Charity Returns the Favor (part 1)

It all started during a hot August summer. I was living in a two story run down home that I was repairing. The location was perfect for me. Close to a popular street with lots of foot traffic, but far enough away that my neighborhood was quiet. It was on a dead end road with two empty lots on the sides and train tracks in the front. The only trouble was that this was also the perfect location for squatters and various vagrants.

I was homeless from time to time in my twenties so I had a soft spot for people having a hard time. Now in my forties and stable, I decided to help out those around me by providing an outlet for electricity and use of my water faucet. Both are accessible in my backyard.

I had been doing this for three years with success. The homeless told other thieving homeless to leave my home alone. The sober kept away the druggies and I usually even got free limb removal in the yard! That August I got new neighbors and things started getting interesting.

My new neighbors were younger than the usual homeless that take up residence in my neighborhood. They both looked to be in their early twenties with lean bodies and tan skin. They set up a tent in my next door abandoned lot. The lot was overgrown but I could still see their tent. I was surprised they set up camp where I would notice, most hide better than that.

Being able to see their tent through the foliage sparked my curiosity. When bored I would peer through one of my many back windows with my binoculars. At first I told myself it was for security, but then I finally caught a glimpse of her outside her tent. My curiosity quickly became an obsession.

I couldn’t ever get a really good look at her but what I did see looked promising. For starters, she had small tits and always wore a tight shirt that revealed her belly. Her hair was long and brown and always a little messy. From what I could tell, her boyfriend was gone a lot. Often she’d be left at the tent alone during the day.

I’d often find myself at the window with binoculars hoping to catch a glimpse of her naked body. What’s worse is that I’d justify my actions. For example, they are squatters, not even supposed to be there or it’s not like I’m peering through someone’s window into their house. I’m just looking to make sure there is no trouble… and hoping one day she leaves her tent with her top off.

Weeks went by with no lucky sightings, but also no trouble so I really had no complaints. Then one day while I was out mowing my lawn, a car stopped by and flagged me down. It was my former homeless neighbors, Luke and Brenda. They were excited to tell me they had been sober for a year. They also said they were friends with my new camper neighbors! Brenda asked me if I still offered power and water. I told her I did. At that point I noticed two people in the back of their car. Brenda said, “They are kinda shy, but is it okay if they use your plug in and faucet?”. At that point, the girl jumped out of the car to meet me. Brenda said, “Well, she’s the least shy of them”. I immediately got a little self conscious as I was standing there shirtless and dripping sweat from mowing. As she got closer my attention quickly changed to her.

Standing only ten feet away I could get a good look at her. She was adorable. She moved with a slight bounce in her step and would often grin and look away. Her name was Charity. Her hair was wavy and bleached from the sun. Her skin was a perfect bronze from living outside and her arms were toned. She was wearing her usual outfit. Her trim belly was showing and now I could see how fit she was. I tried not to stare but I did get a peek at her tiny tits in that tight shirt. There was a faint outline of her nipples. She definitely wasn’t wearing a bra. She wore leggings that stopped at her calves and I was craving to get a look at her ass. It all happened so quickly as they didn’t want to bother me. They all told me thank you, got back in their car and left. My deviant hopefulness was growing.

That evening, she was on my back porch looking at her phone as it was charging. The room attached to the back porch was kind of a sun room surrounded by windows. My fridge was there. As I walked back to get a drink I could see her. Only a few feet away through the window. She looked up and smiled. I waved and walked back into the depth of my house grinning. It was so good to see her without having to use the binoculars…

The next week grew even hotter. Every day I get off work, I immediately strip out of my shirt and put on some loose gym shorts. If it’s a rough day, I like to have a smoke on the back porch. One long work day that’s exactly what I did, but when I opened the back door I realized I wasn’t alone. Charity was there sitting on a chair looking at her phone while it charged. Normally I wouldn’t be so underdressed around people. All I was wearing was my gym shorts, not even underwear. It was too late to turn back so I stepped out and lit my cigarette. We had some small talk and she mentioned how she was trying to get a job at Sonic because they don’t require you to have an ID which I guess she didn’t have. While she was talking I couldn’t help but check her out. She was only two feet away. It happened so fast. I was staring at the outline of her pussy in those spandex pants and mid sentence she looked up from her phone and caught me! She immediately looked right at my cock which I didn’t even notice was getting hard and showing very clearly in my thin gym shorts. Fortunately my cigarette was done and I hurried to put it out. I told her good luck on getting the job and I quickly went back inside. I may have been mistaken but I think I saw her smile.

The next day my second security camera arrived. My front door is covered, but I needed one for the back porch. I set it inside the window so that it could get a full view of the back yard. The next day I got an alert on my phone while at work. It was Charity again but she was not sitting and looking at her phone. She was standing with her back to the camera and stretching while her phone charged. She then bent all the way over giving me a clear view of her ass in those tight pants. The camera was inside the house but surely she could see the red light indicating that it was recording. She turned facing the camera and started stretching her arms. Today she was wearing a dirty white tshirt cut short at the midriff. Next she put her hands together and lifted them straight up into the air. Her shirt lifted up so high that it almost reached her nipples. Her tits were small but they were still plump enough to show a little under boob. It was a moment I have been waiting for. So much skin, from her belly button to the outline of her ribs, to the perfect tiny tits. Did she not know the camera was there? I didn’t care. It was recorded and I loved every minute of it.

A few days later I’m mowing my backyard. This is near the area where they have their tent set up with tarps everywhere. The only thing separating my backyard and their camp is a fence overgrown with brush. As I’m mowing along the fence line I can kind of make out their set up. They have a clothes line set up and I can see her floral print leggings and various short shirts hanging up to dry. I make my round around the yard and as I come back to the fence line I see Charity is out of her tent. I squint my eyes as I go past trying to see through the overgrown fence and I think she is shirtless! Unfortunately I can’t stop to look because she can hear my mower. As I come around again I can see she is at the clothes line grabbing her clothes completely topless. I can just barely see her dark pink areola as I go past trying not to get caught looking again. My cock getting hard as mow, I manage to catch a few more glimpses before she disappears again back in her tent. Was she teasing? She for sure knew I was there mowing.

A few more days pass and one evening I hear a knock at my front door. It’s Charity grinning from ear to ear and carrying a tote bag. She says she got the job at Sonic and starts tomorrow! She tells me she doesn’t want to trouble me but was wondering if she could use my shower. I have a strict rule about never letting the homeless enter my house (for fear of them seeing what could be worth stealing inside), but seeing her so happy and practically dancing with excitement at my door, I, of course, broke my rule and said yes. Enthusiastically she gave me a quick hug and said thank you.

I let her in and led her to the bathroom and handed her a towel. She then again said “thank you so much” and closed the door. I immediately started pacing around my house trying to get the perverted thoughts out of my head as I heard the shower turning on. I had been so fixated on her young body and now she’s naked in my shower. I can hear her start to sing and the sound of the water splashing around. Every splash I know is the water hitting her curves as she rubs her own body clean. I must be a gentleman, I must silence my perverted thoughts but still I can feel my cock against my gym shorts tingling and starting to grow. I decide to go to my living room to sit on my couch to scroll through my phone to take my mind off the girl half my age naked only a few rooms away.

The water turns off and I can still hear her humming while she’s drying off. I hear the bathroom door open and she says, “that felt great”! I hear her bare feet start to walk towards the living room I was sitting in. As she walks in my heart skips a beat because she is still wearing the towel. She looks at me and starts talking fast, “I was wondering, mmm, well, you’ve been so nice to us letting us use your electricity and this shower just now, and I, uhh, well, I’ve seen you looking at my body”, she looks around likes she’s building courage, “and that day, I noticed, mmm, well, I thought that maybe you like looking at me and” her cadence moves faster “i was wondering if you wanted to see me naked, you know, since you’ve been so helpful”. She’s now holding her towel on tight, looking down, and nervously swaying… “I would love that,” I reply. She says “really?” and smiles and does a little jump. She says, “I would like to show you”.

She then slowly plays with her towel, loosening its grip on her body as she sways and smiles. All my attention is on her as I sit on the couch and watch her slowly start to reveal her body. Her body was perfect. She held open the towel giving me what I have wanted for so long. Her nipples were so hard on her small tits and my eyes just traced every inch of her tone curves. Her pussy was freshly shaved and there were still water droplets on her skin. She dropped her towel to the floor and turned around for me, showing me her delicious ass. Her hair was still wet and dripping water down her back and into her crack. “You’re beautiful”, I say. While slowly bending over, she replies “I really like how you look at me”. She reached back and spread her cheeks showing the cutest asshole I’ve ever seen. Her pussy was glistening and I didn’t know if it was from the shower or that she was getting wet. I had to reposition myself on the couch because my cock was so hard. She stands up and turns around and starts playing with her tits. She is looking at my fully erect cock making a tent in my shorts. She says, “it’s okay if you want to pull it out and masturbate”. I waste no time and pull my cock out of my shorts and start stroking it. She’s watching me and reaches a hand down and starts rubbing her cunt. The other hand is still teasing her nipples and squeezing her tit. After some time, she then stops and grabs the crumpled towel off the floor and lays it down flat in front of my feet. She then sits on the towel only feet away from me while I’m stroking my cock. She spreads her legs, knees bent, feet on the floor, giving me an up close view of the folds of her pussy and then starts rubbing her clit, her pussy now dripping wet. The room was filled with our heavy breathing and the sound of us pleasing our flesh. I watch her slowly go from watching my cock to leaning her head back in pleasure. Her moans are getting louder and I am edging so close to spewing cum all over. She leans all the way back on the towel arching her back as she rubs her cunt faster and faster. Her breathing getting heavier, moaning, almost yelling, she says “cum on me, you can cum on me!” Not being able to withhold a moment more I stood up over her naked fit body on the floor and my cum burst out and all over her body. My cum splashes on her belly, her tits, and onto her face. She yells “yes, yes!” and starts shaking as the orgasm pulses through her body.

I fall back on the couch thoroughly satisfied and grinning. She sits up and smiles, licking the sperm from the corner of her mouth. She then scoops up a puddle on her breast with her finger, looks at me, sucks it off, and goes “mmm, that was fun. I might need another shower”.