Clementina, Chapter 6 – Sigil

Clementina, Chapter 6 – Sigil


Having recovered from our recent adventures, a few days later we were again hanging out by the pool in the evening, when my grandmother Lily raised the question that was on everyone’s mind.

“I was told I was the Keeper of the Citadel, and I haven’t even been in this Citadel yet. I can see it up on the hill, but why have none of us been inside?” she asked.

“We leave the Citadel untouched until we are ready to open the Door of the Five,” said Bathory.

“And when will we do that?” Lily asked.

“How about tomorrow?” Bathory asked.

“What does this entail?” I interjected. “Is this another pink stalk thing?”

“No,” Bathory replied. “Opening the Door of the Five is done within the Citadel itself.”

“If I recall the prophecy, isn’t the Door of the Five opened by my daughters and I?” Olympia asked.

“Yes,” Bathory said. “You three, plus Roshele. The Keeper is also part of this as well, sort of.”

“What do you mean?” Lily asked.

“You’ll see,” Bathory said, and winked at Lily. “You’ll like it, I promise.”

The next morning the whole group headed down into the Nexus and out through Bathory’s chamber into the large marble-floored room I had seen briefly after we raised the Citadel.

The room was circular and ran the entire width of the Citadel – about 75 feet wide. The floor was cold marble and the room echoed as we walked in, especially Makala’s hooves. The room was mostly bare except a large pink, glowing, fleshy pillar ran down the center and similar pillars were stationed around the room, providing illumination. The pillars had grooves in them and a steady stream of clear slime trickled down the pillars, disappearing into recesses in the floor. I tasted the slime, it held the licorice taste associated with the phallites.

“This is the basement of the Citadel,” Bathory said. “There isn’t much to see here. Come…” She led the way to a set of stairs that wound around the center pillar.

The first floor was about the same as the basement – a big open space with a pillar and stairs in the center. On one side what something that looked like an altar and at the four cardinal points were alcoves that opened to the outside.

The altar was about ten feet wide and had holders for candlesticks at either end. The front of the altar was carved with symbols I didn’t recognize, and behind the altar was another carving – this one depicted us – all of us – in some kind of a frenzied orgy. I was at the very center with my mother sucking my cock and Clementina with her arm past the elbow in my mother’s asshole. Makala was reaming out Demeter’s ass, Olympia had both of her cocks inside Ona, and Alura had her tentacles all the way through Athena. And finally, Bathory was gaping my grandmother’s asshole and sucking on her sheath.

“Wow,” I said. “This is…um…” I hesitated.

“Another day at the office,” Lily said, laughing. My grandmother had definitely taken on a completely different tone ever since she had let that phallite inside of her.

Just above the orgiastic carving was a circular indentation.

“What’s that?” I asked Makala.

“That’s for the Sigil,” she said.

“The Sigil?”

“The Sigil opens the Door of the One,” she said. “Then the One opens the Door of the Seventeen.”

“And then?”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s get the Door of the Five open.”

I stepped outside through one of the alcove openings and looked up.

The Citadel was a dome, not unlike the Capitol in DC except smaller, and all around the edge of the dome were niches of some sort. Bathory appeared next to me.

“What are the niches for?” I asked.

“The gargoyles. They are asleep at the moment, but you’ll meet them soon enough,” she said and pulled me back into the Citadel and up the stairs to the second floor where the rest of the crew had already moved.

“Welcome to your Citadel,” Bathory said, as we stepped into the second floor.

The floor was covered with the same marble that covered the other floors, except there was an ankle-deep layer of clear, warm phallite slime all over it. The niches that I had seen from the outside were actually open from the inside, so the room opened to the sky beyond and sunlight streamed in. There was a metal throne on one side and a bunch of smaller seats on either side of it. There were several benches arrayed about the room.

“So how do we open the Door of the Five?” I asked. “I don’t see any pink stalks or anything like that.”

“There are no pink stalks,” said Bathory. “Just the throne. Have a seat.”

The throne was roughly carved cool metal with a cushion of some sort of leather or leatherette. It looked brand new.

“Where did this chair come from?” I asked.

“The throne is molded to the One,” Bathory said. “The day you took the phallite on and became the One, the throne was formed. It is steel and leather. It is for you.”

I started to sit down, but Bathory stopped me.

“Take off your clothes first,” she said.

I knew better than to be surprised, so I peeled off the bikini top and thong that I had been wearing (we always wore swimsuits any time we went into the nexus – the slime gets everywhere) and took a seat on the throne.

As soon as my arms lay on the arms of the throne, straps shot out from a recess in the metal and wrapped around my arms, binding them in place. A second set wrapped around my ankles.

“Hey,” I said, shocked. “What the fuck? What is this about?”

“Relax,” Bathory said. “It will be fine. Just sit back and relax.”

I don’t deal well with being restrained, and I fought against the straps, but to little avail.

Bathory gestured to Olympia’s twin daughters.

“Not The Two – get her hard.”

Athena and Demeter, stood in front of me. They, too, had worn thong bikinis that barely restrained their pendulous phallite tits that were starting to trickle milk. Unfortunately, at the moment I was not really turned on – I was more annoyed and a little pissed at being restrained. So having the two almost-chubby platinum goth twins hovering in front of me didn’t get me going right away. A tiny trickle came from one of my engorged phallite breasts, but I didn’t feel any slime coming from my slit or my asshole, and my cock remained soft.

Demeter tossed off her top and knelt down, pulling my flaccid cock up between her tits, coating it with milk. Then she pulled it up to her mouth and sucked it inside. I could feel the beginnings of an erection as she slid her well-trained throat down my thick cock. Meanwhile, Athena had moved next to me and leaned down, kissing me on the lips. She slipped her tongue into my mouth and unleashed a thick streamer of throat slime into my throat. My mouth overflowed and a long tendril of slime slid down my chin and chest.

My cock was coming to life under Demeter’s ministrations and I felt a thick load of slime assay from the tip into Demeter’s mouth. She moaned and sucked it down, then pulled my meat deep into her throat, and pulled back, sending more slime gushing down my hardening member that now stood out over a foot. The purple veins in the shaft were beginning to pulsate and as Demeter ran her tongue up and down the shaft I came completely erect, finally standing up almost two feet in front of me.

Athena had pressed her heavy phallite breasts into my face, letting me lick and suck the rich phallite milk from her long, hard nipples. Her wide, pebbled aureoles quivered as I sucked mouthful after mouthful from her endless tits. Meanwhile, she reached down and squeezed my breast, sending an arc of phallite milk into the air and trickling across her twin sister’s head. As I drank greedily at her breasts, she pulled one of her cheeks to the side, pulling apart her gaping asshole and slipping three fingers inside. She pulled upwards, opening the hole even wider. Her pink, translucent anal sheath prolapsed out and fell slickly across my stomach.

Meanwhile, Demeter had stood up, turned around, and was positioning her cunt directly over the big, gaping tip of my monster cock. Loads of phallite slime gushed from the cunt-like slit at the end of my meat, running down the side and coating the shaft. Demeter pushed her thick cunt lips aside and began sliding her body down my long, thick, pulsating cock. I could feel ever muscle in her pussy as it pressed against my rock hard cock, sliding ever deeper into her cunt and the deep phallite tunnels beyond. She moaned as her asshole gaped from the pressure and her slimy anal sheath prolapsed out and fell slickly across my legs.

Bathory reached out and gaped Demeter’s asshole even wider, pulling out her anal sheath and gesturing toward Athena.

The other goth twin pulled her breasts away from my face and followed Bathory’s command, kneeling between my legs and sucking in her twin sisters sheath, pulling more and more of the thick, pink, pearly flesh from Demeter’s asshole and sucking it into her mouth. She leaned up and pulled Demeter’s sheath between her breasts, caressing her sister’s flesh, tit-fucking the sheath, pulling it up to her mouth and sucking in great globs of her twin’s anal slime.

Demeter, meanwhile, had slid all the way down my cock and the end of my meat was lodged in her throat. She shivered and slowly slid her body up and down my cock, and with each stroke my cock pressed against her throat, making her gag and bringing fresh loads of slime from her mouth.

Bathory pushed Athena back down and put her to work continuing to eat out her sister’s sliming, gaping, prolapsed phallite asshole. She slipped four fingers from each hand into Demeter’s anus and stretched it even wider. More sheath slipped out, falling slickly on the floor of the chamber.

Olympia had been watching her twin daughters work me over, and all the while stroking her two enormous cocks that jutted out from where her clitoris should be. Bathory pushed Athena back down onto all fours and straddled her back, using her fingers to stretch her asshole.

What Athena had done to Demeter’s asshole was impressive, but what Bathory did to Athena’s defied biology. She slid both her fists into Athena’s gaping hole, then pulled it apart, wide, gaping it over six inches wide and prolapsing her sheath outwards.

Bathory nodded Olympia.

“Both your cocks go into her asshole,” she whispered.

Olympia paused.

“Are you sure?” she said.

“You heard her, mom,” Athena interrupted. “Fuck my ass with both your cocks.”

For a moment I thought Olympia was going to balk, but then she smiled. Squeezing her two gargantuan cocks together, she slipped them into her daughter’s waiting asshole.

“Deeper,” Athena begged, and her mother complied, sliding further inside her. When she was halfway in, she paused and pulled back, pulling out Athena’s anal sheath and prolapsing her asshole. Athena moaned, thick globs of licorice-flavored phallite slime gushing from her puckered sphincter before Olympia drove her meat back into her daughter’s asshole.

Athena’s cunt gaped from the pressure in her ass, and her vaginal sheath slipped out two feet, falling slickly on the floor in a coil between her legs.

Olympia’s stomach finally landed against her daughter’s substantial ass, shaking it like jelly. She slid back out slightly and set up a rhythm that shook her daughter’s chubby body, and in turn, her other daughter’s body that was impaled on my cock.

Demeter moaned, begging me to push all the way through.

Unexpectedly, the shackles that had held my hands and feet broke free. I lifted my hands and grabbed Demeter’s gargantuan tits, pulling them into my mouth, even as I tightened the muscles in my cock, erupting it from her throat and sending more gushes of slime down the tits I was sucking milk from. Her delicious licorice-tinged fluid turned me on even more, and I felt myself nearing an orgasm. The cunt-like tip of my cock was gaping, revealing the pink tissue inside and assaying loads of slime.

Meanwhile, Olympia continued to ream out her other daughter’s gaping, prolapsed asshole with her two monstrous cocks. I heard her moan and knew she was close. So was I.

Somewhere deep within the nexus, I heard the sound of a door opening, and simultaneously both Olympia and I came. I shot a huge load of semen and slime into the air, even as Olympia dumped her own load deep into her daughter’s asshole.

As Olympia and I climaxed then slowed, silence descended on the room. Then another sound came from the direction of the nexus. First it was a soft whimpering sound, then it rose to a growl – several growls. But the growls weren’t aggressive, it was as if they were talking. And the growls had a decidedly feminine flavor to them.

“What the fuck is that?” Olympia asked, sliding her still-pumping cocks out of her daughter’s asshole, leaving it gaping, prolapsed, and stretched, gushing slime. I slid Demeter off my own meat and stood, staring in the direction of the doorway, not sure what to expect next.

Bathory, I noticed, was smiling. She turned to my grandmother and pointed to a large bench ten feet in front of the throne.

“Keeper of the Citadel, lie down.”

“Why…” my grandmother started but Bathory held up her hand.

“Just do as I say. You will not the disappointed.”

All of us watched Lily as she moved to the bench and lay down on her back. She could see the door from the stairwell leading down to the lower levels and the nexus. The sounds were coming from there, and we all had turned in that direction, staring, not sure what to expect as the soft, almost cooing growls continued.

Then they stopped.

From the lower levels of the citadel came the sound of feet – many feet. Not human footsteps, but human-like. And they were approaching the stairs leading to the room where we were now.

“Is this safe?” I asked, remembering once again what had happened to my father when Ona unleashed the dark phallites. Bathory smiled and nodded, and I noticed that Alura and Makala seemed unfazed, which made me feel a little bit better. But still, anxiety tore at my gut.

The padding footsteps came closer, reaching the bottom of the stairs below us. Whatever it was, there were more than one. All of our eyes were locked on the stairs, holding our breaths to see what was coming up.

The soft sliding steps started up the steps. When the first one came within sight, Bathory laughed and turned to my grandmother.

“As I told you, part of your job was to keep the gargoyles happy,” she said.

The creatures that now stood at the top of the stairs, six of them, stood six feet high, were scale covered, and had pointed ears. Their facial features were sweetly feminine and they had big, pendulous, milky phallite tits and huge cocks. They looked almost elfin except for the scales. When they arrived at the top of the stairs, those cocks were already hard as rocks, about a foot long, and sticking up in front of their scaled, monstrous, milk-dripping tits. Phallite slime slipped from the end of their scaly meat, coating the shafts with the licorice-scented goop.

And as they approached my grandmother, she smiled. She was laying on her back and she spread her legs, also letting her four tits splay slightly outwards. Her vaginal sheath slipped out and the ends of her nipples gaped, revealing her strange milky-but-fuckable tits beyond.

Six gargoyle-girls emerged coyly and took up positions around my grandmother. She stood up and pushed one of the creatures onto the bench, then spread her labia and slid her deep, slimed cunt down the gargoyle-girl’s cock. She leaned forward let her pendulous, gaping tits hang down. Four of the creatures each took one of her tits in their hands, grabbing them, pulling them outwards, and driving their cocks into those strange apertures at the tips of her nipples, pushing their meat into my grandmother’s tits.

Meanwhile, the remaining gargoyle-girl stood in front of my grandmother, who now had five cocks inside of her. Lily leaned down and sucked down the cock of the last gargoyle, taking the girl’s meat all the way into her throat.

The pressure of having six cocks inside her caused Lily’s asshole to gape and her anal sheath to prolapse out, hanging slickly down across the legs of the gargoyle who had its cock in her cunt. My grandmother’s asshole looked perfectly fuckable and somehow I knew what my role in this play was even before Bathory tapped me on the shoulder and pointed at Lily’s ass.

I stroked my cock that had come back to attention watching my grandmother get reamed by six scaly cockgirl-gargoyles. I stroked my immense meat as a load of slime slipped from the gaping tip and milk trickled from my own pendulous phallite breasts.

My grandmother was moaning under the onslaught of the six gargoyle-sluts who were all now relentlessly driving their foot-long girl-cocks in and out of her various holes. Only her asshole remained unpenetrated, and it now lay in front of me, gaping and pink, with her anal sheath hanging down, a steady stream of slime pouring from it.

I pulled up her ass sheath to my tits, then my lips, sucking my grandmother’s anal slime into my mouth and tit-fucking her sheath, coating it both with my own slime and with my milk. I heard Lily moan and I wasn’t sure if it was from what I was doing or from the six cocks already pounding her mouth, her cunt, and her four mommy tits. I took four fingers from each hand and gaped her pink, crumpled, slimy asshole. More of her sheath slid out slickly, I sucked it down my throat, drinking more of my grandmother’s anal slime.

Finally I slipped her sheath onto purple, throbbing cock and rammed the thick, pulsating head of my meat into my grandmother’s gaping asshole.

A fresh moan that I knew had to be from my actions arose from Lily’s lips around the scaled cock of the gargoyle-girl who was reaming out her throat. She coughed and I watched as a huge load of slime shot from her lips and ran down her chin, into the mouth the gargoyle-girl that was underneath her. As I pushed my cock inside I could feel the scales on the cock inside Lily’s cunt rubbing against the underside of my cock through just thin layers of my grandmother’s vaginal and anal flesh.

Deeper I pushed my gargantuan cock into her asshole, tightening some of my muscles to make it even longer. As I penetrated my grandmother’s asshole, I leaned over and locked lips with the gargoyle cockgirl on my right. Her scales were soft and sensual as she and I caressed each others tongues. I slid my mouth down her chest and pulled her incredibly soft, scaly, milky phallite breast up to my lips, drinking her phallite milk, even as the gargoyle-girl to my left sucked on my own thick, heavy, milky nipples.

The gargoyle-girl in Lily’s mouth moaned and arched her back, and I could feel her coming, shooting a thick load of come into my grandmother’s deep throat. A second later the two creatures holding her front-most tits also came, filling my grandmother’s gaped nipples with their semen. Then the two creatures closest to me – and the one underneath my grandmother – also unloaded. The cock in her cunt throbbed against my own meat as she came into my grandmother’s pink, slimy slit.

The six gargoyle’s withdrew their cocks from my grandmother’s orifices then moved so as to kneel in front of my grandmothers’ face. Lily looked back at me and smiled.

“I think you can figure out what to do now,” I heard Bathory say behind me.

I didn’t even answer, instead I slid my cock all the way inside my grandmother’s asshole, my stomach pounded against her ass. She moaned as a fresh load of slime poured from her ass. I used my fingers to gape her stretched asshole even more as I pushed my cock in and out of my grandmother’s sphincter.

I reached down and grabbed Lily’s hair, pulling her head back which forced her to open her mouth. Her oral sheath popped from her lips and hung down limply across her chin. One of the gargoyle-girls took it into her mouth and sucked my grandmother’s slime down her throat.

I reamed my cock in and out of my grandmother’s asshole. Each stroke prolapsing her sheath tight along my meat. From behind me my mother approached us. She hugged my chest briefly then knelt down, grasping my cock from between my legs and sliding her hand up along the shaft, pushing her arm into my grandmother’s asshole next to my cock, gaping her hole even wider.

My mother then latched her lips onto my asshole, sucking out my anal slime and pulling my anal sheath deep down her throat. She used the fingers on her other hand to pull my asshole up and gape it, allowing her to suck out even more of my sheath.

With both my cock and my mother’s arm inside my grandmother’s asshole, and with my mother sucking down my anal sheath and slime, I was approaching my maximum. I could feel my body tensing up, getting ready to unload. I tightened the final muscles in my cock, forcing it to extend even further, pushing the last six inches out of my grandmother’s mouth. The gargoyle cockgirl who had been sucking my grandmother’s oral sheath, pushed the sheath back along my cock and kissed Lily, taking my meat in her own throat.

The feel of the gargoyle girl’s soft lips and mouth on the end of my gaping cockhead was too much. I gave my grandmother’s asshole a final pound as I unleashed my thick, ropy seed across the faces of the scaly, elfin cockgirls kneeling in front of my mother. Loads of semen and slime erupted from my meat as they scaled cockgirls licked and sucked greedily at the onslaught. I’m not sure whether more come ended up in their mouths or across their scaled visages, but they seemed satisfied as shot after shot of slime and come poured from my immense meat and pulses of milk shot from my quivering phallite tits. More slime poured from my asshole and my mother sucked it down happily.

From below within the nexus, I heard the sound of yet another stone door grinding open…


My pulsating cock slowed and I slid it out of my grandmother’s asshole as she moaned, coated with slime and gargoyle semen.

The gargoyle cockgirls had started making their way to the niches around the Citadel where I presumed they would spend most of their time, like regular gargoyles.

“Gargoyle girls,” my mother said, then giggled. “Gargirls.”

“Gargirls.” I laughed. “Gargirls it is.” I turned to Bathory. “We just heard two doors opening – one before the gargirls arrived, and one after we got done fucking them. What was that about?” I asked Bathory.

“The first door was the gargoyle chamber, where they were sleeping, waiting for the call to awake. The second was the Door of the Five,” she said.

We trooped down to the Nexus, and as expected, two doors now stood open that had previously been closed. The first one opened to a small chamber with six coffin-like beds – similar to the sarcophagus where my mother had lain when the succubus had taken her place – where the gargirls had lain in repose waiting for the call to awaken them.

The second chamber – the one behind the Door of the Five – was a lot more interesting.

Beyond the door was a step up (keeping out the slime) and a short hallway (maybe fifteen feet) with a door on the left at the very end. There was a shimmering white light coming from the doorway and illuminating the end of the hallway. I glanced over at Bathory, Makala, and Alura.

“What’s making that shine?” I asked.

“You will see when you get down there,” said Bathory.

“Do you ever give a straight answer to a question?”

She shrugged. “If I have to…”

“Is it safe?” Eva asked.

“Yes,” she responded. “See, I can answer, if you ask the right question.” She poked me playfully in the shoulder.

We crept down the hallway and peered around the corner. Inside was a tall stone slab about eight feet wide with its back to the door. The glow we were seeing was coming from the opposite side of the slab. It almost looked as if we were looking at the back of a television that was turned on and pointed in the opposite direction.

Slipping quietly around the pillar, I realized what an apt analogy the television imagery was.

A steady stream of slime slid down the front of the slab and disappeared down a conduit below. The slime was extremely smooth and translucent, and we could see straight through it. Beyond it we were looking into some kind of a room or vestibule. When I took a good look at what was in front of me, I gasped.

On the far side of the room was a door. Hanging on the wall next to the door was a banner that I recognized from the history books. It was a swastika banner, from Nazi Germany in World War II. Next to the banner was a medical table, and on the opposite side there seemed to be something else hanging from the walls. They looked almost like manacles. Behind the manacles there was a small shower stall.

“What…the…fuck…” my mother Eva murmured, coming up to stand beside me. I reached out to touch the slime window, but Makala grabbed my hand and pulled it back.

“Do not touch the Portal of the Sigil until you are ready to go through,” she said.

“The Portal of the Sigil?” my mother asked.

“Yes,” Bathory interjected. “The Portal of the Sigil always takes you to where the Sigil is located – within about a hundred yards. There are many places and many times and many alternate pathways through history. There are an immense number of parallel universes, and many versions of us rollicking through the cosmos. But there is only one Sigil of the One. And the Portal of the Sigil always will take you to the universe, place, and time where the Sigil currently is.”

“So the Sigil is in the hands of the Nazi’s during the second world war?” I asked.

“Maybe,” said Bathory. “But it might not be this universe or this version of events. It might be some alternate universe where things turned out differently, or it might be some universe where this insignia meant something completely different. The only way to know for sure is to observe for awhile, and then, ultimately, cross the portal and seek out the Sigil.”

“But if this is our history, and this is our timeline, if we remove the Sigil, won’t that change events in our time?”

“No,” Bathory said. “The ultimate reality splits off bubble universes all the time. Some fade out, others are strong and continue. If we do go back in time to our own universe, all we could do is spawn another bubble, not ruin our present.”

“Wow, that’s reassuring, I guess,” I said.

“If someone entered that room, would they be able to see us?” Clementina asked.

“No,” Bathory replied. “It is a one-way doorway.”

“Then how would we get back if we go through it?” Clementina continued.

“Once you have the Sigil, the door will open and you will be able to return.”

“But if we have trouble getting the Sigil…”

“Until you get the Sigil, you are trapped.”

“Wow,” I said. “So somewhere within a hundred yards of this portal is this Sigil, potentially in the hands of powerful Nazis, probably under lock and key, and once we enter this apparent Nazi stronghold we can’t return to our own time and place until we have that Sigil in hand.”

Bathory nodded.

“This is a suicide mission,” Clementina said. “We’ll get slaughtered the moment we show up in this place.”

“Possible, but not likely. The Sigil will protect the One. It might not make it easy on you, but it will protect you.”

I shook my head. “This sounds…really dangerous. How many of us can go through?”

“You, Eva, and Clementina must go through. You may choose two others to come with you, plus one of the spirits – so you will have a total of six. But before you make any decisions, you should watch, take notes, see if you see anything informative in the portal.”

I turned to Demeter and Athena. “Did you guys ever finish going through the chests up in the attic? Was there any WWII or Nazi paraphernalia in them?”

“We got through about half of them,” Athena said. “There was nothing related to the Nazis in what we reviewed, but maybe its time we finished going through them.”

“Right, good idea,” I said. The goth twins disappeared down the hallway and I heard them heading back towards the house.

“We should probably take turns watching this portal, two or three of us at a time. Clementina, Eva and I will watch for the next four hours. Olympia, could you and Ona work out some sort of equitable schedule that keeps at least two people on duty 24×7 for the next few days?”

Olympia nodded and she and Ona headed up to the lab. Clementina stepped away for a few minutes then came back with some camp chairs and the three of us sat down to wait and watch. Alura, Bathory, and Makala all wandered back to their chambers.

Watching an empty room is incredibly boring. We sat there staring at the room beyond the portal for about an hour, mostly sitting in silence. I think if we hadn’t already gotten busy up in the Citadel we might have resorted to sex to help us stay awake.

My eyes were getting heavy so I got up and started walking around the chamber, stretching my legs. The natural warmth in the nexus and attached chambers – seemingly coming from the slime that was everywhere – didn’t help you stay awake.

I was about to offer to run upstairs and make some coffee, when the door in that other room opened and a woman entered. She wore a military-style blouse and skirt bearing nazi armbands. Though the harsh uniform she wore hid her body shape somewhat, I realized as I watched that underneath the clothing, she seemed to have the standard phallite shape – big bust, narrow waist, broad hips. I wondered if she carried one. She stepped in and moved to the far left. The wall on the left was just out of sight, but the woman who had entered diddled with something on the wall, then walked back to the door and seemed to be calling out to someone in the hallway.

A moment later, two armed guards came in – also uninformed women bearing a phallite shape – escorting a waifish young woman in chains. She looked to be about thirty or so and was completely nude. The nazi woman said something to her, and she just shook her head. This was repeated twice, then the young woman was taken to the far left of the window and pushed down to her knees.

The woman who seemed to be in charge stepped to the doorway and peered out, then called into the hallway.

There was a moment then when the three Nazi women in the room all looked at each other and I could tell by the looks on their faces they were uncomfortable with what was about to happen.

Something seemed to shimmer in the air of the room as we watched. Someone was approaching the doorway from the other side and it was as if their presence filled the room before they even entered. A shape filled the doorway, then moved into the room.

My mother, Clementina, and I all gasped in unison.

We three had been through a lot together by now, going back to when Clementina, under the influence of Ona’s dark phallites, had attempted to seduce and infect me and my mother. And we all three knew exactly what we were looking at – or so we thought.

The woman entering the room was completely nude and her stomach bulged as if pregnant. Her phallite body shone in the harsh light of the bare bulbs above her, a thick coating of slime lay on her large pendulous breasts and thick thighs. Her eyes were ringed with black circles that trailed out in a network of black lines across her face. The threads covered her entire body, coalescing around black nipples and turning her thick labia and long, dangling, cock-like clitoris a deep onyx color. The bellybutton that stood out from her distended pregnant tummy was also black. Her eyes burned red under an unruly black mane of hair that hung halfway down her back. A steady stream of slime with a slight trace of blood trickled from her slit and asshole, and a thin thread slid from the corner of her mouth. Milk from her black nipples mixed with the slime and ran down her pendulous breasts and her stomach. Her pink anal sheath prolapsed and hung out like a tail, sliding across the floor behind her.

We knew what this was. We had seen this before. This woman was a dark phallite queen, as Ona had once been.

“I thought that your grandfather created the dark phallites as some kind of experiment?” I asked Clementina, my eyes still glued to the drama unfolding before me. “Was he a nazi?”

“Not that I know of,” Clementina said. “He didn’t seem like the type.”

“What the fuck,” my mother murmured next to us.

The young prisoner screamed when the dark queen entered and tried to pull away but the two guards held her tight.

The dark queen smiled, a fresh tendril of slime slipping from the corner of her mouth. She moved towards the prisoner and stood over her, reaching out and stroking the woman’s face. The girl spat in the dark queen’s face, but the queen didn’t seem phased. She just slipped out a long pink tongue and licked the spittle off her cheek, smiling the entire time.

The prisoner tried to pull away, but it was to no avail, the guards held her tight. The dark queen beamed down and ran a hand up the kneeling prisoner’s cheek, then she knelt down and squatted in front of the girl, her pendulous breasts hanging heavily against a bulging stomach that forced her legs apart, gaping her cunt below. A trickle of bloody slime slid from her slit. The prisoner girl was slightly emaciated, and her rib cage showed starkly against her skin. The phallite queen held out her breast to the woman, squirting a thick stream of phallite milk towards her mouth. The prisoner pulled away and shook her head, but the guards pushed her towards the dark queen’s heavy, milk laden tit and deep black nipple.

Reluctantly at first, the young woman took a sip from the light stream of milk the dark queen squeezed from her long, thick nipple and wide midnight black aureole. Once she had taken a few sips, the prisoner leaned forward and willingly planted her lips against the queen’s heavy breast, sucking voraciously. The dark queen squeezed more and more and the girl sucked at her midnight black tit. I had to wonder how long these monsters had been starving this girl.

When the milk slowed from the first breast, the queen moved her to her other tit. Again, she drank greedily. I could see by the look on her face and her body language that the intoxicating effect of the phallite milk was have its impact on her, as her shoulders relaxed and she pressed her body against the dark queen’s chest and bulging abdomen.

Finally the milk slowed and the prisoner leaned back. No longer wearing a look of fear on her face, she knelt in front of the dark queen and smiled, then leaned forward for a kiss. The two had a long, passionate embrace, their lips locked on each other. A thin thread of slime poured from the corner of the queen’s mouth, and she pulled back and trickled the slime down the girl’s body.

Still squatting before the girl, the queen leaned back and spread her legs, exposing her gaping, slimy, bloody midnight black cunt. She ran her fingers up and down her slit, then began stroking her thick, meaty clitoris. As I watched I realized that this dark queen was more like Olympia than Ona, because as she stroked her clit it grew and hardened, growing long and curving upwards to well over a foot. She didn’t have a clit. She had a cock. I had never seen a dark queen with a cock before, or a cock just like this one, but then again, I had only ever seen one dark queen. Either way, I was pretty sure that meat of hers would grow to be a lot longer than the foot or so that now throbbed in front of her.

Below her heavy, hard, pulsating clit/cock, her cunt was gaping even wider, fleshy lobes partially pressing out. From within, her vaginal sheath prolapsed slickly and fell in a wet, slimy, bloody coil on the floor between her legs. The fluid coming from her cunt seemed to be more blood than slime and it puddled in a red pool on the floor.

And that’s when things got really weird…

The girl leaned down and caressed the pregnant bulge on the queen’s stomach. She ran her fingers across it, even licked it and sucking on the popped-out bellybutton, tasting the coating of slime that covered the queen’s entire body. She then began stroking the queen’s cock, sucking at it, running her tongue down the long, throbbing shaft that was growing to over eighteen inches and assaying a steady stream of slime. The long, purlple-and-black shaft throbbed and pulsated as the prisoner licked it, then pulled the head into her mouth.

Without warning, the immense bulge of the queen’s pregnant stomach shook and quivered, like she was about to give birth. Having seen our phallites, and the other little worker creatures in the egg chamber, I was expecting that this queen would birth a pile of small dark phallite eggs.

No such luck.

A gush of blood poured from the queen’s cunt, creating a huge puddle on the floor at her feet. The thick coils of her vaginal sheath quivered as something began making its way down the tube, pushing blood and slime ahead of it. A second later a creature slipped from the queen’s cunt, sliding down the sheath towards freedom. The pressure from the monster moving out of the queen’s slit pushed more of her anal sheath from her asshole onto the floor. The pink sheath hung down from her ass like a limp, slimy tail.

The creature slipped heavily from the queen’s slit onto the blood-soaked floor of the room, still wrapped in the queen’s sheath, slime, and blood. It was about three feet long and looked just like an immense dark phallite, down to the evil little red eyes. It squirmed as it tried to wriggle it’s way down the sheath to freedom. The prisoner and the queen pulled on the sheath, helping it move all the way to the end of the long flesh tunnel, coating themselves in blood and slime.

Once it popped out, there was no more denying it. This thing was a huge dark phallite.

“What…the…fuck…” I murmured. I glanced around the room. My mother and Clementina were staring with the same look of bewildered shock that I knew graced my own visage.

I turned back to the portal. The dark phallite was wriggling on the floor amid the blood. The dark queen had leaned back and the prisoner was pulling a long, purple placenta out of the queen’s sheath. I expected someone to arrive with scissors or something like that, but I was mistaken. The queen leaned forward again, wrapped the placenta around her hand a few times, and pulled hard.

My mother, who had given birth to me, almost screamed in shock as the dark queen ripped the placenta and placental sack from her body in one hard, nasty, bloody tug. The sac plopped wetly on the floor in a puddle of slime and blood that left a slick trailer of red slime leading back into the prolapsed sheath and another slime trailer hanging out of the queen’s wet, black, bloodied cunt. Blood was everywhere.

Amazingly, the queen seemed unphased by this, and perhaps even turned on. Her cock remained rock hard and sticking up in front of her, and its throbbing increased. Slime and semen slid in globs down the shaft.

The blood-covered dark phallite wriggled about on the floor, then turned towards the prisoner. The queen pushed the prisoner back onto the floor. The prisoner’s stomach was slightly bulging out from the load of milk that she had take from the queen’s blackened breasts. The queen and the prisoner kissed, the queen’s meat pressed between them. Blood covered both of them.

The large dark phallite squeezed up between the two of them, sliding up the prisoner’s stomach, adding a fresh layer of blood to their bodies. It slipped up between the queen’s pendulous breasts until it hovered in front of the prisoner’s mouth.

By now, the prisoner was completely under the spell of the dark queen. She dutifully opened her mouth, and the dark phallite slipped down her throat. I have no idea how the creature managed to accomplish this feat without breaking her jaw, but it did, and in a second the huge phallite had disappeared inside the prisoner.

The queen sat up and moved back from the now-infected prisoner. In our world, the transformation of a person after they take on a phallite is accomplished in under an hour and is relatively painless. It had seemed to me that was pretty impressive, considering the biological changes that had to happen.

What Clementina, my mom, and I witnessed right then through the portal was unbelievable. The prisoner thrashed on the floor, this transition was clearly not painless – but it was amazingly swift. It took less than five minutes for the prisoner to go from the thin, emaciated woman we had seen brought in, to a full-bodied phallite female. She moved into the small shower stall for the final purge, then let her wash herself off.

When she stepped from the shower stall, she had the full, voluptuous figure of a phallite female – heavy breasts, wide aureoles, long nipples, a narrow waist, flared hips, thick labia. She slipped forward into the arms of the still-filthy dark queen, who embraced her and the two kissed. The dark queen still had her huge cock stuck up in front of her and her anal and vaginal sheaths still hung thickly beneath her. A steady stream of bloody slime continued to trickle from her cunt that had just given birth. The prisoner got a fresh coating of blood on her skin.

After a long embrace, the dark queen seized the prisoner’s hair and jerked her head around backwards, pushing her to the ground on all fours. The prisoner winced then smiled, as if knowing what was coming. Slime slipped from the prisoner’s newly-regenerated slit and asshole as the queen stroked her purple, pulsating meat that was practically gushing slime. The prisoner reached around and slipped three fingers into her asshole, pulling upwards and gaping the sphincter, causing several inches of the newly-created anal sheath to slide out.

The queen snatched up the prisoner’s sheath and pulled it to her lips, sucking down the slime gushing from the prisoner’s ass. Then she bent down and used her fingers to stretch the prisoner’s asshole wide, gaping it, and plunging her tongue deep inside. The prisoner’s face shone in ecstasy as the queen sucked slime and more sheath from her stretched asshole.

The queen then leaned back, gave her meat a couple more strokes, slid the sheath down over the end, and plunged her cock into the prisoner’s asshole. The girl stiffened, then arched her back as the queen drove her cock into places that hadn’t even existed a half hour ago. Slime gushed from around the queen’s shaft as she pounded it in and out of the prisoner’s hole, slamming her stomach against the prisoner’s ass and making both of their phallite tits and hips shake. The blood that still trickled from the queen’s cunt and ran down her legs seemed to be forgotten in the passion.

The prisoner’s eyes were closed and her head was pulled back in pleasure. Her asshole gripped the queen’s cock and her pink translucent sheath prolapsed out with each stroke. She reached down and slid several fingers into her cunt, gaping it and allowing her long, thick vaginal sheath to slide out onto the floor beneath, hanging down slickly. Then she reached around with both her hands and stretched her asshole even wider, begging the queen to push every inch she had up her asshole.

The queen had both her hands on the prisoner’s shoulders for leverage and was pounding for all her life. Their bodies shook in rhythm, and slime poured from every hole, the flow of blood from the queen’s slit seemed to increase.

They both tensed up and I knew what was coming. Suddenly the prisoner’s head snapped back and her mouth opened as the tip of the queen’s meat shot out of her mouth. The queen pulled the prisoner up so her back was against the queen’s body and the queen’s cock was standing almost straight up out of the prisoner’s mouth. Slime and a tiny bit of vomit slipped from the prisoner’s mouth around the queen’s gargantuan cock.

Both of them shuddered in a prolific orgasm that poured slime, semen, and a little blood from the end of the queen’s cock, flowing down the chin and newly-grown tits of the prisoner, even as the prisoner’s breasts squirted milk and her cunt and ass poured out their own loads of slime.

Slowly the orgasm ebbed and the queen slipped from the prisoner’s ass. The prisoner rolled over on the floor and stared up blankly at the ceiling, slimy sheaths hanging from every orifice, a beatific look of joy on her face.

The queen turned, and nodded at the other woman in the room – who had been watching this passively. The queen picked up the foul, bloody afterbirth that still lay on the floor, lifted it to her mouth, and began eating it. Still chewing on the thick placental sac, with the blood-soaked placental cord hanging out of her mouth and down across her breasts, she sauntered out, her anal and vaginal sheaths trailing blood and slime on the floor behind her.

The woman tossed a towel to the prisoner on the floor. She climbed to her feet, withdrew her sheaths, took another quick shower, and dried off. Then she was handed a uniform like the one the other women wore.

Clementina, my mother, and I had been watching this unfold in mute horror. A tension filled the room so thick it was almost visible in the air. My mother was the one who broke the silence.

“Nazi dark phallite girls, with a cockgirl dark queen who gives live birth to huge dark phallites,” she said. “Did I just see that?”

“Yeah,” Clementina said. “So we’re supposed to go in there and steal the sigil from these women? This looks way more than just dangerous. This really does look like a suicide mission.”

“We need to talk to Bathory,” I said.

“Fuck Bathory, we need straight answers,” Clementina interjected. “We need to talk to Makala without Bathory in the room.”

“You think we’ll get straight answers from Makala?” I asked, irritation creeping into my voice. “Bathory’s the one who has been telling it to us straight. Don’t forget, Makala held out about the treasure room and a couple of other details.”

Clementina glared at me and was about to speak but my mom was quicker.

“What about Alura? Maybe we should talk to her.”

“No,” I said. “Alura is too googly-eyed over Makala and too spiteful towards Bathory to have a clear head.”

“I disagree,” my mother argued, her voice full of aggravation. “Bathory is like a bull in a damn china shop, she just wants to forge ahead without stopping to think things through. And Makala has more hidden agendas than Alura has tentacles. Alura is somewhere in the middle.”

“Now wait a minute,” Clementina jumped in angrily. “Makala has mostly played straight with us. Yeah, she left out a couple of details, but her prophesizing has been spot-on. And I think she quit fucking around after you confronted her.”

“But Bathory has never told us a lie, she has never said anything that wasn’t on the mark,” I said, raising my voice in anger.

Clementina sneered. “And she pressed you so hard you almost passed out. Bathory doesn’t have a subtle bone in that freakish scaled body of hers.”

I was livid at Clementina’s characterization of Bathory when I had a flash of insight. I held up a finger and took a deep breath. “Wait…hold up…shit…”

“Bathory is the Guardian of the Citadel of the One – I am the One. Thus I am defending her because I feel a connection to her.”

I pointed at my mom and continued. “Alura is the Guardian of the Six – you are the Six. Thus you are defending her because you have a connection to her.”

I pointed at Clementina and finished. “Makala is a prophetess/seeress, prophets and seers were consorts to people of power in ancient times – you are the Consort. Thus you are defending Makala because you have a connection to her. Can us three not let the stupid personalities of the spirits screw up our own relationships and our own ability to think clearly? Please?”

There was a long, uncomfortable silence, followed by a bunch of sorry’s and my-bad’s.

“So, then, who do we talk to…alone?” Clementina finally asked.

I sighed. “Despite some of her hidden agendas, I agree that Makala has generally tried to act in our best interest and in the interest of humanity. She probably has the most thoughtful, reflective mind of any of the three spirits. Let’s start with her.”


Makala was floating in her pool in her chamber when we entered, only her face, breasts, and slightly turgid cock were above the water. She didn’t open her eyes but she spoke softly.

“Yes? Something interesting in the portal?”

“Very,” my mother said, repeating what she said earlier. “Nazi dark phallite girls, with a cockgirl dark queen who gives live birth to huge dark phallites.”

Makala’s eyes shot open and she slipped to the edge of the pool, looking up at us from the water.

“A dark queen? Live birth? Huge phallites?” she said, eyes wide. “You saw all this?”

“Yes, first hand,” I said. “What do we do?”

“Continue watching for any more useful information, and perhaps its time to make a trip back into the brood chamber. Now that the doors around the nexus are being opened, the light phallite nest is capable of defending itself. There are soldiers that can be hatched that have wicked bites, indestructible shells, and a bad attitude. They aren’t very big and I think we could send the six of you through each with a backpack full of them. It should give you a fighting chance if things get out of hand.”

“And what if they have hatched their soldiers?” I asked.

“Well, just making a wild guess, if their soldiers are as big as their phallites, I doubt they are going to have too many. There can only be one gaping slathering whore per timeline. Plus, the bigger they are, the more vulnerable their undersides.”

“What about weapons?” Clementina asked.

“The portal won’t let you carry heavy weapons through. If you want to take knives or hatchets that’s fine, but firearms will get left behind.”

“Damn,” I said. I think at some level I had already gotten my heart set on going in there, guns blazing. You know – if those bastards thought their dark phallite queen was a badass cockgirl, wait until they met me, and all that. Oh well.

“Will there be light phallites there?” I asked. “We need light phallites to help us drive out the dark. And will it even work the same way as here?”

“Probably there will be light phallites, and probably the process of removing the dark will be the same, but I don’t know for sure.”

Clementina, my mom, and I tramped back to the portal room. Ona and Olympia were there with some tech.

“We figured it would be easier to just set up a camera pointing at the portal than us just sitting here all the time. First off, we can watch the cam from anywhere, second we can record,” Ona said.

“Makes sense,” I replied. “And we are going to need to put your ‘mother of thousands vs. gaping slathering whore’ skills back to work tomorrow. We need to open another egg in the brood chamber.”

Ona perked up. “I can’t wait.”

Once the tech was squared away, it was getting towards evening and we all made our way out to the pool. My mom gave everyone a rundown of what we had seen in the portal, Olympia gave a tech update, and I talked about needing to make another trip back to the brood chamber. Then I turned to the goth twins Athena and Demeter.

“Anything useful upstairs?”

“No, mostly,” Demeter said, then trailed off.

“Mostly…?” I prompted.

“Just two things,” Demeter said, getting out of the pool, drying her hands, and going inside. She came back a moment later with a picture and a small cloth sack. The image was a black and white photograph of a woman with traditional phallite curves and thick genitalia. She was nude and did not look happy. Her arms trailed off to the side of the photo and looked like they may have been being held my persons not in the image. It would have just been an old fashioned bit of pornography except for the fact that she had a tattoo on her left arm in the form of a swastika.

“Do you recognize her?” I asked Clementina. She shook her head.

Demeter reached into the cloth sac and pulled out a round piece of metal that had been carved into a symbol that I didn’t recognize.

“And then there was this,” she said.

“That’s a sigil,” Bathory said immediately, taking the seal from Demeter and examining it.

“Is it the sigil we are looking for?” I asked.

“It’s not the Sigil of the One. I don’t recognize it.”

“Does it do anything useful?” my mom said.

“We’ve never seen this before have we?” Bathory said, looking over at Makala and Alura, who both shook their heads. “We should take it down into the nexus tomorrow and out to the citadel, just to see what happens.”

I turned back to the goth twins. “Any other paraphernalia?”

Demeter and Athena shook their heads.

I looked at the photo again. Something triggered in the back of my mind. I climbed out of the pool and dried off, then got out my phone, shining the bright light from the phone on the image for maximum illumination.

I recognized that face. I had seen it just a couple of hours before – except the last time it had been covered in black lines, the eye sockets had been black, and the eyeballs glowing red.

“It’s her,” I said, gesturing to Clementina and my mom. “Fuck, look at it. It’s her – the dark queen.”

And it was. My mom and Clementina concurred.

“Does that help us determine if that’s in our timeline?” my mom asked.

“It increases the odds,” Bathory said. “But it’s no guarantee.”

The next morning, the entire crew trooped down to the nexus. The plan was to see if the strange sigil we had discovered had any impact, and then to start hatching a brood of these soldier creatures. Ona hadn’t even bothered to get dressed, instead she disappeared into the brood chamber while the rest of us were still out in the nexus.

Olympia had brought a water-resistant tablet down with her, so we could monitor the Portal of the Sigil while we diddled with this new sigil we had just found. Bathory had the new, strange sigil in her hands and was moving along the row of still-unopened doors, trying to see if she got any kind of a response, but nothing. However, when she moved the metal circlet over the open door leading back to the Portal of the Sigil, the piece of metal suddenly vibrated.

“Well that was odd,” she said. Moving back and forth, testing to see if the effect repeated. It did. In fact, when she moved the sigil a few feet down the hallway towards the Portal, it began to faintly glow in the dim light.

Before Bathory could take more than two steps down the hallway, Makala spoke up.

“I don’t like this,” she said. “This thing might interact with the portal somehow. I think we need to get this out of the nexus right now.”

Bathory turned, and I think she was going to say something dismissive, when Olympia, who had been monitoring the feed from the cam in the portal room spoke up.

“Guys, something’s happening.”

We all turned to the screen Olympia had propped up near the tunnel leading back to the portal room. On the screen, the dark queen had come into the room on the other side of the portal. She was still nude, and her vaginal and anal sheaths still prolapsed out wetly behind her, sliding across the floor on a trail of slime.

The queen looked around the room and lifted her nose in the air as if sniffing something. She moved around the room slowly, turning this way and that, as if she knew something was wrong but couldn’t quite place it.

“I really, really don’t like the look of this,” Alura said.

“Me neither,” added Makala. “Get that other sigil out of here now!”

“You guys are so…” Bathory started dismissively then trailed off as the dark queen suddenly turned and looked straight into the camera. Then stepped forward. Suddenly she was through the portal, standing in the room at the other end of the hallway behind us.

We collectively turned.

At the end of the hallway, the light coming from the portal room was eclipsed by a shape moving through the door. A moment later that shape was silhouetted against the glow, with only her glowing red eyes discernible besides her outline. She had the typical phallite female shape – pendulous breasts, narrow waist, flared hips. Though it was too dark to make out her sheaths hanging from her ass and slit, we could hear them sliding slickly across the stone floor. As she entered the glow from the nexus, we could make out the dark recesses around her eyes, the black of her nipples/navel/genetalia, the dark lines coursing across her skin, and the dark flesh of her prolapsed sheathes. That was definitely the same dark queen we had seen through the portal.

She reached the end of the hallway and stood beyond the archway into the nexus. She looked around at us, one by one.

Then everything happened at once.

As if sensing the presence of a dark phallite in the room, all the light phallites that were coursing through the slime on the floor of the nexus raced towards the dark queen. She looked down and muttered something then started to run back down the tunnel to the portal.

Bathory beat her wings, shot through the air, and – like a red-scaled linebacker – did a full NFL-style body tackle on the dark queen, dragging her hard to the stone floor of the tunnel leading back to the portal.

“Don’t let her escape,” she cried. “Let’s purge this bitch.”

Makala and Alura raced to her aid. The three of them were able to overpower the dark queen who seemed shockingly docile. The stood her up and turned her around, facing back towards the nexus.

Just below the step down leading into the nexus, a half dozen light phallites squirmed, seemingly looking for the opportunity to leap up and enter the body of this intruder. Usually light phallites were one per host, but these guys seemed ready to gang tackle whatever was inside the dark queen.

The dark queen looked placidly down at the light phallites just a few feet away, then she looked up and met my eyes.

I recalled when I had purged Clementina of her dark phallite. She had been going back and forth between being controlled by the dark, and having moments of lucidity. I realized that this dark queen was having that experience. She looked at me and suddenly the red glow disappeared from her eyes, to be replaced by just normal human pupils.

“Help me,” she said softly. Then a second later her eyes lit up again and she struggled against the cave spirits.

Clementina and Ona, who had emerged from her chamber, reacted more quickly than any of us. Clementina appeared carrying rope and a black plastic trash bag, and above us I heard the sound of the wood chipper firing up in the barn.

When we had purged Ona, I thought we were done with this drill. I hated the idea of feeding more dark phallites into the chipper. But I hated even more the idea of unleashing more of the horrors that killed my father. I steeled my nerves against what was to come.

Clementina tied up the dark queen as she had tied up Ona those weeks ago, anchoring her legs to boulders in the nexus, her hips spread apart with enough room to slide under them. The dark queen’s arms were behind her back and she swore furiously at us as we pushed her into place.

“There are only three of us in this room who have done this before,” I said. “Myself, my mother, and Clementina. So I guess its my mom and I.” I turned to my mother. “You want bottom or top?” I asked.

“I’ll take bottom, you can do all the work,” she said, somehow finding a moment of levity in the midst of the mayhem.

I pulled off my bikini top and thong bottom and my mother did the same. She began stroking her tentacle labia, pulling them forward, forming them into a thick, meaty cock, even as thick slime slid from her cunt and ass, and milk trickled from her heavy phallite breasts.

For me, unfortunately, all the memories of our first encounter with the dark phallites came racing back. My cock stayed soft, my tits were dry, my asshole and slit weren’t even damp. All I could think about was my father, his rotting corpse manacled to the wall of the then-infested nexus.

My mother read everything in my eyes and came to me, pressing her warm, milky breasts against mine and slipping her hand between my legs to cup my cock.

“Roshele,” she said. “Look at me, listen to me. It’s okay, we know how to handle this, right? We’ve done this before, remember?”

I knew she was right.

I looked into her eyes as she leaned forward and we kissed. Her tongue slipped between my lips and I tasted the taste that could only be my mother. Our lips locked and for the first time I felt the beginnings of a stirring on my cock. It wasn’t much, but it was a start. My mother felt it too, because she began stroking my soft meat.

She pulled back and pushed my head down to her milky breasts, letting me suckle the delightful licorice-tinged phallite milk that slipped from the wide brown aureoles and long nipples at the end of her gargantuan mommy tits. My own mommy tits hung down below and Clementina came up behind me, pulling my mother’s tentacle-cock between my breasts and squeezing them together. A trickle of milk finally assayed from my own nipples, spraying down my mother’s stomach and her throbbing meat.

My cock began rising, a thin thread of slime sliding from the tip, and another trickle slipping from my asshole. Clementina slipped down on all fours in the slime of the nexus floor and pulled my cock into her lips, letting the hardening shaft slide down her throat to that special portal in the back that opened into the phallite tunnels beyond. She choked for a moment on my cock and on the slime that slid from my meat, then she found her rhythm, sliding her lips up and down my growing shaft that was now over a foot long, her tits and ass shaking with her motions.

I switched to my mother’s other breast, sucking out more of her delicious milk as Clementina kept deep-throating my cock. My mother had begun swaying her hips back and forth, sliding her meat up and down between my tits. I squeezed them together. The flow of slime from the tip mixed with the flow of milk from my tits, slipping down and coating Clementina’s hair as she continued to bounce her mouth up and down my growing, pulsating cock.

“I think you’re starting to get there,” Clementina said, pulling back and winking at me.

“I know how to get him the rest of the way there,” my mother said. She disengaged from me and turned around, pointing her asshole at me. Clementina purred and pulled my mother’s ass cheeks apart, gaping her asshole and causing nearly a foot of my mother’s anal sheath to prolapse out in a slick, slimy, pink mass.

If there was one thing that could get me hard no matter what else, it was my mother’s slimy pink gaping asshole.

My cock was over two feet and pulsated as I reached down and pulled my mother’s anal sheath up to my lips, sliding out another foot or so of her pink flesh. I sucked her anal slime down my throat, then took a mouthful and passed it in a kiss to Clementina, who sucked it down willingly. Clementina took my mother’s sheath and slid it over my cock, then slid three fingers from each hand into my mother’s asshole and pulled it wide. My mother’s pink, gaping, perfect asshole awaited me. I stroked my cock several times with her sheath, then drove it into my mom’s waiting ass.

My mother moaned as my meat pushed deep inside her. I felt my cock continue to grow as I slipped inside her asshole. She bore down with her muscles, making me feel every inch, every rib of my cock, every bump in my mother’s ass muscles. I moaned in return, feeling a fresh load of slime slip from my cock, my cunt, my asshole. Clementina knelt behind me, pulled my cheeks apart and pressed her lips against my asshole, pulling my anal sheath up and into her mouth, where she sucked greedily at my slime.

My cock was still growing as I began pumping my mother’s asshole in a steady rhythm. Our milky tits and thick hips shook with each push. Her sheath grabbed at my meat and her pink asshole flesh prolapsed out with each stroke. I pulled my cock all the way out, tugging her sheath with it, and pulling out a lobe of ass-flesh before I drove my meat back in, hard, eliciting a moan from my mother and an exhortation to fuck her harder.

I leaned forward, pressing my tits against my mother’s back, and squeezing her own mounds in front of her, sending streamers of milk into the slime on the nexus floor as my abdomen banged against her ass.

My cock had reached almost its maximum and was poking at the portal in the back of my mother’s throat. I could tell she was close to orgasm. I wanted nothing more than to unload my jizz inside my mother’s asshole – my favorite place to dump my come – but I knew we had more pressing issues.

I pulled my cock out of my mother’s asshole, letting her long, pink, slick sheath fall into the slime below. My mother looked back and our eyes met.

“Ready?” she asked. I nodded.

Clementina turned to the dark queen. The queen’s eyes blazed red angrily – whatever humanity was in here was taking a back seat to the dark phallite. Clementina seized the queen’s hair and forced her face down near the slime where the light phallites were still lurking.

“Open your mouth, bitch,” Clementina intoned, but the queen refused to cooperate. I pinched the dark queen’s nose. After a few seconds, she had to open her mouth to breathe. As soon as she did, three light phallites leapt down her throat.

Clearly the light phallites weren’t intimidated by the huge dark one inside the queen.

Clementina and Ona, who had joined us, lifted the dark queen slightly out of the slime, and my mother slid up under her. I guided my mother’s purple, pulsating, tentacle cock into the dark queen’s slimy snatch. The pressure from my mother’s cock inside the queen caused her asshole to pop open and her anal sheath to fall out, hanging slickly in the slime. The queen’s ass flesh was black as her labia and nipples. I didn’t care. By that point I just needed someplace to ram my cock. I didn’t even bother to play with her sheath, I just slipped it over my monster cock and rammed it home.

The queen screamed as my meat split her asshole, stretching both her ass and cunt, gaping them. Suddenly the red fire went out of her eyes and she was human again.

“Fuck me,” she called. “Fuck that monster out of me.”

I was happy to comply and began ramming my cock in and out of the dark queen’s asshole. Her hips and tits shook with each stroke, her asshole prolapsing out as I yanked my meat out and pounded it home. As I fucked the queen’s ass, my cock slid up and down my mother’s meat that was deep inside the queen’s cunt. My mother and I locked eyes over the queen’s shoulder while the undersides of our cocks rubbed against each other through the queen’s anal and vaginal tissue as we DP’ed the dark queen.

Inside the queen’s abdomen I could feel the phallites fighting it out as we fucked. They spun around the dual cocks as they jockeyed for supremacy. Even though the light phallites were smaller, they were more maneuverable, and there were several of them, as opposed to the one dark phallite.

Suddenly the dark queen’s mouth flew open and a thick load of slime poured out. A second later the head of the large dark phallite popped out and looked around.

Ona appeared with the black plastic trash bag and hovered it in front of the creature, but it seemed like the monster had second thoughts, for it tried to slip back inside the dark queen.

“Not a chance,” I said. Tightening the last set of muscles in my cock, I pushed the end of my meat through the portal in the back of the queen’s throat, ejecting the creature into the black trashbag. Ona slammed the bag shut, and raced up the stairs to the barn. A second later the sound of the phallite being fed into the wood chipper reached us.

The former dark queen slipped from my cock and my mother’s cock and fell into the slime, staring upwards, bearing the bewildered look one takes on after being freed from a dark phallite’s spell. Unfortunately, my mother and I still hadn’t come. We were both hard as rocks and stared blankly at each other.

My grandmother, who had been placidly watching the goings on, discarded her own bikini and thong, and stepped forward, her phallite body and two rows of tits gleaming in the light of the nexus. She knelt down in front of my mother and stretched her asshole wide.

“Maybe the girl from the citadel might be able to help here,” she said.

My mother didn’t even need to think twice. She drove her tentacle cock into my grandmother’s waiting, slimy asshole. I came up behind my mother and penetrated her own, gaping sphincter. Pounding my mother’s asshole, I drove my own meat into my mother, and my mother’s cock into my four-titted grandmother.

Slime gushed from just about every orifice the three of us had as we fucked. Clementina spread her legs and lay down in front of my grandmother, pulling Eva’s mouth down to her slimy slit and clit.

I held onto my mother and leaned back, slipping her cock from my grandmother’s asshole and pulling the sheath out a couple of feet before I drove it back in. My grandmother moaned, and so did my mother.

I could feel an orgasm finally building inside me, and a second later I felt my mother come and unload her thick seed into my grandmother’s asshole. I picked up the pace even harder. As my mother pumped slime and come into her mother, I finally came, and filled my own mother’s asshole with my thick, juicy seed. Long tendrils of slime and come slid from my mother’s pink, prolapsed asshole, hanging down beneath her cunt and my own thick lobes. It mixed with the come and slime assaying from my grandmother’s ass.

The feeling was incredible – me coming into my mother’s asshole as she came into my grandmother’s asshole. Come, slime, a little blood coated all three of us as we pulled out and sank into the slime on the floor of the nexus – next to the former dark queen who was finally coming back to her senses.


I stood over the newly-purged dark queen, slime slipping out of my asshole and my cunt, milk still trickling from my pendulous tits, my cock still hard as a rock and pumping semen. I tried to look intimidating. I knew that in our world, purging the dark phallite returned you back to “normal” light phallite status, but I didn’t know what would happen with this strange dark queen from another reality where the phallites were immense. She had rolled over onto all fours and was vomiting on the Nexus floor.

Slowly her heaves slowed and she slipped back onto her haunches, kneeling in the slime, looking up at me. The red glow was gone from her eyes and I could already see the thick lines of black fading from her skin.

“Are you okay?” Clementina asked.

The woman nodded, then looked for a moment like she might heave out more slime, but the feeling passed.

“What’s your name?” Clementina asked softly.

“Jenna,” she said.

“Do you have a last name?”

“Jenna Galbraith.”

“Jenna Galbraith?” Clementina and Ona said almost simultaneously. Then Clementina added “That would make you my great aunt.”

“Your great aunt?” Jenna said. “What year is this?”

“2021,” I said. “What year was it in your time?”

“1943,” she said.

There was a very awkward moment, followed by the strangest family reunion I had ever witnessed. Ona and Clementina embraced Jenna like they were long lost relatives – though they were from entirely different timelines and entirely different time periods. For a few minutes they seemed to forget the urgency of the current situation, but when the conversation had a lull, I tried to bring it around to weightier matters.

“So you’re a nazi?” I asked.

“Pah!” Jenna said, spitting into the slime. “No chance. Those people came to our farm in the middle of the night, killed the men, and locked me and my sisters up. They forced me to take on a dark phallite. They have been using me and my sisters for experiments.”

“Wait,” I said. “Where were you when you crawled through that portal?”

Jenna gestured around the nexus. “In one of the doors here, that one.”

“But this is America,” I said.

“I don’t know your history, but in my world, the Germans and Japanese attacked America. They landed ships on the American shores one night and, with air support, had captured New York, Phillie, DC, and SanFran nearly unopposed. Americans were wholly unaware until it happened. My family managed to hide up at our farm for a couple years until one day the German monsters showed up at our doorstep and started experimenting on the phallites – and on us…”

“Jesus…” I said. “It’s the whole Nazi occult thing. How did you know to come through that portal? How did you know it was even there.”

Jenna pointed at the strange sigil we had found in the attic of the house.

“It’s that thing. It has power. I sensed it – I still can sense it. Once you opened the Portal of the One, I could feel it. Then a few minutes ago, I could see the portal, so I climbed through. I didn’t expect what was waiting on the other side – but I’m glad you were here and knew what to do.”

She climbed to her feet. Much of the dark queen marking on her skin had faded, so she was starting to look more and more like just a normal phallite female – big bust, narrow waist, heavy hips. She reached out and hugged and kissed me, pressing her pendulous breasts against mine and her heavy, meaty labia and clit against my still pulsating, semi-erect meat. Our slick skin slid across each other. I found myself getting aroused again – something I wasn’t ready for yet. I gave her one final squeeze then gently pushed her away, turning my attention back to the cave spirits – Bathory in particular.

“How did this happen?” I asked the bat-winged spirit. “You said the Portal of the One only worked one way. You said they couldn’t see or detect us until we stepped through, but we could see them. What happened?”

“That sigil you found in the attic. I don’t remember ever seeing it before. I don’t know what it does.”

“Was there anything in any of the journals about it?” I asked the twins.

“We weren’t looking for anything about sigils,” Athena said. “I guess it’s back to the books.” She nodded to her sister, Demeter, and the two curvy goth twins headed down the front corridor leading back to the house.

I glared at Bathory, then at Makala and Alura.

“We’ve been following everything you guys say, bringing about freakish changes to our bodies, taking dangerous chances with unknown creatures. But now, when we are reaching the end of this freak show you throw us this curve?”

The three cave spirits all frowned and looked down almost in unison, then Bathory spoke up.

“I have never seen that sigil before, I don’t think it is from our timeline.”

“Then where did it come from?” I asked.

“I am guessing some other timeline, and it somehow found its way here.”


“I don’t know.”

I swore. “Do we even know that the Sigil of the One is on the other side of that portal?”

“Oh, it is,” said Jenna. “Is that what you seek? I can take you right to it right now. I am the dark queen, the Nazi freaks do what I tell them now that I’m creating their little dark phallite army for them.”

“I don’t think they are going to do what you say anymore, now that your dark queen markings are fading,” Clementina pointed out.

“We can get body paint,” I said. “We can paint them back on, I think that’s the least of our worries. I’m more worried about what else these three got wrong.” I glared at the three cave spirits.

I was angry, no denying it. I needed to calm down. I stormed out of the nexus, through the barn, and outside, leaving Clementina to deal with her time-traveling brethren. I walked up the hill to the ring of trees we had planted to remember my father and the other people who had died at the hands of Ona’s dark queen.

I sat down on a rock in the center of the ring and put my head in my hands. What if everything we had been doing up to this point was wrong? What if the cave spirits were misguided? What if all these physical changes that had been wrought on my body were all in vain? And what about my mother? Or Clementina? Or the others? And not to mention Olympia, Athena, and Demeter…I was the one who had recruited them.

I wanted to cry.

The snap of a twig behind me made me turn. My mother was approaching. She sat down in the grass at my feet and looked up at me.

“Are you having second thoughts?” she asked.

I nodded. “You?”

She looked off int the distance.

“Actually, no,” she said after a moment. “I think there are some unexpected twists, but no, I have having no second thoughts. This will work out, I promise.” She put her hand on my knee.

“I wish I could have your faith,” I said.

Something twinkled in her eye. “You can have faith that I have faith, that’s enough.”

She climbed to her feet and hugged me.

“It will be okay,” she said. “Want to go for a swim and relax?”

“You go ahead,” I said. “I just need a little more time to myself.”

My mother nodded and sauntered down the hill to the pool. I looked up at the sky. I wanted to have faith that what my mother said was true, but I just wasn’t sure. I slipped off the stone and lay down on the grass in the shade of the trees. I must have drifted off, because the next thing I knew I was waking up with the goth twins, Olympia, Clementina, and my mother standing over me. Alura and Makala were hovering in the background.

“Wake up,” Athena said. “We’ve got something from the journals.”

“Okay, shoot.” I said.

“The sigil was found at the bottom of Alura’s main well, the one in the room with the tentacle labia statue. Some other things were found there as well. In fact, the journal speculates that there is some kind of a portal at the bottom of that well that connects to some other place and time.”

“There is definitely something odd about the bottom of that main well,” Alura said. “I usually don’t go all the way to the bottom, I branch off on the side tunnels where my rooms are.”

“So does the journal give any idea of where it might go?” I asked.

“No…but…” Demeter started, but Makala interrupted.

“You should only be able to open one portal at a time in any given place,” she said.

“So…what does that mean?” I asked.

“It means that the portal at the bottom of Alura’s well – regardless of where it may have pointed in the past – should now point to the reality where the Sigil of the One is.”

“So now we have two portals to the Sigil of the One. Does that change the metrics at all? Can we take extra people with us when we go?”

“Doubtful, but I don’t know.”

“Okay, so let me try to sum this up. We now have two portals, and a former dark queen who can lead us straight to the Sigil of the One. What’s stopping us from going tomorrow and getting this done right away?”

Silence greeted my question, so I continued.

“I choose Jenna, Olympia, and Makala to come through the portal with me, Clementina, and my mom. Tomorrow we paint Jenna up like the dark queen, then we go through, grab the sigil, and come back. Easy peasy. Any debate?”

More silence.

“Great, then let’s do this.”

The rest of the day was a buzz of activity as we began getting our gear together for the next day’s adventure. And bright and early the next morning we were all up, brimming with nervous energy.

It took a couple of hours for us to get Jenna painted up like dark queen, and some halloween-costume red contacts gave her eyes the necessary cast. When we were done, she looked like a reasonable facsimile of how she had looked when she came through the portal. I hoped it was enough.

So finally we stood in front of the portal, my mom, Clementina, Olympia, Jenna (painted up as a dark queen), and Makala (in her human form). The other stood around us.

Since we were trying to pass as Jenna’s acolytes, we wore nothing and carried nothing.

Jenna was the first to step through the portal. She slipped into the room beyond, then peeked out into the hallway. She gestured us through the portal and the rest of us stepped through. I was the last and as soon as I was through, the portal closed behind me. Nothing but a blank wall with a Nazi propaganda poster lay that way now.

Jenna gestured us into the hallway and we crept down the passageway towards the nexus in that strange other place. About halfway down the passage, Jenna held her hand up for us to stop. The sound of a voice came from the nexus – speaking in stilted, accented English.

“That’s the commander,” Jenna whispered.

“Does she have a phallite?” I asked.

“No, she and her second are the only uninfected in the place. There are some uninfected scientists and doctors up in the barn as well, but they are the only two who come down to the nexus.”

“Will she be able to tell we’re different?”

“Probably not.”

“Will she let us into the room with the Sigil?”

“Probably not.”

“So what do we do?”

“The commanders here definitely take advantage of the infected for their own personal purposes. And they’ll love those cocks you guys have. So we just get them naked, then kill them.”

“How do we kill them?” I asked. “Will they let us near enough to their weapons for us to grab them.”

Makala spoke up. “We’ll kill them by impaling them…”


“Do I have to spell it out?” Makala said.

I suddenly realized what she meant. I looked over at Olympia and my mother.

“Are we ready for this?” I asked. “Going all the way through on a normal human as a way to kill them?”

There was a moment of silence, finally Olympia spoke up.

“Based upon what we know already, I am.”

There was another moment of silence, then we all nodded.

“So I guess whoever can get their cock inside the Nazi women, do what has to be done.”

It terrified me that I felt by cock stir, and a fresh load of slime slip from my cunt and asshole as I considered killing these Nazis by impaling them on my meat. But I guess when you are confronted by absolute evil there is a certain joyful pleasure in killing it.

I took a breath and we all followed as Jenna walked down the hallway into the nexus.

The nexus in this world had only a light layer of slime on the floor. Off to one side was a slender woman in what looked like a commander’s uniform. Next to her was another slim woman dressed as a soldier. They were talking when we entered.

When Jenna stepped into the nexus the two women glanced over but didn’t respond much. When the rest of us followed – myself and Olympia with our cockgirl-and-cunt arrangement, Makala with her cockgirl (no cunt) body, and my mother with her tentacle labia, they turned and stared.

“What are these?” the commander asked Jenna in a thick German accent.

“New arrangements,” Jenna said. “I haven’t seen them before. Perhaps we should have one of the scientists take a look.”

The commander had moved over next to us and was looking us up and down. She reached out and felt my breasts, then squeezed my cock.

“Whoa,” she said as she moved onto Olympia and repeated that performance, then did the same with Makala. When she arrived at my mother, she paused.

“Whoa,” she said again, and reached down, feeling my mother’s tentacles.

“Wow,” she whispered, then returned to me.

“We should have the doctors look them over,” the commander said.

“Yes,” the soldier, apparently her second-in-command said. “I want to watch them do the dissection.”

“Agreed,” the commander said. “Except vivisection, not dissection.”

“Yes, commandant.”

“But not right away. I think we should have a chance to look them over ourselves.”

“I agree, commandant.”

The commander unbuttoned her coat and tossed it to the side, then reached down and began stroking my cock. She glanced to her compatriot.

“Pick one,” she said. “Have fun.”

The soldier girl also tossed off her coat and approached Makala. She knelt down on her knees in the light layer of slime and pulled the cave spirit’s cock into her mouth, stroking Makala’s thick meat. As she sucked, she undid her blouse and tossed it off, followed by her bra.

Makala was clearly holding back on her erection, not letting it reach full potential. She seemed to be keeping it at just under a foot. The soldier girl was sucking on her meat, deep throating it like a pro. I didn’t know girls back in the 1940’s did that kind of thing, but you learn something new every day.

The commander, meanwhile, was pressing herself against me and stroking my cock with her hand. She leaned up and kissed me on the lips, then ran her other hand down my chest. I felt a load of slime slip from the end of my cock and another trickle slide out of my asshole.

Jenna stepped behind the commander and began unbuttoning her top. The commander was so engaged with me that she let Jenna strip her all the way to the skin, revealing medium-sized breasts and a slender waist. Her hips and ass swelled a little, but were still mostly slender. She was definitely not a phallite carrier.

The commander, now nude, pressed her smaller breasts against my pendulous phallite tits, sending thick streamers of my milk trickling down her body. She leaned down and pulled my long dark nipples into her mouth, sucking down the licorice-tasting liquid. Meanwhile she kept stroking my cock.

Taking my queue from Makala, I kept my cock just under a foot, but got it fully erect, standing up straight and pressing against the commander’s stomach as she sucked at my milk-engorged breasts, going from one of my dark, hard, long nipples to the other. I felt my asshole gape and my anal sheath prolapse partly out, hanging down past my knees, trailing thick globs of slime down onto the floor. The cunt-like end of my cock gapped, gushing out several loads of slime that slipped down the shaft, past my thick, gaping labia, and trailed down my legs.

The commander pulled her lips from my mommy tits after a few moments and kissed me, pushing a mouthful of my phallite milk past my lips. I sucked the fluid from her mouth and then passed it back to her, along with a load of slime. She sucked it down and swallowed it all.

She smiled and knelt down on the floor of the nexus, pulling my cock up to her mouth and sucking it down. I glanced over at Makala. The second-in-command was still working over her meat, too. Makala and I locked eyes and a look passed between us.

As horrible as I felt about what I was getting ready to do, I have to admit that a thrill passed through me and I know a similar feeling shot through the cave spirit. Killing someone is never easy, and killing someone the way we were getting ready to was awful. But the commander’s comments about vivisection made it a little easier and there was an incredible thrill coursing through my being.

By this point, the commander had her mouth all the way down to the base of my meat, taking my full almost-foot-long shaft down her throat. I felt a load of slime gush from the end of my cock and she gagged roughly around it, expelling the slime – and maybe even a tiny bit if vomit – around my thick meat. It felt incredible as her throat muscles convulsed and I was having a harder and harder time keeping my cock under control.

The commander slid her lips from my meat then pulled the shaft between her breasts. She slid her tits up and down the shaft of my cock, eliciting a groan from me. Behind me, I felt my mother suck my anal sheath into her mouth and then press her lips against my gaping asshole, pulling loads of my anal slime into her mouth and sucking it down.

I looked back at her and glared, but she just winked and smiled and went back to sucking my asshole. To make matters worse, she slid her entire fist into my cunt, pushing out more of my anal sheath and slime. I moaned as the commandant simultaneously pulled her mouth off my cock and began teasing the sensitive spot under the helmet with her tongue. A fresh load of slime slipped from my cock, from my asshole, from my cunt. I coughed and choked as a huge load filled my throat and mouth. I spit the slime from my mouth onto the head of the commandant, who was now sliding her lips back down my cock on the way to deep throating me.

Meanwhile, the second-in-command was laying her back on a stone in the nexus floor and Makala was sliding her cock into her cunt. I could tell that Makala was also having trouble keeping her cock under control, and she gave me a pleading “can we finish this please?” look. I nodded.

“Don’t you want to feel my cock between your legs?” I asked. The commandant looked up at me with doe eyes from her position with my cock down her throat. She gagged again, sending more streamers of slime and a little puke down her chin, then slid back. She rolled over on all fours and spread her pussy lips.

“Fuck me,” she said.

I gave my burgeoning erection several strokes, bringing out a fresh load of slime, then I slid my cock into the commandant’s cunt.

She was wet and tight – definitely not a phallite pussy. I slid in, inch by inch, feeling every bump of the commandant’s cunt muscles pressing against my barely-contained cock. She moaned as I slid in, a sound that was partly pleasure but definitely partly pain.

Next to us, Makala was slowly pumping the second-in-command’s slit. The girl had her head back and was slowly massaging her tits and her clit while Makala slid her substantial meat in and out of her cunt. Makala had her jaw set and I could see it took every ounce of control she had to keep her meat from expanding.

As my stomach bumped into the commandant’s ass, I felt the end of my cock press against the muscular ring of her cervix. She moaned again.

“Too deep,” she said. “Back out.”

I glanced over at Makala. Our eyes locked. It was time for the kill.

I’m not proud of what happened next.

I had been fighting to keep my cock under control, but I stopped fighting at that point. I felt my meat thicken and grow. I kept my stomach pressed against the commandant’s ass.

“I said back out,” she snarled, moaning and trying to pull forward. I grabbed her shoulders and held her next to me as my cock kept growing.

“Stop,” she said, then froze. Inside her, I felt something tear against my cock and I realized I had just ripped her cervix free from her vagina and penetrated her body cavity. I felt a thick, hot stream of blood pour from her cunt around my still-growing cock. I tightened my cock muscles and pushed my meat deeper into her body. I’m not a doctor so I couldn’t name the organs I ruptured as I pressed my cock deeper and deeper into her body, but I could feel the soft, spongy sensation of my cock destroying her insides. She coughed once and a thick streamer of blood poured from her mouth. Still I pushed my cock deeper until I felt it pressing against her throat. She thrashed once, trying one last time to pull herself off my pulsating, thick, purple cock, then it was too late. I drove my cock up into her brain.

She convulsed once and then went slack as I came, unloading thick streamers of slime and semen into her skull. Blood, brain, slime and come poured from her mouth, her nose, her ears. One of her eyes popped out from the pressure and hung down by the optic nerve. Then as my cock gave an extra surge forward, it burst through the top of her head, popping open her skull.

I groaned. I had never killed someone using my cock before and the feeling was horrifying and electrifying all at once. It was hot, it was wet, it was nasty, it was bloody. I looked over at Makala. The second-in-command was hanging off her cock, the end of Makala’s bloody meat sticking out from her mouth. She was as dead as her commander.

Bloodlust filled the room. It was awful and awesome all at once. My mother moved over and stood in front of the dead commander’s body.

“We’re not done yet,” she said. She leaned over and spread her asshole, letting her thick anal sheath prolapse out. Seeing my mother’s pink ass gaping in front of me caused my flagging erection to come back to life. The end of my cock still pushed out the top of the commandant’s bloody skull sticking about six inches beyond the crushed cranium. My meat was covered with blood, brain, slime, and semen, but that didn’t seem to bother my mother. She leaned her asshole backwards and slipped it over the gaping end of my cock.

“This bitch was going to vivisect us,” my mother said. “Let’s crush her.”

The gory bloodlust that raced through us was a terrible thing to behold. I reached out and grabbed my mother’s hips on the other end of the commandant’s corpse and pulled her towards me. Olympia appeared in front of my mother and pushed. Slowly my mother slid her asshole down my bloody, gory cock, crushing the corpse of the commandant like an accordion. It was horrible, messy, and gruesome. Broken ribs pushed through the commandant’s skin, then fell out on the floor. Her abdomen cracked open like a crushed watermelon. The organs trailed out of the corpse, hanging down by tendons and tissue.

As the corpse split, Makala disconnected her own cock from the dead second-in-command and came to our side. She reached in and split the commandant’s corpse open with her bare hands. The corpse fell to the floor and I stepped over it as I finally drove my bloody cock all the way into my mother’s asshole.

The orgasm was overwhelming as the end of my bloody meat popped out my mother’s mouth and both of us came simultaneously in a nasty combination of slime, come, and the commandant’s bodily fluids. It was horrifying and amazing all at once. I loved it and hated myself. I hugged my mother to my body as both of our orgasms played out.

As our passion slowed, I slid from my mother’s gaping, blood-covered asshole.

“Alright,” I said to Jenna. “Let’s get the sigil and get the fuck out of here…”


As the blood lust faded from my body, to say that I was traumatized by what we had just done would be an understatement. My cock withered and shrank between my thick labia. My slime dried up. I was horrified. It had been necessary, but still, it was awful.

I forced myself to focus.

“Where is the sigil?” I said to Jenna. “Let’s get it and get the fuck out of here.”

She gestured to the corridor that would have led to Alura’s chamber and the tentacle-labia statue in my world.

“Let’s go,” I said.

We started down the corridor. Bare bulbs hung from the roof the the hallway ever few feet, and at the end bright light poured from the chamber. We turned the corner into the room, and I gasped.

The tentacle labia statue that stood above Alura’s well was shattered, pieces lay against the back wall. A crane was set up over her well and a cable was hanging into the water. Three 6×6 iron cages lay against the left wall. Inside one of the cages was this timeline’s Makala, inside another, was this timeline’s Alura. The third cage was empty.

Along the opposite wall, sitting on hospital beds with blank looks on their faces were five women, clearly dark-phallite carriers – one of them was the girl I had seen infected a few days before. They were all hooked up to IVs and looked drugged.

On the wall next to the women was a sigil. I didn’t need anyone to tell me that was the sigil we sought. I knew it innately at the core of my being.

And in the center of the room was an operating table near Alura’s well. Strapped to the table was the alternate-Bathory. Hovering over her was a man in a doctor’s outfit, and a woman in a nurse’s uniform.

The doctor had a scalpel in his hand.

Suddenly everything happened at one. Makala and my mother raced at the doctor and nurse, knocking them over and sending the scalpel tumbling to the side.

Clementina spotted the key to the cages hanging on the wall and snatched it up, freeing the cave spirits inside. The alternate Makala and Alura closed on the doctor and the nurse.

“Fucking monsters,” heard alternate Makala say.

“Enough killing,” I called. “Don’t…”

But it was too late. The nazis were dead.

We freed the alternate Bathory and then there was a pause in the action.

“You are from the other time?” the alternate Makala asked.

“The other time?” I responded. “What do you mean.”

“These monsters sought to connect to other times and places and spread their poison. They created their own sigil and tested it. There is a portal at the bottom of the well. That’s how they got the Sigil of the One. But something went wrong and now their portal is stuck. I sense that you are the One from your universe. Your opening the Portal of the One wrecked their plans.”

“There is a strange sigil in our timeline,” Makala said.

“It is their creation,” the alternate Makala replied. “I fear that our realities are now permanently joined via that portal at the bottom of the well.”

“We have come for the Sigil of the One,” Makala said. “If we fulfill the prophecy in our timeline, and yours is connected, shouldn’t that fulfill the prophecy in yours as well…and end all of this madness?” She gestured at the destruction about us.

“I agree, it should,” the alternate Makala said.

“Great,” I said. “Then let’s get the sigil, go back to our time, and finish this.”

“Please don’t delay,” the alternate Alura said. “There are soldiers upstairs who will come down eventually to check on us. If they find this, things will be bad.”

“I’m ready to be done,” I said. “Once we wash the blood off, we will wrap this thing up today.”

I moved to where the Sigil of the One hung on the wall. It glowed as I approached, a tendril of light reaching for me. As soon as I touched it, energy surged through me. I knew it was time. It was time to finish this.

Holding the sigil, I turned back to the others. On the far wall, the Portal of the One had opened, leading back to the chamber in our world.

It was definitely time…

We returned to our own time, and all had quick showers to get the blood off of our bodies. As we all gathered afterwards back down in the nexus, the sound of splashing came down the hallway from Alura’s cave where the underwater nazi-created portal was. We turned. Down the tunnel came the alternate Alura, Bathory, and Makala.

“They’re coming,” alternate Makala said. “They have diving suits and guns. They are preparing to come through the underwater portal into this time. We don’t have long before they launch their plans.”

“Then let’s do this,” I said.

We climbed up to the Citadel. In the room with the orgiastic carving, the space where the Sigil of the One went was glowing.

I wanted to pause and consider the moment. I stood there, holding the Sigil of the One, feeling its power course through me. We had been waiting for this moment.

“What the fuck are you waiting for,” alternate Makala said. “Hurry up!”

I stepped forward and slipped the sigil into its space. From the nexus below came the sound of another door opening.

We moved quicky back to the nexus where the Door of the One stood open. Inside was a hallway, and beyond the hallway was chamber, glowing bright white.

The chamber was almost bare, except on the far wall was a doorway.

“The Door of the Seventeen,” Bathory said. “Only the One can open it.”

“Even in our time, with dynamite, those monsters couldn’t penetrate this door,” alternate Bathory added.

I walked to the doorway. It was solid wood, heavy, thick. There was no latch, no knob, nothing.

“How…” I began, but before I could finish the thought, the door slipped upwards like a portcullis of its own accord.

Beyond, the chamber was about twenty feet across. All the walls were lined with pink tissue, not unlike the queen’s chamber at the heart of the nexus. Thick layers of slime covered the floor, the walls, the ceiling, and dripped down on us. Light phallites swam through the slime at our feet.

Makala gestured upwards.

The ceiling stood about ten feet overhead. At intervals around the roof, bio-luminescent pods glowed, filling the room with the light. At the center of the ceiling was a lever, and around the lever hung pink tentacle-like stalks. The stalks sensed my presence and began reaching out in my direction, beckoning me to come close enough for them to touch.

At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to touch them. I needed them. I wanted them. I felt my cock stiffen, my cunt and asshole gaping, slime slipping from my orifices, milk from my thick phallite breasts. I needed. I wanted. I had to have.

I needed to throw that switch.

I took a step forward, then another. But as I took the third step, something stopped me cold. It wasn’t a physical stop, but a spiritual one. Something inside my soul, inside my heart, kept me from moving forward.

Makala spoke up.

“I was afraid of this. You bear anger in your heart at one of your quest-mates,” she said. “You can not pass until you have faced your hatred. We all must be as one in order to throw that switch.”

I looked at her, then hung my head.

Fucking Ona. Her selfish surrender to the dark phallites had killed my father. I turned around and glared at her. She hung at the back of the group, looking sad. I couldn’t deny it anymore or pretend otherwise. I thoroughly hated her. When I was honest with myself, I had to admit that when I murdered those Nazi’s with my cock, the real thought going through my mind was a fantasy of killing Ona. Slowly.

“I…I can’t…” I stammered. “That filthy whore murdered my father.”

“It is understandable that it may take years for your rage to fully abate, this is a fresh wound,” Makala said. “That is fine. But you have closed the door on forgiveness. You don’t have to forgive her right now, all you have to do is open the door to the possibility of forgiveness someday. Can you do that? If you can’t, then you can’t pass.”

I stared down at the floor. Could I do that? Could I open the door to that forgiveness?

My mother moved to Ona.

“I know what you did,” my mother said. “But I will forgive you.” She and Ona hugged. Then my mother turned to me.

“Can you at least be willing to consider the possibility of forgiveness?” my mother asked.

I looked at the floor.

Alternate Makala cursed. “We don’t have time for this. Those monsters will be coming through the portal soon.”

I realized that my hatred of Ona was tiny compared to the larger stakes here. If letting her off the hook was needed in order to save the entire fucking world – actually two worlds now that these different realities were intertwined – then I could do that.

“Ona,” I said. “You killed my father. I can’t forgive you right now, but I am willing to be open to the possibility someday.”

Ona reached out. We hugged.

“Great,” alternate Makala said. “Now go. Finish this.”

My mother and Clementina had come forward and stood at my shoulders. They had been my comrades and consorts through this entire ordeal. I took my mother’s hand in my right hand, and Clemetina’s in my left, and together, we moved underneath the switch and stalks that hung in the center of the room.

By the time we had reached the center, my cock was at full attention, sticking up hard between my heavy phallite tits that were streaming milk. My vaginal and anal sheaths had both prolapsed out and hung beneath me, trailing thick streamers of slime.

A pink tentacle slipped down from the ceiling tentatively and caressed my face. It slid down across my breasts, coating them with slime, then wrapped around my waist. Another tentacle slipped down and slid under my knees. Two more hooked under my shoulders. Together, they lifted me up to the ceiling.

As we approached that final switch – the target of our adventures over the recent weeks, other tendrils reached out from the ceiling. A thick, meaty tentacle slipped deep into my asshole. Another pushed into my cunt. Still another wrapped around my cock and pushed inside the gaping aperture at the end. More appendages reached out, caressing my breasts, squeezing out milk.

Slime, milk, even a little semen, covered my body as the tentacles gently lifted me.

The switch was right in front of me. It was a lever shaped like a foot-long cock.

From out in the nexus came the sound of German jack boots. The nazi monsters were through the portal. They were coming. There was no more time. This had to be done now.

I threw the switch.

A blinding purple flash.

And everything changed…