Cybersex-Audrey POV

It was 10 pm. I logged on to Facebook. There was a a friend request there. It was Alex Gallagher. He sat next to me in algebra and Language Arts. He was also my neighbor. I friended him. Soon, he chatted me.
“Hey” I said
“You want to see my cock?” He asked. I gasped. No one had ever asked me if I wanted to see their cock before.
“If you want to see my pussy” I replied
“I WANT IT MORE THAN APPLE PIE” He shouted in caps lock. I giggled.
“Then go on msn. I’m sw33tdr34ms.”
“I’ll be there.” He said.
There was something on my pussy. It was my hand! Before I knew it, I was masturbating. I heard a switch of light. “I need to go in my room” I thought. I took in my laptop and clicked msn. I logged in. There was a friend request. I approved it. Suddenly, it was 10:30. I was taking off my shirt, and Alex was unbuckling his pants. I slipped off my bra. He pulled off his boxers. I stared in awe. How I had ignored him, how I never talked to him, all flashed before my eyes. All I saw was this huge, pre-cuming hard cock. I looked down and slipped off my panties.
“Now we’re even.” He flashed me a smile with his big brown eyes. How had I never noticed him before?
I took off my headband. “Evener.”
A drop of pre-cum dropped on his webcam. He wiped it away. “Hey, how about we do this for real?”
I looked up. “You mean in person? What about…what about…Zach?” Zach was the hottest boy in our school. He was known to be very rebellant when a girl dumped him. That counted for me, we had been together for three months.
“Who cares about Zach? I’ll be at your place in ten minutes. Wear something sexy.” He sounded confident. I was worried.
“O-okay.” At least I had Alex.
10 minutes later, I heard a knock on my window. It was Alex. He was wearing nothing but a pair of khakis. I opened it up.
“Are you sure about this?” I asked.
He gazed at me. “Yes.” He pressed me back against the wall. I pulled down his shorts. His dick seemed even larger in person. I bent down, and he lifted me up and on my bed. I sat down on him, my head facing his dick, my pussy facing his head. He put his tongue in my vagina and sucked my clit. I moaned in pleasure. It was hard enough to remember to bob my head up and down and lick his dick. I couldn’t be doing even a half as good job as he was doing to me. He turned me around and we were laying side to side. He inserted his dick in my pussy and I kissed him, his hands fondling my boobs and my ass. I pushed him closer to me, and I swiveled my hips, In and out, in and out. I opened my eyes, and he opened his. He turned me over and sat up, bouncing on my bed.
“FUCK ME ALEX! FUCK ME HARDER!!!!” I screamed, but not loud enought to wake anyone up. He grabbed his dick and shoved it in. I whimpered, then it turned to moans of pleasure. The rhythm slowly went down, then I switched places with him.
He gazed at me in his way. “I love the way your pussy grabs my cock and doesn’t let go, Audrey.
Audrey. I love the way he sounded out my name. He fondled every syllable, just like he did to my boobs.
“Alex, I do-” I started, but he interrupted me by putting his finger over my mouth.
“We don’t care about Zach the Ass.” He emphasized on Ass. We went into the bathroom and I laid down on the tub. I turned the water on gently, and wetted us both throughly. The water was halfway up the tub when I stopped it. He laid down on me, and I guided his penis over my croth, but not in it. He closed his eyes, and murmured,
“Don’t tease me.”
“Fine. But only for you.” I slowly put it in. He moved it in and out, slowly. I pulled his head down and kissed him, passionately, my tongue interwining with his, brushing his teeth, my lips begging for more without using words.
“He stood up, and I layed down. I closed my eyes, and with my feet, gave him a blowjob.
“Audrey, you are sexier than any of the hottest girlfriends I’ve ever had, and you do excellent sex. I don’t mean to be a slut, but do you want to come over to my house tomorrow night and do it there?” He pleaded to me, his brown eyes begging. I couldn’t say yes, not while I was still dating Zach. But Zach never wanted to have sex with me. Alex wanted to. Zach hardly ever talked to me. Now that I recall, Alex tried to talk to me every day. How could I say no?
“I will, but do NOT tell Zach about this. I’ll die. Do you promise that?”
He kissed me once again, inserted his penis in my pussy, and murmured,
“I do.”
Next Day
As I walked towards school, I saw Alex at the way there. He winked at me, and fingered his crotch. I checked that no one was looking, then exposed my bra. I kept walking. At Biology, or first subject, I couldn’t stop thinking about Language Arts and Algebra. Would he do anything? Would we…Stop it! I thought. You’re dating Zach, not Alex. Alex. The sexy little monkey. My phone vibrated. I checked my text message. It was Alex.
“Language Arts is next.” he wrote
“how r u, my smexii little thang?” i texted.
“<3” he said.
The bell rang, and I practically ran to Language Arts. Alex was already at his seat, waiting for me. “I’ll go casual, and pretend not to notice him.” I thought. That didn’t go so well. As soon as I sat down, he scrawled a note that said,
Remember about tonight!!!!
I wrote back,
Like I wouldn’t. Cover your cock up, it’s the size of a banana!
He chuckled, and printed neatly,
Then u wouldn’t get horny and want to have sex with me!
The rest of the day passed in a flash. At night, I sneaked out and into Alex’s house. He fucked awesome, even better than yesterday. At midnight, I stopped him.
“Come to my place tomorrow night.”
“Why don’t we just have it every night, switching locations every other night?’ Alex asked, with a hint of a beg in his voice.
“You make me look like a slut. Fine.” I couldn’t hide the excitement in my voice. Here I was, a 17 year old girl, without sex for two years, now with a hot boy having sex with him every night! That was how it went, every night, for the next year. At college, we took the same one and rented our own one-bedroom apartment. Our dorms were too hard to get two, so we just went out every weekend, and on Mondays, Wensdays, and Fridays. We married after college, to finally be together, forever.

I will write Alex’s POV (Point of View) Soon! Check it out! It should be there by next week:
Monday, January 24, 2011. Today is Sunday, January 9, 2011. Please Vote!
If there is any requests, please leave them in the comment box.!!!!!!!