Big Girl_(0)

If you haven’t read my first story yet, please do so if you’re interested. I plan to write a paragraph or so of information before all of my stories, so check it out before you go the actual story. Or, just go right to the story and masturbate. I don’t care. Anyway, this one is … Read more


(“Listen.)…he said… ….I got a sexual charge in my pussy….because of the risk that I was taking, the chance of getting caught doing it and the ultimate thrill I was having at the moment. This caused my heart to pound so hard…I even felt it in my tits. I put my hand to my mouth … Read more

A Grandfathers Lust (An Overture)

This is a fictional tale and preview of ongoing sexual relations between a granddaughter her Pee Paw. Any inference of underage sexual activity is on the reader. Like every night, he finished watching the news at 11:30, turned off the TV, and walked through the house to ensure the doors were locked and no windows … Read more

Neglected Niece pt 1

Madison stared at the long row of suburban houses stretched in front of him on the street as he drove his truck past dozens of cars parked anywhere from right up to the curb all the way to practically the middle of the road. He was not fond of this aspect of suburban life. He … Read more

Just to Get By II

Sunlight streaming through the window in the bedroom wakes me up. It’s directly on my eyes. Moaning I roll over in my sleeping bag and stuff my head under my pillow. A hand roughly shakes my shoulder and Tyler swipes the pillow from me. “Get up, Natalie! Don’t make me drive you to school again!” … Read more

Corn Girl_(0)

This story is fictional. It has to be, musn’t it? If I had really done this, I could be arrested. So all representations herein, are purely figments of my imagination, any similarity between characters herein and anyone living or dead is purely conincidental. Yeah, sure! Corn Girl Indiana. I’m on my way to the Indianapolis … Read more

don’t tell mom the ba

“I don’t need a babysitter mom” Devon whined. Mrs. Wilson was fastening her necklace at the door trying to step into her shoes at the same time. “She’s not for you, she’s for Kate, now go get your dad, we’re going to be late.” “But I’m old enough to watch her myself.” Devon hated being … Read more

Star Wars: The Restricted Files – Chapter 4 – Aayla Secura

Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo were on their way to the planet Bilbringi to meet their Jedi Master Uncle, Luke Skywalker, before travelling back to the Jedi training facility on Yavin 4. That wasn’t the big news however; the Solo siblings had found a most peculiar piece of historical data. A data chip with several … Read more

A Not-So-Simple Life: Part 4_(1)

The cafeteria died, figuratively of course, but it did feel like I was staring at bunch of ghosts after that. Everywhere I looked I was met with pale, awestruck faces that I tried my best to ignore as I weaved through the crowd. Keeping my head down, I managed to break free from the mass … Read more

Sex education- the second girls class

The Second Girls Class “Very good Amanda, very good technique.” Cassandra praised the schoolgirl “Now try to deep throat it.” Behind her desk the young Asian teen took the dildo she had been sucking out of her mouth, holding it before her like a bridal bouquet “But miss I…” she began, Cassandra gave her a … Read more

The Angel Next Door III

Okay, I’ve had some comments saying that they though I changed Josh and he’s way too cocky. Let me clear all those issues up. That’s Josh’s character. He’s cocky and you’ll just have to get to know the characters. Also, with the moving too fast thing, that’s just because I’m new to this and still … Read more

The Punishment Of Hermione Granger (Chapter 1)

Chapter 1: A VISIT TO THE MINISTRY Hermione knows the words shouldn’t have come out of her mouth, but it is too late to take them back. Watching Professor Umbridge deny the existence of Voldemort and make Harry look like a fool in front of everything has just been too much for her. She couldn’t … Read more

Holly Loves Her Daddy Part 2

For those of you just now reading, I’m Holly, and this is my story! Daddy continued to please me with his mouth on my pussy, I loved to have my clit sucked on. I had my first orgasm, and I was shocked to learn that it made me feel so good. Daddy lapped all the … Read more