Cousins Our Story Part 2 or Cousins Young love


Romance, incest, male/ 2 females, softcore

This story is a biography, based on fact with interwoven fiction. It spans a period of about 12 years.


My cousin Lucy and I were about nine years old when my family moved to live about 10 min by car from her house. My name is James but my family has always called me Jimmy. Our mothers are sisters. Lucy’s mother is about 1 year older than my mother. Lucy and I are only children. We attended different schools. I liked visiting Lucy’s house because it had a big backyard with trees to climb, a swimming pool, and room to play ball.
Lucy and I became quite close. We seemed to like to do the same things.


Later the weather had warmed up and we started swimming again. On one occasion we were swimming when Aunt came out to the pool and hopped in with us.
When we got out of the pool Aunt laid on the pool lounge and said she would just dry off. Lucy saw me eyeing off Aunt’s pussy hair.


Then she asked her Mum whether she had a pleasure spot. Aunt answered that all females did. Lucy then said “I cannot see what mine looks like, show me yours.” I could not believe what came out of Lucy sometimes.

Aunt hesitated, looked at me, then back to Lucy and said “oh ok come here then” She laid back on the lounge, opened her legs wide and placed her finger and said “just there” Lucy bent over and put her finger on the spot, rubbed around and asked whether that was right. Mother indicated it was. Lucy said she could see it clearly now and that it was sticking up quite a bit. Aunt moved to get up when Lucy said “don’t get up yet, let Jimmy have a look” and before her Mum could say anything, pulled me over to look. I had been looking closely anyway. Aunt looked a lot different to Lucy. Lucy was real smooth and hard to see. Aunt was not smooth but extra bits and pieces around the sides and her spot was a lot bigger. Lucy then said “put your finger on Mum’s spot and rub it like you do on me.”

When I started to rub it I could feel my Willie start to stick out, which I wanted it to stop, but it wouldn’t. Lucy watched me closely and then said “does that feel good Mum”. Aunt nodded, then put her hand around my finger and guided it up and down then around and around pushing it down firmer on the spot.

After what seemed a long time Aunt opened her eyes, noticed my hard Willie, then said that she needed go back inside. I liked the way her breasts bounced as she walked. Before going back to the house, she told us that if we had visitors we would always need to wear our swimmers.


On another day after swimming Lucy was lying on the pool lounge with her legs wide apart. She called me to come over and to rub her spot. While doing this, in the bright sunlight, I told her I could see a lot of short black hairs on her triangle area. She looked down excitedly, looked at me and saw I had none, then said that she was starting to look like her mother! A vision of her mother’s triangle popped in to my head.
I suddenly went hard. Lucy smiled and pointed to my Willie sticking out.

Although getting older, we were still very close and did most activities together. We never disagreed. We started to watch videos on my stay-over weekend. If I liked a video, usually action, she would watch it too. If she liked a “girlie” video I would watch it with her. We just liked being together.


During our sexual play I had sometimes started to squirt. Lucy was fascinated when it happened, and if it did not, she would say “nothing’s happening” as if she had failed. Occasional Lucy would say to me “you can’t do me now…..I growing up!” I came to understand that this was a regular thing that happened to females, although I did not understand what it was.


Sometime later Lucy told me her mother had had a long talk with her after the baby oil incident. Her mother explained why she was not to put my Willie into her, that hormone-charged boys lacked control and could not stop themselves from squirting if they put their Willie in. Lucy
understood what pregnancy was, and agreed. It was on this basis that I was allowed to continue sleeping in the same room as we got older.

Our activities changed as we were older. Due to Lucy’s interest in athletics her father made up some adjustable height hurdles for practice in the backyard. And later, a long jump pit with sand. We also spent more time on after-school work. We still swam a lot when the weather was right. Lucy was still very inquisitive and often came home with school library books explaining how things worked.

My mother and I continued our usual visits and I stayed over mostly every second weekend. Sometimes our usual routine was changed by our sporting activities. I was learning tennis and Lucy was involved with athletics.


On one visit, Aunt told my mother and I that Lucy’s Dad had taken a new job overseas and they would be leaving in 6 weeks.

While there, Lucy would be attending a private girls’ school, which was not far from where they would be living. Their own house would be rented out until they returned from overseas. However, they would be returning here on their holidays at least once a year.
Lucy initially cried when she knew she would not be seeing us for some time, but felt better when she knew we could keep contact regularly by email and phone.

With Lucy gone my mother convinced me to become more involved in tennis. This meant an extra afternoon, after school, joining the junior practice squad and also play on Saturday.


About a year later Lucy and her parents returned for a holiday. They stayed with Lucy’s paternal Grandparents about 1 ½ hrs from us. Lucy was always excited when we came to visit, which we did a number of times.
I noticed changes in Lucy over the year. She looked a lot taller and her breasts were now quite noticeable, especially in the t-shirt she was wearing.

On one visit we wandered off by ourselves down the garden to secluded area. Lucy put her arm around me, gave me a big kiss, then took my hand and rubbed it lightly over her breasts…… “Do you want to have a look? …………….. I can lift my top up……………I left my bra off so you would be able see them!”

I went weak at the knees. My heart started to race. Before I could say a word Lucy pulled up her top …….. ”what do you think?…………want to feel them?”

I had barely got my hand around one breast when that feeling started and I knew I was going to squirt. I was not really surprised. Her breasts had grown so much –they were so beautiful. They had become fully rounded even though still petite. To feel them was out of this world – so smooth, so soft, and with nipples even better than I had last seen them. No wonder I could not control myself.

Looking at my face, Lucy knew what was about to happen………”shoot it on the garden” she pointed and put her arm around me. I just managed to get my dick out of my boxers and aim to the garden.

“Let me hold it“ Lucy said as she put her hand around it. And when it exploded…………..”ooh ……………I can feel it squirting out…………. … gee, your dick has grown a lot…….wow!“

All I could do was mumble “I wish you did not have to go back! ……….I need to sit down” as I moved to the garden bench to recover.

Lucy explained that they would be back for another holiday in 6 months.
Finally, as we stood to go back to the house, Lucy said “you’ve forgotten something!” I hesitated to answer – I did not know what to say. As she put her arms around me, she continued “You haven’t kissed me yet.” As we kissed I felt her pull her body to me, so close that her breasts pressed on my chest. That kiss told me that our old feelings were still strong.

We would also meet downtown. Our mothers would do some shopping then the four of us would go to the movies. Lucy and I always sat together. She never let go of my hand until the movie finished.

With frequent contact via email, we had been able to keep each other up to date on our individual activities. Being with Lucy, now, made me feel like she had never been away.The vision of her would have to last until the next visit.


6 months later, Lucy and my Aunt returned for a short visit because our maternal grandmother had been ill. We saw them several times. We were now older but I felt the same connection we always had.


After a further 6 months or so she returned with her parents for on another holiday. Again they stayed with the grandparents.
On our first visit with them Lucy ran up to me, threw her arms around me neck, gave me a big kiss, grabbed my hand and dragged me outside the house saying “I’ve got some good news….. on the plane Dad told me that we would be returning home in less than another 6 months……..I can barely wait!”
I was ecstatic. Looking at Lucy, I thought she was prettier than ever.


On arriving home from school one day my mother told me that she had just been talking to my Aunt on the phone.
Lucy was returning about 2 months ahead of her parents so as to start school. She would be going to a private girl’s school and start in a week. She would stay with us and go by bus to her new school. As we were now older, my mother asked Lucy if she would like a separate room. Mum had offered to set up the study as a separate bedroom but Lucy said she would be happy to sleep in my room for the 2-3 months. I said it was fine by me.

The day Lucy was arriving home was a school day. My mother said that I should be back from school before they arrived home after picking up Lucy from the airport. I was excited that she was going to stay with us. I still felt she had really not been away.


I heard the car arrive home. Looking out the window I glimpsed a tall shapely figure disappear under the portico. I thought – this is not the figure of the Lucy I saw last visit. The front door opened and in rushed this vision, dressed in a tight fitting T-shirt and short shorts.
Before I could say a word she raced over, flung her arms around my neck and gave me a big kiss. A weak feeling came over me as I felt her firm breasts press into my chest. In an instant my perception of Lucy changed. Rather than a cousin – she was a gorgeous sexy girl. My dick went up like a rocket. Luckily, I was wearing loose boxer shorts, and a very long Hawaiian shirt Aunt had sent me when on their travels.

Seeing us together, my mother said that we were a similar height when we were around 10. Now, Lucy was quite tall but I was a lot taller. We all chatted for a while, then my mother said it was time she started preparing evening meal. Lucy said she would help and they went off to the kitchen.


After the meal Lucy and I went to my bedroom. I was glad my bedroom was somewhat isolated, being an extension to the original house.
We chatted non stop while Lucy unpacked her things. My mother’s voice sang out that it was late and bedtime. I was lying on my side in bed just watching her put her clothes away. A dull bed lamp was on and I was sort of dozing on and off.
I was awakened by a voice “Jimmy”. I half opened my eyes and level with my face was a triangle of dark curly hair.

I thought I had died and gone to heaven.


I looked up and in the dull light could see Lucy, completely naked. She said “due you think I have changed much?………move over I want to get in with you”.
As her warm body slid into the bed her nipples were jutting out and came within inches of my face as she settled down. She cuddled up to me with firm bare breasts pressed into my chest.
My heart started to pound. Within the blink of an eye my dick was as hard as a rock. Lucy could feel it and pulled closer.

Suddenly that feeling started, previously always a planned event, and I knew I was going to squirt. I had absolutely no control over it. I grabbed my dick around the base and squeezed to delay it and said to Lucy “tissue…quick” and rolled on my back. Lucy held the tissue but did not give it to me. She whispered “just let it come!” placing her hand lightly around my dick. Come it did. Lucy watched as it landed on my chest and tummy. Never had I gone for so long. Then she handed the tissue to me and said “was that good?” I nodded and she said “me too!” and gave me a big kiss. We just lay there recovering. I was falling asleep as Lucy slipped on a little ‘see through’ nightdress and returned to her bed.


Next morning I woke early. I felt so relaxed after the events of yesterday. Then I started thinking about the fact that I had not been able to stop the orgasm. I had become one of those hormone- charged boys that Lucy’s mother referred to.
Had my body changed? Was this going to be permanent? If I am at the Mall and see a gorgeous girl is this going to happen? How do I prepare? I cannot keep within 20 seconds of the Mens’ Room all the time! Do I need to wear tight underpants? Do I need to see the doctor?
Will this happen again if I see Lucy in the morning wearing that ‘barely there’ nightdress especially as she did not have any pants on with it and her triangle was clearly visible?


It was all too much. I dozed off again.