“Come in!” I told the people knocking on my door.
The door opened and a middle-aged couple entered the premises of my humble office.
“Have a seat.” The couple sat down on the chairs in front of my desk.
“Hi. I’m Clarissa Morgen. What can I do for you?” I reached my hand out to them and shook each of their hands.
“My name is Paul Shafer, and this is my wife, Helen.” The man answered. “We were told you could help us find out missing daughter.”
Finally! Another case! It’s been a while since I had anything to work with.
“Can you tell me what happened?” I asked them as I adjusted my seat and leaned on the desk.
“This is our daughter, Maureen.” Paul placed a picture of a teenage girl on my desk.
Bob continued, “She is a good girl, she came home early after school, she’s helping out on chores. Last summer we caught her skipping out on school. She was with a guy. Jason, her boyfriend. Ever since she met that guy, Maureen started to change. She came home late, her grades dropped, and she’s always sneaking out of the house.”
Paul took out a bottle of water from his bag and took a sip, then continued. “Last Tuesday, she did not come home. We were getting worried so the next day we went to Jason’s house. She wasn’t there. Jason was in his house for 5 days because his arm was broken, and his sister vouched for him. They showed us medical records of his.”
“I still believe Jason had something to do with this, please help us find our daughter.”
As Paul finished speaking, I noticed Helen fought back the urge to cry.
“What’s Jason’s complete name, and where does he live?” I asked the couple.
“His name is Jason Miller. He lives at Parklane Steet. The blue house with the mailbox with a ‘Miller’ written on it.” Helen replied in a shaky voice.
I did my research. I found Jason’s Facebook account and found his address.
His house is just 20 minutes away from my office. I drove to his place. I went out of my car and walked to the porch.
The lawn was well-trimmed. The house looked neat. I’m guessing Jason’s parents are decent people, l just hope the son is the same.
I knocked on the door three times, then I heard footsteps approaching. The door opened and to my luck, it was Jason.
“Can I help you?” He asked as he looked at me.
I observed him. He was neatly dressed. His hair is combed back. The was a sling on his right arm. Right, the injury. And he has a kind face. Well, looks can be deceiving.
“Hi, I’m Clarissa Morgen.” I showed him my I.D. “I’m a private investigator. May I ask you questions about Maureen Jones?”
After I asked the question, I saw his face brighten up a little.
“Please, come in.” He opened the door wider and I stepped in.
“Make yourself at home. My folks are out watching my little brother’s football game. It will be late till they get home. May I get you something?”
“No, thank you,” I replied as I sat on the couch. Jason sat on the seat opposite me.
“Jason, I’ll get straight to the point. You are Maureen’s boyfriend?”
“I was ”
“You two broke up?”
“Are you aware that she is missing?”
“Yes. I’m very worried about her. Are you looking for her?” He asked.
This guy is surprisingly cooperative. I wonder how cooperative he will be when I ask difficult questions.
“I am looking for her. Do you know where she is?”
This time, Jason looked down and remained silent. Ugh, I hate this part. Can’t you just be cooperative and make my job easier?
“Jason? Do you know where she is?” I pressed the question again.
“No, I don’t. But…” He paused.
I placed my elbows on my thighs and leaned forward. He knows something. I can feel it.
“But what, Jason?”
“I never told Mr. and Mrs. Jones about this, but Maureen and I have been together for six months already. We’ve been together longer than they know.” He paused again.
“Go on,” I told him.
“It all started when Maureen’s father had an affair.”
Jason continued, “She told me her parents fought every night. She became depressed. Her grades started dropping. She was also being elusive of me. One day, we fought. She just lashed and threw her bag at me.”
“I also noticed her getting thinner every day. One day she broke up with me. After a few weeks, she got worse. I still cared about her so I followed her. It turns out Maureen was taking drugs. I confronted her. We had another fight then all of a sudden a guy approached me. He grabbed my arm and broke it. He told us to leave them alone.
He beat me up and told me if I told anyone, he knows where I live. And he threatened to hurt my little brother. That’s why I never told anyone.”
I scribbled what he said in my notebook.
“The guy who beat you up, do you know who he is?” I asked him.
“I don’t, but I know he owns the mechanical workshop on Mahogany Street. I passed by there once and saw him. He saw me too and he made a gesture – running his thumb along his neck. So I left in a hurry.” Jason told me in a nervous voice.
“Anything else?” I asked.
“That’s all I got, Miss Morgen.” He replied.
“Thank you, Jason. Here’s my card. Call me if you find something.” I gave him my calling card and left.
Jason – done. Okay, next destination, the shop at Mahogany street.
I drove around the shop to inspect the surroundings, then parked my car three buildings away.
I noticed the shop is empty, no cars were parked outside. The lights are turned off.
From what Jason said, this guy is violent. I better be careful. I fully trust my Krav Maga skills, but I can never be too confident. I opened a compartment and took out my expandable baton and placed it inside my jacket.
I went out of my car and checked my surroundings. This street is surprisingly quiet. I only saw few people strolling. The stores are not busy, and there are only a few cars passing by.
I approached the shop’s front door and knocked. There was no answer.
I moved to the glass window and peered inside. The shop was empty. I moved to the back of the shop and tried opening the back door. It was also locked.
I checked my surroundings again to see if anyone was watching. All clear.
I bent down and picked the lock. After a few seconds, I opened the door.
I paced slowly and quietly inside. The shop was messy. There are tools everywhere, but not a soul was inside.
I checked every corner, every cabinet for things that will help me figure out Maureen’s involvement with this guy. So far, nada.
I eventually reached the shop’s office. I tried opening the door and as expected, it was locked. I picked it again and I entered.
I went through each cabinet very carefully. I opened each drawer, but I found nothing of significance to Maureen’s disappearance.
Eventually, I opened the last drawer, and voila! I found drugs inside.
I took them out of the drawer and laid them on the desk when suddenly I heard subtle footsteps behind me. I saw a shadow in front of me. I saw the shadow’s arm poised to strike.
On instinct, I swerved sideways and a baseball bat slammed on the desk.
Before my assailant can act, I took out my baton and hit him in the face and arms. He grunted in pain.
He was about to punch me, but thanks to my fast reflexes and my self-defense training, I yanked his fist sideways and he hit the wall.
My attacker screamed again in pain. I held his shoulders and kneed him in the balls.
He fell to the floor. “Fucking bitch!” He growled.
“Not so tough now, are you?” I taunted him.
He was still down on the floor, curling in pain. I turned around and picked the baseball bat a few feet away from me.
I walked towards my attacker again slowly. I gently patted the bat with my palms as I took my time walking towards him.
I savored his grunts of pain. The way he curled facedown on the floor while holding his balls is funny.
“If you don’t want me to hit you with this bat, stay down and –”
I didn’t even finish my sentence when I saw his body turn swiftly.
I had no time to react when he aimed something at me. In an instant, I felt metal barbs bite on my chest. One hit me on my right breast and I felt electricity flow through me.
“AAAAH!” I screamed in pain as electricity flowed through my chest. I fell to the floor shaking and screaming. My body shuddered like I was having an epileptic fit. I lay on my back on the floor, just shaking and screaming in pain for what felt like eternity as electricity flowed through me, and then, darkness.
“Uuughh” I moaned as I was brought back to consciousness.
My senses came back gradually, and the first thing I noticed is that my mouth was dry. Something is stuffed inside my mouth. I moved my tongue inside and I knew somebody stuffed my mouth with some sort of fabric.
In a sudden rush, memories of what happened prior to my unconsciousness flowed into my brain.
I was attacked, I managed to knock him down and….the surge of pain through my entire body…the metal clips biting on my chest…. Wait! He shot me with a taser! I remember screaming and shaking on the ground as he electrocuted me and that’s when I lost consciousness!
I tried to move, but something is wrong – I couldn’t! Also, why can’t I see anything?!
I moved my head around and it just dawned on me that the guy who knocked me out covered my head with a black bag – the sort of things kidnappers use to cover the faces of their captives.
I started panicking. Where am I?!
I started feeling for my surroundings. My body is hurting everywhere, like something heavy fell on me. I also felt stretched out. That’s when I realized my arms are above me. I tried to move them around and I felt cold metal on my wrists. I did the same thing with my legs, and I also felt cold metal on my ankles.
My wrists and ankles are cuffed! My arms are tied apart above me. My legs are spread apart, and cuffed to something!
I tried to move my body and I felt the cold metal of what I am laying on. It seems that I am lying in an uncomfortable bed without a mattress.
I can feel the coldness of the metal bed frame against my back and butt.
Wait… why can I feel the bed against my skin? Why can I feel it against my butt?
Dread filled my body at this sudden realization. No, no, no! I am completely naked!!
“HHHMMMMMPPPH!!” I screamed through my gag with this realization. The fucking bastard stripped me while I was unconscious!
I thrashed against my bonds with all my strength. OW! The cuffs on my ankles and wrists are so tight, but it doesn’t matter. I’ve got to get out of here.
My heart is beating faster. What else has he done with my body? Did he touch me? Did he…did he rape me?
The thought of him violating me while I was out filled me with terror.
I squirmed against my bonds more when I heard the sound of a chair being dragged.
Someone is here!
I am breathing heavily. My heart pounded against my chest when I heard the wooden chair being placed near me.
I squirmed against my bonds – I tried to move my arms and legs even though the cuffs are securing them. I kept struggling when suddenly I felt fingers stroking my mound.
“MMHHHHHHMMM!!” I screamed louder this time and thrashed my body like a madman. The fingers kept stroking my most sensitive flesh.
“Not so tough now, are you?” The voice said. He’s mocking me.
“SSSSSTTTP!” I screamed at him, but the words were muffled by the cloth in my mouth. I squirmed in vain from his touch.
He did not stop stroking my mound. I heard him laugh at my predicament.
“You’re tough.” He began to say as his fingers violated my pussy. “There ain’t a lot of people who can hit me. And you? You managed to knock me down for a while.”
As he finished speaking, his fingers finally left my mound. I heard the sound of a drink being poured into a glass.
“So, you’re a private investigator.” He began. “I went through your stuff and also read your notebook. So you’re looking for the Shafer girl, eh?”
I didn’t answer him. I couldn’t. I was too angry, too scared.
“You won’t find her, you know. Not until she’s paid up her debt.” He said as he drank whatever it is he’s drinking. He continued. “How foolish of you to sneak into my shop. There are surveillance cams everywhere. I was just eating from a block away when I was notified about you. I was watching you from my phone.”
Surveillance cams! Why didn’t I check those before I snuck in! Stupid!
“And what did I find? Some bitch sneaking in my shop. By the way you dressed, you ain’t no burglar. So I came here. I thought you were a cop.” I struggled again against my bonds.
“You did put up a good fight.” He continued speaking. “I never knew a woman as pretty as you could kick ass. Well, looks can be deceiving, but you were no match for my taser.”
“Hhhhhhmmp!” I screamed at him, even though my words are muffled by the gag.
Again, I thrashed my body to try and break free from my restraints when I felt him place his palm on my thigh. His touch made me scream again.
“You are an arrogant bitch, you know that? You thought you had me.” He began saying as he slid his hands up and down my thighs slowly. I tried to shake his hand away, but it was futile. “I enjoyed wiping that smug grin from your face when I electrocuted you. I enjoyed looking at you just shaking and screaming on the floor.”
He was silent for a while, but his hands kept sliding up and down my thigh. “You are really beautiful, you know. And these thighs of yours are so smooth.”
I whimpered from his violating touch. He must have heard me because he laughed.
His hand slid up my thigh and his fingers are stroking my mound, with one finger tracing opening. I screamed in fear again from his touch. No matter how much I squirm, I cannot get rid of his invading fingers.
He grabbed the bag from my head and yanked it off my face. I am now looking face to face at my captor.
He ran his head along my hair and stared at my face. “You are very beautiful, you know that?”
He pulled a few strands of my hair and played with them. “You are a natural blonde. You can also thank me for shaving off your blonde bush. I had to shave it to have better access.” He preened at me as he stroked my mound.
Better access? As much as I did t want to think about it, my deductive mind already figured it out to my horror. He already raped me!! He fucked me while I was unconscious!! That explains why my body was hurting!!
I thrashed wildly against my bonds upon this realization. I thrashed my body so hard I felt the bed move.
Feeling his hands now on each of my breasts didn’t help.
“So you figured it out eh? You’re sharp. Hehehe, I really enjoyed you. You were a good fuck. If you’re wondering where your panties are, it’s in your mouth.” He said and started squeezing my breasts.
There was nothing I can do, but scream and squirm from his touch. How can this be? How was I so careless! He raped me!
He moved on the bad, crawling over me. I looked at him with fear in my eyes. He seemed to live what he saw in my eyes because he smiled.
He grabbed both of my breasts. “NNNNNHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed at him in resistance. Fear gripped me as he leaned his face to my chest and started sucking my right breast. His free hand is squeezing my left breast.
I tried to thrash my body and throw him off, but he placed his knees over my legs to minimize my movements.
I can do nothing, but scream as he took turns sucking both of my breasts.
He looked up to me and for a moment freed my breasts from his vile mouth. I winced at the perverted smile lingering on his face. “These boobs of yours are marvelous. They sandwiched my dick just fine while you were unconscious.” He grinned at me with lust burning in his eyes as he said this and resumed sucking off my breasts.
I am gonna kill this bastard when I get free. The thought of him raping me while I was unconscious sickens me.
I thought of ways to hurt him to distract my mind from his violations. I need to get free. The cuffs on my limbs are tight. It might be impossible to break free.
I looked up and checked the headframe of the bed. The metal frame on which my right wrist was cuffed is corroded. I might be able to break it with enough strength. It can be don—AHHH!
I was brought out of my stupor and screamed in pain and at the same time, fear filled my body as I felt something hard penetrate my vagina.
I thrashed my body again to knock him off my body in vain. I screamed as I felt his cock sliding against the walls of my pussy.
“Oh yeah. So tight..” The bastard kept mumbling as he fucked me. “It’s hotter when you’re resisting. I loved fucking you when you were limp, but fucking you now while you’re resisting is satisfying.” He whispered in my ear as he fucked me wildly.
The bed is creaking from his thrusting. He kept moaning as he fucked me; I kept screaming, with my panties in my mouth muffling. my screams. “Not so tough now, are you?” He mocked me again and started sucking my breasts.
He raped me for hours. His cock abused my tied-up body – he put it in my pussy, between my breasts, and inside my mouth.
Finally, he pulled out of me and came on my belly. I was breathing heavily.
“That was nice.” He said as he cupped my right breast and squeezed.
“I’ll…fucking…kill you.” I managed to say while I was catching my breath.
“Good luck with that.” He replied as he stood up and dressed. “I’ll fuck you again tonight, Miss Morgen.”
“I’ll fucking cut your balls off.” I spat at him.
“How will you do that when you’re tied up and busy sleeping?” He said to me with mischief in his eyes. He pulled something familiar out from the drawer behind him.
My eyes widened in fear at the sight of the horrid thing. I started squirming and thrashing against my bonds. “No, no, no, no!”
“Oh yes, Clarissa. This thing knocked you out earlier and made you my plaything.” He grinned at me and started aiming the taser at me. His aim moved lower. Seeing where he aimed the taser I was filled with fear.
“ No! No! Not agai—AAAAAAHHHHH!” I screamed as I felt metal probes bite into my pussy mound and electricity started flowing to my body.
I felt my breasts being squeezed as I was shaking and screaming and once again from the pain of electricity surging to my most sensitive flesh, and after what felt like hours of torment
unconsciousness overcame me.