Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis

If you haven’t read Chapter 1, you should go back and read it or you will be very confused.

This is Chapter 2, which comprises parts IX – XII. What happened to part VIII, you ask? That’s just an interlude and date between Clementina and Russell and, as such, slows down the story so I moved it to the end of this posting as an Appendix. You can read it if you wish, or skip it. Below, I start straight in on Part IX.

Just a reminder: this is partly a horror story, so consider yourself warned.

Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis


“Well it’s about time you two lovebirds got back,” said Ona. “We’ve been planning on how you will make me a white queen.”

Ona outlined their plans, and showed some diagrams in the journal I had brought up from the front phallite chamber. We chatted about it a bit, then Clementina and I changed out of our previous night’s clothes, and all four of us walked out to the barn and took the back stairs into the rear phallite chamber – the one that had been the dark phallite’s domain until we purged it.

I had only been down in the rear chamber a couple times since the day we purged the dark phallites, and a sense of dread still haunted me when I entered. But the room now had a coating of healthy, clear slime everywhere and the pulsating, pink, vaginal tunnel leading back to the queen’s chambers glowed cheerful and healthy. White phallites sluiced happily in the slime that lay three or four inches deep in the chamber.

Ona and my mother began pointing out features and laying plans, but I was more just distracted by my memories – the memories of finding my father’s rotting corpse in a corner and of unknowingly fucking his dying paramour. I shivered and instinctively turned in that direction, wandering to the spot where I had found his body, touching the stone that had once been coated in thick dark phallite material and turned into a chamber of torture. A tear welled in my eye.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned. My mother stood behind me. She reached around and hugged me from behind.

“I know it’s been hard on you,” she said. “You loved him more than I.”

I nodded.

“But he was so distant,” I said. “I don’t think I really knew him at all.”

I ran my hand up the stone wall, now coated with a healthy layer of white phallite slime. With the chamber was cleared, and better lit from the glowing, gaping entry to the royal chamber, I could see the walls clearly. They were ancient limestone, and damp with their own moisture where the slime was thinnest. Long lines of impurities ran through the rock where cracks had formed and allowed water to trickle in. In places calcifications hung down or rose up from the base. Along the walls, some of the cubbies even had stalactites and stalagmites.

Something caught my eye. One of the calcified cracks almost looked intentional, or man-made. I followed it along and realized it ran completely around the chamber, connecting with each cubby. That was odd. I pointed it out to my mom, Clementina, and Ona.

Clementina walked around the chamber, tracing the crack completely around then stopping in front of the pink tunnel leading to the empty queen’s chamber.

“It seems to go in here,” she said.

I had only been in the royal chamber once – when I cleared out the dark phallite eggs then used the pump to suck out all the dark phallite slime and organic material that had lined the walls. It was another bad memory I wasn’t looking to repeat. But Clementina gestured to me.

“Come on, Russel,” she said. “Let’s go check it out.”

Because of the omnipresence of the slime that ultimately coated everyone and everything that entered, trips into the rear chamber were usually conducted in swimsuits, underwear, or nude. Clementina, my mom, and Ona had all opted for just thongs and bikini tops, and I was wearing swim trunks. As Clementina crawled down the tunnel to the queen’s chamber, I followed, staring at her phallite-induced ass in front of me, and the narrow cord of the thong that failed to cover her perfect, pink, puckered asshole that I had reamed out the previous night.

I felt my cock stir in my shorts, despite all the bad memories that had been flooding into me ever since we entered the rear chamber.

I pushed those thoughts to the side and focused on the task at hand. We slipped from the slimy birth-like tunnel into the royal chamber. The chamber was about ten feet wide. Clementina pointed to a spot on the wall. I followed her gaze. The crack we had been following in the rear chamber continued here, coming around the chamber wall and ending opposite the entryway. I approached the terminus of the calcified crack. At the very end there was a notch carved into the limestone, a few inches wide, and a smaller stone had been fit into place.

It looked like some kind of a button.

Clementina and I exchanged a glance and I pushed the stone. It slipped backwards, grinding into the notch.

From behind us, back in the rear chamber, we heard a loud crack and the sound of stone grating on stone.

“Whoa, fuck…” came my mom’s voice. “Guys, get back out here now!”

I dove into the pink birth-like tunnel and squirmed through the slime out to the rear chamber, Clementina behind me. When I emerged, my mom and Ona were staring at the first cubby to the left when facing the pink tunnel. I turned and caught my breath. The entire back wall of the cubby had pivoted backwards opening into a dark tunnel beyond. The tunnel door was raised about two feet off the floor I noticed, seemingly designed to make sure the slime coating the floor of the chamber stayed there.

The pink glow from the birth tunnel didn’t extend beyond the first two or three feet of tunnel. Past that there was nothing but blackness.

I looked around the room, counting.

“There are six other cubbies here,” I said. “Are they all doorways? If so, how do they open? The switch in the queen’s chamber only opened one. And if these are all doors, where do they go?”

Clementina looked around too.

“This room isn’t just a chamber for the phallites, it’s like a nexus where tunnels come together. But where do they all go? And, like you said, how do we open them?”

“Is there anything in your journals?” I asked.

“Not that I’ve seen yet, but I haven’t gone through the ones we just discovered.”

“Did you know about these?” I queried.

“No, we didn’t,” Clementina said. “And thank God we didn’t. If Ona had known about them and hit the button in there when she was dark queen we might still be chasing dark phallites all over hell and back.”

I shivered at the thought.

We grabbed lanterns, climbed up on the lip of the tunnel, and started down it.

The walls were damp with moisture – but not slime, just regular cave dampness. The tunnel continued straight for about fifty feet, then turned right, then left, and proceeded ten feet before opening into another chamber.

The room was about the size of the room with the statues where I had originally met the friendly light phallites. And there were other similarities. Against the far wall stood a large statue standing about twenty feet tall, almost bumping up against the vaulted ceiling that soared to a dome over our heads, barely visible in the light from our lanterns. Before I could approach the statue Ona said, “hey look” and suddenly the entire room was illuminated by a series of lights mounted against the stone walls a few feet below the ceiling.

I turned and looked at Ona, who stood next to an electrical switch on the wall.

“I guess we’re not the first people here,” said Clementina.

“So your forebears knew about this room,” I replied.

“I guess,” she repeated, and turned to Ona. “Let’s just not touch any more switches or buttons without investigating them first. I get the feeling not all switches may do things as benign as turning on the lights.”

We all murmured an assent and turned back to the statue that stood at the front of the room.

The statue was of a woman showing many of the typical phallite-induced features – large, milk-swollen breasts, narrow waist, wide hips. The woman’s mouth was open and a long, snake-like tongue extended from her lips, hanging down far enough that it stopped just below her navel. Had she leaned her head forward, she could have easily licked her own vagina.

Even more shocking than the tongue however, was the splayed snatch. She did not have normal labia – not even normal by phallite standards – instead she had six tentacles sticking outwards and forwards, reaching as if to pull something into gaping maw of the vagina in the center. At the top of circle of tentacles was a swollen clit. The tentacles were almost as long as her legs.

The woman was squatting down, her legs splayed, her vagina seeming to open about six feet above a stone carved platform that was shaped as if it were some sort of a reclining bed or such, where a person could lay down with their head and shoulders elevated. In front of that, there was wide urn or container that was carved from the stone between the statue’s knees in front of her. The way the urn was carved left me the impression it was some sort of well and that it went down far below the floor into the bedrock.

“Wow,” my mom said. She stepped forward, looking at the statue that dwarfed her. The container underneath the graven woman came up to about my mom’s navel. She leaned forward and looked inside.

That’s when all hell broke loose.

Something shot out of the liquid that was in the urn and grabbed my mother around the shoulders, pulling her downwards into the urn. The fluid that splashed from the urn wasn’t water – it was red – like blood, only thinner. My mother’s top half disappeared into the blood-like liquid and her legs flailed in the air as the thing – whatever it was – tried to drag her under.

Chaos reined, everyone shouted at once. Ona grabbed one of my mom’s legs, Clementina the other, and pulled. I reached down into the bloody fluid, feeling for her shoulders and pulling, but something wouldn’t let go. I struck out with my hand, trying to find something to hit, but found none except for a single appendage that was wrapped around my mother’s midsection underneath her breasts.

My mother slowly, inexorably disappeared under the red fluid.

I leapt up on the rim of the urn and was about to dive in after her when the red soup erupted out in front of me, my mom rising into the air above the urn, her body covered in the blood-like liquid.

At first I thought she was levitating, then I saw the appendage wrapped around her midsection, hoisting her in the air. Her eyes were closed and her head lolled to the side, unconscious. A trickle of the red fluid ran from the corner of her mouth, her hair was slicked wetly to her skull.

Behind me Ona screamed.

“What is that? WHAT THE LIVING FUCK IS THAT?” she cried, backing away slowly until her back was against the far wall. Clementina and I involuntarily both took a step backwards but remained only a few feet from the urn, looking for an opportunity to jump in and pull my mother out from the thing’s grasp.

But then a curious thing happened. Instead of doing anything seemingly hostile, the strange reddish tentacle very gently laid my mother down on the stone chaise. My mother lay back, resting her shoulders on the raised portion. She coughed once, and her eyes opened. She looked across the mouth of the urn at Clementina and I, standing aghast in the room beyond. Our eyes met, then we both looked at the thing in the urn.

The red appendage reared above the urn, it’s tip pointed at my mother. I wished I had an ax or a shovel or anything I could use to whack this alien freak that was threatening my mother. But the tentacle lowered itself to the edge of the urn, then softly and slowly slipped up to my mother’s feet.

It moved softly, gently, in a fashion that was not in any way menacing. In fact if I hadn’t seen it drag my mother into the red fluid I would wonder if it presented any kind of threat at all. It slipped up her leg and up her stomach, between her breasts, until it’s tip hovered before her lips.

Then it very gently, softly, kissed her.

“Well isn’t that just the cutest…” Clementina said.

“Cute?” I rejoined. “It just dragged my mother into the drink. I hardly think it was cute.”

“Maybe it didn’t know and thought it was being threatened. Maybe it overreacted and just realized we weren’t hostile. Aw, look, it’s adorable.”

Soft mewing sounds were emanating from under the red water in the urn. I cautiously approached and looked down into the liquid. It was clear enough that I could see at least six or seven feet down. Beyond that was something large that blocked much of the well, though I couldn’t see what it was. But there were at least two more tentacle-like arms slithering around in the liquid, and quite possibly more.

I turned my attention back to my mother. She had lost her bikini and thong in the chaos in the urn. She lay on her back nude, with the tentacle positioned so it climbed up from the bottom of the chaise, ran between her legs, riding up across her small bush and navel, up between her breasts, to her face, where it was softly nuzzling her cheeks and planting kisses on her lips. My mother stroked the length of the thing, running her hands across it’s damp, scaly skin like it was her pet. More of the mewing sounds drifted from the urn.

As my mother stroked it, the thing began to pulsate, sliding itself back and forth across her skin, pressing itself between her mountainous, milky, phallite breasts, pushing into the hollow between her thighs and rubbing against her thick labia and clitoris. My mother stroked the creature more, moaning herself in response to the mewing that continued from within the urn.

The tip of the tentacle kissed my mother again, and she opened her mouth. The very end of the appendage slipped between her lips. She ran her hands up along the length of it, stroking it as if she were stroking a cock. She leaned her head forward and sucked more of the thing into her mouth.

Ona had moved forward and now stood next to the urn.

“Wow,” she said. “I wonder if I can get any of that funky action.” She lifted one leg over and was into the red fluid before I could stop her. A moment later she, too, rose up in the air held by another tentacle, except she was deposited carefully and gently back next to me, and the appendage withdrew to hover over the urn.

“Huh,” I said. “I guess it’s only one customer at a time.”

While Ona had been testing the waters, my mother had been providing fellatio to the first tentacle. I could see the distension of her neck as she deep-throated the thing. The second appendage that had handled Ona also slipped into play, sliding up the chaise next to the first, except this one stopped between my mother’s legs, hovering outside her slit as if waiting for permission to enter.

My mother looked down at the second tentacle, which ran it’s tip up the opening between her labia, then caressed the underside of her thick engorged clitoris that was peeking out from its hood. Slime poured from my mother’s pussy and ass, surging with the attentions from the slick appendage. She reached her hand down and pulled her meaty lobes apart, spreading her slick, slime-filled snatch for the creature. The tentacle hesitated for a moment, then slipped inside. She moaned as the member slipped deeper and deeper inside her.

Both tentacles now set up a back and forth motion, sliding in and out of her mouth and her slit in perfect synchronization. My mother closed her eyes and let the creature do the work, surrendering herself to the experience. She moaned around the tentacle that was penetrating her throat as fresh gushes of slime coursed from her snatch, her ass, and her mouth, pouring over her body and the scaled things that were invading her.

Her breasts poured a steady stream of milk as the things worked on her, the liquid dripping from her long, wide, erect nipples atop their engorged, pendulous mounds. My mother moaned again, arching her back as an orgasm overtook her, more slime pouring from every orifice.

“Jesus, that’s hot,” Clementina said. She pulled off her bikini top and thong, letting her own milky phallite breasts swing free. She leaned her elbows on the edge of the urn, spread her legs and gestured to me. Her ass hovered in the air above her pussy, both pouring out slime, her asshole already gaping in anticipation of what was to come. Clementina reached back and slipped two fingers inside the pink, puckered orifice, stretching it open even wider, the pink crumpled flesh begging to be penetrated.

“Make love to my ass, lover,” she said. “Fuck it like you did last night.”

Never one to argue with a request like that, especially a request to fuck a perfect phallite ass – and the first perfect phallite ass I ever set my eyes on – I pushed my swimsuit off and stroked my phallite cock that was already well on its way to being hard just watching my mother. Slime slipped from the gaping tip and I rubbed the shaft with the clear goop. Another glob of slime formed in my throat and I spit it on my palm and rubbed it across my purple, pulsing cock.

I stretched Clementina’s asshole even wider with my fingers. Her pink flesh pushed out in a beautiful pink rose. I almost came before I entered her just looking at her slimy ass flesh, but I caught my breath and slid my meat inside of her. Pushing in the entire fifteen inches until my balls pressed against her slimy labia.

Ona was laying on the floor of the chamber. She, too, had ditched her swimsuit and was fingering herself frantically, first with one finger inside, then with two, then her entire hand. She rolled over onto her knees and leaned forward, sliding her entire fist of her left hand inside her slit, and the entire fist of her right hand inside her ass.

I worked my cock in and out of Clementina’s ass, her sheath gripping my shaft. I reached around to squeeze her nipples, sending streamers of thick, sweet milk into the red water in the urn. I retched and gagged as I spat out fresh globs of slime from my throat onto Clementina’s ass that was shaking and jiggling as I fucked it frantically.

Suddenly I felt a shiver run through my body, and as Clementina had predicted a day before, I felt a slither of slime trickle from my asshole. It wasn’t what I had expected – it was pleasant.

I looked across the urn to my mother. While I had been fucking Clementina’s ass, another tentacle had emerged from the pool. My mother was now on all fours and had a tentacle in her mouth, a tentacle in her pussy, and a third was hovering over her pink gaping, slightly prolapsed asshole that she was fingering and stretching, begging the thing to penetrate. Slime slid out as the thing circled the outside, teasing my mother, who moaned through the immense appendage that was now deep down her throat, spreading her lips painfully wide. But the look on her face was not one of pain but of ecstasy. Finally the tentacle slipped into her gaped anus and she arched her back again, jiggling her wet, engorged breasts and sending fresh shots of milk squirting across the stone chaise.

The third tentacle joined the first two in the rhythmic pulsing, throbbing and pounding of my mother’s body. I could see the distension of her stomach from the ones in her abdomen, and the extreme distension of her throat from the appendage in her mouth. She looked used. She looked hot.

As for me, I was still having my way with Clementina’s cavernous phallite asshole. Slime, grool, and pre-come mixed together in an unholy potion that poured from her sphincter with every fresh stroke of my cock into her. I jerked back, pulling out and stretching her sheath out behind her, then plunged back into her bottomless phallite asshole. She leaned back, pressing her back against my chest and forcing my cock hard against the front of her abdomen, distending her stomach. With one hand I reached around and stroked my cock through her skin, with the other I squeezed her milk-laden breasts, sending thick streams of milk across the urn.

From within the urn two more tentacles emerged. With little hesitation or pause, they made a beeline straight for my mother’s asshole, pushing in next to the one that was already in play, squeezing three thick slimy appendages inside and stretching her pink sphincter beyond what I would have considered possible. Her sphincter and her anal sheath both stretched out along the length of the tentacles insanely, impossibly with each stroke of the thing. Her sphincter pulled along the tentacles for three or four inches and her sheath three or four feet. But when my mother moaned, it was a moan of pleasure, not pain. Whatever these things were doing to her, she enjoyed it and wanted it to continue.

Watching her get fucked by this alien creature while my own cock was deep inside Clementina’s perfect ass was too much. I felt my balls start to contract and thick globs of my come shot into her. She moaned and turned her head back, kissing me as we came together, sticky waves of semen and slime pouring out of her ass around my cock and running down our legs. We both groaned together.

On the floor beside us, Ona reached her own self-induced climax, leaving puddles of slime on the stone underneath her.

Across the urn, the thing continued to ream out every hole my mom had. She now had three tentacles in her ass, two in her pussy, and one gargantuan appendage down her throat. How she even breathed was a mystery to me. Her tits jiggled and her ass shook.

But even that had to come to an end eventually. With a shudder and a convulsion, my mom came again, the final orgasm in an uncountable string brought on by the beast. Slowly the tentacles began to withdraw, first the three from her ass, then the two from her cunt, and finally the biggest, thickest one from her mouth. The last appendage to pull out gently picked her up and deposited her softly on the other side of the urn, next to the three of us, who were recovering from our own exertions. Finally all six tentacles withdrew into the well of red fluid within the urn.

Slime and an unknown pink fluid was pouring from my mother’s widely gaped ass and slit, and a smaller trickle ran from the corners of her mouth. I grasped her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

“Are you okay?” I asked her.

She was a little shaky, but she nodded, then smiled.

“I think I am more okay than I have ever been in my life,” she said. She hugged me, then Clementina, and Ona. “That was fucking incredible.”

Ona stepped forward.

“Let me have a look at you,” she said.

“Have a look at her?” I said.

“You might not believe it,” Clementina said. “But she’s a nurse, though she’s not working as one at the moment.”

I fought back a sneer that threatened to curl my lip. Ona, the woman who had been responsible for my father’s death was a nurse?

“Why aren’t you working as one?” my mom asked as Ona put her ear to her back.

Ona listened to my mom’s heart and breathing for a moment, before answering.

“At my last position there was a young man who came in. He was homeless and was having trouble breathing. Someone found him on a grate unresponsive. After a bunch of tests it was discovered he had stage 4 lung cancer and was near death. He spent two weeks in the hospital then went to hospice. He was estranged from his family and he had nobody. Despite what you think of me, and despite what I did that caused your father’s death – a burden I will carry with me until my dying day – I really do care about people, and I want to help them. In his time at the hospital he and I became close. He really was a good guy who had some bad breaks. I started giving him sex when I got off shift. The hospital figured it out pretty quickly but looked the other way. Sometimes there’s more to nursing than just taking temperatures and giving pills. When he went to hospice I continued to visit him there. At the end he wanted to die. His heart was starting to fail, and I knew that if he was too excited for too long a period it would probably give out. So I gave him what he wanted…” She trailed off.

“Ona fucked him to death,” Clementina said, finishing what Ona couldn’t. “It was an act of love and compassion. He died happy, but the crushing grief after made her take a sabbatical from her work. Her light phallite was already getting old, and the emotional toll pushed it over the edge.”

“Is that when you came back and became a black queen?” I asked.

Ona nodded. “I wasn’t in my right mind. I was crushed and wanted something to make me feel different. Edging with a dark phallite was a new experience. For awhile I could feel different. But then things got out of control.”

She looked down, then turned back to looking over my mother. The conversation trailed off into silence and my anger and resentment towards Ona over my father’s death subsided a little. I even felt sympathy for her.

Ona declared my mother healthy, and we all stood up and headed towards the door.

Before we left the chamber, I turned one final time and looked up at the statue, the woman with the phallite-induced body, the preternaturally long tongue, and the gaping tentacle cunt. Something about it suddenly bothered me, though I couldn’t put my finger on it.

In the back of my mind I counted. There were six tentacles around the vagina of the statue. And there were six tentacles that came out of the water and penetrated my mother. I glanced over at her, but she seemed to have recovered. I wasn’t sure what to make of it, but I kept my discomfort to myself.

We slowly made our way back out of the chamber with the long-tongued statue back into the rear chamber, which we would forevermore call the nexus chamber, then back up to the barn and home.


The sun was sinking in the west as we made our way back to the house, tired out from our explorations in the caves. Nobody said anything, I think we all were still processing what had just happened. I was still feeling pensive and uncomfortable about the statue and about watching my mother have all three holes reamed out by some bizarre tentacle monster. I kept glancing over surreptitiously at my mother. She had lost her suit in the scuffle in the well, and was naked as she walked down the path in the late afternoon sunlight. But she looked just like she had that morning, and like she had ever since she took the phallite on and adopted the usual phallite female body – large, heavy, milk-laden breasts; wide aureoles and long nipples; thin waist, wide flared hips, thick labia, heavy clitoris, and slightly gaped vagina and ass. In her case, being a gym rat, she coupled that with toned muscles that meant she had fewer curves than Clementina or Ona, but she was not the lithe woman she had been before she took on a phallite.

But she looked just like she had before she had gone into the caves that day, there was nothing outwardly changed about her. Still, some internal radar – maybe my phallite – detected something about her that left me nervous.

We returned to the house and Clementina and Ona went inside, but my mother and I hopped into the pool for a dip. After swimming around a little, my mother came next to me where I stood leaning against the side of the pool.

“So how was your night out with Clementina?” she asked. She asked so casually, so normally, as if she hadn’t just taken three huge tentacles up her ass courtesy of the friendly cave monster from hell.

“It was nice,” I said, trying to match casual with casual. “We had a nice dinner, then went back to the hotel and had an incredible night.”

“Do you feel more attached to her now?” she asked. I noticed she didn’t use the “L” word.

“I do, I really adore her,” I said. “But nowhere near as much as I adore my mother.”

I meant it as a casual throwaway complement, and followed it up with a peck on my mother’s cheek. I hadn’t expected anything to come from it, especially since we had expended all that libido in the cave. But my peck on the cheek was followed by a full kiss on the lips from my mother. She positioned herself in front of me, pressing her heavy, firm breasts against my chest, then kissed me again, even harder, forcing her tongue into my mouth.

I pulled back slightly, and she looked at me quizzically.

“Aren’t you at least a little worn out after taking six tentacles inside you just a few minutes ago?” I asked. “Your asshole was insanely stretched – both in terms of gaping width and in terms of how it was pulled out along the thing’s tentacles. I would think you would be sore as hell right now.”

“No, not at all,” she said. “I feel great. I think I’m hornier than I was before.”

She reached down into the water and pushed my swimtrunks down to my feet, then began running her hands along my cock, stroking it. No man with a phallite on board can keep his cock soft when a woman with a phallite on board starts rubbing it. And I was no exception. Even though I was still troubled by my mother’s behavior and disturbed by the whole set of events in the cave, my cock had a mind of its own, and a moment later I was at full attention, standing out over a foot. My mother pressed her body against mine, pushing my cock against her stomach and up into the cleavage between her breasts. She squeezed the milk-heavy globes together, squishing my cock between them as the first surge of slime squirted from the tip, and creamy golden, licorice-tinged milk trickled from her long brown nipples into the water.

My nervousness slipped away, overcome by the surge of desire that raced through me. I bent down, running my tongue over her wide, pebbled aureole and sucking the long, brown nipple into my mouth. The sweet, intoxicating milk flowed across my tongue and I swallowed greedily, sucking another mouthful and carrying it up to my mother, where I passed it to her when we kissed, some of it trickling down our chins. I bent back over, squeezing the other breast, squishy with the milk inside. I pointed the nipple at my mouth and squeezed, spraying some into my mouth, some across my face. My mother pulled my face into one of her breasts and I suckled greedily as she dribbled a streamer of slime from her lips across her other mound and massaged it, squirting milk across my shoulders.

She lifted her body up and slipped her gaped slit down, devouring my waiting cock. Her motions immediately became passionate and frantic. My back was pressed against the side of the pool and she held onto the lip and pressed her knees and feet against the side as she pushed her body up and down my shaft. Thick slime oozed from the tip of my cock into her cunt, mixing with her own and adding even more lubrication as the flesh of my cock rubbed against the walls of her slit.

She pushed herself all the way down on my cock and I felt her thick lobes pressed against the base, her hard clit pressing against my abdomen above my member. I squeezed her breasts as I felt my cock tighten and the first salvo of juice shoot inside her.

My mother leaned forward and hugged herself against me as our orgasms ran their course, my seed filling up her pink, deep, waiting pussy. I leaned back against the side of the pool and closed my eyes. I felt like my very life was draining out of me as my semen surged into my mother’s body.

My mother kissed me on the lips.

“Did mommy do good?” she asked.

“Mommy is always the best,” I said, kissing her back. She pulled herself off my flagging, erection and hopped up onto the deck nimbly, while I still lingered in the pool.

“Are you coming in?” she asked. “There’s more where that came from if you want it.”

“I’ll be in eventually,” I replied. “But I think I’m done with fucking for now.”

“If you change your mind you know where to find me.” She winked and disappeared into the house.

I leaned my head back against the side of the pool and closed my eyes as the setting sun turned the back of the house burnt orange. The past 24 hours I had done nothing but fuck. Even with a phallite, I was worn out. Even more worn out than I would have thought I should be. And that last quickie with my mother had been the last straw, I was done.

The back of the house opened and Clementina came out. She was still in the thong bikini she had worn into the caves earlier. As she approached I looked at her, noticing how beautiful and desirable she was with her curvy, sultry phallite body. But I hoped she wasn’t looking for any hanky-panky because I was just about spent.

She sat on the edge of the pool next to wear I sat, dangling her feet in the water.

“Hey, lover,” she said.

“Hey yourself,” I replied.

“You look beat,” she said, looking me in the eyes. “I think we wore you out.”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I can barely stay awake.”

“You need to be careful with that phallite in you. Men especially can get worn down quickly.”

“Is that one of those things that make it ‘not to simple’ to recruit male phallite hosts, they get tired too quickly?”

“That’s…part of it,” she said, twirling her legs in the water.

“Can you tell me the rest of it?”

“I guess I owe it to you, don’t I?” she said, and sighed. “I’m not sure how to say this.”

“Is it really that bad?” I asked.

“You know how I came home after my phallite died and didn’t take on another parasite until Ona put a dark phallite in me? And you know how Ona came home when hers died to take on another? It works that way for women, but not for men.” She trailed off.

“So…how does it work for men, then?” I had turned and was looking straight at her as I said that.

“Every man I know of, and every man I have found records of the old journals – except one – all died when their phallite died.”

“What?!?!” I exclaimed. “So I die when my phallite dies? How long do they live?”

“Usually eight years, give or take. It depends on the phallite, the host, and how old the phallite was when it entered your body. I’m so sorry Russel, I really am.”

“And that one guy, the one who lived, what did he do differently?”

“Nothing that I can see in any records I can find. It seems on the surface like dumb luck. He went through a bunch of them before he died at a really old age, like 140 or something like that.”

“So if it doesn’t kill me, it makes me stronger.”

“Seems like it.”

“Then we have eight years to figure out what made that guy survive when all others failed.”

“I’m sorry I had to tell you this, and I’m sorry I dragged you into this in the first place,” Clementina said. “I look back on that night you came over to fix the plumbing and I cringe.”

“I know, Clementina. It’s not your fault, it’s another black mark against Ona. She killed my father and now she may end up killing me.”

“Thank you. I will do anything I can in my power to help you. So will Ona, I know. You were saving us when you put yourself in this situation.”

I climbed out of the pool. I wanted to talk to my mother. Despite the fact that she was a complete sex fiend tonight, I needed her guidance, her steady hand. She was usually a calming influence.

I walked inside, heading over to the wing where my mother and I made our home. I walked into our living room and came up short. Ona and my mother were on the floor, wrapped in a passionate sixty-nine, slime and milk covered their bodies. They looked up as I came in.

“You can slide in anywhere you feel like it,” Ona said, pointing her ass in my direction. My mother put her hands on Ona’s hips and cheeks and stretched both her pussy and asshole wide. Gaping chasms of pink beckoned. But even though my phallite poked me, I wasn’t in the mood and only felt the slightest stirrings in my cock.

I shook my head.

“Jesus mom, you’re a fucking tornado tonight. Wow. Anyway, when you guys are done, I need to talk to you. I’ll be in my room.”

I climbed the stairs to my room in the attic, stripped off my bathing suit and turned on the shower hot as I could stand. I let the water run over me for a long time before I finally got to work with the soap, washing off the dried mixture of semen, slime, and milk that still coated much of my body. I rinsed, dried myself with a towel, then lay down on the bed in a pair of pajama bottoms, trying to stay awake until my mother came up to talk.

I didn’t have long to wait. She appeared about ten minutes later.

“Are you planning on putting on any clothes or are you going to just walk around the rest of the day naked?” I snapped.

“It’s after 9:00, so there’s not much of the day left. No use getting any clothes dirty at this point is there?” she shot back tartly, crossing her arms over her chest and squinting at me.

“Sorry,” I sighed. “I just…ugh.”

“What’s the matter?” she asked, sitting next to me on the bed.

I filled her in on what Clementina said about men and phallites.

“Oh, shit,” she said softly when I had finished. “That’s rough. But look, don’t panic. We’ve got eight years to figure this out. There are all those journals that we still haven’t gone through, plus we can look into this one guy who survived. There has to be a solution somewhere. I know Clementina and Ona will do what they can – they are so grateful we saved them. We can get through this, I promise.”

She sat on the bed next to me and I cried onto her shoulder.

“Shhh,” she said. “It’s going to be okay. I promise.”

We disconnected and I lay back on the bed.

“Do you want a massage?” she asked, running her hand up and down my stomach and chest. “I can make it good for you.”

I shook my head.

“Mom, any other night I would say yes, but tonight I’m just not in the mood for any more sex. I am exhausted, so I think I am going to turn in and try to get some sleep.”

She nodded and kissed me on the forehead.

“Sleep tight, and if you change your mind, just let me know. You don’t even have to ask for permission, just come down and take what you need.” She winked, stood up, and swayed her hips as she walked to the door, letting her sheaths slip out and sway behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to see if I had been watching, then smiled as she left. I listened as her footsteps padded down the steps from the attic, closing the door at the bottom.

Even with that display, I still didn’t feel like sex. I just felt like sleep.

I rolled over, flicked off the light, and tried to go to sleep. I was so tired, I should have dropped off right away, but instead my mind whirled. Thoughts of my impending demise, of the tentacle monster in the cave, of my mother’s insatiability since she had been fucked by said tentacle monster, and my own absolute exhaustion. I was scared, disturbed, and I didn’t know what to make of my situation. Eventually, fear gave way to boredom, which gave way to that invitation my mom had made as she walked out of my room an hour before.

Out of pure frustration I threw off the sheets, tossed off my pajama bottoms, and padded down the stairs naked, my fifteen inches hard and ready in front of me, dribbling slime and pre-come from the tip. My mother had just come out of the tub and was wrapped in a towel. She smiled when she saw me come in.

She must have seen the look in my eye because she didn’t even bother to ask if I wanted that massage. She just tossed the towel aside and climbed onto her bed, perching on the edge on all fours and pointing her pink, perfect asshole at me. She didn’t need to say anything more.

I didn’t waste any time. Her asshole was gaping and trickling slime, and just underneath it her cunt was hanging wide open. My purple, throbbing cock was pointed skyward with my own slime trickling down the shaft. I used my thumbs to force open my mother’s already gaping asshole. Pink flesh pushed out. I planted my lips around it and sucked her ass flesh into my mouth, licking and sucking more of the crumpled flesh from inside. I leaned back and pushed my meat inside of her, sliding all fifteen inches into her waiting, puckered pink, gaped asshole. Slime sluiced out around my cock as I forced into the sphincter. My mom moaned.

I leaned forward, roughly squeezing her milk-engorged breasts, running my hands over her stomach and feeling my cock inside her. Slime rose in my mouth. I pulled out a few inches, spat the slime on my already slime-covered cock and slid it back in.

I picked up the pace. I wasn’t going for technique, I was going just for a good, hard fuck. My balls slammed against the thick labia around her slimy slit. More slime slid from her asshole with every stroke of my cock into her waiting cavern. Slime poured from my mouth and ran down my chin and my chest, and still more slipped from my asshole.

Every time I stroked out of my mother’s ass, her sheath clung to my cock, sliding out along my meat as I pounded in and out of her anus.

I leaned my head back and pushed myself harder. Around my cock I felt my mother climax and a fresh wave of slime poured from all three of her holes, but I didn’t slow down. Instead, I pulled all the way out, and slid all the way back in repeatedly – re-penetrating her puckered asshole again and again, stretching her sheath far behind her. I felt her back arch as another orgasm washed over her, her ass flesh coming further and further out of her with each stroke.

Fuck it, it was my turn. I leaned forward and sped up, working my cock in and out of her ass in a frenzy. Suddenly, my mother reached back and stopped me, putting a hand on my chest.

“Don’t come yet,” she said. “I want that load in my mouth, baby. Fill mommy’s mouth with your slime and come.”

Before I let her move that beautiful ass out of my sight, I bent down and planted my lips onto her pink – now red – asshole. I knew she was full of slime, both hers and mine. I was right. I sucked and pulled a huge load of slime into my mouth.

She spun around and sat cross-legged in front of me on the bed, seizing my foot-plus and stroking it. I took her hair and pulled it, stretching her head back and opening her mouth. Opening my own mouth I slowly trickled the slime out, letting it slip down my chin and dribble down into her mouth. Her ass slime and my cock slime combined that I had sucked out of her asshole slithered into her open lips. I reached down and kissed my mother and we swapped our slime back and forth as I gagged and added more to the mix.

I pulled back and some of the slime slipped from her lips, dripping down my mother’s chest. I slid three fingers into her mouth, teasing the back of her throat until she retched. A huge wad of phallite slime shot out of her mouth into mine. I sucked it down and swallowed it, as my own body retched up a glob. I dribbled it back into her mouth and across her tits.

I finally let my mother pull back and return her attention to my cock, kissing the tip and sucking the sensitive spot under the head. I groaned and the tip of my cock gapped as a fresh load of slime poured forth. Another load of slime rose up into my mouth and I let it trickle down on my mother’s hair, still wet from the shower.

My mother was sucking almost a foot of my cock into her mouth, working it in and out, tickling the underside with her tongue. Streamers of slime from her mouth down her chin and across her milk-engorged breasts.

I pushed my cock forwards, pushing it into her throat, forcing the entire fifteen inches down her maw, making her spit up thick streamers of slime. My mother took it though, letting her son force feed her cock, face fucking her into a frenzy. Slime shot out her mouth and nose as she retched, and I could see more pouring from her ass and slit. I think my mom came as I shoved my cock down her throat.

My balls tightened and I knew it was almost time to come. I took her hair and pulled her head back so her face was just inches from my huge purple head. She stroked my cock, opening her mouth and smiling up at me. My balls convulsed and a thick stream of come shot from the end into her mouth and across her face. A second and a third surge of semen and slime rocketed out, filling her mouth and trickling down across her mountainous breasts. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes as my mother stuck out her tongue and began licking my cock, teasing out ever last drop she could manage.

I could feel her tongue working over my cock, running around the sides, teasing the tip, flicking across the underside, wrapping all the way around…

Wrapping all the way around…?

I opened my eyes. My mother’s head was perched at the end of my cock, but her tongue came out and was wrapped several times around, extending out an impossible length – just like the statue in the chamber with the tentacle monster. She pulled it back, sucking the come it collected into her mouth with relish, then flicked the long, sinewy organ down across her breasts, licking the come that had fallen there before she finally pulled it all the way back into her mouth.

I looked down in horror and took a step backwards, pulling my cock free from her hand.

“What the fuck…?”

She smiled and leaned back, spreading her legs. I reeled in shock. Her labia had been replaced with six slimy, tentacles reaching, grasping for my cock.

I froze. I wanted to turn and run, but now I was frozen in place. Her long tongue and her six, soft slimy tentacles reached for my cock. As soon as the first sucker touched the tip, a shiver went up my spine. They were soft, supple, slick, smooth, with gentle suckers that grasped and teased my shaft. The fact that I had just come into my mother’s mouth was lost in this new sensation. A surge of lust shot through me and my cock began to stiffen up again.

Her tentacles slowly slid up and down my fifteen inches, teasing globs of slime from the tip, making me moan. Her long tongue teased her breasts, squeezing her long brown nipples and sending squirts of milk across my cock. Her labia tentacles massaged the milk into my meat, teasing my cock until it was fully at attention. More slime slipped from the tip.

I looked down at my mother’s tentacled pussy. At the center of the ring of six appendages, her snatch gaped – pink, slimy, open waiting for my cock. I could see inhuman-looking muscle contractions ripple through the pink tunnel that opened before me, making the walls quiver and my mother arch her back in an orgasm. A fresh load of slime sluiced from her open hole, and more poured from her mouth across her tits that were pointed skyward, arcing milk across her stomach.

Her tentacles pulled my cock towards her vagina. I wanted to fight, I wanted to resist, but it was as if she was sucking my will from me. My cock throbbed towards her pussy, my cock tip purple and engorged, the aperture at the end gaping in anticipation, sliding slime out that the tentacles rubbed along the shaft.

I leaned forward, grabbing my mother’s legs and pulling her cunt closer. Her tentacles wrapped around my legs and my balls, slipping one up into my sliming asshole.

I was horrified by the pussy that awaited my cock, but I wanted it more than I had ever wanted anything before.

I slipped my hands down between the tentacles and stretched them apart, gaping her pink cunt even wider. The tentacles slithered and grasped at my fingers, pulling my hands even further apart, stretching my mother’s slit even more.

The widening of her slit pushed her asshole wider too. Below her tentacled labia I could see her asshole gaping, slithering slime out, pink flesh beyond.

“Slide your monster cock into your mommy’s pussy,” my mother whispered, her voice hoarse around the slime in her throat. “Make me feel it, baby. Make mommy come.”

I couldn’t resist her, I couldn’t resist the insistent pull of her tentacled labia. I slid my cock into her waiting, gaping, rippling cunt and began pistoning in and out of her. Her tentacles grasped my legs as I worked her over, feeling every inch of my meat as it slipped past the rippling walls of her alien vagina. I was horrified but unstoppably aroused. The terror made the turn-on even more intense. I had to come, I had to come inside this tentacled monster my mother had become.

I pushed in and out harder and harder. I closed my eyes. Her tentacles slipped up and down my legs, teased my balls, and made rings around my asshole.

Finally I felt my balls contract. Thick loads of semen and slime shot into the tentacled maw that was – or had once been – my mother’s cunt. Her tentacles ran thick with the combination of slime and come.

As my ardor cooled, I looked down at my mother and her body. What had I done? What was she? What had I just fucked?

I turned and fled back to my attic room, locking the door behind me.

What the fuck had I just seen? What had I done? I had seen a tongue like that and tentacles like that before earlier today. It was on the statue in that chamber with the tentacle monster – the monster that had so thoroughly fucked my mother.

What was happening?

I fell down onto the bed, exhausted. Any resistance to sleep seemed to have been drained out of my by my frantic fuck with my mother and the subsequent moment of terror. I rolled over, closed my eyes and sank deeply into sleep.


The first part of the night I slept soundly, but then my dreams turned turbulent and fevered.

I tossed and turned. Visions of my mother in the grips of the tentacled horror tore through my brain, dreams of running down endless dark caverns, stone doors opening in the nexus, then closing and trapping me forever with unnameable horrors.

I had horrifying images of my mother with her long tongue wrapped around my cock, or around my body. In one dream, only her face appeared in front of me – an immense face fifteen feet high. Her lips opened and her tongue shot out, wrapping my entire body and pulling it towards her mouth like that tentacled monster had pulled her into the red water the previous afternoon.

I awoke in the morning about 7:00 with a raging erection, sheets soaked with sweat and slime. My cock and ass were both trickling slime. My pajama bottoms lay on the floor of my room where I had left them the night before when I went downstairs to fuck my mother. I looked at my face in the mirror. Bloodshot eyes above dark circles and sunken cheeks. I looked like shit. I let my eyes roam down my body, taking in my chest, then down to my cock.

I spun around to my bed and whipped back the sheets. In the middle of the slime puddled on the covers was a pile of hair. I turned back around to the mirror. All of my body hair had fallen out over night. I had always kept my pubic hair trimmed neatly, as much out of comfort as out of looks as my lower hair tended to be prickly and scratchy. But I had never shaved it before, and being without any hair down there made my already monolithic phallite cock stand out even more. It looked huge, insanely huge.

What the fuck. Why had all my hair fallen out? Was this a phallite thing? Was I sick? Terrifying thoughts of Clementina’s warnings about what happened to male phallite carriers surged into my head.

Despite having an immense erection, I had little desire to put it to use. I really just wanted to go back to bed. But I didn’t want to face any more nightmares, and I had class, so I decided to get up.

I brushed the sticky pile of pubic hair into the trash and stripped the slimed sheets from the bed, leaving the mattress open to dry. I turned on the shower cold and climbed inside, shivering until my cock decided to behave, then I dried off, pulled on shorts and a T-shirt and made my way down to the kitchen. I had class in a couple of hours and had to pull myself together. I hadn’t had anything to drink the night before but felt like I had been up drinking all night.

I made some coffee and sat down at the kitchen table to try to collect my racing thoughts.

I heard my mother stir and she came down the stairs in her usual nighttime sleepwear of a cut off T-shirt and yoga shorts. I poured her a cup of coffee and she sat down across from me at the table. I was nervous looking at her for a couple of reasons. First there was the tongue thing, second there was the tentacle labia thing, and third was my abrupt exit from her room last night.

She took a sip of her coffee.

“You must have been tired,” she said.

“I was, but I didn’t sleep well. I had all kind of weird dreams.”

“You should have taken me up on my offer and come down to my room, I could have turned your nightmares into sweet dreams,” she said.

“What?” I replied, looking at her sharply. “What do you mean? I came down to your room about an hour after you left my room.”

“You must have dreamt it, sweetie,” she said, smiling, putting her hand on mine. “I was all alone last night. I would have loved a visit from you.”

“No,” I said. “I’m sure…”

“You were dreaming,” she said reassuringly.

“Stick out your tongue,” I said.

“Do what?”

“Your tongue, let me see it.”

She stuck out her tongue. It was her normal tongue, not the long, snaking tentacle-like thing I had seen the night before.

“Jesus,” I said. “I am losing it.” I gulped the rest of my mug of coffee and poured another.

“You look rough,” my mother said. “Maybe you should skip class today, just take it easy. You may be coming down with something.”

“Maybe, but I think getting out of here for awhile will do me more good than sitting around in the house all day. Oh, and by the way, all my body hair fell out last night.”

“What? Really? Let me see.”

I pulled my shorts down and my mother shook her head.

“Wow, that makes you look huge. You in the mood for a quickie before class?” she asked. “I want to suck on that thing so bad it makes my pussy hurt.”

I was still processing the tongue and labia experience, I wasn’t sure I was ready for a blowjob – or any job – from my mom. And if taking two tentacles in her slit and three in her ass yesterday didn’t make her pussy hurt, I doubted looking at my soft cock would do the trick.

But my mom didn’t seem to want to take no for an answer. I reached to pull my pants back up but she intercepted me, pulling my hands away and pulling my shorts to the ground.

“I don’t think…” I started, but she interrupted.

“Last night I told you that you didn’t even have to ask for permission,” she said. “But you won’t do the same for me?” She pulled off her T-shirt, letting her breasts swing free. They were milky and full, just begging to be sucked and emptied.

I wanted to say no, but I was too exhausted to fight, and seeing her tits I was getting horny against my better judgment. My cock was hard and it looked even more gargantuan than normal without any pubic hair around it. Slime was already dribbling from a purple tip that was gaping widely. My mother pulled the head of my cock in her mouth and worked her tongue around the pulsating tip, teasing the underside and gently biting just behind the helmet. She pulled back and let another surge of slime flow from her mouth onto my cock as a similar surge stretched down from my cock tip.

If I was going to give her what she wanted, she was going to pay a little. I grabbed her hair and pushed my cock into her mouth. She moaned seductively and looked up at me, daring me to push all 15 inches in. I slipped inch by inch into her mouth, feeling the hard flesh of my cock slip past her lips, over her tongue, through her throat, and down into the depths of her body. My balls hit her chin and slime dribbled from her lips, more slid from her nose as she tried to control the flow of slime that was coming from my cock and coming from her throat. She gagged as I pulled back and pushed back in, feeling my cock rub against her pulsating throat.

I thought about pulling out all the way, but the look in her eyes begged for more, so I slipped out a couple inches, then back in and held it there until another round of slime poured from her mouth and nose. Her eyes watered so I slowly slipped back out. A huge glob of slime poured from her lips as my tip popped free, sending globs of slime across her large milky tits.

I bent down and licked the slime from one of her tits, swallowed it, then began licking the wide, pebbled aureole and the long, stiff nipple that stood out from the mound. Thick, sweet, seductive milk poured from her breast into my mouth and down my chin, as I suckled voraciously. My mother pulled her other tit up to her lips and sucked, drinking in her own milk.

I let go of her breasts and leaned back as my hard cock tilted upwards. The aperture at the end was gaping widely. My mother ran her index finger through the slime hanging off the head, then slid it inside the tip, pushing it in to the second knuckle. I groaned as she massaged the underside of the cock head from the inside while stroking the shaft from the outside.

She let go of my cock and pulled my her face up to hers, kissing me, forcing my cock up between our bodies and squeezing it between her tits. More slime slithered from my meat, mixing with the milk streaming from her breasts, and making a sticky mess that stuck our skin together.

Our lips locked, our tongues intertwined, she took in a deep breath, pulling the air from my lungs. It was almost as if she were sucking my life out of me. I could feel my already flagging energy sinking even lower. The testosterone surge was all that was keeping me going, but I wasn’t sure how much longer I would be able to continue.

I tried to pull my face away from hers but she put her hands on the back of my head and forced me to keep my lips locked on hers. I needed to pull away, I needed to get free, but every time I tried to inhale, she pulled my air away. What the fuck. I put my hands on her chest and gave her a hard shove. She finally came away from my face with an audible sucking pop, like a sucker-tipped dart coming free from a wall. I gasped for air.

“What the fuck,” I said between gulps of air. “You almost asphyxiated me…”

She laughed.

“What’s the matter, baby,” she said. “Can’t handle mommy after all?”

I started to swear at her, but instead grabbed one of her tits and squeezed it hard, expecting to get a complaint, but she only laughed again.

I picked her up and planted her ass on the counter and pushed her legs apart roughly. Her labia were gaping, revealing the crumpled pink tunnel inside. I slid three fingers inside and pulled upward, stretching it even further, hoping for some kind of a response that I had hurt her a little, but she only laughed.

Fuck her.

I slid my cock past her meaty labia into her deep slit. She squeezed her muscles, forcing me to push harder, feeling the pressure of each inch of my cock as it pushed past the ribbed muscles of her vagina. I pushed hard and fast, worried I might lose steam and get tired before I finished the job. She wanted a quickie, and I needed to deliver a quickie. I wasn’t sure I had the energy for much else. As slime slid from her pussy around my meat, she begged me to go harder and faster. I obliged, ramping up my motion until I was jackhammering my meat in and out of her pussy as hard as I could. She pulled me close, wrapped her arms around me and pressed our chests together. More milk from her tits rolled down my chest, mixing with the slime pouring from her deep, spread slit.

I felt a wave of an orgasm wash over her and felt relieved. At least I had enough in the tank to get her off. I needed to finish the job for myself.

I pulled out and flipped her over, grabbing her thick hips and stretching her asshole wide, rubbing my cock against the pink flesh that popped out when I gaped her wide pink sphincter. I pushed my cock inside, forcing every last inch inside her cavernous asshole. As I pistoned my cock in and out of my mother’s ass, she tightened her muscles, causing her flesh to grab my meat and slide out along it like a sheath. Her meat held tight to mine as I pulled out five or six inches before pushing back in.

I felt my energy flag again. I needed to finish. I shifted my position and redoubled my efforts. A moment later my balls tightened as I released into her waiting body. My seed mixed with her slime and dribbled out of her asshole as I continued to piston her until I felt my balls start to slow their pulsations.

As my cock subsided, so did my energy level. I felt as if every drop of stamina I had left exited my body with my ejaculation. I felt woozy and weak at the knees.

I pulled my cock out of my mother’s dripping ass and sat down, my member slowly losing tone and softening. Come and slime slipped from her still-gaped pink asshole. I sat at the kitchen table and lowered my head into my hands, barely awake, head spinning. She leaned against the counter, looking down at me, slime and come dribbling down from her asshole across the front of the counters.

I was beat, but I could still feel the need emanating from my mother. She was insatiable and it just radiated from her body. But I had no energy left.

She slipped off the counter and stood in front of me, milk and slime coating her body and glistening in the morning light.

“Is that all you got for mommy?” she said. She got down on her knees and began sucking at my still pulsating cock, teasing it, trying to bring it back to life.

“Mom, enough already,” I said, rubbing my eyes. “I need some rest.”

“Come on, baby, just one more time,” she said. “One more time and you can rest forever.”

Despite my wishing otherwise, my cock stirred back to life. She kept sucking and licking until it was hard again.

What the fuck? Was she never satisfied? I was exhausted, but now I was really angry. Fuck her.

I stood up again, rolled her over and pushed her against the counter. My cock rose to the occasion and a surge of energy shot through me. I slammed my cock back into her gaping stretched asshole, ramming it straight in, driving all fifteen inches into her in one hard punch.

She moaned. “Fuck yeah, finish mommy. Make mommy’s asshole hurt.”

I didn’t know if I could compete with three slimy tentacles but I could try. I poured everything I had into fucking her ass. I don’t know how long I lasted, it could have been fifteen seconds, it could have been fifteen minutes. I only knew the slap of my stomach on her hips, the slick feel of her ass flesh wrapping around my cock as I slammed in and out, and her moans of pleasure as she came again and again – and as every drop of energy I had bled away.

She reached back and put her hand on my chest as I fucked her. Her palm was warm – more than warm, it was hot. I looked down, it could have been my imagination, but it seemed like her palm was almost faintly glowing. What the fuck, how was that even possible?

That hand felt like it was reaching inside me and pulling out my very soul.

I was exhausted. I needed to finish. I leaned against her body and just pistoned my hips, ramming in and out of her asshole, sending gushes of slime everywhere.

Finally I unleashed a load of seed deep inside. For the second time, I slipped out of her wet, slimy, gaping asshole and sank into a chair.

She looked down at me.

“I guess you’re not up for another round…” she said.

“Christ mom,” I replied, shaking my head. “No more.”

“Oh well, you can’t blame a girl for asking. You look like shit,” she said. “You sure you don’t want to stay home and get some rest?”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “Maybe I will after all.”

I drank a glass of water, had some toast for breakfast, and wandered outside aimlessly, just wanting to get out of the house for a bit before I came back in and probably went back to bed. Clementina was in the front garden when I went out. I told her about my missing body hair.

“That’s not unusual,” she said. “Phallites do that to some people. Everyone loses some body hair to some extent, it just looks like you were an extreme case. Don’t sweat it.”

I nodded, accepted a hug, and wandered around the yard and the fields for a half hour or so. I finally went back inside, climbed back up to the attic and fell down onto my bare mattress and pillow that were still damp from my exertions the night before.

I slept soundly, thankfully free of nightmares, until around 2:00 in the afternoon, when I awoke. My head was still a little foggy but I thought I might feel just a hair better than that morning.

Clementina was in the pool. I changed into my trunks and joined her. I dove in and swam to where she was treading water in the deep part of the pool.

“You skipped class today,” she said.

“I was beat this morning,” I said. “I didn’t sleep well.” I told her about my nightmares, and my strange tongue-and-labia sexual experience with my mother that didn’t actually happen.

“I’ve been thinking about that tentacle creature,” she said. “And I’ve been thinking about your mother.”

“What about her?”

“Have you noticed anything different about her in the past 24 hours since she was raped by that creature?”

“Like what?”

“Like as soon as you went back to bed this morning, she came out to where I was working in the garden and talked me into coming in for a two-hour multiple-orgasm sex session. Afterwards, I went back out to the garden for a couple hours. When I came back, she was going at it with Ona. Your mom has become insatiable. I hope she’s drinking a lot of water, because she needs to replace all that slime she’s pouring out.”

“I did kind of notice that. She fucked me right after we got back from the caves yesterday, then wanted to go at it again later, then we did it in the kitchen this morning. If I had been fucked the way that thing fucked her, I wouldn’t want sex for a week.”

“Exactly,” Clementina said. “Are you up for an expedition?”


“Back to that chamber where the tentacle monster is. There’s something not right there.”

“I’m down with that.”

Clementina told Ona where we were going and told her to stall my mom if she started asking questions (probably not difficult). She brought out a couple of waterproof flashlights, then Clementina and I set out across the field to the barn cave entrance in our swimsuits. I had on my trunks and Clementina had on one of her “turns invisible when wet” one piece suits that was already wet from being in the pool, so it was already invisible.

The nexus was pretty much as we had left it, the one door to the left of the pink vaginal tunnel was open. We had accidentally left the light on in the room with the tentacle thing and the light spilled into the tunnel as we made our way back down to the room with the urn.

The huge statue of the squatting woman with the insane tongue still stood as we left it, her huge lobes hanging down above the chaise beneath her, the urn before her between her knees.

Clementina hung back, but I approached the urn and looked down into the red water in the well. I could only see about the first five or six feet into the blood-red liquid, but I couldn’t see any sign of the tentacle creature. I turned on the flashlight and shined it down the well. Far down, probably fifteen or twenty feet, I could see something hanging out at the bottom, something dark and multi-limbed. I assumed it was the tentacle creature.

Clementina approached beside me and looked down, shining the flashlight with mine. Together we could clearly illuminate the monster lurking in the depths, but it still showed no sign of moving. Clementina played her light up the walls of the well, then stopped and pointed.

About halfway up the wall was an opening leading back in the direction underneath the statue. An underwater tunnel.

“I wonder,” said Clementina.

“What?” I asked.

“Did you notice that when your mother went into the water she was wearing her bikini and thong, then when she came back out she was nude?”

“So?” I asked. “That was a pretty flimsy outfit, it wouldn’t take much to dislodge it.”

“The top, yes, but the bottom?” Clementina said. “In case you hadn’t noticed, women’s phallite hips are not exactly trivial. My measurements are 42DD-25-42, pretty standard phallite female numbers. Your mom’s behind is a little smaller, but it’s at least a 39 or 40. When that thing grabbed her, I guarantee you she tightened her ass muscles. She was only underwater a few seconds. I have trouble believing her thong came off that easily.”

“So what are you saying?” I asked.

“I’m not sure, but there’s more going on here than meets the eye.”

She leaned forward again and played her light across the opening in the well wall.

“I want to know what’s back in that hole,” she said, finally.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m not keen on the idea of diving back in there.”

“Yeah, me neither,” Clementina said. “But that thing seems pretty docile now. I wonder why.”

“It was pretty docile yesterday too, if you remember,” I said. “When we attacked it, it didn’t hurt us, it just pushed us back. I somehow don’t think it will hurt us. Maybe we should see what happens when we push our luck.”

I reached down and trailed my hand across the liquid, then stuck my whole arm in, then pulled it out. When the rippled cleared I played my flashlight downwards. The creature hadn’t moved. I climbed up onto the lip of the urn and slipped my feet in, dangling them down. Again, no sign of movement.

“Well, so far so good,” I said. “Time for the big test.”

I slowly slipped off of the ledge and let my body slip into the red, blood-like soup. I clung to the edge and Clementina shined her light downwards. Still no movement.

“What the hell,” I said. “Do you have any rope?”

Clementina nodded and disappeared up to the barn, returning a few minutes later with a long coil. I tied a section around my chest under my arm and she held the other end.

I took my flashlight and dove down several feet and shined the light across the creature hovering at the bottom. Still no movement. I swam even closer, nothing. I surfaced for fresh air, then dove all the way down until I was hovering just above it.

The thing didn’t move. I poked it and it still didn’t move. It was nothing but coils and coils at the bottom. So many coils that I couldn’t see the base of the monster or the bottom of the well.

I surfaced.

“I think it’s dead,” I said. “Come on, let’s go check out that side tunnel.”

I ditched the rope. Clementina hopped into the well and we swam down to the offshoot, poking our beams of light into the space. The tunnel went about five feet then shot upwards, but where, we couldn’t see. We surfaced to the top of the urn, took a moment to catch our breath, then swam back down as fast as we could into the tunnel. The upshaft at the end climbed ten feet upwards into an air pocket. We shot up into the space beyond, gasping as we surfaced.

We were in a chamber about the same size as the one with the statue. I guessed we were in the wall behind the statue. We played our light across the room. The chamber was bare stone except against the far wall, where a raised platform stood, an oblong container atop. The container looked like a coffin or sarcophagus.

A feeling ran down my spine – a bad feeling. I played my flashlight across the coffin, then slowly approached. It was carved from stone, like everything else in the chamber. It did not have a lid, but the top was close to six feet high, so from a distance I couldn’t see what was inside. Clementina and I looked at each other and crept forward, holding our flashlights high. Slowly, the edge of our beams slipped down the side of the stone coffin, revealing what was inside.

“Mom!” I screamed and leapt forward, but Clementina grabbed my arm.

“Don’t touch her!” she said. “We don’t know whether that’s really your mom, or if your mom is really that person back at the house.”

I peered cautiously over the edge of the sarcophagus.

“She’s wearing the bikini and thong my mom was wearing. You were dead on.” I said. “Fuck it, that’s her. That thing back at the house is some kind of an imposter…it’s…”

I thought of how drained I had felt ever since our encounter with the tentacle beast yesterday, and how I had felt even more drained after sex with my mom. All the pieces came together in my mind almost as exactly as they came together in Clementina’s. We looked at each other and said it simultaneously.

“A Succubus.”

“Or a doppelganger, whatever you want to call it. But whatever the name, it’s draining me,” I added. I sat down on the floor and leaned my back against the cool wall of the chamber. The exertion of swimming through the tunnels had left me more drained than I had been before. Even though we hadn’t had any more sex since our romp in the pool, I knew that thing was still draining my life away, breath by breath, heartbeat by heartbeat. I was being sucked dry like a husk and would be cast aside.

“Fuck,” I whispered. “God, this is just too much. First I find out I am going to die in a few years when my phallite dies, now to speed things along, my mom is replaced with some kind of a soul-sucking monster that is trying to kill me now rather than wait. What the fuck. I can’t fucking deal.”

Clementina sat down next to me and put her arms around me.

“Russel, I’m here. I will stand beside you. Ona and I owe you our lives several times over. We will not forsake you, I promise. We will figure the way out.”

For the second time in as many days, I found myself weeping on a woman’s shoulder. The previous day it had been my mother – or whatever the fuck that succubus thing was masquerading as her. Today, I wept on Clementina’s shoulder, my sobs echoing through the damp, humid air of the tomb.

When I had cried myself out, Clementina and I rose, and we began looking in more detail at the chamber we occupied. Mostly the walls were bare, but after a little hunting, we found a stone next to the coffin that was a little different color than the others, recessed in the same fashion as the switch in the royal chamber by the nexus.

We looked at each other and I reached out and pushed the stone into the wall.

A loud grinding came from behind. We spun about. The wall had swung back, revealing the chamber with the squatting-tongued statue and urn beyond.

And beyond the urn, stood my mother – or rather the succubus that was pretending to be her.


The succubus imitating my mother did nothing overtly hostile, just stood there.

Behind her, Ona stood uncertainly in the archway to the entry tunnel, a pleading look in her eyes, as if to say “I tried.”

I turned to Clementina.

“What do we do now?” I whispered.

“I don’t know,” she replied softly. “But I bet it’s something similar to what you had to do to me and my sister to purge the dark phallites.”

Not sure of what to do next, I took the bull by the horns, running full speed at the urn, launching myself over it, and flying straight into the succubus. My shoulder caught her square in the midsection and I felt a satisfying exhalation of air from her lungs as I drove her hard into the stone floor. She rolled onto her side, gasping for air. I wasn’t as skilled as my mother in hog-tying, but I still had her tied up in a minute or two.

“Damn, Russel,” Clementina said. “You don’t take any prisoners.”

“She’s taken me prisoner, she’s taken my mom prisoner, fuck her,” I said as Clementina climbed over the urn to take her place by my side.

“I guess I should go get a light phallite,” I said.

“Get two,” Clementina said.


“Yeah, two. One for this bitch here,” she said, kicking the rib cage of the succubus. “And one for your mom. Just in case.”

I scooted down to the nexus and returned with two light phallites perched on my shoulder.

“Where do we begin?” I asked.

“My guess is we do a purge on the succubus, then if that doesn’t wake up your mother, we do the same to her.”

“Is the succubus even human?” I asked. “Will a purge work? I mean, what the fuck is it?”

“I don’t know,” Clementina said. “But having been around the phallites for so long, I think there is some kind of phallite creature driving the succubus inside. I bet if we do a purge, it will come out and we can see what it is and figure out how to deal with it.”

“I guess,” I said. I looked down at the creature that looked just like my mother but wasn’t her. She looked back at me. The look in her eyes wasn’t malevolence, it wasn’t compassion, the only word I could come up with to describe it was “alien”.

I shook my head and looked at the cream phallites perched on my shoulders.

“What the hell are these things?” I asked. “Where do they come from? And what nightmares are in the other chambers of this place?”

“I don’t know,” said Clementina. “We would need someone with a scientific background to help us sort that out. But for now, the most important thing is getting your mom back.”

“Agreed,” I sighed. “Let’s get this over with before this creature takes what little energy I have left.” I felt like crap, I didn’t want to do this, I wanted to just lay down and sleep.

Clementina approached me and picked the phallites off my shoulder, then hugged me.

“Hang in there Russel,” she said. “It’s almost over.”

“It’s almost over…until my phallite dies, then it’s all over,” I said, sinking my head onto her shoulder.

“We can’t give up hope,” she crooned into my ear. “We have time before your phallite dies. We have time to figure out a solution. You mean too much to me for me to let you go now.”

I closed my eyes and cleared my head, taking whatever energy I could muster from her presence.

After a moment I loosed my hold and we leaned back.

“Better?” Clementina asked. I nodded.

“But I have no energy left,” I added. “I have nothing in the tank. I don’t know if I have the energy to purge this thing.”

“I can help with that,” she said. She unhooked the off the top of her swimsuit and pushed it down below her waist, bringing her breasts free. She pulled my head down to her chest, pushing my lips to her nipple and squirting her sweet phallite milk into my mouth. I swallowed, then latched my lips onto the long, wide brown nipple and sucked. The sweet milk poured down my throat, and I suckled greedily, demanding more. I could feel the sense of mild intoxication that phallite milk brought with it. I relaxed as some of my energy came back courtesy of her breast milk.

I sucked until flow from her breast slowed, so I switched to the other, which was still full and laden with milk, sucking hungrily, needily. Slowly energy crept back into me. I didn’t feel 100%, but I felt I was getting what I needed to do what had to be done.

Ona joined her sister and I switched to her breasts, sucking even more milk from her.

As I suckled at her sister’s breasts, Clementina pushed my trunks down and pulled out my meat, which was slowly coming to attention. She spit slime down on it and stroked it, licking the head. She knelt in front of me, sucking my rising erection, teasing slime from the tip, then taking the entire hard 15 inches into her mouth in a long, deep swallow. She pulled it out, long tendrils of slime dribbling from her mouth to the tip, then breaking and trickling across her breasts which were still dribbling milk from their long, hard nipples.

Clementina stood up, bent over the urn as she had the day before, and pointed her perfect ass at me, as Ona reached down and stroked my cock, spitting slime and milk across it.

“Come on, lover, get started in me,” Clementina said. “Then you can switch over to that thing when you’re ready.” I didn’t argue. Her sweet, pink sphincter hovered in front of me. Ona slipped two fingers from each hand inside her sister’s puckered asshole then pulled them apart, gaping her sphincter, revealing the pink flesh inside. Slime poured out and trickled across her thick labia as her slimy ass flesh pouted from its hole. Ona licked and sucked her sister’s mound of pink flesh and I gave my cock a hard stroke then slid the tip into Clementina’s stretched asshole. She squeezed down on my cock, making me feel every millimeter as it slid up inside her ass, her slime mixing with the slime from my cock, then squeezing out of her ass as I pushed deeper and deeper inside. Finally my balls landed against her cunt and the entire length of my cock was inside of her.

She squeezed, pulsating her ass muscles around my meat. I slid out, then pushed back in slowly, savoring the sensation, feeling the depths of Clementina’s asshole, feeling every inch of muscle that was wringing slime from my cock. I moaned, pushing in and out again and again, feeling my cock get even harder, feeling slime pouring from my cock and now from my ass, while more of it accumulated in the back of my mouth. Ona and I kissed, our tongue’s intertwined.

“Are you ready to take on the succubus?” asked Clementina.

I nodded, spitting slime on her ass as I slid slowly from her. She squeezed tight, her pink ass flesh pulling on my cock as I slipped, sliding out of her asshole and extending around my meat like a slimy foreskin several inches before retracting. My cock popped free with a sucking sound, her asshole gaping as I pulled out. Her pink crumpled flesh slid back inside her and her sphincter slipped closed, slime squeezing out as it did so and tricking across her thick labia below.

Slime and pre-come dripped from my cock as I approached the tied and bound thing that looked like my mother but was really something else – some kind of a succubus or sexual energy vampire. Honestly, I didn’t know what she was, and I didn’t care. I just knew I needed to take my energy back from her before I had none left.

Clementina brought one of the light phallites to the creature. I snatched the succubus’ head back, forcing the mouth open, and the phallite leapt inside.

I forced the creature over, onto her knees, her ass in the air. I spread her cheeks, inspecting her asshole and slit, deciding where I wanted to put my cock. The copying of my mother was perfect, down to the details of her body. How the thing managed to create such a perfect reproduction in just the two or three seconds between when it pulled my mother under and when the false version appeared before us left me amazed.

I shrugged and stroked my cock. Every other phallite purge I had done, something had been in the recipient’s vagina, either me or in the case of Ona, Clementina’s strap-on. I figured it was best to play it safe, so I put my hands on her thighs and used my thumbs to spread her long, thick, meaty labia apart, exposing the pink beyond. Slime trickled from her slit and from my cock. Her asshole gaped, sliding out more slime.

My cock head hovered inches in front of her pussy. I took a deep breath and pushed the purple, gaping tip of my cock forward.

As my meat penetrated the succubus cunt, chaos erupted.

The succubus’ head began turning around, slowly, rotating completely 360 degrees and continuing, making two, then three, then four rotations. It went round and round, doing the impossible. I instinctively pulled my cock free and scrambled backwards, Clementina and Ona did the same. Ona made for the door but paused and turned at the archway. Clementina hovered by my side near the succubus as we both stared in mute horror.

The succubus screamed and thrashed, her arms and legs shaking free of the rope and flailing around like a rag doll. Her head, which had continue to rotate, increased its momentum, finally ripping free of the body with a sickening crunch and rolling across the floor of the chamber. Blood spouted from the open neck sending streamers of spray across Clementina and I, then an immense pink stalk or tentacle shot out, rocketing across the floor and into the urn with the reddish fluid at the base of the statue.

What, exactly, happened inside the well under the urn I am not sure, but suddenly six tentacles shot from the urn – apparently the creature wasn’t dead after all. The pink stalk on which the succubus body was still impaled lifted into the air, shooting blood and slime across the chamber. The arms and legs flailed randomly as the stalk lifted the body up and it hung upside down above the tentacles.

A motion within the secret chamber where my mother lay in a coma caught my eye. I turned and saw my mother climbing out of the sarcophagus. I tried to move to help her, but the random flailing of the tentacles about the room prevented me. I stood helplessly by and watched my mother walk calmly towards the tentacle beast. She pulled off her bikini top and thong, casting them to the floor, then approached the body of the impaled succubus.

As I stared at her, I felt someone brush my my shoulder and turned. It was Ona. I grabbed her shoulder and tried to pull her back but she ducked away and continued towards the tentacles.

“I wanted some of that tentacle action the first time we met this thing,” she said. “I wonder if it’s game this time.”

Before I could stop her, she had moved within striking range of the long, slimy, sucker-covered tentacles. I waited, expecting her to be knocked to the side or thrown across the room, but instead the thing seemed to know she was there and the flailing limbs avoided her somehow.

Meanwhile, my mother had emerged from the sarcophagus chamber and was now standing in front of the upside-down body of the succubus that still stood atop the pink stalk, hovering over the well. The succubus arms and legs had stopped flailing and now simply hung limply. As with Ona, the creature seemed to know where my mother was and avoided hitting her as the tentacles slowly calmed their motions.

My mother stood beside and slightly below the inanimate body of the succubus. She reached up and grabbed the creature’s ribcage. With a strength I didn’t know she possessed, she pulled the succubus’ ribs apart, ripping the skin and causing a fountain of blood and gore to cascade down across her naked, curvy body. The thick soup of blood and tissue covered her breasts, trickled off her nipples and mixed with milk as it ran in a stream down her stomach and past her slime-soaked slit. Bits of tissue stuck in her hair. My mother reached inside the corpse which now had its internal organs suspended underneath it, and pulled out a phallite. I recognized it as the phallite she had taken on originally. The creature was the same except it now had red streaks across its body. My mother opened her mouth and the creature crawled down her throat.

My mother again reached into the gore of the succubus corpse and pulled out another white phallite – the one I had just brought from the nexus. This one she set on the floor and the creature quickly scurried back towards the nexus. Finally, my mother reached into the bloody corpse of the succubus one last time. This time she pulled out a small, red, glowing phallite that was only about half the size of a normal phallite.

She looked in my direction and smiled, then opened her mouth and let the glowing red phallite inside. Immediately, her pupils turned a glowing red and I felt a warmth emanate from her, even at a distance.

Meanwhile, Ona had moved to the very edge of the urn and looked down. For a moment I thought she was going to jump in, but before she could, one of the tentacles slipped down by her feet and slithered around her ankles. She looked down and smiled. The appendage slowly moved up her leg, adding its slime to the cascade of ooze that was already pouring from Ona’s pussy and ass. A second tentacle slipped beside it and slithered up her other leg.

Ona spread her legs, bent down and rested her elbows on the side of the urn, her heavy, milky pendulous breasts hanging down against the edge of the urn, and her long, hard, brown nipples trickling milk. She reached down and stroked her slime-covered labia and emerging clitoris, sending even more slime cascading down her thighs. Her asshole gaped widely, showing pink inside, and a lobe of tissue domed outwards, along with her pink anal sheath. The tentacles hovered around her thighs for a moment, then the first slid upwards, probing her lobes, tickling them, making Ona shiver, arch her back, and close her eyes. It slid up, inside her waiting slit. The second tentacle pushed into her slimy asshole.

Both appendages probed further and further inside as Ona moaned and begged for more, for them to go deeper.

A few feet away, my mother still stood next to the urn as well, still coated head to toe in grue, gore and blood from the succubus, who had been slowly dissolving into a pinkish froth that ran down the stalk and disappeared into the pool. My mother climbed up and stood on the edge of urn. She raised her arms outwards at her sides, tilted her head back, and screamed.

“Come to me, guardian!” she called. “Come to me now!”

Clementina and I looked at each other as we watched.

“What the fuck,” I whispered.

Suddenly the reddish water in the urn erupted and something emerged.

Below the waist it was a mass of slimy tentacles – the same tentacles that were squirming all over the room. But above the waist it was a green-skinned woman. She had large phallite breasts that trickled milk, and blindingly white hair. Her high-set, long, wide, erect nipples were cream-colored. Had she been a human woman and had legs I guessed she probably would have stood seven feet or more, but instead from the waist down she was nothing but writhing, curling tentacles.

My mother reached out the tentacled creature and the two embraced. My mother kissed her on the lips and the two hugged closely, their bodies pressing together, milk pouring from between their breasts that slipped slickly against each other.

My mother wrapped her legs around the green woman’s waist just above the tentacles and they continued to embrace and kiss as the creature rose on it’s tentacles and lifted up into the air high above us in the chamber. With her legs wrapped wide around the tentacle creature, I could see my mother’s slit and asshole gaping, but not for long.

Two tentacles slipped upwards. One found my mother’s ass one found her slit. They began pistoning in and out of her as she continued to cling to the tentacle creature causing her orifices to gape even wider and push out pink domes around the slimy appendages. Her moans of pleasure echoed through the chamber, mixing with Ona’s cries of pleasure.

Speaking of Ona, Clementina’s sister was now on all fours on the floor of the chamber. Two huge tentacles were sliding frantically in and out of her gaped asshole and a third was pushing inside, stretching her pink sphincter even wider as slime gushed and frothed out around the huge appendages. A fourth tentacle, thicker than any other and pulsating in a strange fashion, was stationed in her pussy, working in a slower, more rhythmic fashion. Ona moaned.

The appendage in her slit pulled out for a moment, and it grew even wider. Suddenly an opening appeared in the tip and a greenish slime began slipping out. The tentacle grew even bigger, almost seven or eight inches wide, as it pumped and poured the slime out. Finally, it forced its way back into Ona’s stretched, gaping slit. She screamed – I wasn’t sure if it was pleasure or pain – as the appendage pressed inside of her. It throbbed and pulsed as load after load of green slime poured out into Ona’s waiting body. Green goo mixed with Ona’s own clear slime, poured from her pussy lips around the tentacle, then began trickling from her asshole.

Ona rolled over onto her back, her large pendulous milky tits splaying out to the side and squirting milk, her thick hips spread wide, as the three tentacles in her ass pushed in and out, stretching her asshole wide and pulling lobes of clinging pink meat in and out over a foot with each stroke. Her anal sheath was stretched out over three feet and formed a flesh webbing across the tentacles. The three limbs in her ass paused their ministrations and each pulled her asshole in a different direction, tugging the pink sphincter even wider, stretching her sheath insanely, and eliciting another groan from Ona.

The massive, pulsating appendage in her cunt kept pumping. Globs and globs of green slime were visible pumping up the huge tentacle and pouring into her snatch. Her stomach began to distend like she was pregnant as she filled up with more and more of the green slime. She coughed, retched, and the green slime gushed from her mouth and nose, covering her face. Another gag and retch and slime shot across her tits.

“Oh, God,” she moaned, running her hands along her distended stomach, feeling sloshing liquid inside. “Oh fuck yeah.” She reached back, slid three fingers into her asshole and, impossibly, stretched it even wider.

Nearby, overhead, my mother – still clinging to the tentacled woman – orgasmed for the third or fourth time, slime pouring from her ass and slit as the green creature worked her over. Finally, the thing lowered herself onto the floor, standing about seven feet tall with long tendrils of appendages splayed out around her in all directions. My mother let go, slipping off of her, then approaching me and Clementina.

Her eyes were faintly glowing red, but the warm smile that radiated from her face let me know that she was still my mother, whatever had happened to her.

She took my face in her hands and I stared into her deep red eyes.

“Russel,” she said. “Have your energy back.”

I suddenly felt a surge of strength. The feeling of exhaustion receded and I could sense my energy returning. It was surprising, shocking.

“You and I,” my mother said. “I think we are now symbiotes. I can give you my energy, or I can take yours. That little red phallite links us now forever.”

I shook my head.

“That can’t be,” I said. “We can’t let that be. What will happen when my phallite dies and I die too? I will take all your energy and you will die as well.”

“When that time comes, we will deal with it then,” she responded. “Until then, we will be closer than we ever have been.”

She kissed me on the lips and pushed me back onto the stone floor, kissing me again, pressing her chest against mine, straddling me. The energy that she returned to me surged and my cock slipped to attention, pressing against her meaty lobes between her thighs. Her heavy breasts, milky and laden, pressed against my chest, her wide brown, erect nipples poked against me and dribbled milk across my skin and hers. Our tongues intertwined.

“I am so happy to have you back,” I said.

“I am so happy to be back,” she replied. She leaned up, still straddling me, and stroked my cock in front of her, squeezing it between her breasts and trickling milk and slime from her mouth down along the shaft. She ran her hands down to the base, then stopped.

“Hey, you shaved down there?” she asked.

“No,” I said. “It all fell out. All my body hair.”

“Wow, that’s kind of hot,” she shot back, then pointed at the statue behind us. “See her tongue?” she asked.

“Uh-huh,” I said.

“Watch this.” She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. It slowly slipped out from between her lips, extending past her chin, down between her breasts, past her navel, and finally stopped about an inch above her clit. She leaned her head forward and was able to wrap the tip around her long, thick clitoris, then she slowly pulled the fleshy appendage back into her mouth.

“Is that fucking hot or what?” she said.

For a moment the only thing I could see were the nightmares I had about that tongue, then I was able to push them away and see just my mom, not a monster.

“Yeah,” I said. “It’s fucking hot. Any tentacle labia?”

She laughed. “Oh my god, I wish. Wouldn’t that be the hottest?”

I thought about arguing that point, but as my energy flowed back into me, I wanted my mother again. I was happy she was back and wanted to be inside of her. And who knew, maybe tentacle labia would be hot?

My mother reached out her new, long tongue, wrapping it around my cock and sliding it up and down, pushing thick globs of slime up to the tip and then rubbing them up and down the shaft. Then she slipped her lips down the shaft, sucking several inches in and out.

I pulled her forward, pressing my cock against her stomach and pulling her breasts to my mouth. Her nipples were stiff and erect, milk trickling from the tip in a steady stream, the aureoles wide and pebbly and flecked with milk. I licked the milk-engorged mounds up and down, flicking my tongue across the tip of the nipples, then finally taking them into my mouth and sucking. The swallow after swallow of sweet milk poured down my throat as I drank greedily from one nipple, then the other.

I reached down and lifted her up, moving her body so that her thick, fleshy labia hung directly over my mouth. I sucked her meat flaps into my mouth, gently nipping and tugging. My mom moaned as I ran my tongue up and down the lobes, then pushed the hood back from her clitoris and sucked it like I was sucking a cock, teasing the underside with my tongue. She moaned again and leaned forward on all fours as I ate her out.

She rolled off of me and stood up, walking to the urn and bending over beside it, propping herself on the side.

“Fuck my ass,” she said.

I have already documented well my overwhelming fascination with phallite ass, so I was happy to slip in behind her. I stretched her asshole with my thumbs on either side, opening the pink tunnel inside, revealing the crumply flesh beyond. I slipped my head inside, pressing my cock deeper and deeper into her slimed asshole. I could feel slime slipping from my cock, and the slime accumulating in my throat, and pouring down my legs from my own asshole as I pushed all the way into my mother’s waiting, willing, gaping ass. The amount of slime from my ass was more than I had ever experienced.

I slipped out a few inches, then slid back in, beginning to pump my cock in and out of her sphincter. On the fifth or sixth stroke I felt Clementina coming up behind me. She ran her hands down my back, pressing her chest and her body against me, moving in time with my motions. She slipped her hands down my stomach, placing them against my body next to my cock as I stroked in and out of my mother, then ran them around behind me, near my ass.

“Wow, you’re sliming,” she said. “A lot.” She ran her tongue down my spine and into the crack in my ass. I stopped pumping my mother as Clementina spread my cheeks and ran her tongue around my asshole, licking my slime off. Then she put her lips against my ass and sucked. I felt a huge surge of slime gush out of my ass into her waiting mouth.

Clementina came around and kissed me, passing the slime back and forth between us. I swallowed some, some dribbled down our chests and across my mother’s back. The rest Clementina passed to my mother in a deep kiss.

I had never felt anything like that sensation of the slime gushing from my ass before in my life. I was at risk of coming too soon and I tried to re-focus as I again began my motion driving my cock in and out of my mother’s ass. The slime pouring from my ass was only exceeded by the slime from my cock, and even that was topped my the globs my mother was pouring into her ass. I sluiced in and out of her asshole, making slick sucking sounds each stroke. My mom groaned.

Clementina spread her legs and lay down in front of my mother, reached up and put a couple of fingers into my mother’s mouth, gently pulling out my mother’s new tongue and directing it between her legs. My mom ran her tongue up and down Clementina’s thick meaty lobes, then curled it around her hard, long clitoris, pushing the hood back and wrapping the tongue around it several times like a coiled snake.

Clementina lay back and closed her eyes, squeezing her tits, sending milk squirting into the air, moaning. My mother lowered her head and pressed her lips between Clementina’s labia, forcing her long, slick tongue deep inside her. Clementina’s mouth opened, her face a momentary mask of surprise, but no sound came out except her labored breathing as my mother explored the inside of her in ways neither had experienced before.

My mother gave a moan and pulled her tongue out, looking around at me. She tilted her head backwards and slipped her tongue back over her shoulder, slithering it down her spine until it hovered above her asshole that I was diligently reaming. I thought she had reached the end of her tongue’s length, but I was wrong, because she flicked it down and gathered up a load of the slime pouring from her asshole and brought it to her mouth, dribbling globs across her back as she withdrew.

She turned her attention back to Clementina, who turned around and pointed her puckered pink asshole at my mother. My mom slipped her tongue back out and slid it inside Clementina, going deeper and deeper. Fresh rounds of slime poured from Clementina’s ass and slit as she arched her back in another round of orgasms.

My mother withdrew her tongue and looked back at me.

“Are you going to make mommy come or not?” she asked.

I felt a fresh round of energy surge from my mother to me – energy that the succubus had stolen from me over the day she was stealing my lifeforce. My cock surged, I felt like I added another inch or two just from that energy hit. I picked up the pace. My mother tightened her asshole muscles, and my own balls tightened. A second later thick ropy strands of my seed poured deep into her ass. She moaned, Clementina moaned, and I moaned.

Load after load poured from my cock into my mother’s waiting, willing, wanton ass. It was as if all the energy stolen from me by the succubus had been converted into come and it was gushing out of my cock all at once. I came so hard I almost had trouble breathing. Semen and slime backed up and poured out of my mom’s deep cavernous asshole around my cock, even as she tried to squeeze her asshole and keep it all in.

I slid my cock out and Clementina pushed me to the side, stretching my mom’s asshole apart. She planted her lips against my mother’s ass and sucked, pulling out all the slime and semen that I had just unloaded into her. It was more than her mouth could hold, and the milky combination ran down Clementina’s chin and dribbled across her tits. She brought the mixture around to my mother and the two kissed, passing the slime and semen back and forth between them before swallowing it.

While Clementina and my mother swapped slime and come, I pressed my own lips to my mom’s asshole, pulling out the rest of the come and slime from her, swallowing that, and then sucking more. Her asshole puckered and gaped into my mouth.

Finally, the three of us lay on the cold stone floor, enjoying how cool it was after our overheated exertions.

Nearby, Ona lay on the stone floor as well. The tentacles had withdrawn. Her stomach was still distended but green goo was trickling from her ass, her slit, her nose, and her mouth, and the bump was slowly subsiding.

The tentacle woman was still standing in front of the urn, watching, smiling. My mother, Clementina, and I turned to her.

“Who is she?” I asked my mother.

“You can address me, not your mother,” the woman said. “I can hear you, I can talk to you, and as you have seen, I can satisfy you. I am the guardian of the six. My name is Alura.”

“The six?” I asked.

“The six. I am the guardian of the six.”

Behind us, Ona moaned and climbed to her feet. Her stomach was almost back to normal but she was covered from head to toe in green slime.

“You sure know how to show a girl a good time,” she said, smiling.

Alura smiled. “Come back anytime you want, sexy.” She winked. “Just stand at the edge of the urn and call me. I think you and I will become good friends.”

“Do you live here?” I asked.

“I live in the water tunnels under the caves. This is not my only form. I have a form I can use to walk among humans, but until the lock has been opened, I am trapped.”

“The lock?” Clementina asked.

“I can’t say more, I am bound to silence by forces I can’t control. When you find the lock and you find the key then I, and others, shall be free to speak and help you.”

“Others? Help us? How?”

“Until you find the lock and key, I can say no more.”

It was my mother’s turn to speak up.

“While I was in a coma, I had dreams,” she said. “Dreams that told me things. I know that I am the six, but I don’t know what that means or where the lock and key are. We need to figure that out. But I do know that I am the six. And I know that Russel is the one and that together we are the seven. We are symbiotes. The rest we have to figure out.”

“The six? The one? The seven?” I said. “This is confusing.”

“I wish I could tell you more,” said Alura. “But when you have unlocked the lock, anything you want I will tell you.”

“Why did you send a soul-sucking succubus to attack me?” I asked.

“You are the one, and the one must be tied to the six so they become the seven. That is how it is done. I did not make the rules. I am sorry. You solved the puzzle of the six and defeated the succubus so I am sure you will find the key and unlock the lock.”

She smiled and added, “Anyone up for more fucking or are you all tired out? I have enough tentacles to go around.”

Clementina, my mother, and I were all exhausted and declined. But Ona was up for more. As the three of us made our way out of the chamber, Ona had her head deep under Alura’s tentacles and the green woman’s head was tossed back in pleasure. Several tentacles were sliding in and out of Ona’s ass and pussy, gushing their green slime into her expanding abdomen as they stretched her lobes and pink asshole.

I glanced back at the statue one more time. My mother now had a tongue like the statue. I let my eyes wander down to the six grasping tentacles that ringed where the statue’s labia should be. Maybe it would be hot if my mom had tentacle labia – as long as she wasn’t a soul-sucking energy vampire. She had called herself the six, and there were six tentacles. Coincidence?

After our adventures that day, we took the next day easy, recuperating. The next evening, Clementina, my mom, Ona, and I all sat around the pool as the sun set. We had been skinny dipping – which was quickly becoming the norm – and were still nude in the red light of the fading day.

My mother and I were seated on a porch-swing together, arms around each other. The sensation of sharing energy, of being able to give or take it, of being in a symbiotic relationship with another creature was intoxicating and we were still getting used to it. We wanted to touch each other as much as possible.

“When do we open any more chambers in the nexus?” my mother asked. “We need to unlock the lock, as Alura said.”

“How can we dare?” said Ona. “After what just happened, and after the nightmare with the dark phallites. We can’t take any more risks. Alura is a great fuck, but nothing more. Let’s cut our losses.”

I swallowed a tart response to her about risk taking. After all, she seemed willing to throw risk to the wind when she hatched the dark phallite egg. But some of the anger and sting from the death of my father, while it wasn’t gone, it was at least a little less sharp.

“I think the greater risk is in not investigating them,” Clementina said. “We need to know what’s in there. They’ve been sealed since my forebears investigated them years ago. We need to find out what horrors are there and develop countermeasures or containment strategies.”

“I agree,” I said. “There are a lot of secrets still lurking in there, and possibly including one that could save my life once my phallite dies.”

“I concur,” my mother said.

“Something you said yesterday is sticking with me,” I said to Clementina.

“What was that?” she asked.

“You said we needed someone scientific to help us out,” I said. “We really do, I just don’t know how we find that someone. We need someone who can be trusted, who can keep their mouth shut, and is not risk averse.”

“And is female,” Clementina added. “We don’t want to add the additional risk of a male phallite carrier.”

“Any ideas anyone?” I said.

Silence reined, suddenly broken by the beep of my mother’s cell phone. She picked it up and looked at it.

“Well, at least we have some good news,” she said, her deep red pupils looking at her phone. “We have an offer on our house. The realtor just sent me the docs to my email.”

“Excellent!” I said. I went in and got her laptop for her and we looked at the documents from the offerer.

“That’s a solid offer,” I said. “We need to accept that pronto before they change their mind.”

“I agree, let’s get signing,” my mom said.

“Who’s the buyer?” Clementina asked.

My mom peered at the screen.

“Olympia Greco.”

“Dr. Greco?” I said, looking over at the screen. “Yeah, Ph.D. That’s her.”

“You know her?” Clementina asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “She taught my freshman bio lecture. She is a molecular biologist. She’s kind of odd, but really nice. I got to know her a little, and she offered to help me if I ever had trouble in any of my future science classes. I’m a computer guy, I wasn’t a science nerd.”

“Really…” Clementina trailed off.

“Yeah, and she’s got a pair of twin daughters, their a few years older than me, and are working on their own doctorates. Athena’s working on a paleontology Ph.D. and the Demeter is getting ready to defend her astrophysics thesis.”

“Wow,” Clementina said. “You said she was kind of odd. How so?”

“She’s really nice, so none of this really matters. But besides her decision to name her daughters after Greek goddesses, she likes dressing really severe in almost masculine clothes. It’s not that she isn’t attractive – she’s beautiful, and she wears her clothes very flatteringly, but if you see her walking down the street, if she wasn’t wearing something form-fitting that showed her bust or her hips, you might think she was a man. And her daughters are goth, heavy eye liner, black lace, the whole thing. So they are an odd crew, but really nice people underneath it.”

“Interesting…” Clementina said. “Molecular Biologist, Paleontologist, Astrophysicist. Nice combination. All female and seemingly open-minded if they are as odd as you describe. Can they keep a secret?”

I looked up at her, then realized what she was thinking.

“I believe they can. But we would be asking them to take a big risk,” I said.

“We would make sure they understand the risk before we let them see even a single phallite,” she said.

I nodded.

“I still have her number from when she was helping me out in her class. I can call her.”




“Before we start making any plans to turn anyone into a white queen, there’s something else we need to do,” I said, still treading water lightly in the deep end of the pool. Clementina, my mom and I were skinny dipping after our sexual romp. Ona was still tied up on the deck.

“What’s that?” Clementina asked.

“Eat!” I said. “I’m starved. You said you were having a dinner, what’re we having?”

“Ona made her specialty,” Clementina said.

We climbed out of the pool and I untied Ona. She rose and stretched, rubbing the red marks where the ropes had cut into her skin.

I slapped her ass.

“Go make us food,” I ordered. She nodded, smiled, and headed inside. My mom followed her and I started to head in as well but Clementina put a hand on my arm.

“Russel,” she said. “Do you have a minute to chat, just the two of us? It will take Ona a little bit to prep the food, we have a couple minutes, can we talk?”

“Sure, Clementina,” I said. I met her eyes, she had an odd look in them. “What do we need to talk about?”

“Us,” Clementina said, gesturing towards one of the deck chairs as she sat down.

“Us?” I asked as we took our seats.

“Yes, us,” Clementina said, looking downwards, brushing some random lint from between her breasts then staring off in the distance, across the fields beyond the pool. “Wow, this is tough. Um, well, I mean, there’s a difference between making love and fucking.”

“Right…” I said. “Go on.”

“What I’m trying to say is that when you and I have sex, we’re just fucking. When I have sex with your mom or Ona, we’re making love. When you touch your mom, I can tell you’re making love. But when you touch me, we’re just fucking. Do you understand what I’m saying.”

I leaned back in my chair.

“I do understand,” I said.

“And I am responsible for that,” Clementina continued before I could add anything further. “When I led you on that night you came over to fix the pipes, I made it as obvious and inviting as possible for you to spy on me. Then the first time we had actual sex it was because I blackmailed you. The next time was in the tub when you were driving the dark phallite from my body. Then you and I drove the dark phallite out of Ona. Then just a few minutes ago, I could tell, you were just fucking me, there was no love or passion in it. And there shouldn’t be, because I treated you like shit when I was under the influence of the dark phallite and I have done nothing to redress that.”

“Clementina, that’s not true,” I said. “You have given us a home when we were at risk of being foreclosed. You agreed to my request to put up a monument. I am so grateful to you. And you are an incredible lay, when we do have sex.”

“Then why is it you just fuck me, not make love to me like you do your mother?”

“She’s my mother, I love her. Are you saying I should love you like I love her?”

“No but I would like there to be some connection between us, and right now I feel nothing from you.”

She was right. I felt little emotional attachment to her. Honestly, I considered her more an acquaintance than a friend. That was wrong. We had been through too much together for me to have that attitude.

“Clementina, I’m sorry. You’re right.” I said.

“You shouldn’t be sorry,” she said. “I haven’t given you any reason to feel any way towards me except hesitance and skepticism. You probably are still expecting the other shoe to drop regarding your living situation, right?”

I had to nod.

“Yes, I am, truthfully,” I said.

Clementina leaned forward. Several wet strands of her long dark hair had come free of the band holding her ponytail in place and fell forward over her shoulders and her bare breasts. She put her hand on my arm.

“I want to show you I am sincere,” she said. “Let’s go on a date.”

“A date?” I said, laughing. “I’ve already fucked you in every serviceable hole, it’s kind of late for a date.”

She laughed, then slapped my hand lightly.

“No, I mean it,” she giggled. “Let’s have a romantic dinner somewhere, get to actually know each other, then we can make love, just you and I. Maybe even get a hotel room. And I mean make real love, like you make to someone you truly care about. How does that sound?”

I had to admit, it sounded good. I said so.

“But what about Ona?” I asked.

“What about her?” Clementina countered.

“You and your sister are lovers. You’re in love. Does that change things?”

“Not at all. I still love my sister more than anyone else. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love your mother too. She is a beautiful strong woman and I adore her. And I adore you, I saw such strength and courage in the face of the dark phallites that I can’t help but admire you. And I want you to feel something towards me more than another ass in your harem.”

“You ladies are not my harem,” I said. “I’m just the only guy around here with a phallite. You could recruit any other man you want – and they would probably take one on willingly once they had a good look at the three of you.”

“It’s not that simple…” Clementina said and trailed off.

“What do you mean?” I asked, but she waved me off.

“It’s just not, trust me. That is a discussion for another time, right now we are talking about you and I. When is our date?”

We decided to go to an Italian restaurant the following evening, and retire to a nearby Hyatt for the night afterwards. Our impending date dominated the dinner conversation, and while I had anticipated a negative reaction from Ona, none was received.

The next day I had chores and repairs to do around the house. I spent the morning pounding, hammering, sawing, and making fixes here and there. I didn’t see much of Clementina as she, my mom, and Ona had gone out to run some errands and do some shopping. I had the place to myself. I wrapped up my chores mid-afternoon, had a bite to eat and lay down for a nap, expecting a long night ahead of me.

I was awakened by three women standing around my bed, shopping bags in hand.

“We picked out what we are wearing tonight!” Clementina announced.

“WE picked out? WE are wearing?” I said, playing the grump after being rudely awakened.

“Yes!” exclaimed my mother. She pulled out a pair of soft gray khakis and a faded, blue button down shirt from a bag. “Voila! Wear this, shoes, and nothing else!”

“Um,” I said. “With the phallite onboard, I’m not sure having me go commando in public is a good idea.”

“Tonight it is,” said Clementina.

“So what are YOU wearing?” I said, trying to keep the grumpy sneer out of my voice and mostly succeeding. Mostly.

“This!” Ona jumped in and pulled out an outfit that made me catch my breath. It was a red, filmy silk dress. It had spaghetti straps that reached well below the shoulders, and the strips that covered the breasts were only a couple inches wide, plunging deep to the waist. There was no way those little strips would completely cover Clementina’s wide aureoles. The back was bare to the waist, and deep slits ran up the front and sides of the dress, almost meeting the waist. Anyone wearing that dress without anything underneath would be showing a lot to the world every time she moved.

My eyes were as big as saucers as I mentally placed Clementina in the dress.

“You like?” she asked tentatively.

“I fucking love it,” I croaked, finding my mouth unexpectedly dry.

“And nothing else but shoes!” Ona interjected.

“Wow,” I murmured. I could feel my phallite-laden cock stir in my shorts.

“How about a quickie before dinner?” I asked.

“Save it for later,” Clementina said, blowing a kiss my way.

Chattering, the three of them exited my room and I was left staring at the ceiling. This was going to be quite a night.

We arrived at the restaurant at 7:00. Clementina looked unbelievable. Clementina had the typical female phallite body – large breasts, big nipples, narrow waist, wide hips. A perfect mom body. The top of the red dress she wore was completely unable to cover her wide pebbly aureoles, and the edges peeked out the sides. Every step she took, the dress billowed, showing the world her tidy little bush and long, pink-brown labia. As for myself, Clementina insisted I wear my shirt untucked and only have the bottom two buttons buttoned, so I was showing some skin myself.

Clementina’s dress and the requirement that I go commando left me with a very large noticeable bulge in the front of my khakis as we entered the restaurant. I tried to position myself directly behind Clementina to hide it, but she forced me to stand right by her side. Trying to conceal a budding phallite erection that was more than a foot long was impossible, and even as men’s eyes turned to Clementina, ladies eyed my growing hard-on as the waitress led us to a booth in a quieter section in the back of the restaurant.

I leaned forward and whispered.

“I am about to start dribbling slime down my leg,” I said. “And these khakis are going to get soaked.”

She giggled, reached under the table for a second and pulled her hand out. The fingers were webbed with slime.

“I know,” she said.

I took her hand in mine and was licking the slime from her fingers when the waitress arrived. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence, then she introduced herself and we ordered a bottle of wine while we considered the menu.

The evening progressed smoothly. We drank a bottle of wine, told jokes, and chatted. Mostly, I asked her questions about her upbringing, her years when she and Ona were lovers, and what led her to leave that life behind. I had wanted to know more about her, I wanted to find things to admire so I could start to feel something towards her besides ambivalence.

And I did. I found out how she helped take care of her siblings when her parents grew ill. And about how she had single-handedly looked over the phallites during the years since the family had all either died or moved away. Her remaining behind at the farmstead had been less an act of being “an old-fashioned girl” – that was just the facade she put forth. It was really a sense of duty that kept her down on the farm. She had forsaken her relationship with her sister, given up on any hope of a husband, all so there would be someone looking after the phallites. She became the one to protect the world from the phallites and the phallites from the world.

When Ona became a dark queen, Clementina took that personally as a failure.

We were just about done with our meal and finishing our wine when we got to that part of the conversation. I stopped her.

“But wait,” I said. “You have no control over your sister. She does what she wants. You can’t force her to do anything.”

“I know, but I took on the responsibility for caring for the phallites. And I failed. And because of that, your father died. It was really my fault, not Ona’s.”

A tear crept from the corner of her eye.

I reached out and took her hand.

“Clementina, no, don’t talk that way. Ona did it what she did, you are not responsible for her.”

She looked down, she looked so sad, and I felt sad. And I felt admiration. I felt love.

“Feel better,” I said. “You’ve succeeded.”

“How have I succeeded?” she asked, looking up at me, eyes misty.

“I don’t think I can ever just fuck you again.”

She leaned forward. Our lips met. Her lips were soft and moist.

She was beautiful. She was perfect.

I felt my cock stir to life in my khakis, a dribble of slime slipped from the tip, dampening the fabric.

Our lips parted and I met her eyes, then looked down. Dribbles of phallite milk from her breasts had darkened the red fabric of her dress.

I glanced around the restaurant. I knew the moment we stood up to go, folks would start noticing.

I didn’t care.

We finished the wine and paid our bill, ignoring the looks as we stepped out into the night air. Clementina’s dress billowed in the light breeze, the top straps slipping free of her breasts. She tried to cover them back up, but her left nipple was still sticking out when we entered the hotel, a rivulet of milk trickling off the tip. Slime slipped down her legs underneath the dress, and I could feel slime sliding down the inside of my khakis.

We checked in and got our key, and as soon as the elevator door closed behind us I leaned forward and devoured her bared breast, licking and suckling at the milk that was now flowing from the nipple. It was sweet, intoxicating, and made the wine buzz even more intense. Clementina pulled my face from her chest and pulled my mouth to hers, kissing me, sucking a mouthful of her own milk from between my lips.

The elevator dinged and I pulled her out after me. Clementina had made the reservations, I knew nothing about the room. When I opened the door I caught my breath.

A four-poster bed stood in one corner, a heart-shaped hot tub in the other – bubbling away. A bottle of champagne sat on the counter of the kitchenette.

She had booked the honeymoon suite.

I turned to her but before I could say anything she planted another kiss on my lips, then moved past me into the room and pulled me with her.

The need I felt, and that I felt rising from her was hot and intense. I kicked off my shoes and stripped even as Clementina let her own dress fall to the floor. I reached out to her, she to me, we embraced, our bodies coming together, our lips coming together.

My cock was fully at attention and slipped between her legs as we kissed, pushing up against her thick lobes and growing clitoris that hovered between her thighs. Slime dribbled from the end of my cock and slime slipped from her vagina and ass, covering my swollen member in clear goop. Her thighs slipped slickly against my cock, and I gently slide my erection back and forth between her hips. The milk from her breasts smeared against my chest.

We separated, and Clementina put up a hand.

“Let’s slow down, just a tiny bit,” she said. Taking my hand she pulled me over to the hot tub.

We slid slowly into the bubbling, swirling tub, Clementina pressing her naked body next to mine. She turned sideways and put an arm around behind my back, pressing her large, pendulous, milk-laden breasts against my arm. Her nipples were hard and erect, the wide brown edges pulled slightly inward and tightened, a slow trickle of sweet milk sliding from the tip, only to be washed away into the swirling foam. She leaned her lips against my ear and whispered, slowly stroking my cock with her other hand.

“That morning in your kitchen after you drove out my dark phallite,” she murmured, barely perceptible above the hum of the tub. “I looked at you that morning and admired you. You were my hero, you pulled me free of the dark morass that my sister created for me. I just wanted your love and respect. I don’t care what kind of love it is, whether it’s sisterly love, or friendship love, or admiration love, or paternal love, or some other kind of love. All I want to know is, do you love me, somehow, some way, despite what I have done? And, knowing me as you now do, if you can’t love me at all, then I will be content to go back to just being your hot, forty-something fuck, and I will continue to worship you from afar.”

As she said this, she continued slowly stroking my cock. I was fully erect, my phallite-induced erection at its gargantuan maximum, the tip of my cock popping free of the swirling bubbles when Clementina pulled it upwards, the purple tip gapped widely and sluicing out a mixture of slime and pre-come.

I turned my head so I could look in her eyes and shifted my body on the bench so we were face to face. I ran my hands up her stomach, coming to her heavy breasts, caressing them, gently pinching the nipples to send streamers of sweet milk into the swirling froth.

“Clementina,” I said. “Yes, I love you. I admire you. I respect you. And I do love you. Tonight I can say, yes, I love you, and you will always have a special place in my heart.”

She leaned forward and our lips met again, our tongues intertwined. She moaned. I lifted her up so she kneeled on the bench, straddling me, and pulled her breasts to my face.

“They’re full for you,” she whispered as I licked the cleavage between her breasts then worked my way up to her left breast, the flesh hanging heavily and laden with sweet, licorice-tinged phallite milk. I licked the nipple, teasing her, working my tongue around the aureole, teasing, tasting. Clementina moaned again. “Suck it, please,” she cried.

I planted my lips around the long, hard, erect nipple and sucked. A flood of warm, sweet milk poured into my mouth. I swallowed and then sucked again greedily, filling my mouth again and again. I gently squeezed her breast, pushing even more into my mouth, then pulling Clementina’s lips down to mine and trickling her milk into her mouth. We swapped it back and forth two or three times before she swallowed. We kissed, then she lifted the tip of her other breast up and we both licked and sucked it, covering both of our chins and lips with the intoxicating sweetness.

The wine we had drank earlier mixed with the chemicals in her phallite breast milk and only made our arousal more intense.

I suddenly coughed, a thick glob of something lodging in my throat. For a moment I felt like I was going to choke, and unexpectedly I had a mouthful of slime.

“Are you okay?” Clementina asked.

I nodded. “I just had a weird glob of slime pop into my throat. I don’t know where that came from,”

“Oh, that,” she said. “I should have warned you. After you’ve had a phallite for a while you also get slime from your mouth when you’re turned on. You get used to it after awhile. And I expect pretty soon you’ll start getting slime from your ass as well. That piece usually takes guys longer than women.”

“From my ass?” I repeated.

“Yes, relax it’s pleasant. Your body is changing, if you relax and go with it – and open yourself to new ideas, you might discover you enjoy things you never thought you could. But don’t rush it, let it happen naturally.”

I was still processing what she had just said, but she didn’t give me much time to think. Clementina climbed out of the hot tub. The warm water trickled off her soft, hanging, jutting breasts and nipples, coursed around her slender waist and then raced down past her thick hips and dark, dangling lobes. She pulled me to the bed and pushed me down on my back, my foot-plus cock sticking straight up in the air, thick globs of slime gushing from the tip and sliding down the shaft.

She climbed onto the bed, positioning her thick, meaty, slightly parted pussy lips directly over my face while she perched her own mouth around the tip of my cock. I sucked on her dark labia, stretching the flesh out and sucking the thick slime that poured from her pussy and ass. As I licked I felt another glob of slime form in my throat. I spread her lobes and spit it into the pink gap beyond, mixing it with her own, then using my tongue to spread it up and down her labia. At the top of her slit, her clit was fully engorged and throbbing, standing out from its hood. I kissed and licked it, teasing the underside, then sucked it, pulling it into my mouth and eliciting a gasp and a moan from Clementina.

Meanwhile Clementina was working her own magic on the tip of my cock. A steady stream of slime was pouring from the tip. She deftly ran her tongue around the end, teasing softly the tender spot just under the head, then planting her lips around the shaft and sucking a mouthful of slime from deep within my meat. She ran her hands up and down the shaft, using my slime and her own mouth slime as lubrication, and pushing more slime and pre-come up to the tip, which she then licked off. Finally she slipped my cock down her throat, three inches, six inches, nine inches and more, before she pulled back. This time it was my turn to gasp and groan.

Clementina climbed off me and re-adjusted her position. She hovered her pussy directly over my huge, pulsating erection.

“Tell me you love me,” she said. “And mean it.”

“I love you Clementina,” I whispered.

She pulled her dangling lobes apart and slipped my tip between them. Her slime and my slime mingled as she slipped her pussy down my long, thick cock. She squeezed her vagina muscles and I felt every single millimeter of flesh as it pressed down the seemingly endless shaft. I groaned as fresh loads of slime coursed out the end of my cock, only to mix with Clementina’s and to be forced out of her pussy around my shaft as she pushed me deeper and deeper into her body. I put my hands on her abdomen and felt my cock pressed against her stomach, still sliding deeper and deeper, past her waist, past her navel, and finally when she was fully resting on my hips, the tip of my cock was just below her breastbone. I squeezed her tits together and pushed them against my cock, pressing it inwards and sending a wave of pleasure shivering through my body and hers.

Clementina slowly lifted herself up and began sliding up and down my shaft. At first slowly, then increasing the pace. I squeezed her breasts, sending fresh squirts of milk across my face, tasting the sweetness. Clementina moaned as I felt the first threatenings of an orgasm course through her.

She increased her pace. Her tits shook and her ass jiggled as she bounced up and down my foot-plus pole. She groaned again, moving even faster. Her head leaned back, jutting her already substantial breasts even further far forward, her hard nipples sticking out like arrows.

“Do you love me?” she asked, breathlessly, almost gasping.

“I love you, Clementina,” I whispered.

I felt my balls tighten, then we came together in a resounding climax, thick ropes of my semen pouring into her cunt, mixing with her juices and slime, and sluicing out of her snatch around my cock. I groaned and felt Clementina’s pace slow – but not stop. She continued to ride my cock as I began to lose some of my erection.

“I’m not letting you off that easy,” she said, continuing to drive her pussy up and down my cock slowly. After a moment, I felt myself beginning to stiffen again. Clementina gave a few more bounces then slowly climbed off me, her cunt gaping as she pulled free, her pink, slime-coated vaginal sheath hanging over a foot down between her thighs.

She walked to the curtains at the far end of the room and pulled them open. Outside was a balcony, and about a hundred yards beyond, another hotel facing ours.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” Clementina whispered. She reached back, grabbed my hand and pulled me with her out onto the balcony.

It was a warm, sultry night. We were well lit by streetlights and a balcony light. Anyone looking in our direction would have seen us there, standing naked in the night air.

Clementina put her arms on the railing and bent over, hanging her substantial tits over the rail.

“Fuck my ass,” she said.

“Yes, ma’am,” I said. I gave my slimy cock a quick stroke. Looking down I gazed at Clementina’s ass. There was nothing in the world I had ever experienced like fucking the ass of a woman with a phallite. I savored the anticipation, but waited too long, because Clementina urged me on.

Slime was pouring from the end of my cock and from Clementina’s perfect, puckered ass. Her ass naturally gaped open and a dome of pink flesh slipped out, her anal sheath prolapsing from the center. I didn’t need any more coaxing. I used my thumbs to stretch the dome in front of me, opening a deep red-pink tunnel, dribbling slime. Any remnants of softness from the fact I had just come a moment ago vanished. I ran a finger up her slit then slid it into her ass, then used a finger from the other hand to stretch her even wider. She groaned as a fresh shot of slime slipped from inside her.

I slipped my cock in her waiting, begging ass.

“All the way, Russel,” she whispered. I didn’t waste any time. I slid all fifteen inches in, finally feeling my balls hit against her cunt that was now dripping a mixture of pussy juice, slime, and my come from our first fuck of the night. The mixture dribbled onto my balls, then shook off as I began to piston in and out of her ass.

“Fuck me, Russel. Fuck my ass now,” Clementina commanded. “Fuck it hard!”

I did, pouring everything I had into the motion as I pulled out and slammed back in, bouncing my balls against her soaked cunt, slime squirting out of her asshole with every stroke. I worked faster and faster, reaching around, feeling my cock sliding up and down her abdomen under the skin, then squeezing her tits, sending squirts of milk into the air beyond the balcony.

“Make me come,” she said. I pushed harder, feeling my balls tighten again, feeling her body stiffen as she approached climax.

“Tell me you love me Russel,” she said.

“I love you Clementina,” I said. I was just about to come, and I felt Clementina hovering on the edge. We were almost there. I pounded her ass even harder, pushing us both over the cliff.

“I love you, Russel,” Clementina whispered.

“I love you, Clementina,” I whispered back as we both came. My seed poured into her pulsating asshole as she moaned and lowered her head onto the railing, almost weeping in ecstasy. I hugged her from behind as more and more juice shot from my member into her waiting ass.

We crawled back into the hotel room and sank onto the bed. Clementina lay with her head on my shoulders, her long black hair cascading on my chest.

We chatted lightly and softly as we drifted off to sleep.

I was awakened the next morning by a knock on the hotel room door and the thickly accented call of “housekeeping!” Clementina still lay beside me, her head on the pillow, her hair on my chest.

I sighed. I was content. Clementina had succeeded. I did love her in a very special way.

“Occupado!” I called back to the maid outside the door. I glanced at the clock, it read 9:45. “Hora, por favor!”

“Si, gracias,” came the reply, as Clementina sighed and opened her eyes.

“Morning gorgeous,” I said. She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips.

“Good morning,” she replied. “And thank you. Do you still love me?”

“More ever before,” I said, as she climbed atop me and put my morning wood to good use.

We hadn’t brought a change of clothes, so we checked out still wearing our duds from the night before and made our way home. Ona and my mom were sitting in the kitchen when we arrived just after noon.

“Have a good time?” my mom asked. Clementina hugged me and smiled.

“We had a great time,” she said. We kissed.

(End Part VIII)