

I quickly left school, headed home and went and retrieved her make-up case. I pulled the money from the case, put it back in the zip lock bag and hid them again. I left my house and went to the seedier part of town that had sex shops. I purchased a small black micro-bikini, a slutty school girl outfit, a vibrator, some handcuffs, a blindfold, a paddle, four cuffs, a ‘restraint-harness’ of sorts went under the mattress, some flavored lube, a collar and leash and a few other odds and ends. I spent almost all of her money, but paying by cash cut the money trail to me.

I headed back home and removed all tags and packaging from the purchases and laid them out. I placed the black micro-bikini and matching thong along with the short white schoolgirl top that could be tied up and the extremely short red and black plaid skirt on my bed along with some black, sheer knee-high stockings. This was going to be her outfit for the evening. It may be cliche, but if I was going to fuck a schoolgirl, I was going to fuck a schoolgirl.

I placed all of the other purchases like the blindfold, handcuffs and lube on my bedside table, and got the restraint contraption between the mattress and box spring. I wasn’t sure how long this would go, so I was determined to sample everything, and I do mean everything, she had to offer.

7:45 rolled around and my doorbell rang. Early? I like that. I went and opened the door and there was Liz in a nice pair of tight jeans, heels, and a black, low-cut v-neck sweater. Her breasts looked magnificent as they pushed the material out and her cleavage almost made my mouth water. She looked like a dream.

I stepped aside and told her to come in. She walked in and I got a good look at her tight ass encased in the dark denim. I wanted to reach out and grab every inch of her, but I sustained. I had plans.

“You’re early, I like that,” I said. She turned around and I made no attempt to hide my actions as my eyes ran over her hot Chica-Latina body.

“Well, it’s not everyday that a girl gets a private, one-on-one detention with the sexiest teacher in school,” she said and smiled.

“Make no mistake Miss Sierra, this is still going to be a punishment for you. For this to satisfy my requirements, you will have to completely submit to each and every one of my requests tonight,& perhaps a bit more, no matter what they be, is that understood,” I asked , as I took away her phone. In front of her I turned it off and removed the battery.

Liz was not fully getting that this was not going to be all fun & games. “Yes Mr. Roberts, I understand. I’ve been a naughty girl and I deserved to be punished.” She looked at me with big, puppy dog eyes and bit the corner of her bottom lip.

Manhandling her, I pushed Liz roughly against the wall, and pressed her lips against mine. We began to kiss and I forced my tongue into her mouth. Her soft, full lips enveloped mine. I had never kissed lips so soft on my entire life. I reached up with my left hand behind her head and grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked backwards. She let out a surprised gasp and looked at me with a bit of sexual panic in her eyes. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but it was apparent she enjoyed it.