
There was a knock on my front door in the evening time, and I was the only one home at the time, so I ignored it, I wasn’t expecting anyone and my parents didn’t like me opening the door when I was alone. I had just gotten out of the shower, and was lying on my bed. I had returned earlier from a long camping weekend, and boy was it a crazy weekend. I had been asked by this super cute guy to go camping with him and his sisters, and we ended up screwing literally all weekend long. I had light bruising from my ankles to the tops of my inner thighs; it was a great time to say the least. The only issue was I already had a boyfriend. A pretty long term one as well, 3 years was a pretty decent amount of time to me. I had sort of been two timing them both, a little omission never hurt anyone right? Well, when I got back, super guy asked me to be his girlfriend, and I quickly agreed, infatuated with his charm, golden hair, and sea-colored eyes. I took a bit of a cowards way out, and called my current boyfriend, told him what had been going on, and told him I wanted to move on. He pretty much was crushed. He honestly never saw it coming.

My bedroom door handle turned and I looked up, to my surprise seeing my newly dumped ex-boyfriend entering and shutting the door behind him. I hadn’t told my parents that I was dating someone new… I was sort of embarrassed at the quick change of heart after so long (and the stubborn teenage angsty fights for his love, since he was about 6 years older and my parents didn’t quite approve, but they couldn’t do anything once I was of consenting age.) So there he was. Right in my room, door being locked behind him. I stuttered his name. “M-Max..what are you doing here?”

Tears were running out of his dark blue eyes already, this guy was a Libra full of emotions, and he spoke through gritted teeth. “So Vee do you think you just get to up and leave like that? Like I never existed? Like I never mattered?” His fists were clenched and I sat straight up in my bed. I tried half heartedly to explain, that I never meant to hurt him but that he wasn’t maturing with me as I got older, and he just stayed the same. I knew he’d never take no for an answer anyway. He walked another couple feet closer and I slowly backed into the wall behind my bed. He lunged forward and grabbed and handful of my hair, making me shriek momentarily before he slammed his huge hand over my mouth. “Oooh scream like that again and I will cut your throat Vee.” he threatened in a terrifying voice. Knowing the knife he kept on him at all times I silenced myself. He was raised by a skilled hunter who taught him how to kill and skin animals, and I didn’t want to fall victim to that. I nodded my head and he let go of my mouth, and pulled me up by my hair, motioning for me to get on my knees, and I quickly obliged.

“You know you don’t just get to leave me.” He said. I felt so guilty. I nodded. “You fucking whore. You cheated on me. You fucked him and didn’t even think about me. I was out working all weekend and you were LITERALLY fucking around.” He took his hand and dug his nails into my inner thigh, making me cry out, but not before I put my head in a pillow to muffle my cries and avoid any further punishment. He stuck his hand into my panties and jammed two fingers into my pussy harshly. “You little lying cunt.” He said angrily. “I gave you everything.” He tugged his shorts down, and pulled his cock out. “MAX I am so sorry I can’t stay with you, please don’t do this to me.” I said in a very low voice. I felt like I probably deserved this. It was the least I could do after all he had done for me. I knew how he much wanted to destroy me in that moment. He was destroyed on the inside after all. I knew it and it was my fault.

I felt him pull his knife out and open it, he put it at my throat. “After you say ‘Yes Sir’ when I’m done with this statement, I don’t want to hear another fucking word out of your mouth or you will never say another word again. Do you understand me?” I was shaking like a leaf, and nodded frantically, “Y-yes sir.” I replied as requested. He ran his knife down from my throat, lightly at first, then a little deeper along my chest and abdomen, actually drawing blood in a few spots, as he thrust himself inside me. As his hips hit me, he became a little lost in ecstacy and became a little clumsy with the knife, cutting me on my upper thigh when he slipped accidentally. I cried out accidentally, but, building with him building speed, he didn’t seem to mind. He dropped the knife near my face and put his hand around my throat instead. His cock tore into me, I had never been less turned on in my life and it felt like he was literally ripping me open. With his left hand he reached down and violently moved my thigh aside so he could go deeper. I bit into my pillow and moaned, mainly from cramping up in my stomach.

Max grabbed my throat and squeezed harder, starting to cut off oxygen now, and lifted me back into the position he had me in before. I cried as quietly as I could. “I wanted to marry you.” His red beard scraped my upper back, and he laid his head down on me as he continued to thrust into me. “I wanted to raise children with you. And you gave all of that up, you selfish little bitch.” I desperately reached behind my and tried to scratch his face, as I felt close to passing out from him choking me so hard. “No, no, that’s fucking bad. Don’t do that.” He spoke to me like a child. Like he often did, condescendingly. “You’ll make such a great single mom.” He moaned. “Because you deserve to be alone. And this motherfucker won’t stick around for you when my child is growing inside of you….fuck.. I am so close to cumming.”

He loosened his grip on my throat and took my hair in his hand again, yanking my head back to an incredibly uncomfortable position. I was so angry. He wouldn’t dare. I spitefully spoke out, “I’ll tell him it’s his. And I will name her what we always planned if she’s a girl.” He threw my hair out of his hand, and instantly punched me in the back of head pretty hard. Hard enough to make me black out momentarily and “see stars”. He pulled out and turned me around with ease. Unlike my new boyfriend who was very similar to my size, I was half the size of Max, he often called me his “little fairy”. I was crying, bruised and bleeding, and terrified. I couldn’t believe after all we had been through this is where we were at right now. He ripped my shirt in half, and rammed himself back into me, while taking most of my small titty into his mouth and biting down hard, picking up speed. “You better hope this stupid little boy believes your lies and takes care of my kid.” He said. “Because you’ll never see me again. You ruined your own life.” I cried quietly.

“Please don’t cum in me.” I begged him, staring straight into his eyes, but they were cold now, the love I had once seen in them was gone, replaced with rage. He only covered my mouth and nose again and looked away, breathing became difficult and I started to struggle as he moaned louder. I scratched at him and my tiny body wiggled around uselessly against his stout figure. “I’m gonna cum so deep in you.” He kissed my neck and closed his hand over my my face tightly, my whole body clenched up, and I started screaming in his hand panicking, I could do nothing to release his grip and I started passing out and he lay his whole body heavily on top of me, squirting into me and moaning loudly. I woke up later and he was nowhere to be found. Cum had run out between my legs, and he made no efforts to clean me up or hide anything.