Caught Red Handed_(0)

Caught Red Handed

This experience involved my acquaintance Ben. I say acquaintance because I only met him once before, we hardly spoke and he wasn’t really connected to me – he was my older friend Vicky’s son. I knew Vicky because I used to volunteer at her pet shop, and even after I finished, still to this day we remain firm friends. At the time of this, I was 15 and Ben was 13. Vicky invited me over for a barbecue to celebrate her birthday, so along with a lot of other people, I accepted, I was the youngest one there other than Ben who stayed in his room. Whilst everyone else was outside, he didn’t come out once, everybody just assumed he was on his X-Box as usual. It was still quite early, and once everybody had what they wanted food wise, Vicky gave me a plate of food and asked if I could take it into Ben’s bedroom. I said “are you sure he won’t mind? He hardly knows me” she said “Yeah of course he won’t he said you were so cool and besides, he doesn’t want any of us walking in” so she told me where it was. I went up the stairs towards his room. The door was ajar and there was hardly any light or sound coming from his room. I thought he was in the bathroom so was just going to leave the plate of food on a table and leave. For that reason, I walked in without knocking.

Well, I bet you can guess what’s coming?! I opened the door to see Ben lying on his bed with his trousers and underwear down to his ankles – wanking! We were both shocked. I just said “Oh!” and nearly dropped the plate of food, meanwhile Ben shot up in an instant, and grabbed a pillow over his crotch. He kept saying “Shit oh shit!”. I left the plate on his cabinet and said “I’ll leave you to it” “Wait!” he exclaimed. I turned around and looked at him. “You won’t tell mum will you? I’m embarrassed enough as it is”. I closed the door, and sat down on the bed beside him. He seemed a bit uncomfortable and confused. I said “Why would I do that? We both know what you were doing and we both know there’s nothing wrong with it. BUT I also know from first-hand experience you don’t want anybody knowing, so, no – of course, I won’t say a thing to anybody.” He said “Thanks” and smiled, still red in colour from what had just happened. He was still sitting there with his trousers down but a pillow covering it up. There was an awkward silence. I broke it first – “Are you gonna do it again?” he looked at me puzzled “Yeah”. Again, awkward silence. I still sat there looking at him “Go on then”. He looked at me shocked “I can’t do it in front of you!”. I asked “Why not? We both do it and I’ve kind of seen it already” and he said “Yeah I know but I just couldn’t I’d feel embarrassed wanking in front of you”. We both paused for a moment. I said “Well then – don’t”. He looked at me, as he was sitting up, I gently pushed him back to lie down on the bed, I took the pillow from his hands and placed it below his head as I took in his body. His oh so hot body. Muscly, smooth, tanned, only a few pubes, a dick about 4 and a half inches long, decent sized balls. He was very hard, and quite wet to. He looked at me, yet again confused. Without further hesitation I took my writing hand and grasped his cock. I began to jack him off up and down at a perfect pace, at which he let out a light sigh and closed his eyes. I was worried he was gonna freak out and get mad, but I took the plunge and he didn’t seem to mind. After about a minute I said “Is that good?”, to which he just nodded his head with his eyes closed. Do you want me to go slower, faster, keep it like this or what?” he paused for a couple of seconds then muttered under a moan “Bit faster, I’m gonna shoot my load soon”. I thought ‘wow that was quick’, but didn’t mind, and so sped up my pace, becoming more and more intense as he sank deeper and deeper into euphoria. He would occasionally moan and groan, He was breathing heavily, and then he starting thrusting his hips quite hard and fast. He increased the volume of his voice. “Oh wow. Yeah. I’m gonna cum Jake. Ohhh!”. With that, a stream of white spunk shot from his dick and landed on his hot belly, including in his belly button. Out came another, and then a third. Then there was just lots dribbling down my slowing down hand. He was still groaning and breathing very heavily. As he began to compose himself, I licked up every drop of his sweet hot juice, it was moderately salty, and really warm. I liked it. I took my hand off of his throbbing dick, licked it off my hand, and then his eyes opened. “Wow that was good” he said. “I’m glad” I said in reply. We both got up from the bed. He began to put his clothes back on and I walked towards the door. “Remember, our secret buddy” I said as I opened the door. “Sure thing! Thanks!” he said smiling as I walked out. And that was that. I went back down to the barbecue outside, and didn’t see Ben again apart from saying goodbye to him when I left. We haven’t mentioned it since, well, I haven’t really seen him since. Never know it may happen again. I certainly wouldn’t mind if it did! Thanks for reading 🙂